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IT Services in Bina Bina University

Hendryantono Limantara 1 ; N adia2 ;

Muhammad Jendro Yuwono 3 ; AgnesKurniati4 ; HariHerman5
M asterof Inf ormationT echnology
Binus Graduate Program
Anggrek Campus, Kemanggisan Jakarta
Email: 1;2;3;

Abstract—Nowadays, the success of a business of the orga- degree. Bina Bina University has 30000 active students, 3000
nization/company is highly dependent on the IT infrastructure staff, and 5000 lecturers. The rapid development makes Bina
used. Information Technology (IT) grows very rapidly and affects Bina University must deliver reliable IT Service to improve
every aspect of business life to support competition with other quality to users. Bina Bina University has the IT Division
companies that have the same field. Bina Bina University has began implementing ITSM to support all operational activities
implemented a computerized system as one of its business strate-
gies in achieving the company’s business objectives. Bina Bina
of the campus.Implementation of IT Services at Bina Bina
University began implementing IT Service Management (ITSM) University aims to help the business processes of the campus
from 2015 using the latest version of Information Technology based on IT. There are many IT problems encountered, so
Infrastructure Library (ITIL), namely ITIL v3 as a framework it takes IT Service, such as increasing the new campus in
for implementing ITSM in its business processes. With the various locations, increasing significant the number of students
implementation of IT in the company, the role of IT Service and faculty, increasing number of reported complaints of
is indispensable in providing services to users. students and faculty, long time problem handling complaints
Through this paper, the authors want to explain how the from students and faculty, Online registration system for new
implementation of ITSM at Bina Bina University, identify the students cannot handle the number of students who enroll,
problems related to the implementation of ITSM and provide the student information system that cannot handle the number
solutions for each problem. This paper is expected to increase and
improve the quality of IT Service Bina Bina University based on
of students, do not have a good documentation system, and
the IT Service Management (ITSM). disorders system at a specific time such as fill the KRS and
beginning of the term. To achieve the vision and mission
Keywords—IT Service, IT Service Management, ITIL v3. of world-class institution, IT Service Management method
required to achieve ISO Certified and much more accreditation.
The service quality is the main point for customers. Their
service should be more increased according to the customer
requirements, the condition of the organization/company, and A. Information Technology Service (IT Service)
the market at the time. The success of a business of the orga-
nization/company is highly dependent on the IT infrastructure IT service is a service which is provided by the IT service
used. If the infrastructure is used well, the business will be provider. IT service consists of a combination of information
more successful. Thus, organizations / companies have to man- technology, human resources, and processes. IT service gen-
age their IT service to be optimal to their customers, due to the erally makes a deal with the operational issues of information
good management of IT service so it can reduce or eliminate technology and not on the development of the technology
the impact caused by the incident, there is no work in vain, itself. For example, the process of making computer software
reduce rework, help to monitor employee performance results, for sale are not the focus of IT service, but the computer system
adjust IT service with the infrastructure of the organization used by the marketing and business development division
/ company, etc. IT Service Management is called the ITSM will become the focus of IT service[6]. Service is a means
(IT Service Management) recently began popularly. ITSM is a of delivering value to customers by facilitating outcomes
framework to manage the IT infrastructure in an organization customers want to achieve. A simple example, customers might
and set the best possible service to users IT services. In ITSM have a problem with their vehicles, and a garage can provide
implementations, there are many popular standards framework, service by sending mechanic to their location. IT service is a
one which is the IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL). ITIL is a set service which is provided by the IT service provider. IT service
of best practices guidelines for the implementation of ITSM, consists of a combination of information technology, human
which can provide a foundation of good quality and quality resources, and processes. IT service generally makes a deal
assurance approaches using systematic processes and standards with the operational issues of information technology and not
of IT service procedures. on the development of the technology itself. For example, the
Bina Bina University is an educational institution based in process of making computer software for sale are not the focus
Jakarta to have 8 branch campus located in Jabodetabek area of IT service, but the computer system used by the marketing
and has 5 campuses in outside Jakarta. Bina Bina University and business development division will become the focus of
has an undergraduate degree, postgraduate degree, and doctoral IT service.
B. Information Technology Service Management (ITSM) D. ITIL v2 and v3
Most importantly, a detailed comparison between ITIL V3
ITSM or Information Technology Service Management and V2 reveals that all the main processes known from ITIL
refers to all managerial aspects of IT businesses. It include V2 are still there, with only a few substantial changes. In
models for IT Planning, Support, Delivery, Security and In- many instances, however, ITIL V3 offers revised and enhanced
frastructure, and other provisions for better customer service. process descriptions. The main difference between ITIL V3
Customer satisfaction and business goals are at the core of and V2 is the new ITIL V3 Service Lifecycle structure; this
ITSM success. The particulars laid under ITSM cover issues means the old the structure of Service Support and Service
and expectations within organizations and meeting IT manage- Delivery was replaced by a new one consisting of: Service
ment deliverables. All aspects of ITSM are process-based and Strategy Service Design Service Transition Service Operation
tie common interests with various improvement methodologies Continual Service Improvement ITIL V3 also complements
and frameworks. the processes known from ITIL V2 with a number of new
IT Service Management (ITSM) is a way of viewing IT processes and puts more emphasis on producing value for
services from the perspective of the customer. Customers have the business. Due to the new Service Lifecycle structure, all
a holistic view of IT services. If their computer doesnt connect interfaces between the ITIL processes were changed in order to
to a server, they dont know whether the problem is with the reflect the new ITIL V3 process structure; so even if processes
server, the network, or their computer, all they know if that in ITIL V3 and V2 are broadly identical, their interfaces
they are experiencing a service disruption. The goal of ITSM have changed. Example: The Incident Management process
is to manage the various IT systems that deliver that a service must now link to the Service Design processes, although a
to customers in a way that enables IT management to make comparison between Incident Management in ITIL V2 and V3
reasonable assurances regarding the reliability of that service. reveals that the process itself did not change substantially.[11]
For example, if that service depends on five components, each
with a reliability of 99 percent , the service itself has 95 percent
reliability (since there is a 5 percent chance that one of the E. Service Strategy
components has a problem). There are a number of frameworks 1) The objectives of service strategy: Service strategy
for implementing ITSM. shows organizations how to transform service management
One of the more popular is ITIL. ITIL initially referred to from an organisational capability into a strategic asset and to
the IT Infrastructure Library, a series of operation manuals then think and act in a strategic manner. Service strategy helps
for IT organizations that was first published in 1989 by the clarify the relationships between various services, systems or
United Kingdom’s Office of Government Commerce. Service processes and the business models, strategies or objectives
management (Cartlidge et al., 2012) is a set of specialized they support.[10] Other objectives include: Provide business
organizational capabilities for providing value to customers stakeholder value Differentiate the organisation Make solid
in term of service, including all of the processes, methods, cases for investment Resolve conflicting demands for services
functions, roles, and activities that the service provider uses to Improve service quality by strategic planning
deliver service to its customers. ITSM is an implementation
and management of IT service to ensure that IT service is 2) Value to the organisation/business of service
aligned with business needs and actively support the company. strategy[10]: Provides guidance on how to design, and
ITSM can be a guide to the processes of IT service in the put in place service management as a strategic asset Sets
organization so that the alignment between business and IT can the principles for developing service management policies,
be realized. There are several frameworks or methodologies guidelines and processes across the service lifecycle Sets
that can be used to implement ITSM, such as ITIL, COBIT, objectives and expectations of performance towards serving
CMMI, ISO/IEC 20000, ISO 9000 (Cartlidge et al., 2012), Six customers and market spaces Identifies and prioritises
Sigma, and TOGAF (Arraj, 2013).[3] opportunities Ensures that organisations can manage the
costs and risks associated with their service portfolios Asks
questions and plans a strategy for how to do something before

C. Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) 3) Introducing strategy generation[10]:

4) The service strategy processes: Financial management
ITIL is a set of best practices for ITSM (Suhairi Gaol, for IT services Service portfolio management Demand
2013). ITIL was published between 1989 and 1995 by Her management
Majesty’s Stationery Office (HMSO) in the UK on behalf
of Central Communications and Telecommunications Agency F. Financial management for IT services
(CCTA). CCTA is now included in Office Government Com-
merce (OGC). The initial version of ITIL consisted of 31 1) The objectives of financial management: To provide
associated books covering all aspects of IT service provision. cost-effective stewardship of the IT assets and resources used
This initial version was then revised and replaced by ITIL in providing IT services The aims of any IT services organ-
v2 consists of 7 books more closely connected. ITIL v2 is isation should include: To be able to fully account for the
universally accepted and used in many countries by thousands spend on IT services and to be able to assign these costs to
of organizations as a basis for effective IT service provision. the services delivered to the organisations customers To assist
In 2007, ITIL v2 was replaced to ITIL v3 consisting of 5 core management decisions on IT investment by providing detailed
books covering the service lifecycle .[3] cost analysis regarding changes to IT services [10]
scope of the model is reached. 5. For each service identified
in 1, 2 or 4, introduce additional enhancing services. The
enhancing services identified in this step are services that do
not provide resources per se but are used to realize the earlier
identified services by providing access to them (cf. Service
Composition Model) 6. For each service identified in 1, 2,
4, or 5, try to delegate the service to a web service. This is
only possible when the service is informational in nature. Core
services can be informational, as in the case of digital products.
In most cases, the enhancing services are suitable candidates
for automation.[1]

Fig. 1. Strategy Generation

Fig. 2. Financial Management

G. Service design
Fig. 3. Service Cycle
We assume the designer does not need to start from scratch,
e.g. that a value model has been developed first the advantage 2) Business Service Management[4]: Design of new
is that this activity is already supported by established model- or changed services for introduction into live environment
ing techniques and methodologies. Moreover, this means that Guidance for designing and developing services Converting
essential decisions, as for the choice between using internal strategic objectives into service portfolios and service assets, or
or external services (in which strategic concerns related to improve existing services Development of design capabilities
trust and collaboration play a role), have been made already for service management
(represented in the positioning of the value activities).
1) A service design method: The service design method
proposed here is based on the service models that we have
developed and takes the following steps. Starting point is the
value model. Step 6 marks the transition to web service design.
1. For each value object in the value model, introduce one
service (called one service). This step refers to the part of the
Service Realization Model that deals with what abstract core
services exist. Then consider in which value transfers the value
objects are exchanged and derived which service deliveries are
made by which actors, as part of which transactions (Service
Provisioning and Delivery Model). 2. If more than one value
activity is distinguished within a certain actor, they give rise
to core services as well. Furthermore, each value activity
corresponds to an (internal) actor that provides this service
to the actor in which the value activity is enclosed. 3. For Fig. 4. Business Service Management
each core service identified in 1 and 2, introduce the resources
needed. 4. For each resource identified in 3, indicate the service
that realizes this resource. If the service was not identified yet, H. ITIL Service Design
introduce a new one. This step draws again on the Service
Provisioning Model. The step is applied recursively till the Key processes in ITIL Service Design
1. Design coordination (Providing and maintaining single * Publishing and communicating the consolidated service
point of coordination and control of all design activities) reports.
2. Service catalogue management The reports should present factual information. This sup-
ports a culture where these consolidated reports can be pub-
3. Service level management lished to all users of the services and all suppliers, without
4. Availability management specific confidentiality agreements.
5. Capacity management Reports typically include information sourced from multi-
ple datasets, consolidated into a single validated and consistent
6. IT service continuity management set. Information is typically presented by:
7. Information security management * Service
8. Supplier management * Supplier
* Customer (location and function).
Aggregated views are also created at different levels to
provide appropriate levels of summarization for different levels
in the organization, e.g. operational, tactical, strategic. In the
most mature of SIAM operations, this reporting aligns not just
to the supplied services, but also to the business processes and
services that those capabilities support.
This mature reporting typically attributes financial value
to the impact of service failures and disruption, alongside
business impact such as lost business hours, a number of
customers affected, and financial implications such as lost

J. Service Level Agreement Management

Service Level Management (SLM)[4]
Fig. 5. ITIL Service Design

I. Service Reporting
The goal of service reporting is to provide periodic consoli-
dated reports to users and business stakeholders on the historic
performance of all of the services against service levels. It aims
to provide the information for different services in a consistent
format, providing[2]:
* Comparison of SLA achievement across different ser-
vices and different suppliers
* One place for publishing all reports from all suppliers.
Fig. 7. SLA

1. Designing SLA Frameworks Operational Level Agreement

(OLA) = agreement between IT service provider and part of
same organization that supports delivery of services, e.g., facil-
ity department (OLA targets underpin those of SLA) Under-
pinning contracts = contracts with external partners/suppliers
Fig. 6. Consolidation Service Report
Types of SLAs:
a) Service-based SLAs covering 1 service
Every supplier is responsible for: b) Customer-based SLAs covering all services of individual
* Providing service reports at the agreed time customer group
Multi-level SLAs: (1) corporate level with generic SLM issues;
* Providing service reports with the agreed information. (2) customer level with customer-/business-unit-specific SLM
The SIAM provider is responsible for: issues; (3) service level with service-specific SLM issues with
regard to customer
* Verifying the validity of service reports
2. Determining, documenting and agreeing on requirements
* Collating service reports from multiple suppliers for new services / Producing SLRs
3. Negotiating, documenting and agreeing on SLAs for
operational services
4. Monitoring service performance against SLA
5. Producing service reports
6. Conducting service reviews instigating improvements
within overall service improvement plan
7. Collating, measuring and improving customer satisfac-
8. Review and revise SLAs and OLAs, underpinning agree-
ments and service scope
9. Develop contracts and relationships
10. Handling complaints and Compliments
Fig. 9. Knowledge Management
K. Knowledge Management
Service Knowledge Management System.[7]
that join financial, contractual, and inventory functions to
support life cycle management and strategic decision making
for the IT environment [1]. Managing IT assets allows you
to get maximum value from the use of the assets, right-size
IT inventory, and optimize inventory purchase decisions and
strategies. IT asset management provides you the means to
achieve complete visibility into your IT infrastructure inven-
tory, helping you gain an in-depth understanding of: What
systems and equipment exist Where components reside How
they are used What they cost When were they added to the
inventory Whether they have an expiry date How they impact
IT and business services This level of visibility into asset
details will help organizations improve infrastructure efficiency
and performance, and minimize related overhead expenses. All
organizations, in one way or the other, perform ITAM. Its
important to implement ITAM practices intelligently, in order
to achieve IT operational efficiency, financial accountability
Fig. 8. Knowledge Management of asset purchase, simpler auditing and compliance, and long-
term asset manageability and maintenance. In this white paper,
Build a system delivering results: * Knowledge database vs. well focus on the benefits of proper IT asset management, best
knowledge base practices, and how to implement it, so it benefits your IT teams,
* Identify the right balance between face-to-face activities business, end-users and employees.
and database driven approach
1) IT Asset Management Methodology: The major goal
* Base all inputs on the taxonomy of ITAM is to establish a centralized asset repository that
accounts for the presence and purchase of all your hardware
* Provide context search with various search paths and software inventory. To achieve this, ITAM methodology
Keywords comprises the following steps: Asset discovery, data capture,
and storage Discovering all hardware and software compo-
Visual processes nents of IT inventory on the IT infrastructure and capturing
Etc. their details, such as the type of asset, make, specification, etc.,
and storing it in an asset repository Asset tracking Being able
L. Asset Management to identify and track change in the location of assets, increase
or decrease the number of assets, track assignment status and
The fact that your IT infrastructure is growing is undis- user information Asset life cycle management Being able
puted; and you know it! Each day new users are being added to capture the asset life cycle data right from requisitioning,
and so are IT assets hardware and software. Its the responsi- purchase and assignment, to expiry and decommissioning
bility of system admins to track and manage these assets. Po- Asset reporting and alerting Being able to generate asset
tential IT issues could be resolved quickly, efficiently, and with inventory reporting, and receive alerts on asset warranty and
better IT administration support, if you have the visibility into lease expiration Centralized organization-wide ITAM process
all the IT assets that exist in the organizational IT landscape and asset repository will also help you support various ITIL
network, data center, remote sites, user workstations, etc.[5] functions, such as configuration management, incident man-
IT asset management (ITAM) is a set of business practices agement, problem management, and service level management.
While we are looking to build a centralized asset repository, its
important to understand the difference between asset repository
and configuration management database (CMDB). The CMDB
is an evolution of the asset repository which is part of the ITIL
framework. Beyond the scope of asset discovery and tracking,
the CMDB is integrated with service desk functions and is part
of IT service management and change management.
2) Hardware Asset Management: Hardware asset manage-
ment is the process of tracking and managing the physical com-
ponents of computers and computer networks, from acquisition
through disposal. The goals of hardware asset management Fig. 10. Event Management
are to account for all hardware assets on the IT infrastructure
to provide comprehensive inventory visibility. Further, to help
with vendor contract and lease management, and to assist in frequently and event management can be used to automate
making budgetary forecasts based on the stock of assets and this and update the CMS Environmental conditions (e.g. fire
business requirement. and smoke detection) Software license monitoring for usage to
ensure optimum/legal license utilisation and allocation Secu-
3) Software Asset Management: Software asset manage- rity (e.g. intrusion detection) Normal activity (e.g. tracking
ment is similar to hardware asset management, but focuses the use of an application or the performance of a server)
on software assets, including licenses, versions, and installed The difference between monitoring and event management
endpoints. ITIL states that the goals of software asset man- These two areas are very closely related but slightly different
agement are to reduce IT costs and limit business, legal and in nature. Event management is focused on generating and
security risks related to the ownership and use of computer detecting meaningful notifications about the status of the IT
software, while maximizing IT responsiveness and end-user infrastructure and services. Whilst monitoring is required to
productivity. detect and track these notifications, monitoring is broader than
event management. For example, monitoring tools will check
M. Event Management the status of a device to ensure that it is operating within
acceptable limits, even if that device is not generating events.
An event can be defined as any detectable or discern-able
occurrence that has significance for the management of the IT
Infrastructure of the delivery of IT service and evaluation of the N. Continual Service Improvement
impact a deviation might cause to the services. [8] Events are Service improvement must focus on increasing the effi-
typically notifications created by an IT service, configuration ciency, maximizing the effectiveness and optimising the cost of
item or monitoring tool. The effective service operation is services and the underlying IT service management processes.
dependent on knowing the status of the infrastructure and The only way to do this is to ensure that improvement
detecting any deviation from a normal or expected operation. opportunities are identified throughout the entire service life
This is provided by good monitoring and control systems, cycle.The primary purpose of Continual Service Improvement
which are based on two types of tools: Active monitoring tools (CSI) is to continually align and re-align IT services to the
that poll key configuration items to determine their status and changing business needs by identifying and implementing
availability. Any expectations will generate an alert that needs improvements to IT services that support business processes.
to be communicated to the appropriate tool or team for action. CSI looks for ways to improve process effectiveness, efficiency
Passive monitoring tools that detect and correlate operational and cost effectiveness. [9].
alerts or communications generated by configuration items.
1) The objectives of event management: Event manage-
ment is to provide the entry point for the execution of
many service operation processes and activities. In addition, it
provides a way of comparing actual performance and behavior
against design standards and Service Level Agreements. Other
objectives include: Provides the ability to detect, interpret and
initiate appropriate action for events Basis for operational
monitoring and control and entry point for many service
operation activities Provides operational information, as well
as warnings and exceptions, to aid automation Supports
continual service improvement activities of service assurance
and reporting and service improvement
2) The scope of event management: Event management
can be applied to any aspect of service management that
needs to be controlled and which can be automated. This
include: Configuration Items (CIs): z Some CIs will be Fig. 11. The continual service improvement model
included because they need to stay in a constant state z Some
CIs will be included because their status needs to change As the above figure shows, there are many opportunities for
CSI. The figure also illustrates a constant cycle for improve- to management. Presenting and using the information Here the
ment. The improvement process can be summarised in six answer to Did we get there? is formatted and communicated in
steps: Embracing the vision by understanding the high level whatever way necessary to present to the various stakeholders
business objectives. The vision should align the business and an accurate picture of the results of the improvement efforts.
IT strategies Assessing the current situation to obtain an Knowledge is presented to the business in a form and manner
accurate, unbiased snapshot of where the organisation is right that reflects their needs and assists them in determining the
now. This baseline assessment is an analysis of the current next steps.
position in terms of the business, organisation, people, process
and technology Understanding and agreeing on the priorities II. METHODS
for improvement based on a deeper development of the prin-
ciples defined in the vision Detailing the CSI plan to achieve The research methods used are the direct observation to IT
higher quality service provision by implementing IT service Bina Bina University on how the current process of ITSM. The
management processes Verify that measurements and metrics implementation of ITSM, and its problems and also perform a
are in place to ensure that milestones were achieved, process literature review of books and papers that discuss about ITIL
compliance is high, and business objectives and priorities were especially ITIL v3 as a basis in doing research and to provide
met by the level of service Finally, the process should ensure the solution of some problems related to ITSM that has been
that the momentum for quality improvement is maintained by existing in Bina Bina University.
assuring that changes become embedded in the organisation
Improvement process III. R ESULT AND D ISCUSSION
A. IT Division Bina Bina University
IT Division of Bina Bina University is one of the business
unit to support IT Operational at Bina Bina University. IT
Division as the IT service provider for Bina Bina University
has a role as an implementer of development, maintenance
and service of information system and network, cooperation
between the central computer and information system of uni-
versity and/or other corporation inside and outside the country,
and central computer administration.

B. Information Technology Service (IT Service)

To improve Bina Bina university, IT Service implemented
using ITIL v3 Framework, such as create document man-
Fig. 12. The seven step improvement process agement system for employees and lecturers, improved per-
formance of Web applications for online registration of new
Define what you should measure [9] At the onset of the service students, improved system performance information lectures
life cycle, service strategy and service design should have for students and teachers (Bina Maya), create ticketing system
identified this information. CSI can then start its cycle all over (IT Help Desk) for any problems that occur. ITSM will be
again at, Where are we now? This identifies the ideal situation divided into another category, namely report management,
for both the business and IT. Define what you can measure request management, SLA management, knowledge manage-
This activity is related to the CSI activities of Where do we ment, asset management, notification management, escalation,
want to be?. By identifying the new service level require- help desk, problem management, and change management.
ments of the business, the IT capabilities (identified through ITSM in Bina Bina University consist of 10 steps, for reporting
service design and implemented via service transition) and the used ticketing system for any problems that exist. Monthly
available budgets, CSI can conduct a gap analysis to identify reporting is based ticket that makes good who are still open, on
the opportunities for improvement as well as answering the progress, pending, overdue, or closed. For all requests relating
question, How do we get there?. Gathering the data In order to IT Services such as content changes, the data changes, im-
to properly answer the Did we get there? question, data must provements and applications will be recorded in ticketing. So,
first be gathered (usually through service operations). Data is that each request can be monitored the progress. For the SLA
gathered based on goals and objectives identified. At this point, will be divide per category based on the ticket issue formed,
the data is raw and no conclusions are drawn. Processing the such as users pc issue, application server issue, network core
data Here the data is processed in alignment with the CSFs and issue, network access issue. Document Management System
KPIs specified. This means that time frames are coordinated, Portal created using share point applications with single sign-
unaligned data is rationalised and made consistent, and gaps on system using email. For the asset management, the system
in the data are identified. The simple goal of this step is to will save the asset data such as item name, category, serial
process data from multiple disparate sources into an apples to number, fix asset number, location, years of purchase, vendor,
apples comparison. Once we have rationalised the data we can and functions. For the notification system will be based on
then begin analysis. Analysing the data Here the data becomes incoming ticketing from user and staff concern and based on
information as it is analysed to identify service gaps, trends monitoring of network and server system. Every ticket that is
and the impact on business. It is the analysing step that is formed will have a maximum of problem settlement. If it has
most often overlooked or forgotten in the rush to present data exceeded the specified time will be in the report to the higher
starting from supervisor, manager, and director. For the help must join domain (Active Directory) with email id login, so
desk, guide will be created by common problems that often that the policy can be set based on the rules of each division.
occur. So, that the problem can be handled directly by the CS Centralize policy also serves to improve the security from
and IT Support. For the problem management, all the problem malware due to use applications that are not allowed by the
recorded with help desk ticketing system using open source institution.
application using os Ticket. So will be obtained data, such
as monthly report problem, problem/request trend happened IV. C ONCLUSION
in some time, the solution of any problem that occurs, the
time needed for the completion step by step of the problem, IT Service Management (ITSM) is an implementation
problem report with severity level (high, medium, low). For the and management of IT service to ensure that IT service is
change management, each issue will be noted how to solve, aligned with business needs and actively support organiza-
who changed, and what changes could be track to do. Common tion/company. ITSM is not only related to the availability of
problems will be created work instructions/procedures so that the IT infrastructure, but also related to the use of the infras-
each people has the same standards are working to overcome tructure so the quality of IT service becomes more efficient and
the problems encountered, thus minimize the risk involved. effective. The it help desk is expected to become a benchmark
Any changes to the data/system the must be approval from the the successful application of information technology, service
PIC/data owners. delivery and customer satisfaction. By implementing IT service
is expected to be formed a good IT governance. IT service
system implemented in Bina Bina University expected to be
C. IT Infrastructure Management in Bina Bina University feedback to improve services organization or enterprise and
IT Infrastructure Management in Bina Bina University will can be input for the Bina Bina University own.
be review with 8 steps, namely backup, recovery, software
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Bina University set the SLA 99 percent. To achieve SLA
99 percent, need to be supported by the infrastructure, such
as 1 Gbps national link and 500Mbps International Link,
using blade server, using san storage for critical application,
using virtualization system, using windows and linux operating
system, using SQL dan Oracle database, using proper sizing for
server and network device, and using high density access point
and multi tenancy support. To improve the performance of
web applications and solve the slow performance, checking the
server activity and log, using load balancer and split server into
another server, using firewall with Intrusion Detection System
and Intrusion Prevention System feature, clustering database
server, increase cpu core, memory, and disk, migrate heavy
server to empty resources cluster, increase storage capacity. To
improve cost efficiency, the optimization used of thin clients
for computer classes in order to reduce the power consumption
of the computer. Every computer connected to the network,

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