Data Base Connections: 1. How To Connect

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Data Base Connections

Test data may be in Database, so that we should connect our test to database and
retrieve the data and use the same in test.

We should know 3 things while we dealing with database connections viz..

1. How to Connect 2. How to Establish connection 3. How to Retrieve and use the data

 For connection , we need to provide two things

1. Driver / Provider : A third party software used for establishing the connection between front end

and back end of the application.

2. Location : Location of database

Set : It is a temporarily location where we can store the retrieve data from data base at time.
From that temporarily location we can use the data one by one or as per requirem ent in our
: testing.
Connects the application and database.

* We need to create Object Instances for both Record Set and Connection.
Example : For example, test data is stored as below, do write the database
connection script. Testdata.mdb

v1 v2 s
10 20 30
30 30 60
30 20 50
90 90 180
2 8 10
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For :

‘ Dimensioning connection (con) and recordset (rs)

Dim con, rs
‘Creating object instanced for both above con and rs
‘ adodb = ActiveX Data Object Database
Set con = CreateObject (“adodb.connection”)
These two lines never
Establishing Set rs = CreateObject(“adodb.recordset”) changed

the Connection ‘ Assigning the connection with 3rd party provider i.e with microsoft

con.provider = “Microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0” *
‘ Opening the database by specifying the
location “d:/automation/testdat.mdb”
‘Retrieving the data from data table

Retrieving the data “select * from info”,con

‘ by using the retrieved data , checking all the rows

‘eof : eng of file
‘ not = if the record is not end of file then go into the loop
‘ else come out from the loop
Do while not rs.eof
‘ inserting the retrived data (v1) into val1 edit field
Vbwindow(“form1”).vbEdit(“val1”).set rs.field(“v1”)
Using the Data ‘ inserting the retrived data (v2) into val2 edit field
Vbwindow(“form1”).vbEdit(“val2”).set rs.field(“v2”)
‘ clicking on ADD button Vbwindow(“form1”).vbButton(“ADD”).click ‘ changing the focus to next
row rs.moveNext
‘ continuing the loop till eof



* For Oracle and SQL we will write both Provider name and Connection in one line and rest is same.

For Oracle “provider=oraoledb.1;server=locahost;uid=userID;pwd=password;database=database name”

For SQL “provider=sqloledb.1;server=locahost;uid=userID;pwd=password;database=database name”

-: The End :-

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