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Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing this letter of recommendation for Ms. Erica Unroe. I had the opportunity to
work with Ms. Unroe as her JMU student teaching supervisor.

I had the chance to meet with and observe Ms. Unroe on several occasions. I found her
to be comfortable and happy in the classroom. She had formed a very nice bond with each of
the classes that I saw her teach. Her teaching style was an excellent step-by-step methodical
approach. Ms.Unroe has a wonderful grasp of all the fundamentals that are needed for the
instrumental music classroom.

Ms. Unroe taught small and large ensemble classes during my visits and was quite
adept at addressing the needs of both groups. As she worked with the smaller group she did a
fine job listening and assessing their individual problems. With the larger ensemble, she
maintained very good classroom control while still presenting a positive learning environment.

Given the opportunity, I believe that Ms.Unroe would be a wonderful addition to your
school system. If I can be of any further assistance do not hesitate to contact me.


Doug Lane

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