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Asfand Yar Khaliq Roll# 19L-2512 MBA (C)

CASE: Airbnb, Etsy, Uber


Airbnb has been successful due to many reasons. The main reason for their success was that they
were mere focused to customer needs and to identify their needs they just stay connected to their
customers and hence keep improving day by day accordingly. As they received emails from
people all over the world that what they want from them and then according to the needs of
people they created it for people. In start they were not focusing on high revenues as they were
focusing on long-term benefits. They captured customer attraction greatly by showing them
pictures in high quality using professional cameras which worked effectively and gave them
double revenue. They were growing as they were targeting the market of simply a place to sleep
as well as market of hotels by offering some more benefits. Reason for their success was that it
was less costly than other hotels in the same location with the provision of same facilities or
better. They introduced social connection by using social media, it gave some positive results
which contributed towards the success of company because when people have something in
common with whom they are staying with, as it was the most requested feature by the people.
Hence we can see clearly that the main focus of company due to which they are growing is, they
are just focusing on customers that what they want from the company.


Uber has been successful due to many reasons. They do not target only one market they went
city by city with local efforts. According to each new location and before entering to new market
they first understand their culture and nature of market to meet the unique characteristics of each
market. The main reason of their growth was innovation that they fill the gap in the market with
innovations with the provision of alternative transport system. In the beginning they involved
with the suppliers and people who owned cars and run car services to launch their services which
is important when you are doing the transportation. The other important factor by which they
have shown growth is “word of mouth”. That is what it was mentioned in the case that 95% of
the riders have heard about Uber from the other riders, that it has played the most important part
in their growth. The other reason, as it was the two sided market (riders and drivers), Uber
provided benefits to both the riders and the drivers hence it has achieved growth. They have
provided the service of drivers in the area where the rider wanted the ride. They also facilitate the
riders by providing them with ease of payments through mobile and by the collaboration with
Google Map they have also provided the tracking system for the rider’s safety purposes.


Etsy has been successful due to many reasons. Etsy was two sided e-commerce platform which
includes sellers and buyers. Therefore, it has been successful by attracting both the sides of
market. It facilitate them by providing a platform to sell and purchase. So, by doing this seller
and buyer will work hard for their individual success which results into the benefits of company
providing platform as it has some margins. They were focusing on more sellers in the beginning
as it was important step to have something to sale for which they could create some buyers. They
achieve growth by spreading awareness about their company that they have provided platform
for all individuals who wanted to become an entrepreneurial with their hobbies. So that they
attracted the sellers to use their platform as they were providing opportunity to all people to run
their business according to their hobbies. The overall success was that they focused on both the
sides of the market (i.e buyer and the seller).

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