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econ Education Macias Publishers SA oon Pushers SA, 2018 IgBN N° 978.987.672.227 8 ‘Quads hecho el depésto Guo marca ls Ley 1.728, “eyto © Cartabaily Limited and Mery Chaington 2014 ‘aptacn: Dione Alamorose, Patil Lopez Discho estén © Mscmlian Publisher 2016 Bieho:Eckore Grafea Creative Tusveoes de tapay potas: Peden Combs Feltado por Clnuin Cabrrey Leteia Serta Esto iran un edoptacisa de Macmilan Next Mave, Sgitamonta pubes on 2014, se pues con fn Sttonsaian de Macmilan Publishers Lines lusrado por Gabrile Antonin (duces At po, 28, 48, 50,76, 79-76 (Achadad 2) 86 Arle Escalante 24, 4,68, 480; Fona Gowen p22, 48; Javier Joaquin The Oroarisstion 12, 30 etadae 4), 60, 7 ethidad 1), 76 (etidadee 3 $8 77 (edad 7), 89; Gerald Kelle pp, 918,21, 23,50, lbetvdad 9), 31,97, 39, 46 Pactwidad 9) 87 (Acad 8,51, 53, 54,65) 67,49, 8, 83,99; Rob MeClurkan p22, 52, 61, 83 46; Martin Meloge fonas pare activdedes, David Hurtado pot®, 2 Actved 1) 40, 95,78 ctnicad 1,99; [Andy Robb pps (Arias 3) 57 (Acti Th 7 eve 6) Mark Ruffle (The roarsaton) pois, 32 (avidad 2) 7 (Petvdad 8), 4,62, 63,78 (civicod 2, 97,99 Las aoa ye etre agadecon por l permis pore reproduc ss ftografias © magoncs a: Thinkstock mechs {ymaps Grammar Top resize seen “Lool mass an ‘urs, manos Lesson 9, pp, 5 fxcepte grupo de mujeres Syma, 78, 10,1, bop, pared 12,13 16,17, 1,20, 22, 26,35, 25 excepto el jugar de Fluminense) 27, 33,34, 35 fexcpto mujer con wis 36, 37,38, 0, 4,43 lvcepto rane) 84, 45,47, 49 (ni), 50, 1,52, 83,54 [nina 85, 56 (escapes nitan comiendo empanedas) 8,83, 62 65 excepto borigen lution cal 66, 68, 6%, 70,71, 72,73, 74,7, 79 esata Cara Pons, Hotel Conrad y cle noch), 8 42,84, 85, 85 (89), 87 (Playa San Franco, Prot, 88, 89,90 oxcoto Experante, 9,92, 93,94, 96, 97-103 fajtas ‘ecorables Latisteck po (grypa de mujeres aya’ 1 esidad 1), 26 Gognder Go Fliense, 35 mujer con na) 49 frcepto nl 54 mercado), 6 ios comendo empanadas) aborigene lata Incas), 79 (Hotel Conrad Yale nocusna; Wikimedia Cormmeons/Snan Potier pS {euro Wikimedia Commona”Wagnot T. Cassino p79 (Casa usb Wikmedia Commona/Candomberomercodes pb (Cabral, Wimedia Commora!Marallo Casal JAB (erga 86, Wires Cerrnona aver Crap? Panda Anat {ilemeda Commons/Dioge Ocampo p87 (Casio de Pra, Wamesia Cammona/Yoe Dethon pi (E-pernt): Secretaria "urea de Ua Roja p57 Care Aner My Enlah Tp 3 Pups Book Amana Canty Mary Charing adapted por Dana Almprere y Pai Tepes [hee fe eng eg eral 2 96 p22 em sev omeser.72.227-8 1. Ensafanca dongs. | Chanington, Mary IAllampe, Disa, adept i Lapes, atria, adapt Ne Tule ‘c00 4207 No se permte Ie reproduacién paral otto srsscenamint, alee i wansmiin 9a traneformacin ‘le eats Kira en casio fom o por cualquier medio s00 ‘lectnico« mesinio, meduma otocopios, dghalzxaign Jeter métador, ssl pormisa previo y srt del ede Erie etl peo por nlnyes 11724 28046, Imprezo en Angentina /Pnted in Argentina 20202019 28 2017 2016 iioge7ssea2 amare edn, prinerareimpresién Ea obra soteming de mprinuren sero de 2016, en oe tales de Cia Argentina SR Cale 125 va Fer NT 1325, LamaHermoss, proninca de Buenos Aes, Agena ee Contents map Vocabulary. Language focus: Numbers 100 Review = present simple: Clothes and "mn Tina, fs ae strong? 1 have accessories brown eyes Does Bouncer eS have blue eyes? Social skis Review ~ She can run and Be prepared. Jump. Can your per jume? Sep Se aaa Country: always wears a school uniform } Eesh or Sports and activities Review — present continuous: The weather Weare sailing in a boat. We aren’ icing. ‘Are you eating icecream? Play togetho: Yes, Iam. / Na, 'm not Vitae iesho dong? She's reading a book raz Whereis she slooping? She's sloping under 90. ps3 a3) Aetiverte and E / (Units 1.and 2) comme re Vocabulary: Language focus: beeremei cuisine oe Ay TST) Seca sit Monee aa eee eee savoury |s there any milk? aie eee, Chile Activate and Explore (Units 3 and 4) Vocabulary: Feelings The ome Events and celabrations Social skill: Help people Country: Paraguay ‘Actions regular vert forms) Fumiure Prepositions of place Social sil Value your grandparents. Vocabula Rooms and! paces it the house Means of transport Respect the environment Uruguay Language focus: Bo past simple: They were atthe airport You weren't very happy. ‘She was a the pay He waen't at the parade Wore you tired? Yes, | was. / No, I wasn't Was he atthe 200? Yes, he was. /No, be wasnt. Language focus: Past simple: Six year ago, {lived in Austral Bouncer didn't clean the ktchen Did you cook dinner last ight? Yes, Ile. / No, Ic’ Rewew— past simple Did they travel by plone? Yes, they did. / No, they ic’ Whore di th family goon holy? They went ta the ocean, What di they do? They sailed and surfed. ely, Q comptes. Tren tsten, check and say. 70s 29 26, Sao Qin went! \otnp grky Ly ge SS SLY 72, gohty. getting 10 }. eventy© e oy 99 one un Gio. @ errr ands nba pe 5 2 4 —_ + @ Calculate and write in words. 1 90+ 3= SSN BMS a 2x2 - pally sige 2 > 4 323 = AAS a @ count and complete using words. Then compare with a friend 1. My classroom has desks and chairs. 2 Thavé classmates: dirls and 3 thave_ books and, pens. PT | Aa) LESSON 2 é ay Q Listen, read and say. Thisismy friend, Her names Bouncer ‘These are Tina and Bouncer. They visit and explore x . She's a kangaroo. She's from Australia ‘They are in Bolivia now. til Tm Tina, Im ten yeers| ‘old and Im an explorer Thave long black hair and brown eyes, {can run and jump and Bouncer can, too, Wow! ‘She's smart, she's friendly and she's strong! @ Look at Activity 1 and answer. 1) Does Tina have brown hair? 4 Where is Bouncer from? 2. Does Tina have brown eyes? 5 &Bouncer friendly? 3 IsTina 9 years old? & Can Bouncer jump? Tam.. have. ean, My fend is. He/She has... He/She can, GD O ovreibe yoursett and your eb @ Liston and say. Then match i) Look at the ponchos What colour are they? ‘Ave they forhot or cold weather? Do you ‘eaten sunglasses - he Pyiamas sweatin (eT) sunhat schoo uniform doves ; D GD Q what do you wear...” Complete the sentences. ‘At school, Lwear-a school uniform Atthe beach, In the park, In the mountains, Inbed, LJ @ Look at Activity 2 and talk to a fiend. Gen (ev 9g Listen, read and say. Tina always wears a school uniform con weekdays, She usually wears her ‘sweatshirt, but she never wears a ‘sunhat, gloves ora scar! Bouncer ahways wears pyjamas in bed and sometimes she wears sunglasses! Q poswer Does Tina usually wear a sweatshirt? Does Tina sometimes wear a sunhat? 1 2 3. Does Bouncer always wear pyjamas in bed? 4 Does Bouncer always wear sunglasses? 5 Does Tina always wear a uniform to go to school write about you. 1th! 8 cans. on uniform, Saturday 21 sunglasses. 4 in bed. =D Gi Lesson 5 @ Complete the email There is one extra option. CY school his friends She can Itave Hm usually homework from Hecan has he Tshirts Hi Rosalia, tim emily 2 ‘bestfriend and? brother, Mat, We are‘______ Australia, is my twin My brothers very strong. *___run and jump. He loves comics and superhero fms. Superman is* favourite, Mat sometimes wears Superman Het wears a Tshir in the summer. . Mot always*____ breakfast at home with me: ‘and then we goto””___ In the afternoon, Mat and I do our \____and then he plays football with his___in the park, White to me soon! Bye! Emily @ Q crete and answer CD (Cae your bes Fer have brown hai? Are /Is your favourite peta rabbit? ‘What / Where are you from? 1 2 3. Has / Can your favourite pet jump? ‘ 5 How / Where old are you? Read and guess. BBs clothes are usualy blue and red, | (@J wears a mash and black clothes. J can jump and B weors a mask is very strong and run very fast but cant fly. E's special abilities are can run very fast. can walk on walls martial arts, boxing and aerobatics. doesn't ike cand jump. 1s doge! es Write about your favourite hero. Use the: questions as a guide: Play a guessing game with a fend. He is very strong and can run very fast, [she Superman? a | inka J Read Rosalia’s letter to her new friend. . Sie Ft hlto Eni, Bea [ al i art Potala ond Tm 10 year ot Drm from P° “Cotaia. Tn happy couse you amy nur frond : Your Brother cost! . ‘Prob a the photos! fur is my pet Waray D Lanita We can mabe sector jocks nd gowes 7 ith toma woot, Sanit. wry Cain ute H somatimas she tangy, Be consbull She spt Tithe than plato, you con ut-my mur AA ; Maria. She is weaning traditional clothes. Lack, atthe dfforntcolounl Ok, somgl Its late and T fave to go noun Thave a class. Wate to me soon Roralia XK Read again and answer. Does Rosslia have a pet? 7 What cltescanpeoplematewih woo? ew EDR pa What’ Rosali's mum wearing? fs rossa tne ~ Because she has anew fiend, ‘Are llamas important for Bolivian people? Why? / Why not? ‘What animals are important in your courtry? Why? nee Do the prope naan tha lathe sony day? Getintogrovpsaf tees orfoue ‘Wl colours do tay men bor spat acesions? Choose a county, Use the Internet, read books or ‘magazines to find information Complete the fact file em fen Bard Kimonos ane the traditional tethers of Cth of the Japanese, but: ther donitalwanys 4 ah kimenet, They wiah himenes for special ‘Write using the information eHtovalts and, panties from Activity 2. You can also use: ane the traditional chothes of, Thay wean for spl octasandnn Women aitar,.. / donit wear. Won wean... / dant wean. Make a poster. Remember to draw or paste pictures. Women tian colourful himenoy seth slower, Nenishimenet ane ach, dant be, groom Share your poster with the class. Jemma, where's {your homework fram page 14? Here's your homework, your lunch, your arange juice and your jacket, (Oh, nol dont have sy lunch oF my jue. (Ob, net Ident have my homework, Sorry, Mis. Homework, check Lunch snd juice, check, Jacket, ‘check. Im ready! = @ Q fees the story again. Tick) the best optionto describe the situation. 1 Becalm, 2 Be prepared. 3 Be good. @© © Tek te tinge you proper fr echt Ae you propared end orprzad? lunch) books| | pencil case| | homenork| | sports clothes Complete the crossword. Across —+ 4 76 é 50 a Down 4 7 33 a 69 42 f Count and write the number. sunhats sunglasses dloves sweatsins pyiamas Fr Look at Alice's chart. Then write True or False. Azalvays U=usually S=sometines N=never Mondey | Tuesdey [Wednesday] Thusdoy | Fiday | Sxucay | Sunday scart s | s]s]s]s5]s5]s5 jeans N N N 4 wn foa fou school atalfta|afa dou N nil v v v u v s | s hamburger N " N " ‘ s | s | always wear jeans on Saturday. | sometimes have a hamburger on Wednesday | never have milk on Saturday. | sometimes wear a scarf at weekends. | goto school on Sunday, @ took at the cart agin and complete, Then answer, 1 Alice —______jeanson Thursday. 2 Alice mill en Mena 3. Alice ______ hamburgers at weekends. ‘ Alice always wear a on Saturday? 5 —____Allice usually have ___ on Wednesday? 2 Q complete wit information about you. Then wie an email to Anarow. My name's Androw. I'm 10 years old and \'m feo England, \ have a brother, His namo’ Mark. He's 12 ‘This is my dog Lulu, She's very friendly. | got schoo! in the morning, like football ‘and computer games. I can play the guitar What about you? Bye for now! ‘Andrew 1) ls Mark Juans brother? 2 Does Andrew have a pet? 3 Does Andrew play football? 4. What can Andrew do? Pifaee Progress) Gheck 0 @ soc and rod. Then chose the core apo and complete Performing ,, This'_____Wanda.@_— i. a from Canada. She * 10 years old, qQ She has shert black and big brown, She is very friendly. a She play the guitar from Canad3 guys” Visit are is 4 eyes hair ears 2 Hos Shes ts 5 hair eats eyes 3 has is are 6% can has @ Look at the chart and write sentences about John. Use always, usually, sometimes or never. on es womes N v v v v v v v Pu iv x v x x x x A WEA iva ee CR Ge a 5am Gh Go Ge ee ee 7" x x x x x v v ve ive Ove BV Ge ee 1 4 2 5 3 6 lean count to one hundred. (WHE | can name clothes and accessories. | can describe people. | can use always, usually, sometimes and never Listen and say. Then complete. Listen and circle. ski /fish skateboard / skate skate / surf sail / ski Fide / elim climb / sur Cirle. Petr surfs / rides his horse in the ocean Susan and Sheila fish / limb inthe river. Martin can ski / skateboard in the mountains Jonnifer skates / climbs mountains in the street Play a memory game with a friend. Does Petr sur in ‘the mountains? | No.he dossnt These are Zac and Oona. They vist different countries They are in Brazil now. Thay are sailing in the ocean. Poor Oonal She can't are they playing baseball? coe eee ee atball, f Penne They is/are playing f @ Look at Activity and anewer Picurot Picue 2 fee Zc doesn? Iota ard ova sng? ‘Aro they sailing? Ave the children playing football? GD © choose pace and tick (7). Then play a guesing game with a friend. 2 cree cerca Ce Rc a) ee; ae or en] ary [ss cc Iti isnt is lets______ice cream, e > . BY Ween i FR | the countrsicer | siteloudy in town? ie itis | ale | What's the weather i \ | lke atthe beach? Lets______inthe Lets in é mountains. the river. £ Lesson 4 (ap © ten sad at It’s hot at the beach new. Zee is playing his guitar. Oona isn't reading her book ‘She's sleeping under a tree. Look at the bird! What sit doing? e's singing! Ielikes Zae’s song, Cine Peery eee) @ ook at Act 1 and match. Ther sone ext option 114 Zae paying feotbat? tesa 2 Are Zac and Oona reading? & Yer shai 3 ls one sleping? «They ae singing 4 What's the il doing? No, they ae 5) Where are Zac and the bird ¢ Yes, hes. singing? £ No, he isn't Cys @ Q Fine four more citferences and write, © = Inpicture A. it's hot and sunny b 's cloudy and cold icture A, Alan is swimming but. Lo ) @ Play a memory game with a friend. Q steve ey a" 8 2 pOg* 1. On erisland in Brai.. What's he doing? Hes. abil 2 What ore they __? ‘Are they __bkes? No, they aren't. Theyre fing kites. Isshe____with Granaima? ¥ No, sheisn't. Se &y @ ston again and chant. PP © Write with a frend. a ‘a wont ne, 4 ‘samba Samba sa typical Brazlian dance ‘are! music. We celebrate Samba National Day on 2nd December, Gg one Bre No, oren't yy © chant with a friend, Lesson 7 = (2) A magazine article | mia a ey Re Pai’ ate forthe school mage My best friend Joao is my best friend. He is a typical 10-year old boy from Rio 4s Janciro, Brazil, Rio is a beautiful city by # the ocean. Like many children in Brazil, Joao loves football. ete 1 Fis favourite tear Furnes BEY oxo goes to cht rom Monde to Fey. On Ssurday and Sunday, he goes to a foctball camp. There we practise ‘together: We are learning new skills and we are learning ‘to respect our mates 100, Joao Is training very hard because he has a dream: 9 be a famous football player A and represent Brazil in the World Cup. leis sunny and hot in Rio, se every Friday afternoon Joao and | go to the beach, We play foatball with our friends. After the game, we eat hamburgers together. Hove my friends! Thisis myarticle about my best friend, Joao. Q Rand again and none 41 Where ie Rio de Janeiro? 2 Where does Joao go at the weekend? CE Brazils the only country in South America where people speak Portuguese, 3. | this text positive or negative abou football camps? t 2 Doyou think sports camps are important? Why? ‘Aro you learning new abilities or skills? What skils? Gi rea Toth pont ony popular? Get into groups of two or three. Chain. De you ned a wnibour ov peal lathes? Use the Internet, read books or De you ie this pont? Why? ‘magazines to find information, a a a Write notes for your S® || - curfavourite sport is pole ts.ateam sport and the the information from I Activity 1. You can | Perse bores f also use: || + the players amays wear-a uniform:a T-shirt, trousers || endbects They wear ahelmet for protectin, The players hit the bal wth a allt a stck. We tke polo very much because we love horses. Argentinas number one in pol. In the picture, the player is riding @ horse Make a poster. Remember ‘to draw or paste a picture. Present with your friends. Listen and read. What sports are they doing? oS ) Ae | Be 4 | Come and swim wth us ; | | A Here, let's skate together. ops! ell \ L Stree! He! I's my turn. Read the story again. Tick (v) the best option to describe the situation. Play together. (_ Play alone. Play all the time. Answer about you. What games do you play? Do you invite friends to play with you? @ Look and write. wim J clits 's swimmi He isn't climbing, 2 cook / eat 2 read/sleep |s Oona eating a banana? What are the children doing? Is Zac swimming? ‘Are Zae and Oona reading? Is Oona eating ice cream? ‘Are Zac and Oona playing? \° We're playing football | | with fiends —_ —— |© We're learning new a - | football skis. | We lke the weather here. Ie sunny and hot. 4° We're meeting new fiends We're having alot of fun Q Complete the lists for you. Simon playing football ae Dear Simon, Come ana play with ust “ering playing footbau, ‘Place: the park, ‘Set you there at 5 pat pavid Progress: Gheck. e Q Look and complete. Hello olivert ' | eer be wre ew having = gen OM | Gee fn Mow my iter ll mys iceorearal He is very happy lav the ocean and my brother | My sister Amaie = oP | tooth at the beach. boys. They Bes BE ite eream. (0 great holiday! Bye, vicky |s Zac playing football? | Oona reading a book? Isiteole? What isthe bied doing? What's the boy doing in the ocean? one ene ‘Are the two girls swimming? |.can name sports and actvitis. | can talk about the weather. | can say what | am doing now. | can say what other people are doing now. A day in the life of Juan Juan "ig / are 12 years old. He “live / lives in a big house with his mum and his brother, Felipe, Felipe is 16, Ho shave / has a cat and a dog, In the morning, Juan usually ‘go / goes to school by bus, but he "sometimes / always walks. He ‘don’t / doesn't wear a unifoi. He usually “wear / ‘wears jeans and a Tshirt. On cold days, he wears a sunhat and sunglasses / scarf and gloves. In the afternoon, Juan sometimes ‘climb / limbs the tee in his garden or play / plays football wth his fiends, 9 Look and answer, 4 re the children running? What re they doing? —— 5 Where are thoy hing? 3 Read and complete. Then match is a strategy game. Two playors use a ‘board with 64 Squares. Itis very popular and mlliors of ‘people play this game at home, in parks, clubs, onine {and in championships, Each player begins the game with 16 pieces. One player uses the dark pieces and the other player uses the other pieces. A is aword puzzle, Iris usually square or rectangular. The objective is to complete ‘the white squares and form a word. The black squares separate the words, A ‘consists of a picture on paper o ‘wosd utinte many small pieces. The abjectve isto putall the pieces together and complete the picture. Look at Activity 1 and answer. Which game. has an illustration? includes writing? do you usually play witha partner? has small pioces? Answer about you. WY ‘Would you like to play any of these games? ‘What games do you play? Look at the pictures. What are Coe ema eah What type of food do you see? Cone eee re ‘There are many varieties of grapes in Chile, What colour are they? @ Look and compote with these words: apple sausage orange pear cheny egg There is_an orange There isn't _a cherry 1 2 3 4 5 ‘ There is’ GD © 20 at activity 2. Thon playa memory game with a friend. Thereisnta cup oF coffee, False. Theresa ‘cup of coffee, There arent any stromberies and there ‘aren't any cherries. Look at: this picnict Thete are some sausages ‘and Some sandiiches, In Chile, there are 26 national { paris and 49 nature eserves. | Se @ took at activity 1. Complote sing these word: aresome aren’tany inte is 1 There _are some sandwiches. There. oranges. There bbonana. 6 There_____cherries. There____ apples. 7 There___ pears 4 There _____glass of mi 8 There____ bottle of orange isice. Gare 37 Lesson 3 Grip. complete. then tstn, check and sy © wite the foods and drinks. ==] =] Sa] aT (hese) Gay (a= (eee | [Ena] forbreakest REE) forlunch. EE fordione: CED 1. Inmmy house, we have 2 Inmyhouse, we have 3. Inmmy house, we have GLP Q te r0 a ona. Mmm, theres pasta ‘and there's rut Bat there is some milk! @ Look at Activity 1. Write True or False. ‘There is some soup. 4 There is some rice. 2 There isn'tany chocolate. 5 There is some chicken. 3 There isn't any milk 6 There is some pasta © Look at Activity 1 agai . Complete with There is some or There isn't any. coe. 4 cereal 2 bread, pasta 3 fish. ‘ ‘orange juice. Lesson 5 © 9) re foots and ets nthe comet ron, C2 ‘peste milk sausage mest’ bread hamburger pear cheese coffee tomato strawberry South Metropolitan Park, Cerros de Chenaisin Santiago, the capital of Chile. the park, there a picnic and sports reas, Theres also alake | with lots of plants and trees around. John, Sandra and Angie are having a picnic in South Metropolitan Park. There aloof “hamburgers / sandwiches, but there aren't “hamburgers / sandwiches. There are © “sausages / cookies, but there any orange juice, There are "pears / cherries but there isn't % ice cream, There ®____two "apples / bananas and there is a “banana / pear. © Circle about your classroom. © 1 Is there a map on the wall? 3s there a book on your teacher's desk? 9 Yes, there is. 2 Yes, there! No, there isnt 2 No, there i 2. Are there any computers? 4 re there any postars on the walls? Yes, there are 2 Yes, there are b No, there aren't. >No, there aren't ap Gee LESSON 6 9) User and answer 1) What’ the boy® name? 2 Whats the git'sname? 3 tethers any coffe? 4 Are there any sandwiches? 5 Are there any hamburgers? @ conte @ & Mi Are there any fizzy \ T Yet Yes, there? M: Arethere any?__? M: Ave there? aalloons?_ Oh no! There *___ any TE Yes, there__alotof Fenburgen, balloons. M: Quick! Go to the supermarket. M: \___ there any sandwiches? LO F © Imagine you are organizing a party. Prepare alist. ‘Then compare witha friend. |s there a/any,..2 Are thore any...? balloons music fizzy drinks cakes cookies hamburgers sandwiches orange juice Read this webpage and learn more about my country. Lookat the photo ] Where can you sk in July, swim in the ocean in December, see penguins and lamas, and eat lots of fish? In Chile, of course. Chile is a very special country: there is fantastic Food and there are many interesting places to vst. of the delicous Fahl One ofthese places is Grey Glacier on Lake 5 Grey, in the south of Chile. Glaciersarelarge id) rivers ofice. They ate very beautiful, There ‘are also many icebergs in Lake Grey. You can visit the Grey Glacier by boat and you can also go on foot. Yer! The fi is 2x Yummy ae So Hail from Japan: Beautiful glacier © Read agsin and answer, Min ear Cia Pablo Neuda is a Nobel Prize winner. His poams about food ara very famous, 3. What are glaciers? They are about oranges, chips, lemons, ete 2 What isa typical food in Chile? 1 Is Grey Glacier a good place for a holiday? Why? / Why not? 2. What's the typical food in your country? eT StS) Prepare. Got into groups of three or four Choose a tourist attraction Use the Internet, read books or ‘magazines to find information, Whe tthe ple? ‘Why wit special? ‘What can you do there? Ace tere any acts Gor oll he family? What bood con you et thew? Write notes for a poster the information from Make a tourist poster with all the information. Remember to draw or paste pictures and to use an attractive Share your poster with the class. ru Sree a Lhe Cre ar cos ire) Coes delicious cor eee es ees Sea Eat deficious food! You can eat fish ‘empanadas or curento Aemeat or fh wth vegetable) There cso fresh rut - rapes and banana here are strawberries and roakfast {your tummy nom 5 copes! potatoes and beans. Read and tick (V). 1g) A greedy child has alot of food. Z potatoe a tumiy dossn’thave alot offood reed Read the story again. Tick (V) the best option to describe the situation. Don't be disobedient Don't be greedy Don't be disorganized @ A | My Practice Trip @ took and complet. iE & i 4) There aren’ rapes. 2 There some sausages 3 There isn't bottle of milk 4 are chores. 5 There cookies. 6 There cogs. match. There is one extra option. © Look and complete She has soup for lunch. 5 He eats for breakfast She eats for lunch. 6 He likes: He cooks. every day. 7 She likes They love 8 He has: for dinner. 1 There's © ook and wit Tue or Fae. There aren't Thore isn't Theresa Theres There's some “Theve aren't any bottle of orange juice. A mil any chocolate, chores. any cookies. some bread, cereal There are some sausages. There is some ice cream. There aren't any apples. There are some grapes. “There are some pears. ‘There isn’t any milk @ took and write, ‘There is some pasta, @ Circle. Then look and tick (V) or eross (X). |s/ Are there any cheese? (C) Is/ Are there any pasta? Is / Are there any grapes? Is / Are there any cookies? @ took an answer: 41 Ave there any fizzy drinks? 2 Are there any chips? 3. Are there any pizas? 4 Ae there any flowers? 5 Is there any coffee? a Progress: Gheck © Read the story and write the words. Bily isa very greely boy He usucly bas abi brecfst. He has some a Per at At school he has asnack He has some ® “> _ cra some orange juice. For lunch, hehas potatoes, bemnsand some * QCM ___inthe afteroon, he has four’ SMM onda” SE __ Then By eels sick! 9g Look and write using a/some/any and these words: bread milk chicken sandwiches cookies chertios glass of orange juice eggs 1 2 3 4 5 ‘ 7 8 | ean name foods and drinks. | can use There is/There are with some anc any. Look at the pictures. What type of Pee eee teas ae ete Reed et etd sip, @ complete. Then ten, chack and say. R ‘e g 3 & GD © comvies. Ten compere vith fn Aa 1 2 3. You're surfing in the ocean. You're 4: Its cole and rainy. You can't go out. You're 5 You are ata football match. Your team is losing. Yau'te fen again and sing. et Gy ie one Be nator IE x PRATT ra ‘20k at my aeandlparents! Tr rfe at an ait ~ Yeu P 'yhapou Look at Activity 1 and circle. caper Zac and Oona were /werer'tatanaipot nts, AE eet z Hey Zac, you were / weren't old in ' grandparents were / weren't teachers in 1974. Hey Zac, you were / weren't sain the photo Circle about you, Were / Are you inthis schoo! in 2013 Your friends and you are / were at schoo! ‘Your teacher and you are / were at school yesterday Are / Were your grandparents in Paraguay in 20°2 Lesson 3 Go @ complete. Then listen, chock and say. i= @ Listen and write the times on the clocks. Then complete. os) Iwas at the club at Iwas at the library at & @ Listen and say. Then match. Tuesday 5 barbecue 1 wedding 2 parade > Birhdaypary — 4 picnic =D Was Oona et abirthday party uesterday? No she wast Was she ata barbecue? ) [ ves, she was. Iwas ata street celebration. There were ots of people. They were happy. Their clothes were very colourful. Which was the celebration? B Look at Activity 1. Complete with was, wasn't, were or weren't. cna ata birthday party “Tom and Kim yesterday, sad. 2 Lucy, Tom and Kim at 4 Lucy sed a barbecue yesterday, yesterday, Ask and answer with a friend, Walarbethercta Washe atthe dub?) ((Washe tied in the evening? birthday party yesterday? TC No. he wasnt. Yes.he was. Yes, he was. SR pe) a I wasnt at the floner market. las at the fruit market. In picture 1, was Zac happy or bored? In picture 2, was Oona angry? Was Zac atthe flower market at 9.157 4 Were they on the bus at 10,002 Iwas af Cuatro Market wich my mum last Sunday. | ‘Today is Wednesday, Jennifer at the parade yesterday? Pat and Susan at the pienic last Friday? 3 Maite atthe mall lat Friday? _ Eric at school last Monday? —_ Gaby and Flor at the market last Saturday? _ Es Wie were in Calformia last week It was great! (Gain, Q tsten esto ad complete 1 On____, Meite and herbrather, 3. On ___ they wave at Emiliano, wore in Hollywood, California the Oscars® ceremony. They were ‘Maite was very vey 2 On —__, Maite was an 4 On___ they were at ‘actor in a film. Maite was very the airport. They were very GD © se: 274 anewer wit ind. Chose alae or vent and ue some ofthese wor Monday Saturday morning afternoon scared happy excited Sunday Tuesday evening sad bored tired Wee pat chen =a Ea Lesson 7 Yesterday was 2th June. | was at the Festival of San Juan celebrations, | was very excited! ae eed The festival of San Juan aS) ae ‘San Juan is avery popular festival in Paraguay. Irwasn'ta Guarani colebration, but we adopted it. There is lots of musi, dance and typical food inthis festival In the afternoon ofthe previous day, we prepare a big fre, Poop st around the ro, ink mate and oat typical food We ply games and jump over the fre when itis small, of ‘course. Wen there aren’ any flames in he fir, some people walk with no shoes over the red hot embars andl shout ‘Viva San ‘haan’ People thinkit is exciting but | don't am very scared Vike this festival very much. Visit Paraguay andl come tothe celebration! Cone [Eh ree or Hever irc ese festival? “aes Ree: Bure Hello, Andrew! its on 2th June Ce se Q ead again and answer z ‘1 How do people in Paraguay celebrate the festival of San Juan? 2. Does Maite participate in all the games? Why? / Why not? erie Poraguay has wo offical languages Spansh and (J Guar 11 Are some of the games in the festival dangerous? 2. Are there any similar celebrations in your country? Go + Choose @ special celebration, + Use the Internet, read Bt books or magazines to find aa _ formation What do pple wean? Write your = 7 pt ered ot Dc Ta ca con Activity 1. You can also use: in La Ra Tinkunace It ss very hot and sunny. Tusa / Te Tet elation people remeber the conf Been orn fhe Spars and the Nats the Pag) n 295 To By ee process walk acres the eon One group represents the Gowclly : Fee They cry tage of teas Te ter ng sees é A gens th Dali. Ty car he eal Nie “Theft Te Spurs ara bard nh chest ed the Diag’ soar clr aban wth a “hun ps mt a th Gaerne Hse arg @ Make» porter. Remember ea in Sparsh and Quechua, The pola erY to draw or paste pictures. TINKUMACO Listen and read. Loot! & smallislands We can try there! I don't know. viehave fe as tecshepomn Inpicture _. they are scared, In pict they are happy. Han Read the story again. Tick (V) the best option to describe the situation, Halp people. ( Don't be scared. (] 3. Help yourfienes. Do you help people? Write Yes or No. U hop my family | share my food with hungry people. | help my friend with his/her help people when there are natural homework, disasters, ml p | adel a3) 9g Read and match. 3. They're old, 5 She's happy. 7 They're angry. 4 Theyteoxcited. 6 He’ tired, 8 He's sad ths. ais sis airs @ Answer about you. 9 Read, complete and match. (wedding barbecue parade ___bithday pany picnic 1 Ie. sunny day. You're in the county. “Thore’s some food. Where are you? Vmata____picnie 2. You're with your family. Thero’s a woman ina white dress. Everyone is happy. Where are you? Im ata 3 You're with your friends. Theres abig cake You're playing games together. You sing a special song. Where are you? 4 It’Shot and sunny. You'e in the garden. Your dad is cooking some sausages. Where a you? 5 You're in the city There are lots of happy people. Some people are dencing, some poople have special clothes. Where are you? Were you at a party on Saturday? Were you ata barbecue on Sunday? Were you at a parade on Monday? Were you at home on Tuesday afternoon? ‘Were you at schoo! on Wednesday merning? © @ Fotow the paths and write. LLL & pool library _At five thirty, Bill was at the pool. He wasn't at the librar rmall / cinema form I beach hospital / market @ complet. Thon lok at Activity Sand answer Bill atthe library at five thirty? No, he wasn't. He was at the pool. 2 ___ katy atthe mall at seven fiteen? 3 Mark atthe farm at twelve o'clock? 4 ‘Ann and Katy atthe hospital at four forty-five? Rend. Then choose and wie, 1 ese was yb ae 2: Te party wat tat. Thee wee of eal ee thoppy baad ctied © seacted Bb ncaed bored 2 Mysisterwas 4. Atthe end, we wore very She loves birthday parties! twas ate! 2 angry b excited —€ scared 2 angry b bored — « tired Look at the pictures and read the story. Then answer. Any was very busy last week. On Monday, he was ata picnic withhis friend Jamie, On Wednesday he was at ‘the holiday parade, On Friday, Andy was at his birthday arty withall his fends. On Saturday, Andy and his Sister wereat their cousins wedding, On Sunday, Andy vas ata fry barbecue, Yn! 1 Was Andy at a wedding on Monday? 2 Was Ardy at a party on Wednesday? 3. Where was Andy on Friday? 4 Where was Andy on Saturday? 5. Was Jamie atthe barbecue with Andy? | ean say how | am feeling, |can tell the time, o | can name events and celebrations. | can use was and were and talk about the past. vate, Zac and Oona are getting ready for a picnic. Loo! ae . us Rav Qa Q Read, circle and complete. “This George. His weekend "wat / were very Push (On Saturday G becouse it was / were hot and sunny: His friends, Molly and Hay saturday evening as [ware there 9:08 } George “was / were at 3 " ‘but Molly and Harry severe /warertwih Googe: They owere/ wns ine ora 1 ie was / wasn't at Mag | ____— tn is ferily. " ‘on Monday morning, ____ poor George seas s ware very ry "Ge 2) nutritionist. Read the interview and write True or False. 1 2 3 4 “There is food you can’t eat Spaghetti helps our digestion. Exercise is important. Water isn’t necessary, @ Answer about you. Do you eat healthy food? How many meals do you hhave every day? Do you exercise regulary? What do you de? +1 izzy dinks, cookies and sweets | milk, cheese and yoghurt «© /fruitand vegetables «chicken, fish, meat and eggs © bread, potatoes rice and pasts Inecrview Sue! Or Goodeating, what is the eatwel plate? DrG: its an easy way to learn about healthy eating Sue: What does it show? DrG: ltindieates the quantity you should ‘at. Al food is good but in cifferent ‘uantities. For exemple, cereals and asta glve you energy. Fruit and vegetables help your digestion. Mik Froducts have calcium and make you ‘rong. Mest and eggs also make you srong. Sue: Are cookies and chocolate bad? DrG: No, ef course not, but don't eat alotof sweet things. Fruits are good snacks to eat every day. And remember: drink lots of water, have ta or coffee with little or no sugar, and exercise regulary. Sue: Thank you very much. DrG: You're welcome. Lesson 1 1. She lived in an old house. = 4 mn 8 Her mother i Cooked der , & “4 Gol) @ U2 a ay. what are Carmen and her grandis dong? v rye 7 Her father worked fon a farm, @ ston and write oe @ Play a memory game 1 listened with a friend. Cos N 4 She talked to her friends ‘oO 5 Herbrother watched ‘ils every Saturday. v | 6 Her grandma washed theirclathes by hand, Look at the musical “instruments the Incas played. Do you know thetrnaried? Da people play any of those instruments now? Lesson 2 @ @ Listen, read and say. id Miguel. They talked inthe pas Now. ve in anew fat Six years ago. we ved inan ald house, was happy then and Timbappy now! Six years age, | livee with ‘my mum in Austria, reel lives / lived eae @) complete withthe correct form of those verbs. work 62) live watch play (x2) Now, | the guitar Three years aco, | the flute 2 Now, my sister Jina shop. A yearago, she ina hospital 3. Two days ago, |____a film. 4) My grandma. in Jujuy twenty years ago, 5 Mymother inner yesterday, Gi = pene Ws ‘Complete. Then listen and say. . lamp ——_ of. <= ne ema Hove my , x ] snc house | She hes some old B | Tartre Lot mg. YA in front of ext to behind Liston, read and say. Did you cook dinner last right? a4 a ‘= SAL dic you clean the kitchen? ee This is Tina’ Ask and answer with a friend. Please Bouncer, + clean the table. X move the lamp next to the sofa. + wash the Bows. cook diane. ¥ Listen and write True or False. Sally painted the lamp. ‘The lamp is next to the sofa Sally didn't clean the clock, The clock is on the table, Sally didn’t paint the table. list for Bouncer. What did / didn’t she do? Die Bouncer clean the table? No, she dit On 6 sia) Look at Sally's planner and write. Lost Saturday, visited grandpa, ‘watch TV lean my bedroom use the computer Jisten to music hhelp my brother paint my chair Did you know that the Incas didn't have any furniture in their houses? Look, read and correct. One sentence is correct. “The sofas infront ofthe lamp, ‘The lowers are next tothe lamp, ‘The lamp isin front ofthe window. ‘The mobile phone is behind tho sofa. “The clock is under the armchair, did you have fur? Grandma, bow bi you wateh prograrnmes on TY? cia you text wth your mobile prone? ‘Dia you chat with your tablet? Dic you toke sees with your fends? eo ‘Yes dear, | watched programmeson TY aT ‘and Lused my “telephone put I chatted face to face. Andlread alot of books, Yes, deat, had fur. ‘ust tke you! _ eD Present: read / Past: read ent: have / Past: had & @ Liston again and say GIL 9 Wein gore 9 ‘groups of four. Write a poem using some of these verbs: play Did you swim? ind we sailed ‘nl surfed, tos "Gown, 4 \ N Frese go Pst: wont SSSR Last summer. went to Look at Activity 1 and match. There is one extra option, | Paloma. is one of the pest surf towns in Uruguay, Where did they 90? Yes, they did What did they do? They sailed and surfed! Did they swim? They nent to the ocean, No, they did’ ‘Answer about you. Then ask and answer with # friend. Did you go on holiday last year? What games did you play yesterday? Where did you play? Did you study English in your bedroom last week? What did your mum cook for dinner yesterday? Where did you watch TV last Friday? a mecee ree ee lee ae scooter ere a underground Listen and complete. (On holiday, we went to Montevideo. It was a long journey, so we travelled by evel | ahvays go to school by _ isnt very comfortable bur iis fost. My dad goes to work by _ He doesnt have a car In summer, my cousin goes shopping by _____, so she doesn’t wait for the bus. Tick () about you. Then compare with a friend. Ive near my school, | sal goto my nds house ener by boat by ta () by bite C) by train by bus (_} on foot (_} | usually go to school. by scooter on foot (_) by underground by tain (-) by bus (_} by bike Lesson 4 é lp) @ ston, read and say Last December, Zac and Oona were on holiday. They were in a big 1. On Sunday thoy travelled around the cty by train, On Monday, Zac was on a plane —he wanted to see all the ct. city next to the oct ‘Oona wanted to see the cit too, But where was Oona? Did Oona see the city too? Did Zac go the beach on Wednesday? Did Zac play with Oona at the beach? Did Zac go to 3ig Island on Tuesday? Did Zac travel by boat? a © Ask and answer with a friend about your lest holiday. Did you go on hatieay last summer? 7) No. [dia | baveled by car, Lesson 5 a ey 9g Read and match. There is one extra picts Matenewes =O Stay tab Bi gala Gata oe wnt tote Ecco tlt Mare metal Emanktent mg seep al ton a, Dab ok ang mad bth a a od at aT tt vig gon, Oo abner ists aczie Be bran aah, Tuas oy Hele, Nebond Tin Monts Th «fants i - lice, The weather's good ‘Dery batindy Were by cach Th pune 2 Nicene cetat ain B Neiaccnttctmi tsa Ql garnering © : - SS ANATAaaaat @ Look at Activity + and complete, GD Franke Alan Ans Hao, Franko youth Montevideo? ren Ans Didyu ove by plane? fae Ans hr cid you go eee? iy Fen i Abn hati ou do? Frank Aan your aura good lye? Penk: Hash © choose a ae Look at poges 5 19, 35,49, 65 and 79. Imagine you visited one of these places, Write about the weather, the city and your activities. @ Listen again and answer. ‘What dd Jey and her friends cook for dinner? a Did they clean the kitchen? Where would you ike to Sed Mog pp ve? Choose one of the What die Monica watch? tte Ga Imagine what itis ike ‘Where did Tom and his band play their guitars? wine a ® ©} Draw three different house plans. ) Show your house plans toa friend [it sabighouse. thas and play a guessing game. 2 bectooms, Pchre a Read Nelson's article for the school newsletter. INTERNATIONAUSCHOOL roo Pe ynesonnonancsssn | iy My place in the world is Montevideo, What a marvellous cit Visitor very good coach sevice. Terminal Tes Cruces ithe principal coat sre to Montevideo by plane, car or boat, There isaso @ In Montevideo you can find mals, market, restaurants, good hotels and, ofcourse, fantastic beaches, ‘There are lats of events and festivals, but my favourite is carival (Carnival in Uruguay is very long - 40 days, Montevideo i expecially ‘excting ducing carnival. Last earnval, wo participated ina parade ‘with my deel and Uncle Pach, They ae grest murgueros, We walked and danced down the sweets of Montevideo playing our music. We had special clothes and we painted our faces, it was fun! Dent mise the opportunity to vise Montevideo and sae the murgas! Read again and write True or False. "Nelson thinks Montes 10 is not very special, —_ People can't go to Montevideo by plane More than Terminal Tres Cruces is an important train station. peuee) Pe ~ ships go to [Neleon and hi father participated in the carnival Montevideo lest year, every year People rom allover the world How do you celebrate carnival in your country? Visit his city Do many tourists visit your city? How do they wavel? Where the ety? Prepare, hab is the waathn nthe? Choose a holiday place you lke “How: can you al ths? Use the irteret ead books or masecnes ana ut any abt ly? 10 find information What cm you se hee? Write your notes for a presentation ‘What ne the atacions? using the information from Activity 1. Why do you eth eg? You can also use: (My faut holiday place is Pridpols Its on the east cons of Uruguay. Hs a vay important Wty place mUrugusy. Tn samme, i 5 bt aed su. 8 I can enjoy the each, You can travel to ths ety by Beat, plane, coach o er oo os es | Francisca Pri funded the ty in to. that, be ous san gon / see / binds. canstructed Prria’s Castle (is residence), the Hotel Pirdpalis F the shaalog and the svenae Ral de es ryetns Thre ae otf nteetng places You can gt the publ parks. Yu cn fia da water spats he esc, You cn Make a poster. | tk the Care in de ac: Yc pth if Cre Remember to draw | Pande Aaicaron ot nd have eat view the cy! Th ety a Lt Go cantrau ir parte pictures: T ke Pipa very much because the beaches are excllent ee are ets ef tracts forall the fan ] Present your work sand the lots of attractions for a the family. to the class. ols Cul @ ston and read, What animals can you see? = qu ei i inks, Dont bitter Nw, please vemembe respect the environment @ @ Read the story again Tck (V) the best Option to deserbe the situation. 1 Respect onal. () 2 Respect yourgrandpa. () >. Respectthe enviroment. (-} eS © De you respect the environment? Tick (7). 1 Inever iter. (7) 3. Lrespect animals. (-) 2 {dont pick wit fowers. (") Where do you find them? Complete. : land / Edna J watched / on / Saturday / TV / Eddie Edna and Eddie watched TV on Saturday. his /this/ washed / Martin / face / morning ) yesterday / Gaby / cooked / Maria / and / dinner English / studied / Friday / on /Tom © Look at Activity 2 and answer Did Tom study in the classroom? 2 Did Edna and Eddie watch TV in the garden? 3. Did Mario cook yesterday? 4 Did Martin wash his face in the kitchen? 9 Put the words in order to make questions. Then answer about you. 1 this / did / What / do / you / morning ? What did you do this morning? 2 for / Did / study / an /you / yesterday / exam ? 3 go/last / Where / did / you / weekend? 4 garage/ you / clean / Did / yesterday / the ? 5. onTV/ What / yesterday / watch / did / you? 6 listen / you / to / yesterday / music / Did ? A © Read and complete the chart in chronological orde Lészl6 Biré was a famous inventor, He invented the ballpoint pen or birome. He was born in Hungary but he lived in Argentina. He patented his famous invention in 1943, Martin Cooper is called the ‘father ofthe mobile phone’ In 1973, he was the frst to make a call wth a mobile f pphone in publi Louis Pasteur was a French chemist. In 1864, he discovered pasteurization, 2 process to kill bacteria, In 1887, Lazarus Zamenhof invented Esperanto, an arificial international language. Inventor Eee Put the letters in order. Then match. 1 tocores 4 ait 2 abto 5 Inaep 3 dgenrourudn 6 odac Hello im Bradt and tm from Uruguay. My father likes Fshing ‘and we always travel by boat. We travel to alt oF teresting cities, But my Favourite is Montevideo, We travelled to tevidleo on holiday last summer and we had a great time, Yer Does Brad's ded travel by boat? 2 Where did Brad and his dad travel on holicay last year? 3 Did they have fun? 4 Where do Sandy and Mike live? Hellot Wee Sandy and Mike, We te near the city centre, Wie aluays go everynhere by scooter because it's fast. Die Sally lke the film? 5 Wha: did they do yesterday? ‘esterday we visited some friends ancl went ta the CZ cinema together Sandy led | gl the fi very much but | it tet, twas bering! 7 Why clit Mike like the film? my bedroom New musical film x exarn 21___ ‘the garage. vas tive, 41 sir mybedroom, _thenew musical film. for the exam, Q Match. There is one extra option. [studied in the kitchen, b Yes, 1 did. We played football Where did you go on Monday morning? 2 Where did you study? 4: Sa peal scaciee © Iwent to school id you walk to school yesterday ; J No, didnt | studied in the garage 4 What did you do on Sunday afternoon? ‘© We travelled to Mar del Plata 5 Did you play with your friends last Saturday? boa aveh ace YF watched TV with my family ‘ Where did you go on holiday? ee oy is, | can name rooms and places in the house. ee0 | ean name means of rarepr. e200 | can ask people and talk about what they cid in the past. 0e°0 fomactivate, Q Complete. There is one extra verb. ciartwatch does Isten helped Wstered ved ves foved studied washed worked works cleaned When my grandma, Dera, es aie gi, she ‘on afarm with her family Her Father was a Farmer and he 2__ allay, Her mather#___and tthe house, Doras mether® ___ washing machine, so she *__the clothes by hand. Dora___1V but she*___ tothe rai She *__ trees and __her mother, ‘She "___ animals. She*_very hare because she wanted te be a vet, Today, my grandma in the city and she*__in an animal hospital Q Complete the crossword and find out. S) What did Tina do yesterday evening? 98 Explore. | @ Q How did people travel in the past? Did explerers travel ong distances? BD | © sand th text. what kind of activites dd Marco Polo do? Marco Pola (1254-1324) was an explorer and a traveller He lved in Venice, Kay, In 1271, he travolled to Asia with his fuer andl Atta mone ho AES | tenparer of Chins wos Kubla Kan. Nate 5 Then Chia fr Severees yous nd = X& learned to speak four languages. He went on special missions for the [Emperor He wsited many placos and discovered new things. The food, the people and the anirals were new and interesting. ‘The book The Travels of Marco Polo descbes ll his ‘experience in China. fe vas very popular but many people didnt belove his stores because ‘hey were 10 fantasti for ther! 9 Read again and write True or False. 1 2 3 4 5 © Q what do these numbers refer to? Match. Marco Polo traveled alone to China Kublai Kan was the emperor of Venice, Marco Palo helped the Emperor @ Answer about you. China and Europe were very different. People didn't read The Travels of Marco Polo. Why not? 2. Where would you like to travel? age when Marco Polo died = 41 Would you like to be an plorer and waver fe marco Pola? Why?! bb languages he learned © the number of years he was in China year he traveled to China La gran pregunta es: iPor supuesto! Muchas veces la compat {Qué caractoristicas de ardn a colaborar? *+ Cada unidad esté dividida en secciones dlaramente # Unley ta juggler ; Tingmaster = Circle. After the circus show on Saturday afternoon, Maggie was sad / happy. Put the letters in order and write, & nolew rtweo. a pphya © tbethot — © Complete the series 1-5 with words from Activity 1. 4 sad nervous 2 juggler ringmaster 7: 3 sister uncle 4 cinema theatre = 5 sang walked @ @ Use the key to complete the sentences. 2 After singing her song, Maggie was. oe 16 compete Maggie's email wth was oF wasn't ee | Hi Sue, | Hiss | rea __a very good day for me yesterday. | (2) at home. | went to the circus with Mum, Grandma and Kevin, my brother. All the performers (3) ‘excellent, Iliked the juggler! ‘At 3 o'clock, | (4) __in the middle of the ring. | {§) —____ very nervous! | sang my song and everybody liked it. Then, | (6) rrervous =| (7) — ‘very happy! Come and visit me. We can go to the circus together! Kisses, Maggie © Complete Sue's blog entry about her vist to the circus. Use these phrases. were great was funny _ talked to the audience juggled six balls were at the circus his microphone and announced the performers, ‘The circus had a lot of amazing performers - they WZAL ALN The unicyclists were very talented and the jugglers the same time! Ll lid lille ill lll lle bile % jit to the circus ae RAS, LE / We watched the show in the red and white tent. Vii ov ZZZZ Aeoted's vg Gale Sort The ringmaster (3) with 4 4 4 4 ade ida — \ ' Z + gaulyu a 2 tachi i 2 Blaz 4 arPayuga 5 eBliv O9» OQix ee Q Pray 2 memory game. ich ae the courte) inate ‘ @ @ Put the letters in order. Then look and write whose trip itis. cs Look, read and match. bus station gym airport theme park train station park skating rink e& Play a memory game. Tiere ated Mana ate Te Bay ween \ amport on Frideu?: They were at the) - 7K skating rink. Look and write the jobs of the circus performers. GD O 222.13 ome ‘You can use these phrases. blue hair yellow shirt long red coat ona swing talk with a microphone He has brown har. He is wearing a small black hat. Mo. 16

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