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Stage 7: applying your knowledge.

Choose ten phrasal verbs from the exercise of Topic 10. identifying phrasal verbs and Topic 11.
understanding phrasal verbs in context and write a text where you use them. These verbs must be
underlined to distinguish them in the written. You have to choose one of the following two topics:
-Describing your best experience at the university. (why it was your best experience, what was
special for you, people who were with you). -Telling what you did last vacation (Where did you go?
How long did you stay there? Who did you go with? How much did you pay for that? Which place
did you like the most?) Write a short note in the forum telling the topic you chose. Text length: 70
words to 80 words.

R/ Choose ten phrasal verbs:

eat out, find out, turn on, turn off, comes back, get up, wake up, go out, take off, look after.

Write a text where you use them: Telling what you did last vacation

Three year ago, I taked my vacation at the beach in San Andrés for four days. I traveled with my
wife i spend 2000 dollars. We arrived at the beach at 4:00 AM wanted to visit de town but two
conditioning and turn off the lights. In morning work out to around the beach.

(Where did you go? the beach in San Andrés

How long did you stay there? four days

Who did you go with? my wife

How much did you pay for that? 2000 dollars

Which place did you like the most?) the sea

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