Social Issues-1 (PDF - Io)

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I. Choose the most suitable variant to complete the sentence:

1. Mona Lisa in the Leonardo portrait is famous for her…
a) enigmatic smile.
b) fun-loving ways.
c) steady and unflinching gaze.
2. … parents praise whatever level of achievement results from their
children’s pet interests.
a) Stimulating
b) Ambitious
c) Supportive
3. The left hemisphere is the side of the brain most involved in …
a) spatial thinking.
b) language.
c) mental superiority.
4. The leadership sign of the zodiac is …
a) Aries.
b) Taurus.
c) Gemini.
5. Throughout human history, great leaders have always put … first.
a) personal goals
b) service
c) creature comforts

II. Choose the most suitable word for the suggested definition:
1. a person who spends money wastefully
a) a spendthrift b) a loud-mouth c) a control freak
2. difficult, tiring and involving a lot of effort
a) bawdy b) gruelling c) fickle
3. not lively, exciting or impressive; uninspired, lifeless
a) ruthless b) sinister c) lacklustre
4. a person with an unusually great natural ability for something
a) foreman b) prodigy c) stargazer
5. a strong belief in an idea or system, enthusiasm to do something
a) commitment b) incentive c) ambition
III. Complete the sentence with one of the words given:
1. Mona Lisa’s is a slightly … smile because it is stronger on her left.
a) callous b) crooked c) engaging d) sophisticated
2. Many parents fear that denying their children early development might …
them in the future.
a) handicap b) nurture c) deride d) outnumber
3. Scientists are working to … the genes that contribute to the development of
a) transfer b) interconnect c) confirm d) track down
4. Educationists … any link between the zodiac and academic success.
a) dominate b) attest c) dismiss d) derive
5. Great leaders are able to … the issues in a way that their audience can
understand and get inspired.
a) provide b) articulate c) motivate d) confront

IV. Insert prepositions or adverbs where necessary:

1. There is a school of thought that facial features can testify … some traits of
a) – b) for c) at d) to
2. Stimulating parents often go … enormous lengths to achieve distinction for
their children.
a) in b) to c) for d) at
3. At the top level of mathematical aptitude boys outnumber girls … 13 to 1.
a) at b) from c) within d) by
4. Exceptional leaders place the good of their people … personal goals.
a) over b) under c) above d) alongside
5. Good leaders need to empathize … others and appreciate their ideas and
a) to b) with c) for d) about

V. Choose the correct meanings of the underlined words and phrases:

1. Mona Lisa’s upright posture is suggestive of her dominant personality and
worldly ways.
a) correct manners
b) experienced and practical rather than very moral behavior
c) concern about the world
2. Geniuses are believed to be touched by the divine finger.
a) born saint
b) born gifted
c) born crazy
3. Many parents are anxious to give their children a head start.
a) to give them a sum of money as a start-up capital for the future career
b) to surprise them
c) to start their early education in order to give them an advantage in life
4. Those born under the sign of Taurus are said to enjoy hogging the limelight.
a) monopolizing the publicity in a selfish or impolite way
b) speaking eloquently
c) taking the initiative
5. Some politicians cannot avoid banana skins but are none the worse for it.
a) slipping after treading on a banana skin
b) situations that cause obvious and embarrassing mistakes
c) public attention

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