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Miss Cicer one's Class News

Febr uar y 2020

Valen t in e's Day Celebr at ion !

Hello fam i li es! chi ld i n the class. Also, i f they are

bri ngi ng a baked good please
We w i ll be havi ng a Valenti ne's
ensure i t i s peanut free and there
Day celebrati on on
i s a li st of i ngredi ents
Valenti ne's Day i n our
provi ded w i th i t! Parents are
classroom ! Students
w elcom e to joi n the
are encouraged to gi ve
celebrati on, tak i ng place at
out valenti ne's and
1:30. Please let m e k now i f you
bri ng a baked good! If
are attendi ng through the
your student i s
form sent hom e w i th your chi ld!
bri ngi ng i n Valenti ne's please
m ake sure they bri ng one for every
January's Star
Upcomi ng Events!
- Alex Feb 3r d - Book r eadin g f r om Coast al
Car olin a st u den t s
- Kelsey
- Myles
Feb 11t h - Field t r ip t o Ripley 's
- Jonathan
Aqu ar iu m
- Carol
- Sam antha
Feb 12t h - Valen t in e's Day par t y
- Savannah
f or m s du e
- Taylor
- Theo Feb 14t h - Valen t in e's Par t y

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