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The position vector is sometimes referred to as the “lever arm”.

Where is the axis of rotation?

What is the angle between the position vector r, drawn in red, and the point at which F1 is applied?

What is the angle between the position vector r, drawn in red, and the point at which F2 is applied?

What is the angle between the position vector r, drawn in red, and the point at which F4 is applied?

Can you draw a position vector at all between the position vector (which starts at the rotation axis) and
the point at which F3 is applied?

Using the information above, calculate the total torque on the door.

If each “tick” mark is .25 meters, what torque does the 20 kg mass create at the instance the supports
are removed?

What torque does the 20 kg mass create at the instance the supports are removed?

What torque does the 10 kg mass create at the instance the supports are removed?

What is the significance of your answer?

If the angle between the gravitational force and the component of the gravitational force that is
perpendicular to the lever arm is 30 degrees, calculate the torque created by the 20 kg mass.

Do the same for the 15 kg mass.

What is the significance of your answer?

3. A mass is attached as shown to a string that is looped over a pulley and then released from rest.

Where is the rotation axis (just circle it)

What is touching the pulley?

Is there a force on the pulley from this touch?

Now draw a vector from the rotation axis to the point where this force touched the pulley.

What is the angle between the position vector and the point where the force touches the pulley?

If the mass is 5.0 kg, and the radius is .05 meter, what torque is produced by the mass?

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