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Lesson: Management Styles Post Session Report

Lesson Slides Author Teacher Date Time

Management Styles 14 Erin Goodell Erin Goodell 04/20 17:17 GMT

# of Students Student Participation Quizzes

Correct Answers

6 67% 0%

Student List
# Nickname Other Poll OEQ Quiz Draw It Collab MP # Nickname Other Poll OEQ Quiz Draw It Collab MP
1 Ciera Schelling - 0% - - - 0% 2 Ciera Schelling - 100% - - - 100%
3 Dusty Anderson - 100% - - - 100% 4 Dylan Buccelli - 100% - - - 100%
5 ernesto - 0% - - - 0% 6 Ryan - 100% - - - 100%

Lesson: Management Styles Post Session Report

Open Ended Question What kind of management style was the last video an example of?
Date Nickname Other Response Poll Stats
04/20/2020 Ciera Schelling

04/20/2020 Ciera Schelling Authoritative. They have to reach a

certain goal, however how it is met
does not matter as long as they
meet their goal.
04/20/2020 Dusty Anderson I feel like this is affiliative
leadership because he brings in the
thought of trainers as well as press
and everything that was going to
get them there.
04/20/2020 Dylan Buccelli Authoritative
04/20/2020 ernesto 33% No Answer

04/20/2020 Ryan either directive or authoritative

67% Free Text

Open Ended Question What kind of management style was the last video an example of?
Date Nickname Other Response Poll Stats
04/20/2020 Ciera Schelling

04/20/2020 Ciera Schelling Affiliative. The coach is promoting

teamwork and success and a non-conflict
04/20/2020 Dusty Anderson I feel like this was almost
pacesetting, he uses images and
ideas of what he wants to achieve as
04/20/2020 Dylan Buccelli coaching
04/20/2020 ernesto
04/20/2020 Ryan coaching xD
33% No Answer

67% Free Text

Lesson: Management Styles Post Session Report

Open Ended Question What kind of management style was the last video an example of?
Date Nickname Other Response Poll Stats
04/20/2020 Ciera Schelling

04/20/2020 Ciera Schelling participative

04/20/2020 Dusty Anderson I feel like Mr. Foreman had a
directive approach when telling his
son not to leave town.
04/20/2020 Dylan Buccelli affiliative
04/20/2020 ernesto
04/20/2020 Ryan directive

33% No Answer

67% Free Text

Open Ended Question What kind of management style was the last video an example of?
Date Nickname Other Response Poll Stats
04/20/2020 Ciera Schelling

04/20/2020 Ciera Schelling Directive.

04/20/2020 Dusty Anderson I feel like she has a coaching style
towards him, as well as affilitive
because she brings the family into
his thoughts making him feel like
part of both a team and something
04/20/2020 Dylan Buccelli coaching
04/20/2020 ernesto
04/20/2020 Ryan participatve No Answer

67% Free Text

Lesson: Management Styles Post Session Report

Open Ended Question What kind of management style was the last video an example of?
Date Nickname Other Response Poll Stats
04/20/2020 Ciera Schelling

04/20/2020 Ciera Schelling Directive

04/20/2020 Dusty Anderson I feel like this was authoritative
04/20/2020 Dylan Buccelli pace setting
04/20/2020 ernesto
04/20/2020 Ryan pacesetting

33% No Answer

67% Free Text

Open Ended Question What kind of management style was the last video an example of?
Date Nickname Other Response Poll Stats
04/20/2020 Ciera Schelling

04/20/2020 Ciera Schelling Directive

04/20/2020 Dusty Anderson I feel like he uses participative
leadership because he uses
everyones ideas.
04/20/2020 Dylan Buccelli pace setting
04/20/2020 ernesto
04/20/2020 Ryan affiliative

33% No Answer

67% Free Text

Lesson: Management Styles Post Session Report

Matching Pairs [No optional instructions entered] 67%

Date Nickname Other Matches Tries Activity Completed

04/20/2020 Ciera Schelling - -
04/20/2020 Ciera Schelling 6 16
04/20/2020 Dusty Anderson 6 7
04/20/2020 Dylan Buccelli 6 9
04/20/2020 ernesto - -
04/20/2020 Ryan 6 14

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