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Wk-6 Lab Activity Part - 2

Student Guide

Wk-6 Atari Punk Console PC Board Assembly& Layout

Student Name: ___________________________________________________

In this lab activity you will export the Equipment & Supplies
component footprints and netlist of the Item Des Qty
“Atari Punk Console” from Multisim into PC with Multisim and
Ultiboard, then create a single-sided PC Ultiboard 13 or above
board layout.
Special Safety Requirements
Before Starting This Activity  None.
You must complete the Atari Punk Console
Multisim Schematic and Simulation lab Lab Preparation
activity prior to starting this activity. Verify that you have a USB drive or email
account to save your work.
Learning Outcomes For Activity

Relevant knowledge (K), skill (S), or

attitude (A) student learning outcomes Task #1 – Export your schematic
1. Open your Multisim APC schematic file.
K1. Identify physical and virtual Verify that your connections and the
components on the Multisim footprint designation for each physical
schematic. component (the blue components) match
the specifications in the APC Schematic
K2. Translate nodes from schematic project.
drawings to physical connections on a 2. From the menu bar, select Transfer >>
printed circuit board. Transfer to Ultiboard >> Transfer to
Ultiboard 13.0
S1. Position components on an Ultiboard
PC board design and use auto-routing
to create a 2-layer board layout.

S2. Use manual trace routing to create a

single-layer board layout.

A1. Appreciate the capabilities of software

tools for printed circuit board design.

Getting Started
Lab Activity and Deliverables:
It should take students approximately 2
hours to complete the lab activity.

Wk-6 APC PC Board Assembly & Layout © 2020 ESYS 51 1

Wk-6 Lab Activity Part - 2
Student Guide

3. You may see a warning message that

some components do not have a
footprint. This is because we used virtual
components for the battery, speaker, o-
scope. Click OK to proceed.

4. Click and drag each of the components

inside the board outline area. Try to
maintain space
between each
component. This
will make the
4. Ultiboard will launch and display a list next steps
of the nets and components imported for easier. Notice
the design. Click OK. the lines
connecting the
Task #2 – Resize the PC board component
outline and place components terminals. These
lines are called
1. In the Design Toolbox, double click on the “Ratsnest”
the Board Outline layer to select it. because they show the shortest path to
connect all the nodes, regardless of
neatness or crossing paths.
5. Rearrange the placement of the
components to try to make the ratsnest
layout somewhat neater. It may help to
arrange the components similar to the
perfboard layout. You can rotate
components with the Ctrl-R command.

Task #3 – Use 2-Layer Autorouting

2. Double-click on the yellow board outline
to select it and open the properties 1. In the menu bar, select Autoroute >
dialog. Change the rectangle width to Start/resume autorouter.
2000 and the height to 3000. The default 2. When the autorouter finishes, check the
units are in mils, so this results in a 2x3 results in the spreadsheet window at the
inch board. bottom of the window. If the autorouter
3. In the toolbar, de-select all of the was successful, it will show 100%
selection enable buttons EXCEPT the completion. All of the ratsnest
Enable Component Selection button connections will have been replaced by
copper traces on the top (green) layer
and bottom (red) layer.

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Wk-6 Lab Activity Part - 2
Student Guide

3. If your result is less than 100%, examine

the layout and see where ratsnest
connections were not replaced by copper
traces. Then, remove the copper traces
with the Edit > Copper delete > All
copper command.

Rearrange the components and run the

autorouter again.

Task #4 – Manually route a single-

layer board with Follow-me routing
1. Erase the copper traces from the
2. On the toolbar, disable the selection of
components, and then enable selection of

3. Double-click on the Copper Bottom

PCB layer to select it.

4. Select the Follow-me tool.

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Wk-6 Lab Activity Part - 2
Student Guide

5. Move the cursor over the component

 Check your
terminal pads. Note that a white X
progress by selecting Design >
appears over the pads when the cursor is
Connectivity check…, and click OK
over the pad. Click on one of the pads.
to check all nets. Click on the
Results tab in the Spreadsheet pane.
6. Note that all
When all traces are complete, there
of the pads
will be 0 errors.
that are in
the same
node now
have a white
X on them.
Move the cursor to the nearest X and
watch the ratsnest be replaced with a
copper trace. Click on the X to place the
trace. 2. It is common to “paint yourself into a
7. Move the cursor to the next trace. Click corner,” where you unable to route a
the X to continue placing traces. Press trace because the path is blocked by a
the ESC key to stop the Follow-me trace you have already placed. Some
mode. solutions for this:
 Delete and re-route a trace.
Task #5 – Continue to route you Remember that you can route traces
traces between pads on components.
1. Continue to place traces to complete the
layout for the PC board. Some tips to
help you complete the task:
 Click anywhere on the board to
“lock” the path of the trace between
 Switch from Follow-me mode to
normal selection mode. Click on an
existing trace to select,
then move or delete the
 Move and/or rotate components to
simplify the paths. You
will need to enable part
selection in the toolbar

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Wk-6 Lab Activity Part - 2
Student Guide

Task #6 – Finish, check, and

submit your work
1. Once your Connectivity Check shows 0
errors, click on the DRC (Design Rule
Check) to check for any errors. The
Follow-me routing will normally prevent
you from placing any trace that violates
the design rules, but it is possible to
create errors when you move or rotate a
component after a trace has been
connected to a
pad. Any
errors will
show up as a
red circle on
the layout.
2. After your layout has no connectivity or
DRC errors, save your file and submit it
through the CANVAS assignment link.

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