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Additions to the Flora of Warangal District, Andhra Pradesh, India

Article · January 2006

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3 authors:

Sudhakar Reddy C. E. N. Murthy

National Remote Sensing Centre Kakatiya University


Vatsavaya Raju
Kakatiya University


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Journal of Economic and Taxonomic Botany




Plant Systematics Laboratory, Department of Botany, Kakatiya University
Warangal 506 009, India
*Forestry & Ecology division, NRSA, Hyderabad 500 037


The floristic records of Warangal district revealed the presence of 1223 species of Magnoliophyta and
Pteridophyta. While working on the biodiversity characterization of Warangal district, 24 species of
Magnoliophyta that are not yet reported from the district were collected from Dommeda,
Eturunagaram, Kamalapuram, Malluru and Pakhal forests.


Bradley (1849) and Walker (1849) were probably the first to publish accounts of agricultural,
medicinal and other economically important species of Daulatabad and Warangal districts in
Nizam’s dominions. Patridge (1911) published a consolidated list of 450 species of arborescent
forest elements in a book entitled, “Forest Flora of Hyderabad”. Sayeeduddin (1935, 1936, 1941)
recorded 370 vascular plant species from Hyderabad and Mulugu forests of Warangal. Sebastine &
Henry (1966) studied the flora of Pakhal and the surrounding regions of Narsampet taluk in
Warangal district and reported 254 species of 198 genera belonging to 70 flowering plant families.
P.S. Reddy (1985) investigated the flora of Warangal city and surroundings, and recorded 715 plant
species. Ragan & Raju (1990) discovered Eleocharis setifolia and Scleria multilacunosa from
Pakhal as new to peninsular India. Reddy & Raju (1999) reported Gnaphalium coarcatatum as a
new record for southern India. Reddy et al. (1999b) found Youngia japonica as a new record from
Warangal district for the Flora of Andhra Pradesh. Reddy et al. (1999b) published a paper on
angiosperms flora and biological spectrum of Jakaram Reserve Forest. Reddy & Raju (2001)
described a new taxon, Cleome chelidonii var. pallai from Pakhal. Reddy (2001) described a new
species, Hybanthus vatsvayae, from Telangana region.

Reddy (2002) recorded 1223 species of Magnoliophyta and Pteridophyta in his Ph.D. thesis on
‘Floristic Studies in Warangal District, Andhra Pradesh’. Since then, Ragan et al. (2005) reported
Flemingia involucrata (Fabaceae) as new record for the State from Warangal district. Raju et al.
(2005) collected Cucurma inodora, an endemic species to Deccan extending its distribution to

Tadvai and Pasra Reserve forests of Warangal district in Andhra Pradesh. While working on the
biodiversity characterization study of Warangal district (2004-05), several Magnoliophyta were
found unreported. They form the additions to the Flora of Warangal District, Andhra Pradesh to
those reported by Reddy (2002).

The Warangal district, in Andhra Pradesh is a part of northern Telangana. It lies approximately
between 170 19’ and 180 13’ North latitudes, 780 49’ and 800 43’ East longitudes. The district
occupies an area of 12,846 sq km. The forests occupy an area of 3,702,80 sq km, i.e. 26% of the
geographic area. New additions to the flora of the Warangal district were found at Pakhal,
Eturunagaram, Kamalapuram, Dommeda, Komatipally, and Malluru forests. The plant species are
enumerated below alphabetically and the voucher specimens of these are deposited in KUH
(Kakatiya University Herbarium).


Bridelia hamiltoniana Muell.-Arg. in Linnaea 34: 77.1865; Wall. Cat. 7882. 1828,
nomen nudum. Hook.f. Fl. Brit. India 5: 271.1887 (Euphorbiaceae)

Very common throughout.

Fl. & Fr.: Aug. - Nov.

Eturunagaram: E.N. Murthy & V. S. Raju 1076.

Caralluma adscendens (Roxb.) R.Br. var. fimbriata (Wall.) Grav. & Mayur. in Bull.
Madras Govt. Mus 4(1): 13.1931; C. fimbriata Wall. Pl. As. Rar. 1: 7. t-8. 1829;
Cooke Fl. Pres. Bombay 2: 245. 1958 (rep. edn.) (Asclepiadaceae)

Common in scrubs, near fringes.

Fl.& Fr. : May - Jan.

Hanamakonda: V.S. Raju 3010.

Caralluma stalagmifera C.E.C. Fischer in Bull. Misc. Inf. Kew 1925: 430. 1925 et Fl.
Pres. Madras 3:1883. 1936; Grave. & Mayur. in Bull. Madras Govt. Mus. 4(1):
t.1.ff.4-6. 1931 (Asclepiadaceae)

Occasional in open scrub, near roots and trunks of spiny trees.

Fl. & Fr.: May - Jan.

Hanamakonda: V.S. Raju 3005.

Chamaesyce serpens (Aiton) Small, Fl. S.L.U.S.709.1903. Euphorbia serpens Kunth,

Nov. Gen. Pl. 2: 52. 1817; Mitra in J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 68: 854.1971

In fallow fields, bunds of paddy fields, along paths; frequent in black- cotton soils.

Fl. & Fr.: Throughout the year.

Warangal: E.N. Murthy & V.S. Raju 1075.

Cucurma zedoaria (Christm.)Roscoe in Trans. Linn. Soc. 8: 354.1807; C.E.C. Fischer in

Fl. Pres. Madras 3: 1482.1928, ‘zeodaria’: Mangaly & Sabu in Rheedea
3:168.1993; Amomum zedoaria Christm. in Christm. & Paneer. L. Pflanzensyst. 5:
12. 1779 (Zingiberaceae)

Cultivated and naturalized all over India and Southeast Asia.

Fl. & Fr.: Aug. - Dec.

KU campus: C.S. Reddy 716.

Ficus heterophylla L. f. Suppl. Pl. 442. 1781; Hook.f. Fl. Brit. India 5: 518. 1888; C.E.C.
Fischer, Fl. Pres. Madras 3: 1366. 1928 (Moraceae)

Occasional, on old walls, in crevices of stones.

Fl. & Fr.: March - June

Hanamkonda: E.N. Murthy & V.S. Raju 1074.

Remarks: This taxon resembles Urena lobata var. sinuata (Malvaceae) in

vegetative but with very hardy shoots and copious latex.

Flemingia involucrata Benth. in Miq., Pl. Jungh. 2: 246. 1852 . Ragan et al. Indian J.
Forestry 28(2): 164-165. Maughania (Moghania) involucrata (Benth.) Kuntze,
Revis. Gen. Pl.1: 199. 1855 (Papilionaceae)

Mostly in the wetlands.

Fl. & Fr.: Oct. - Feb.

Kondaparthi: A. Ragan & V.S. Raju 2178; V.S. Raju & A. Ragan 3050.

Grewia rhamnifolia Heyne ex Roth, Nov. Sp. Pl.: 244.182; Dunn in Gamble, Fl. Pres.
Madras 1: 117.1915 (Tiliaceae)

Common open low hill forests.

Fl.& Fr.: June - Dec.

Malluru E.N. Murthy & V.S. Raju 1072.

Grewia villosa Willd. in Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berlin Neue Schriften 4: 205.1803; Dunn
in Gamble Fl. Pres. Madras 1: 119. 1915 (Tiliaceae)

Common in scrub jungles.

Fl.& Fr.: April - Sept.

Malluru-Mangapeta: E.N. Murthy & V.S. Raju 1071.

Hibiscus aculeatus Roxb. Fl. Ind. 3: 206.1832. H. furcatus Roxb. ex DC. Podr.1:
449.1824; non Willd.1809; Dunn in Gamble, Fl. Pres. Madras 1: 97.1915

Not frequent in open forests.

Fl. & Fr.: Sept. - Jan.

Eturunagaram: E.N. Murthy & V.S. Raju 1070.

Ipomea pes-caprae (L.) R.Br. in Tuckey Narr. Exped. Zaire: 477. 1818; Gamble, Fl. Pres.
Madras 2: 917.1923; Convolvulus pes-caprae L. Sp. Pl.: 159.1753; Ipomea
biloba Forssk., Fl. Aegypt. Arab. 44. 1775 (Convolvulaceae)

Occasional in sand places, Hanamkonda.

Fl.& Fr.: Oct. - March

Eturunagaram: E.N. Murthy & V.S. Raju 1069

Milletia racemosa (Wight & Arn.) Benth. in Miq. Pl. Jungh. 249. 1852; Gamble, Fl. Pres.
Madras 1: 322. 1918; Tephrosia racemosa Wight & Arn., Prodr. 210. 1834

Occasional liana in dense dry deciduous forests at pakhal.

Fl. & Fr.: March - June

Pakhal: E. N. Murthy & V.S. Raju 1001.

Mimosa polyancistra Benth. in Trans. Linn. Soc. 30: 422.1875; Gamble, Fl. Pres. Madras
1:121.1919 (Mimosaceae)

Occasional at the fallow lands.

Fl. & Fr.: June - Dec.

Pakhal: E.N. Murthy & V.S. Raju 1068.

Opilia amentacea Roxb. Pl. Coromandel 2: 310.t.158.1802; Gamble, Fl. Pres. Madras
1:192.1915. (Opliaceae)

Mostly at the hill slopes.

Fl.& Fr.: April - June

Malluru: E.N. Murthy & V.S. Raju 1067.

Polygala telephioides Willd. in Sp. Pl. 3(2): 876.1802; Gamble, Fl. Pres. Madras 1915;
Banerjee in F. Ind. 2: 485. 1993. (Polygalaceae)

A small herb, occasional in grasslands.

Fl. & Fr.: May - Jan.

Tadvai: E.N. Murthy & V.S. Raju 1066.

Portulaca pilosa L. Sp. Pl.: 445.1753: K.V. Rrao in Fl. India 3: 6. 1993.

Common in sandy areas.

Fl.& Fr.: July - Oct.

Eturunagaram: E.N. Murthy & V.S. Raju 1065.

Rhus mysorensis Don, Gen. Syst. 2: 74.1837; Gamble, Fl. Pres. Madras 1: 264.1918.

Rare in hill forests on slopes.

Fl.& Fr.: June - August

Jakaram: E.N. Murthy & V.S. Raju 1064.

Salmonia ciliata (L.) DC. var.onlongiflia (DC.) V.S. Raju in India J. Bot. 9: 75. 1996;
FBI.i.207. S. obovata Wight III.i.t.22B. (Polygalaceae)

Occasional in grasslands, near marshes with Eriocaulon and Drocera.

Fl.& Fr. : July - Sept.

Tadvai: V.S. Raju 1063.

Senna uniflora (Mill.)H.S Irwin & Barneby in Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 35: 35(1):
258.1982. Cassia uniflora Mill. Gard. Dict. (ed. 8.): 5. 1768; Reddy et al. in
Indian J. Forestry 23: 324. 2000 (Caeslpiniaceae)

Forming pure stands.

Fl. & Fr.: July - March

Vidyaranyapuri, KU campus: E.N. Murthy & V. S. Raju 1077.

Sesbania bispinosa (Jacq.)W.Wight in U.S.D.A. Bull. Pl. Industr. 15.1909;

Santapau, Fl. Saurashtra 1: 140. 1962; Aescynomene bispinosa Jacq. Icon. Pl.
Rar.:13 t. 564.1792; Sesbania aculeata (Willd.) Poiret in Lam. Encycl. 7: 128.
1806; Baker in Hook.f. Fl. British India 2: 114. 1876; Gamble, Fl. Pres. Madras 1:
323. 1918 (Papilionaceae)

Common in wet fields along drains and near shallow waters.

Fl.& Fr.: Oct. - Dec.

Malluru: E.N. Murthy & V.S. Raju 1062.

Sida glutinosa Commers. ex Cav. Diss. 1: 16.t.2. f.8. 1785; Dunn in Gamble, Fl. Pres.
Madras 1: 89.1915 (Malvaceae)

Occasional in forests as undergrowth, not common in disturbed sites.

Fl.& Fr.: June - Dec.

Tadvai: E.N. Murthy & V.S. Raju 1061.

Talinum portulacifolium (Forssk.) Asch. ex Schweinf. in Bull. Herb. Boiss. 4, App. 2:

172. 1896; MKV Rao in Fl. India 3: 9. 1993.T. cuneifolium Willd. Sp.Pl.2: 864.
1799; Dunn in Gamble 1: 66.1915 (Portulacaceae)

Found only under cultivation, as escape.

Fl.& Fr.: Aug. - Jan.

Pakhal: E.N. Murthy & V.S. Raju 1060.

Ventilago denticulata Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berlin Neue Schriften 3: 417.1801;
V. calyculata Tul. in Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. ser. 48: 124.1857; Gamble, Fl. Pres.
Madras 1: 218.1918 (Rhamnaceae)

Occasional liana in dry deciduous forests along streams.

Fl.& Fr.: June – August.

Mulugu: E.N. Murthy & V.S. Raju 1058.

Waltheria indica L. var. americana (L.) R.Br. ex Hosaka in Occas. Pap. Bernice Pauahi
Bishop Mus.: 13: 224. 1937. Waltheria americana L. Sp. Pl. 2: 673. 1753; Dunn,
Fl. Pres. Madras 1:106. 1915 (Sterculiaceae)

Common, a densely velutinous weed.

Fl. & Fr.: August - Dec.

Pakhal: E.N. Murthy & V.S. Raju 1057.

Remarks: We have locally two varieties of Waltheria indica L. occuring: One is the
densely velutinous dimorphic (distylous) taxon with pin and thrum forms which is
found in the hilly terrains. The other is a less (non-velutinous) pubescent
monomorphic (homostylous) taxon found in fallows and abandoned fields. In fact,
Linnaeus (Sp. Pl. 2: 673. 1753) described two species, W. americana and W. indica
on the same page in the same year. Brown (in Tuckey, Narr. Exped. Zaire: 484.
1818) was the first to unite Waltheria americana L. (1753) and W. indica L. (1753).
He adopted the name W. indica for the combined species and this name is
accordingly considered as the correct name for the species under discussion
(Articles 11 Ex. 18 of St. Louis Code).


One of us (E.N. Murthy) is thankful to The Head, Department of Botany, Kakatiya University,
Warangal, for facilities, Shri Navalgund, Director, NRSA and Dr. M.S.R. Murthy, Head, Ecology
and Forestry Division, NRSA, Hyderabad, for financial assistance.


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