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What is your major and why did you choose it? What do you expect to do with it?

What do
you hope to get out of it? Do you have any doubts about it or other majors you have
thought about trying?

My major is Political Science: Pre-Professional Legal Studies… which is a long winded way to
say Pre-Law and I chose it because I want to help people. I am a second semester Sophomore
and I have already learned much and accomplished much with the time I have spent at
Appalachian but there is much more I have yet to accomplish before starting down my path. I
plan to go to Law school either in or out of the state, I am not picky as long as it’s a good,
credible school where I will learn multitudes about my chosen field. I want to be an Attorney that
makes a difference instead of the stigma that surrounds the profession of being corrupt and
power/money driven. Although, having a strong presence without being an asshole is a plus.
With my major and future endeavours, I want to be able to bring about real justice in society and
take the pressure off of innocent and good people when someone tries to give them a run for their
money. I want to be in the corner of good and honest people. I expect to change lives and make a
positive impact. I am also minoring in Spanish so that I may help those who may not speak much
or any English. I want to be able to broaden the group of who I am able to help. I hope to gain
peace from helping others and providing legal assistance to those who need it. I want to help do
good whilst also being able to support myself financially. I may not like many people but I know
when someone needs help I can feel nothing but compassion. The only doubts I’ve had so far
about whether or not I will be able to finish all the schooling I want to accomplish within four
years. I also worry that I will work hard in school and not amount to much but that bit is for my
therapist. I am now working on accomplishing two minors (one in Spanish and the other in
Economics) because I am continually on a mission to expand my knowledge and be as useful as I
can to help others now and in the future. My current classes are opening my eyes to the injustices
in everyday life and the corruption of the system. I knew these things existed before, but I didn’t
understand the magnitude in which these issues plagued our country and the world. In regards to
ever having thought about a different major while here at Appalachian... I haven’t really thought
about any other possible majors because I am so set on what I want to accomplish and the need
to help others with their problems. I know what I want for my future and I know what goals I
would like to achieve. My whole time here at Appalachian State reflects my future and
everything I learn gets me another step closer to achieving my goals and on a direct path to the
future I am building for myself.

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