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Money Mindset Trap #1 – The Belief You’re Not Good Enough

Do you believe you’re good enough? Are you worthy of success, love and abundance? If you
hesitated even one iota about answering “Yes!”, you must have taken out a membership in the “I’m
not good enough” club. (Most people have too, so you’re not alone on this one!)

How does living with the belief that “I’m not good enough” impact your money? It makes it hard to
charge what you’re worth. It’s difficult to really appreciate and stand in the value you offer. You
might be reluctant to invest in yourself or enlist support, which in turn impacts your ability to grow
your business. Learning to transcend this limiting belief will unlock all kinds of potential for you

Money Mindset Trap #2 – Your Family’s Money Legacy

We don’t just inherit our family’s looks, genetics and traditions. We also inherit a legacy of how
our family felt about money. The beliefs, habits, fears and doubts our family of origin had
about money has an enormous impact on our own money story.

If you’re a parent yourself, you know that children often do what you do, not what you say. It is
important to see with clear eyes some of the messages about money we absorbed growing up.
With that awareness, we can then start to create a new family legacy about money for ourselves and
our children.

Money Mindset Trap #3 – “But I Don’t Wanna Grow Up”

Another pitfall is the voice that tells you, “But I don’t wanna grow up!” Not knowing how much
you spend, falling behind on bills, or being in denial about your debt are clues there’s a
rebellious adolescent that would rather have a knight in shining armor come along instead.

Being willing to let our spiritual grown-up take the lead in the money department opens up new
thoughts, choices and excitement about your level of abundance. It lets you step into a place of
leadership and wisdom with you being a powerful steward and manifester of your abundance,

Money Mindset Trap #4 – Being Rich Isn’t Spiritual

A lot of heart-centered entrepreneurs struggle with a belief that it is not okay to be rich and
spiritual. This was a tough one for me as well! We absorbed some money story along the way that
to care about money is crass, or means we’re not spiritual
enough. We create separation between financial abundance and our soul’s journey.

Yet everything is energy. Money is simply another form of energy. It’s actually an important
vehicle that helps you make your life’s purpose a reality, rather than a pipe dream. Most
importantly, who you become in the journey of opening to prosperity and abundance is exactly
the kind of polishing and stretching we need to realize the greatest YOU that you can become.

Money Mindset Trap #5 – I Don’t Know How

With all of these various money mindset traps going off, it is easy to feel like you don’t know what
you’re really doing. How to manifest money isn’t something that they taught you at school. Most
people don’t innately have the tools, systems or structures to manage and manifest the kind of
financial abundance they are capable of having. We let a perceived lack of skills and knowledge
disempower us.

All it takes is the decision to stop letting a lack of knowledge be an excuse for not reaching your
financial potential. Take even just one baby step to learning some of the basic skills and tools and
notice how quickly you’ll feel aligned and open to financial abundance.


Review the 5 money mindset traps and see which one feels
like it applies to you the most. Contemplate it deeply and then write out a 2-3 paragraph of the
limiting money story you have about it. Write it as if you were explaining it to someone who didn’t
know you. When you’re complete, notice the degree to which your energy around money might
have already shifted.

Next, identify one specific action step you can take within the next 7 days to start to break free from
that trap. For example, you could get a book about financial planning from the local bookstore, or
write a letter of forgiveness to a parent who raised you with the belief that rich people are only out
for themselves. Once you’ve completed your action step, again pause to notice how even taking the
simplest step can create more possibility, confidence and clarity about you and your money.
Strong declarative statements like “You are never going to succeed!” just don’t take you anywhere
productive. However, flipping that into a question like “How are you going to succeed in this?” can
be very helpful. Why? The brain loves to answers questions, so your mind will immediately start
working on coming up with all of the things you would need to have in place in order to be

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