Test 3: 1.-Indicate If The Sentences Are Correct (C) or Incorrect (I)

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TIP!! Remember to identify SUBJECTS, VERBS and PREPOSITIONS.

1.- Indicate if the sentences are correct (C) or incorrect (I).

___ 1.- When the season starts is determined by the weather.
___ 2.- Talked about where we should go for lunch.
___ 3.- What was written in the letter angered him.
___ 4.- You can spend your time with whoever important to you.
___ 5.- The employee was unhappy about what was added to this

2.- Choose the letter of the word or group of words that best
completes the sentence.
1.- Dolphins form groups and _____ continually change.
a) teams that b) that are teams c) teams that are d) that teams
2.- Scientists are now beginning to experiment on ______ causes health
a) noise pollution b) how noise pollution c) why noise pollution is d) the noise
3.- The benefit of the study ______ it provides a lot of information.
a) is b) that c) is that d) when
4.- _____ will be talked in the conference has not been announced to the
a) it b) what c) when d) that
5.- I am thinking on ______ she will call me.
a) it b) when the story c) they d) when
3.- The next 2 sentences appeared on the recent Pokémon videos,
complete them correctly. (2 points each)
1.- The trainer did not want the egg, so I ____ it.
2.- Bug Pokémon don’t like ____.

Season: Estacion
Weather: Clima
Spend: Gastar, pasar tiempo
Employee: Empleado
Added: Agregado
Health risks: Riesgos en la salud
Noise pollution: Contaminación sonora
Provides: Proveer

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