Driver Script To Run Multiple QTP Scripts

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For QTP Realtime Scripts, visit
Sample of Driver script to run multiple QTP scripts


If you just wish to control the execution of QTP Actions, you don't need anything special.

I'll describe a simple way of achieving your goal with really minimum development effort.

1) Let's agree that your QTP test is a script that should run a sequence of actions.
Each action can be a test on its own, or really a part of a more complex test.

2) In such a case:

a) Your main action (e.g., Action1) would contain the code as shown below.

b) Define environment variables as required:




You can define these in the test or in an external xml file to be loaded at run-time with:

GeSHi (qtp):


Created by GeSHI

Main Action code


GeSHi (qtp):

Dim arrActions, blnBreak, intMinAction, intMaxAction, intCurAction

arrActions = split(Environment("TEST_FLOW"), ";")

'Remark: The TEST_FLOW environment variable would contain a concatenated string

with the actions names separated by ; (semicolon). For example: "Login;Create

Customer;Create Account;Activate Account;Create Service Package;Logout"

blnBreak = False

intCurAction = 0

intMinAction = Environment( "MIN_ACTION") 'MIN_ACTION would contain an integer with the

first action to run in the flow (default=1).
For QTP Realtime Scripts, visit
If (intMinAction = 0 Or intMinAction = "") Then

intMinAction = LBound(arrActions) 'Default

End If

intMaxAction = Environment("MAX_ACTION")

If (intMaxAction = 0 Or intMaxAction = "") Then

intMaxAction = UBound(arrActions) 'Default

End If

intCurAction = intMinAction Do

blnBreak = RunAction arrActions(intCurAction) 'it's also possible to build it with the other
parameters such as number of iterations, etc.

intCurAction = intCurAction+1

Loop Until (blnBreak Or intCurAction > intMaxAction)

Created by GeSHI

Another approach (as you suggested) is to define per action whether to run it or not. Please
note that this requires that the actions ARE NOT functionally dependent.

You can achieve this by defining an environment variable for each to-be-run action (e.g.,
Create Service Package) and assigning it a value of, for instance, Y/N.

Then your loop code would change to:


GeSHi (qtp):

If (Environment(arrActions(intCurAction)) = "Y") Then

blnBreak = RunAction arrActions(intCurAction)

End If

intCurAction = intCurAction+1

Loop Until (blnBreak Or intCurAction > intMaxAction)

For QTP Realtime Scripts, visit
2.Running QTP Scripts from QC

Give a try with this code from vbs file. It might work.

Public Function testFunc()

Set qtApp = CreateObject("QuickTest.Application")


qtApp.Visible = False

If Not(qtApp.TDConnection.IsConnected) Then

qtApp.TDConnection.Connect "http://xxxxxxxxx/qcbin","Domain", "Project", "uid", "pwd",


End If

qtApp.Open "[QualityCenter] Subject\Automation\Test1", False


qtApp.Open "[QualityCenter] Subject\Automation\Test2", False


qtApp.Open "[QualityCenter] Subject\Automation\Test3", False



Set qtApp = Nothing

End Function
Call testFunc()

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