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Short Essay

Instructions:​ Each 3-4 page essay will respond to one of the five plays we are covering this
semester. The four you choose for these assignments will be exclusive of the play you choose for
your final presentation. In other words, if you choose to do your final presentation on the first
play we read, your fourth essay will be due closer to the end of the semester and will be on the
last play we read, and so on.


·​ ​Students will read, discuss, and analyze various plays to be introduced to the subject of

·​ ​Students will write analytical responses to the plays and ideas presented in associated
theoretical excerpt readings.


1. Essay Submitted by 11:59pm via Canvas Assignment Link

a.​ ​Using the course documents, the selected play, theoretical, and critical excerpts
craft an argument responding to the ideas presented in class. For example, you
could center your paper on analyzing ​A Streetcar Named Desire ​through gender
and sexuality. You should include one additional peer-reviewed exterior source to
support your position. All submissions must be in MLA format (double spaced,
1-inch margins, 12pt Times New Roman font) and include a properly formatted
Works Cited page (in addition to the page count).

b.​ ​Late Assignments will be deducted 10% per day or portion thereof up to two
days late.

Scoring: Each Essay is 20% of the Final grade.

A Range: Student crafted an eloquent and well supported response to the course’s
presentation of the play. Student met all assignment specifications of format and length
and submitted on time.

B Range: Student crafted a strong and well supported response to the course’s
presentation of the play. Student met most of the assignment specifications of format, has
the correct length.
D: Student has submitted a weak response to the course’s presentation of the play, it may
be technically faulted or insufficiently supported. Student met minimal amounts of the
assignment specifications; the paper is an adequate length.

F: Student has submitted a seriously flawed response to the course’s presentation of the
play. It is seriously technically faulted and unsupported. Student has not met the length
requirement. Assignment may be plagiarized.

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