9900elite Illustrated Part Book

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OEC 9900 Elite

Illustrated Parts Manual

Rev 16
Document history

Part # Revision Date

5267065-1EN-03 1 12-2016
5267065-1EN-03 2 02-2017
5267065-1EN-03 3 04-2017
5267065-1EN-03 4 09-2017
5267065-1EN-03 5 09-2017
5267065-1EN-03 6 11-2017
5267065-1EN-03 7 01-2018
5267065-1EN-03 8 04-2018
5267065-1EN-03 9 06-2018
5267065-1EN-03 10 10-2018
5267065-1EN-03 11 12-2018
5267065-1EN-03 12 02-2019
5267065-1EN-03 13 07-2019
5267065-1EN-03 14 11-2019
5267065-1EN-03 15 01-2020

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 2

US Federal law restricts this device to sale by, or on the order of, a physician, veterinarian, or other desig-
nated licensed practitioner as appropriate for its clinical use.

The information provided in this manual does not include all information regarding the operation of the sys-
tem. Please refer to the system operator manual(s) for complete information regarding the safe and effective
use of the system. For additional copies of the operator manual(s), please contact GE customer service.

This manual may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, without the written permission of GE Healthcare.

Other product and company names mentioned herein are the property of their respective owners.

The contents of this document are accurate at the time of publication. However, changes in design and additional features can, at any time, be incorporated in the hard-
ware and software and may not be reflected in this version of the document. Contact GE Healthcare Technical Support for clarification, if discrepancies arise.

This document was originally written and verified in English, part number 5267065-1EN-02

GE OEC Medical Systems, Inc.

384 Wright Brothers Drive
Salt Lake City, Utah 84116 U.S.A.
(801) 328-9300

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 3

This Service Manual is available in English only.

WARNING If a customer’s service provider requires a language other than English, it is the customer’s responsibility to provide translati-
on services.
Do not attempt to service the equipment unless
this service manual has been consulted and is understood.

Failure to heed this warning may result in injury to the service provider, operator, or patient from electric shock, or from me-
chanical or other hazards.

Este manual de serviço só está disponível em inglês.

AVISO Se algum provedor de serviço exigir este manual em outro idioma, será responsabilidade do cliente fornecer os serviços de
Não tente fazer reparos no equipamento sem ter lido e entendido este manual de serviço.

O não cumprimento deste aviso pode causar ferimentos no provedor de serviço, no operador ou no paciente, como resulta-
do de choque elétrico, impacto mecânico ou outros perigos.

ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ Това сервизно ръководство е налично само на английски език.

(BG) Ако доставчик на услуги на клиента изисква език, различен от английски, клиентът отговаря за предоставянето на
услугите за превод.

Не се опитвайте да ремонтирате оборудването, ако не сте се консултирали със и разбрали това сервизно ръководство.

Неспазването на това предупреждение може да доведе до нараняване на доставчика на услуги, оператора или
пациента от токов удар, механични или други опасности.

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 4

警告 本维修手册仅提供英文版本。
(ZH-CN) 如果维修服务提供商需要非英文版本,客户需自行提供翻译服务。



警告 本維修手冊僅有英文版本。
(ZH-TW) 如顧客的維修服務提供者要求英文以外的語言,顧客有責任提供翻譯的服務。




Ovaj servisni priručnik dostupan je samo na engleskom jeziku.

UPOZORENJE Ako davatelj usluge stranke traži neki drugi jezik, stranka će biti dužna osigurati uslugu prijevoda.
Ne pokušavajte servisirati uređaj ako niste proučili i shvatili ovaj servisni priručnik.

Nepridržavanjem ovog upozorenja može doći do tjelesne ozljede davatelja usluge, rukovatelja ili pacijenta djelovanjem elek-
tričnog udara ili zbog mehaničkih ili drugih opasnosti.

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 5

VÝSTRAHA Tento provozní návod existuje pouze v anglickém jazyce.
(CS) V případě, že externí služba zákazníkům potřebuje návod v jiném jazyce, je zajištění překladu do odpovídajícího jazyka úkolem

Nesnažte se o údržbu tohoto zařízení, aniž byste si přečetli tento provozní návod a pochopili jeho obsah.

V případě nedodržování této výstrahy může dojít k poranění pracovníka prodejního servisu, obslužného personálu nebo paci-
entů vlivem elektrického proudu, respektive vlivem mechanických či jiných rizik.

ADVARSEL Denne servicemanual findes kun på engelsk.

(DA) Hvis en kundes tekniker har brug for et andet sprog end engelsk, er det kundens ansvar at sørge for oversættelse.

Forsøg ikke at servicere udstyret medmindre

denne servicemanual har været konsulteret og er forstået.

Manglende overholdelse af denne advarsel kan medføre skade på grund af elektrisk, mekanisk eller anden fare for teknike-
ren, operatøren eller patienten.



(ET) Kui klienditeenindaja nõuab juhendit mõnes muus keeles peale inglise, siis vastutab klient tõlketeenuse osutamise eest.

Ärge üritage seadmeid hooldada enne käesolevast teenindusjuhendist aru saamata ja sellega tutvumata.

Käesoleva hoiatuse eiramine võib põhjustada teenuseosutajale, operaatorile või patsiendile vigastusi elektrilöögi, mehaanili-
se või muu ohu tagajärjel.

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 6

(FI) Jos asiakkaan huoltohenkilöstö vaatii muuta kuin englanninkielistä materiaalia, tarvittavan käännöksen hankkiminen on
asiakkaan vastuulla.

Älä yritä korjata laitteistoa ennen kuin olet varmasti lukenut ja ymmärtänyt tämän huolto-ohjeen.

Jos tätä varoitusta ei noudateta, seurauksena voi olla huoltohenkilöstön, laitteiston käyttäjän tai potilaan vahingoittuminen
sähköiskun, mekaanisen vian tai muun vaaratilanteen vuoksi.





Warnung Diese Serviceanleitung existiert nur in englischer Sprache.

(DE) Falls ein fremder Kundendienst eine andere Sprache benötigt, ist es Aufgabe des Kunden für eine entsprechende Überse-
tzung zu sorgen.

Versuchen Sie nicht, diese Anlage zu warten,

ohne die Serviceanleitung gelesen und verstanden zu haben.

Wird diese Warnung nicht beachtet, so kann es zu Verletzungen des Kundendiensttechnikers, des Bedieners oder des Patien-
ten durch Stromschläge, mechanische oder sonstige Gefahren kommen.

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 7









(IS) Þarfnist þjónustuveitandi viðskiptamanns annars tungumáls en ensku, er það á ábyrgð viðskiptamanns að bjóða upp á

Reynið ekki að þjónusta búnaðinn fyrr en þessi þjónustuhandbók hefur verið skoðuð og skilin.

Sé ekki farið eftir þessari viðvörun, getur það leitt til meiðsla á þjónustuveitanda, notanda eða sjúklingi vegna raflosts,
vélbúnaðar eða öðrum hættum.

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 8

AVVERTENZA Il presente Manuale di servizio è disponibile soltanto in inglese.
(IT) Se un fornitore del servizio di assistenza del cliente richiede una lingua diversa dall’inglese, è responsabilità del cliente fornire
i servizi di traduzione.

Provare ad intervenire sull’apparecchiatura solo dopo aver consultato e compreso questo manuale di servizio.

La mancata osservanza di questa avvertenza potrebbe provocare lesioni al tecnico dell’assistenza o al paziente, per scosse
elettriche oppure per pericoli di natura meccanica o altro.


(JA) 翻訳作業の提供はお客様の責任となります。



경고 본 서비스 지침서는 영어로만 이용하실 수 있습니다.

(KO) 고객의 서비스 제공자가 영어 이외의 언어를 요구할 경우, 번역 서비스를 제공하는 것은 고객의 책임입니다.

본 서비스 지침서를 참고했고 이해하지 않는 한은 해당 장비를 수리하려고 시도하지 마십시오.

이 경고에 유의하지 않으면 전기 쇼크, 기계상의 혹은 다른 위험으로부터 서비스 제공자, 운영자 혹은 환자에게 위해를 가
할 수 있습니다.

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 9












OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 10








ОСТОРОЖНО! Данное руководство по обслуживанию предлагается только на английском языке.

(RU) Если сервисноМУ ПЕРСОНАЛУ клиента необходимо руководство не на английском, а на каком-то другом языке, клиенту
следует самостоятельно обеспечить перевод.



Несоблюдение требований данного предупреждения может привести к тому, что специалист по обслуживанию,
оператор или пациент получат удар электрическим током, механическую травму или другое повреждение.

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 11

UPOZORENJE Ovaj servisni priručnik dostupan je samo na engleskom jeziku.
(SR) Ako dobavljač usluga klijenta zahteva neki drugi jezik osim engleskog, klijent snosi odgovornost za obezbeđivanje usluga

Nemojte pokušavati da servisirate opremu ako niste

pročitali i razumeli ovaj servisni priručnik.

Nepoštovanje ovog upozorenja može da izazove povrede za dobavljača usluga, operatera ili pacijenta usled električnog
udara ili mehaničkih i drugih opasnosti.

upozornenie Tento návod na obsluhu je k dispozícii len v ANGLIČTINE.




Opozorilo Ta servisni priročnik je na voljo le v angleščini.

(SL) Če strankin ponudnik storitve potrebuje drug jezik, razen angleščine, potem je stranka odgovorna, da zagotovi prevajalske

Ne poskusite opravljati servisiranja, če niste prebrali in razumeli tega servisnega priročnika.

Če ne upoštevate to opozorilo, lahko pride do poškodb ponudnika storitve, operaterja ali bolnika zaradi električnega udara ali
mehanskih in drugih nevarnosti.

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 12













OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 13

Ця інструкція з технічного обслуговування доступна лише англійською мовою.
Попередження Якщо організація, яка обслуговує клієнта, потребуватиме інструкцію на іншій мові, до обов’язків клієнта
входитиме забезпечення такого перекладу.
Не намагайтеся здійснювати технічне обслуговування цього обладнання, попередньо не ознайомившись із
цією інструкцією та не зрозумівши її.
Ігнорування цього попередження може призвести до поранень персоналу обслуговуючої організації,
оператора або пацієнта в результаті удару електричним струмом або механічних чи інших видів небезпек.

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 14

Medical device directive
This symbol indicates that the waste of electrical and electronic equipment must not be disposed as unsorted municipal waste and must be collected sepa-
rately. Contact an authorized representative of the manufacturer for information concerning the decommissioning of your equipment.

The separate collection symbol is affixed to a battery, or its packaging, to advise you that the battery must be recycled or disposed of in accordance with
local or country laws. The letters below the separate collection symbol indicate whether certain elements (Pb=Lead, Cd=Cadmium, Hg=Mercury) are con-
tained in the battery. To minimize potential effects on the environment and human health, it is important that all marked batteries that you remove from the
product are properly recycled or disposed.

For information on how the battery may be safely removed from the device, please consult the service manual or equipment instructions. Information on
the potential effects on the environment and human health of the substances used in batteries is available at this url: http://www.gehealthcare.com/euen/

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 15

Document history ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................2
Medical device directive................................................................................................................................................................................................. .15
Introduction...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... .22
Purpose.. ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................ .22
Intended Audience.. ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... .22

OEC 9900 Elite Workstation........................................................................................................................................................................................... .23

Figure 1. Standard Workstation Front and Side Covers Exploded View................................................................................................................ .24
Table 1. Standard Workstation Front and Side Covers Parts List.. .......................................................................................................................... .25
Figure 2. Rear Cover Region and Upper Side Covers Region Exploded View........................................................................................................ .27
Table 2. Rear Cover Region and Upper Side Covers Region Parts List.. .................................................................................................................. .28
Figure 3. Base Cover, Brake Pedal and Casters Exploded View............................................................................................................................... .31
Table 3. Base Cover, Brake Pedal and Casters Parts List.......................................................................................................................................... .32
Figure 4. Keyboard and Lower Left Chassis Region Exploded View....................................................................................................................... .35
Table 4. Keyboard and Lower Left Chassis Region Parts List.................................................................................................................................. .36
Figure 5. UPS Region Exploded View............................................................................................................................................................................ .40
Table 5. UPS Region Parts List........................................................................................................................................................................................ .41
Figure 6. Front Lower Chassis Interior Region Exploded View................................................................................................................................. .45
Table 6. Front Lower Chassis Interior Region Parts List.. ......................................................................................................................................... .46
Figure 7. Power Cord and Interconnect Cable Region Exploded View.................................................................................................................... .50
Table 7. Power Cord and Interconnect Cable Region Parts List.. ............................................................................................................................ .51
Figure 8. Electronics Rack and Fans Region Exploded View..................................................................................................................................... .55
Table 8. Electronics Rack and Fans Region Parts List.. ............................................................................................................................................. .56
Figure 9. Electronics Rack Exploded View (1 of 2) ...................................................................................................................................................... .58
Table 9. Electronics Rack Parts List (1 of 2).. ............................................................................................................................................................... .59
Figure 10. Electronics Rack Exploded View (2 of 2).. ................................................................................................................................................... .63
Table 10. Electronics Rack Parts List (2 of 2).............................................................................................................................................................. .64
Figure 11. Electronics Rack Cable Assemblies Locations.. ........................................................................................................................................ .68
Table 11. Electronics Rack Cable Assemblies Parts List........................................................................................................................................... .69
Figure 12. Monitor Covers Region Exploded View...................................................................................................................................................... .78
Table 12. Monitor Covers Region Parts List.. .............................................................................................................................................................. .79

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 16

Figure 13. Monitor Region Exploded View, 1 of 5........................................................................................................................................................ .81
Table 13. Monitor Region Parts List (1 of 5)................................................................................................................................................................ .82
Figure 14. Monitor Region Exploded View (2 of 5).. ..................................................................................................................................................... .87
Table 14. Monitor Region Parts List (2 of 5)................................................................................................................................................................ .88
Figure 15. Monitor Region Exploded View (3 of 5) . .................................................................................................................................................... .91
Table 15. Monitor Region Parts List (3 of 5)................................................................................................................................................................ .92
Figure 16. Monitor Region Exploded View (4 of 5) . .................................................................................................................................................... .97
Table 16. Monitor Region Parts List (4 of 5)................................................................................................................................................................ .98
Figure 17. Monitor Region Exploded View (5 of 5) . .................................................................................................................................................. .101
Table 17. Monitor Region Parts List (5 of 5).............................................................................................................................................................. .102
Figure 18. Updated Tilt Knuckle and Spring Arm Exploded View........................................................................................................................... .103
Table 18. Updated Tilt Knuckle and Spring Arm Parts List (Upgrade Kit 5543203)............................................................................................. .104
Figure 19. 19-Inch Monitors Exploded View.............................................................................................................................................................. .106
Table 19. 19-Inch Monitor Region Parts List.. ........................................................................................................................................................... .107
Table 20. Printers .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... .109
Table 21. Ultrasound Install Kit Parts List . ............................................................................................................................................................... .110
Table 22. WiSP Parts List.............................................................................................................................................................................................. .112
Table 23. Labels.. ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ .112
Table 24. Software......................................................................................................................................................................................................... .113
Table 25. Misc................................................................................................................................................................................................................. .113
Table 26. Kit, System Labels, 9900. 5482042-xx....................................................................................................................................................... .113
Table 27. Venue Ultrasound Option Parts List.......................................................................................................................................................... .114

OEC 9900 Elite C-Arm.................................................................................................................................................................................................... .115

Figure 1-1. Standard Front and Side Covers, Exploded View.. ................................................................................................................................ .116
Table 1-1. Standard Front and Side Covers Parts List............................................................................................................................................. .117
Figure 1-2. Standard Internal Covers, Exploded View............................................................................................................................................. .120
Table 1-2. Standard Internal Covers Parts List........................................................................................................................................................ .121
Figure 1-3. Electronics, Exploded View.. ..................................................................................................................................................................... .123
Table 1-3. Electronics Parts List.................................................................................................................................................................................. .124
Figure 1-4. Card Rack, Exploded View........................................................................................................................................................................ .127
Table 1-4. Card Rack Parts List................................................................................................................................................................................... .128
Figure 1-5. High Voltage Tank, Exploded View.. ........................................................................................................................................................ .130

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 17

Table 1-5. High Voltage Tank Parts List..................................................................................................................................................................... .131
Figure 1-6. Generator Power Tray, Exploded View................................................................................................................................................... .135
Table 1-6. Generator Power Tray Parts List.............................................................................................................................................................. .136
Figure 1-7. Battery, Power Panel, Exploded View..................................................................................................................................................... .143
Table 1-7. Battery, Power Panel Parts List................................................................................................................................................................. .144
Figure 1-8. Power Panel Assembly, Exploded View.................................................................................................................................................. .146
Table 1-8. Power Panel Assembly Parts List.. ............................................................................................................................................................ .147
Figure 1-9. Control Panel, L-Arm Exploded View...................................................................................................................................................... .151
Table 1-9. Control Panel, L-Arm Parts List.. ............................................................................................................................................................... .152
Figure 1-10. Control Panel Assembly Exploded View............................................................................................................................................... .157
Table 1-10. Control Panel Assembly Parts List.......................................................................................................................................................... .158
Figure 1-11. 9-Inch Image Intensifier Camera Cover Region, Exploded View..................................................................................................... .161
Table 1-11. 9-Inch Image Intensifier Camera Cover Region Parts List................................................................................................................. .162
Figure 1-12. X-Ray Tube, Collimator and Laser Aimer Option Exploded View.. ................................................................................................... .167
Table 1-12. X-Ray Tube, Collimator and Laser Aimer Option Parts List............................................................................................................... .168
Figure 1-13. L-Arm Exploded View (1 of 3).................................................................................................................................................................. .173
Table 1-13. L-Arm Parts List (1 of 3) ........................................................................................................................................................................... .174
Figure 1-14. L-Arm ASM 00-880821-01 Exploded View (2 of 3)............................................................................................................................... .177
Table 1-14. L-Arm ASM 00-880821-01 Parts List (2 of 3) . ...................................................................................................................................... .178
Figure 1-15. L-Arm ASM 00-880821-01 Exploded View (3 of 3)............................................................................................................................... .181
Table 1-15. L-Arm ASM 00-880821-01 Exploded View (3 of 3) . .............................................................................................................................. .182
Figure 1-16. 9-Inch Flip-Flop ASM 00-880655-01 Exploded View........................................................................................................................... .185
Table 1-16. 9-Inch Flip-Flop ASM 00-880655-01 Parts List...................................................................................................................................... .186
Figure 1-17. 12-Inch Flip-Flop ASM 00-880656-01 Exploded View.. ....................................................................................................................... .190
Table 1-17. 12-Inch Flip-Flop ASM 00-880656-01 Parts List................................................................................................................................... .191
Figure 1-18. Vertical Column, Cross-Arm Exploded View.. ...................................................................................................................................... .193
Table 1-18. Vertical Column, Cross-Arm Parts List.................................................................................................................................................. .194
Figure 1-19. Cross-Arm Housing Mount Exploded View.......................................................................................................................................... .198
Table 1-19. Cross-Arm Housing Mount Parts List.. .................................................................................................................................................. .199
Figure 1-20. Cross-Arm Brake, Bearing Exploded View........................................................................................................................................... .201
Table 1-20. Cross-Arm Brake, Bearing Parts List.. ................................................................................................................................................... .202
Figure 1-21. Cross-Arm Bearings Exploded View..................................................................................................................................................... .203

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 18

Table 1-21. Cross-Arm Bearings Parts List............................................................................................................................................................... .204
Figure 1-22. Rear Steering Exploded View (1 of 3).................................................................................................................................................... .205
Table 1-22. Rear Steering Parts List (1 of 3).............................................................................................................................................................. .206
Figure 1-23. Rear Steering Exploded View (2 of 3).................................................................................................................................................... .209
Table 1-23. Rear Steering Parts List (2 of 3).............................................................................................................................................................. .210
Figure 1-24. Rear Steering Exploded View (3 of 3)................................................................................................................................................... .213
Table 1-24. Rear Steering Parts List (3 of 3).............................................................................................................................................................. .214
Figure 1-25. Rear Brake Exploded View.. .................................................................................................................................................................... .216
Table 1-25. Rear Brake Parts List............................................................................................................................................................................... .217
Figure 1-26. Front Caster Exploded View.. ................................................................................................................................................................. .219
Table 1-26. Front Caster Parts List.. ........................................................................................................................................................................... .220
Figure 1-27. Steering Chain Exploded View............................................................................................................................................................... .222
Table 1-27. Steering Chain, Cable Pusher Parts List ASM 00-882788-01.. ........................................................................................................... .223
Figure 1-28. Rear Caster Exploded View.................................................................................................................................................................... .226
Table 1-28. Rear Caster Parts List ASM 00-880889-02........................................................................................................................................... .227
Figure 1-29. Super C Image Intensifier, Camera Region Exploded View (1 of3).. ................................................................................................. .230
Table 1-29. Super C Image Intensifier, Camera Region Parts List (1 of 3).. .......................................................................................................... .231
Figure 1-30. Super C Image Intensifier, Camera Region Exploded View (2 of 3).. ................................................................................................ .233
Table 1-30. Super C Image Intensifier, Camera Region Parts List (2 of 3).. .......................................................................................................... .234
Figure 1-31. Super C Image Intensifier, Camera Region Exploded View (3 of 3).. ................................................................................................ .238
Table 1-31. Super C Image Intensifier, Camera Region Parts List (3 of 3).. .......................................................................................................... .239
Figure 1-32. Super C X-Ray Tube Region Exploded View......................................................................................................................................... .240
Table 1-32. Super C X-Ray Tube Region Parts List.. ................................................................................................................................................ .241
Figure 1-33. Super C Collimator Region Exploded View.......................................................................................................................................... .245
Table 1-33. Super C Collimator Region Parts List.................................................................................................................................................... .246
Figure 1-34. Super C Cross-Arm Exploded View....................................................................................................................................................... .248
Table 1-34. Super C Cross-Arm Parts List................................................................................................................................................................. .249
Figure 1-35. Super C Flip-Flop Exploded View........................................................................................................................................................... .252
Table 1-35. Super C Flip-Flop Parts List.. ................................................................................................................................................................... .253

OEC 9900 Elite C-Arm Motorized Drive...................................................................................................................................................................... .255

Figure 2-1. Motorized Rear Covers Regions Exploded View.. .................................................................................................................................. .256
Table 2-1. Motorized Rear Covers Regions Parts List............................................................................................................................................. .257
Figure 2-2. Electronics and Battery Regions Exploded View.................................................................................................................................. .259

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 19

Table 2-2. Electronics and Battery Regions Parts List............................................................................................................................................ .260
Figure 2-3. Card Rack Assembly Exploded View....................................................................................................................................................... .261
Table 2-3. Card Rack Assembly Parts List.. ............................................................................................................................................................... .262
Figure 2-4. High Voltage Tank Exploded View.. ......................................................................................................................................................... .265
Figure 2-5. Generator Power Tray Exploded View ................................................................................................................................................... .266
Figure 2-6. Front Interior Region Exploded View...................................................................................................................................................... .267
Table 2-6. Front Interior Region Parts List.. .............................................................................................................................................................. .268
Figure 2-7. Power Panel Assembly Exploded View................................................................................................................................................... .272
Figure 2-8. Cross-Arm Cover and Control Panel Regions Exploded View.. ........................................................................................................... .273
Table 2-8. Cross-Arm Cover and Control Panel Regions Parts List.. ..................................................................................................................... .274
Figure 2-9. Control Panel Assembly Exploded View................................................................................................................................................. .276
Figure 2-10. 9-Inch Motorized Front Covers Exploded View................................................................................................................................... .277
Table 2-10. 9-Inch Motorized Front Covers Parts List.. ........................................................................................................................................... .278
Figure 2-11. Super C Image Intensifier, Camera Region Exploded View (1 of 2).. ................................................................................................ .280
Figure 2-12. Super C Image Intensifier, Camera Region Exploded View (2 of 2).. ................................................................................................ .281
Figure 2-13. X-Ray Tube Region Exploded View (1 of 3)........................................................................................................................................... .282
Table 2-13. X-Ray Tube Region Parts List (1 of 3).. .................................................................................................................................................... .283
Figure 2-14. X-Ray Tube Region Exploded View (2 of 3)........................................................................................................................................... .285
Table 2-14. X-Ray Tube Region Parts List (2 of 3)..................................................................................................................................................... .286
Figure 2-15. X-Ray Tube Region Exploded View (3 of 3)........................................................................................................................................... .288
Table 2-15. X-Ray Tube Region Parts List (3 of 3)..................................................................................................................................................... .289
Figure 2-16. Attaching Parts Located in Flip-Flop Region Exploded View.. .......................................................................................................... .293
Table 2-16. Attaching Parts Located in Flip-Flop Region Parts List.. .................................................................................................................... .294
Figure 2-17. Upper and Lower C Weldment Regions Exploded View.................................................................................................................... .298
Table 2-17. Upper and Lower C Weldment Regions Parts List.............................................................................................................................. .299
Figure 2-18. Cross-Arm Brake and Support Cable Regions Exploded View......................................................................................................... .302
Table 2-18. Cross-Arm Brake and Support Cable Regions Parts List................................................................................................................... .303
Figure 2-19. 9-Inch Flip-Flop Region Exploded View................................................................................................................................................ .304
Table 2-19. 9-Inch Flip-Flop Region Parts List.......................................................................................................................................................... .305
Figure 2-20. 9-Inch Cross-Arm Rotation Region Exploded View............................................................................................................................ .307
Table 2-20. 9-Inch Cross-Arm Rotation Region Parts List...................................................................................................................................... .308
Figure 2-21. 9-Inch Rotational Knuckle Assembly Exploded View......................................................................................................................... .311

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 20

Table 2-21. 9-Inch Rotational Knuckle Assembly Parts List.. .................................................................................................................................. .312
Figure 2-22. Cross-Arm Housing and Lift Column Region Exploded View.. .......................................................................................................... .314
Table 2-22. Cross-Arm Housing and Lift Column Region Parts List.. .................................................................................................................... .315
Figure 2-23. Cross-Arm Housing Assembly Exploded View.................................................................................................................................... .317
Table 2-23. Cross-Arm Housing Assembly Parts List.............................................................................................................................................. .318
Figure 2-24. Common Base Region Exploded View.................................................................................................................................................. .319
Table 2-24. Common Base Region Parts List.. .......................................................................................................................................................... .320
Figure 2-25. Steering Kit Exploded View..................................................................................................................................................................... .322
Figure 2-26. 12-Inch Image Intensifier Camera Cover Region Exploded View (1 of 2)....................................................................................... .323
Table 2-26. 12-Inch Image Intensifier Camera Cover Region Parts List (1 of 2)................................................................................................. .324
Figure 2-27. 12-Inch Image Intensifier Camera Cover Region Exploded View (2 of 2)....................................................................................... .327
Table 2-27. 12-Inch Image Intensifier Camera Cover Region Parts List (2 of 2)................................................................................................. .328
Figure 2-28. 12-Inch Flip-Flop Cover Region Exploded View................................................................................................................................... .330
Table 2-28. 12-Inch Flip-Flop Cover Region Parts List.. ............................................................................................................................................ .331
Figure 2-29. 12-Inch Flip-Flop Region Exploded View.............................................................................................................................................. .332
Table 2-29. 12-Inch Flip-Flop Region Parts List.. ...................................................................................................................................................... .333
Figure 2-30. 12-Inch Cross-Arm Rotation Region Exploded View.......................................................................................................................... .335
Table 2-30. 12-Inch Cross-Arm Rotation Region Parts List.................................................................................................................................... .336
Figure 2-31. 12-Inch Rotational Knuckle Assembly Exploded View.. ..................................................................................................................... .338
Table 2-31. 12-Inch Rotational Knuckle Assembly Parts List.. ............................................................................................................................... .339
Table 2-32. Consumable Materials Parts List.. ......................................................................................................................................................... .340

OEC 9900 Elite Image Intensifier and Video Camera.. ............................................................................................................................................. .341
Table 3-1. Image Intensifier and Video Camera Parts List..................................................................................................................................... .341

OEC 9900 Elite C-Arm Active Cooling......................................................................................................................................................................... .343

Figure 4-1. Active Cooling, X-Ray Tube Area Exploded View (1 of 2)...................................................................................................................... .344
Table 4-1. Active Cooling, X-Ray Tube Area Parts List............................................................................................................................................ .345
Figure 4-2. Active Cooling, X-Ray Tube Area Exploded View (2 of2)...................................................................................................................... .346

OEC 9900 Elite Accessories.......................................................................................................................................................................................... .347

Table 5-1. Accessories Parts List................................................................................................................................................................................. .348

OEC 9900 Elite Parts List for Conversions................................................................................................................................................................. .349

Table 6-1. Parts List for Conversions.. ........................................................................................................................................................................ .349
Table 6-2. 9900 Elite Configurations Upgrade Kits Parts List.. ............................................................................................................................... .350

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 21

This manual contains information on the OEC 9900 Elite Workstation and C-Arm. This manual serves as an aid to field service engineers and technicians in
locating parts and identifying part numbers. It is not a complete parts list and should not be used as a substitute for a Bill of Materials.

NOTE: The item numbers on the illustrations do not match the item numbers on the assembly drawings or the item numbers on the Bills of Material.

Intended Audience
This manual is intended for the properly trained engineer or technician, who installs, maintains or calibrates the OEC 9900 Elite Workstation and/or C-Arm.

Removing or installing parts should not be attempted by anyone who is not specifically trained by GE Healthcare.

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 22

OEC 9900 Elite Workstation

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 23

Figure 1. Standard Workstation Front and Side Covers Exploded View

*ASM Part Only

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 24

Table 1. Standard Workstation Front and Side Covers Parts List
Item Part Number Description Qty Image

1 00-884621-01 Cover, Shelf, Lower 1

2 14-900008-00 Washer, Plain, #8 , SST, NA, ID = .170, OD = .500 6 No image

3 12-225108-06 Screw, SEMS Spring, Pan, TORX® , 8-32, 3/8 10 No image

4 00-880958-01 Mount, Lower Shelf, Right, 9800 1

Bracket, Mount, Lower Shelf

5 2 ASM only, see schematic
Available as part of ASM 5315009 ONLY

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 25

Table 1. Standard Workstation Front and Side Covers Parts List
Item Part Number Description Qty Image
6 13-311108-00 Nut, Hex-Lock-Ext-T, 8-32, SST, NA, A = .344 4 No image

7 27-590973-00 Filter, Air, Frameless, 11 X 6 X .030 2

8 89-200201-00 Velcro, Hook, PS Adhesive Backing, .50W, Black 15

9 00-886676-02 Cover, Side, Lower, Right 1

10 27-590983-00 Filter, Air, Frameless, 3.50 X 9.38 X .030 2

11 27-590974-00 Filter, Air, Frameless, 14 X 7 X .030 1

12 88-199595-00 Tape, Film, Polyester, 1w x.004T, Transparent AR No image

13 00-886496-01 Cover, Front Panel, Wide, Workstation 1

14 00-886677-02 Cover, Side, Lower, Left 1 No image

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 26

Figure 2. Rear Cover Region and Upper Side Covers Region Exploded View

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 27

Table 2. Rear Cover Region and Upper Side Covers Region Parts List
Item Part Number Description Qty Image

1 00-883712-02 Plug, Hole, .500 4

2 00-883712-01 Plug, Hole, .500 16

3 00-883714-01 Plug, Hole, .750 3

4 22-420080-00 Spacer, Round, .375L, 5/8OD, #10, Nylon 4 No image

4 13-311114-00 Nut, Hex Lock Ext T. 1/4-20 SST (Not exploded) 4 No image
5 00-875981-03 Cover, Side, Upper, Left 1 No image

6 00-886337-01 Handle, Arched, Workstation 2

6 13-311114-00 Nut, 1/4-20 (Not exploded)) 2

6 14-121114-00 Washer, 1/4” (Not exploded) 2

6 22-420080-00 Nylon Spacer (Not exploded) 2

7 27-590972-00 Filter, Air, Frameless, 6 X 6 X .188 1

8 12-225160-08 Screw, SEMS Spring, Pan, TORX, 8-32, 1/2 2 No image

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 28

Table 2. Rear Cover Region and Upper Side Covers Region Parts List
Item Part Number Description Qty Image

10 00-885160-01 Plate, Support, Clamp 1

Rear Panel Cover

(with no fasteners - order appropriate fasteners listed
11 00-886490-01 below) 1
(Note: Rear Panel Cover does not have any labeling.)

12 00-885099-01 Clamp, Bottom 1

Clamp, Top
13 00-885100-01 1
(attaches to Bottom Clamp)

14 12-215060-10 Screw, Machine, Pan, Torx, 10-32, 5/8 2 No image

14 12-211160-10 Screw, Machine, Flat, Phillips, 10-32, 5/8 2 No image
15 00-875981-04 Cover, Side, Upper, Right 1 No image
16 00-877331-01 Decal, MTG Bolt, II Tube (small hole cover) 12 No image
N/A 00-876760-01 Decal, Caster, Front (large hole cover) 1 No image

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 29

Table 2. Rear Cover Region and Upper Side Covers Region Parts List
Item Part Number Description Qty Image
17 00-887076-01 Handle, Arched, Workstation (Motorized System Only) 1

18 00-885510-01 Rail, Handle, Monitor Cart (Motorized System Only) 1

19 13-311114-00 Nut, 1/4-20 (Not exploded) 2

20 14-121114-00 Washer, 1/4” (Not exploded) 2
21 22-420080-00 Nylon Spacer (Not exploded) 2
1/4-turn Phillips head Captive Fastener
22 23-621858-00 (If not available, order Rear Panel Cover Fastener Replacement kit 8 No image
1/4-turn Phillips head Captive Fastener Retainer
23 23-620843-00 8 No image
(For systems that use 1/4-turn Phillips head Captive Fasteners)

1/4-turn Phillips head Captive Fastener Receptical

24 23-621843-00 (For systems that use 1/4-turn Phillips head Captive Fasteners) (If not 8 No image
available, order Rear Panel Cover Fastener Replacement kit 5344350.)

Rear Panel Cover Fastener Replacement kit

25 5344350 (Contains Qty. 8, 10/32 x 5/8 Torx head screws 12-225160-10 and 1 No image
Qty. 8, 10/32 Clip-on nuts 5376441)

22 12-225160-10 10/32 x 5/8 Torx head screw (to secure rear panel cover) 8 No image
10/32 Clip-on Nut
24 5376441 8 No image
(For systems that use 10/32 x 5/8 Torx head screws)
Top Front Cover
26 5368557 (If part number being replaced is not 5368557, order Top Cover 1 No image
Replacement kit 5396208FS.)
Top Rear Cover
27 5368555 (If part number being replaced is not 5370674, order Top Cover 1 No image
Replacement kit 5396208FS.)
26 Top Cover Replacement kit
5396208FS 1 No image
& 27 (Contains 5368557 and 5370674 Top Covers)

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 30

Figure 3. Base Cover, Brake Pedal and Casters Exploded View

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 31

Table 3. Base Cover, Brake Pedal and Casters Parts List
Item Part Number Description Qty Image

1 00-879149-03 Pedal, Brake, Workstation 1

2 00-876624-02 Bar, Brake 2

3 14-102014-00 Washer, Plain, 1/4, SST, .281ID, .625OD, .065T 14 No image

4 14-211114-00 Washer, Lock-Helical-Spring, 1/4, SST, MS35338- 14 No image

5 12-311114-12 Screw, NA, Socket, Hex, 1/4-20, 3/4, 8 6 No image

Cover, Base, Wide, Workstation

6 00-886493-01 1
(If 00-886493-01 is no longer available, order 5343571)

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 32

Table 3. Base Cover, Brake Pedal and Casters Parts List
Item Part Number Description Qty Image
7 12-912008-14 Screw, Metric, Hex, Cap, M8 x 1.25, 12mm, SST 4 No image
8 88-199968-00 Adhesive, Sealant, Green, 10ml, Bottle, 290 AR No image

9 00-900696-01 Caster, Lock, 5” 2

10 21-709008-00 Spring, Compression, .420 OD, .750 LG, .042 WD, SST 2 Image needed

11 00-877298-01 Pusher, Cable, 5” Caster 4

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 33

Table 3. Base Cover, Brake Pedal and Casters Parts List
Item Part Number Description Qty Image

12 00-900695-01 Caster, Swivel, 5” 2

13 12-312014-10 Screw, NA, Socket, Hex, 1/4-20, 5/8, SST 8 No image

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 34

Figure 4. Keyboard and Lower Left Chassis Region Exploded View

*ASM Part Only

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 35

Table 4. Keyboard and Lower Left Chassis Region Parts List

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

Keyboard, Assembly Workstation, Text (Mfg: AID)

Green keyboard can be replaced with either 00-886464-01
1 00-886464-01 1
(Green AID) or 5538469-01 (Blue SFO). (If 5538469-01 no longer
available, order 5538469-03)

Keyboard, Assembly Workstation, Icon (Mfg: AID)

1 00-886464-02 Green keyboard can be replaced with either 00-886464-02 1
(Green AID) or 5538469-04 (Blue SFO).

Keyboard, Assembly Workstation, Text (Mfg: SFO)

If part being replaced is not 00-886464-05, order kit 5538469-01.
1 00-886464-05 1
Blue keyboard can only be replaced with the 5538469-01 (Blue SFO).
(If 5538469-01 no longer available, order 5538469-03)

Keyboard, Assembly Workstation, Icon (Mfg: SFO)

1 00-886464-06 If part being replaced is not 00-886464-06, order kit 5538469-04. 1
Blue keyboard can only be replaced with the 5538469-04 (Blue SFO).

2 12-225106-08 Screw, SEMS Spring, Pan, TORX, 6-32, 1/2 9 No image

3 12-225104-08 Screw, SEMS Spring, Pan, TORX, 4-40, 1/2 2 No image

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 36

Table 4. Keyboard and Lower Left Chassis Region Parts List

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

4 00-902763-01 Terminal Block, 2 Black 1

5 00-902764-01 Terminal Block, 3 Black 1

6 24-389063-00 Grommet, Strip, Flex, SST/Polymer, .113 - .134 1

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 37

Table 4. Keyboard and Lower Left Chassis Region Parts List

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

7 00-887458-04* PCB, Assembly ISD - PC2


*New PN, Order 5315470

8 12-225106-06 Screw, SEMS Spring, Pan, TORX, 6-32, 3/8 1 No image

9 12-225108-06 Screw, SEMS Spring, Pan, TORX, 8-32, 3/8 4 No image

10 22-012004-00 Clamp, Cable/W, 1D, .50W, Nylon 4

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 38

Table 4. Keyboard and Lower Left Chassis Region Parts List

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

11 00-887452-01 Cable Assembly with Switch, On/Off Workstation 1

12 14-999998-00 Washer, Lock, Anti Rot 1 No image

00-886764-01* Cable Assembly, Keyboard to USB (Not exploded)

13 1

*New PN, Order 5325980FS

14 5537864 Keyboard J2 to ebox J16 USB Cable 1

14 5537864-01 Keyboard J2 to USB Hub Cable 1

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 39

Figure 5. UPS Region Exploded View

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 40

Table 5. UPS Region Parts List
Item Part Number Description Qty Image
UPS Top Bracket
1 00-886614-01 (If no longer available, order 5371816 UPS Bottom Bracket, 5390087 1 No image
UPS Corner Bracket)

UPS Bottom Bracket

2 00-886952-01 1
(Not used with 5SC1000i-Z3 UPS)

UPS Corner Bracket (mounts to UPS Top Bracket)

(If no longer available, order 5371816 UPS Bottom Bracket, 5390087
3 00-886678-01 1
UPS Corner Bracket)
(Not used with 5SC1000i-Z3 UPS)

UPS Bottom Bracket

4 5371816 (for systems manuafactured without a top bracket) 1
(Not used with 5SC1000i-Z3 UPS)

UPS Bottom Bracket

4 5641333 1
(for systems that have Eaton 5SC1000i-Z3 UPS)

UPS Corner Bracket

5 5390087 (mounts to UPS Bottom Bracket) 1
(Not used with 5SC1000i-Z3 UPS)

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 41

Table 5. UPS Region Parts List
Item Part Number Description Qty Image

6 00-886598-01 UPS Mounting Strap (all systems) 1

UPS With Batteries (all systems)

7 5196397 (If no longer available, order 5548562 UPS Without Batteries and 1
5454176 UPS Replacement Batteries)

UPS With Batteries (5SC1000i-Z3 UPS)

7 5641217 1
(for systems that have Eaton 5SC1000i-Z3 UPS)

UPS Without Batteries (all systems)

8 5548562 1
(If no longer available, order 5725581-03 9900 UPS Replacement Kit)

9900 UPS Replacement Kit

(Kit contains UPS 5641217, UPSCI board 5589836-01, Bottom Bracket
5641333, USB A to USB B Cable 5723887, Software Version 7.0.62)
8 5725581-03 Caution: Prerequiste to installing this kit, the Workstation has to 1 No image
have a PS4 electronics box power supply installed and not a PS1 &
PS2 electronics box power supply. If PS1 & PS2 is currently installed,
install a PS1 & PS2 to PS4 Replacement Kit (5654156) prior to
installing the new Eaton 5SC1000i-Z3 UPS Replacement Kit.

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 42

Table 5. UPS Region Parts List
Item Part Number Description Qty Image

UPS Replacement Batteries

(for systems that have Eaton PW5115 1400i UPS)
9 5454176 1
(Use 5436366-1EN 9900 UPS Battery Kit Installation Instructions to
replace batteries.)

UPS Replacement Batteries

9 5720760 1
(for systems that have Eaton 5SC1000i-Z3 UPS)

00-886504-01 Cable, UPS Off Switch 1

00-886667-01 Cable, UPS to CB4 1

00-887351-01 Cable, UPS to top of eBox 1

not Cable, UPS to ISD board

5191898 1
shown (Not used on systems that have 5641217 Eaton 5SC1000i-Z3 UPS)

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 43

Table 5. UPS Region Parts List
Item Part Number Description Qty Image

5327077FS Cable, UPS Off Switch to ISD board 1

5316520FS Cable, UPS to ISD board 1

not Cable, USB-A to USB-B

5723887 1
shown (For systems that have 5641217 Eaton 5SC1000i-Z3 UPS)

not UPSCI Board

5589836-01 1
shown (For systems that have 5641217 Eaton 5SC1000i-Z3 UPS)

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 44

Figure 6. Front Lower Chassis Interior Region
Exploded View

* ASM Part Only

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 45

Table 6. Front Lower Chassis Interior Region Parts List
Item Part Number Description Qty Image

PS3 Power Supply

1 5661553 (If part being removed is not 5661553, then 5724519 9900 1
Workstation PS3 Replacement Kit must be installed)

9900 Workstation PS3 Replacement Kit

1 5724519 (Contains 5661553 PS3 Power Supply, 5661867 Power Supply Fuse 1
Mounting Bracket, 5662087 AC Power Cable)

PS1 Power Supply

2 Not Available Order 5654156 PS1 and PS2 Replacement Kit (Contains 5448683 PS4 1
Power Supply, cables and mounting hardware)

PS2 Power Supply

3 Not Available Order 5654156 PS1 and PS2 Replacement Kit (Contains 5448683 PS4 1
Power Supply, cables and mounting hardware)

PS1 & PS2 to PS4 Replacement Kit

2&3 5654156 1 No image
(Contains 5448683 PS4 Power Supply, cables and mounting hardware)

4 5448683 PS4 Power Supply 1

5 5197599 Line Filter 1

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 46

Table 6. Front Lower Chassis Interior Region Parts List
Item Part Number Description Qty Image

6 5224923 Inductor Assembly 1

Isolation Transformer (Nut + Bolt type)

7 5269989 (If part being removed is not 5269989, then 5269989-2FS Isolation 1
Transformer Replacement kit must be installed)

Isolation Transformer (Connector type)

7 5269989-2 (If part being removed is not 5269989-2, then 5269989-2FS 1
Isolation Transformer Replacement kit must be installed)

Isolation Transformer Replacement kit (Connector type)

(Contains 5269989-2 Isolation Transformer, 5409328 Isolation
7 5269989-2FS Transformer to ISD Board & CB3/4 Cable and 5395262 Isolation 1
Transformer to Surge Suppressor Cable)

8 22-012004-00 Cable Clamp 1

Surge Suppressor Board

(If no longer available, order 5435553-06 Surge Suppressor Board)
9 5340092FS 1
(If part being removed is not 5340092FS or 5435553-06, then
5401951FS Surge Suppressor Replacement Kit must be installed)

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 47

Table 6. Front Lower Chassis Interior Region Parts List
Item Part Number Description Qty Image
Surge Suppressor Replacement Kit
not (If no longer available, order 5401951-01 Surge Suppressor
5401951FS Replacement Kit) 1 No image
shown (Contains 5340092FS or 5435553-06 Surge Suppressor Board
and 5326013 Transformer to Surge Suppressor Cable)

not Cable, Isolation Transformer to Surge Suppressor

5326013FS (For systems that have 00-886085-03/04/05 Surge Suppressor and 1 No image
shown bolts on Isolation Transformer)

not Cable, Isolation Transformer to Surge Suppressor

5395262 (For systems that have 5340092 Surge Suppressor and connectors 1
shown on Isolation Transformer)

not Cable, Isolation Transformer to Surge Suppressor

00-887906-02 1 No image
shown (For systems that have 00-886085-03/04/05 Surge Suppressor)

not Cable, Isolation Transformer to ISD Board & CB3/4

5409328 1 No image
shown (For systems that have connectors on Isolation Transformer)

not Cable, Isolation Transformer to ISD Board & CB3/4

00-881062-01 1 No image
shown (For systems that have bolts on Isolation Transformer)

Power Supply Fuse Mounting Bracket

10 00-887088-01 1
(For systems that have PS3 Power Supply other than 5661553)

Power Supply Fuse Mounting Bracket

10 5661867 1
(For systems that have 5661553 PS3 Power Supply)

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 48

Table 6. Front Lower Chassis Interior Region Parts List
Item Part Number Description Qty Image

5196804 Cable, Line Filter 1 to Circuit Breaker 1 1

5483474 Cable, eBox to ISD to Surge Suppressor 1

5404996FS Cable, PS4 Power Splitter, 24-pin 1

5404998FS Cable, PS4 Power Splitter, 8-pin 1

not Cable, PS3 AC Input Power Cable

5662087 1
shown (For systems that have 5661553 PS3 Power Supply)

not Cable, PS3 AC Input Power Cable

00-887085-02 1
shown (For systems that have PS3 Power Supply other than 5661553)

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 49

Figure 7. Power Cord and Interconnect
Cable Region Exploded View

* ASM Part Only

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 50
Table 7. Power Cord and Interconnect Cable Region Parts List

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

Cable Assembly, Power Cord 120V 15A 20 FT,
1 5342150 1
(For non-motorized systems, the 51-134994-00 NEMA 5-15P option is
available to order)

Cable Assembly, Power Cord 100V 20A 20 FT,

1 5342154 1
(For motorized systems, the 51-134996-00 NEMA 5-20P option is
available to order)

Cable Assembly, Power Cord 230V 10A 30FT,

1 5304823 1

Cable Assembly, Power Cord 230V 15A 20FT,

1 5304428 1

Cable Assembly, Power Cord 230V 13A 30FT,

1 5304528 1

Cable Assembly, Power Cord 230V 10A 30FT,

1 5318497 1

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 51

Table 7. Power Cord and Interconnect Cable Region Parts List

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

Cable Assembly, Power Cord 230V 15A 30FT,

1 5304930 1

5197604 Cable Assembly, Power Cord 230V 10A 30FT,

1 1

Cable Assembly, Power Cord 230V 15A 30FT,

1 5197606 1
TYPE GB 1002

Cable Assembly, Power Cord 230V 15A 30FT,

1 5331424FS 1

Cable Assembly, Power Cord 230V 10A 30FT,

1 5337057FS 1

Cable Assembly, Power Cord 230V 10A 30FT,

1 5346331 1
AFSNIT 107-2-D1

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 52

Table 7. Power Cord and Interconnect Cable Region Parts List

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

Cable Assembly, Power Cord 120V 20A 20FT,

1 5404053FS 1
NBR 14136

Cable Assembly, Power Cord 230V 10A 30FT,

1 5404055FS 1
NBR 14136

Cable Assembly, Power Cord 230V 10A 20FT,

1 5439237 1

2 12-215006-08 Screw, SEMS Spring, Pan, TORX, 6-32, 1/2 8 No image

3 55-700452-00 Circuit Breaker, 10A, DPST, 125/250 VAC, Panel 1

4 55-700481-00 Circuit Breaker, 8.5A, DPST, 125 VAC/32 VDC, Panel 1

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 53

Table 7. Power Cord and Interconnect Cable Region Parts List

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

Cable Assembly, Workstation, Interconnect, 20 Feet,


5 1

*New PN Order 5335509

Cable Assembly, Workstation, Interconnect, 30 Feet,

5 5335510 1

Plate, Cover, Upper Shelf

6 1 ASM only, see schematic
Available as part of ASM 5459715-(01,02,03,04,05) ONLY
7 13-311160-00 Nut, Hex-Lock-Ext-T, 10-32, SST, NA, A= .37 2 No image
8 14-101114-00 Washer, Plain,1/4,SZC,ID .281,OD .625 1 No image
9 12-225160-10 Screw, NA, Socket, Hex, 10-32, 5/8 1 No image
10 13-311114-00 Nut, Hex-Lock-Ext-T, ¼ - 20, SST, NA, A = .4 4 No image
11 14-121114-00 Washer, Plain, 1/4, SST, MS15795-810, ID = .276 4 No image
12 00-901435-03 Seal, Air Duct, 1.0” AR No image

13 22-012106-00 Clamp, Cable/W, .437 x .39SQ, .219W, Nylon 2

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 54

Figure 8. Electronics Rack and Fans Region Exploded View

*ASM Part Only

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 55

Table 8. Electronics Rack and Fans Region Parts List

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

1 20-839926-00 Guard, Finger, Fan 1

2 13-311106-00 Nut, Hex-Lock-Ext-T, 6-32,Sst, NA, A = .313 8 No image

3 12-225108-06 Screw, SEMS Spring, Pan, TORX, 8-32, 3/8 3 No image

4 00-886884-01 Assembly, Fan, 12v, DVD 1

5 12-225104-14 Screw, SEMS Spring, Pan, TORX, 4-40, 7/8 4 No image

6 00-886668-01 Assembly, Fan, 115vac 1

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 56

Table 8. Electronics Rack and Fans Region Parts List

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

7 20-839958-00 Fan, Axial, 230 VAC, 76 CFM, 1950 RPM 2

Mount, Fans, Electronics Enclosure

8 1

Available as part of ASM 00-886742-01 ONLY

9 12-225106-26 Screw, SEMS, Spring, Pan TORX, 6-32, 1-3/4 8 No image
10 12-225106-06 Screw, SEMS Spring, Pan, TORX, 6-32, 3/8 2 No image

11 00-886501-01 Cable Assembly, Fans, 220 VAC (Not exploded) 1

N/A 5439807 Arm, Enclosure Electronics 1 No image

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 57

Figure 9. Electronics Rack Exploded View (1 of 2)


* *

*ASM Part Only

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 58
Table 9. Electronics Rack Parts List (1 of 2)
Item Part Number Description Qty Image
1 ASM ONLY Jack Screw, 4-40 x .25 Long 3 No image

Cable Assembly, Display Control-Ext Video

2 00-885999-01 1
(Wires Not exploded)

2 5260884 Cover BNC, Connector 3

Isolated Interface Board

00-887455-02 (Note: The External Interface Board has been replaced by the 1
Isolated Interface Board.)

5339412 Breakaway Cable 1

3 5260569 Cover, 9 Pin D-Sub Connector 1

3 5260570 Cover, 15 Pin D-Sub Connector 2

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 59

Table 9. Electronics Rack Parts List (1 of 2)
Item Part Number Description Qty Image

4 22-120012-00 Clamp, Cable Ribbon Quick Lock, .75 x 3.00, Nylon 3

5 22-120016-00 Clamp, Cable Ribbon Quick Lock, .62 x 1.75, Nylon 5

6 ASM ONLY Clamp, Cable Ribbon Quick Lock, .39 x 2.64, Nylon 2 ASM part, see schematic

7 22-012001-00 Clamp, Cable/W, 1-1/2 D, .50W, Nylon 7

8 12-225108-06 Screw, SEMS Spring, Pan, TORX, 8-32, 3/8 4 No image

9 13-311108-00 Nut, Hex-Lock-Ext-T, 8-32, SST, NA, A = .344 2 No image
10 22-012102-00 Clamp, Cable /W, .437 x .75sq, .219W, Nylon 2 See image above

11 ASM ONLY Grommet, Strip, Flex, Nylon, .055 - .071 1 ASM only, see schematic

12 ASM ONLY Washer, Plain, #8, SZC, NA, ID = .172, OD = .750 4 ASM only, see schematic

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 60

Table 9. Electronics Rack Parts List (1 of 2)
Item Part Number Description Qty Image
13 ASM ONLY Bushing, Shoulder, Vibration Damping, .280ID 4 ASM only, see schematic

System Hard Drive

(If 5328097-01 is no longer available, order 5328097-02) (If System
Hard Drive being replaced is not 5328097-01 or 5328097-02, order
14 5328097-01 1
9900 System Hard Drive and USB Hub Replacement Kit as shown

9900 System Hard Drive and Hub Replacement Kit

14 5628138-03 (Contains System Hard Drive, USB Hub & 7.0.62 software) 1
(If 5628138-03 is no longer available, order 5628138-05)

CINE Hard Drive (Fibre Channel interface)

15 Not Available (No longer available. Order CINE Bridge Board Kit as shown in 1
Table 10)

CINE Hard Drive (SATA interface)

15 5388871 1
(If 5388871 is no longer available, order 5388871-01)

15 ASM ONLY T-Card, Fiber Channel (Not exploded) 1 No image

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 61

Table 9. Electronics Rack Parts List (1 of 2)
Item Part Number Description Qty Image
16 ASM ONLY Bushing, Washer, Vibration Damping, .450ID 4 No image

17 5329329 Hard Drive Bracket Mount 1

00-886781-01 Assembly, Cable, SATA, STR-RA, 0.5M (Not exploded) 1

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 62

Figure 10. Electronics Rack Exploded View (2 of 2)

*ASM Part Only

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 63

Table 10. Electronics Rack Parts List (2 of 2)

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

1 5366274 8-Slot Backplane 1

12-Slot Backplane
1 5251751 (If not available, order 5504239FS for systems without VCSI board or 1
5446725FS for systems with VCSI board)

8-Slot Backplane Update Kit with PS4 and VCSI board

(For systems that have Video Controller and Systems Interface boards
1 5504239FS (Contains 5366724 8-Slot Backplane, 5448683 PS4 Power Supply, 1 No image
5472420 VCSI board)
(Note: VCSI Board not compatible with Texas Instruments camera.
Update to 5194759 CCD camera.)

8-Slot Backplane Update Kit with PS4

1 5447293FS (For systems that have a VCSI board installed.) 1 No image
(Contains 5366724 8-Slot Backplane, 5448683 PS4 Power Supply)

2 00-888856-01 Board Retainer 1

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 64

Table 10. Electronics Rack Parts List (2 of 2)

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

3 00-886081-02 Backplane Mount 1

4 5472420 VCSI Board 1

Video Control Board

(If not available, order 5504239FS)
5 00-888920-01 1
(Contains 5366724 8-Slot Backplane, 5448683 PS4 Power Supply),
5472420 VCSI Board

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 65

Table 10. Electronics Rack Parts List (2 of 2)

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

System Interface Board

(If not available, order 5504239FS)
6 00-879056-05 1
(Contains 5366724 8-Slot Backplane, 5448683 PS4 Power Supply,
5472420 VCSI Board)

8-Slot Backplane Update Kit with PS4 and VCSI Board

(For systems that have Video Controller and Systems Interface boards
5&6 5504239FS (Contains 5366724 8-Slot Backplane, 5448683 PS4 Power Supply, 1 No image
5472420 VCSI board)
(Note: VCSI Board not compatible with Texas Instruments camera.
Update to 5194759 CCD camera.)

7 5263643 RTOS Single Board Computer 1

N/A 5758243 Fan for 5197225, 5263643 RTOS Single Board Computer 1 No image

8 5273045-01 Image Processor Board 1 No image

9 5268480 Display Adapter Board 1

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 66

Table 10. Electronics Rack Parts List (2 of 2)

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

CINE Bridge Board
(If no longer available, order 5589851-01 or 5797489-01 CINE Bridge
10 5309876 Board) 1
(If part being removed is not 5309876, 5589851-01 or 5797489-01,
order CINE Bridge Board Kit as shown below)

CINE Bridge Board Kit

10 5431491-03 (Contains CINE Bridge Board, SATA Hard Drive and system software) 1 No image
(If no longer available, order 5431491-05 CINE Bridge Board Kit)

GPOS Single Board Computer

(Only works with 7-port USB Hub)
11 5561609 1
(If part being removed is not 5561609, order GPOS Board
Replacement Kit as shown below)

GPOS Board Replacement Kit

11 5720994-03 (Contains GPOS Board, USB Hub and 7.0.62 system software) 1 No image
(If 5720994-03 is no longer available, order 5720994-05)

11 5346729 Battery Replacement Date Label 1 No image

N/A 5758243 Fan for 5197226, 5266165 GPOS Single Board Computer 1 No image

N/A 5757839 Fan for 5561609 GPOS Single Board Computer 1 No image

not Cable, eBox P8 to ISD Board P8 and P6 and Surge

5483474 1
shown Suppressor Board P3

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 67

Figure 11. Electronics Rack Cable Assemblies Locations

Note: Cables listed in the Table 11 parts list are not shown in Figure 11 for clarity.
See 00-885899DDW for Workstation Interconnect Diagrams.

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 68

Table 11. Electronics Rack Cable Assemblies Parts List

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

00-886142-01* Cable Assembly, VC Vortex-IP

1 1

*New PN, Order 5327070FS

2 00-886143-01 Cable Assembly, Vortex-IP Vortex-DA 1

00-886144-01* Cable Assembly, Vortex-IP CINE

3 1

*New PN, Order 5327378FS

4 5215547 Cable Assembly, LPT1 1

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 69

Table 11. Electronics Rack Cable Assemblies Parts List

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

5 00-886661-02 Cable, Assembly, SBC TO SBC Ethernet 1

6 5554964 Cable, Assembly, Backplane J5 to J1, J2 1

7 00-886338-01 Cable Assembly, Systems I/F - EMI Box 1

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 70

Table 11. Electronics Rack Cable Assemblies Parts List

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

8 00-889034-01 Cable Assembly, Ethernet, SBC-EXT I-F, 9900 1

Cable Assembly, Video Controller or VCSI to eBox

9 5560914 1
P3 & P4

10 00-886687-01 Cable Assembly, SBC-Vortex DA 1

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 71

Table 11. Electronics Rack Cable Assemblies Parts List

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

11 00-886687-02 Cable Assembly, R to S SBC-Vortex DA 1

12 00-886655-01 Cable Assembly, System I/F- EMI Box, IR 1

13 00-887000-01 Cable Assembly, System INT-EMI Box 1

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 72

Table 11. Electronics Rack Cable Assemblies Parts List

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

5220508* Assembly, Cable, Fiber Channel

14 1

*New PN, order 5330346FS

15 5316516 Cable, Backplane to RTOS 1

16 5316856 Cable, Power Good, Backplane P9 to GPOS J1 1

Cable, Power Good, Backplane P9 to GPOS J2/J3/J4

16 00-887314-01 1
(Only for systems with 5561609 GPOS board.)

17 00-887153-01 Cable, Backplane to Video Control board 1

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 73

Table 11. Electronics Rack Cable Assemblies Parts List

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

18 00-887539-03 Assembly Cable, USB, E-Box to S-Bracket 1

19 00-885999-01 Cable Assembly, DISP Control-EXT Video 1

20 00-886136-02 Cable Assembly, System Interface To Ext Interface 1

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 74

Table 11. Electronics Rack Cable Assemblies Parts List

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

21 00-886137-02 Cable Assembly, System Interface To Ext Interface 1

22 00-886688-01 Cable Assembly, Vortex DA-ENCL, WS Left/Right 1

23 00-886688-04 Cable Assembly, Vortex DA-ENCL, WS Left/Right 1

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 75

Table 11. Electronics Rack Cable Assemblies Parts List

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

24 00-886688-03 Cable Assembly, Vortex DA-ENCL, WS Left/Right 1

25 00-886479-02 Cable Assembly, 12V, BPLN-SBC 1

26 00-879463-01 Cable Assembly, Video Control-System Interface 1

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 76

Table 11. Electronics Rack Cable Assemblies Parts List

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

27 00-886853-01 Assembly, Cable, Video Control -VCR, RS170 1

Cable Assembly, Chassis Ground

28 1 ASM only, see schematic
Available as part of ASM 00-886659-01, 02, 5443245 ONLY

29 00-887154-01 Cable Assembly, Power OK, BPLN-SBC 1

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 77

Figure 12. Monitor Covers Region Exploded View

*ASM Part Only

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 78

Table 12. Monitor Covers Region Parts List

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

00-886792-01* Cover, Workstation, Top, Front

1 1

*New PN, Order 5368557FS

2 00-883712-01 Plug, Hole, .500 6

3 12-225108-20 Screw, SEMS Spring, Pan, TORX, 8-32, 1, SZC 2 No image

4 5431497 Assembly Monitor Guard, Right 1 No image
5 5431496 Assembly Monitor Guard, Left 1 No image
12 5341873 Mount, Monitor Guard 2 No image

00-886791-01* Cover, Workstation, Top, Rear

6 1

*New PN, Order 5368557

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 79

Table 12. Monitor Covers Region Parts List

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

00-886793-01* Cover, Workstation, Top, Lower

7 1

*New PN, Order 5374725FS

8 12-225108-08 Screw, SEMS Spring, Pan, TORX, 8-32, 1/2 4 No image

9 00-886884-01 Assembly, Fan, 12v, DVD 1

10 ASM ONLY Screw, SEMS Spring, Pan, TORX, 4-40, 7/8 4 No image
5220784* Cable Assembly, Workstation FPD

11 1
*New PN, Order 5335442

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 80

Figure 13. Monitor Region Exploded View, 1 of 5


* *ASM Part Only

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 81

Table 13. Monitor Region Parts List (1 of 5)

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

1 00-886805-01 Strain Relief, USB Hub, Bottom (4-Port Hub) 1

2 ASM ONLY Strip, Foam Tape 1 ASM only, see schematic

(If USB Hub being replaced is not 5444876-01 7-Port USB Hub or
5444876-02 4-Port USB Hub, order CD-DVD Drive, DVD Adapter and
3 5444876-02 1
Hub Replacement Kit as shown below) (If replacing 5444876-01
7-Port USB Hub with 5444876-02 4-Port USB Hub, then the USB Hub
Bracket will also need to be replaced with 5736675)

(If replacing 5444876-01 7-Port USB Hub or 5444876-02 4-Port USB
3 5809751 1
Hub with 5809751 4-Port USB Hub, then the USB Hub Bracket will
also need to be replaced with 5807941)

CD-DVD Drive, DVD Adapter and Hub Replacement Kit

3 5499894-04 (Contains DVD Drive, DVD Adapter, USB Hub, cable & 7.0.62 software) 1 No image
(If 5499894-02 is no longer available, order 5499894-04)

4 00-886575-01 Bracket, USB Hub (4-Port Hub) 1 No image

Bracket, USB Hub (7-Port Hub)

4 5589382 (For systems that use USB Hub 5444876-01) 1

Bracket, USB Hub (4-Port Hub)

4 5736675 (For systems that use USB Hub 5444876-02) 1

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 82

Table 13. Monitor Region Parts List (1 of 5)

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

Bracket, USB Hub (4-Port Hub)

4 5807941 (For systems that use USB Hub 5809751) 1

5 12-225108-08 Screw, SEMS Spring, Pan, TORX, 8-32, 1/2, 17 No image

6 00-886804-01 Strain Relief, USB Hub, Top (4-Port Hub) 1

7 5393650 Bracket, Speaker Box 1

8 75-149930-00 Speaker, Audio, Bay 1

9 22-119606-00 Clamp, Cable Tie Mount, Nylon 1

10 22-012000-00 Clamp, Cable /W, 3/4d, .50W, Nylon 4

11 12-225303-08 Screw, Metric SEMS, Pan, TORX, M3 x 0.5,6 mm 8 No image
Bracket, Mount, Hard, DVD
12 1 ASM only, see schematic
Available as part of ASM 5459715-(01,02,03,04,05) ONLY

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 83

Table 13. Monitor Region Parts List (1 of 5)

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

CD-DVD Drive
5393289-01 (If CD-DVD drive being replaced is not 5393289-01, then 5499894-02
13 1
(Part of 5499894-02) CD-DVD Drive, DVD Adapter and Hub Replacement Kit must
be ordered)

CD-DVD Drive, DVD Adapter and Hub Replacement Kit

13 5499894-02 (Contains 5393289-01 DVD Drive, 5482106-01 DVD Adapter, 1
5444876-01 USB Hub, 5554964 cable & 7.0.62 software)
14 ASM ONLY Tape, Foam, Acrylic, ¾ W X .045 Thick AR ASM only, see schematic
DVD Adapter
5482106-01 (If DVD adapter being replaced is not 5482106-01, then 5499894-02
15 1
(Part of 5499894-02) CD-DVD Drive, DVD Adapter and Hub Replacement Kit must
be ordered)

CD-DVD Drive, DVD Adapter and Hub Replacement Kit

15 5499894-02 (Contains 5393289-01 DVD Drive, 5482106-01 DVD Adapter, 1
5444876-01 USB Hub, 5554964 cable & 7.0.62 software)

16 12-225160-12 Screw, Mach, Flat, TORX, 10-32, 1/2 6 No image

17 12-225104-08 Screw, SEMS Spring, Pan, TORX , 4-40, 1/2 2 No image

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 84

Table 13. Monitor Region Parts List (1 of 5)

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

18 00-902811-01 Terminal Block, 4 Black With Chassis 1

19 22-120015-00 Clamp, Cable Ribbon Quick Lock, .40 x 3.06, Nylon 2

20 13-311106-00 Nut, Hex-Lock-EXT-T, 6-32, SST, NA, A = .313 2 No image

Cable Assembly, System/UPS Switch (Wiring not

21 00-886504-01 1

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 85

Table 13. Monitor Region Parts List (1 of 5)

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

Bracket, Rear, Cover
22 1 ASM only, see schematic
Available as part of ASM 5459715-01,02,03,04,05 ONLY

23 Cover, DVD EMI 1
(Part of 5499894-02)

24 ASM ONLY Clamp, Cable Tie MKR, 3/32 x 4, Nylon 1 ASM only, see schematic

00-887763-01* Cable Assembly, ISD PCB-UPS Off Switch (Not exploded)

25 1

*New PN, Order 5327077FS

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 86

Figure 14. Monitor Region Exploded View (2 of 5) *ASM Part Only

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 87

Table 14. Monitor Region Parts List (2 of 5)

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

1 00-883714-01 Plug, Hole, .750 3

Assembly, Spring Arm

2 00-886869-01 1
(I no longer available, order 5543203-01 Articulating Arm Kit)

3 88-299477-00-OEC Lube, Grease, General Purpose, 14.1oz, Cartridge AR No image

4 ASM ONLY Bearing, Thrust-Washer, 1.500 ID, 2.187 OD, .092 WD 2 ASM only, see schematic
5 ASM ONLY Bearing, Needle-Roller, 1.500 ID, 2.187 OD, .0781 WD 1 ASM only, see schematic

6 00-886903-01 Block, End Stop, Spring Assembly 1

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 88

Table 14. Monitor Region Parts List (2 of 5)

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

7 12-225104-08 Screw, SEMS Spring, Pan, TORX, 4-40, 1/2 10 No image
Plate, Cover
8 1 ASM only, see schematic
Available as part of ASM 00-888200-01,02 ONLY
9 12-215008-08 Screw, Machine, Flat, TORX, 8-32, 1/2 1 No image

10 00-887184-01 Main Pivot Stop Screw 1

11 - Loctite 243 AR

12 00-887349-01 Bracket, Extension Arm Grommet, Top 1

13 ASM ONLY Bracket, Extension Arm Grommet, Bottom 1

14 12-225108-08 Screw, SEMS Spring, Pan, TORX, 8-32, 1/2 2 No image

15 ASM ONLY Washer, Arm, Extension 1 ASM only, see schematic
16 ASM ONLY Bearing, Needle-Roller 2.500 ID, 3.250 OD, .0781 WD 2 ASM only, see schematic
17 ASM ONLY Bearing, Thrust-Washer, 2.500 ID, 3.250 OD, .092 WD 3 ASM only, see schematic
18 12-225160-12 Screw, SEMS Spring, Pan, TORX, 10-32, 3/4 6 No image

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 89

Table 14. Monitor Region Parts List (2 of 5)

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

00-886859-01* Assembly, Pivot, Arm, Monitor

19 1

*New PN, Order 5392347FS

20 ASM ONLY Nut, Lock, Bearing, 2.157-18, Steel ZN 2 ASM only, see schematic
Assembly, Extension Arm
21 00-886981-01 1 No image
(If no longer available, order 5543203-01 Articulating Arm Kit)

Assembly, Extension Arm

21 5543065 1
(part of Articulating Arm Kit 5543203-01)

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 90

Figure 15. Monitor Region Exploded View (3 of 5)

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 91

Table 15. Monitor Region Parts List (3 of 5)

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

1 88-299477-00-OEC Lube, Grease, GP,14.1 oz, Crtg AR No image

2 00-886822-01 Pin, Wrist, Tilt Knuckle 1

00-888923-01* Assembly, Tilt Knuckle, Balanced

3 1

*New PN, Order 5397915

4 00-887012-01 Washer, End Cap 1 No image
5 13-311108-00 Nut, Hex-Lock-Ext-T, 8-32, SST, NA, A = .344 12 No image

6 22-012002-00 Clamp, Cable/W, 5/8D, 50W, Nylon 6

7 88-199020-00 Tape, Film, UHM w ¾ W X .012 Thick 1 No image

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 92

Table 15. Monitor Region Parts List (3 of 5)

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

8 00-886803-01 Latch Bail 1

9 12-225108-08 Screw, SEMS Spring, Pan, TORX, 8-32, 1/2 9 No image

10 12-225108-06 Screw, SEMS Spring, Pan, TORX, 8-32, 3/8 3 No image

11 00-886823-01 Retainer, Wrist Pin 1

12 00-886886-01 Bracket, Grommet, Cable 1

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 93

Table 15. Monitor Region Parts List (3 of 5)

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

13 00-887349-01 Bracket, Extension Arm Grommet, Top 1

14 12-225305-14 Screw, Metric SEMS, Pan, TORX, M4 x 0.7, 12mm 8 No image

15 00-886682-01 Cable Cover 1

00-887001-01* Assembly, Monitor Access Cover

16 1

*New PN, Order 5443128

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 94

Table 15. Monitor Region Parts List (3 of 5)

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

17 00-883712-01 Plug, Hole, .500 4

18 00-887002-01* Assembly Monitor Receptacle Access Cover


*New PN, Order 5438116

19 12-225108-10 Screw, SEMS Spring, Pan, TORX, 8-32, 5/8 2 No image

00-886810-01* Monitor Assembly, Docking, Latch

20 1

*New PN, Order 5314435

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 95

Table 15. Monitor Region Parts List (3 of 5)

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

00-886995-03* Cable Assembly, Chassis Ground (Not exploded)

21 1

*New PN, Order 5314435

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 96

Figure 16. Monitor Region Exploded View (4 of 5)

*ASM Part Only

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 97

Table 16. Monitor Region Parts List (4 of 5)
Item Part Number Description Qty Image
1 12-225108-06 Screw, SEMS Spring, Pan, TORX, 8-32, 3/8 5 No image

2 00-886625-01 Cover, IR Bezel 1

3 00-886378-01 Lens, Clear, IR Bezel 1

4 13-311106-00 Nut, Hex-Lock-Ext-T, 6-32, SST, NA, A = .313 2 No image

Bracket, IR Bezel PCB
5 1 ASM only, see schematic
Available as part of ASM 5459715-01,02,03,04,05 ONLY

6 12-225108-08 Screw, SEMS Spring, Pan, TORX, 8-32,1/2 8 No image

Mounting Plate, IR Bezel
7 1 ASM only, see schematic
Available as part of SM 5459715-01,02,03,04,05 ONLY
8 13-311108-00 Nut, Hex-Lock-Ext-T, 8-32, SST, NA, A = .344 2 No image
9 12-225104-08 Screw, SEMS Spring, Pan, TORX, 4-40, 1/2 4 No image

10 5304305 PCB, Assembly, X-Ray Led Lamp 2

11 12-225106-08 Screw, SEMS Spring, Pan, TORX, 6-32, 1/2 2 No image

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 98

Table 16. Monitor Region Parts List (4 of 5)
Item Part Number Description Qty Image

00-886610-01* PCB Assembly, IR-Rec-X-Ray-On

12 1

*New PN, Order 5340095

18 Inch Right Monochrome Monitor

13 5364343R (If no longer available, order 5433639 18 inch to 19 inch Monitor 1
Upgrade Kit)

18 Inch Right Color Monitor

13 5364344R (If no longer available, order 5433639 18 inch to 19 inch Monitor 1
Upgrade Kit)

18 Inch Left Monochrome Monitor

14 5364342R (If no longer available, order 5433639 18 inch to 19 inch Monitor 1
Upgrade Kit)

18 Inch to 19 inch Monitor Upgrade Kit

(Contains 5505992 19 inch Left Monochrome Monitor and 5505990
19 inch Right Color Monitor along with associated hardware to mount
13&14 5433639 1
the monitors.)
(For kits that do not contain paper instructions, download and use
instructions part number 5433284-8EN.)

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 99

Table 16. Monitor Region Parts List (4 of 5)
Item Part Number Description Qty Image

15 00-886821-01 Grip, Monitor Handle 2

16 00-883712-02 Plug, Hole, .500 4

Retainer, USB Connector

17 1 ASM only, see schematic
Available as part of ASM 5459715-01,02,03,04,05 ONLY

18 00-887106-01 Cable Assembly, X-ray On Lamp (Not exploded) 1

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 100

Figure 17. Monitor Region Exploded View (5 of 5)


*ASM Part Only

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 101

Table 17. Monitor Region Parts List (5 of 5)

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

1 12-225108-08 Screw, SEMS Spring, Pan, TORX, 8-32, 1/2 19 No image

2 00-886465-01 Cover, Keyboard, Bottom 1

Mount, Monitor Latch

3 1 ASM only, see schematic
Available as part of ASM 00-886069-02 ONLY
Shroud, Fan, DVD
4 1 ASM only, see schematic
Available as part of ASM 00-886069-02 ONLY
Mount Block, Monitor Guard
5 2 ASM only, see schematic
Available as part of ASM 00-886069-02 ONLY
Frame, Pivot, Arm
6 1 ASM only, see schematic
Available as part of ASM 00-886069-02 ONLY
7 12-311116-12 Screw, NA, Socket, Hex, 3/8-16, 3/4, 8 4 No image
Clip, Spring, Keyboard/Bezel
8 1 ASM only, see schematic
Available as part of ASM 00-886069-02 ONLY
9 ASM ONLY Bracket, Top Cover, Support 1 ASM only, see schematic
Bracket, Spring, DVD
10 1 ASM only, see schematic
Available as part of ASM 00-886069-01 ONLY
Bracket, Monitor Cover
11 2 ASM only, see schematic
Available as part of ASM 00-886069-02 ONLY
12 13-311160-00 Nut, Hex-Lock-Ext-T, 10-32, SST, NA, A = .37 19 No image

13 00-880934-01 Bracket, Upper Mount, Rear Panel 2

14 13-311108-00 Nut, Hex-Lock-Ext-T, 8-32, SST, NA, A = .344 4 No image

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 102

Figure 18. Updated Tilt Knuckle and Spring Arm Exploded View

*ASM Part Only

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 103

Table 18. Updated Tilt Knuckle and Spring Arm Parts List (Upgrade Kit 5543203)
Item Part Number Description Qty Image

1 5397915FS Tilt Knuckle Assembly 1

2 12-225108-08 Torx Head Screw, 8-32 x 1/2 4 No image

3 12-312060-20 Hex Head Screw, 10-32 x 1 2 No image

5 5397914FS Assembly, Spring Arm 1

6 12-225160-12 Torx Head Screw, 10-32 x 1 1/4 4 No image

7 88-299477-00-OEC Lube, Grease, General Purpose, 14.1oz, Cartridge AR No image

8 5543065 Extension Arm 1

9 5404300 Hex Head Screw, 3/8-16 x 1/2 1 No image

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 104

Table 18. Updated Tilt Knuckle and Spring Arm Parts List (Upgrade Kit 5543203)
Item Part Number Description Qty Image
10 00-887184-01 Stop, Main Pivot 1

11 - Loctite 243 AR

12 12-225160-12 Screw, SEMS Spring Pan TORX, 10-32, ¾ 6 No image

13 5392347FS Monitor Pivot Arm 1

14 ASM ONLY Nut, Lock, bearing, 2.157-18, Steel 2 ASM only, see schematic
14 5398413 Cable Guide (Not exploded) 1 No image
14 5398330 Extension Arm Pivot Cover (Not exploded) 1 No image
14 5398415 Cable Clamp 1 No image
15 12-312060-20 10-32 x 1” Stainless Steel Socket Head Cap Screw 4 No image
16 5398413 Cable Guide 1 No image
17 5398330 Extension Arm Cover 1 No image

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 105

Figure 19. 19-Inch Monitors Exploded View

*ASM Part Only

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 106
Table 19. 19-Inch Monitor Region Parts List

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

19 Inch Left Monochrome Monitor

1 5505992 1
(If monitor being replaced is not 5505992, then order 5431894R)

19 Inch Right Monitor

1 5505990 (If monitor being replaced is not 5505990, then order 5431895R for 1
Monochrome or 5431896R for Color)

Retainer, USB Connector

2 1 ASM part, see schematic
Avaialble as part of ASM 5459715-01,02,03,04,05 ONLY
3 12-225108-06 Screw, SEMS Spring, Pan, TORX, 8-32, 3/8 4 No image

4 00-886821-01 Grip, Monitor Handle 1

5 12-225108-08 Screw, SEMS Spring, Pan, TORX, 8-32,1/2 8 No image

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 107

Table 19. 19-Inch Monitor Region Parts List

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

6 00-883712-02 Plug, Hole, .500 1

7 88-199020-00 Tape, Film, UHM w ¾ W X .012 Thick 1 No image

8 5431498 Latch Bail 2

9 00-886886-01 Bracket, Grommet, Cable 1

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 108

Table 19. 19-Inch Monitor Region Parts List

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

10 5431499 Cable Cover 1

11 12-225305-14 Screw, Metric SEMS, Pan, TORX, M4 x 0.7, 12mm 8 No image

12 5458116 ASM, Monitor Access Cover, 19 Inch 1

13 5443128 Monitor Receptacle Access Cover 1

Table 20. Printers

Part Number Description

5561029 Kit, Upgrade, Hybrid Graphic Printer, UP-898MD, with Cables, 9800, 9900 (if no longer available, order 5561029-01)
5561030 Kit, Upgrade, Hybrid Graphic Printer, UP-971AD, with Cables, 9800, 9900 (if no longer available, order 5561030-01)
5561031 Kit, Upgrade, Hybrid Graphic Printer, UP- 991AD, with Cables, 9800, 9900 (if no longer available, order 5561031-01)

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 109

Table 21. Ultrasound Install Kit Parts List
Item Part Number Description Qty Image
1 5438945 Kit, Printer, Sony, UP-D897 (Venue 40 only) 1 No image

2 5452165 ASM, Frame, Internal, Top 1

3 5436774 ASM, Frame, Internal, Back 1

4 5443573 ASM, Mounting, ultrasound 1

5 5446752 Gas spring 4-12, 60MM Stroke, 30 LB. 2

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 110

Table 21. Ultrasound Install Kit Parts List
Item Part Number Description Qty Image

6 5462271 Block, Bearing, LNR HRW21 1

7 5452011 Rail, Bearing, LNR, HRW21, 380MM 1

8 5441143 Holder, Transducer, Ultrasound 1

9 5437974 Bracket, Terminal Block 1

10 5457738 ASM, Power CNCT, Ultrasound 1 No image

11 5438688 Cable ASM, Workstation FPD with Ultrasound 1 No image
12 5453667 Cable ASM, Left Angle, IEC60320-C13, Printer, RoHS 1 No image
13 5454487 Cable ASM, Right angle, IEC60320-C13, Printer, RoHS 1 No image
14 5456923 Cable ASM, Straight, IEC60320-C13, Printer, RoHS 1 No image
15 5436047 Kit, Fastener, Ultrasound 1 No image
16 5447811 Kit, Fastener, Metric, Ultrasound 1 No image
17 5732404 Cable ASM, Workstation FPD, HDMI 1 No image

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 111

Table 22. WiSP Parts List

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

WiSP Module with Version 1.2 Firmware and Lithium Ion
5393670-04 1
Battery Pack - 2.4 GHz only
WiSP Module with Version 1.2 Firmware and Lithium Ion
5393670-05 1
Battery Pack - 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz (US and Canada only)

2 5749990 Lithium Ion Battery Pack 1

Version 1.1 Firmware Compact Flash

3 5418707-02 (Refer to WiSP Service Manual 5437400-1EN-03 to identify the version 1
of firmware installed.)

Version 1.2 Firmware Compact Flash

4 5418707-03 (Refer to WiSP Service Manual 5437400-1EN-03 to identify the version 1
of firmware installed.)

Table 23. Labels

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

Unique Device Identifier Label
Contact (Printed on demand. Must provide system serial number when
N/A 1
SurgeryParts@ge.com placing order.) (Only required to be present on systems manufactured
on or after September 24, 2016)

OEC9900 Elite - RMF Label

N/A 5765331 (Place on the Workstation rear cover to identify systems with 1
DIACAP/RMF security software)

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 112

Table 24. Software

Part Number Description

5431495-04 System Software Version 7.0.62
System Software Version 8.0.17 (Only for systems with DIACAP/RMF security software)
(Use instructions found in 9900 DIACAP/RMF Security Installation and Service Manual Supplement 5763694-1EN-01 to install software.)

5366050FS SMPTE Test Pattern CD

Table 25. Misc.

Part Number Description

00-902472-01 Consumable, 180 Non Prescription, Eyewear, Protective

Table 26. Kit, System Labels, 9900. 5482042-xx

Part Number Language/Country
5482042-01 English
5482042-03 French
5482042-04 Spanish
5482042-06 Brazilian Portuguese
5482042-07 Japanese
5482042-12 Russian
5482042-15 Korean
5482042-26 Traditional Chinese
5482042-31 Ukrainian
5482042-81 Canada-English
5482042-82 Canada-French
5482042-83 South Korea
5482042-84 Venezuela
5482042-85 India
5482042-86 China

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 113

Table 27. Venue Ultrasound Option Parts List

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

N/A Contact GE 800-437-1171 Venue 40 Console (H48892LG) 1 No image
N/A Contact GE 800-437-1171 V50 Generic Console-CKD (H48712AZ) 1 No image
N/A Contact GE 800-437-1171 Venue 40 Docking Station (H48642LL) 1 No image
N/A Contact GE 800-437-1171 Venue 50 Docking Station (H48872LC) 1 No image

N/A 5441143 Transducer Holder 1

N/A 5446752 Gas Spring 2

N/A 5462271 Bearing Block 1

N/A 5452011 Linear Rail 1

N/A 5457738 Terminal Block with power cables 1

N/A 5476892 M5 x 10 MM Torx head Screw 4 No image

N/A 5442962 M4 x 10 MM Torx head Screw 4 No image
N/A 5732404 Monitor Cable for systems with Venue 50 Ultrasound Option 1 No image
N/A 5438688 Monitor Cable for systems with Venue 40 Ultrasound Option 1 No image

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 114

OEC 9900 Elite C-Arm

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 115


*ASM only, not an orderable part

Figure 1-1. Standard Front and Side Covers, Exploded View

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 116
Table 1-1. Standard Front and Side Covers Parts List
Item Part Number Description Qty Image
1 12-225108-08 Screw, SEMS, Spring, Pan, TORX, 8x32, ½ SCZ 4 No image

2 00-879829-01 Cover, Front, Top 1

3 12-225108-08 Screw, SEMS, Spring, Pan, TORX, 8x32, ½ SCZ 4 No image

4 00-881292-01 Cover, Leg, Front 1

5 5543534 Screw, NA, Socket, Hex, 1/4-20, 3/4, SZC, 8 2 No image

6 12-225160-06 Screw, SEMS, Spring, Pan, TORX, 10x32, 3/8 4 No image
7 12-225108-06 Screw, SEMS, Spring, Pan, TORX, 8x32, 3/8, SZC 3 No image

8 00-880428-01 Cover, Front, Right 1

9 12-313915-26 Screw, NA, Socket, Hex, 5/16-18, 1 3/4, SBO, 8 4 No image

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 117

Table 1-1. Standard Front and Side Covers Parts List
Item Part Number Description Qty Image

10 00-880897-01 End Cap, Cross Beam 2

11 12-225160-06 Screw, SEMS, Spring, Pan, TORX, 10x32, 3/8 2 No image

12 ASM ONLY Cover, Cross Beam 1 ASM only, no image
13 13-311106-00 Nut, Hex-Lock-External-T, 6-32, SST, NA, A=.313 2 No image
14 ASM ONLY Assembly, Rear Cover 1 ASM only, no image
15 00-876692-02 Cover, Label, Back Door 1
16 12-311115-20 Screw, NA, Socket, Hex, 5/16-18, 1, SZC, 8 3
17 00-877505-01 Spacer, Cover, Label 1
18 00-877478-01 Panel, Label 1
19 00-877388-02 Stiffner, Cover Label 1

20 00-880427-01 Cover, Front, Left 1

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 118

Table 1-1. Standard Front and Side Covers Parts List
Item Part Number Description Qty Image
21 12-225108-06 Screw, SEMS, Spring, Pan, TORX, 10x32 3 No image
N/A 00-879523-01 Cover, Rear Wheel 2 No image
N/A 12-311108-10 Screw, NA, SKT, HEX, 8-32, 5/8 4 No image
22 5448522 Assembly, Hand Control, 4 Button 1 No image

23 5492605 Assembly, Footswitch (If no longer available, order 5793144) 1

Assembly, Footswitch, Three Pedal, Cardiac

24 00-882618-02 1
(If no longer available, order 5793145)

N/A 5460496 Assembly, Footswitch/Handswitch, Wireless 1 No image

N/A 00-881109-01 Clamp, High Voltage Cable 1 No image
N/A 12-225108-10 Screw, SEMS, Spring, Pan, TORX, 8-32, 5/8 3 No image

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 119

Figure 1-2. Standard Internal Covers, Exploded View

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 120

Table 1-2. Standard Internal Covers Parts List
Item Part Number Description Qty Image

00-879982-01* Cover, Generator Driver

1 1

*New PN order 5394541

1 ASM ONLY Cover, Generator Driver (Motorized Drive) 1

Fan, Axial, Blo, 12VDC, 25CFM, 3050 RPM

2 20-840090-00 1
(If 20-8400900-00 no longer available, order 5327159 IGBT Fan Replacement Kit)

3 12-255106-22 Screw, SEMS, Spring, Pan, TORX, 6-32, 1-1/4, SZC 3 No image

4 00-881125-01 Duct, Fan 1

5 12-225108-08 Screw, SEMS, Spring, Pan, TORX, 8-32, 1/2, SZC 2 No image

6 12-225106-08 Screw, SEMS, Spring, Pan, TORX, 6-32, 1/2, SZC 4 No image

7 00-879694-01 Cover, Front, Card Rack 1 No image

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 121

Table 1-2. Standard Internal Covers Parts List
Item Part Number Description Qty Image
8 12-225108-08 Screw, SEMS, Spring, Pan, TORX, 8-32, 1/2, SZC 8 No image

9 00-879992-01 Cover, Component Tray 1

10 12-225108-06 Screw, SEMS, Spring, Pan, TORX, 8-32, 3/8, SZC 1 No image

11 12-225108-06 Screw, SEMS, Spring, Pan, TORX, 8-32, 3/8, SZC 9 No image

12 00-881127-01 Ring, Expansion Chamber 1

13 12-225104-04 Screw, SEMS, Spring, Pan, TORX, 4-40, 1/4, SZC 4 No image

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 122


Figure 1-3. Electronics, Exploded View *ASM only, not an orderable part

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 123

Table 1-3. Electronics Parts List

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

1 ASM ONLY Assembly, Card Rack 1
ASM only, no image
1 ASM ONLY Assembly, Card Rack 1
2 12-225108-06 Screw, SEMS, Spring, Pan, TORX, 8-32, 3/8, SZC 2 No image

3 00-879788-01 Bracket, Mounting, Generator/Card Rack 1 No image

4 00-901405-01 Insulator, Heat Sink 1

5 5340083 Assembly, PCB, Filament Driver 1

Generator Driver Board

(“Green” Generator Driver Board can only be replaced with a “green” board. Do not re-
place with a “blue” Generator Diver Board. Do not mix blue and green circuit boards.)
6 00-878908-03 1
(If “Green” Generator Driver Board is not available, then order “Blue” IGBT/Snubber
5395682 and “Blue “ Generator Driver Board 5316595.)

(When replacing Generator Driver Board, refer to instructions 5451281-1EN-01 and


OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 124

Table 1-3. Electronics Parts List

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

Generator Driver Board

(“Blue” Generator Driver Board can only be replaced with a “blue” board. Do not re-
place with a “green” Generator Diver Board. Do not mix blue and green circuit boards.)
6 5316595 1
(When replacing Generator Driver Board, refer to instructions 5451281-1EN-01 and

Tank, High Voltage (Has external expansion tank)

7 00-900987-03 (If replacing 5654164 with 00-900987-03, then expansion tank ring 1
00-881127-01 and four screws 12-225104-04 need to be used.)
(For grease, order 00-900801-01, High Voltage Grease.)

Tank, High Voltage (Has built-in expansion chamber)

(Not for Use in China)
7 5654164 1
(Direct replacement for 00-900987-03)
(For grease, order 00-900801-01, High Voltage Grease.)

8 5543534 Screw, NA, Socket, Hex, 1/4-20, 3/4, SZC, 8 2 No image

9 14-211114-00 Washer, Lock-HLCL-Spring, 1/4, SST, MS35338 2 No image

10 14-121114-00 Washer, Lock-HLCL-Spring, 1/4, SST, MS35338 2 No image

11 12-331114-08 Screw, NA, Socket, Hex, 1/4-20, 1/2, SZC, 8 4 No image

12 00-879782-01 High Voltage Tank Tray 1

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 125

Table 1-3. Electronics Parts List

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

13 12-225108-06 Screw, 8-32 x 3/8, Torx 4 No image

14 12-225108-08 Screw, 8-32 x 1/2, Torx 5 No image

15 00-879808-02 Bracket, Rear Cover, Left Side 2

16 12-225108-06 Screw, 8-32 x 3/8 Torx 4 No image

17 ASM ONLY Bracket, Pivot Wheel 1 ASM only, no image

18 21-259986-00 Caster, Wheel, 4”D, 1-3/8W 1   No image

19 00-879810-02 Bracket, Pivot Wheel 1

20 12-313916-36 Screw, NA, Socket, Hex, 3/8-16, 2-3/4, SBO, 8 1 No image

21 00-879808-01 Bracket, Rear Cover, Right Side 2

22 12-225108-06 Screw, 8-32 x 3/8, Torx 4 No image

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 126

Figure 1-4. Card Rack, Exploded View

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 127

Table 1-4. Card Rack Parts List
Item Part Number Description Qty Image

00-879364-03* Backplane Assembly

1 1

*New PN order 5340077FS

2 12-225106-06 Screw, SEMS, Spring, Pan, TORX, 6-32, 3/8, SZC 12 No image

3 22-319804-00 Guide, PCB, Snap in 6.50L, .31W, .062 6

4 00-879696-01 Bracket, Guide, Card Rack, 9800 2

5 5328674FS High Voltage Supply Regulator Board 1

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 128

Table 1-4. Card Rack Parts List

6 5340089 Generator Interface Board 1

7 5318470FS Fluoro Functions Board 1

8 12-225106-06 Screw, SEMS, Spring, Pan, TORX, 6-32, 3/8, SZC 4 No image

9 00-879695-01 Chassis, Card Cage 1

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 129

Figure 1-5. High Voltage Tank, Exploded View

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 130

Table 1-5. High Voltage Tank Parts List
Item Part Number Description Qty Image
1 12-225160-20 Screw, SEMS Spring, Pan, TORX, 10-32,1, SZC 4 No image

2 23-601001-00 Clip, Panel, .250d, .850, Nylon, White 1

3 00-879978-01 Guard, Safety 1

4 12-225108-08 Screw, SEMS Spring, Pan, TORX, 8-32, 1/2, SZC 14 No image

Assembly, IGBT/Snubber
(“Green” IGBT/Snubber can only be replaced with a “green” board. Do not replace with
a “blue” IGBT/Snubber. Do not mix blue and green circuit boards.)

5 5308464 (If “Green” IGBT/Snubber is not available, then order “Blue” IGBT/Snubber 5395682 and 1
“Blue“ Generator Driver Board 5316595.)

(When replacing IGBT/Snubber, refer to instructions 5451281-1EN-01 and 5436719-


Assembly, IGBT/Snubber
(“Blue” IGBT/Snubber can only be replaced with a “blue” board. Do not replace with a
“green” IGBT/Snubber. Do not mix blue and green circuit boards.)
5 5395682 1
(When replacing IGBT/Snubber, refer to instructions 5451281-1EN-01 and 5436719-

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 131

Table 1-5. High Voltage Tank Parts List
Item Part Number Description Qty Image

6 00-901404-01 Insulator, IGBT 2

00-882730-01 Heatsink, IGBT Snubber

7 1

New PN order 5400503

8 00-882729-01 Heatsink, Tank, High Voltage 1

9 12-225160-05 Screw, SEMS Spring, Pan, TORX, 10-32, 5/16, SZC 2 No image

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 132

Table 1-5. High Voltage Tank Parts List
Item Part Number Description Qty Image
10 14-121110-00 Washer, Plain, #10, SST, MS15795-808, ID = .211 2 No image

11 5266543 Bracket, E.M.I. 1

12 00-877947-01 Nut, X-Ray Hi Volt 4 No image

13 00-877946-01 Retainer, X-Ray Hi Volt 4

14 5543534 Screw, NA, Socket, Hex, 1/4-20, 3/4, SZC, 8 6 No image

15 14-211114-00 Washer, Lock-HLCL-Spring, 1/4,SST, MS35338 3 No image

16 14-121114-00 Washer, Plain, 1/4, SST, MS15795-810, ID = .276 3 No image

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 133

Table 1-5. High Voltage Tank Parts List
Item Part Number Description Qty Image

Tank, High Voltage (Has external expansion tank)

17 00-900987-03 (If replacing 5654164 with 00-900987-03, then expansion tank ring 1
00-881127-01 and four screws 12-225104-04 need to be used.)
(For grease, order 00-900801-01, High Voltage Grease.)

Tank, High Voltage (Has built-in expansion chamber)

(Not for Use in China)
17 5654164 1
(Direct replacement for 00-900987-03)
(For grease, order 00-900801-01, High Voltage Grease.)

18 43-189972-00 Core, Ca Supper, Round, .720 ID, W/Case 2

19 22-429830-00 Standoff, Round, M/F, 10-32, 1.000 L, SST 4 No image

20 88-299284-00 Adhesive, Sealant, Purple, Bottle, 10cc, 222-21 AR No image
21 13-111114-00 Nut, Hex, 1/4-20, SST, MS51971-1, A = .437 1 No image

22 55-500388-00 Fuse, 70 AMP 1 No image

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 134

Figure 1-6. Generator Power Tray, Exploded View

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 135

Table 1-6. Generator Power Tray Parts List
Item Part Number Description Qty Image

1 00-879970-01 Assembly, Fan, Power Supply 1

2 12-225106-22 Screw, SEMS, Spring, Pan, TORX, 6-32, 1-1/4, SZC 2 No image
3 22-1200012-00 Clamp, Cable Ribbon, QIK-LOK, .73 x 3.00, Nylon 2 No image

4 00-879984-01 Bracket, Inductor, Mounting 1

5 12-225108-06 Screw, SEMS, Spring, Pan, TORX, 8-32, 3/8, SZC 8 No image

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 136

Table 1-6. Generator Power Tray Parts List
Item Part Number Description Qty Image

6 00-879800-02 Inductor Assembly, Series Tuning 1

7 14-121114-00 Washer, Plain, 1/4, SST, MS15795-810 1 No image

8 14-211114-00 Washer, Lock-HLCL-Spring, 1/4, SST, MS35338 1 No image
9 12-362014-26 Screw, NA, Socket, Hex, 1/4-20, 1-3/4, SZC 1 No image

10 00-879783-01 Chassis Component 1

Battery Charger Assembly

(If 5371756FS is not available, then order Battery Charger Replacement Kit 5406092-01,
11 5371756FS which contains 5340315-02 Battery Charger and 5325995 Battery Charger Cable.)

(Note: Part Number on 5371756FS board is 5371756.)

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 137

Table 1-6. Generator Power Tray Parts List
Item Part Number Description Qty Image

11 5340315-02 Battery Charger Assembly 1

Battery Charger Replacement Kit

11 5406092-01 1
(Contains 5340315-02 Battery Charger and 5325995 Battery Charger Cable.)

12 13-311108-00 Nut, Hex-Lock-External-T, 8-32, SST, NA, A = .344 3 No image

13 12-225106-08 Screw, SEMS, Spring, Pan, TORX, 6-32, 1/2, SZC 4 No image

14 00-879784-01 Bracket, Component Clamp 1

15 41-718504-00 Capacitor, Polypropylene, 2UF, 600 V, 10%, Terminals 2

16 00-879785-01 Cover, Component, Clamp 1

17 22-012002-00 Clamp, Cable/Wire, 5/8D, .50W, Nylon 1 No image

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 138

Table 1-6. Generator Power Tray Parts List
Item Part Number Description Qty Image

18 5245149 Power Supply, 24VDC 1

19 12-225108-08 Screw, SEMS Spring, Pan, TORX, 8-32, 1/2, SZC 6 No image

00-879674-02 * Assembly, Power Supply, Multi-Output

20 1

*New PN 5376264FS

21 22-012000-00 Clamp, Cable/Wire, 3/4D, .50W, Nylon 1 No image

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 139

Table 1-6. Generator Power Tray Parts List
Item Part Number Description Qty Image

22 00-884764-02 Cable Assembly, Power Signal-Battery Charger, Cal (Not Exploded) 1

23 00-879846-01 Cable Assembly, Caps To Tank, 9800 (Not Exploded) 1

Cable, Battery Charger to Backplane/Power Motor Relay Board

(If 00-880337-02 is not available, then order Battery Charger Replacement Kit 5406092-
24 00-880337-02 01, which contains 5340315-02 Battery Charger and 5325995 Battery Charger Cable.)

(Only for use with 5371756 Battery Charger.)

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 140

Table 1-6. Generator Power Tray Parts List
Item Part Number Description Qty Image

Cable, Battery Charger to Backplane/Power Motor Relay Board

24 5325995 1
(Only for use with 5340315-02 Battery Charger)

Battery Charger Replacement Kit

24 5406092-01 1
(Contains 5340315-02 Battery Charger and 5325995 Battery Charger Cable.)

25 00-879446-01 Cable Assembly, PS2-Power Signal (Not Exploded) 1

26 24-389061-00-OEC Grom, Strip, Flex, SST/Polym, .075 - .093 (Not Exploded) AR

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 141

Table 1-6. Generator Power Tray Parts List
Item Part Number Description Qty Image

27 00-879400-01 Cable Assembly, Lift Power (Not Exploded) 1

28 00-879401-01 Cable Assembly, Lift Control (Not Exploded) 1

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 142


Figure 1-7. Battery, Power Panel, Exploded View *ASM only, not an orderable part

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 143

Table 1-7. Battery, Power Panel Parts List
Item Part Number Description Qty Image
1 12-225108-06 Screw, SEMS, Spring, Pan, TORX, 8-32, 3/8, SZC 2 No image

00-879870-02* Assembly, Stator Capacitor/Transformer

2 1

*New PN order 5457312

3 12-225108-06 Screw, SEMS, Spring, Pan, TORX, 8-32, 3/8, SZC 4 No image

4 ASM ONLY Assembly, Power Panel 1 ASM only, no image

5 00-880519-01 Gasket, LEMO Connector 1 No image

6 12-225108-10 Screw, SEMS, Spring, Pan, TORX, 8-32, 5/8, SZC 4 No image

Power Motor Relay board

5315876FS (If no longer available, order 5482133)

7 1

*New PN order 5315876FS

8 12-225108-06 Screw, SEMS, Spring, Pan, TORX, 8-32, 3/8, SZC 1 No image

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 144

Table 1-7. Battery, Power Panel Parts List
Item Part Number Description Qty Image

Assembly, Capacitor/Power Module

9 00-880406-03 1
(If 00-880406-03 is no longer available, order 5495038-01)

00-900589-02* Battery Pack 1

*New PN order 5305184

11 00-875583-01 Retainer, Battery 2

12 67-132433-00 Fuse, Glass, 3.5A, 250V, 1/4 x 1-1/4 (F1) 1 No image

13 67-133450-00 Fuse, Glass, 5A, 250V, 1/4 x 1-1/4 (F2) 1 No image

14 67-132410-00 Fuse, Glass, 1A, 250V, 1/4 x 1-1/4 (F4) 1 No image

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 145

* *

* *

* *

*ASM only, not an orderable part

Figure 1-8. Power Panel Assembly, Exploded View

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 146

Table 1-8. Power Panel Assembly Parts List
Item Part Number Description Qty Image

1 00-885115-01 Weldment, Power Panel 1

2 67-430003-00 Ind, Lamp, Ne, 110 V, Green 1

3 67-430004-00 Washer, PO, Lamp 1 No image

4 00-879455-01 Cable Assembly, B’plane-Hand/Foot Switch 1

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 147

Table 1-8. Power Panel Assembly Parts List
Item Part Number Description Qty Image
5 - Loctite 243 AR No image

6 ASM ONLY Cup, Strain Relief, J3 1 ASM ONLY, no image

7 ASM ONLY Slt, Sil, Gsocket, Blk, Tb, 80 mg, 59830 AR ASM ONLY, no image

8 ASM ONLY Cup, Strain Relief, J2 1 ASM ONLY, no image

9 ASM ONLY Cup, Strain Relief ASM ONLY, no image

10 00-884758-01 Cable Assembly, RUI-B’plane/MCU 1 No image

11 12-225106-06 Screw, SEMS Spring, Pan, TORX, 6-32, 3/8, SZC 9 No image

PCB Assembly, Power/Signal Intf, 9800

12 00-879021-02 1
(If 00-879021-02 no longer available, order 5317616FS)

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 148

Table 1-8. Power Panel Assembly Parts List
Item Part Number Description Qty Image

13 15-604622-00 Term, Ring, Crp, 16-14, #8, Lrb 8 2

14 13-311106-00 Nut, Hex-Lock-Ext-T, 6-32, SST, NA, A = .313 3 No image

15 22-012002-00 Clamp, Cable/W, 5/8 D, .50 W, Nylon 2 No image

16 ASM ONLY Clamp, Cable/W, 1 D, .50 W, Nylon 1 ASM ONLY, no image

17 ASM ONLY Wire, HW, 1015, Green/Yellow, 14 Awg AR ASM ONLY, no image

18 5365841 Power Supply, +5/+12/+-15 1

19 00-885230-01 Cable Assembly Power Meter Relay- PS4 (Not Exploded) 1 No image
Cable Assembly, PS1-Power Signal, Cal (For Motorized systems)
20 00-884765-01 1 No image
(Not Exploded)
Cable Assembly, PS1-Power Signal, Cal (For Non-motorized systems)
20 00-879445-01 1 No image
(Not Exploded)

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 149

Table 1-8. Power Panel Assembly Parts List
Item Part Number Description Qty Image

21 00-879450-01 Cable Assembly, Power Signal-B’plane (Not Exploded) 1

22 00-879452-01 Cable Assembly, B’plane-Power Signal (Not Exploded) 1

23 ASM ONLY Standoff, Hex, M/F, 4-40, .188 L, SST (Not Exploded) 4 ASM ONLY, no image

24 88-299284-01 Adhesive, Sealant, Purple, Bottle, 250ml, 222-41 (Not Exploded) AR No image

25 ASM ONLY Clamp, Cable/W, 1-1/2 D, .50 W, Nylon (Not Exploded) 2 No image

26 24-389061-00-OEC Grom, Strip, Flex, SST/Polym, .075 - .093 (Not Exploded) AR See image table 1-6

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 150

* *

*ASM only, not an orderable part

Figure 1-9. Control Panel, L-Arm Exploded View

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 151

Table 1-9. Control Panel, L-Arm Parts List
Item Part Number Description Qty Image

1 00-879502-06 Assembly, Control Panel, Right 1

1 00-879502-08 Assembly, Control Panel, Right (Icon) 1

2 00-879422-01 Assembly, Cable, X-ray Switch 1

3 00-879395-03 Assembly, Cable, Motion Lift Down 1

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 152

Table 1-9. Control Panel, L-Arm Parts List
Item Part Number Description Qty Image

4 00-879031-01 Assembly, Cable, Lift Up 1

5 00-880643-01 Cross Arm Cover 1

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 153

Table 1-9. Control Panel, L-Arm Parts List
Item Part Number Description Qty Image

6 00-879502-07 Assembly, Control Panel, Left 1

See image above
6 00-879502-09 Assembly, Control Panel, Left (Icon) 1

7 12-215006-06 Screw, Machine, Flanged, TORX, 6-32, 3/8, SZC 8 No image

8 12-225104-05 Screw, SENS, Spring, Pan, TORX, 4-40, 5/16, SZC 6 No image

Control Panel Processor I/O

9 00-880324-01 (If no longer available, order 5444393 Generator Control Panel Processor 1 No image
Replacement Kit)

Generator Control Panel Processor board

9 5326409-01 (If no longer available, order 5482139-01 Generator Control Panel Processor board) 1
(Replaces 00-880324-01 & 00-878488-04)

Assembly, Control Panel Processor Mainframe

10 00-878488-04 (If no longer available, order 5444393 Generator Control Panel Processor 1
Replacement Kit)

Assembly, Control Panel Processor Mainframe

(If no longer available, order 5444393-01 Generator Control Panel Processor
10 5444393 Replacement Kit) 1
(Contains 5326409-01 or 5482139-01 Generator Control Panel Processor
board and mounting hardware)

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 154

Table 1-9. Control Panel, L-Arm Parts List
Item Part Number Description Qty Image

11 00-880821-01 Assembly, L-Arm, Mechanical 1

12 00-880655-01 Flip Flop, 9” 1

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 155

Table 1-9. Control Panel, L-Arm Parts List
Item Part Number Description Qty Image

13 00-880656-01 Flip Flop, 12” 1

14 ASM ONLY Screw, NA, Socket, Hex, 1/4-20, 3/8, SZC, 8 2 ASM ONLY, no image

15 ASM ONLY Pin, Spring, .250OD, 1, SZC 1 ASM ONLY, no image

16 00-879667-01 Handle, Push, Cross Arm 1

17 00-878409-01 Cover, PCB, Control Panel Processor 1

18 88-495002-00 Shield, Strip, RFI, BE CU, 0.32 x 16 L, Adhesive Mount AR No image

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 156

Figure 1-10. Control Panel Assembly Exploded View

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 157

Table 1-10. Control Panel Assembly Parts List
Item Part Number Description Qty Image

1 00-880842-03 Cover, Side, Cross Arm, Right 1

1 00-880842-04 Cover, Side, Cross Arm, Left 1

00-879502-06 Panel Assembly, Control, C-Arm

2 OR (Order 00-879502-06 Right Control Panel Assembly, English or 1
00-879502-07 00-879502-07 Left Control Panel Assembly, English)

00-879502-08 Panel Assembly, Control, Icon, C-Arm

2 OR (Order 00-879502-08 Right Control Panel Assembly, Icon or 1
00-879502-09 00-879502-09 Left Control Panel Assembly, Icon)

3 00-880843-01 Lens, Cross Arm Cover 1

4 00-901403-01 Module, Vacuum Fluorescent Display 1

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 158

Table 1-10. Control Panel Assembly Parts List
Item Part Number Description Qty Image

5 00-880844-01 Cable Assembly, Data I/O 1

6 00-882098-01 Cable Assembly, Flush Fast Stop (Right) 1

6 00-882098-02 Cable Assembly, Flush Fast Stop (Left) 1

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 159

Table 1-10. Control Panel Assembly Parts List
Item Part Number Description Qty Image
7 12-225104-06 Screw, SEMS Spring, Pan, TORX, 4-40, 3/8, SZC 10 No image

8 71-229540-00 Actr, Switch, Mom Pb, Panel Mount 1 No image

9 71-229542-00 Lens Cap, Switch Pb, Red Round, W/Legend 1

10 71-229544-00 Switch, Adapter, Round 1

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 160


*ASM only, not an orderable part

Figure 1-11. 9-Inch Image Intensifier Camera Cover Region, Exploded View

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 161

Table 1-11. 9-Inch Image Intensifier Camera Cover Region Parts List
Item Part Number Description Qty Image

1 5543534 Screw, 1/4-20, 3/4”, Socket Hex 2x No image

Camera Cover, 9” Standard “C” with Shield and Gasket (without coun-
2 5342065 1
ter weight

2 5342066 Camera Cover 12” Standard “C” with Shield and Gasket 1

(Part of 5342065
3 and 5342066) Camera Cover Gasket 1

4 00-881130-01 Camera Cover Counterweight 1 No image

5 12-225108-08 Screw, 8x32, ½” SEM 2 No image

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 162

Table 1-11. 9-Inch Image Intensifier Camera Cover Region Parts List
Item Part Number Description Qty Image

6 00-880854-01 Camera EMI Shield 9” 1

7 12-225106-06 Screw, SEMS, Spring, Pan, TORX, 6x32, 3/8, SCZ 8 No image

8 51-500507-00-OEC Hardware Kit, Connector, Jack, Socket, Set, 4-40, .50L 2 No image

9 00-880688-01 Weldment, Mount, Connector, Camera, Cover 1

N/A 00-879495-01 Cable Asm, Camera Cover to Camera 1

N/A 00-879496-01 Cable Asm, Camera Video 1

10 12-312060-08 Screw, NA, Socket, Hex, 10-32, 1/2, SST 3 No image

11 12-225106-20 Screw, SEMS, Spring, Pan, TORX, 6-32, 1, SCZ 4 No image

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 163

Table 1-11. 9-Inch Image Intensifier Camera Cover Region Parts List
Item Part Number Description Qty Image

See Table 3-1 Video Camera

12 1 No image
*99-879126-02 if replacing new style CCD with repaired, it will come with TEC cooling pipe
but no screws. Order 12-225106-20, qty 4 (see above)

13 ASM ONLY Standoff, Hex, M/F, 1/4-20, 3.250L, SST 12 No image

14 See Table 3-1 Image Intensifier 1 No image

23 00-901180-02 II Power Supply (for Thales II only) 1 No image

23 5341390 II Power Supply (for Toshiba II only) 1 No image

24 00-902229-03 9” II Input Ring 1 No image

24 00-902229-04 12” II Input Ring 1 No image

15 00-871303-01 Gasket, X-Ray Grid 1

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 164

Table 1-11. 9-Inch Image Intensifier Camera Cover Region Parts List
Item Part Number Description Qty Image

16 00-901200-01 Grid, X-Ray, 10.1, 9” 1

17 12-215004-05 Screw, Machine, Flange, TORX, 4-40, 5/16, SZC 6 No image

18 12-225108-12 Screw, SEMS, Spring, Pan, TORX, 8x32, 3/4, SCZ 4 No image

19 00-881075-01 Handle, C 2

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 165

Table 1-11. 9-Inch Image Intensifier Camera Cover Region Parts List
Item Part Number Description Qty Image

20 5543534 Screw, NA, Socket, Hex, 1/4-20, 3/4, SZC, 8 4 No image

21 ASM ONLY Assembly, Mount, Image Intensifier, 9” 1 ASM only, no image

22 12-313915-20 Screw, NA, Socket, Hex, 5/16-18, 1, SBO, 8 4 No image

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 166


*ASM only, not an orderable part

Figure 1-12. X-Ray Tube, Collimator and Laser Aimer Option Exploded View

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 167

Table 1-12. X-Ray Tube, Collimator and Laser Aimer Option Parts List
Item Part Number Description Qty Image

1 00-880706-02 Cover, Collimator 1

00-877538-01* Gasket, Cover, Collimator (Not Exploded)

1 No Image
*New PN order 5327536

2 00-881512-01 Clip, Cover, Collimator 1 No image

3 12-225160-08 Screw, SEMS, Spring, Pan, TORX, 10-32, 1/2, SZC 2 No image

4 00-879917-01 Collimator, Secondary, 12”, 3 Pot 1

4 00-879575-01 Collimator, Secondary, 9”, 3 Pot 1

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 168

Table 1-12. X-Ray Tube, Collimator and Laser Aimer Option Parts List
Item Part Number Description Qty Image
5 12-225108-06 Screw, NA, Socket, Hex, 10-32, 3/4, SZC 4 No image

Collimator (Dual Leaf Tungsten Opaque Leaves)

6 5324216 Non-Cardiac Systems (Contains 00-882671-02 1

Collimator (Dual Copper Semi-Transparent Leaves)

6 5324214 Non-Cardiac Systems (Contains 00-880430-02 1

Collimator (Single Leaf) Cardiac Systems Only

6 5324212 1
(Contains 00-880391-02 Collimator)
7 ASM ONLY Screw, NA, Socket, Hex, 1/4-20, 7/8, SZC, 8 6 ASM only, no image

Bumper, X-Ray Mount

8 00-876567-02 1
(Order 00-877322-01 for Gasket)

9 12-225106-06 Screw, SEMS, Spring, Pan, TORX, 6-32, 3/8, SZC 6 No image

10 22-678482-00 Ring, Retaining, Internal, Spl, 2.312 SST 1 No image

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 169

Table 1-12. X-Ray Tube, Collimator and Laser Aimer Option Parts List
Item Part Number Description Qty Image

11 00-880838-01 Collimator, Primary 9” 1

11 00-880839-01 Collimator, Primary 12” 1

12 00-880855-01 Spacer, Foam, Primary, Collimator 1

13 00-877286-01 Cover, X-Ray Tube 1

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 170

Table 1-12. X-Ray Tube, Collimator and Laser Aimer Option Parts List
Item Part Number Description Qty Image

X-Ray Tube, Varian/Varex

(If needed, also order HV Grease 00-900801-01)
14 1
X-Ray Tube, GE BEL
5485305 (not for use in China, not for use in Brazil)
(If needed, also order HV Grease 00-900801-01)

15 Assembly, Thermal Switch 1
(Part of 5450698 and

16 12-225160-10 Screw, NA, Socket, Hex, 10-32, 5/8, SZC 2 No image

17 00-875607-01 Cover, High Voltage Cable 1

18 5265486 Assembly, Skin Spacer 1

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 171

Table 1-12. X-Ray Tube, Collimator and Laser Aimer Option Parts List
Item Part Number Description Qty Image

High Voltage Cable for 9” and 12” Standard C-Arm

19 5694681-01 1

High Voltage Cable for 9” Super C-Arm Systems,

20 5694681-02 1
with or without Cardiac Option

21 00-881499-01 Assembly, Temp Sensor, X-Ray (Not Shown) 1

Weldment, C, 9” for Non-MD systems

22 00-880631-02 (Order 00-881196-01, -02 9 inch C Labels and 00-881975-01 1 No image
Label Set)
Weldment, C, 12” for Non-MD systems
22 00-880636-02 (Order 00-881197-01, -02 12 inch C Labels and 00-881975-01 1 No image
Label Set)

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 172


*ASM only, not an orderable part

Figure 1-13. L-Arm Exploded View (1 of 3)

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 173

Table 1-13. L-Arm Parts List (1 of 3)
Item Part Number Description Qty Image
1 00-880821-01 Assembly, L-Arm, Mechanical 1 See image table 1-9

2 21-301782-00 Washer, Lock, Brg, 1.406ID, 1.378 BRG B 1 No image

3 00-876962-01 Pad, Stop 2

4 ASM ONLY Stop, Bumper, Flip Flop 1 ASM only, no image

5 00-880655-01 Flip Flop, 9” 1 See image table 1-9

6 00-880656-01 Flip Flop, 12” 1 See image table 1-9

7 21-119936-00 Bearing, Roller, Taper-Cone, 3.000ID, .531WD 1 No image

8 21-119920-00 Bearing, Roller, Taper-Cone, 1.3775ID, .6600WD 1 No image

9 21-301785-00 Nut, Lock, Brg, 1.378 BRG, 1.906OD, Steel Zinc 1 No image

10 00-880704-01 Cover, Plate, Access, L-Arm 1

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 174

Table 1-13. L-Arm Parts List (1 of 3)
Item Part Number Description Qty Image

11 00-880778-01 Handle, Lower, L-Arm 1

12 12-311114-24 Screw, NA, Socket, Hex, 1/4-20, 1-1/2, SZC, 8 3 No image

13 14-901029-00 Washer, Flange, 7/16, Steel, N/A, ID=.469, OD = .927 1 No image

14 5534674 Screw, NA, HEX, CAP, 7/16-20, 1-1/4 1 No image

15 20-843001-00 Rod, End Spherical Bearing, M RH, .4375ID 1

16 13-161167-00 Nut, Hex-JM, 7/16-20, SZC, ANSI B18.2.2 1 No image

17 00-880697-01 Adapter, Rod End 1 No image

18 00-881141-01 Shock, Gas, 9” 1

18 00-881141-02 Shock, Gas, 12” 1

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 175

Table 1-13. L-Arm Parts List (1 of 3)
Item Part Number Description Qty Image

19 00-880700-01 End, Spherical, L-Arm 1

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 176


*ASM only, not an orderable part

Figure 1-14. L-Arm ASM 00-880821-01 Exploded View (2 of 3)

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 177

Table 1-14. L-Arm ASM 00-880821-01 Parts List (2 of 3)
Item Part Number Description Qty Image

1 00-880820-01 Assembly, Brake Shoe 1

2 00-880693-01 Drum, Brake 1

3 21-301782-00 Washer, Lock, Brg, 1.406ID, 1.378 Brg B 1 No image

4 21-119921-00 Bearing, Roller, Taper-Cup, 2.3612 OD, 4700WD 3 No image

5 19-221868-00 Pin, Dowel, .1875OD, .500, Steel 2 No image

6 21-119920-00 Bearing, Roller, Taper-Cone, 1.3775 OD, 6600WD 2 No image

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 178

Table 1-14. L-Arm ASM 00-880821-01 Parts List (2 of 3)
Item Part Number Description Qty Image

ASM ONLY Stop, Slider, L-Arm

7 1 ASM only, no image
Available as part of ASM 00-880821-01

8 88-299477-00-OEC Lube, Grease, GP, 14.1OZ, CRTG AR No image

9 00-880705-01 Weldment, Shaft, Cross Arm 1

10 00-880696-01 Cover, Ring, L-Arm 1

11 00-881233-02 Label, Horizontal Cross Arm 1 No image

00-879905-01 Machining, Cross Arm 1


12-313914-06 Screw, Socket, Hex, 1/4-20, 3/8” 2

13 00-881233-01 Label, Horizontal Cross Arm 1 No image

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 179

Table 1-14. L-Arm ASM 00-880821-01 Parts List (2 of 3)
Item Part Number Description Qty Image

14 19-224948-00 Pin, Spring, .438 OD, 2.50, Steel 2 No image

15 19-224771-00 Pin, Spring, .3750 OD, .750, SZC 2 No image

16 21-301785-00 Nut, Lock, Brg, 1.378 Brg, 1.906OD, Steel Zinc 1 No image

17 19-224946-00 Pin, Spring, .3750OD, 2.000, SZC 1 No image

18 19-225105-00 Pin, Dowel, .5000OD, 1.000, Steel 1 No image

19 21-119937-00 Bearing, Roller, Taper-Cup, 4.156OD, .3750WD 1 No image

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 180


*ASM only, not an orderable part

Figure 1-15. L-Arm ASM 00-880821-01 Exploded View (3 of 3)

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 181

Table 1-15. L-Arm ASM 00-880821-01 Exploded View (3 of 3)
Item Part Number Description Qty Image

1 00-880692-01 Handle, L-Arm 1

2 5543531 Screw, NA, Socket, Hex, 1/4-20, 1/2, SZP 1 No image

3 - Loctite 243 AR No image
4 ASM ONLY Machining, Cap, L-Arm 1 ASM ONLY, no image

5 19-224763-00 Pin, Spring, .125 OD, .500, Steel 2 No image

Shaft, Brake, L-Arm

6 5331073 1
(Use Retaining Clips 22-680001-00)

7 21-301785-00 Nut, Lock, Brg, 1.378 Brg, 1.906 OD, Steel Zinc 10 No image
8 27-402277-00 O-Ring, .549ID X .103WD, NPRN, .113 3 No image

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 182

Table 1-15. L-Arm ASM 00-880821-01 Exploded View (3 of 3)
Item Part Number Description Qty Image

9 00-879394-02 Insert, Handle 3

10 12-225160-08 Screw, SEMS, Spring, Pan, TORX, 10-32, 1/2, SZC 4 No image

11 00-876981-01 Handle, Brake, Flip Flop

*ASM 00-880821-01 includes 2

12 22-678622-00 Ring, Retaining, External, Basic, 7/16, Spring, Steel 4

13 00-879344-01 Actuator, Right Hand 2

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 183

Table 1-15. L-Arm ASM 00-880821-01 Exploded View (3 of 3)
Item Part Number Description Qty Image
14 00-880701-01 Screw, Adjust, Spherical, L-Arm 1 No image

00-880840-01* Shaft, Brake, Flip Flop

15 1

*New PN order 5331075 (Use Retaining Clips 22-680001-00)

16 00-879343-01 Actuator, Left Hand 2 See image right hand, above

17 ASM ONLY Machining, L-Arm 1 ASM ONLY, no image

18 12-225160-08 Screw, SEMS, Spring, Pan, TORX, 10-32, 1/2, SZC 3 No image

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 184


*ASM only, not an orderable part

Figure 1-16. 9-Inch Flip-Flop ASM 00-880655-01 Exploded View

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 185

Table 1-16. 9-Inch Flip-Flop ASM 00-880655-01 Parts List
Item Part Number Description Qty Image

1 00-881224-01 Yoke, Roller 1

2 12-315060-06 Screw, NA, Socket, TORX, 10-32, 3/8, SZC, 8 2 No image

3 88-299284-00 Adhesive, Slt, Purple, Bottle, 10cc, 222-21 12 No image

4 00-901523-02 Clutch, Friction 9” Stnd “C” (Red) 1

5 12-225160-20 Screw, Socket, Spring, Pan, TORX, 10-32, 1, SZC 1 No image

6 00-881057-02 Pad, Brake 1

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 186

Table 1-16. 9-Inch Flip-Flop ASM 00-880655-01 Parts List
Item Part Number Description Qty Image

7 00-881056-01 Base, Brake 1

8 00-880387-01 Arm, Brake 1

9 12-331114-12 Screw, NA, Socket, TORX, 1/4-20, 3/4, SZC, 8 2 No image

10 - Loctite 243 10 No image

11 00-881222-01 Spring, Roller 1

12 14-999724-00 Washer, Pl, 3/8, Nylon, NA, ID=.375, OD=.750 2 No image

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 187

Table 1-16. 9-Inch Flip-Flop ASM 00-880655-01 Parts List
Item Part Number Description Qty Image

13 00-880385-01 Pivot, Brake 1

14 12-225106-06 Screw, SEMS, Spring, Pan, TORX, 6-32, 3/8, SZC 2 No image

15 00-876704-01 Handle, Brake, C-Rotation 1

16 00-880383-01 Shaft, Brake 1

17 00-880384-01 Cam, Brake 1 No image

18 88-299477-00-OEC Lube, Grease, GP, 14, 1OZ, CRTG AR No image

19 21-180020-00 Bearing, Cylinder, .375ID, .500L, Plastic 2 No image
20 11-633910-04 Screw, Set, Socket, Hex, 10-32, 1/4, SBO, KCUP 2 No image
21 12-311116-12 Screw, NA, Socket, Hex, 3/8-16, 3/4, SZC, 8 8 No image

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 188

Table 1-16. 9-Inch Flip-Flop ASM 00-880655-01 Parts List
Item Part Number Description Qty Image
22 ASM ONLY Machining, Flip Flop 1 ASM ONLY, no image

23 00-880382-01 Shaft, Pivot, Toggle Arm 4

24 00-880395-01 Shaft, Pivot 1 No image

25 00-882362-01 Assembly, Roller and Bearing, 9” 4

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 189


*ASM only, not an orderable part

Figure 1-17. 12-Inch Flip-Flop ASM 00-880656-01 Exploded View

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 190

Table 1-17. 12-Inch Flip-Flop ASM 00-880656-01 Parts List

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

1 00-881224-01 Yoke, Roller 9” Standard 1 See image table 1-16
Yoke, Roller 12” Standard (no longer available, order higher assembly
1 - 1 See image table 1-16
00-882786-01 Asm, Brake, 12”)
2 12-315060-06 Screw, NA, Socket, TORX, 10-32, 3/8, SZC, 8 8 No image
3 88-299284-00 Adhesive, Slt, Purple, Bottle, 10cc, 222-21 10 No image

4 00-901523-01 Clutch, Friction 12” Standard “C” (Blue) 1

5 12-225160-20 Screw, SEMS, Spring, Pan, TORX, 10-32, 1, SZC 1 No image

6 00-881057-02 Brake, Pad 1 See image table 1-16

7 00-881056-01 Base, Brake 1 See image table 1-16

8 00-880387-01 Arm, Brake 1 See image table 1-16

9 12-331114-12 Screw, NA, Flange, Hex, 1/4-20, 3/4, SZC, 8 2 No image

10 - Loctite 243 10 No image

11 00-881222-01 Spring, Roller 1 See image table 1-16

12 14-999724-00 Washer, Panel, 3/8, Nylon, NA, ID=.375, OD = .750 2 No image

13 00-880385-01 Pivot, Brake 1 See image table 1-16

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 191

Table 1-17. 12-Inch Flip-Flop ASM 00-880656-01 Parts List

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

14 12-225106-06 Screw, SEMS, Spring, Pan, TORX, 6-32, 3/8, SZC 2 No image
15 00-876704-01 Handle, Brake, C-Rotation 2 See image table 1-16
16 00-880383-01 Shaft, Brake 1 See image table 1-16

17 00-880384-01 Cam, Brake 1 No image

18 88-299477-00-OEC Lube, Grease, Gp, 14, 10oz, CRTG 4 No image

19 21-180020-00 Bearing, Cylinder, .375ID, .500L, Plastic 2 No image
20 11-633910-04 Screw, Set, Socket, Hex, 10-32, 1/4, SBO, KCUP 2 No image
21 ASM ONLY Screw, NA, Socket, TORX, 3/8-16, 2, SZC, 8 8 ASM ONLY, no image

22 00-880610-01 Housing, Flip-Flop, 12” 1

23 00-880382-01 Shaft, Pivot, Toggle Arm 2 See image table 1-16

24 00-880395-01 Shaft, Pivot 1 No image

25 00-882371-01 Assembly, Roller and Bearing, 12” 4

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 192


*ASM only, not an orderable part

Figure 1-18. Vertical Column, Cross-Arm Exploded View

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 193

Table 1-18. Vertical Column, Cross-Arm Parts List

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

1 12-318069-36 Screw, Metric, Socket, Hex, M10X1.5, 90MM, SZC 4 No image
2 22-407702-00 Standoff, Hex, M/F, 4-40, .250L, Steel 6 No image

3 00-880432-02 Assembly, Cross Arm Housing 1

4 00-880637-01 Cable Hanger, Bracket 1

5 5543531 Screw, NA, Socket, Hex, 1/4-20, 1/2, SZP 2 No image

6 12-215006-12 Screw, Machine, Flat, TORX, 6-32, 3/4, SZC 4 No image

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 194

Table 1-18. Vertical Column, Cross-Arm Parts List

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

7 00-879895-01 Cross Arm, Lower Cover 1

8 ASM ONLY Spacer, Shield 1 ASM ONLY, no image

N/A 00-881114-01 High Voltage Cable Mount 1 No image

N/A 5543534 Screw, Socket, Hex, 1/4-20, 3/4 1 No image
N/A 12-225108-12 Screw, Sems Spring, Pan, Torx, 8-32, 3/4 4 No image
N/A 00-881115-01 High Voltage Cable Clamp 1 No image
9 12-311114-14 Screw, Socket, Hex, 1/4-20, 7/8 2 No image
10 12-318039-26 Screw, Metric, Socket, Hex, M10 X 40 mm 4 No image
11 ASM ONLY Washer, Pl, 3/8 4 ASM ONLY, no image

12 ASM ONLY Base, Machining 1 ASM ONLY, no image

13 00-884173-01 Vertical Lift Column 1

13 00-884173-02 Vertical Lift Column (Motorized Systems only) 1

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 195

Table 1-18. Vertical Column, Cross-Arm Parts List

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

14 00-879809-01 Plate, Cover, Rear 1

15 12-318039-26 Screw, Metric, Socket, Hex, M10 X 40 mm, SZP 2 No image

16 00-879828-01 Gasket, Column, Vertical 1

17 00-881574-02 Spacer, Column, Vertical 1

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 196

Table 1-18. Vertical Column, Cross-Arm Parts List

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

18 12-225160-08 Screw, SEMS, Spring, Pan, TORX, 10-32, 1/2, SZC 1 No image

19 00-876980-01 Handle, Brake, Wig Wag 1

20 12-215060-08 Screw, Machine, Flanged, TORX, 10-32, 1/2, SZC 4 No image

21 00-885094-01 Kit, Upgrade, Cross Arm 1 No image

Brake Asm, Cross Arm

21 5474109 1 No image
(If Cross Arm Brake Asm is not 5474109, order 00-885094-01)

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 197

Figure 1-19. Cross-Arm Housing Mount Exploded View
OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 198
Table 1-19. Cross-Arm Housing Mount Parts List

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

1 00-879894-01 Roller, Cross Arm 1

2 11-633910-04 Screw, Set, Socket, Hex, 10-32, 1/4, SBO, KCUP 1 No image

3 88-299284-00 Adhesive, Slt, Purple, Bottle, 10cc, 232-21 8 No image

4 00-881284-01 Sleeve, Stop 1

5 12-311116-12 Screw, NA, Socket, Hex, 3/8-16, 3/4, SZC, 8 1 No image

6 - Loctite 243 1 No image
7 12-313916-22 Screw, NA, Socket, Hex, 3/8-16, 1 1/4, SZP 1 No image

8 00-879797-01 Shaft, Mount, Cross Arm 1

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 199

Table 1-19. Cross-Arm Housing Mount Parts List

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

9 21-119948-00 Bearing, Roller, Taper-Cone, 2.0000 ID, .8750WD 1 No image
10 88-299477-00-OEC Lube, Grease, Gp, 14.10 oz, CRTG 2 No image
11 21-119949-00 Bearing, Roller, Taper-Cone, 3.2500 ID, .6500WD 1 No image
12 19-221927-00 Pin, Dowel, ,2503 OD, .740, Steel 2 No image
13 00-879702-01 Mount, Bearing 1 No image

14 21-301794-00 Washer, Lock, Brg, 1.992 ID 1 No image

15 21-301793-00 Nut, Lock, Brg, 1.967-16, Steel Zinc 1 No image

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 200






*ASM only, not an orderable part

Figure 1-20. Cross-Arm Brake, Bearing Exploded View

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 201

Table 1-20. Cross-Arm Brake, Bearing Parts List

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

1 00-879892-01 Stop, Cross Arm 1

2 00-876962-01 Pad, Stop 2 See image table 1-13

3 88-299614-00 Adhesive, Black, Max, TB, 10oz, 38050 2 No image

4 5534671 Screw, NA, Socket, Hex, 5/16-18, 3/4, SZP 1 No image

5 - Loctite 243 5 No image

6 5543531 Screw, NA, Socket, Hex, 1/4-20, 1/2, SZP 1 No image
7 - Loctite 243 4 No image

8 00-879707-02 Assembly, Brake Pad 1

N/A 00-888735-01 Kit, Assembly, Brake Pad 1 No image

9 00-879703-01 Plate, Floating 1 No image

10 27-409210-00 O-Ring, .614ID X, .070WD, .016 1 No image

11 88-299477-00-OEC Lube, Grease, GP, 14.1OZ, CRTG 1 No image
12 00-879704-01 Actuator, Brake 1 No image

13 88-299477-00-OEC Lube, Grease, GP, 14.1OZ, CRTG 1 No image

14 ASM ONLY Pin, Dowel, .2502OD, 1.250, Steel 2 ASM ONLY, no image

15 00-879713-01 Plate, Fixed 1 No image

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 202

Figure 1-21. Cross-Arm Bearings Exploded View

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 203

Table 1-21. Cross-Arm Bearings Parts List

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

1 22-680004-00 Ring, Retaining, External, E-Type, 3/4, Spring, Steel 28

2 00-880529-01 Roller, Cross Arm, Narrow 16

3 00-879893-01 Shaft, Roller, Cross Arm 6

4 21-109950-00 Bearing, BA, .6693 ID, 1,3780 OD, .3937 WD 8

5 00-879894-01 Roller, Cross Arm 2 See image table 1-19

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 204

Figure 1-22. Rear Steering Exploded View (1 of 3)

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 205

Table 1-22. Rear Steering Parts List (1 of 3)

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

1 00-878931-01 Handle, Rear Right Grip 1

2 21-180017-00 Bearing, Cyl, Flg, .625 ID, .875 OD, .875 L 2

3 00-878932-01 Handle, Rear, Left (Not Exploded) 1

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 206

Table 1-22. Rear Steering Parts List (1 of 3)

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

4 00-878933-01 Handle, Rear, Right, Stationary (Not Exploded) 1

5 00-883470-03 Cover, Assembly, Rear 1

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 207

Table 1-22. Rear Steering Parts List (1 of 3)

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

6 00-878937-01 Spacer, Tube, Rear, Handle 1

7 00-901113-01 Universal Joint, Upper, Steering 1

8 00-901101-01 Key, U-Joint, Steering 2

9 00-878938-01 Shaft, Tiller, Upper, Steering 1

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 208

Figure 1-23. Rear Steering Exploded View (2 of 3)

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 209

Table 1-23. Rear Steering Parts List (2 of 3)

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

1 20-842001-00 Coupling, Shaft, 5/8ID, 1.312OD, SBO 1

2 00-879030-01 Shaft, Tiller, Lower, Steering 1

3 00-901101-01 Key, U-Joint, Rear Steering 1 See image table 1-22

4 00-878939-01 Universal Joint, Lower, Steering


5 12-225160-20 Screw, SEMS, Spring, Pan, TORX, 10-32, 1, SZC 4 No image

6 21-109586-00 Bearing, Ball, 1.181ID, 1.8504 OD, .3543 WD 1 No image

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 210

Table 1-23. Rear Steering Parts List (2 of 3)

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

7 00-879027-01 Shaft, Tiller, Short, Steering 1

8 21-109947-00 Bearing, ball, .625ID, 1.375 OD, .4375 WD 1 No image

9 00-878942-01 Sprocket, Drive, Steering 1

10 19-224945-00 Pin Spring, .250OD, 1, SZC 1 No image

11 14-900012-00 Washer, Plain, #10, SZC, NA, ID=.219, OD = .500 6 No image
12 14-211110-00 Washer, Lock, Helical-Spring, #10, SZC, NA, ID - .194 3 No image
13 12-311110-12 Screw, NA, Socket, Hex, 10-24, 3/4, SZC, 8 3 No image

14 00-878945-01 Cam, Detent, Steering 1

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 211

Table 1-23. Rear Steering Parts List (2 of 3)

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

15 22-678621-00 Ring, Retaining, External, Basic, 5/8, Spring, Steel 1

16 00-901102-01 Key, Rear, Steering 1

17 00-879026-01 Housing, Bearing, Tiller, Steering 1

18 00-901101-01 Key, U-Joint, Rear Steering 1 See image table 1-22

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 212


*ASM only, not an orderable part

Figure 1-24. Rear Steering Exploded View (3 of 3)

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 213

Table 1-24. Rear Steering Parts List (3 of 3)

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

1 12-313916-36 Screw, NA, Socket, Hex, 3/8-16, 2-3/4, SBO, 8 8 No image

2 23-608974-00 Bumper, Adhesive Backing, .500 OD X .060 T, White 4 No image

3 12-313915-20 Screw, NA, Socket, Hex, 5/16-18, 1, SBO, 8 4 No image

4 19-225105-00 Pin, Dowel, .5000OD, 1.000, Steel 4 No image

5 ASM ONLY Stop, Pedal, Steering 2 ASM ONLY, no image

6 12-313910-26 Screw, NA, Socket, Hex, 10-24, 1-3/4, SBO 2 No image

7 14-211110-00 Washer, Lock, Helical-Spring, #10, SZC, NA, ID = .194 2 No image

8 14-900012-00 Washer, Plain, #10, SZC, NA, ID=.219, OD = .500 2 No image

9 ASM ONLY Cross Beam, Chassis 1 ASM ONLY, no image

10 21-128919-00 Bearing, Thrust-Washer, .500ID, .8750 OD, .0585 WD 4

11 21-128814-00 Bearing, Needle-Roller, .500ID, .750 OD, .750 WD 2 These parts can be ordered as 00-882788-01
ASM, steering 9800
12 00-878943-01 Sprocket, Idler, Steering 2

13 12-999545-00 Screw, NA, Shoulder, Hex, 3/8-16, 1/2 X 1-1/4 2

14 21-139743-00 Bearing, Cylindrical, Flanged, .375ID, .502 OD, 1.000 L 1 No image

15 12-999539-00 Screw, NA, Shoulder, Hex, 5/16-18, 3/8 X 1-1/4 1 No image

16 13-111114-00 Nut, Hex, 1/4-20, Stainless Steel, MS51971-1, A = .437 3 No image

17 12-313914-24 Screw, NA, Socket, Hex, 1/4-20, 1-1/2, SBO, 8 1 No image

18 ASM ONLY Spring, External, .360 OD, 2.25 LG, .055 WD, Music Wire 1 ASM ONLY, no image

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 214

Table 1-24. Rear Steering Parts List (3 of 3)

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

19 00-878952-01 Lever Arm, Detent, Steering 1

20 12-312014-12 Screw, NA, Socket, Hex, 1/4-20, 3/4, Stainless Steel 1 No image

21 21-190062-00 Bearing, Cam Follower Roller, 1/4-20, .625 OD 1 No image

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 215

Figure 1-25. Rear Brake Exploded View
OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 216
Table 1-25. Rear Brake Parts List

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

1 12-225160-20 Screw, SEMS, Spring, Pan, TORX, 10-32, 1, SZC 16 No image

2 00-879116-01 Support, Bearing, Brake Rod, Flat 2

3 21-139774-00 Bearing, Cylindrical, Flanged, .625 ID, .750 OD, .500 L 4 No image

4 00-879013-01 Support, Bearing, Brake Rod, Steering 2

5 00-876586-02 Shaft, Actuator, Rear Caster 1

6 12-363914-22 Screw, NA, Button, Hex, 1/4-20, 1-1/4, SBO 2 No image

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 217

Table 1-25. Rear Brake Parts List

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

7 00-879012-01 Cam, Brake 2

8 12-311114-14 Screw, NA, Socket, Hex, 1/4-20, 7/8, SZC, 8 6 No image

9 00-876833-03 Pedal, Rear Wheel Brake 2

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 218


Figure 1-26. Front Caster Exploded View *ASM only, not an orderable part

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 219

Table 1-26. Front Caster Parts List

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

1 ASM ONLY Screw, NA, Socket, Hex, 3/8-16, 1, SBO, 8 4 ASM ONLY, no image

2 00-881779-02 Plate, Mounting, Front Caster 1

3 00-881296-01 Caster Pin Mount 2

4 22-678450-00 Ring, Retaining, Internal, Basic, 1-3/8, Spring, Steel 2 No image

5 21-109912-00 Bearing, Ball, Double, .5906 ID, 1.3780 ID, .625 WD 2 No image

6 22-678620-00 Ring, Retaining, External, 5100-59S 2

7 12-331116-32 Screw, NA, Flat, Hex, 3-8-16, 2-1/4, SZC, 8 2 No image

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 220

Table 1-26. Front Caster Parts List

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

8 00-881347-01 Blade, Cable Pusher, Front 2

9 12-225106-10 Screw, SEMS, Spring, Pan, TORX, 6-32, 5/8, SZC 4 No image
10 21-259986-00 Caster, Wheel, 4” Diameter, 1-3/8” Wide 2 See image table 1-3

11 00-881295-01 Machining, Arm, Front Caster 2

12 ASM ONLY Base, Machining 1 ASM ONLY, no image

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 221

Figure 1-27. Steering Chain Exploded View
OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 222
Table 1-27. Steering Chain, Cable Pusher Parts List ASM 00-882788-01

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

0 00-882788-01 ASM, Steering 1

1 00-879162-01 Chain, Steering, Short 1

2 20-500003-00 Link, Chain, Spring, Cl., .375 PD, Steel 4

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 223

Table 1-27. Steering Chain, Cable Pusher Parts List ASM 00-882788-01

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

3 00-879147-01 Turnbuckle, Chain, Left Hand 2

4 00-879146-01 Turnbuckle, Chain, Right Hand 2

5 00-878953-01 Chain, Steering, Long 1

6 00-879145-01 Turnbuckle, Chain, Body 2

7 13-121164-00 Nut, Hex, 1/4-28, SZC, ANSI B18.6.3 4 No image

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 224

Table 1-27. Steering Chain, Cable Pusher Parts List ASM 00-882788-01

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

8 00-880889-02 Assembly, Rear Wheel 2

9 00-881587-01 Assembly, Skirt, Cable Pusher 2

10 12-225108-08 Screw, SEMS, Spring, Pan, TORX, 8-32, 1/2, SZC 16 No image

11 00-881346-01 Blade, Cable Pusher, Rear 4

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 225


Figure 1-28. Rear Caster Exploded View *ASM only, not an orderable part

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 226

Table 1-28. Rear Caster Parts List ASM 00-880889-02

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

1 00-879029-01 Cap, Brake, Plunger, Steering 1

2 00-879115-01 Plunger, Brake, Adjustment, Steering 1

3 00-878948-01 Plunger, Brake, Steering 1

4 21-301785-00 Nut, Lock, Brg, 1.378 Brg, 1.906 OD, Steel Zinc 1 No image

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 227

Table 1-28. Rear Caster Parts List ASM 00-880889-02

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

5 21-119920-00 Bearing, Roller, Taper-Cone, 1.3775 ID, .6600 WD 1 No image
6 ASM ONLY Housing, Bearing, Yoke, Steering 1 ASM ONLY, no image

7 00-901102-01 Key, Steering 1 See image table 1-23

8 21-709177-00 Spring, Compression, .720 OD, 1.250 LG, .072 WD, Steel 1 No image
9 21-139776-00 Bearing, Cylinder, Flange, .500 ID, .625 OD, .750 L 1 No image
10 12-333968-40 Screw, NA, Fl, Hex, 1/2-20, 3, SBO, 8 1 No image
11 - Loctite 243 AR No image

12 00-901077-01 Wheel, Plastic, 8”, Steering 1

13 ASM ONLY Yoke, Wheel, Rear 1 ASM ONLY, no image

14 21-139777-00 Bearing, Cylinder, Fl, .875 ID, 1.000 OD, .750 L 1 No image

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 228

Table 1-28. Rear Caster Parts List ASM 00-880889-02

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

15 00-878944-01 Sprocket, Yoke, Steering 1

16 21-119920-00 Bearing, Roller, Taper-Cone, 1.3775 ID, .6600 WD 1 No image

17 21-301782-00 Washer, Lock, Brg, 1.406 ID, 1.378 Brg B 1 No image
18 11-999963-00 Screw, Set, Socket, Hex, 6-32, 1/8, Steel, Insert 1 No image
19 88-299284-00 Adhesive, SLT, Purple, Bottle, 10cc, 222-21 AR No image
20 21-109940-00 Bearing, Ball, Radial, Bost 1616DS 1 No image

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 229


*ASM only, not an orderable part

Figure 1-29. Super C Image Intensifier, Camera Region Exploded View (1 of3)
OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 230
Table 1-29. Super C Image Intensifier, Camera Region Parts List (1 of 3)

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

1 ASM ONLY Mount, Image Intensifier, C-Major 1 ASM only, no image

2 5543534 Screw, NA, SOCKET, HEX, 1/4-20, 3/4, SZC, 8 4 No image

3 00-881075-01 Handle, C 1 See image table 1-11

4 00-881023-01 End Cap, Machining 1

5 00-880833-01 Weight, Rear, Top 2

6 00-877033-02 Pad, Bumper, Flip-Flop 1

7 00-877033-01 Pad, Bumper, Flip-Flop 1

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 231

Table 1-29. Super C Image Intensifier, Camera Region Parts List (1 of 3)

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

8 00-881023-01 End Cap, Machining 1 See above

9 5543531 Screw, NA, Socket, HEX, 1/4-20, 1/2, SZP 4 No image

10 00-880834-01 Weight, Front, Top 2 See image, rear weight, above

11 12-225108-12 Screw, SEMS Spring, Pan, TORX, 8-32, 3/4, SZC 4 No image

Weldment, C-Arm, C-Major

12 00-880886-03 (Order 00-881195-01, -02, -03, -04, -05, -06 Super C Labels and 00-881975-01 1
Label Set)

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 232

Figure 1-30. Super C Image Intensifier, Camera Region Exploded View (2 of 3)

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 233

Table 1-30. Super C Image Intensifier, Camera Region Parts List (2 of 3)

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

1 12-312060-12 Screw, 10-32, 3/4”, Socket Hex 1 No image

2 N/A Loctite 425 AR No image

3 5342069 Cover, Camera, 9” MD 1

4 Gasket, Camera Cover 1 No image
(Part of 5342069)

5 12-225160-12 Screw, SEMS Spring, Pan, TORX, 10-32, 3/4, SZC 2 No image

6 00-880307-04 Weight, Outside Front, C-Major 1

7 14-146006-00 Washer, Shim, ID = 0202, OD = .625, .063, SST 4 No image

8 12-225106-08 Screw, SEMS Spring, Pan, TORX, 6-32, 1/2, SZC 4 No image

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 234

Table 1-30. Super C Image Intensifier, Camera Region Parts List (2 of 3)

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

9 5505611 Front EMI Cover, Super C with Shielding and Camera Weight 1

13 12-312014-22 Screw, 1/4-20 X 1 1/4” Hex Socket 2 No image

14 - Loctite 243 AR No image

15 00-881226-01 Anchor, Weight, Super C 1

16 00-882852-01 Weight, Camera 1

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 235

Table 1-30. Super C Image Intensifier, Camera Region Parts List (2 of 3)

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

17 12-312060-26 Screw, 10-32 x 1 3/4” Hex Socket 4 No image

18 5504578 Rear EMI Cover, Super C with Shielding 1 No image

19 Camera Cover Connector Mount 1 See table 1-11
(Part of 5504578)
20 (Part of 5504578)
Hardware Kit, Connector, JK Socket Set, 4-40 .50l 2 No image

21 Cable Assembly, Camera Video 1 No image
(Part of 5504578)

22 Cable Assembly, Camera Cover to Camera 1
(Part of 5504578)

23 51-300003-00 Connector, Adapter, Filter, 25 pos, D (Not Exploded) 1

24 Screw, 6-32 x 1/4” SEMS 8 No image
(Part of 5504578)

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 236

Table 1-30. Super C Image Intensifier, Camera Region Parts List (2 of 3)

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

25 28-993022-00 Hose Clamp 1

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 237

Figure 1-31. Super C Image Intensifier, Camera Region Exploded View (3 of 3)

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 238

Table 1-31. Super C Image Intensifier, Camera Region Parts List (3 of 3)

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

1 12-312060-08 Screw, NA, Socket, Hex, 10-32, 1/2, SST 3 No image
2 88-299284-00 Adhesive, Sealant, Purple, Bottle, 10cc, 222-21 AR No image
3 12-225106-20 Screw, SEMS Spring, Pan, TORX, 6-32, 1, SZC 6 No image
4 See Table 3-1 Video Camera 1 No image
5 88-298900-00 Compound, HS, Bottle, 2 oz, 250 AR No image
6 00-901180-02 II Power Supply (for Thales II only) 1 No image

6 5341390 II Power Supply (for Toshiba II only) 1 No image

7 See Table 3-1 Image Intensifier 1 No image

8 15-997002-00 Term, Fston, F, Crp, 16-14, NA, Lib25 1

9 00-871303-01 Gasket, Grid, X-Ray, 9” 1 See image table 1-11

10 00-901200-01 Grid, X-Ray, 10:1, 9” 1 See image table 1-11

11 12-215004-05 Screw, Machine, Flat, TORX, 4-40, 5/16, SZC 6 No image

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 239

Figure 1-32. Super C X-Ray Tube Region Exploded View
OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 240
Table 1-32. Super C X-Ray Tube Region Parts List

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

1 00-876567-02 Bumper, X-Ray Mount (Order 00-877322-01 for Gasket) 1 See image table 1-12

2 00-877033-01 Pad, Bumper, Flip-flop 1

See image table 1-29
3 00-877033-02 Pad, Bumper, Flip-flop 1

4 00-881107-01 Weight, Mount, X-Ray 1

5 12-225106-06 Screw, SEMS, Spring, Pan, TORX, 6-32, 3/8, SZC 7 No image

6 22-678482-00 Ring, Retaining, Internal, Spl, 2.312 SST 1 No image

7 00-880838-01 Collimator, Primary 9” 1 See image table 1-12

7 00-880839-01 Collimator, Primary 12” 1 See image table 1-12

8 00-880855-01 Spacer, Foam, Primary, Collimator 1 See image table 1-12

9 00-877286-01 Cover, X-Ray Tube 1 See image table 1-12

X-Ray Tube, Varian/Varex

(If needed, also order HV Grease 00-900801-01)

10 X-Ray Tube, GE BEL 1

5485305 (not for use in China, not for use in Brazil)
(If needed, also order HV Grease 00-900801-01)

11 00-877946-01 Retainer, Plug, HV 2 See image table 1-5

12 00-877947-01 Nut, X-Ray, Hi Volt 2 No image

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 241

Table 1-32. Super C X-Ray Tube Region Parts List

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

13 00-881976-01 Assembly, Cooling Kit, Super C, Integrated 1

13 00-881700-01 Standard Cooling Kit (9”) 1 No image

14 12-311160-06 Screw, Sockethead, Hex, 10-32, 3/8, SZC 2 No image

15 00-880881-01 Heat Sink 1

16 12-225160-12 Screw, SEMS, Spring, Panhead, TORX, 10-32, 3/4, SZC 2 No image

17 00-881499-01 Assembly, Temp sensor, X-Ray 1 See image table 1-12

High Voltage Cable for 9” Super C-Arm Systems, with or without
18 5694681-02 1 See image table 1-12
Cardiac Option

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 242

Table 1-32. Super C X-Ray Tube Region Parts List

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

Cover, Cooling Kit, 9” and 12”, 2 filter holes, w/o fans and filters
19 00-881594-01 (Not Exploded) 1
(Order 88-199015-00 for Single Sided w/ Backing Rubber Tape)

Cover, Cooling Kit, 9” and 12”, 2 filter holes with fans and filters
19 00-881595-01 1
(Not Exploded)

Cover, Cooling Kit, Super C, 2 filter holes w/o fans and filters
19 00-881584-01 1
(Not Exploded)

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 243

Table 1-32. Super C X-Ray Tube Region Parts List

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

Cover, Cooling Kit, Super C 3 filter holes w/o fans and filters
19 00-884945-01 1
(Not Exploded)

19 00-881584-02 Cover, Cooling Kit, Super C no fan holes 1

Fan, Cooling
N/A 00-883496-01 1 No image
(Fan used in 00-881976-01, 00-881700-01, 00-881595-01)

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 244

Figure 1-33. Super C Collimator Region Exploded View

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 245

Table 1-33. Super C Collimator Region Parts List

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

1 00-879575-01 Collimator, Secondary, 9”, 3 Pot 1 See image table 1-12

2 12-225108-06 Screw, NA, Socket, Hex, 8-32, 3/4, SZC 4 No image

Collimator (Dual Leaf Tungsten Opaque Leaves) Non-Cardiac
3 5324216 1
Systems (Contains 00-882671-02 Collimator)
Collimator (Dual Copper Semi-Transparent Leaves) Non-Cardiac
3 5324214 1
Systems (Contains 00-880430-02 Collimator)

Collimator (Single Leaf) Cardiac Systems Only

3 5324212 1
(Contains 00-880391-02 Collimator)

4 5543534 Screw, Sockethead, Hex, 1/4-20, 3/4, SZC 8 1 No image

5 12-225106-06 Screw, SEMS, Spring, Pan, TORX, 6-32, 3/8, SZC 1 No image

6 12-215060-08 Screw, Machine, Flathead, TORX, 10-32, 1/2, SZC 2 No image

7 12-312060-30 Screw, Sockethead, Hex, 10-32, 2, SST 4 No image

8 14-121110-00 Washer, Plain, #10, SST 4 No image

00-881105-01* Weight, Top, X-Ray

9 1

*New PN order 5408633FS

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 246

Table 1-33. Super C Collimator Region Parts List

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

10 00-881106-01 Weight, Front, X-Ray 1

11 12-225160-08 Screw, SEMS, Spring, Panhead, TORX, 10-32, 1/2, SZC 2 No image

12 00-881512-01 Clip, Cover, Collimator 1 See image table 1-12

13 00-880706-02 Cover, Collimator 1 See image table 1-12

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 247

Figure 1-34. Super C Cross-Arm Exploded View
OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 248
Table 1-34. Super C Cross-Arm Parts List

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

1 00-879905-01 Machining, Cross Arm 1 See image table 1-14

2 -
Machining, Housing, L-Rot 1 No image
(Order higher assembly 00-880584-02 Housing Assembly, L Rotation, Super C)

3 19-221881-00 Pin, Dowel, .5000 OD, 1.250, Steel 1 No image

4 27-402277-00 O-Ring, .549 ID X .103 WD, NPRN, .113 1 No image
5 00-879343-01 Actuator, Left Handle 1 See image table 1-15

6 22-678622-00 Ring, Retaining EXT, Basic, 7/16 , Spring Steel 2 See image table 1-15

7 00-879394-02 Insert, Handle 2 See image table 1-15

8 00-876981-01 Handle, Brake Flip-Flop 2 See image Table 1-15

9 12-225160-08 Screw, SEMS, Spring, Pan, TRX, 10-32, 1/2, SZC 2 No image
10 19-221854-00 Pin, Dowel, .1250 OD, .750, Stainless Steel 1 No image

11 00-880671-01 Shaft, Pivot, Super-C 1

12 21-119936-00 Bearing, Roller, Tapered-Cone, 3.000 ID, .5313 WD 1 No image

13 21-119937-00 Bearing, Roller, Tapered-Cup, 4.1563 OD, .3750 WD 1 No image

14 00-880820-01 Assembly, Brake Shoe 1 See image table 1-14

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 249

Table 1-34. Super C Cross-Arm Parts List

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

15 00-879955-01 Spacing, Housing, Rear, C-Major 1

16 00-880890-01 Plate, Stop, Flip-Flop, 380 1

17 00-880840-01 Shaft, Brake, Flip-Flop 1 See image table 1-15

18 00-879344-01 Actuator, Right Handle 1 See image table 1-15

19 21-119921-00 Bearing, Roller, Tapered-Cup, 2.3612 OD, .4700 WD 1 No image

20 21-119920-00 Bearing, Roller, Tapered-Cone, 1.3775 ID, 6600 WD 1 No image
21 21-301782-00 Washer, Locking, Bearing, 1.406 ID, 1.378 BRG B 1 No image
22 21-301785-00 Nut, Locking, Bearing, 1.378 BRG, 1.906 OD, Steel ZN 1 No image

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 250

Table 1-34. Super C Cross-Arm Parts List

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

23 00-878788-01 Cap, Plug, 2.75 OD 1

24 19-224948-00 Pin, Spring, .48 OD, 2.50, Steel 2 No image

25 00-881233-01,02 Label, Horizontal Cross Arm (Not Exploded or Shown) 2 No image

26 88-299477-00-OEC Lube, Grease, GP, 14.1 OZ CRTG (Not Shown) AR No image

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 251

Figure 1-35. Super C Flip-Flop Exploded View

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 252

Table 1-35. Super C Flip-Flop Parts List

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

1 00-881224-01 Yoke, Roller 1 See image table 1-16

2 12-315060-06 Screw, NA, Socket, TORX, 10-32, 3/8, SZC, 8 8 No image

3 88-299284-00 Adhesive, Slt, Purple, Bottle, 10cc, 222-21 AR No image

4 00-901523-04 Clutch, Friction, Super-C (Green) 1

5 12-225160-20 Screw, SEMS, Spring, Pan, TORX, 10-32, 1, SZC 1 No image

6 00-881057-02 Brake, Pad 1 See image table 1-16

7 00-881056-01 Base, Brake 1 See image table 1-16

8 00-880387-01 Arm, Brake 1 See image table 1-16

9 12-331114-14 Screw, NA, Flange, Hex, 1/4-20, 7/8, SZC, 8 2 No image

10 - Loctite 243 AR No image
11 00-881222-01 Spring, Roller 1 See image table 1-16

12 14-999724-00 Washer, Plain, 3/8, Nylon, NA, ID = .375, OD = .750 2 No image

13 00-880385-01 Pivot, Brake 1 See image table 1-16

14 12-225106-06 Screw, SEMS, Spring, Pan, TORX, 6-32, 3/8, SZC 2 No image
15 00-876704-01 Handle, Brake, C-Rotation 2 See image table 1-16

16 00-880383-01 Shaft, Brake 1 See image table 1-16

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 253

Table 1-35. Super C Flip-Flop Parts List

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

17 00-880384-01 Cam, Brake 1 No image

18 88-299477-00-OEC Lube, Grease, Gp, 14, 10oz, CRTG AR No image

19 21-180020-00 Bearing, Cylinder, .375 ID, .500 L, Plastic 2 No image
20 11-633910-04 Screw, Set, Socket, Hex, 10-32, 1/4, SBO, KCUP 2 No image
21 12-311116-12 Screw, NA, Socket, Hex, 3/8-16, 3/4, SZC, 8 7 No image

22 00-880623-01 Machining, Flip-Flop, Super-C 1

23 00-880382-01 Shaft, Pivot, Toggle Arm 1 See image table 1-16

24 00-881053-01 Spacer, Pad, Brake 1

25 00-882363-02 Assembly, Roller and Bearing, Super C 4

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 254

OEC 9900 Elite C-Arm
Motorized Drive

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 255


*ASM only, not an orderable part

Figure 2-1 Motorized Rear Covers Regions Exploded View
OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 256
Table 2-1. Motorized Rear Covers Regions Parts List

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

1 ASM ONLY Cover, Generator, Driver 1 ASM only, no image

2 12-225108-06 Screw, SEMS Spring, Pan, TORX, 8-32,3/8, SZC 14 No image

00-881200-01* Fan Assembly

3 1
*New PN order 5327159

4 12-225106-22 Screw, SEMS Spring, Pan, TORX, 6-32, 1-1/4, SZC 3 No image

5 00-882361-01 Guard, Fan 1

6 00-881125-01 Duct, Fan 1 See image table 1-2

7 12-225108-08 Screw, SEMS Spring, Pan, TORX, 8-32,1/2, SZC 10 No image

8 12-225104-04 Screw, SEMS Spring, Pan, TORX, 4-40,1/4, SZC 4 No image
9 00-881127-01 Ring, Retainer, Expansion Chamber 1 See image table 1-2

10 12-225160-06 Screw, SEMS Spring, Pan, TORX, 10-32,3/8, SZC 9 No image

11 00-874323-02 Label, Warning, Consult Manual 1 No image

12 00-874624-01 Label, Dangerous Voltage 1 No image

13 12-225160-05 Screw, SEMS Spring, Pan, TORX, 10-32, 5/16, SZC 1 No image
14 12-331114-10 Screw, NA, Flat, Hex, 1/4-20, 5/8, SZC, 8 2 No image

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 257

Table 2-1. Motorized Rear Covers Regions Parts List

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

15 - Loctite 243 AR No image
16 00-877388-02 Stiffner, Cover, Label 1 See image table 1-1

17 00-877478-01 Panel, Label 2 See image table 1-1

18 00-877505-01 Spacer, Cover, Label 1 See image table 1-1

19 00-876692-02 Cover, Label, Backdoor 1 See image table 1-1

20 00-879187-02 Steering Kit (See figure 1-22) 1 See figure 1-22

21 12-311115-20 Screw, NA, Socket, Hex, 5/16-18, 1, SZC,8 3 No image

22 00-883470-02 Cover Assembly, Rear 1 See image table 1-22

23 5543534 Screw, NA, Socket, Hex,1/4-20,3/4, SZC,8 5 No image

24 13-311106-00 Nut, Hex-Lock-Ext-T, 6-32, SST, NA, A = .313 2 No image
25 00-879992-01 Cover, Component Tray 1 See image table 1-2

00-885108-01* Cover, Front, Card Rack

26 1
New PN order 00-879694-02*

27 12-225106-06 Screw, SEMS Spring, Pan, TORX, 6-32, 3/8, SZC 13 No image

28 5331524-01 Assembly, Console, RUI (English) 1

28 5331524-02 Assembly, Console, RUI (Icon) 1

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 258

*ASM only, not an orderable part
Figure 2-2. Electronics and Battery Regions Exploded View

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 259

Table 2-2. Electronics and Battery Regions Parts List

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

1 00-879453-01 Cable Assembly, B’ Plane-Generator Drive 1 No image

2 00-879454-01 Cable Assembly, B’Plane+C5-HV Tank 1 No image

3 12-225108-06 Screw, SEMS Spring, Pan, TORX, 8-32, 3/8, SZC 39 No image
9 12-225108-08 Screw, SEMS Spring, Pan, TORX, 8-32, 1/2, SZC 14 No image
16 00-875583-01 Retainer, Battery 2
00-900589-01* Battery Pack, Assembly See image table 1-7
17 1
*New PN order 5305184

18 5694682 High Voltage Cable for 9” Motorized C-Arm Systems 1

19 5694683 High Voltage Cable for 12” Motorized C-Arm Systems 1

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 260


*ASM only, not an orderable part

Figure 2-3. Card Rack Assembly Exploded View

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 261

Table 2-3. Card Rack Assembly Parts List

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

00-884870-01* Assembly, Back Plane, C-Arm PCB

1 1

*New PN order 5340080

2 00-885109-01 Chassis Card Cage 1

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 262

Table 2-3. Card Rack Assembly Parts List

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

3 00-885111-01* Bracket, Guide Card Rack (Right) 1

00-885110-01* Bracket, Guide Card Rack (Left)

4 1
*New PN (both above) order 00-879696-01

5 00-885112-01 Power Panel, Mount Bracket 1

6 5328674FS Assembly, PCB, HV Supply Reg 1 See image table 1-4

7 5340089 PCB Assembly, Generator Interface 1 See image table 1-4

8 5318470FS Assembly, PCB, Fluoro Functions 1 See image table 1-4

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 263

Table 2-3. Card Rack Assembly Parts List

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

5391660 PCB, Assembly, Master Control Unit

9 1

*New PN order Kit 5391660

10 12-225106-06 Screw, SEMS Spring, Pan, TORX, 6-32, 3/8, SZC 18 No image
11 ASM ONLY Ejtr, PCB, Signal Actn Lvr, .31w, .062 8 ASM ONLY, no image
12 22-319804-00 Guide, PCB, Snap In, 6.5 ol, .31w, .062 8 See image table 1-4

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 264

Figure 2-4. High Voltage Tank Exploded View Parts list see table 1-5

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 265

Figure 2-5. Generator Power Tray Exploded View Parts list see table 1-6

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 266


*ASM only, not an orderable part

Figure 2-6. Front Interior Region Exploded View

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 267

Table 2-6. Front Interior Region Parts List

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

1 12-225108-08 Screw, SEMS Spring, Pan, TORX, 8-32, 3/8, SZC 39 No image
2 00-880428-01 Cover, Front, Right 1 See image table 1-1
Assembly, Cap/Power Module, Hi Ma Pul
3 00-880406-03 1 See image table 1-7
(If 00-880406-03 is no longer available, order 5495038-01)
4 12-225108-24 Screw, SEMS Spring, Pan, TORX, 8-32,1-1/2,SZC 2 No image

5 00-875965-01 Clamp, Strain Relief 1

6 00-879787-01 Bracket, Mounting, Strain Relief 1 No image

7 12-225108-08 Screw, SEMS Spring, Pan, TORX, 8-32, 1/2, SZC 14 No image

8 00-880417-01 Plate, Mounting, Strain Relief 1

9 12-215008-08 Screw, Machine, Flat, TORX, 8-32, 1/2, SZC 8 No image

10 00-873369-02 Label, Protective Earth Ground 1 No image

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 268

Table 2-6. Front Interior Region Parts List

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

11 00-879786-02 Bracket, Support/Cover Mounting 1

12 24-389061-00-OEC Grom, Strp, Flex, SST/Polym, .075 - .093 AR See image table 1-6

13 00-880519-01 Gasket, Lemo Connector 1

14 00-880429-01 Bracket, Connector, Lemo 1

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 269

Table 2-6. Front Interior Region Parts List

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

Cable Assembly, Lemo Receptacle
15 5371033FS 1 No image
(For systems with Reference Monitor, also order 5555475)
16 22-119607-00 Clamp, Cable Tie Twist-Lok, Dual, .3-.4d, Nylon 1 No image

17 5555475 Cable, Reference Monitor Video Cable, LEMO 1 No image

18 13-311108-00 Nut, Hex-Lock-Ext-T, 8-32, SST, NA, A = .344 4 No image

19 ASM ONLY Power, Supply, 48VDC 1 ASM ONLY, no image

20 12-225106-08 Screw, SEMS Spring, Pan, TORX, 6-32, 1/2, SZC 8 No image
21 12-225106-06 Screw, SEMS Spring, Pan, TORX, 6-32, 3/8, SZC 11 No image
22 ASM ONLY Mounting Bracket Power Supply 1 ASM ONLY, no image

23 ASM ONLY Bracket, Power/Meter Relay 1 ASM ONLY, no image

24 12-225108-10 Screw, SEMS Spring, Pan, TORX, 8-32,5/8,SZC 4 No image

00-879325-02* Power/Meter Relay Board
25 1 See image table 1-7
*New PN Order 5315876FS

26 00-877102-01 Cable Assembly, Static Discharge 1 No image

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 270

Table 2-6. Front Interior Region Parts List

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

27 00-879806-01 Bracket, Cover, Leg 1

00-879870-02* Assembly, Stator Cap/Transformer

28 1 See image table 1-7
*New PN order 5457312

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 271

Figure 2-7. Power Panel Assembly Exploded View Parts list, see table 1-8

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 272

Figure 2-8. Cross-Arm Cover and Control Panel Regions Exploded View

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 273

Table 2-8. Cross-Arm Cover and Control Panel Regions Parts List

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

1 00-880643-01 Cover Assembly, Bearing, Cross Arm 1 See image table 1-9

2 00-879422-01 Cable Assembly, X-Ray Switch 1 See image, table 1-9

3 00-879031-01 Cable Assembly, Lift Up 1 See image, table 1-9

4 00-879395-03 Cable Assembly, Motion, Lift Down 1 See image, table 1-9

00-880445-01* Cable Assembly, Power/Back Panel Display

5 1 No image
*New PN order 5316052FS

00-880445-02* Cable Assembly, Power/Back Panel Display

6 1 No image
*New PN order 5316052FS

7 00-878409-01 Cover, PCB, Control Panel Processor 1 See image table 1-9

8 12-225104-05 Screw, SEMS Spring, Pan, TORX, 4-40, 5/16, SZC 2 No image
9 00-880324-01 PCB Assembly, Cont Panel Proc, I/O 1 See image table 1-9

10 12-225104-08 Screw, SEMS Spring, Pan, TORX, 4-40, 1/2, SZC 4 No image

11 00-878488-03 Assembly, PCB, Cont Panel Proc, Mainframe/EM 1 See image table 1-9

12 88-495002-00 Shield, Strip, RFI, BE CU, 0.32 x 16 L, Adhesive Mount AR No image

13 00-879502-06 Assembly, Control Panel, C-Arm, Right, English 1

See image, table 1-9
13 00-879502-08 Assembly, Control Panel, C-Arm, Right, Icon 1

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 274

Table 2-8. Cross-Arm Cover and Control Panel Regions Parts List

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

14 00-876691-02 Cable Assembly, Display 2

15 12-215006-06 Screw, Machine, Flat, TORX, 6-32, 3/8, SZC 8 No image

16 88-299319-00-OEC Adhesive, Sealant, Blue, Bottle, .7oz, 42540 AR No image
17 12-225106-20 Screw, SEMS Spring, Pan, TORX, 6-32, 1, SZC 6 No image
18 00-879502-07 Assembly, Control Panel, C-Arm, Left, English 1
See image table 1-9
18 00-879502-09 Assembly, Control Panel, C-Arm, Left, Icon 1

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 275

Figure 2-9. Control Panel Assembly Exploded View Parts list see table 1-10

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 276


*ASM only, not an orderable part

Figure 2-10. 9-Inch Motorized Front Covers Exploded View

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 277

Table 2-10. 9-Inch Motorized Front Covers Parts List

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

1 00-881292-01 Cover, Leg, Front (9” System) 1 See image table 1-1

2 12-225108-06 Screw, SEMS Spring, Pan, TORX, 8-32,3/8, SZC (9” System) 14 No image

3 00-885245-01 Cover, Right, Motorized (9” System) 1

4 ASM ONLY Clamp, Cable, Cover 1 ASM ONLY, no image

5 00-885320-01 Cover, Front, Motorized 1

6 12-215008-08 Screw, Machine, Flat, TORX, 8-32,1/2, SZC 4 No image

7 88-299319-00-OEC Adhesive, Sealant, Blue, Bottle, .7oz, 42540 AR No image
8 ASM ONLY Washer, Shoulder, Cover 1 ASM ONLY, no image

9 ASM ONLY Washer, Lock, Cover 1 ASM ONLY, no image

10 00-885244-01 Cover, Left, Motorized (9” System) 1 See image, right, above

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 278

Table 2-10. 9-Inch Motorized Front Covers Parts List

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

11 ASM ONLY Cover, Generator Driver (Motorized Drive Systems) 1 ASM ONLY, no image

12 00-883470-03 Cover Assembly, Rear 1 See image table 1-22

13 00-876565-02 Cover, Assembly, Cross Beam 2

N/A 00-879523-01 Cover, Rear Wheel 2 No image

N/A 12-225108-08 Screw, SEMS, Spring, Pan, Torx, 8-32, 12 12 No image
14 12-225160-06 Screw, SEMS Spring, Pan, TORX, 10-32, 3/8, SZC 9 No image
15 12-313915-26 Screw, NA, Socket, Hex, 5/16-18, 1-3/4, SBO, 8 4 No image
16 00-880897-01 End Cap, Cross Beam 2 See image table 1-1

17 12-225104-06 Screw, SEMS Spring, Pan, TORX, 4-40,3/8, SZC 4 No image

18 00-880427-01 Cover, Front, Left 1 See image table 1-1

19 00-879636-01 Holder, Hand Control 1

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 279

Figure 2-11. Super C Image Intensifier, Camera Region Exploded View (1 of 2) Parts list, see table 1-30

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 280

Figure 2-12. Super C Image Intensifier, Camera Region Exploded View (2 of 2) Parts list, see table 1-31

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 281


*ASM only, not an orderable part

Figure 2-13. X-Ray Tube Region Exploded View (1 of 3)
OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 282
Table 2-13. X-Ray Tube Region Parts List (1 of 3)

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

1 00-876567-02 Bumper, X-Ray Mount (Order 00-877322-01 for Gasket) 1 See image table 1-12

2 00-878894-02 Label, Focal Spot 2 No image

3 12-312060-30 Screw, NA, Socket, Hex, 10-32, 2, SST 4 No image

4 88-299284-00 Adhesive, Sealant, Purple, Bottle, 10cc, 222-21 AR No image
5 14-121110-00 Washer, Plain, #10, SST, MS15795-808, ID = .211 4 No image

6 00-881106-01 Weight, Front, X-Ray, Super C 1 See image table 1-33

00-881105-01* Weight, Top, X-Ray, Super C

7 1 See image table 1-33
*New PN order 5408633FS
8 00-880706-02 Cover, Collimator, Shielded 1 See image table 1-12

9 00-881513-01 Gasket, Cover, Collimator 1 No image

10 00-881512-01 Clip, Cover, Collimator 1 See image table 1-12

11 12-225160-08 Screw, SEMS Spring, Pan, TORX, 10-32, 1/2, SZC 6 No image
12 12-225106-08 Screw, SEMS Spring, Pan, TORX, 6-32, 1/2, SZC 8 No image
13 12-215060-08 Screw, Machine, Flat, TORX, 10-32, 1/2, SZC 2 No image
14 00-879575-01 Collimator, Secondary, 9”, 3 Pot 1
See image table 1-12
14 00-879917-01 Collimator, Secondary, 12”, 3 Pot 1

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 283

Table 2-13. X-Ray Tube Region Parts List (1 of 3)

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

Collimator (Dual Leaf Tungsten Opaque Leaves) Non-Cardiac
15 5324216 1
Systems (Contains 00-882671-02 Collimator)
Collimator (Dual Copper Semi-Transparent Leaves) Non-Cardiac
15 5324214 1
Systems (Contains 00-880430-02 Collimator)

Collimator (Single Leaf) Cardiac Systems Only

15 5324212 1
(Contains 00-880391-02 Collimator)

16 12-225106-06 Screw, SEMS Spring, Pan, TORX, 6-32, 3/8, SZC 11 No image
17 ASM ONLY Wire, HW, 1015, Green/Yellow, 14 Awg 9 ASM only, no image

18 15-604622-00 Term, Ring, Crp, 16-14, #8, Lrb8 1 See image table 1-8

19 12-313914-10 Screw, NA, Socket, Hex, 1/4-20, 5/8, SZP 6 No image

20 - Loctite 243 AR No image
21 00-881107-01 Weight, Mount, X-Ray, Super C 1 See image table 1-32

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 284

Figure 2-14. X-Ray Tube Region Exploded View (2 of 3)

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 285

Table 2-14. X-Ray Tube Region Parts List (2 of 3)

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

1 00-880855-01 Spacer, Foam, Primary Collimator 1 See image table 1-12

2 00-880838-01 Collimator, Primary, 9” 1 See image table 1-12

2 00-880839-01 Collimator, Primary, 12” 1 See image table 1-12

3 22-678482-00 Ring, Rtng Int, Spl, 2.312 SST 1 No image

4 88-298900-00 Cmpd, Hs, Bottle, 2 oz, 250 AR No image
5 12-215008-08 Screw, Machine, Flat, TORX, 8-32, 1/2, SZC 8 No image
6 88-299284-00 Adhesive, Sealant, Purple, Bottle, 10cc, 222-21 AR No image

7 00-902268-01 Heat Pipe, X-Ray Tube 1

8 12-313914-10 Screw, NA, Socket, Hex, 1/4-20, 5/8, SZP 6 No image

9 - Loctite 243 AR No image

10 00-902269-01 Heat Sink, Folded Fin 1

11 12-225160-08 Screw, SEMS Spring, Pan, TORX, 10-32, 1/2, SZC 6 No image

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 286

Table 2-14. X-Ray Tube Region Parts List (2 of 3)

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

12 00-877947-01 Nut, X-Ray Hi Volt, 9600 4 No image

13 88-299476-00 Lube, Ansz, 1 Pt AR No image

14 00-877946-01 Retainer, X-Ray Hi Volt 4 See image table 1-5

15 00-881499-01 Assembly, Temp Sensor, X-Ray 1 See image table 1-12

X-Ray Tube, Varian/Varex

(If needed, also order HV Grease 00-900801-01)
16 1
X-Ray Tube, GE BEL
5485305 (not for use in China, not for use in Brazil)
(If needed, also order HV Grease 00-900801-01)

17 00-877286-01 Cover, X-Ray Tube 1 See image table 1-12

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 287


*ASM only, not an orderable part

Figure 2-15. X-Ray Tube Region Exploded View (3 of 3)
OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 288
Table 2-15. X-Ray Tube Region Parts List (3 of 3)

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

1 12-225106-10 Screw, SEMS Spring, Pan, TORX, 6-32, 5/8, SZC 4 No image

2 22-119601-00 Clamp, Cable Tie Mount, .1-.8 W, Nylon 1 No image

3 22-119650-00 Clamp, Cable Tie, 3/32 x 3-5/8, Nylon 1 No image

4 00-885165-01 Duct, Cooling, Upper 1

5 00-884763-01 Multi-Fan Assembly 1

6 13-311106-00 Nut, Hex-Lock-Ext-T, 6-32, SST, NA, A = .313 3 No image

7 00-885348-01 Lock, Spring, Duct Cooling 2

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 289

Table 2-15. X-Ray Tube Region Parts List (3 of 3)

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

8 00-885350-01 Spacer, Duct Cooling 1

9 00-885349-01 Clamp, Duct Cooling 1

10 12-225108-22 Screw, SEMS Spring, Pan, TORX, 8-32, 1-1/4, SZC 2 No image

11 12-225106-12 Screw, SEMS Spring, Pan, TORX, 6-32, 3/4, SZC 3 No image

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 290

Table 2-15. X-Ray Tube Region Parts List (3 of 3)

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

12 00-884936-01 Duct, Cooling, Middle 1

13 ASM ONLY Clamp, Hose, 1-9/16 D to 2-1/2 D, SST 1 ASM ONLY, no image

14 00-884937-01 Duct, Cooling, Lower 1

15 00-882477-01 Gasket, Covers 1 No image

16 00-884945-01 Cover, Cooling Kit, Super C 1 See image, table 1-32

17 00-877448-01 Gasket, Cover, Collimator 1

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 291

Table 2-15. X-Ray Tube Region Parts List (3 of 3)

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

18 12-225108-08 Screw, SEMS Spring, Pan, TORX, 8-32, 1/2, SZC 1 No image

19 13-311106-00 Nut, Hex-Lock-Ext-T, 6-32, SST, NA, A = .313 8 No image

20 ASM ONLY Washer, Plain, #6, SST, NA, ID = .149, OD = .375 8 ASM ONLY, no image

21 00-881977-01 Fan Assembly 12 VDC 2

22 00-884939-01 Retainer, Duct, Cooling, Lower 1

23 00-902270-01 Filter, Cooling, X-Ray Tube 1

24 00-885000-01 Mount, Filter, Cooling 2

25 00-901597-01 Filter, Cooling Kit (SCD) Super C 2

26 12-215006-08 Screw, Machine, Flat, TORX, 6-32, 1/2, SZC 4 No image

27 88-299319-00-OEC Adhesive, Sealant, Blue Bottle, 7 oz, 42540 AR No image

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 292

Figure 2-16. Attaching Parts Located in Flip-Flop Region Exploded View

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 293

Table 2-16. Attaching Parts Located in Flip-Flop Region Parts List

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

1 5264976-02 Motor, DC Servo, Orbital 1

2 5262354 Assembly, Mechanism, Orbital, 9” 1

2 5271669 Assembly, Mechanism, Orbital, 12” 1

3 5224352 Cable Assembly Potentiometer (Not Exploded) 1

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 294

Table 2-16. Attaching Parts Located in Flip-Flop Region Parts List

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

4 5229673 Bracket, EMI Motor, DC Servo (Not Exploded) 1

5 5224291 Cable Assembly, Clutch Switch (Not Exploded) 1

6 12-311114-20 Screw, NA, Socket, Hex, 1/4-20, 1, SZC, 8 3 No image

7 - Loctite 243 AR No image

8 22-679988-00 Ring, Rtng Ext, E-Type, 3/8, Spring Steel 2

9 00-884817-03 Shaft, Pivot 1

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 295

Table 2-16. Attaching Parts Located in Flip-Flop Region Parts List

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

10 00-885246-01 Clamp, Cable, Motorized 2

11 12-225108-08 Screw, SEMS Spring, Pan, TORX, 8-32, 1/2, SZC 7 No image

12 00-885247-01 Plate, Cable Clamp 1

13 88-299477-00-OEC Lube, Grease, Gp, 14.1 oz, Crtg AR No image

14 00-885682-01 Cap, Cable Clamp 1

15 00-885683-01 Body, Cable Clamp 1

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 296

Table 2-16. Attaching Parts Located in Flip-Flop Region Parts List

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

16 12-225108-10 Screw, SEMS Spring, Pan, TORX, 8-32, 5/8, SZC 2 No image
17 12-999980-00 Screw, NA, Shoulder, Hex, 10-24, ¼ x 5/8, SBO 1 No image
18 22-120016-00 Clamp, Cable, Ribbon QIK LOK, .62 x 1.75, Nylon 1 No image

19 00-885642-01 Bracket, Box, EMI 1

20 12-225106-06 Screw, SEMS Spring, Pan, TORX, 6-32, 3/8, SZC 10 No image
21 12-225106-08 Screw, SEMS, Spring, Pan, TORX, 6-32, 1/2, SZC 4 No image
22 22-012000-00 Clamp, Cable/W, 3/4 D, .50 W, Nylon 1 No image

23 00-885698-01 Assembly, Box, EMI 1

24 20-489136-00 Belt, Timing, Open End,5mm P,3125mm L, Poly U (Not Shown) 1 No image

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 297

Figure 2-17. Upper and Lower C Weldment Regions Exploded View

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 298

Table 2-17. Upper and Lower C Weldment Regions Parts List

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

1 00-885280-01
Weldment, C, 9” for MD systems 1
(Order 00-881975-01 Label Set)
See image table 1-29
1 00-885657-01
Weldment, C, 12” for MD systems 1
(Order 00-881975-01 Label Set)

2 11-622008-04 Screw, Set, Socket, Hex, 8-32, 1/4, SST, Cup 3 No image

3 5543534 Screw, NA, Socket, Hex, 1/4-20, 3/4, SZP 2 No image

4 - Loctite 243 AR No image

5 14-121114-00 Washer, Plain, 1/4, SST, MS15795-810, ID = .276 4 No image

6 00-885029-02 Assembly, Clamp, Belt 2

7 00-884901-02 Plate, Clamp, Toothed 2

8 12-311106-06 Screw, NA, Socket, Hex, 6-32, 3/8, SZC, 8 2 No image

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 299

Table 2-17. Upper and Lower C Weldment Regions Parts List

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

9 00-880833-01 Weight, Rear, Top, Super C 2
See image table 1-29
10 00-880834-01 Weight, Front, Top, Super C 2

11 00-884907-01 End Cap, Machining 1

12 5543531 Screw, NA, Socket, Hex, 1/4-20, 1/2, SZP 4 No image

13 12-225160-12 Screw, SEMS Spring, Pan, TORX, 10-32, 3/4, SZC 4 No image

14 00-885424-01 Bracket, Mounting, Clamp 1

15 00-881276-01 Block, Nut 1

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 300

Table 2-17. Upper and Lower C Weldment Regions Parts List

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

16 12-225108-06 Screw, SEMS Spring, Pan, TORX, 8-32, 3/8, SZC 1 No image

17 00-883713-01 Plug, Hole, .625 1

18 12-215006-08 Screw, Machine, Flat, TORX, 6-32, 1/2, SZC 2 No image

19 12-311114-20 Screw, NA, Socket, Hex, 1/4-20, 1, SZC, 8 3 No image

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 301


*ASM only, not an orderable part

Figure 2-18. Cross-Arm Brake and Support Cable Regions Exploded View
OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 302
Table 2-18. Cross-Arm Brake and Support Cable Regions Parts List

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

1 5263408-01 Assembly, Cross Arm, Motorized, 9" 1 Figure 2-18

2 00-879667-01 Handle, Push, Cross Arm 1 See image table 1-9

3 19-224795-00 Pin, Spring, .250 OD, .750, SZC 1 No image

4 5543534 Screw, NA, Socket, Hex, 1/4-20, 3/4, SZP 2 No image
5 ASM ONLY Support, Cable Clamp 1 ASM ONLY, no image

6 12-215060-08 Screw, Machine, Flat, TORX, 10-32, 1/2, SZC 6 No image

7 - Loctite 243 AR No image
8 88-299284-00 Adhesive, Sealant, Purple, Bottle, 10cc, 222-21 AR No image
9 00-885094-01 Kit, Upgrade, Cross Arm 1 No image
Brake Assembly, Cross Arm
9 5474109 1 No image
(If Cross Arm Brake Assembly is not 5474109, order 00-885094-01)

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 303



*ASM only, not an orderable part

Figure 2-19. 9-Inch Flip-Flop Region Exploded View
OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 304
Table 2-19 9-Inch Flip-Flop Region Parts List

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

1 00-885421-01 Rocker Assembly 4

2 88-299477-00-OEC Lube, Grease, GP, 14.1 oz, CRTG AR No image

3 22-679988-00 Ring, Rtng Ext, E-Type, 3/8, Spring Steel 8 See image table 2-16

4 ASM ONLY Pulley, Idler 2 ASM ONLY, no image

5 00-884817-03 Shaft, Pivot 2 See image table 2-16

6 12-225108-10 Screw, SEMS Spring, Pan, TORX, 8-32, 5/8, SZC 10 No image
7 ASM ONLY Block, Idler 1 ASM ONLY, no image

8 12-311116-12 Screw, NA, Socket, Hex, 3/8-16, 3/4, SZC, 8 6 No image

9 - Loctite 243 AR No image

10 ASM ONLY Machining, Flip Flop 1 ASM ONLY, no image

11 00-885399-01 Shaft, Rocker Arm 2 No image

12 ASM ONLY Screw, SEMS Spring, Pan, TORX, 10-32, 1/4, SZC 4 ASM ONLY, no image

13 12-331115-20 Screw, NA, Flat, Hex, 5/16-18, 1, SZC, 8 2 No image

14 ASM ONLY Block, Pivot, Fixed 1 ASM ONLY, no image

15 11-621106-02 Screw, Set, Socket, Hex, 6-32, 1/8, SZC, Cup 1 No image

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 305

Table 2-19 9-Inch Flip-Flop Region Parts List

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

16 00-884863-01 Cap, Screw 1 No image

17 12-999548-00 Screw, NA, Shoulder, Hex, 5/16-18, 3/8 x 2 - 1/2, SZC 1 No image

18 ASM ONLY Spring, Cprsn, Heavy LD, .710 OD, 1.75 LG, .142 WD, MW 1 ASM ONLY, no image

19 ASM ONLY Block, Spring 1 ASM ONLY, no image

20 ASM ONLY Nut, Hex-Lock, 5/16 - 18, SST 1 ASM ONLY, no image

21 88-299284-00 Adhesive, Sealant, Purple Bottle, 10cc, 222-21 AR No image

22 12-215008-10 Screw, Machine, Flat, TORX, 8-32, 5/8, SZC 4 No image
23 ASM ONLY Guide, Belt 1 ASM ONLY, no image

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 306


*ASM only, not an orderable part

Figure 2-20. 9-Inch Cross-Arm Rotation Region Exploded View

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 307

Table 2-20. 9-Inch Cross-Arm Rotation Region Parts List

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

1 12-311160-26 Screw, NA, Socket, Hex, 10-32, 1-3/4, SZC, 8 4 No image

2 88-299284-00 Adhesive, Sealant, Purple, Bottle, 10 cc, 222-21 AR No image

3 14-900012-00 Washer, Plain, #10, SZC, NA, ID = .219, OD = .500 4 No image

4 00-902336-01 Gear Box, Worm, 30:1 (SCD) 1

5 20-840079-00 Cplg, Flex, Bllw, 8 mm, 8 mm, 25 mml, AL/SST 1 No image

6 00-886167-01 Flange, Motor 1

7 ASM ONLY Screw, NA, Socket, Hex, 6-32, 1/2, SZC, 8 4 ASM ONLY, no image

8 12-225106-08 Screw, SEMS Spring, Pan, TORX, 6-32, 1/2, SZC 8 No image

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 308

Table 2-20. 9-Inch Cross-Arm Rotation Region Parts List

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

9 5264976-01 Motor, DC Servo, Rotational 1 See image table 2-16

10 5229673 Bracket, EMI, Motor 1 See image table 2-16

11 12-225160-08 Screw, SEMS Spring, Pan, TORX, 10-32, 1/2, SZC 4 No image

12 00-886169-01 Plate, Mounting, Gear Box 1

13 88-299477-00-OEC Lube, Grease, GP, 14.1 oz, CRTG AR No image

14 22-700005-00 Key, Shaft, Sq, Metric, 3 mm x 20 mm L 1 No image

15 00-881233-02 Label, Horizontal Cross Arm 1 No image

16 00-879905-01 Machining, Cross Arm, 9800 1 See image table 1-14

17 19-224948-00 Pin, Spring, .438od, 2.50, SZC 2 No image

18 00-881233-01 Label, Horizontal Cross Arm 1 No image

19 00-884644-01 Assembly, Rotation Knuckle 1

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 309

Table 2-20. 9-Inch Cross-Arm Rotation Region Parts List

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

20 5224351 Cable Assembly, Potentiometer 1

21 00-884920-01 Plate, Mounting, Pot 1 No image

22 00-884651-01 Bracket, Mounting, Pot 1 No image

23 12-215006-06 Screw, Mach, Flat, TORX, 6-32, 3/8, SZC 2 No image

24 20-490054-00 Sprocket, Timing Belt,.458d,18 grv 1 No image

25 20-489135-00 Belt, Timing, 10.40 pl, 130 th, 1/8w, Nprn 1 No image

26 00-902314-01 Pulley, Rotation 1 No image

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 310




*ASM only, not an orderable part

Figure 2-21. 9-Inch Rotational Knuckle Assembly Exploded View

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 311

Table 2-21. 9-Inch Rotational Knuckle Assembly Parts List

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

1 ASM ONLY Shaft, Rotation (9”) 1 ASM ONLY, no image
2 21-119936-00 Bearing, Roller, Tapered-Cone, 3.000 ID, .5313 WD 1 No image
3 21-119937-00 Bearing, Roller, Tapered-Cup, 4.1563 OD, .3750 WD 1 No image
4 ASM ONLY Machining, Rotation Knuckle 1 ASM ONLY, no image
5 ASM ONLY Gear Set, Worm, 50:1 (SCD) 1 ASM ONLY, no image
6 ASM ONLY Screw, Set, Socket, Hex, 10-32, 1/2, SBO 2 ASM ONLY, no image
7 ASM ONLY Key, Shaft, Square, 1/4 X 1.125l 1 ASM ONLY, no image

8 21-128914-00 Bearing Threaded-Washer, .394 ID, .945 OD, .039 WD 4 No image

9 21-128913-00 Bearing Needle-Roller, .394 ID, .945 OD, .0787 WD 2 No image

10 ASM ONLY Cup, Bearing 2 ASM ONLY, no image
11 21-109942-00 Bearing, Ball, .3937 ID, 1.0236 OD ,.315 WD 2 No image
12 ASM ONLY O-Ring, 1.051 ID X .070 WD, Ntrl, -023 2 ASM ONLY, no image
13 ASM ONLY Seal, Shaft, 4.000 Dia, .250 W X 4.506 OD 1 ASM ONLY, no image
14 ASM ONLY Seal, Shaft, 1.375 Dia, .188 W X 1.878 OD 1 ASM ONLY, no image
15 21-119921-00 Bearing, Roller, Tapered-Cup, 2.3612 OD, .4700 WD 1 No image
16 21-119920-00 Bearing, Roller, Tapered-Cone, 1.3775 ID, .6600 WD 1 No image
17 21-301782-00 Washer, Lock, Bearing 1.406 ID, 1.378 B Ring 1 No image
18 21-301785-00 Nut, Lock, Bearing 1.378 Bearing 1.906 OD, Steel Zn 1 No image
19 27-409238-00 O-Ring, 2.239 ID X .070 WD, Ntrl, -035 1 No image

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 312

Table 2-21. 9-Inch Rotational Knuckle Assembly Parts List

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

20 00-884649-01 Plate, Seal 1

21 14-112008-00 Washer, Plain, #8, SST, NA, ID =.174, OD=.375 2 No image

22 ASM ONLY Screw, NA, Socket, Hex, 8-32, 1/4, SZC, 8 2 ASM ONLY, no image
23 12-225106-06 Screw, SEMS Spring, Pan, TORX, 6-32, 3/8, SZC 6 No image
24 88-299481-00 Lube, Grease ,H Temp, Crtg,12.5 Oz AR No image
25 - Loctite 243 AR No image
26 88-299284-02 Adhesive, Sealant, Purple, Bottle, 50ml, 222 AR No image
27 22-678373-00 Ring, Rtng Ext, Ballsic, .394 Spring Steel 2 No image
28 00-884613-01 Kit, Shim 1 No image

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 313

Figure 2-22. Cross-Arm Housing and Lift Column Region Exploded View

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 314

Table 2-22. Cross-Arm Housing and Lift Column Region Parts List

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

1 5534675 Screw, Metric, Socket, HEX, M 10 x 70 mm, SZP 4 No image

2 - Loctite 243 AR No image

3 14-999787-00 Washer, Plain - Metric, H Str, SZC, ID = 10.5 mm, OD = 20 mm 4 No image

4 00-885006-01 Assembly, Housing, Cross Arm 1

5 12-215006-12 Screw, Mach, Flat, TORX, 6-32, 3/4, SZC 4 No image

6 88-299319-00-OEC Adhesive, Sealant, Blue, Bottle, .7oz, 42540 AR No image

7 00-885002-01 Lower Cover, Cross Arm 1

8 00-879828-01 Gasket, Column, Vertical 1 See image table 1-18

9 12-318039-26 Screw, Metric, Socket, HEX , M 10 x 40 mm, SZP 6 No image

10 00-879809-01 Plate, Cover, Rear 1 See image table 1-18

11 00-881243-01 Label, Lift Column 2 No image

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 315

Table 2-22. Cross-Arm Housing and Lift Column Region Parts List

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

12 00-880593-01 Finger, Grounding 1

13 12-225104-04 Screw, SEMS Spring, Pan, TORX, 4-40, 1/4, SZC 9 No image

14 00-880592-01 Strip, Grounding 1 No image

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 316


*ASM ONLY, not an orderable part

Figure 2-23. Cross-Arm Housing Assembly Exploded View

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 317

Table 2-23. Cross-Arm Housing Assembly Parts List

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

1 00-879892-01 Stop, Crossarm 2 See image table 1-20

2 00-876962-01 Pad, Stop 2 See image table 1-13

3 88-299614-00 Adhesive, Black Max, Tube, 1oz, 38050 AR No image

4 11-633910-04 Screw, Set, Socket, Hex, 10-32, 1/4, SBO, K cup 8 No image

5 88-299284-00 Adhesive, Sealant, Purple, Bottle, 10cc, 222-21 AR No image

6 22-407702-00 Standoff, Hex, M/F, 4-40, .250 L, SST 2 No image

7 22-680004-00 Ring, Rtng, Ext, E-Type, 3/4, Spring Steel 28 See image table 1-21

8 21-109950-00 Bearing, Ball, .6693 ID, 1.3780 OD, .3937 WD 8 See image table 1-21

9 00-879893-01 Shaft, Roller, Crossarm 8 See image table 1-21

10 ASM ONLY Machining, Cross Arm Mount 1 ASM ONLY, no image

11 5534671 Screw, NA, Socket, Hex, 5/16 - 18, 3/4, SZP 4 No image

12 - Loctite 243 AR No image

13 21-109943-00 Bearing, Ball, .6693 ID 1.3780OD, .3937 WD 4 No image

14 00-879894-01 Roller, Crossarm 2 See image table 1-19

15 00-880529-01 Roller, Crossarm, Narrow 4 See image table 1-21

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 318



*ASM only, not an orderable part

Figure 2-24. Common Base Region Exploded View

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 319

Table 2-24. Common Base Region Parts List

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

1 00-884173-02 Vertical Lift Column (Motorized Systems only) 1 See image table 1-18

2 12-331114-08 Screw, NA, Flat, Hex, ¼ - 20, ½ , SZC, 8 4 No image

3 - Loctite 243 AR No image

4 ASM ONLY Machining, Base 1 ASM ONLY, no image

5 12-313916-36 Screw, NA, Socket, Hex, 3/8 - 16, 2- 3/4, SBO 8 9 No image

6 00-879810-02 Bracket, Pivot Wheel 1 See image table 1-3

7 21-259986-00 Caster, Wheel, 4”D, 1-3/8” W 1 See image table 1-3

8 ASM ONLY Bracket, Pivot Wheel 1 ASM ONLY, no image

9 00-879808-02 Bracket, Cover, Side, Left 1 See image table 1-3

10 00-879808-01 Bracket, Cover, Side, Right 1 See image table 1-3

11 12-225108-04 Screw, SEMS Spring, Pan, TORX, 8-32, 1/4, SZC 4 No image

12 12-318039-26 Screw, Metric, Socket, HEX , M10 x 40 mm, SZP 6 No image

13 ASM ONLY Washer, Plain, 3/8, SZC, NA, ID = .437, OD = 1.000 4 ASM ONLY, no image

14 00-900407-01 Plug, Grounding 1

15 00-900407-02 Washer, Color Coded 1 No image

16 00-900407-03 Washer, Lock, Serrated 1 No image

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 320

Table 2-24. Common Base Region Parts List

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

17 00-882789-01 Assembly, Caster Plate, Front (non-MD) 1

17 00-882789-02 ASM, Caster Plate, Front (MD) 1

18 ASM ONLY Screw, NA, Socket, Hex, 3/8 - 16, 1, SBO, 8 4 ASM ONLY, no image

19 00-882788-01 Asm, Steer ( See Sec 1, Figs.1-23, 1-24, & 1-25) 1 No image

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 321

Figure 2-25. Steering Kit Exploded View
Parts list see table 1-22

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 322

Figure 2-26. 12-Inch Image Intensifier Camera Cover Region Exploded View (1 of 2)

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 323

Table 2-26. 12-Inch Image Intensifier Camera Cover Region Parts List (1 of 2)

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

1 12-225106-08 Screw, SEMS Spring, Pan, TORX, 6-32,1/2, SZC 3 No image

2 N/A Loctite 222 AR No image

3 5342067 Cover, Camera, 12” Motorized 1

4 Gasket, Cover, Collimator 1 See image table 2-15
(Part of 5342067)

6 00-886126-01 Cover, Camera, EMI-RFI, 12”, Motorized 1

00-879535-01* Weldment, Connector, EMI.RFI

7 1

*New PN order 5439905

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 324

Table 2-26. 12-Inch Image Intensifier Camera Cover Region Parts List (1 of 2)

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

8 51-500507-00-OEC Hardware Kit, Connector, JK, Socket Set, 4-40 .50L 2 No image

9 00-879496-01 Cable Assembly, Camera Video 1 No image

10 00-879495-01 Cable Assembly, Camera Cover to Camera 1 See image table 1-30

11 51-300003-00 Connector, Adapter, Filter, 25 Pos D 1 See image table 1-30

12 12-225106-04 Screw, SEMS Spring, Pan, TORX, 6-32, 1/4, SZC 9 No image

13 28-993023-00 Hose Clamp 1

14 12-311114-20 Screw, NA, Socket, Hex, 1/4-20, 1, SZC, 8 6 No image

15 00-885705-01 Mount, Image Intensifier 1

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 325

Table 2-26. 12-Inch Image Intensifier Camera Cover Region Parts List (1 of 2)

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

16 12-311116-12 Screw, NA, Socket, Hex, 3/8-16, 3/4, SZC, 8 4 No image

17 - Loctite 243 AR No image

18 00-885657-01 Weldment, C, 12” for MD systems 1 See image table 1-29

(Order 00-881975-01 Label Set)

19 5342066 Kit, Camera Cover Replacement, 12” (Not Exploded) 1 No image

20 5342067 Kit, Camera Cover Replacement, 12” MD (Not Exploded) 1 No image

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 326


*ASM only, not an orderable part

Figure 2-27. 12-Inch Image Intensifier Camera Cover Region Exploded View (2 of 2)

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 327

Table 2-27. 12-Inch Image Intensifier Camera Cover Region Parts List (2 of 2)

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

1 00-886127-01 Anchor, Weight, 12”, Motorized 1

2 12-312014-20 Screw, NA, Socket, Hex, 1/4-20, 1, SST 2 No image

3 88-299284-00 Adhesive, Sealant, Purple, Bottle, 10cc, 222-21 AR No image

4 00-886128-01 Weight, Camera, 12” Motorized 1

5 12-312060-22 Screw, NA, Socket, Hex, 10-32, 1-1/4, SST 2 No image

6 ASM ONLY Standoff, Hex, M/F, 6-32, 3.50 L, SST 1 ASM ONLY, no image

7 See Table 3-1 Video Camera 1 No image

8 12-312060-08 Screw, NA, Socket, Hex, 10-32, 1/2, SST 3 No image

9 12-225106-20 Screw, SEMS Spring, Pan, TORX, 6-32, 1, SZC 4 No image
10 22-407715-00 Standoff, Hex, M/F, 6-32, 4.125 L, SST 2 No image
11 See Table 3-1 Image Intensifier 1 See image table 1-11

12 15-997002-00 Term, Fston, F, CRP, 16-14, NA, LIB25 1 See image table 1-32

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 328

Table 2-27. 12-Inch Image Intensifier Camera Cover Region Parts List (2 of 2)

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

13 12-311116-12 Screw, NA, Socket, Hex, 3/8-16, 3/4, SST, 8 4 No image
14 - Loctite 243 AR No image

00-885651-01 Assembly, Contact Detection, MD, 12”

15 1

00-885359-01 Assembly, Contact Detection, MD, 9”

16 12-215004-05 Screw, Machine, Flat, TORX, 4-40, 5/16, SZC 6 No image

17 00-901201-01 Grid, X-Ray, 10:1, 12” 1

18 00-878868-01 Gasket, Grid, X-Ray, 12” 1

19 00-901180-02 Image Intensifier Power Supply (for Thales II only) 1 ASM ONLY, no image

19 5341390 Image Intensifier Power Supply (for Toshiba II only) 1 ASM ONLY, no image

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 329


*ASM only, not an orderable part

Figure 2-28. 12-Inch Flip-Flop Cover Region Exploded View

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 330

Table 2-28. 12-Inch Flip-Flop Cover Region Parts List

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

1 00-883510-01 Cover, Leg, Front 1

2 12-225108-06 Screw, SEMS Spring, Pan, TORX, 8-32,3/8,SZC 2 No image

3 12-225160-06 Screw, SEMS Spring, Pan, TORX, 10-32, 3/8, SZC 4 No image
4 12-225106-06 Screw, SEMS Spring, Pan, TORX, 6-32,3/8,SZC 6 No image
5 ASM ONLY Cover, Right, Flip-Flop, 12” Motorized 1 ASM ONLY, no image

6 14-111114-00 Washer, Plain, 1/4,SST, NA, ID = .265, OD = .500 2 No image

7 5543531 Screw, NA, Socket, Hex, 1/4-20, 1/2, SZP 2 No image

8 - Loctite 243 AR No image

9 00-883323-01 Plate Mounting, Front Caster 1

10 ASM ONLY Screw, NA, Socket, Hex, 3/8 - 16, 1, SBO, 8 4 ASM ONLY, no image

11 ASM ONLY Cover, Flip Flop, Left, 12” Motorized 1 ASM ONLY, no image

12 ASM ONLY Washer, Shoulder, Cover 1 ASM ONLY, no image

13 ASM ONLY Washer, Lock, Cover 1 ASM ONLY, no image

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 331


* *


*ASM only, not an orderable part

Figure 2-29. 12-Inch Flip-Flop Region Exploded View
OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 332
Table 2-29. 12-Inch Flip-Flop Region Parts List

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

1 ASM ONLY Screw, NA, Socket, Hex, 3/8-16, 1-1/2, SZC 6 ASM ONLY, no image

2 - Loctite 243 AR No image

3 ASM ONLY Flip Flop, Machining, 12” Motorized 1 ASM ONLY, no image

4 00-885399-01 Shaft, Rocker Arm 2 No image

5 88-299477-00-OEC Lube, Grease, Gp, 14.1oz, Crtg AR No image

6 12-225160-06 Screw, SEMS Spring, Pan, TORX, 10-32, 3/8,SZC885399 4 No image
7 12-331115-20 Screw, NA, Flat, Hex, 5/16 -18, 1, SZC, 8 2 No image
8 ASM ONLY Block, Pivot, Fixed 1 ASM ONLY, no image

9 11-621106-02 Screw, Set, Socket, Hex, 6-32, 1/8, SZC, Cup 1 No image

10 ASM ONLY Cap, Screw 1 ASM ONLY, no image

11 ASM ONLY Screw, NA, Shoulder, Hex, 5/16-18, 3/8 x 2-1/2, SZC 1 ASM ONLY, no image

12 ASM ONLY Spring, Cprsn, Heavy Ld, .710 OD, 1.75 LG, .142 WD, MW 1 ASM ONLY, no image

13 ASM ONLY Block, Spring 1 ASM ONLY, no image

14 12-225108-10 Screw, SEMS Spring, Pan, TORX, 8-32, 5/8, SZC 10 No image
15 ASM ONLY Nut, Hex-Lock, 5/16-18, SST 1 ASM ONLY, no image

16 00-885421-01 Rocker Assembly 4 See image table 2-19

17 88-299284-00 Adhesive, Sealant, Purple, Bottle,10cc, 222-21 AR No image

18 12-215008-10 Screw, Machine, Flat, TORX, 8-32, 5/8, SZC 4 No image
19 ASM ONLY Guide Belt, 12”, Motorized 1 ASM ONLY, no image

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 333

Table 2-29. 12-Inch Flip-Flop Region Parts List

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

20 12-225108-10 Screw, SEMS Spring, Pan, TORX, 8-32, 5/8, SZC 10 No image
21 ASM ONLY Idler Block 1 ASM ONLY, no image
22 22-679988-00 Ring, Rtng Ext, E-Type, 3/8, Spring Steel 8 No image
23 00-884817-03 Shaft, Pivot 2 See image table 2-16
24 ASM ONLY Pulley, Idler 2 ASM ONLY

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 334


*ASM only, not an orderable part

Figure 2-30. 12-Inch Cross-Arm Rotation Region Exploded View

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 335

Table 2-30. 12-Inch Cross-Arm Rotation Region Parts List

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

N/A 5267559 ASM, Cross Arm, 12”, Motorized 1 No image
1 ASM ONLY Screw, NA, Socket, Hex, 3/8-16, 1-1/2, SZC 6 ASM ONLY
2 - Loctite 243 AR No image
3 12-225106-08 Screw, SEMS Spring, Pan, TORX, 6-32, 1/2, SZC 4 No image
4 00-902314-01 Pulley, Rotation 1 No image
5 20-490054-00 Sprocket, Timing Belt, .458d, 18grv 1 No image
6 20-489135-00 Belt, Timing, 10.40 pl, 130 th, 1/8 w, Nprn 1 No image
7 12-215006-06 Screw, Machine, Flat, TORX, 6-32, 3/8, SZC 2 No image
8 88-299284-00 Adhesive, Sealant, Purple, Bottle,10cc, 222-21 AR No image
9 00-884651-01 Bracket, Mounting, Pot 1 No image
10 00-884920-01 Plate, Mounting, Pot 1 No image
11 5224351 Cable Assembly, Potentiometer 1 See image table 2-20

12 00-885710-01 Assembly, Rotational Knuckle, 12”, Motorized 1

13 22-700005-00 Key, Shaft, Square, Metric, 3mm X 20mm L 1 No image

14 00-881233-02 Label, Horizontal Cross Arm 1 No image
15 00-879905-01 Machining, Cross Arm 1 See image table 1-14

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 336

Table 2-30. 12-Inch Cross-Arm Rotation Region Parts List

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

16 00-881233-01 Label, Horizontal Cross Arm 1 No image
17 19-224948-00 Pin, Spring, .438 OD, 2.50, SZC 2 No image
18 88-299477-00-OEC Lube, Grease, Gp, 14.1oz, Crtg AR No image
19 00-886169-01 Plate, Mounting, Gear Box 1 See image table 2-20
20 12-225160-08 Screw, SEMS Spring, Pan, TORX, 10-32, 1/2, SZC 4 No image
21 00-902336-01 Gear Box, Worm, 30:1 1 See image table 2-20
22 14-900012-00 Washer, Plain, #10, SZC, NA, ID =.219, OD =.500 4 No image
23 12-311160-26 Screw, NA, Socket, Hex, 10-32, 1-3/4, SZC, 8 4 No image
24 00-886167-01 Flange, Motor 1 See image table 2-20
25 ASM ONLY Screw, Machine, Flat, TORX, 10-32, 5/8, SZC 2 ASM ONLY
26 20-840079-00 Cplg, Flex, BLLW, 8mm, 8mm, 25 mml, AL/SST 1 No image
27 5264976-01 Motor, DC Servo, Rotational 1 See image table 2-16

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 337




*ASM only, not an orderable part

Figure 2-31. 12-Inch Rotational Knuckle Assembly Exploded View

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 338
Table 2-31. 12-Inch Rotational Knuckle Assembly Parts List

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

1 ASM ONLY Shaft Rotation, 12” Motorized 1 ASM ONLY, no image
2 21-119936-00 Bearing, Roller, Tapered-Cone, 3.000 ID, .5313 WD 1 No image
3 21-119937-00 Bearing, Roller, Tapered-Cup, 4.1563 OD, .3750 WD 1 No image
4 ASM ONLY Machining, Rotation Knuckle 1 ASM ONLY, no image
5 ASM ONLY Gear Set, Worm, 50:1 (SCD) 1 ASM ONLY, no image
6 ASM ONLY Screw, Set, Socket, Hex, 10-32, 1/2, SBO, Kcup 2 ASM ONLY, no image
7 ASM ONLY Key, Shaft, Square, 1/4 X 1.125 L 1 ASM ONLY, no image
8 21-128914-00 Bearing Threaded-Washer, .394 ID, .945 OD, .039 WD 4 No image
9 21-128913-00 Bearing Needle-Roller, .394 ID, .945 OD, .0787 WD 2 No image
10 ASM ONLY Cup, Bearing 2 ASM ONLY, no image
11 21-109942-00 Bearing, Ball, .3937 ID, 1.0236 OD ,.315 WD 2 No image
12 ASM ONLY O-Ring, 1.051 ID X .070 WD, Ntrl, -023 2 ASM ONLY, no image

13 ASM ONLY Seal, Shaft, 4.000 Dia, .250 W X 4.506 OD 1

ASM ONLY, no image
14 ASM ONLY Seal, Shaft, 1.375 Dia, .188 W X 1.878 OD 1
15 21-119921-00 Bearing, Roller, Tapered-Cup, 2.3612 OD, .4700 WD 1 No image
16 21-119920-00 Bearing, Roller, Tapered-Cone, 1.3775 ID, .6600 WD 1 No image
17 21-301782-00 Washer, Lock, Bearing 1.406 ID, 1.378 BRing 1 No image
18 21-301785-00 Nut, Lock, Bearing1.378 Bearing 1.906 OD, Steel Zn 1 No image
19 27-409238-00 O-Ring, 2.239 ID X .070 WD, Ntrl, -035 1 No image
20 00-884649-01 Plate, Seal 1 See image table 2-21

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 339

Table 2-31. 12-Inch Rotational Knuckle Assembly Parts List

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

21 14-112008-00 Washer, Plain, #8, SST, NA, ID =.174, OD=.375 2 No image
22 12-311108-04 Screw, NA, Socket, Hex, 8-32, 1/4, SZC, 8 2 No image
23 12-225106-06 Screw, SEMS Spring, Pan, TORX, 6-32, 3/8, SZC 6 No image
24 88-299481-00 Lube, Grease ,H Temp, Crtg,12.5 Oz AR No image
25 - Loctite 243 AR No image
26 88-299284-02 Adhesive, Sealant, Purple, Bottle, 50ml, 222 AR No image
27 22-678373-00 Ring, Rtng Ext, Ballsic, .394 Spring Steel 2 No image
28 00-884613-01 Kit, Shim 1 No image

Table 2-32. Consumable Materials Parts List

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

N/A 00-886205-01 Label, Blank, 3.25” x 2” 1 No image
N/A 00-872375-01 Cover, Protective, Label 1 No image
N/A 00-900801-01 HV Grease 1 No image

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 340

OEC 9900 Elite Image Intensifier
and Video Camera
Table 3-1. Image Intensifier and Video Camera Parts List

II Size and Type Manufacturer II Service Part # II Physical Part # Compatible CCD Cameras 1
Equivalent RIU Service Part #
(not orderable) Service Part # (Combined II, CCD Camera and Grid)
If II 5485300 is not available, order:
00-879126-02 (Texas Instruments)
5451208 RIU, 9” II (Toshiba - not for China)
9” Standard Thales 5485300 00-901226-04 5194759 (Thales)
5194762 RIU, 9” II, Non-Cardiac (Thales -
5480104 (Toshiba - not for China)
China only)
9” with built-in 00-902769-01 3
00-879126-02 (Texas Instruments)
If II 5485302 is not available, order:
Compensation Thales 5485302 OR 5194759 (Thales)
5412169 RIU, 9” II, ADCS (Thales)
Coil 00-902769-02 5480104 (Toshiba - not for China)
If II 5485304 is not available, order:
9” Standard Toshiba 5485304 5440270 2
5480104 (Toshiba - not for China)
5451208 RIU, 9” II (Toshiba - not for China)
If II 5485298 is not available, order:
00-879127-02 (Texas Instruments)
5341393 RIU, 12” II (Toshiba - not for China)
12” Standard Thales 5485298 00-901083-03 5194759 (Thales)
00-902749-01 RIU, 12” II, 25 mm 3D (Thales
5480104 (Toshiba - not for China)
- China only)
12” with built-in 3
00-879127-02 (Texas Instruments)
If II 5485301 is not available, order:
Compensation Thales 5485301 00-902705-01 5194759 (Thales)
5411946 RIU, 12” II, ADCS (Thales)
Coil 5480104 (Toshiba - not for China)
If II 5485303 is not available, order:
12” Standard Toshiba 5485303 5410302 2
5480104 (Toshiba - not for China)
5341393 RIU, 12” II (Toshiba - not for China)
Order Image Intensifier or CCD Camera separately as needed. If an Image Intensifier is not available, then order the equivalent RIU (Radiographic Imaging Unit), which includes
the Image Intensifier, the CCD Camera and the Focus Grid).
Only 5480104 Tobisha CCD Camera is verified for use with the Toshiba Image Intensifier.
Cannot use 00-879126-02 or 00-879127-02 on 9900 systems with VCSI.

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 341

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OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 342

OEC 9900 Elite C-Arm
Active Cooling

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 343

Figure 4-1. Active Cooling, X-Ray Tube Area Exploded View (1 of 2)

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 344

Table 4-1. Active Cooling, X-Ray Tube Area Parts List

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

1 12-215008-08 Screw, Machine, Flat, TORX, 8-32, 1/2, SZC 6 No image

2 00-902268-01 Heat Pipe, X-Ray Tube 1 See image table 2-14

3 12-225160-08 Screw, SEMS Spring, Pan, TORX, 10-32, 1/2, SZC 2 No image
4 00-902269-01 Heat Sink, Folded Fin 1 See image table 2-14

5 88-298900-00 Thermal Compound, HS, Bottle AR No image

X-Ray Tube, Varian/Varex

(If needed, also order HV Grease 00-900801-01)

6 X-Ray Tube, GE BEL 1

5485305 (not for use in China, not for use in Brazil)
(If needed, also order HV Grease 00-900801-01)

7 12-313914-10 Screw, Na, Socket, Hex, 1/4-20, 5/8, SZP (Ref Only, Not in Kit) 6 No image
8 - Loctite 243 AR No image
9 12-225160-08 Screw, SEMS Spring, Pan, TORX, 10-32, 1/2, SZC (Ref Only, Not in Kit) 6 No image
10 00-881276-01 Block, Nut (Ref Only, Not in Kit) 1 See image table 2-17

11 12-225108-06 Screw, SEMS Spring, Pan, TORX, 8-32, 3/8, SZC (Ref Only, Not in Kit) 4 No image

12 00-881499-01 Temp Sensor Assembly, X-Ray (Not Shown) See image table 1-12

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 345

Figure 4-2. Active Cooling, X-Ray Tube Area Exploded View (2 of2) Parts list see table 2-15

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 346

OEC 9900 Elite Accessories

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 347

Table 5-1. Accessories Parts List

Item Part Number Description Qty Image

1 00-880649-02 Printer Power Cable Asm 1 No image

2 00-879480-01 Display Control - Thermal Printer Cable Asm 1 No image
3 5335601 IR Remote Asm 1 No image

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 348

9900 Kit/Instructions Reference

Table 6-1. Kit/Instructions Reference

Table Number Description Kit Part Number Instructions Part Number

6-2 9900 Elite Configuration Upgrade Kit See Table 6-2 5390180-8EN

N/A 9900 CINE Bridge Board Kit 5431491-03 or -05 5327532-8EN

N/A 9900 DVD Drive, DVD Adapter and USB Hub Replacement Kit 5499894-02 or -04 5499895-8EN
N/A 9900 Hard Drive and USB Hub Replacement Kit 5628138-03 or -05 5628170-8EN
N/A 9900 GPOS Board Replacement Kit 5720994-03 or -05 5720993-8EN
N/A 9900 Workstation Keyboard Replacement Kit 5538466-8EN
N/A 9900 UPS Replacement Kit 5725581-03 5725580-8EN
N/A 9900 DIACAP/RMF Upgrade Kit 5763700 5763694-1EN-01

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 349

Table 6-2. 9900 Elite Configuration Upgrade Kit Parts List

Part Number Description

5390307-01 9900 Elite Configuration Upgrade Kit (from GSP to ESP)

5390307-02 9900 Elite Configuration Upgrade Kit (from GSP to PM care)
5390307-03 9900 Elite Configuration Upgrade Kit (from GSP to VAS8)
5390307-04 9900 Elite Configuration Upgrade Kit (from GSP to VAS15)
5390307-05 9900 Elite Configuration Upgrade Kit (from GSP to VASMTS)
5390307-06 9900 Elite Configuration Upgrade Kit (from ESP to PM care)
5390307-07 9900 Elite Configuration Upgrade Kit (from ESP to VAS8)
5390307-08 9900 Elite Configuration Upgrade Kit (from ESP to VAS15)
5390307-09 9900 Elite Configuration Upgrade Kit (from ESP to VASMTS)
5390307-10 9900 Elite Configuration Upgrade Kit (from PM care to VAS8)
5390307-11 9900 Elite Configuration Upgrade Kit (from PM care to VAS15)
5390307-12 9900 Elite Configuration Upgrade Kit (from PM care to VASMTS)
5390307-13 9900 Elite Configuration Upgrade Kit (from VAS8 to VAS15)
5390307-14 9900 Elite Configuration Upgrade Kit (from VAS8 to VASMTS)
5390307-15 9900 Elite Configuration Upgrade Kit (from VAS15 to VASMTS)

OEC 9900 Elite Illustrated Parts Manual 350

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