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Electric Transportation on College


Public and University Transportation

Personal vehicles are not the only products making strides to become greener. University
and public transportation have increased efforts to incorporate green energy with its
vehicles. According to Environment America, “Transportation surpassed electricity
generation as the leading source of greenhouse gas emissions in the United States in
2016” (Environment America 1). Several Universities have created efforts in order to make
their bussing systems greener and more efficient.

Benefits of Electric Transportation

 Renewable Energy Integration:

Implementing electric vehicles
 Quality of Life: Reduction of exhaust,
heat, and noise
 Cost: Using electricity is cheaper
 Research Opportunities: Increase
growth of these systems for future use

There are several schools utilizing this technology in their transportation systems. People hope other
Universities will embrace this change as well and create a greener system for its students and staff. Programs
like the ones listed below are leaders in this program of transformative energy. Environment America
discussed colleges like UC Irvine and Western Michigan and what they are doing (Environment America 1).

UC Irvine Western Michigan

 20 Fully Electric Buses, eliminating  Ranked 4th in the Nation in Electric Vehicle
Fossil Fuel for on campus Support for number of charging stations
transportation  22 Electrical Charging stations, 15 powered
 Encouragement to ride buses, bike, and by solar energy
carpool  Charging stations fuel continuous research
through Electrical Engineering Program
 By 2025, the goal is to eliminate
 University also has 5 electric vans and
greenhouse gases from campus
hybrid-hydraulic truck
buildings and transportation

“Electric Transportation.” Environment America,

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