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Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 150 (2018) 62–73

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A model for Lean and Green integration and monitoring for the coffee sector T
a a,⁎ b
Lucas Vinícius Reis , Liane Mahlmann Kipper , Fáber Danilo Giraldo Velásquez ,
Nicholas Hofmannc, Rejane Frozzaa, Sofia Aldana Ocampod, Cesar Augusto Taborda Hernandezd
Post-Graduation in Industrial Systems and Processes, University in Santa Cruz do Sul (UNISC), Santa Cruz do Sul, RS, Brazil
Faculty of Engineering – Post-Graduation in Engineering, University del Quindío, Armenia, Quindío, Colombia
Mechanical Engineering Course, University in Santa Cruz do Sul (UNISC), Santa Cruz do Sul, RS, Brazil
University del Quindío, Armenia, Quindío, Colombia


Keywords: Companies have been under pressure from different sectors of society to make their processes more en-
Lean management vironmentally sustainable, a fact that drives the joint adoption of Lean and Green production systems. Studies
Green management relating these systems have intensified in the past decade and follow a growth trend. However, this can be
Lean green synergy considered a relatively new field with many gaps to be filled. One of these gaps is found in the agricultural
Maturity model
sector, where no studies relating Lean and Green have been identified. The main contribution of this article is to
Sustainable operations
develop a model for the evaluation of the integration of Lean and Green systems (Lean Green Synergy – LGS)
through the formulation of a conceptual framework. In order to demonstrate the viability of the model, a case
study was carried out on a set of six specialty coffee producing properties, located in the state of Quindío,
Colombia. The research carried out provides a non-subjective means to establish the maturity of the Lean and
Green systems and establishes 20 metrics capable of providing the information necessary to carry out the LGS
calculations. The calculation method described allows the replication of the model and its adaptation to other
sectors by defining the appropriate metrics for it, encouraging the joint adoption of Lean and Green systems.

1. Introduction good results (Jabbour et al., 2013), creating the need for companies to
align commercial practices with principles of environmental sustain-
The Lean production system developed by Taiichi Ohno is directly ability (Caldera et al., 2017).However, concern about environmental
related to sustainability issues investigated by various authors (Rolo issues is still seldon discussed in smaller companies. Fonseca and
et al., 2014; Verrier et al., 2014; Dhingra et al., 2014; Fercoq et al., Jabbour (2012) make this finding in their study and propose a frame-
2016). These authors have found possibilities of integration between work to evaluate the inclusion of Green concepts in Brazilian in-
the Lean philosophy and sustainable production from the environ- cubators.
mental point of view, which is usually identified as Green production, In the coffee sector, studies on the use of Lean and Green systems
or the Green system. are scarce. Nevertheless, the expansion of tropical agricultural com-
Sustainable development is a central theme for our era (Hsu et al., modities, such as coffee, has been considered a major threat to biodi-
2013; Sachs, 2015) and is a subject that is present in the strategic versity (Donald, 2004; Haggar et al., 2017), requiring that practices of
planning of companies and in the academic environment. The discus- optimization of productive processes and reduction of environmental
sion of this topic is growing somewhat and is a response of policy- impacts be introduced. With an average annual production of 5.9
makers to environmental concerns (Porter and Kramer, 2006), and the Mtons, coffee is one of the most commercialized drinks in the world
Green supply chain is one of the areas where more attention has been (Battista et al., 2016) and is the economic backbone of countries
given (Ben Brik et al., 2013), mainly in emerging economies (Hsu et al., throughout Latin America, Asia, and Africa (RAINFOREST, 2017), and
2013). its popularity and volume of consumption continues to grow every year
In this sense, there is a need to improve production systems and (Tsai and Chen, 2017).
improve existing methodologies. Green thinking was born of this need In Colombia, the production of specialty coffees is extremely im-
for improvement, and its integration into the Lean system has provided portant for the national economy, with the livelihoods of about 2

Corresponding author at: Post-Graduation in Industrial Systems and Processes, University in Santa Cruz do Sul (UNISC), Av. Independência, 2293 -53 (5340), 96800-000 Santa Cruz
do Sul, RS, Brazil.
E-mail address: liane@unisc.br (L.M. Kipper).

Received 23 November 2017; Received in revised form 29 March 2018; Accepted 30 March 2018
0168-1699/ © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
L.V. Reis et al. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 150 (2018) 62–73

Fig. 1. Research evolution of the Lean and Green systems.

million people dependent on this activity (Cano et al., 2012). Special 2.1. Research motivations
crops are characterized by the small size of the properties, non-me-
chanized production, and high added value. This type of crop has re- To support Lean and Green integration, deployment, and evalua-
ceived good acceptance since consumers have changed their pre- tion, models of these systems have been developed. These include: the
ferences, demanding a greater variety of products of higher value and LARG-ANP model (Cabral et al., 2012), which also integrates Agile and
with specific characteristics (Niederhauser et al., 2008). Introducing Resilient systems; the framework for Lean and Green of Verrier et al.
Lean and Green systems in this sector allows improvement in property (2014); the methodology of Faulkner and Badurdeen (2014), which
productivity and a reduction in costs. Tinoco et al. (2014) commented uses Value Stream Mapping - VSM to evaluate the environmental per-
that the Colombian coffee harvest is very expensive since it is done formance (SUS-VSM); the Lean and Green matrix of Fercoq et al.
manually. Monitoring the productive process of this sector is crucial to (2016), which integrates the seven types of Lean waste with the hier-
ensuring the viability of the properties since they are small areas. archy of the 3Rs of the Green system and the maturity model proposed
Also, the integration of Lean and Green systems is presented as an by Verrier et al. (2016).
alternative that minimizes the negative effects of coffee production. Another model is the model of ROBECOSAM (2017). It does not
Hartman (2015) found good results with the use of the Lean system in directly use the terms Lean and Green, but it makes an evaluation of
food production. Dora et al. (2015) suggest that it is time to introduce sustainability based on the social, environmental and economic pillars.
Lean concepts in agriculture, given the magnitude of the residues and ROBECOSAM, in association with S & P Dow Jones Indexes, offers an
losses in that field. However, it is also necessary to develop models to important tool that uses the results of over 600 performance indicators
evaluate the application of systems from industry related to agricultural and a set of 80–120 questions that are applied annually to define
production. business maturity. Although it is an extremely complete tool, this model
In this study, the main objective is to develop a model for the is limited to a select set of companies and has a level of complexity that
evaluation of the integration of Lean and Green systems in special limits its use by smaller companies.
coffee producing properties. This model, which herein we call LGS, will The integration of Lean and Green systems is a research topic that is
be supported by a web platform and has flexible features that allow arousing great interest (Verrier et al., 2014) but which still needs to be
easy adaptation to other industrial sectors. developed further, particularly regarding studies on the synergy of
The article is structured as follows. Section 2 discusses the con- these systems and the ways of measuring an organization’s Lean and
ceptual basis for the LGS model based on a literature review, Section 3 Green maturity level. Analysis of the research already carried out shows
presents the characteristics of the LGS and its form of application. that the majority of the studies on this subject are dedicated to litera-
Section 4 addresses a case of application in the coffee sector, and Sec- ture review, concentrating more on the conceptual field. There are a
tion 5 presents the conclusions of the study. large number of issues that still need to be addressed (Garza-Reyes,
2015) as well as the need to follow up the research already published.
Among the models mentioned above, it can be shown that all of
2. The conceptual basis for the LGS model them present positive results, being able to partially or fully meet the
proposed end. However, there are some limitations. Cabral et al. (2012)
This chapter will discuss the motivations for research and the mention problems of inconsistency in their multicriteria decision
structuring of the bibliographic research that guided the development method besides the need for a large number of comparisons to define
of the LGS model. the indicators. SUS-VSM (Faulkner and Badurdeen, 2014) is an ex-
cellent tool for the preliminary assessment of sustainability, but it is not

L.V. Reis et al. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 150 (2018) 62–73

able to make a complete evaluation of Lean and Green synergy. Verrier “Environmental Science” for the Scopus database, and related sub-areas
et al. (2016) propose a Lean and Green maturity model, but their study for the other databases. This reduced the number of articles to 29 in
is at an early stage and the adaptation of the maturity levels of the Scopus without changing the number of articles from the other data-
CMMI institute is carried out in a very subjective way. bases.
Lean and Green relationships can be considered a relatively new To certify that all of the articles actually address the subject matter
approach (Garza-Reyes, 2015) and have not yet been widely discussed of our research, the title and abstract of the 66 articles were read. In this
(Verrier et al., 2014). Fig. 1 shows the growth of studies on the Lean step (which functioned as a third filter), 14 articles were excluded be-
and Green systems over the years in the Scopus database. This growth cause they did not address the topic of our interest, and 24 articles were
demonstrates the importance that both systems have gained, but we did excluded because they were duplicated.
not show their application in the coffee sector. Based on these literature We then attempted to download the remaining 28 articles, but it
gaps and seeking to overcome some limitations of the models already was not possible to access the full text of seven of them, leaving 21 to be
proposed, the aim of this study is to carry out the structuring and for- completely evaluated. The search protocol is defined, in Fig. 2, showing
mulation of a Lean and Green maturity assessment model for companies all of the questions that guided the identification of the relevant in-
in the coffee sector thet can easily be adapted to other industrial seg- formation that was sought to be extracted from the remaining 21
ments. The LGS makes a clear contribution in the formulation of a documents.
conceptual and methodological framework with technological support, The 21 papers were qualitatively evaluated to determine the fol-
since it will have support at the web platform level. The LGS was de- lowing: Do the authors suggest metrics for assessing Lean and Green
signed to be applied through a web platform, which is responsible for integration?; Is any Lean and Green synergy evaluation model pro-
generating the charts and calculating the organization’s maturity level. posed?; Is it supported by any platform or software?; What industrial
The conceptual support is developed from the literature review. The sector is it developed for?; and Is it applied only to a specific area of the
methodological support includes formulation of the model, definition of company?.
calculation procedures, selection of evaluation metrics, and definition Since the metrics found are composed of performance indicators
of characteristics in order to group organizations and perform the and information that can be obtained through interviews, an applica-
benchmarking. tion of the model is divided into two parts: one for the evaluation of
The LGS is based on metrics that are composed of performance in- performance indicators and the other one for the application of a
dicators and structured questionnaires to establish the level of Lean and questionnaire to extract more information.
Green integration. Sachs et al. (2012) believe that applying perfor- As regards its structure, the LGS is also divided into two parts: one
mance indicators from the three pillars of sustainability together with a composed of the basic concepts of the model (i.e., the model factors that
monitoring system will enable scientists and managers to find solutions will be used in all maturity evaluations regardless of the industrial
to the problems of global food security. In the same way, many other sector and the characteristics of the company to be evaluated); and one
authors point to indicators of performance as metrics for evaluating composed of the variable concepts (i.e., the group of characteristics that
Lean and Green relations (Duarte and Cruz-Machado, 2017; Johnsen will need adjustments, depending on the industrial sector to which the
and Drevland, 2016; Verrier et al., 2014). For the coffee sector, the goal LGS will be applied).
is to encourage the introduction of Lean and Green systems, in order to In this study, through the literature review, articles that presented
reduce the environmental impact of this crop, improve the efficiency of models of evaluation of Lean and Green relations and other related
producing properties, and provide a reliable means of monitoring. research were identified to serve as the starting point of our work. We
also determined the main metrics to be used to evaluate Lean and Green
synergy. We then developed an evaluation model that is composed of
2.2. Literature review
basic concepts and variable concepts and that also has the level of
maturity of the company based on the five levels of maturity of the
To guide our study and to develop the LGS model, a review of the
CMMI (CMMI, 2017) as output. Fig. 3 shows the methodological steps
literature on Lean and Green systems was carried out. In this review, we
of this study in a flowchart.
searched for the related works and metrics already identified by other
authors that allow the evaluation of the synergy between these systems.
2.3. Results of the literature review
The literature review was conducted on the indexing bases Scopus,
Science Direct, Web of Science, and Springer. The search string de-
Fig. 4 shows the results from the search performed on the 21
scribed in Table 1 was used as the first filter. It seeks to answer the
documents analyzed. According to Fig. 4, in the first step, one article
research question: “What are the metrics capable of evaluating Lean
was excluded because it did not address the Lean and Green relations.
and Green synergy?”. The search was limited to title, abstract, and
The remaining 20 articles were evaluated according to questions 2 and
3, and this evaluation resulted in the stratification of information about
From the application of this first filter, we obtained 34 articles in
metrics and Lean and Green assessment models.
Scopus, 10 in Science Direct, 27 in the Web of Science, and no articles
Fig. 4 shows that eleven documents have performance indicators. In
in Springer.
these documents, we identified 53 indicators, of which eleven have a
The second filter applied was the definition of the research sub-
description and a clear calculation method that are reported by the
areas: “Engineering”, “Business, Management and Accounting”, and
authors. For another 28 indicators, the description and method of cal-
culation were identified through the bibliographic references of the
Table 1
Search string.
documents analyzed. The remaining 14 indicators were only mentioned
by the authors without further detail on how they should be im-
Terms Operators Research Chain plemented.
Lean And ((Lean and (Green and (Manufacturing or The 53 indicators, which have a calculation method, are pointed out
Green Or Production or Management)) and (Metrics or by the authors as being important metrics for evaluating Lean and
Manufacturing Indicator∗))) Green performance. It was also possible to identify other important
Production aspects for making this performance evaluation, such as the use of
practices including Just-in-Time (Bae and Kim, 2008; Mollenkopf et al.,
Indicators 2010; Parveen et al., 2011), Kaizen (Parveen et al., 2011), Value Stream
Mapping (Faulkner and Badurdeen, 2014; Kurdve et al., 2015; Ng et al.,

L.V. Reis et al. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 150 (2018) 62–73

Documents that deal with Lean

and Green relations

Are there more No

documents to evaluate?

Are Lean and Green

evaluation metrics

Identify metrics

Is a Lean and Green

No evaluation model

Identify the existence of Identify the industrial sector to Identify the area of the
platforms or software which it is applied company to which it is applied

Fig. 2. Search protocol.

2015), and Genba Walk (Verrier et al., 2016). The application of a which will be discussed in detail in the following subsections.
questionnaire that seeks to identify the existence or lack of training for This model will be supported by a web platform that is under de-
company employees and the time of use of these production systems velopment, which will be the object of future publications. The plat-
(Ng et al., 2015) and the use of simulation systems (Paju et al., 2010). form will automate the completion of the questionnaires, the mon-
Since these metrics were identified in documents that discuss Lean itoring of the performance indicators, the generation of the radial graph
and Green in different industry sectors and supply chain levels, they can as well as allow the stakeholders to manage all of the information ne-
be considered a global set of metrics. The ones that best fit the studied cessary to establish the level of maturity of the organization.
sector can be extracted from this set. We understand that this set can be Additionally, each organization will have easy access to its analysis
improved and expanded through new studies, and we do not intend to history, allowing the evolution of the implemented improvement ac-
present a fixed set of metrics. However, the metrics identified here can tions to be viewed/tracked.
be used to select a smaller, more specific set based on the description in
Section 3.
3.1. Methodological basis of the LGS model

The basic concepts of the LGS are detailed in this subsection and can
3. Lean and Green Synergy Model (LGS)
be adopted for any industrial sector without any adaptation.
In this section, the LGS model will be explained in detail, providing
the necessary information so that those interested in the business or 3.1.1. Lean and Green maturity levels
academic environment can use it in the evaluation of the Lean and This model proposes a division of Lean and Green maturity into 5
Green maturity level. levels following the ladder structure proposed by the CMMI (CMMI,
For a better understanding, LGS is divided into basic concepts (a set 2017). Verrier et al. (2016) also propose a maturity model that is based
of characteristics that is applied independently of the industrial sector) on the CMMI model, but their study is presented in a very preliminary
and variable concepts (a set of characteristics that need to be adapted way. They make a subjective analogy of the maturity levels since their
according to the industrial sector). Table 2 presents the LGS concepts, main objective is to propose the practices to be implemented by

L.V. Reis et al. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 150 (2018) 62–73

Table 2
LGS internal concepts.
Basic concepts Variable concepts
Maturity level Performance indicator
- Identify evaluation metrics of Lean
Evaluation procedure Questionnaire
and Green synergy;
Business Features
- Identify related works;

lack of awareness of the waste in these systems, the level of commu-

DETERMINE MODEL nication is low, and actions for improvement are isolated and un-
STRUCTURE documented, making them difficult to repeat.
At Level 2 (the level of stabilization), there is an awareness of waste
since the company already follows standardized and repeatable pro-
cesses. Controls at this level already exist, although they are basic
DETAIL BASIC CONCEPTS (using basic indicators). It is possible to apply Lean and Green practices
even in isolation.
At Level 3 (the level of standardization), the processes are better
consolidated, better understood, and better documented. The number
of metrics used is larger, covering more specific indicators and enabling
actions to anticipate possible waste. Improvement objectives are pro-
posed, although they are not quantified. Lean and Green systems can
coexist, but there is little integration among their practices.
At Level 4 (the level of optimization), improvement goals are
VALIDATE MODEL quantified and aligned with business objectives. This is the statistical
level, where Lean and Green integration is present, with the awareness
that actions taken to achieve one goal can not go against one another.
Training is given to all employees generating corporate awareness
about the performance of these production systems. Actions are mea-
Fig. 3. Flow of the methodological steps performed in the study. sured and controlled, allowing the Lean and Green systems perfor-
mance to be predicted.
At Level 5 (the level of innovation), continuous improvement is
companies in order to reduce Lean and Green waste. applied and measured through incremental processes. All Lean and
Since our intention is to make a better alignment with the CMMI Green goals are quantified and periodically revised to reflect changes in
proposal, for Level 1 (the chaotic level), there is no corporate en- business objectives. The company has full control and awareness about
vironment that is capable of supporting improvement processes. There the effects that the use of the practices of one system can have on an-
is a tendency to extrapolate budgets and deadlines and the individual other system, and there is concern about the overall performance of the
heroism of employees is required in order to achieve good results. The organization. At this level, the company has great opportunities to
company is unable to apply Lean and Green practices since there is a

Lean indicators
(3 documents)
Lean and Green indicators
Yes (5 documents)
(11 documents)
Green indicators
(3 documents)
2) Are metrics to
evaluate Lean and Green Structured questionnaire
relationships proposed? (1 document)
(20 documents) Lean practices
(9 documents)
(4 documents)
Articles evaluated Simulation system
(21 documents) (1 document)
1) Are Lean and Green
relationships discussed?
Platforms to
manage evaluation
No and generate
(1 document) reports.
(0 documents)
(8 documents) Automotive industry
3) Is a Lean and (1 document)
Green evaluation Industrial sector
model proposed? (8 documents)
General models
No (7 documents)
(12 documents)

Production process
(7 documents)
Company area
(8 documents)
Not specified
(1 document)

Fig. 4. Evaluation of Lean and Green articles.

L.V. Reis et al. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 150 (2018) 62–73

Lean and Green synergy is achieved with all quantified

Level INNOVATION objectives. Actions can be anticipated to promote
5 improvements.

Statistical level. There is Lean and Green integration

Level OPTIMIZATION with quantified improvement goals that are aligned
4 with business objectives.

The Lean and Green systems can coexist even though they
Level STANDARDIZATION are not integrated, There are unquantified goals and specific
3 indicators are applied.

Isolated practices of Lean and Green are being applied.

Level STABILIZATION There is awareness of waste and basic indicators are
2 used.

Chaotic level. The organization is not aware of its

Level CHAOTIC waste and has no ability to keep the Lean and Green
1 systems in place.

Fig. 5. Lean and Green maturity levels.

anticipate actions in order to promote improvements, maintaining good Note that Eq. (1) requires that a minimum value and a maximum
and constant results for its indicators. Fig. 5 presents a summary of the value be reported. For this reason, the LGS model needs a set of data
adaptation that was carried out in the framework developed by the extracted from a group of companies. This initial sample serves as a
CMMI institute. benchmark for the other evaluations. In other words, an initial database
must be constructed for each sector, and the model can carry out eva-
3.1.2. Evaluation procedure luations of the level of maturity from this database.
To estimate an enterprise’s Lean and Green maturity level, the LGS The questionnaire is divided into two parts, one Lean and one
model needs to evaluate information from the enterprise and perform Green. Each part is made up of objective questions and each choice of
some calculations that will frame the enterprise at one of the maturity response has a weight assigned to it. In this way, the sum of the re-
levels presented in Section 3.1.1. The information used by the LGS sponses of each part generates a value that is equivalent to a perfor-
model is extracted from a set of indicators and from a structured mance indicator that will also be normalized through Eq. (1). The
questionnaire. maximum and minimum values in this case will be established through
Both the indicators and the questionnaire are defined according to the sum of the response options with greater and lesser weight, re-
the industrial sector; therefore, they are considered variable concepts of spectively.
LGS and are described in greater detail in Section 3.2. At this point, the After having the 20 normalized values, they will be plotted on a
reader should only consider that the LGS model works with a set of 20 radial graph. At this moment, the manager is given a visual indication
maturity evaluation metrics (10 Lean and 10 Green), which are com- of the areas that need improvement even though he/she still does not
posed of performance indicators and a questionnaire. With these me- have his/her company framed at one of the maturity levels.
trics, Lean and Green maturity is calculated from three different per- This level is then defined by the percentage of area covered by the
spectives, each of which provides a level of maturity, and the average of graph that is generated from the values identified in the evaluation in
the three corresponds to the overall maturity level of the organization. relation to the total area of the graph, which corresponds to the area of
The perspectives considered by LGS are: the center to the outer ring that is formed by the axes of the graph.
Table 3 presents a correlation between area percentages and ma-
• Perspective i: Performance of metrics; turity levels. The left column contains the ranges of values corre-
• Perspective ii: Number of metrics monitored; sponding to each of the levels in the right column.
• Perspective iii: Integration of the Lean and Green systems. To establish the metric performance in the radial graph, or the
percentage of area occupied, we initially divide the radial graph into
In order to evaluate the maturity of the performance of the metrics triangles that are formed by the graph axes and we define the angle?
(perspective i), initially their values are normalized through Eq. (1). between each axis. Since there are 20 axes (20 metrics), θ is equal to
This equation is used in several studies where there is a need to put data 360/20, i.e., θ = 18. Eq. (2) (Leite, 2014) is then applied to calculate
from different sources on the same scale (Jain et al., 2005; Venugopal the hinge that is opposite the angle θ .
and Sundaram, 2017). It allows all values to be set between 0 and 100,
so it is possible to plot indicators with different units of measure in the b= a2 + c 2−2∗a∗c∗cosΘ (2)
same radial graph. Therefore, a and c correspond to two axes of the graph and their
Ve = ∗100 Table 3
(Vmax −Vmin) (1)
Performance of metrics X Maturity level.
Performance of metrics (%) Maturity level

Ve = the normalized value, (i.e., a value on a scale of 0–100); 0–20 1

Vi = the value of the indicator in the unit of measurement corre- 21–40 2
sponding to it; 41–60 3
61–80 4
Vmin = the lowest value found for this indicator; 81–100 5
Vmax = the highest value found for this indicator;

L.V. Reis et al. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 150 (2018) 62–73

20 100 2

19 3


18 60 4

40 A
17 5

16 0 6

15 7

14 8

13 9

12 10

Fig. 6. Example of a radial graph.

length is given by the value of the corresponding performance in- Table 4

dicator, and b is calculated by Eq. (2), thus obtaining the three edges of Number of metrics monitored X Maturity level.
the triangle. After finding the value of b, Eq. (3) (Leite, 2014) is applied Number of metrics monitored Maturity level
to find component S1. This component is then used in Eq. (4) (Leite,
2014) to define the area of the triangle. 0–4 1
5–8 2
a+b+c 9–12 3
S1 =
2 (3) 13–16 4
17–20 5

area = S1∗ (S1−a) ∗ (S1−b) ∗ (S1−c ) (4)

The total area corresponds to the sum of the areas of the 20 triangles considers how much the company controls its process. In other words,
formed by the axes of the graph, considering maximum values for the the important thing in this step is to know the number of metrics that
metrics. Fig. 6 shows an example of a radial graph where it is possible to the company monitors.
identify the components a, b and c, the angle θ , and the triangles Finally, a maturity level is established by taking into account the
formed by the axes of the graph. The area shaded in blue in Fig. 6 re- integration of the Lean and Green systems (perspective iii). At this
presents the result obtained when entering values of performance in- point, the LGS model seeks to measure whether there is a balance in the
dicators of a given company.Its area is calculated in the same way as the application of the metrics to control the two systems. To establish this
total area by simply replacing the maximum values of a and c with the level, the difference between the number of Lean metrics and the
values obtained for each indicator. Thus Eqs. (1)–(3) are applied to number of Green metrics deployed by the company is determined. This
define the area of each triangle and the sum of all of them corresponds difference is related to the number of metrics monitored (perspective
to the blue area in the figure. To establish the level of maturity ac- ii). Table 5 can be used to establish this relationship and define the level
cording to this perspective, it is sufficient to calculate the percentage of of maturity for this perspective.
this area in relation to the total area and verify the corresponding level Therefore, if the difference between the number of Lean and Green
(Table 3). metrics deployed by the company is 0–3, the level defined for per-
The level of maturity is also established based on the number of spective ii is repeated. If this difference is 4–7, the level of perspective
metrics monitored (perspective ii). Table 4 defines the level of orga- iii will be one level below the one defined for perspective ii. If the
nization according to this perspective. At this stage, the LGS model difference is from 8 to 10, it will be two levels below.

L.V. Reis et al. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 150 (2018) 62–73

Table 5 The questionnaire should also be divided into two parts: one to evaluate
The difference between the number of Lean and Green metrics deployed X items related to the Lean system and the other to evaluate items related
Maturity level. to the Green system. Each part of the questionnaire will be evaluated
The difference between the number of Lean and Maturity level independently. In other words, each part will return a value that will be
Green metrics deployed normalized and included in the radial graph. The questionnaire adds
two more metrics to the LGS model.
0–3 Same as perspective ii
The two metrics extracted from the questionnaire added to the 18
4–7 One level below perspective
ii performance indicators make up the 20 metrics of the LGS model. Since
8–10 Two levels below perspective we have 9 indicators and one part of the questionnaire for each system,
ii the LGS model has 10 Lean and 10 Green metrics.

Once the maturity levels are established according to each of the 3.2.3. Business features
above-mentioned perspectives, the arithmetic mean of the three is To ensure greater accuracy in the maturity evaluation, in addition to
calculated to find the global mean of Lean and Green maturity. the industrial sector, some business characteristics that may make
benchmarking impossible to achieve should also be taken into account.
3.2. Variable concepts In other words, companies in the same industrial sector may have very
different characteristics, which makes the comparison difficult to make.
In this subsection, we detail the aspects of the LGS model that vary Therefore, we suggest carrying out comparisons among companies from
according to the industrial sector, referred to here as variable concepts. the same region (preferably participants of the same association and
that knowingly use similar production practices) following the same
3.2.1. Performance indicators regulatory norms. The size of the company and the number of em-
For each industrial sector, the application of the LGS model requires ployees should also be considered.
the selection of a set of 18 performance indicators (9 Lean and 9 Green). LGS proposes that those interested in the Lean and Green maturity
For convenience, in this study, the 18 indicators were selected from the evaluation should be familiar with the characteristics of their company
set of 53 indicators identified in the literature review. The validation of and the market where they operate. Thus, initially, the company should
these indicators was done through judgment by specialists in the area. define the industrial sector to which it belongs and later the group of
After the selection, the applicability within the coffee sector was ver- companies of this sector that can serve as benchmarking for it.
ified through interviews with managers of companies of this sector. The
interviews were aimed at determining whether companies monitoring 4. Application case of LGS
the variables needed to implement the selected indicators or they al-
ready have these indicators implemented. After the interviews, a new In this section, we present an analysis of Lean and Green maturity
expert judgment was made to validate the selected indicators or pro- performed using the LGS model. The evaluation was carried out on
pose the necessary changes. It was determined that the set of companies coffee producing properties located in the state of Quindio, Colombia.
in which the interviews were applied control a minimum of 50% of the This region has its economy based on small properties that produce
variables necessary to implement the indicators. Thus, at this stage of special coffees. Niederhauser et al. (2008) points out that markets are
the study, 18 of the 20 metrics that make up the LGS model were de- increasingly signaling the demand for differentiated products, and the
fined. requirements for the supply chain management of this type of product
are much more stringent than for traditional agricultural products This
3.2.2. Questionnaire sector was chosen because food production is one of the major concerns
The questionnaire was developed to extract information that can’t for humanity in this century and the Lean system has shown good re-
be measured through performance indicators. Like the indicators, a sults in rural properties, including environmental gains (Hartman,
questionnaire must be developed for each industrial sector. According 2015). Besides that, the cultivation of specialty products has become
to the literature review done during our study, we identified some increasingly important as it allows regional development, promotes li-
important items to consider when evaluating Lean and Green synergy. velihoods, and agricultural employment (Ozcelik, 2016).
These items can be found in Table 6. The model was applied through on-site visits, in which interviews
Since the specific practices and terms of these production systems were conducted with property managers in order to identify the values
are not known by all companies, we consider that terms that are easily of the performance indicators defined for the coffee sector and to apply
understood should be used for the development of the questionnaire. the questionnaire elaborated for this same sector. Appendix A presents

Table 6
Items to be considered in the evaluation of Lean and Green synergy.
Information Reference

Is Just-in-Time practice used? Bae and Kim (2008), Parveen et al. (2011)
Are actions applied to counteract the negative effects that Just-in-Time can have on the Green system? Mollenkopf et al. (2010)
Is Kaizen practice used? Parveen et al. (2011)
Is Value Stream Mapping practice used? Kurdve et al. (2015), Ng et al. (2015), Faulkner and
Badurdeen (2014)
Are there employees trained to work with these production systems? Barve and Muduli (2013), Dora et al. (2014)
How long have the concepts of these systems been applied in the company? Ng et al. (2015)
Is Genba Walk practice used? Verrier et al. (2016)
Were environmental variables included in the process mapping (VSM)? Faulkner and Badurdeen (2014)
Is there a policy of reducing, reusing, and recycling (The 3Rs)? Fercoq et al. (2016)
Is there an assessment of opportunities for improvement in the environmental aspects of the product in the various Verrier et al. (2014)
phases of its life cycle (Life Cycle Analysis - LCA)?
Does the company care about replacing the use of dangerous products in its processes and, in cases where substitution is Verrier et al. (2016)
not possible, carrying out the control and monitoring?

L.V. Reis et al. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 150 (2018) 62–73

Fig. 7. Lean and Green maturity according to performance indicators.

the set of indicators defined for the coffee sector, and Appendix B Table 7 shows the application of monitoring metrics of the Lean and
presents the questionnaire. Green systems, demonstrating that the analyzed properties are con-
The LGS model was applied to a set of six properties participating in cerned with both systems. When Table 7 is related to Tables 4 and 5
an association of coffee growers certified by Rainforest. Rainforest re- (presented in Section 3.1.2), it is possible to establish their maturity
quires that the properties follow a strict set of environmental protection levels according to the perspectives ii) number of metrics monitored;
and sustainability measures (RAINFOREST, 2017). These character- and iii) integration of the Lean and Green systems. Table 8 shows the
istics, together with the geographic location and the property size, give maturity level of each perspective for the analyzed properties as well as
the evaluated properties the necessary characteristics that are described the global level of maturity.
in Section 3.2.3 so that benchmarking is possible. Of the six properties analyzed, only property P4 is at level 2 of the
The data collected allowed the generation of graphs and area cal- global LGS. The other properties are at level 3 of the global LGS. The
culation for each property (Fig. 7). Table 7 shows the number of metrics processes are consolidated, documented, and controlled by a con-
monitored on each property, separately for each type of system (Lean or siderable number of indicators. There is interest in improving the Lean
Green). Thus, it was possible to find the Lean and Green maturity level and Green results even though there is still little integration between
according to each of the perspectives presented in Section 3.1.2, and, them.
consequently, to calculate the global level of maturity.
As Fig. 7 shows, the six properties have maturity levels of 2 or 3
according to the performance of the indicators. The graphs of the figure
indicate that the properties have control over their processes through
the monitoring of performance indicators, but there is possibility for Table 8
improvement. Lean and Green maturity.
Maturity level
Table 7
Metrics by property. Property Metrics Number of Integration of the Global LGS
performance metrics Lean and Green
Property Lean Metrics Green Metrics monitored systems

P1 8 6 P1 2 4 4 3
P2 9 5 P2 3 4 3 3
P3 9 6 P3 2 4 4 3
P4 5 7 P4 2 3 3 2
P5 9 6 P5 3 4 4 3
P6 9 7 P6 3 4 4 3

L.V. Reis et al. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 150 (2018) 62–73

5. Discussion restricted to the access of the authors, and only the final result for each
coffee-growing property was disclosed.
Even though Lean and Green integration is being addressed from With regard to the level of maturity, five of the analyzed properties
different perspectives, there is still only a limited number of studies on are at Level 3, which indicates a standardization of processes through
this integration. In the agricultural sector, the joint introduction of the documentation of information and the measurement of indicators
these productive systems was not identified from our literature review, which are considered to be essential by this study in determining Lean
which is a gap to be filled. In addition, we discovered that the models and Green maturity for this sector. The Lean and Green systems coexist,
addressing Lean and Green synergy deal with the means of joint im- although there is still no management to integrate their practices.
plantation, but they pay little attention to the monitoring of either one One of the properties is at Level 2 (level of stabilization). There is
once they have been introduced into the organization. We understand awareness of the waste and the importance of reducing it, but the use of
that these are important theoretical findings that should guide future indicators and the monitoring of process variables are in the initial
studies. stages of implementation.
The LGS model encourages the adoption of Lean and Green systems The LGS model obtained a result that is similar to the opinion of
since it allows constant monitoring of the production process and experts who visited the same properties. This model was able to gather
identifies improvement points, facilitating integrated management. In a set of data and information and return a numerical result. It was
the coffee sector, LGS was effective in establishing the maturity level of possible to identify the companies that are obtaining the best results in
the properties analyzed. According to the managers’ feedback, the ap- this sector, without the need to resort to subjective evaluations. In other
plication of the model made it possible to make decisions regarding the words, the LGS model has a calculation method that allows the level of
elaboration of action plans in the search for quality and productivity Lean and Green maturity of companies of an industrial sector to be
improvements associated with environmental protection. established, avoiding the influence of subjective factors that could alter
In addition, the flexibility of the LGS model expands the practical the result of the analysis.
gains of this research by offering a tool that is adaptable to other sec- For future studies, there is a need to develop a platform that sup-
tors. Through selection of appropriate metrics, the LGS model allows ports the LGS application. This platform should make it possible to
the application of the same calculation system and frames the organi- register companies, generate a database with a history of past evalua-
zation into one of the five levels of maturity through benchmarking tions to establish the evolution of companies, and have the capacity to
between similar organizations. facilitate the application of the LGS model, while keeping information
confidential. It is also necessary to validate LGS for other sectors,
6. Conclusion forming an initial database that allows benchmarking for new evalua-
The need to measure the integration between Lean and Green sys-
tems is a gap in research that needs to be filled. The LGS model has
shown to be efficient in determining the level of maturity of Lean and Acknowledgements
Green integration, allowing benchmarking between organizations of
the same industrial sector. This study was supported by the double degree agreement between
Since the LGS model is designed to be deployed on an online plat- the Master in Systems and Industrial Processes of the University of
form, this benchmarking can be done without one company obtaining Santa Cruz do Sul and the Master in Engineering with emphasis on
confidential information from another, ensuring data security without software development at the University of Quindo, Colombia. The au-
loss of quality in the evaluation method. The intention is to use data thors are grateful to the Coordination for the Improvement of
from a set of companies to establish the global LGS level, but each Supplementary Level Personnel (CAPES) and the National Council for
organization will only have access to the final benchmarking result. Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) for the scholarships
Since we initially did not have this platform, the application case of granted. We also thank the coffee growers and the association of
LGS was performed with the manipulation of data through Microsoft Cordilleranos of the state of Quindo that allowed visits to the properties
Excel software. The confidential information of each company was and contributed to the questionnaire.

Appendix A

Indicator Description Calculation formula

Waste per unit of Measures the waste per unit of production. Waste generated in one month (kg)/ Quantity produced in one
production month (kg)
Percentage of materials Measures the amount of raw material recycled in (Total value of recycled materials used in one month ($)/ Total
used that are recycled relation to the total of materials used. value of materials used in one month ($)) ∗ 100
Consumption of auxiliary Measures the consumption of materials that are Amount spent on auxiliary materials in one month ($)/ Quantity
materials not used in the product. produced in one month (kg)
Resource consumption Measures the amount of raw material used or Total amount spent on raw materials in one month ($)/ Quantity
withdrawn in the processes. produced in one month (kg)
Investments in new Measures the amount spent on new equipment for Amount invested in new equipment in one year ($)/ Size of the
equipment one year. farm (Ha)
Number of operators Measures the number of employees who are Number of employees directly involved in the production
involved involved in the production process. process/ Size of the farm (Ha)
Cycle times Measures the time elapsed from the beginning of a Time needed to produce a bag (Hours)
process to its end.
Labor productivity Measures employee productivity relative to (Hours worked in one month ∗ Number of employees)/ Quantity
quantity produced. produced (kg)

L.V. Reis et al. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 150 (2018) 62–73

Number of customer Measures the number of customer complaints. Customer complaints in one month/ Quantity produced in one
complaints month (kg)

Indicator Description Calculation formula

Energy consumption Measures the energy consumption used per unit Power consumption in one month (KWh)/ Units produced
produced. in one month (kg)
Water consumption Measures the water consumption used in the Water consumption in one month (m)/ Units produced in
processes for one month per unit. one month (kg)
Initiatives to generate Number of initiatives created to generate greater Number of initiatives to optimize the use of resources per
greater efficiency in the efficiency in the use of resources per year. year/ Number of employees
use of resources
Total environmental Measures investment and spending on environmental Amount invested in environmental protection per year
protection expenditures protection ($)/ Size of the farm (Ha)
and investments
Employee health and safety Measures risks to the health and safety of employees (Number of hours not worked per health ratio/ (Monthly
risks through the number of hours not worked for health workload ∗ Number of employees in the production
reasons. process)) ∗ 100
CO2 emissions per unit of Relates the amount of CO2 produced per production CO2 produced in one month (Ton.)/ Units produced in
production performed over a given period of time. month (kg)
Direct emissions (water and Measures the amount of emissions per unit produced. Total waste (solids and liquids) discarded in water and/ or
soil) soil (kg)/ Quantity produced (kg)
Emission reduction Measures the reduction of CO2 emissions. (CO2 produced in the last period (Ton.) - CO2 produced in
the current period (Ton.))/ Size of the farm (Ha)
Environmental certification Measures the score of the farm achieved in the Score achieved on last certification (%)
environmental certification.

Appendix B

N Question Replay options

1 Do you use practices for waste reduction and process optimization? A) Yes
B) No
2 If the answer to,question 1 is yes, how long do you use it? A) Less than 1 year
B) 1 to 3 years
C) 3 to 5 years
D) More than 5 years
3 Do you apply techniques for reducing inventories (Just-in-Time)? A) Yes
B) No
4 If the answer to question 3 is yes, have you seen an increase in transport, packaging consumption or A) Yes, we do actions to combat these
some other factor with negative impact? effects
B) Yes, nothing has been done to
combat these effects
C) We have had no effects
5 Is continuous improvement a consolidated philosophy in the company (Kaizen)? A)Yes
B) No
6 Have you already carried out the mapping of the productive process, seeking to identify bottlenecks, A) Yes
waste, and opportunities for improvement (Value Stream Mapping − VSM)? B) No
7 Are managers encouraged to leave their offices and experience problems where they occur, seeking A) Yes
solutions in conjunction with employees of the production process (Genba Walk)? B) No
8 Are there employees trained to apply the practices mentioned in the previous questions? A) Yes
B) No

N Question Replay options

1 Do you use practices to reduce consumption of water, energy and waste?

L.V. Reis et al. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 150 (2018) 62–73

A) Yes
B) No
2 If the answer to question 1 is yes, how long do you use it? A) Less than 1 year
B) 1 to 3 years
C) 3 to 5 years
D) More than 5 years
3 Were environmental variables included in the process mapping (VSM)? A) Yes
B) No
4 Is there a policy of reducing, reusing and recycling (3Rs)? A) Yes
B) No
5 Is an assessment of opportunities for improvement made in the environmental A) Yes
aspects of the product at the various stages of its life cycle (Life Cycle Analysis - B) No
6 Does the company care about replacing the use of dangerous products in its A) We do not work with dangerous products in our
processes and in cases where substitution is not possible to carry out the control and process
monitoring? B) We perform the correct control of dangerous
products and seek replacement whenever possible
C) We control, but we do not seek to replace them
D) There is no adequate control
7 Are there employees trained to apply the practices mentioned in the previous A) Yes
questions? B) No

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