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Power to Gas

Solar power System

Edwin Lenin Chica Arrieta . Ing., MSc., PhD

Professor of Universidad de Antioquia
Director of Alternative Energy Research Group
Of. 19-106
Renewable energy

Renewable energy, often referred to as clean

energy, comes from natural sources or
processes that are constantly replenished. For
example, sunlight or wind keep shining and
blowing, even if their availability depends on
time and weather.
• Solar energy
• Wind energy
• Geothermal energy
• Hydro power
• Biomass energy
Renewable energy

The power produced from renewable energy sources is characterized by its variability. The solution is to couple sources of
supply and form a hybrid system. A hybrid renewable energy system is an electrical system, comprising more than one
energy source, among which one at least is renewable. In another word, a hybrid renewable energy system is a system that
combines two different technologies: one or more conventional energy sources, and at least one renewable energy source.
Hybrid energy systems are generally autonomous in this case storage capacity is necessary; this type is widespread in
isolated sites. The goal of a hybrid renewable energy system is to meet the demand for a load from renewable sources, if
there is a lack it is filled with conventional sources, while minimizing fuel consumption

Kartite, J., & Cherkaoui, M. (2019).

Renewable power installed capacity top countries

EU 2020 and 2030 target for renewable energy

technologies penetration with GHG reduction

(Ali 2017)


The Colombian energy sector

Installed capacity around 16 GW

Hydraulic plants
Natural gas plants
Others (solar, biomass, wind and geothermal among others)


The Colombian energy sector

Installed capacity around 16 GW

Hydraulic plants
Natural gas plants
Others (solar, biomass, wind and geothermal among others)


Most of the power generated in

Colombia comes from hydroelectric
and thermal power plants

The Colombian energy sector

Installed capacity around 16 GW

Hydraulic plants
Natural gas plants
Others (solar, biomass, wind and geothermal among others)

≈14 MW
New clean and non-conventional energy
Most of the power generated in resources
Colombia comes from hydroelectric
and thermal power plants

The Colombian energy sector

Installed capacity around 16 GW

Hydraulic plants
Natural gas plants
Others (solar, biomass, wind and geothermal among others)

≈14 MW
New clean and non-conventional energy
Most of the power generated in resources
Colombia comes from hydroelectric
and thermal power plants
Goal 5,9 GW/2030

The Colombian energy sector

Installed capacity around 16 GW

Hydraulic plants
Natural gas plants
Others (solar, biomass, wind and geothermal among others)

≈14 MW
New clean and non-conventional energy
Most of the power generated in resources
Colombia comes from hydroelectric
and thermal power plants Colombia has many area not interconncected to the
nacional electric grid.
Barriers in deployment of renewable energy

(Ali 2017)


Challenges of adapting the renewable energy in developing countries

• Resource assessment
• Inadequate research and development activities
• Environmental effects
• Policy/Regulatory framework

(Ogbonnaya 2019)

Policy/Regulatory framework
Decree that Resolutions
develops the regulating the
incentives procedure to access
provided by incentives
Law establishing law Diversify the
incentives energy

Investing in

For the reduction of

the environmental
impact and incentive
of the economy

Guía práctica para la aplicación de los incentivos

tributarios de la Ley 1715 de 2014
Policy/Regulatory framework


Structuring of the idea (Basic

Prefeasibility Study)

Project (pre investment

or investment)

1. Procedure-Registration of Registration certificate

the Project. UPME

Incentive application
2. Endorsement of the Project. UPME certificate
UPME (concept)

3. ANLA Procedure - Certification ANLA environmental

of environmental benefit certification

4. Referral of ANLA
Notification to DIAN of
certificate to VUCE
access to VAT benefits
and tariffs

VAT: The ANLA certificate for the request to

Project execution exclude national purchases of machinery is
presented as a supporting document, as in
the presentation of the import declaration
in international acquisitions.
Project completion TARIFF: With the registration before VUCE it
or start of the next is understood as notified the DIAN of the
phase exemption. This registration must be given
at least 15 days before the nationalization
of the imported goods.

INCOME: Incentives are applied in income

Guía práctica para la aplicación de declarations, with the ANLA certificate as
los incentivos tributarios de la Ley support. It can occur during or after project
1715 de 2014 VUCE-Ventanilla execution
Única de Comercio
Intermittence of renewable technologies

Some renewable energy sources are not continuously

available due to the nature of uncontrollable factors (e.g.,
wind speed, air density, sun irradiation and weather
condition). Therefore, the power output of these
renewable energy sources also tends to fluctuate
dramatically depending on time, location and weather
conditions. There are several potential solutions to
operating distributed renewable energy sources and
satisfying electricity supply and demand:

• Some non-variable energy sources (e.g., hydropower,

diesel plant, etc) can be complementary to renewable
system with intermittence problems.

• Onsite energy storage (e.g., batteries, compressed air,

flywheels, suppercapacitors, etc) can store electric
power for later use.
Energy Storage technologies

Magnetic Energy Storage (SMES)

(Hemmati 2016)

Energy Storage technologies

Pumped hydro storage

Cumulative capacity and technology split in major PHS European

countries. Source: Authors' analysis of Eurostat data
PHS is generally distinguished in two different types namely “pure”and“pump-back ”PHS. Pure PHS
(also known as“closed-loop” PHS) refers to stations not receiving natural inflows, locatedfar from
streams and purely serving energy storage purposes. Pump-back PHS (also known as“mixed”PHS)
utilizes both storedwater and natural inflows to produce electricity. Overall, pump-back PHS is similar
Kougias, I., & Szabó, S. (2017). to conventional hydropower technology, withthe additional feature of storage.
Energy Storage technologies

A promising innovative design is to replace the upper

reservoir in PHES with a pressurized water container. The air
within the pressure vessel becomes pressurized when water
is pumped into the vessel. Instead of storing potential energy
in elevated water, the proposed compressed air pumped
hydro system stores the energy in compressed air. Diagram of compressed air pumped hydroelectric storage

Another innovative concept is to utilize the water pressure at

the bottom of the sea to store electricity from offshore wind
turbines. The system places submerged pressure vessels
(hollow concrete tanks) on the seafloor. It uses electricity to
pump water out of the tank to store energy, and generate
electricity when seawater is filling into the tank through the

Yang, C. J. (2016).
Diagram of undersea pumped hydroelectric storage
Energy Storage technologies

System description of Compressed Air Energy Storage

F.Díaz-González et al. 2012

Energy Storage technologies

Battery Energy Storage System

Topology of Fly wheel Energy Storage System

Energy storage system based on a supercapacitor

F.Díaz-González et al. 2012

Energy Storage technologies F.Díaz-González et al. 2012

(Ogbonnaya 2019)

Topology of regenerative fuel cell

Hydrogen-based Energy Storage System The Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cell (PEMFC),
Alkaline Fuel Cell (AFC), Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell (MCFC)
Hydrogen can be obtained in various ways: by means of water and Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC). The PEMFC is the most used
electrolysis, from renewable energies such as solar or wind technology. Its low operation temperatura (between 50 and
installations, gasifying biomass, coal or fuel (which is the most 100°C), maintenance and corrosion, as its electrolyte is solid, are
common option. important characteristics of this type of fuel cell. On the other
hand, since the catalytic material is platinum, the cost of the
device increases significantly. In addition, this technology is
affected by hydrogen impurities, which affect its life.
Energy Storage technologies
There are many types of electrolyzers, from common
technologies such as Alkaline electrolyzers, to more
modern types like Polymer Electrolyte Membrane
(PEM) electrolyzbers. PEM electrolyzers were
invented in 1970, but hydrogen production by mean
soft his type of technology is currently considerable,
reporting production volumes up to 10 Nm3/h. The
electrolyzers are classified by their type of
electrolyte, liquid or solid. The use of solid
electrolytes allows PEM electrolyzers to generate
hydrogen at suitable pressures (200–6000 psi) in
Topology of regenerative fuel cell
order to store it in tanks or in metal hydrides.

F.Díaz-González et al. 2012

Photovoltaic systems

Basic principle of a solar energy system

Photovoltaic systems

Schematic diagram of a grid-connected system

Nowadays, it is usual practice to connect PV systems

to the local electricity network. This means that,
Schematic diagram of a stand-alone PV application
during the day, the electricity generated by the PV
Stand-alone PV systems are used in areas that are not easily system can either be used immediately (which is
accessible or have no access to an electric grid. A stand-alone normal for systems installed in offices, other
system is independent of the electricity grid, with the energy commercial buildings, and industrial applications) or
produced normally being stored in batteries. A typical stand- be sold to one of the electricity supply companies.
alone system would consist of a PV module or modules,
batteries, and a charge controller. An inverter may also be In the evening, when the solar system is unable to
included in the system to convert the direct current generated provide the electricity required, power can be bought
by the PV modules to the alternating current form required by back from the network. In effect, the grid is acting as
normal appliances. an energy storage system, which means the PV system
does not need to include battery storage.
Photovoltaic (PV) Panel

When light hits a surface, it may be reflected,

transmitted, or absorbed.

Absorption of light is simply the conversion of the

energy contained in the incident photon to some
other form of energy. Typically, this energy is in the
form of heat; however, some absorbing materials such
as photovoltaic (PV) cells convert the incident
photons into electrical energy. A PV panel has one or
more PV modules, which consist of connected PV
cells. Figure shows the schematic structure and
operation of a PV cell.

Ethylene Vinyl Acetate (EVA)

Photovoltaic (PV) Panel
1st Generation Solar Panels
These are the traditional types of solar
panels made of monocrystalline silicon or
polysilicon and are most commonly used in
conventional surroundings.

2nd Generation Solar Panels

These cells are different types of thin film
solar cells and are mainly used for
photovoltaic power stations, integrated in
buildings or smaller solar systems.

3rd Generation Solar Panels

3rd generation solar panels include a variety of
thin film technologies but most of them are still
in the research or development phase. Some
of them generate electricity by using organic
materials, others use inorganic substances.
Main components of a solar panel
Solar Cells

Monocrystalline solar panels are the oldest and

The two most common types of solar most developed system to date (originated
cells are made of crystalline silicon around the 1950s). As the name suggests, they
(both monocrystalline and are made from a single crystal of pure silicon
Monocrystalline modules can be recognized by
their uniform coloring and look, which indicate
the high purity of silicon

Polycrystalline solar panels are made up of

multiple crystals. Instead of going through the
slow and very expensive process of creating a
single crystal, manufacturers simply put a
crystal seed in a cast of molten silicon and
allow it to cool. Due to this casting method, the
crystal surrounding the seed isn’t uniform and
grows into multiple small crystals.
Main components of a solar panel
Solar Cells •Mono solar panels have the highest efficiency rate (usually around 15%-
•Monocrystalline modules are space-efficient. Because these modules
deliver the highest power output, they require the least amount of space
comparing to other solar panels;
•Mono solar panels have a long lifespan – most manufacturers offer a 25-
1st Generation Solar Panels

year warranty on their mono solar panels;

•They perform better than other types of solar modules in low-light
• Monocrystalline modules are the most expensive.
• If they are covered with dirt, the entire system may be affected

•The process used to manufacture poly solar panels is simpler and, thus,
less pricey.
•They usually have a lower heat tolerance than monocrystalline modules.
•Because the silicon purity is lower than mono modules, poly solar panels
are less efficient than their mono counterparts. Their efficiency is usually
rated at around 13%-18%.
•Not only that they are less energy efficient, but they have a low space
efficacy as well. You need to cover a larger surface to get the same power as
you would with monocrystalline modules.
Main components of a solar panel
Solar Cells
1st Generation Solar Panels
Main components of a solar panel
P-Type And N-Type Silicon Cells
All crystalline solar cells (mono and poly) are
P-Type Solar cell made using a very thin wafer of base silicon
with the two main types being p-type and n-
type. These are made when the silicon is
‘doped’ with specific chemical elements to
create a positive (p-type) or negative (n-type)

N-Type Solar cell The chemical elements used for doping are
phosphorous which creates a positive charge
and boron which results in a negative charge.
Depending on the type of cell construction
either n-type or p-type doped silicon is used as
the base or 'substrate' of the cell.
Main components of a solar panel
P-Type And N-Type Silicon Cells
Both cell types use a combination of p and n-
P-Type Solar cell type silicon which together form the p-n
junction which is fundamental to the function
of a solar cell. The difference is p-type cells use
the Boron doped silicon as the base together
with a ultra-thin layer of n-type silicon, while
n-type cells are the opposite and use an n-type
silicon base with a thin layer of p-type.

P-Type – Positively charged Silicon doped with Boron The junction creates an electric field which
enables the flow of electrons when solar
N-Type Solar cell radiation passes through the cell. The
photovoltaic effect is when light photons
(energy) free the electrons from the silicon
creating a flow of electricity.
•Lower impurities in N-type substrate
•Improved high temperature performance
•Lower degradation
NN-Type – Negatively charged Silicon doped with Phosphorous
Main components of a solar panel
Manufacturing crystalline silicon cells
First, silicon is extracted from sand, but not just any sand. The sand used,
known as silica sand or silicon dioxide, is usually made from crushed quartz
rock. However, the sand must first be purified using a process called Carbon
Arc Welding (CAW) which extracts the unwanted oxygen and results in 99%
pure silicon. The Silicon must then be further processed to become as close
to 100% pure as possible.

The end result is very pure polycrystalline silicon which can be doped with
trace amounts of either boron or phosphorous to become either P-type or N-
type silicon. At this point the polycrystalline silicon can be melted and cast
into a large rectanglular blocks and thinly sliced using a diamond wire
cutting method to produce the polycrystalline or multicrystalline wafers.

To manufacture the more efficient monocrystalline wafer or cells, the doped

silicon can be made into a pure solid crystal ingot using the Czochralski
process. This process involves melting the polycrystalline silicon under high
pressure and temperature to slowly grow a single monocrystalline crystal
known as an ingot.
Main components of a solar panel
Manufacturing crystalline silicon cells

1.Silica sand is purified to 99% silicon using the CAW process

2.The 99% silicon is further refined close to 100% pure silicon
3.The silicon is doped with boron or phosphorous (P or N type)
4.The doped silicon is melted and extracted into a single ingot
5.The large round ingot is diamond wire-cut into thin square wafers
6.The wafers are coated with a thin layer of P or N-type to form a PN-junction.
7. Busbars and fingers are added to the cells as shown below. The busbars are the metal lines you see
going down the individual squares, or cells, of the solar panel. They are the wires that connect each cell to
the other, allowing the current to flow. Since each cell is generally just over a half a volt, the bus bars wire
them together in series to create the higher voltages needed to be a usable solar panel.

The power of a PV cell depends on the

intensity of the solar radiation, the surface area
of the PV cell, and its overall efficiency.

CAW Carbon Arc Welding

Main components of a solar panel

Aluminium frame

The aluminium frame plays a critical role

by both protecting the edge of the
laminate section housing the cells and
providing a solid structure to mount the
solar panel in position.
Main components of a solar panel
Tempered Glass

The front glass sheet protects the PV cells from

the weather and impact from hail or airborne
debris. The glass is typically high strength
tempered glass which is 3.0 to 4.0mm thick
and is designed resist mechanical loads and
extreme temperature changes.

The IEC minimum standard impact test

requires solar panels to withstand an impact of
To improve efficiency and performance hail stones of 1 inch (25 mm) diameter
high transmissive glass is used by most traveling up to 60 mph (27 m/s).
manufacturers which has a very low iron
content and an anti-reflective coating on
the rear side to reduce losses and improve
light transmission.
Main components of a solar panel

EVA Film

EVA stands for ‘ethylene vinyl acetate’ which

is a specially designed polymer highly
transparent (plastic) layer used to encapsulate
the cells and hold them in position during

The EVA material must be extremely durable

and tolerant of extreme temperature and
humidity, it plays an important part in the long
term performance by preventing moisture and
dirt ingress.
Main components of a solar panel


The backsheet is the rear most layer of

common solar panels which as acts as a
moisture barrier and final external skin to
provide both mechanical protection and
electrical insulation.

The backsheet material is made of various

polymers or plastics including PP, PET and
PVF which offer different levels of protection,
thermal stability and long term UV resistance.

Main components of a solar panel

Junction Box And Connectors

The junction box is a small weather proof

enclosure located on the rear side of the panel.
It is needed to securely attach the cables
required to interconnect the panels. The
junction box is important as it is the central
point where all the cells sets interconnect and
must be protected from moisture and dirt.

The junction box also houses the bypass diodes

which are needed to prevent back current which
occurs when some cells are shaded or dirty.
Diodes only allow current to flow in one

Photovoltaic device characterization

The standard characterization

techniques of solar cells
include the determination of
the DC current-voltage
characteristic under white light
illumination of different
intensities and the
determination of the
photocurrent under low
intensity monochromatic light.
When device is under
illumination, two quantities
can be easily determined
experimentally: the intercepts
of electrical characteristics
with vertical and horizontal
axes, which corresponds to
short circuit current density
(Jsc) and open circuit voltage
(Voc). A typical I-V curve is
shown in Figure. Analysis of
the photocurrent-voltage
curves includes the Influence of irradiation and cell temperature on PV cell characteristics.
determination of the following (a) Effect of increased irradiation. (b) Effect of increased cell
Yandri, E. (2019). temperature
Photovoltaic device characterization

In practice solar cells can be connected in

series or parallel. Figure shows how the I-
V curve is modified in the case where two
identical cells are connected in parallel and
in series. As can be seen, when two
identical cells are connected in parallel, the
voltage remains the same but the current is
doubled; when the cells are connected in Parallel and series connection of two identical solar cells. (a) Parallel
connection. (b) Series connection
series, the current remains the same but the
voltage is doubled.
Series connection of modules

Parallel connection of modules

Manufacturing solar panel
Enviromental characteristics

Sun-earth relationship.

Kalogirou, S. A. (2013).
Enviromental characteristics

Annual changes in the sun’s position in the sky (northern hemisphere)

Kalogirou, S. A. (2013). Annual changes in the sun’s position in the sky (southern hemisphere)
Enviromental characteristics

L local latitude, defined as the angle

between a line from the center of the earth
to the site of interest and the equatorial
plane. Values north of the equator are
positive and those south are negative Declination, δ. it is the angle
between the sun-earth center
line and the projection of this
line on the equatorial plane.
Declinations north of the
equator (summer in the
Northern Hemisphere) are
positive, and those south are

Kalogirou, S. A. (2013).
Enviromental characteristics

The variation of the solar

declination throughout the year
is shown in Figure. The
declination, 𝛿, in degrees for any
day of the year (N) can be
calculated approximately by the

The solar declination during any given day can be

considered constant in engineering calculations

Day Number and

Recommended Average Day
Kalogirou, S. A. (2013). for Each Month
𝛼 is the solar altitude angle is the angle between the sun’s rays and a horizontal
plane. It is related to the solar zenith angle, Φ, which is the angle between the
sun’s rays and the vertical.

z is the solar azimuth angle. It is the angle of the sun’s rays measured in the
horizontal plane from due south (true south) for the Northern Hemisphere or due
north for the Southern Hemisphere; westward is designated as positive.

L is the latitude. This is the angle between a line that points from the center of the
Earth to a location on the Earth's surface and a line that points from the center of
the Earth to the equator. This can be easily found on a map. Ranges from -
90(south pole) to +90(north pole)

Longitude. Ranges from -180(west) to +180(east)

Enviromental characteristics


𝜃 is the solar incidence angle. It is the angle between the sun’s rays and
the normal on a surface.

𝛼 is the solar altitude angle is the angle between the sun’s rays and a
horizontal plane. It is related to the solar zenith angle, Φ, which is the
angle between the sun’s rays and the vertical.

z is the solar azimuth angle. It is the angle of the sun’s rays measured
in the horizontal plane from due south (true south) for the Northern
Hemisphere or due north for the Southern Hemisphere; westward is
designated as positive.

𝛽 =surface tilt angle from the horizontal

Figure 1. Solar angles diagram

Zs= surface azimuth angle. This is the angle between the line that
𝜃 = (90 − 𝐿 − 𝛿) in winter solstice Oct-Mar points straight out of a PV panel and south. It is only measured in the
horizontal plane. Again, east is negative and west is positive. If a panel
𝜃 = (90 − 𝐿 + 𝛿) in summer solstice Abr-Sep pointed directly south, this angle would be 0º.
𝛽 = 𝐿 − 𝛿 in summer solstice Oct-Mar
𝛽 = 𝐿 + 𝛿 in winter solstice Abr-Sep
valor 𝛽 = 𝐿 in equinox
Enviromental characteristics
Global distribution of solar insolation into belts

The geographical distribution of solar

radiation is graded into 4 categories or sun
belts according to their intensity worldwide.
The most favorable belt lies between
latitudes 15°N and 35°N, and between 15°S
and 35°S.

Eduardo Pérez-Denicia et al., 2017.

Enviromental characteristics
The global irradiance is represented by the letter G without subscripts while the global irradiation is represented by the letter G with one or two subscripts. The first subscript
reflects the time period of integration of solar irradiation: annual (a), monthly (m), daily (d) and schedule (h). The second subscript represents an average value of irradiation:
average value anual (a) and average monthly value (m). After the letter g, the position (Zs, β) of the surface on which the solar radiation strikes, where Zs is the azimuth angle,
and β is the inclination or the tension of the surface is specified in brackets The azimuth angle typical values ​are 0 ° for south-facing modules, -90 ° for east-facing modules and
+ 90 ° for west-facing modules. In the case of the site located in the northern hemisphere to maximize solar energy collection, the modules must be oriented to the south (Zs =

𝐺𝑎 𝛽𝑜𝑝𝑡 = 2
1 − 4.46𝑥10−4 𝛽𝑜𝑝𝑡 − 1.19𝑥10−4 𝛽𝑜𝑝𝑡

Where Ga (βopt) is the average annual value of the global irradiation on a

surface with optimum inclination (kW h / m2). Ga(0) is the annual average of
the global horizontal irradiation (kW h /m2). β_opt is the optimum inclination
of the surface. Whenever possible, the panel surface should be oriented
optimally (α = 0°, βopt), however, this requirement cannot always be met.
They can condition surface orientation, architectural integration, wind
resistance, etc.

In this sense, in the photovoltaic modules, solar radiation losses occur due to
a different orientation and inclination of the photovoltaic module (irradiation
factor), as well as the shadows cast by the surrounding objects in the
photovoltaic module (shadow factor) . To consider these losses, due to a non-
optimal inclination and orientation, the irradiation factor is calculated with
the following expressions:
𝐹𝐼 = 1 − [1.2𝑥10−4 𝛽 − 𝛽𝑜𝑝𝑡 + 3.5𝑥10−5𝑍𝑠 2 ] para 15° < 𝛽 < 90°

𝐹𝐼 = 1 − [1.2𝑥10−4 𝛽 − 𝛽𝑜𝑝𝑡 ] para 𝛽 ≤ 15°

The irradiance factor is dimensionless, β is the real inclination of the

surface (°), βopt is the optimum inclination of the surface (°) and Zs is the
azimuth of the Surface (°). Losses due to shade generally occur when there
is a large number of photovoltaic modules to be installed and there is not
much space available, therefore, it is necessary to join the rows of panels
and this can result in the occurrence of shadows from one to another row.
Therefore, during the development of the arrangement of the panels, the
minimum distance between row and row marked by the latitude of the
installation site will be determined, in order to minimize these losses.
Solar PV system sizing

1. Determine power consumption demands.

The first step in designing a solar PV system is to find out the total power and energy
consumption of all loads that need to be supplied by the solar PV system as follows:

1.1 Calculate total Watt-hours per day for each appliance used.
Add the Watt-hours needed for all appliances together to get the total Watt-hours per day
which must be delivered to the appliances. It is also possible to define a power to install.

1.2 Calculate total Watt-hours per day needed from the PV modules.
Multiply the total appliances Watt-hours per day for a safety factor for example 1.3 1.3 (the
energy lost in the system) to get the total Watt-hours per day which must be provided by the
Solar PV system sizing

2. Size the PV modules: The process of calculating the number of photovoltaic modules is called the
dimensioning of a photovoltaic system. Before starting the process of dimensioning an installation it is
necessary to know the climatological data in order to know the irradiation that is available.

2.1 Determination of peak solar hour (PSH) and the optimal tilt angle: For the calculations it is important
to obtain the peak solar hour (PSH) values, which depend on the geographical area, being measured in
kWh/m2. It is highlighted that PSH indicates the number of hours per day or month that the modules receive
1000 W/m2. Therefore, from these equivalent peak hours, the energy generated by the PV module can be
calculated using the specification given by the manufacturer, since all the nominal characteristics are provided
for an irradiation of 1000 W/m2. PSH also depend on the tilted of panel therefore, it is important to
determinate of optimal tilt angle.

2.2 Calculate the number of PV panel for system (N): The energy generated (Eg) by the photovoltaic system
can be calculated as:
Eg=Wp*PSH*N *ηg [kWh/day]

Where Wp, is the nominal power of the solar module or panel expressed in watts-peak [Wp] and ηg the overall
loss factor. The energy generated should be equal to Calculate total Watt-hours per day needed from the PV
modules (from item 1.2). The number of PV modules required is obtained from dividing the energy generated
by PSH, nominal power of the solar module and the overall loss factor.
Solar PV system sizing
Peak solar hour (PSH)
and the optimal tilt angle

The amount of solar

irradiation received on a PV
panel depends on the latitude
(𝐿), day of the year, slope or
tilt angle (𝛽), surface azimuth
angle (𝑍𝑠), time of the day,
and the angle of incident
radiation. The factors that can
be controlled to maximize the
amount of irradiation received
upon the panel are the surface
azimuth and the tilt angle.

PSH is the result of

multiplying the optimal global
irradiation Ga (βopt) by the
irradiation factor (FI) divided

Map of Colombia with average

daily solar irradiation per
López, A.R. et al. 2020
Solar PV system sizing
Latitude 11.511591, Longitude -72.871160

January February March April May June July August Septembre October November December
Year Average global irradiation kWh/m2/day

2008 5,272 5,844 6,143 5,747 5,787 5,775 6,210 5,796 5,406 4,903 4,281 4,416

2009 5,025 5,256 5,119 6,000 5,795 5,886 6,377 6,027 5,873 5,095 4,811 4,909

2010 5,311 5,418 5,684 5,304 5,831 5,577 5,648 5,422 5,116 5,040 3,756 4,114

2011 5,017 5,449 5,527 5,638 5,238 5,621 6,045 5,999 5,857 5,023 4,473 4,359

2012 5,077 5,762 5,280 5,707 5,909 6,001 6,382 5,931 6,013 4,904 4,948 4,755

2013 5,351 5,749 4,863 5,699 5,592 5,994 6,426 5,924 5,476 5,338 5,075 4,867

2014 5,350 5,721 6,332 5,814 5,767 6,066 6,510 6,219 6,019 5,141 5,024 4,689

2015 5,121 5,670 5,961 5,474 5,754 6,176 6,188 6,373 5,981 5,288 4,561 4,742

2016 5,427 5,860 6,103 5,363 5,491 5,899 6,265 6,320 5,944 4,908 4,500 4,770

2017 5,043 5,739 5,271 5,757 5,715 5,860 6,076 6,158 5,725 5,081 4,655 4,961

2018 5,155 5,698 5,957 5,787 5,571 5,832 6,365 6,315 5,664 4,971 5,078 5,319

2019 5,305 5,887 5,884 5,537 5,335 5,733 6,519 6,206 6,026

Average global
kWh/m2/day 5,204 5,671 5,677 5,652 5,649 5,868 6,251 6,058 5,758 5,063 4,651 4,718
Electrical data (at STC) Max. Power (Pmax) [W] 325

Max. Power (Vmp) [V] 57.6

Max. Power (Imp) [A] 5.65
Open circuit (Voc) [V] 69.6
Solar Panel Short circuit (Isc) [A] 6.03
Panasonic VBHN current
325SJ47 Max. Over current rating [A] 15
Power tolerance [%] +10/-0*
Max. System voltage [V] 1000
Note: Standard Test Conditions: Air
mass 1.5; Irradiance =
1000W/m2; cell temp. 25°C
* Maximum power at delivery.
For guarantee conditions,
please check our guarantee
Solar PV system sizing

January February March April May June July August Septembre October November December Equation
Number of days of the
31 28 31 30 31 30 31 31 30 31 30 31 -

Day year-1 (𝛿𝑛 )a 15 45 76 106 137 168 198 229 259 290 321 351 -
The declination angle (𝛿)b
-21,27 -13,62 -2,02 9,78 19,26 23,39 21,18 13,12 1,81 -10,33 -19,60 -23,40 -

57,22 64,87 76,47 88,27 97,75 101,88 99,67 91,61 80,30 68,16 58,89 55,09 284 + 𝛿𝑛
Solar elevation angle (𝜃) 𝛿 = 23.45𝑆𝑒𝑛 360

𝜃 = (90 − 𝜑 − 𝛿) at the winter solstice

Tilt angle (𝛽)
32,78 25,13 13,53 1,73 7,75 11,88 9,67 1,61 9,70 21,84 31,11 34,91 𝜃 = (90 − 𝜑 + 𝛿) at the summer solstice

Solar insolation on a plane 𝛽 = 𝜑 − 𝛿 at the summer solstice

horizontal surface, 𝐺𝑎 (0)

𝛽 = 𝜑 + 𝛿 at the winter solstice
(kWh m-2 day-1)
5,204 5,671 5,677 5,652 5,649 5,868 6,251 6,058 5,758 5,063 4,651 4,718 𝛽 = 𝜑 at the equinoxes.

Solar insolation on a tilted

𝐺𝑎 𝛽𝑜𝑝𝑡 = 2
surface, 𝐺𝑎 𝛽𝑜𝑝𝑡 c 1 − 4.46𝑥10−4 𝛽𝑜𝑝𝑡 − 1.19𝑥10−4 𝛽𝑜𝑝𝑡

(kWh m-2 day-1) 6,07 6,21 5,84 5,66 5,71 6,00 6,35 6,06 5,85 5,42 5,34 5,62
𝐼𝐹 = 1 − [1.2𝑥10−4 𝛽 − 𝛽𝑜𝑝𝑡 + 3.5𝑥10−5 𝛼 2 ] for
15° < 𝛽 < 90°
Insolation factor. (IF)
0,96 0,99 1,00 0,98 0,99 1,00 1,00 0,98 1,00 0,99 0,97 0,95 𝐼𝐹 = 1 − [1.2𝑥10−4 𝛽 − 𝛽𝑜𝑝𝑡 ] for 𝛽 ≤ 15°

PSH day-1 5,84 6,13 5,84 5,54 5,67 5,99 6,33 5,93 5,83 5,39 5,17 5,35 𝐺𝑎 𝛽𝑜𝑝𝑡 ∗ 𝐼𝐹/1000

PSH month-1 180,9 175,8 196,1

181,01 171,66 8 166,17 7 179,81 5 183,94 174,88 167,19 155,22 165,96
a Dayof the year (1, ..., 365, taking 1 for January the 1st). One day of each month has been selected, which corresponds to one day in the middle of the month.
b Angle between the Equator and a line drawn from the center of the Earth to the center of the sun. This angle varies seasonally due to the tilt of the Earth on its axis of rotation and the rotation of the Earth around the sun.
c Amount of solar radiation incident on a tilted module surface (i.e., the component of the incident solar insolation which is perpendicular to the module surface).
Solar PV system sizing

3. Inverter sizing. An inverter is used in the system where AC power

output is needed. The input rating of the inverter should never be lower
than the total watt of appliances. The inverter must have the same nominal
voltage as your battery.

For stand-alone systems, the inverter must be large enough to handle the
total amount of Watts you will be using at one time. The inverter size
should be 25-30% bigger than total Watts of appliances. In case of
appliance type is motor or compressor then inverter size should be
minimum 3 times the capacity of those appliances and must be added to the
inverter capacity to handle surge current during starting.

For grid tie systems or grid connected systems, the input rating of the
inverter should be same as PV array rating to allow for safe and efficient
Solar PV system sizing

4. Battery sizing
The battery type recommended for using in solar PV system is deep cycle battery. Deep
cycle battery is specifically designed for to be discharged to low energy level and rapid
recharged or cycle charged and discharged day after day for years. The battery should be
large enough to store sufficient energy to operate the appliances at night and cloudy days.

To find out the size of battery, calculate as follows:

• 4.1 Calculate total Watt-hours per day used by appliances
• 4.2 Divide the total Watt-hours per day used by 0.85 for battery loss.
• 4.3 Divide the answer obtained in item 4.2 by 0.6 for depth of discharge.
• 4.4Divide the answer obtained in item 4.3 by the nominal battery voltage.
• 4.5 Multiply the answer obtained in item 4.4 with days of autonomy (the number of
days that you need the system to operate when there is no power produced by PV
panels) to get the require .Ampere-hour capacity of deep-cycle battery.
Solar PV system sizing

5. Solar charge controller sizing.

The solar charge controller is typically rated against Amperage and Voltage
capacities. Select the solar charge controller to match the voltage of PV array
and batteries and then identify which type of solar charge controller is right
for your application. Make sure that solar charge controller has enough
capacity to handle the current from PV array.

For the series charge controller type, the sizing of controller depends on the
total PV input current which is delivered to the controller and also depends on
PV panel configuration (series or parallel configuration). According to
standard practice, the sizing of solar charge controller is to take the short
circuit current (Isc) of the PV array, and multiply it by 1.3

Solar charge controller rating = Total short circuit current of PV array x 1.3
Solar PV system sizing
Example: A house has the following electrical appliance usage:
•One 18 Watt fluorescent lamp with electronic ballast used 4 hours per day.
•One 60 Watt fan used for 2 hours per day.
•One 75 Watt refrigerator that runs 24 hours per day with compressor run 12 hours and off 12 hours.
The system will be powered by 12 Vdc, 325 Wp PV module.
1. Determine power consumption demands
Total appliance use = (18 W x 4 hours) + (60 W x 2 hours) + (75 W x 24 x 0.5 hours)
= 1,092 Wh/day
Total PV panels energy needed = 1,092 x 1.3
= 1,419.6 Wh/day.
2. Size the PV panel
2.1 Peak solar hour (PSH) = 5.17 h/day

2.2 Number of PV panels needed = 1,419.6 / (325*5.17*0.9)

3. Inverter sizing = 0.9387 modules
Total Watt of all appliances = 18 + 60 + 75 = 153 W
For safety, the inverter should be considered 25-30% bigger size.
The inverter size should be about 190 W or greater.
4. Battery sizing
Total appliances use = (18 W x 4 hours) + (60 W x 2 hours) + (75 W x 12 hours)
Nominal battery voltage = 12 V
Days of autonomy = 3 days
Solar PV system sizing
Battery capacity = [(18 W x 4 hours) + (60 W x 2 hours) + (75 W x 12 hours)] x 3
(0.85 x 0.6 x 12)

Total Ampere-hours required 535.29 Ah

So the battery should be rated 12 V 600 Ah for 3 day autonomy.

5. Solar charge controller sizing

PV module specification
Pm = 325 Wp
Vm = 57.6 Vdc
Im = 5.65 A
Voc = 69.6 A
Isc = 6.03 A
Solar charge controller rating = (1 strings x 6.03 A) x 1.3 = 7.839 A
So the solar charge controller should be rated 7.839 A at 12 V or greater.
Solar PV system. Universidad de la Guajira

Optimal tilt angle (𝛽) 16.80°

PSH day-1 5,17
Critical month Nov
The power generated (w) 15000
Loss (W) 750
The energy generated (wh/día) 81488,81384
Nominal power of the solar module (Wp) 325
The overall loss factor 0,9
Number of PV panels needed 53,85
The energy generated kwh/year 29743,41705
Solar PV system
Estimate the daily load and the peak power required by a PV system that
has three appliances connected to it with the following characteristics:

1. Appliance 1, 10 W operated for 8 h (9 am–5 pm).

2. Appliance 2, 20 W operated for 3 h (10 am–1 pm).
3. Appliance 3, 30 W operated for 2 h (2 pm–4 pm

The daily energy use is equal to (20W)( 3h)+(10W)( 8h)+(30W)( 2h)=200Wh

To find the peak power, a time schedule diagram is require

Solar PV system

A remote cottage has the loads listed in Table. Find the average load and peak
power to be satisfied by a 12 V PV system with an inverter.

In Table the loads for this application are separated according to type of power. Because no
information is given about the time schedule of the loads, these are assumed to occur
Solar PV system

The distance between rows of panels dmin will be 𝑠𝑒𝑛(𝛾 + 𝛽)

𝑑𝑚𝑖𝑛 = 𝑏
established to avoid shadows them in the worst 𝑆𝑒𝑛(𝛾)
conditions of the year. The worst day of the year
will be the winter solstice for the northern
hemisphere when the sun describes its lowest Winter solstice-December 21
trajectory on the horizon. The angle of the sun γ
from which the installation will begin to have
shadows can be calculated using the expressions
𝜁 = 𝐿 + 23.5

𝛾 = 90 − 𝜁
The placement of the modules will be done in a
horizontal position, since it is the most optimal dmin
to minimize shading losses. This is due to the m
electrical configuration of the module cards.
The bypas diodes are positioned in such a way
that, if positioned vertically, the shadows of the
cells can impede the operation of the panel
completely, that is, they do not produce energy.
On the other hand, if the position is modified,
placing it horizontally, only those rows affected
by the shadow are inactivated, while the rest of
the module continues to operate and produce
Solar PV system
Ene Feb Mar Abr May Jun Jul Ago Sep oct Nov Dic
Días mes 31 28 31 30 31 30 31 31 30 31 30 31
No día/año 15 45 76 106 137 168 198 229 259 290 321 351
Declinación -21,27 -13,62 -2,02 9,78 19,26 23,39 21,18 13,12 1,81 -10,33 -19,60 -23,40
Elevación 59,60 67,25 78,85 90,65 100,13 104,26 102,05 93,99 82,68 70,54 61,27 57,47
Inclinación 30,40 22,75 11,15 0,65 10,13 14,26 12,05 3,99 7,32 19,46 28,73 32,53
Radiación 5,54 5,63 5,63 5,33 4,96 5,13 5,44 5,34 4,91 4,68 4,72 5,01
global horas
Radiación 6,32 6,07 5,74 5,33 5,04 5,29 5,57 5,36 4,96 4,95 5,31 5,83
FI 0,97 0,99 1,00 0,98 1,00 1,00 1,00 0,99 0,99 1,00 0,98 0,96
HSP/día 6,14 6,02 5,73 5,20 5,03 5,29 5,56 5,28 4,92 4,93 5,19 5,61
HSP/mes 190,37 168,60 177,73 156,00 155,93 158,74 172,37 163,74 147,68 152,95 155,69 174,02

Calculo de número de módulos. Paneles marca Jinko

Inclinación optima anual por consumos 16,12
HSP/día critico 4,92
Mes critico Sep
Energía a generar (w) 20000000
Perdidas (w) 400000
Energía a generar (wh/día) 100421196,4
Potencia nominal del panel (W) 340
Factor global de perdidas 0,9
Numero de panel 66666,67
Energía a generar kwh/año 36653736,69
La disposición general de los
paneles en el terreno se agrupará
en mesas conformada por 105
paneles. Formada por tres filas
conectadas en paralelo. Cada fila
estará conformada por 35 paneles
conectados en serie. El arreglo
será una matriz de 3*35. En el
caso del montaje con los paneles
Jinko la distancia el ancho b es
mayor a 2976 mm en la mesa.
Solar PV system
En relación a la configuración espacial por mesas se tiene que para el caso de los paneles Jinko por mesa se tendría 1354.5 VDC y
26.37A, para un total de potencia disponible por mesa de 35718.165 W. Para la conexión de las mesas a la red se han agrupado en 5
grupos con el fin de conectar cada grupo a un inversor antes del transformador. Cada grupo está compuesto por 127 mesas. El
inversor elegido para la instalación es el ABB megawatt station el modelo PVS980-MWS-4181kVa-L-xx-zzz de 4600kVA que tiene
una máximo voltaje de entra de 1500V. Producto de la conexión de las 127 mesas en paralelo resulta una potencia disponible de
4536206.955 W por grupo. En este sentido la potencia generada por los 5 grupos es de 22681034.775 W. En la figura se detalla la
configuración y agrupación de paneles de la instalación solar. Para configuración propuesta se tendrían instalados 66675 paneles.
Solar PV system sizing

Temiz, M., & Javani, N. (2020).

Solar PV system sizing

Guo, S. et al. 2018


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Solar tracking systems
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