WBCS 2017 Main Exam Optional Mathematics Question Paper I

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www. WBCSMadeEasy.in BM. (0) MA1/17 a 2017 IAT . Time Allowed : 3 Hours HEMATICS PAPER. Full Marks :200 Ifthe questions attempted a, re in excess oft! first up to the prescri he prescribed numb; aed eee number, only the q all be valued and the remaining o In English or in Bengali but afl answers must be in one andthe same language. 1, Answer any two questions ;- (2) In a vector space R2(R), ¢ vectors (2, Westions atternpted mes ignored, Answers may be given either ‘ind gybaste of R°(R) containing the 2): 1, 0) and“(a, 3, (0) A mapping T : RP RB, derined by T(x, y, 2) = (x + 2y + 3z, Bx + 2y +2, xy VoPAz rags Ys ZER". Show that T is linear, Find Ker (T) and dimension of ker (7) 3 (c) Apply Gram Schmidt process to Obtain an orthogonal basis of R using the standard inner product, given that CLO; (1,0,-1), (0,3,4)f is a basis of R3 10 x 2 | © «2. Answer any two questions ;- (a) Using Cauchy's eriterian, to prove that - he te te at ak is convergent. (b) If y = Cos (mSin~1x), show that - (1) (a = x?)y, - wy + ary = 0 cena ° sey 2 - (2n # 1)xy,,) + (a? - ny = oe io ee of y denote the order of ditferentiations. Where (c) If y = x" where n is a tve integer, show that - y, = 2°{.3.5. aa (an = a} re n : 3. Answer any two Sar v i 4,2 (a) Evaluate £4, 9 (#2 } ee 2 a eee symtotes 0} (b) Prove that the 8 f area 'a’'+ coe tae the straight line + f= 1, where ‘a! and ft the = (c) Find the 1 eee connected by the relation ae oo e "bt i. Hae zero constant. © be. an stions !~ nea ee 4. answer eT ayaetion t+[0, Wi] > R est ma (a) show that cos x, wnen ee www. WBCSMadeEasy.in ” BM-(0)MA=1/17 ' Sy ai (c) Find the power series of tan™+x and deduce the Sum of L-$te-Fe ee. xa 5. Answer any two questions :~ (a) The equation ax” + 2hxy + by” + 2gx + 2fy + © = O represents @ pair of parallel straight lines. Show that the distance between them is ac aNata sb) - b) If the t cs Hay (o) If the two conics “1 = 4 - e, cos@ ond 42 4 se coa(g ~<) touch one another, show that -— Ha - e,*) + Go = 0,7) = 2hLo(2 - ege Cosec). (c) Find the locus of the middle points of the normal chords of the parabola y* = 4ax. 10 x2 6. Answer any two questions :— (a) If '2ct be the shortest distance between the lines ¥ - ¥ «1, ys Oadl+2-1,x-0, show that Poe ee {b) A sphere touches the planes 2x + 3y - 6z + 14 = O and 2x + 3y — 62 + 42 = 0, The centre of the sphere lies on the line 2x + z= 0, y = 0, then find the equation of the sphere. (c) If '2r' be the distance between two parallel tangent planes t0 the ellipsoid Ss + a + 2, = 1 which are parallel to the plane ix + my + nz = 0 then show that - een? ice )a? @ (e2 = 72)n? mi) lo x2 7. Answer any two questions :- (a) Reduce the differential equation y* = 2px - y p~ to cheiraut'# form by the substitution y“ =v and then obtain its complete primitive and singular solution, if any. ‘ (bv) Solve (D* + 2D + 1)y = x Cos x where DES Meola seb 2 : fone bed x oy + ox y - ay? Anawer any two wo questions :~ ) ies Partial Differential Equation (PDE) of all plane’ which are Constant dista: from the origin: to x4 BM-(0)MA-I/17 Ya and pr, centre of gravit, (b) A uniform chain o. oe ' points A and B in the bebe poner terminal tension isn Show that the sp, ] suspended from two fame |horizental line so that either = hat of the lowest it, an AB must be ue 1 ¢ Cat ee (¢) A regular hexagon is oi 4 1 pepeeeai neras composed of Six equal heavy rods freely ner and two opposite angles are connected by ‘ Pp n ya string which is horizontal. One rod being in contact with a horizontal plane. At the middle point of the opposite rod a weight w, is placed. If w be the weight of each rod, show that the tension of the string is 2¥* “1 | lox2 3 10. Answer any two questions :- (a) A particle moves in a straight line, its acceleration is directed towards a fixed point '0' in the line and is always equal to (0) 2)%3, when it is at a distance 'x! from 0. If it starts from rest at a distance a" from 0, show that 4t will arrive at 0 with velocity a ¥6after time ct Oy A t string passes over a light fixed pulley, it carries ce eoeeee ie atrone extrimity and a light pulley at the other, Another light string passes over this second pulley, carring aocses 'R' and 'Q' at its extrimities, The system Starts from rest, If R always remains at rest, boo Prove that B+ @ -¢ of a particle along and perpendicular to a Tae eraser cram ‘a fixed origin are Are and “g", wnere "A! Were constants. Show that the equation of the path is and is s se where to? ie an ec a and ths seeres 2 ecole and Aung + *® 10 x 2 penta of acceleration are avr’ rT ats For Guidance of WBCS (Exe.) etc, Preliminary, Main Exam and Interview, Study Mat, Mock Test, Guided by WBCS Gr-A Officers, Online and Classroom, Call 9674493673, or mail us at -> mailus@wbesmadeeasy.in Me

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