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Asfand Yar Khaliq Roll# 19L-2512 MBA (C)

CASE: 16 (A)(B)

CASE: 16(A) Answer:

On dinner, Stefan should not criticize Vijay directly as he was on a top position, he was doing a
great job. So he should talk to him by focusing on his long term goals and then by telling him the
importance of employee job satisfaction to achieve the goals and by telling that turnover rate
should be controlled. To achieve it’s important to change his attitude with workers and motivate
them by appreciating their efforts. This recommendation is effective as he cannot fire or criticize
him directly because he is in top position and is playing a very important part in the success of
the company. There are also some drawbacks to this solution as Vijay can mind and give resign
to Stefan which will be a loss for the company or Vijay will behave more strictly with the
employees as they have complained to Stefan about his behavior leading to even more difficult
environment for employees to work.

CASE: 16(B) Answer:

Noelle should not support layoff as it will cost additional expenses for hiring new employees as
well as their training later on. Instead, Noelle should advocate a cultural change which will also
put some cost but will be more effective for the long term benefits of the company. To become a
successful organization they should have a good environment to work whereas layoff creates a
bad culture in the organization and a bad reputation in the market. The drawback of this solution
is that it also incurs some cost as they have to bear the expense of the consulting company. The
other drawback is that its time taking process but it will work long term and better than a layoff.

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