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ITM Final Project 24/4/2019


Maryse Abi Haidar,

Jason Saker,

Antoine Daou,

Paloma Zgheib,

Farah Mechref

Lebanese American University

ITM Final Project 24/4/2019

Antoine Daou:

Deep learning which is also named “Deep structured learning” is a machine learning
technique that is based on learning data representations. These data representations permit a
system to discover the representations which are needed for classification of raw data or feature
detection. This machine learning technique works in ways that somehow mimics the human
brain. Thus, very simply, let’s consider the “wires” in our brain that are neurons.

These neurons transport information to the human brain until their goal is reached.
Therefore, deep learning imitates this sort of structure. The data that it receives is divided into
nodes (that are the neurons in the previous example). The data is then given a weight,
determining how valuable and relevant the information is. The data then keeps on passing
through layers until the final goal is reached. Therefore, it is a very important technology which
is behind driverless cars, a very hot topic these days. Thanks to deep learning, these cars are
enabled to recognize street signs and can even differentiate a human pedestrian from a metal
lamppost. Deep learning methods can accomplish cutting edge precision, sometimes surpassing
human-level exactness.

Models are trained by taking a large set of labeled data and neural system designs that
contain lots of layers. It is a very accurate method that attain very impressive results. Recent
advances in deep learning have improved to the point where deep learning outperforms human
beings in certain tasks like classifying and arranging objects in pictures.

However, this technology also needs large amounts of labeled data and considerable
computing power. For example, a driverless car development demands millions of images and
thousands of hours of video. A substantial computing power means that it requires a high-
performance GPU. A high-performance computer means that the computer will work in a more
efficient way, enabling the development teams to minimize training time for a deep learning

The term “deep" refers to the quantity of hidden layers in the neural system. Traditional
neural systems just contain 2-3 concealed layers, while deep systems can have upwards of 150.
Deep learning models are prepared by utilizing extensive arrangements of named information
ITM Final Project 24/4/2019

and neural system designs that gain includes straightforwardly from the information without the
requirement for manual component extraction.

One of the most popular kinds of deep neural networks is known as convolutional neural
networks (CNN or CONVNET). This convolves learned features with information or input data
and utilizes 2D layers, making this architecture appropriate to preparing 2D information, for
example, pictures.

CNN’s learn to distinguish different highlights of a pictures utilizing tens or hundreds of hidden
layers. Each concealed layer increases the complexity of the picture’s highlights. For instance,
the first hidden layer could figure out how to identify edges, and the last layer learns how to
detect shapes that are more complex taking into account the shape of the subject we are
attempting to recognize.

Finally, some quick examples of modern-day Deep learning AI are:

1) Virtual assistants: Regardless of whether it’s Alexa or Siri or Cortana, the virtual assistants of
online service providers utilize deep learning to comprehend your speech and language.

2) Translations: Likewise, deep learning algorithms can automatically translate from a language
to another language; very useful for government people, businessmen and travelers.

3) Self-Driving or Driverless cars: The vehicle comprehends the obstacles of the road and how to
react to them whether it’s a stop sign, a ball in the road or another vehicle/pedestrian. The more
data it collects, the better they can act human-like.

4) Facial recognition: Deep learning is present here, for security purposes and detecting faces in

5) Chatbots/Service bots: They use deep learning to provide customer service for lots of
companies being able to respond in helpful and smart ways.

6) Personalized shopping/Entertainment: Deep learning is used in platforms like Amazon that

recommends what you should buy next, or Netflix that suggests what you should watch next.

Finally, this introduction will be further developed giving you an in-depth perspective on this
brilliant machine learning technique called Deep Learning.
ITM Final Project 24/4/2019


The growth of artificial intelligence is related to the success of deep learning. Thus, neural
networks are a large family of algorithms that form the base of the deep learning.
The work on neural networks first started in the 1950s and 60s. Deep learning took the attention
as it reaches an impressive state of the art results; for example, in the world of images, machines,
health, gameplay and many other fields.

Let’s talk about some deep learning effects:

First, deep learning is used in automatic speech recognition. Automatic speech recognition is the
first most convincing and influencing victorious case of deep learning. For example: LSTM
RNNs can acquire a knowledge of very deep learning tasks that include multi-second intervals
that have speech events which are spliced by many discrete time steps. Moreover, LSTM is a
competitor among the traditional speech recognition.

Second, it is used also in image recognition: a typical evaluation set for image recognition is the
MNIST database set. Thus, MNIST is formed by a set of handwritten digits plus it contains more
than 60,000 training examples and a minimum number of 10,000 examples.
As a result, it let people arrive to many configurations. So, we can say that deep learning-based
image recognition has become so advanced and producing real results comparing to human’s

Also, it is used in visual part: in relation to the advancements that have been achieved in the
image recognition is the increasing application of deep learning methods in many visual art
tasks. Therefore, DNNs have been able to: First, to recognize the style period of a certain
painting, picture, or portrait. Second, to recognize the style of the art work and to reapply it in
another beautiful and distinct manner to another photography or video.

In addition, natural language processing is based on deep learning. Neural networks are a way to
apply language models since the early 2000s. For example, Google translate uses an example-
based machine translation in which the system can translate a full sentence correctly into over
than one hundred language.
ITM Final Project 24/4/2019

Furthermore, deep learning is intervening in drug discovery and toxicology. Today, scientists
are using the deep learning to predict the biomolecular targets and the toxic effects of chemicals
in the nutrients, household products and drugs.

We can see that nowadays customer relationship management is very important in each business,
thus deep learning is used to maximize the value of direct marketing actions. Also, it is a way to
attain customer lifetime value.

People and researchers are looking forward to see what can make life easier today. As a result,
they created a recommendation system. Recommendation systems are using the deep learning to
have an approach to which kind of music the customer is most likely to hear. It is called
“Multiview deep learning “and it is applied in many domains.

We can find deep learning uses in bioinformatics. It is an autoencoder is used in bioinformatics

to study the gene ontology annotations and the function of each genes. Even deep learning was
included in the field of health.

Healthcare section has seen advanced intelligent machines which are performing human tasks.
For example, measuring blood pressure. Now we can prevent some disease as a result of its early

Moreover, financial detections are done by the deep learning. Deep learning machines are able to
detect financial anomalies. In addition to that, it can predict some future events: accounts or
credit cards hacking.

Finally, in the US department of defense, deep learning is used to train the robots to do some
military tasks.
ITM Final Project 24/4/2019

Farah Mechref: Deep learning is another name for neural networks that have existed since the
1970s, but they have recently experienced an exponential improvement that caused a bloom in
this technology (Le Borgne & Bontempi, 2017). This technology has resulted in a new paradigm
shift in manufacturing called smart manufacturing where machines are “connected through
wireless networks, monitored by sensors, and controlled by advanced computational intelligence
to improve product quality, system productivity, and sustainability while reducing costs” (Wang
et al., 2018). The factors that have contributed to this surge in this field include technologies
such as the Internet of Things (IoTs), Cloud Computing, and Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) that
complement deep learning and smart manufacturing (Wu et al., 2015). Deep learning has also
ranked second among around 2,700 technologies in many fields, and although it shows plenty of
promises. This technology has been a fixture in social media especially when it comes to image
recognition, but its versatility has made it a component in technologies such as autonomous
driving, quality control during manufacturing, and medical imaging, but there are researchers
who want to incorporate it in cybersecurity, drug design, voice recognition, etc. (Ramanathan,
2018). There are still several challenges that face this budding technology before it can be fully
incorporated into mission-critical applications (Ramanathan, 2018). The first issue concerns that
data needed because massive databases are needed for any form of training. When it comes to
consumer services, this is not an issue because a large database of information is available,
unlike industry applications where there is minimal data available (Ramanathan, 2018). Deep
system learning is designed in a way that allows slow learning of complex skills, but this cannot
be achieved by a single exposure. Thus, these systems need to have an extremely extensive
database that it can search to pick out these events to develop their complex skills (Wolff, 2018).
When this requirement is not met, it becomes very difficult to maintain the growth of skills
needed. Researchers have tried to overcome this by using novel technologies such as transfer
learning and generative adversarial networks. This amount of data requires a large support
system to handle this flow (Arpteg et al., 2018). Deep learning hardware is not easy to assemble
because data needs to have an extensive infrastructure that is used to process all this flow of
information such as Google Data Flow (Akidau et al., 2015). Information is controlled by the
three Vs: Volume, Variety, and Velocity (Bayer & Laney, 2018). It has already been asserted
that there is a need for a huge volume of data to be uploaded, but there is a variety of the format.
For example, there is a need for variety between written words, audio, and video content. This is
ITM Final Project 24/4/2019

still simplistic because there are numerous formats for each of the previous categories. This
makes it very difficult to develop an integration system that equally benefits from all these
various formats (Akidau et al., 2015). The complexity of this process may cause all sorts of
latency which makes velocity an issue that can be addressed by using techniques such as
streaming processing (Akidau et al., 2015). Deep learning networks work similarly to a brain
where there are endlessly interconnected neurons known as free parameters that are detrimental
for detecting even the smallest of variations in different inputs. Although it is positive, it can also
be a handicap because it makes it extremely difficult to set hyper-parameters which are fixed
values or criteria that need to be set before further analysis is done which deprives this process of
its validity and replication ability (Najafabadi et al., 2015). In other words, the process is more
art than science because of the failure of asserting independent variables for each situation
(Ramanathan, 2018). Deep learning comes with many issues concerning the difficulty of training
people to use them (Ramanathan, 2018). “As the hierarchical structures of deep learning models
getting deeper, model training and parameter optimization become more difficult and time-
consuming, even leading to overfitting or local optimization problems” (Wang et al., 2018). This
is a critical issue because it is very difficult and expensive to keep up with all the new
technologies and advancements that were taking place at the time. Furthermore, the amount of
data available is increasing so fast that the issue becomes more problematic (Najafabadi et al.,
2015). There have been many concerns about the complexity of the system that made it
impossible to fully understand how conclusions are obtained, and while this might be an issue in
basic harmless applications such as social media, it becomes extremely sensitive in the fields of
military and medicine where lives are at stake (Ramanathan, 2018). There have been notable
gaps in deep learning such as shallow learning, limited capacity for transfer, struggle with open-
ended inference, failure to integrate previous knowledge, difficulty in distinguishing causation
from correlation (Wolff, 2018). It is important that there must be more caution and control over
the design and processing functions of future deep learning machines. This is further complicated
because deep learning is still new and susceptible to hackers and even simple interferences such
as noise (Ramanathan, 2018). This will compromise the validity of the results obtained from
deep learning machines and open users to the possibility of having their data manipulated or
Even stolen. In conclusion, deep learning is a promising new technology that will aid in many
domains that are vital for the survival and improvement of human life.
ITM Final Project 24/4/2019

MARYSE ABI HAIDAR: As AI becomes more powerful and widespread, existing threats will
expand and new threats will be introduced. To start with, deep learning exposed us to different
kinds of threats and issues that will be affecting us deeply on the long run. We can mainly define
four types of threats; one of which is Security Issues where three different types of security
threats can be found. First, digital security, where according to Brundage et. al (2018), “The use
of deep learning to automate tasks involved in carrying out cyberattacks will alleviate the
existing tradeoff between the scale and efficacy of attacks.” (p. 6). By doing so it may grow the risk
related with work escalated cyberattacks through phishing emails for example, also novel attacks (regular
cyberattacks but with a small change to the code so that they go undetected. That way the security
software won’t catch them) that make use of human or AI systems vulnerability which means the
weaknesses and gaps in their protection efforts. One of the most common vulnerabilities is the
presence of software bugs that cause programs to crash as well as memory corruption that cause the
applications to generate wrong classifications . 2nd type is physical security, which involve attacks
with drones and other tangible systems as well as novel attacks that cause corruptions in the
cyber-physical systems where according to Brundage et. al (2018) these attacks will cause
vehicles to crash. The 3rd and last type is political security threat, where the use of AI that involves
examination, persuasion and deception may grow dangers related with security intrusion and social
control (Brundage et. al, 2018). Besides security issues, we can define also privacy issues where
according to Provazza (2017) privacy issues will increase when companies have access and can
view their employee’s data and personal information. Besides that, deep leaning can cause
different applications to collect data about locations, addresses and find patterns between them,
in other words it becomes easier to associate data together and remove privacy. Furthermore, some
countries are trying to figure out and implement laws and privacy regulations, where employees should be
notified about any data being collected about them and in what purpose. AI research scientist
Whittaker states that “AI technologies are increasingly used to manipulate, monitor and catalog
people in ways that serve certain forms of centralized power,” social actors such as the
government is now able to identify and directly affect the lives of people without their consent.
Since deep learning is now adaptable at using big data sets and analyzing them easily without
supervision, deep learning is now able to affect privacy in several different ways. For example,
data exploitation. People are unaware how much data their smart devices can generate and share and
since we are becoming more depended on these devices, misuse of data will only increase. Followed to
ITM Final Project 24/4/2019

that, identification, tracking, voice & facial recognition become all easier (Deane, 2018).
According to Deane (2018), “Voice recognition and facial recognition are two methods of identification
that AI is becoming increasingly adept at executing.” Besides that, Deane (2018) confirms also that
deep learning can use algorithms to forecast sensitive information about people. Also,
handwriting can be forged that can causes evil uses for example faking someone’s signature
(Dickson, 2016). For example, while someone is typing, patterns can be used to analyze emotional states
as well as political views and ethnicities or any other kind of data that can be studied based on activity
logs, location data and similar metrics.The 3rd type of issues caused by deep learning is ethical issues
where different questions are being asked regarding ethical use of deep learning especially the
ethicality of deep learning replacing people’s jobs and causing the unemployment rate to
increase (Bossmann, 2016; Vardi et. al, 2018), in other words, millions of individuals in the US
are working in trucking, what if the self-driving trucks become more available? Furthermore,
racist robots and biases in algorithms are being discussed as well frequently where AI is used to
identify people, objects and scenes, however; deep learning is created by humans that themselves are
racist and biased then it can always go wrong by misidentifying people. For example, some
algorithms label black people as “gorillas” or even Asian Americans are supposed to pay more
money for SAT tutoring (Bossmann, 2016; Torres, 2018). Besides this, fake news and videos are
spreading virally. According to Torres (2018), deep learning is used to assign what content to show to
whom. For example, fake news was 70% more retweeted than real news and this is according to
IDE Research Brief False News by Vosoughi, Roy and Aral (2017). People are trying to impact
political opinions through fake news. Also, lethal autonomous weapon (military robots that can
search and engage targets based on programmed constraints and descriptions) are being created
such as drones that can kill people without human intervention or consent. (Torres 2018). The 4 th
and last issue caused by deep learning is legal issues. Companies and regulators started asking the
questions related to whom is responsible about all the unethicality of deep learning . For example, some
systems can act and run in ways that their inventors did not expect, however; predictability is
necessary and crucial to all legal approaches. Different rules and regulations have been
implemented regarding the use of deep learning. Legal issues include human rights that are
threatened by the output coming from the algorithms. Another issue is the data handling, some
countries have their own laws about what data should be collected, where to store them and how
to use them, however; many companies are misusing them, and these data are being shared
ITM Final Project 24/4/2019

among countries, hence, these companies are ignoring the laws. Followed to what data should be
collected, legal acts state whom should own the data and how to secure them, but again many
companies are ignoring these laws and they are threating the legal laws and acts.


“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic” ~ Arthur C Clarke.

Deep Learning is an advancement in Neural Networking that stems from the current
technological advancement known as Machine learning (“Artificial Intelligence, Machine
Learning…”, n.d.) In terms of defining both terms, they appear as similar as they both use neural
networks as well as algorithms to perform their tasks; however, machine learning does differ in
that it requires less data to function accurately, less powerful computing hardware, less time for
it to learn to distinguish patterns, but needs more human intervention in the form of manual
programming (Patidar, 2018). Thus, machine learning is better than deep learning only when the
data sets are small, as they get bigger the latter surpasses its predecessor by a significant margin.
In order to understand the importance of this technology, one could look to where machine
learning is used at present times to get an estimate of its uses. One of the biggest users of this
technology is Google and its various products. The company is currently researching heavily in
the fields of AI, and machine learning an example being “meta-learning” which uses machine
learning to facilitate other machine learning functions in hopes of creating a learning system that
solves new issues based on past problems (Younger, 2019). Meanwhile, another Tech Giant,
Apple, also applies these learning methods in its software and hardware. Its most recent chip
known as the A12 chip is a designated neural engine that aids in the functions of the most recent
iPhones which include picture analysis, facial recognition and their unique “Animoji” feature.
Also, the chip was recently upgraded to handle up to ten times the number of operations in less
time than before, in addition to opening up the integration of the chip’s power into other apps
through their new framework for developers called “Core ML” (Simonite, 2018). In the
meantime, machine learning has also been used in the entertainment and shopping industries, it
can be seen in particular with the recommendation tabs based on search as well as play history,
two major companies that do this are Amazon and Netflix. Taking the amazon case into detail, it
was revealed that thirty five percent of their revenue was generated by their recommendation
system whereby it showed not only similar items, but also items that were usually bought
ITM Final Project 24/4/2019

together making people more likely to purchase bundles rather than singular products (“How Do
Recommendation engines…”, n.d.). On the other hand, in Netflix’s case, business insider
revealed that Netflix believes its recommendation system has an annual worth of one billion
dollars (McAlone, 2016). It works based on filtering shows with similar genres in order to find
series that one is likely to enjoy, as well as, compare users’ search and watch history and change
recommendations based on similarities to other users (“How Do Recommendation engines…”,
n.d.). Adding to those companies, machine learning, and the early development of deep learning,
can be seen in a variety more of fields. In the smart car industry, Tesla and a number of other car
manufacturers use these learning methods for their automated driving. It’s done through three
steps, the first is the perception of objects, the second is the categorization of the objects, and
lastly is the projection of motion (Sukhadeve, n.d.). On top there is also the smart home market,
in which, the learning methods are used to process large amounts of raw data through the regular
use of appliances throughout the home and then identify patterns which would then run
automatically; for example, when the homeowner opens his bedroom door in the morning the
coffee machine turns on (Klubnikin, 2018). In addition, we have the field of virtual assistants,
which has had a large growth in innovation starting from 2015. Not only are the cell phone
companies, Google, Apple, Samsung enhancing their own assistants, but also Facebook has
made an assistant known as M for their messenger app. The assistants work by gathering data,
through repeated use, about the user. By understanding historical data, it is able to predict the
best recommendation for future requests. For example, asking for the best restaurant nearby
wouldn’t give just the highest rated one, but also one that perhaps the user has visited and given
the highest rating himself, or if the user has always asked for seafood restaurants, it would look
for the highest rated one in that category (Ovenden, n.d.) Machine learning is the gateway to
deep learning and through these advancements daily functions would become more efficient and
less time consuming. On top of that, on the business side, these networks have been noted to be
quite profitable. In fact it was found that machine learning and AI have the capacity of making
an extra 2.6 trillion dollars of value in the sales and marketing departments by 2020 as well as
around 2 trillion dollars in supply chain planning and manufacturing (Columbus, 2019). Also,
deep learning marks the turning point in technology as it shows the beginning of a future of full
technological autonomy a feat only dreamt of in science fiction and as Arthur C. Clarke put it,
we would reach technology indistinguishable from magic.
ITM Final Project 24/4/2019
ITM Final Project 24/4/2019

-Introduction: Antoine Daou

-Uses: Paloma Zgheib

-Challenges of Implementation: Farah Mechref

-Issues in Life: Maryse Abi Haidar

-Life now: Jason Michael Sakr

ITM Final Project 24/4/2019


Antoine Daou:
Paloma Zgheib:
Farah Mechref:
Akidau, T. et al., (2015). The dataflow model: a practical approach to balancing correctness,
latency, and cost in massive-scale, unbounded, out-of-order data processing. Proceedings of the
VLDB Endowment, Vol. (8), No. (12), pp. 1792– 1803

Arpteg, A. et al., (2018). Software Engineering Challenges of Deep Learning.


Bayer, M. & Laney, D. (2018). The Importance of ’Big Data’: A Definition. Stamford, CT:
Gartner, pp. 2014–2018

Le Borgne, Y. & Bontempi, G. (2017). Deep learning techniques Overview. ULB/VUB

Interuniversity Institute of Bioinformatics

Najafabadi, M. et al., (2015). Deep learning applications and challenges in big data analytics.
DOI 10.1186/s40537-014-0007-7

Ramanathan, S. (2018). 5 Challenges for Deep Learning. Retrieved April 21, 2019 from
ITM Final Project 24/4/2019

Wang, J. et al., (2018). Deep learning for smart manufacturing: Methods and applications.
Journal of Manufacturing Systems, Vol. 48, pp. 144–156
Wolff, J. (2018). Solutions to problems with deep learning. Retrieved April 21, 2019 from

Wu, D. et al. (2015). Cloud-based design and manufacturing: status and promise.

Maryse Abi Haidar:

-Brundage, M. et al. (2018) The Malicious Use of Artificial Intelligence: Forecasting,

Prevention, and MitigationRetrieved from

-How Ai Advancements Are Affecting Security, Cybersecurity and Hacking

Claudio Buttice -

-Artificial Intelligence Data Privacy Issues on the Rise

7 Short-term Ai Ethics Questions

Orlando Torres -

Jason Sakr:
-Patidar, S. (2018, August 18). Machine Learning vs. Deep Learning. Retrieved from
- Younger, J. (2019, January 16). Google's Artificial Intelligence And Machine Learning
Research Priorities: Freelancers, Take Note. Retrieved from
ITM Final Project 24/4/2019
- Simonite, T. (2018, September 12). APPLE'S LATEST IPHONES ARE PACKED WITH AI
SMARTS. Retrieved from
(n.d.). Retrieved from
-McAlone, N. (2016, June 15). Why Netflix thinks its personalized recommendation engine is
worth $1 billion per year. Retrieved from
- Sukhadeve, A. (n.d.). How Machine Learning Will Drive Autonomous Vehicles. Retrieved
- Klubnikin, A. (2018, June 7). Building Smarter Connected Homes with Machine Learning.
Retrieved from
- Ovenden, J. (n.d.). Virtual Assistants Need Machine Learning, But They Need People Too.
Retrieved from
- Columbus, L. (2019, March 27). Roundup Of Machine Learning Forecasts And Market
Estimates For 2019. Retrieved from

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