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9900 AND C. S.

11. 13. TILDEN Vol. 61

TABLEI V used were the same as in the work of Reasenberg, Lieber

AID YIELDSOF OLEFINS and Smith,$ but the pressure was about four atmospheres,
Yield, Bop.," Press, MRD M R D rather than one atmosphere.
Olefin % C. mm. ~ z J ~ D d% Ohsd. Calcd
l-Hexeneb 27 63 742 1.3882 0.6740 29.29 29.44 TABLE V
1-Hepteneb 77 93 748 1 3990 7004 33.84 34 06
4-OcteneG 66 127 0 746 1 4128 7184 38.86 38 68 ANALYTICAL
3-Nonenec 74 147.4 760 1.4173 7294 43.49 43.30 ACETVLENES
5-Decenec 77 169.6 746 1 4249 7385 48.47 47.91 Calciilated Found
7-Me-3-octenec 77 140.7 746 1.4168 7278 43 37 43.30 Compound o/oC %H % C %H
8 Me-4-noneneL 70 163 2 746 1.4229 7400 48.10 47.91 Et-i-Am-acetylene 87 01 12.99 86 95 13.13
5-Undecenec 86 191 2 750 1.4295 7516 52.88 52.53 Pr-GAm-acetylene 86.87 13 1 3 86 71 13.31
Isostilhene 87 ]'VI 8 1 6083 1 0143 60.73 i 9 18
2-Me-Z-hydroxi- Bu-n-Am-acetylene 86 77 13 23 86 58 13.45
3-octene 50 99 i 50 1 4427 0 8387 44 84 46 92 4-Octene 85 62 14 38 85.45 14 61
8-Me-styrene 50 166 7 746 1.5420 ,9088 40.89 39.69 5-Decene 85 62 14 38 85.80 14 55
All boiling points except that for isostilhene were 3-Nonene 86 62 14 38 85.39 14.47
determined by means of the micro-Cottrell apparatus of 7-Me-3-octene 86.62 14.38 85.76 14.58
Willard and Crabtree, Ind. Eng. Chem., Anal. Ed., 8, 79 8-Me-4-nonene 86 62 14.38 85.89 14.42
(1936). '' Schmitt and Boord, THIS JOURNAL, 54, 751 5-Undecene 8E, 62 14 38 85 73 14.57
(1932), record the following data. 1-hexene, b. p (i4"
(760 nim.), @D 1.%368, dz010.6732; 1-heptene, b p. 95' Summary
(760 rnm.1, %*OD 1 3999, d2040 6 These olefin< have
1. The reduction of mono- and disubstituted
not heen described prwiouslv
acetylenes in the presence of Raney nickel has
and chlorop~dtinicacid were investigated in the reduction been studied, and a relation shown to exist be-
of amylacetylene and dibutylacetylene, as typical examples
tween the symmetry of the acetylene molecule and
of mono- and dialkylacetylenes. In the case of amyl-
acetylene, there was no promoting effect when chloro- the course of the reduction.
platinic acid alone was used as promoter, but rather a 2 . Several new olefins have been prepared by
slight retarding effect was noticed When alkali and the half reduction of dialkylacetylenes. The
chloroplatinic acid were used together, there was some half and complete reduction of acetylenes by
proniotion observed (Fig. 2 ) . In the case of dihutyl-
acetylene, the use of alkali and chloroplatinic acid to-
means of Raney nickel is a feasible method of pre-
gether resulted in no significant promotion (Fig. 2 ) . The paring certain olefins and saturated hydrocarbons.
amounts of promoter, catalyst and unsaturated compound DAME,INDIANA
NOTRE MAY22, 1939



The Comer DextxinS by the Action of a New Type of

tures of Aerobacillus macetans'

It was first shown by SchardingerZ that the that when Aerobacillus mucerans is grown for
cultivation of Aerobacillus macerans upon starch several weeks upon a potato medium, and the cul-
solutions produces a mixture of water-soluble ture fluid is then filtered through a Berkefeld
dextrins, from which two distinct, non-reducing, N filter to remove the microorganisms, the filtrate
crystalline compounds may be readily isolated. contains an enzyme which will produce the M a r -
Subsequent work by other investigators has not dinger dextrins from starch rapidly, and in greater
demonstrated with certainty whether these crys- yield than has been previously reported. We infer
talline dextrins represent comparatively simple from this fact that the crystalline dextrins are
components of starch itself, or whether they axe components of the starch structure, or are closely
formed as the result of synthetic activity of the related to such components.
living organism. In the latter case they would During the course of the action of the enzyme
seem to be of little importance to the study of the upon starch there is no significant change in re-
constitution of starch. We now find, however, ducing power or optical rotation. In the present
(1) Publication authohized by the Surgeon General, U. S Public study, therefore, the progress of the reaction was
Health Service followed by measuring the rapid and substantial
( 2 ) F Schardinger, Z!p)iii Hah/ l ' u > a s ~ k n i Abt 11 24, 98
< l ' t O R ) , as, 188 ( l Q I l 1 decrease in viscosity, and also by means of a
Oct., 1939 OF STARCH

simple microscopic test based upon Schardinger's tests had shown that under the conditions described the
observation that the crystalline alpha and beta digestion should be complete in eight hours. A 250-ml.
portion of the mixture was removed aseptically for use in
dextrins form characteristic crystalline compounds obtaining data on the progress of the reaction, leaving 45
with iodine. By the use of these tests it has been g. of starch in the main body of the solution which was t o
found that the activity of the culture filtrate is be used for isolation of the crystalline dextrins.
usually such that 0.5 ml. will convert 30 mg. of The change in viscosity was observed a t 40" by means of
starch in a total volume of 1.5 ml. in thirty min- an Ostwald viscosimeter which had a n outflow time of
ninety seconds for water a t this temperature. The initial
utes at 40". At 30" the digestion requires twice viscosity of the digest was assumed t o be the same as
this period and a t 20 " four times; a t 50 O, however, that observed with a separate solution prepared from a
the time taken for digestion is more than half culture filtrate which had been previously inactivated by
that required a t 40", which indicates that some boiling. The outflow time for this solution was 522
inactivation has occurred at the higher tempera- seconds, and by expressing viscosity in terms of the ratio
t,/t,, where t s is the outflow time for the digest sample, and
ture. The enzyme is active, under the conditions tw that for water, the initial viscosity of the digest was
employed, over a pH range of 5.6 to 6.4. It is 5.80. In one hour the viscosity of the digestion mixture
precipitated along with other material by 37.5% had dropped to 2.62, although the iodine test still showed
acetone in the cold, and can be extracted from a blue color, and no crystals were present. In two hours
this precipitate with one-tenth the original the viscosity was 1.95, the color with iodine was blue-
violet, and a few crystals characteristic of Schardinger's
volume of water. Considerable purification is iodine compounds had appeared. After four hours the
thereby effected, and the activity of the enzyme is viscosity was 1.11, the color with iodine was brownish-
unimpaired. violet, and there was an abundance of the crystalline iodine
compounds. By this time the solution had become water-
Experimental clear, and its rotation in a 2-dm. tube was $8.4". After
Microscopic Iodine Test.-To a drop of 0.1 N iodine six hours the viscosity had become constant at 1.02 and the
solution on a spot plate is added 3 drops of the digest. rotation a t $8.1". The final specific rotation was there-
A small quantity of the mixture is transferred with a fore [ a ]$203".
~ During the next eight hours there was
platinum loop t o a microscopic slide. The crystalline no change except in the color with iodine, which gradually
iodine compounds may begin to form at once near the edge became nearly a pure brown. Tests for reducing power
of the drop, but the progress of the conversion is indicated were made a t hourly intervals upon 5-ml. samples of the
from the quantity of these crystals that are observed after digest by means of the Shaffer-Hartmann microtechnique8
complete evaporation of the droplet on the slide. Under and negligible values were obtained at all times. The
the microscope the crystals are seen t o be a mixture of the final reducing power was found t o be less than that of a
green needles and dark blue hexagons characteristic 0.01% solution of glucose. The pH, which was initially
of alpha dextrin, together with the brown prisms formed
6.4, remained constant.
from beta dextrin. In control tests made upon digests Isolation of the Crystalline Dextrins.-The procedure
of starch with other amylases, e. g., that of Aerobacillus was that of Schardinger as modified by L a ~ ~ gwho e , ~intro-
polymyxa, from which the main products are reducing duced trichloroethylene as a precipitating agent for the
substances, these crystalline iodine compounds were not crystalline dextrins. The yield of crude product, calcu-
formed, and the microscopic appearances were entirely lated t o the dry basis, was 18 g. or 40%. From this mix-
different from those observed in the case of the macerans ture the beta dextrin has been isolated and identified;
digests. This iodine test therefore seems t o be specific the remaining material appdrently consists largely of the
for the products of the latter enzyme action. alpha dextrin.
Preparation of the Enzyme.-The potato medium con- Summary
sists of 100 g. of sliced raw potato and 10 g. of calcium
carbonate per liter of water. After autoclaving for about It is shown that the aqueous fluid from cul-
an hour a t 125" it is cooled and inoculated with a few drops tures of Aerobacillus macerans contains an en-
of an active culture of Aerobacillus macerans. The new zyme which converts gelatinized starch to a high
culture is allowed to develop for several weeks at 38",
and the fluid portion is then passed through a Berkefeld N rotating ( [ a ] ~ + 2 0 3 )mixture of non-reducing
filter. A sample of filtrate which had been kept sterile dextrins, of which the crystalline alpha and beta
and cold retained much of its activity for a period of three dextrins of Schardinger are components, without
months. the production of maltose, glucose or other reduc-
Details of an Experiment.-A paste containing 57.2 g. ing sugar. We infer, therefore, that these dextrins
of potato starch (equivalent to 50 g. of anhydrous starch)
in 2 liters of water was autoclaved at 125" for one hour, are not products of the synthetic metabolism of
cooled to 40°, 100 ml. of a sterile culture iiltrate was added (3) P. A. Shaffer and A. F. Hartmann, J . Bid. Chcn., 46, 365
under aseptic conditions, and the mixture was diluted with
(4) H. Pringsheim, "Chemistry of the Monosaccharides and of the
sterile water to give a starch concentration of 2%. The Polysaccharides," McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., New York, 1932, p.
entire experiment was carried out at 40". Preliminary 280.

the organism but are either the true components ponents. The research is being continued.
of starch or are closelv related to such true corn WASHINGTON, I) c SFPTEMBER
IIE.OLIVED 5 , 1939


Nu. 201 I

Triarylcarbinols. VII.' 4'-Dime enylcarbinol and its Relation

to the Theory of Color of Dyes

This paper is concerned with the structure of binols and therefore by general opinion the basic-
triphenylmethane dyes, particularly with the ity of the central carbon atom. This effect is
effect of a dimethylamino group substituted in well demonstrated with triphenyl- and trixenyl-
the 4'-position of a biphenyl nucleus. It will be carbinol. While quantitative comparisons are
recalled that Dilthey2 and Wizinger3 have difficult to make, the latter compound can be
abandoned the conventional quinoid formula for estimated qualitatively from colorimetric data
dyes in favor of a carbenium, frequently called of Ziegler and Boye4to be over five times stronger
carbonium, structure in which the central carbon than triphenylcarbinol. Moreover, trixenylcar-
atom is given preference over nitrogen as the binol becomes colored in sulfuric acid-acetic acid
seat of basicity. Contrasting models for crystal solution which is about one hundredth the con-
violet are shown below. centration needed to produce color with triphenyl-
carbinol.: There is a definite shift in wave
length from 414 to 342 mp for the larger carbinol.
As far as color can be used as the criterion of
basicity there is no doubt but that substitution
of phenyl by xeuyl intensifies this property.
The argument that the positions of nitrogen and
The second link in the chain of arguments is
carbon in the periodic table should favor a nitro-
that substituents in the 4'-position of the bi-
gen base is met by claiming that the basic in-
phenyl nucleus have their influence propagated
fluence of the dimethylamino group is propagated
through two phenyl nuclei, thus further en-
through the benzene ring to a centrally located
hancing the basicity of the central carbon atom.
and basically enhanced carbon atom so that the
For example, trimethyltrixenyl- and trimethoxy-
latter becomes a superior base. In this scheme
trixenyl-carbinols previously5 have been ob-
the coordinately unsaturated carbon atom is
served to show color in acid which is approxi-
the chromophore which on conversion to the
mately one-tenth and one-hundredth, respectively,
ionized state becomes colored. The dimethyl-
the strength needed for trixenylcarbinol. There
amino group is the auxochrome.
is also a shift in wave length from 542 for the
We have applied this view to a system where
unsubstituted compound to 573 and 638 mp for
the two competing, though vinylogously con-
the two substituted compounds, respectively.
nected, points are separated by an additional
The evidence is conclusive that there is a definite
phenyl nucleus in order to note, in a quantitative
transfer of influence of substituents over two
way, whether changes in basicity of the carbo-
phenyl bridges and that marked changes in
nium group are paralleled by changes in the
basicity of the central carbon atom can be ob-
properties of dyes. The sequence of reasoning
served. Indeed, as shown in competitive titra-
underlying this work begins with the established
tions, the basicity of trimethoxytrixenylcarbinol
fact that repIacement of phenyl by a biphenyl
is not far below that of a dimethylamino group
nucleus enhances halochromism of triarylcar-
present in a compound of the triarylmethane
(1) Previous papers on triarylcarhinuls are: Morton and Stevens,
THISJOURNAL, 68,2244,4028 (1031); Morton a n d Peakes, Jr., ibrd , type.
66, 2110 (1933); Clapp Morton, rbid., 6% 2074 (1937); Morton I t then appears reasonable that a dimethyl-
and Emerson, ibid., 69, 1947 (1937):SO, 284 (1938)
(2) Dilthey a n d Wizinger, J prakt. Chem , [Z]118, 321 (1928) amino substituent in the 4'-positioii of a carbinol
(8) Wizinger, "Orgnnische Farhqtoffe," Ferd Dummlera Verlag. , 468, 229 (1927).
14) Ziegler a n d Boye, A n n
Bonn 1483 t5) Morton and Emerson, T i r r s T O U H ~ A L , 60,284 (1938).

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