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School of Business

Department of Management and International Management

Spring 2019/2020

Course Code: BMGT315

Course Name: Human Resource Management

Assessment: Assignment 2 B (Case Study)

Name: Maryjoe Baissary

ID: 51730748
Question 1:
The CEO and director of human resources planned a recruitment process
which begins when a manager initiates an employee requisition, a
document that specifies job title, department, the date the employee is
needed for work, and other details. It determines whether qualified
employees are available within the firm or if it’s necessary to look for
external sources such as colleges, universities, and other organizations.
I believe that, the alternative to recruitment the director of human
resources will most likely apply to fill the manufacturing director position
is the Internal recruitment method.
As Tamara, the manufacturing supervisor is an available internal
employee, who received extensive knowledge and training from the
manufacturing director who has experience for years, she became
familiar with the tasks and responsibilities that he daily performs. Tamara
is highly qualified to succeed filling and handling this higher position very

Question 2:
The human resources director is planning to announce the general
controller’s vacancy externally.
Since no internal employees are qualified to take such position, definitely
an external source or outside candidate will be selected for the position.
The company’s strong image in the market is continuously attracting
candidates that fill entry-level jobs, acquire skills not possessed by
current employees, qualified employees with different backgrounds who
seek to join the firm by applying for unadvertised positions. Candidates
may be attracted from a number of outside source such as high schools
and vocational schools that have outstanding programs for specific
occupational skills, some companies work with schools to ensure a
constant supply of trained individuals with specific job skills. Community
colleges have two-year programs designed for both a terminal education
and preparation for a four-year university degree program. Colleges and
universities represent a major recruitment source for potential
professional, technical, and management employees, placement
directors, faculty, and administrators can be helpful to organizations in
their search for recruits. Etc.
This fact will drive the director to open invitation from external
candidates to join the firm by applying for the position.

Question 3:
As mentioned in the above case, “the director of human resources
believes that no efforts have to be taken to fill a vacancy, because the
strong image in the market is continuously attracting qualified candidates
who always seek to join the firm by applying for unadvertised positions
and sending their résumés to the company’s email.”
With respect to the general controller’s vacancy, he is willing to apply one
of the recruiting technology methods: The virtual job fair.
A virtual job fair is an online recruiting method engaged in by a single or
group of employees to attract a large number of applicants. Recruiters
prescreen résumés, contact candidates who are potential fit, and store
email-addresses. If applicants pass the initial screening, they typically
must complete a questionnaire, take a behavioral test, and do the
telephone interview before meeting a recruiter in person.

Question 4:
In my opinion, it’s definitely not healthy to always recruit individuals from
inside the firm. A firm must look beyond its own borders to find fresh
candidates with latest and updated skills and knowledge who could
facilitate innovation into the business organization (as mentioned in
question 2), because only relying on the internal recruitment will not help
the firm to progress due to limited knowledge and capabilities. Internal
and external methods have their own beneficial recruitments, the
company should take benefits from what they’re both providing to the
firm in order to balance between them.
Thank you.

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