Jessica Unit Math

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Grade level: K/1

Interdisciplinary Theme Topic/ INQUIRY question:

Why are numbers important in our lives? Where are the different places we see and use numbers?

Unit Overview: (describe how you have designed this unit)

Math concepts are reinforced each morning when students are at their Math Buckets and are supplemented with lessons.
When a new topic is introduced, new Math Buckets practicing the concept will be opened. Math concepts will be introduced
and taught using real-life examples and applications to deepen comprehension. Lessons are designed for students to have the
most control of their learning: taking place in small-group discussions, physically engaging with manipulatives, and inquiring
about concepts.
STAGE 1: a) Big Ideas, Rationale & Essential Questions
Big Ideas: (UNDERSTAND) Rationale / Relevance Essential Questions
Identify Big Ideas (preferably from WHY is this unit of importance to your What questions offer the greatest insight
varied different curricular areas – students’ learning? into_________?
indicated which subject area they come
 Numbers represent quantities All lessons reinforce the  How do materials help us understand
that can be decomposed into strengthening of basic numeracy numbers and parts of numbers?
smaller parts (MAK) skills, including addition and  How do numbers help us communicate
 Numbers to 20 represent subtraction, one-to-one and think about place?
quantities that can be correspondence, and decomposition
 How do numbers help us communicate
decomposed into 10s and 1s of 10 (K) and 20 (1).
and think about ourselves?
(MA1) Students will be introduced to the
 One-to-one correspondence concept of financial literacy and the
and sense of 5 and 10 are importance of money in our lives:
essential for fluency with where it is used, how it is used, and
numbers (MAK) how we can be financially stable.
 Addition and subtraction with
numbers to 10 can be
modelled concretely,
pictorially, and symbolically to
develop computational fluency
 Through listening and
speaking, we connect with
others and share our world
 Stories and other texts help us
learn about ourselves and our
families (ELAK/1)
STAGE 1: b) What students will be learning – goals for the unit
First, in your OWN WORDS, what are the 3-5 things that you hope students will gain, in terms of knowledge, skills and
understandings by participating in this sequence of lessons?
1 Students will gain knowledge of basic numeracy skills, coin names and amounts.
2 Students will gain skills relating numbers to real-life situations.
3 Students will gain an understanding of how, where, and why we use numbers and money in our lives.
CORE Competencies Curricular Competencies (DO) Content (KNOW)
Choose from at least one of the three Skills, strategies and processes to be Content/topics – what students will know:
CORE competencies. Create an ‘I’ developed: (indicate from which subject (indicate from which subject area)
statement that links to a facet of your area)
chosen competency.
Thinking: Reasoning and Analyzing:  Decomposition of numbers to 10 (MAK)
 I can recognize equality and  Model mathematics in  Addition and subtraction to 20 (MA1)
inequality. (K) contextualized experiences  Ways to make 5 (MAK); 10 (MA1)
 I can recognize and describe  Develop mental math  Financial literacy- Attributes of coins and
equality and inequality (1) strategies and abilities to financial role-play
 I can be responsible with my make sense of quantities  Noticing attributes of coins
money.  Use reasoning to explore and (Colour, size, picture); identifying
Personal & Social: make connections (MAK/1) names of coins; role-playing
 I can identify wants and needs Understanding and Solving: financial transactions, such as in a
in my own life.  Develop, demonstrate, and restaurant, bakery, or store, using
 I can be responsible with my apply mathematical thinking whole numbers to combine
money. through play, inquiry, and purchases, and integrating wants
problem solving and needs; token value (MAK)
 Visualize to explore  Equality as a balance and inequality as
mathematical concepts an imbalance (MAK)
 Develop and use multiple  Meaning of equality and inequality (MA1)
strategies to engage in  Financial literacy- Values of coins, and
problem solving (MAK/1) monetary exchanges
Communicating and Representing:  Identifying values of coins (nickles,
 Communicate mathematical dimes, quarters, loonies, toonies);
thinking in many ways counting multiple of the same
 Use mathematical vocabulary demonization; money is a medium
and language to contribute to of exchange; role-playing financial
mathematical discussions transactions, integrating the
 Represent mathematical ideas concept of wants and needs; trade
in concrete, pictorial, and games, with understanding that
symbolic forms (MAK/1) objects have variable value or
worth (MA1)
Comprehend and Connect:
 Use developmentally
appropriate reading, listening,
and viewing strategies to
make meaning
 Engage actively as listeners,
viewers, and readers, as
appropriate, to develop
understanding of self, identity,
and community (ELAK/1)
STAGE 2: Assessment Evidence - Acceptable, authentic evidence demonstrating achievement of learning goals
Rich Culminating Task: Other Evidence of learning:
(Summative assessment) (Formative assessment)
What multiple ways will students represent their learning? What kind of assessment for learning opportunities can I provide to
(Which final products, observations, conversations offer the support progress towards the summative tasks? Which
BEST evidence OF learning so that you can communicate ONGOING/DRAFT products, observations and conversations can guide
student learning?) my instruction and offer support FOR learning – learning goals,
feedback, criteria, peer and self assessment)
 To conclude this unit, I will conduct one-on-one  Daily, I will walk around the room during Math Buckets time
conferences with students in which I ask questions and take note of whether students are talking about math,
based on the learning intentions. These whether they are sharing, and whether they are doing a job.
conversations will allow students to show learning  Grade 1s have math work in a green duotang which I will
through hands-on activities using manipulatives. have them do a few times each week. I will check their
books when they are finished and make note of anywhere
specific students seem to be struggling and any ideas about
how I can support them.
 Class discussions regarding math will offer great
opportunities to understand how students are feeling about
concepts and whether they need more practice. If students
struggle to answer questions, I understand that I need to
step back and review.
 Completed student work (worksheets and experiments)
throughout the unit will guide teaching and learning.
STAGE 3: Learning Plan
What learning experiences will you design to allow students to engage with the content and develop their skills in the competencies?
What sequence will best develop the learning? (add rows as appropriate)
Learning Intention Teaching/Learning Activity
I can do best work at math buckets.  Lesson 1: Intro Easter Math buckets
 Lesson 6: Intro Financial literacy math buckets

I can recognize equality and inequality. (K)  Lesson 2: Scale lesson

I can recognize and describe equality and inequality. (1)  Lesson 3: Balance lesson

I can notice and share attributes of coins. (K)  Lesson 4: Intro to coins
I can share attributes and suggest values of coins. (1)  Lesson 5: Coins 2, Store intro
I can identify wants and needs in my own life.  Lesson 7: Wants and needs
I can be responsible with my money.  Lesson 8: Can I afford it/Saving money
I can share ideas about familiar topics.  Lesson 9: Coin/topics review
I can show my knowledge.  Lesson 10/11: Explain, model, begin conferencing
How will the learning be made ACCESSIBLE FOR ALL students to succeed?
(adaptations, Universal Design, Differentiated Instruction, learning supports, multimodal resources)
 Whenever possible, lessons will involve kinesthetic movements that allow students to tie concepts to actions,
while moving their body.
 Wherever possible, visuals are used to support literacy, comprehension, and engagement.
 When instructing the entire class, I ensure to wear the microphone that not only goes into a student’s FM
system, but projects out of a speaker.
 I will use repetition and modelling to ensure students understand concepts and their jobs.
Reflections on the Unit: What will I keep? Change?

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