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Universidad Santo Tomás

Worshop 4 Bussines English 6

Name Jose Alexander Larios Ardila Group _____ Date _____________

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1. You, as the CEO of APPLE, are presenting the chart below, in this chart you are going to present the profit
margins from to 2008 to 2012, first you are going to check the vocabulary needed to describe the movement
presented in the chart, using the vocabulary of the chart below (take into account some of them are similar),
then put the corresponding words in the different movement you can notice in the graph.

Rise decrease remain stable drop

Grow Fall decline increase





remain stable

Now you are going to write a paragraph between 80-90 words describing the chart above using the vocabulary
given in class. Click HERE to check some additional vocabulary that will be useful.

Apple's profit margin remains stable at the end of 2008, and, beginning at 2009, decrese during
approximately the first quarter. After this, an increase is observed until approximately the first quarter of
2010, exceeding the 20% barrier. In the same year, it fall during the following months until the first
semester was completed, and thereafter grow significantly to over 25%. However, it is not maintained and
in mid-2011 it drop for a few months, but before reaching 2012 it rise and creates the highest peak of the
graph in the years evaluated.

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