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Angular 2 Routes and Forms

@Service decorator is used to create a new Service. --False

Which of the following provides data to components? -- services

You define Service in -- constructor

Observable returns only single object in HTTP request -- True

PATCH method is used when sending passwords or other sensitive information. -- True

In a HTTP call, where is the data fetched from? -- API

EventEmitter is a ________ defined in @angular/core module used to emit custom events. -- Class

Which mechanism allows user to navigate between components / views? -- HTTP request

Which of the following is affected / changed on loading components? -- URL

Router defines mapping of URL to -- Comp

Which is not a router guard type? -- CAN DeactivateChild

Which property of “Routes” define the path of the component. -- path

FormGroups can nest inside other FormGroups. -- True

Which of the following will be “true” if user changed the value of control? -- dirty

In Reactive forms, the HTML of the forms are automatically created. -- False

How to prevent Angular2 from auto-validating form? --novalidate

Which function bootstraps -- reset

_____________ is not a primary HTTP verb. -- FETCH

Which is NOT an operator of Observables? -- geo ?

Which property describes the path you want to redirect the user? -- redirectTO?

Promise is cancellable. -- False

Non-parameterised routes always take priority over parameterised routes. -- True ?

_____________ acts as container to store all the services required for the creation of component. --

Observable can handle multiple events. – True

Service is a -- class

Who creates new services required by applications – providers

Promise returns single value when calls – True

Pristine state – reset

Where is the data fetched from in a HTTP call? –

You add 'novalidate' attribute to form, to prevent browser from automatically

validating. – True

Which decorator is optional if the class has any other decorator? --

@component is WRONG

FormsModule is imported from @angular/_______ in Model Driven Form –

forms is WRONG

_____________ decorator creates services. à@services is WRONG


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