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Double-sided bowtie antenna array for Ku/K band applications

and performance study of controlling ground plane
Md. Rabiul Hasan1 • Carlene Goodbody1 • Tuan Thanh Nguyen1 • Tutku Karacolak1

Received: 24 February 2020 / Accepted: 11 March 2020

Ó Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2020

For having adapted to the various national spectral regulatory authorities, it is preferred to have a design of antenna that can
be easily modified to be compatible with the different requirements. A double-sided bowtie antenna operating within K and
Ku band is investigated in this project to fulfill the demand. This antenna consists of two modified bowtie structures
patched on opposite sides of the substrate, where the lower one acts as a ground plane. It is composed of TSM-DS3M
substrate and has dimensions of 17.8 9 14.2 9 0.51 mm3. The partial ground plan shows significant effects on antenna
characteristics. This model can also work for different wideband technology because the percentage bandwidth can be
easily switched from 26.995 to 71.84% by changing the length of the partial ground plane. The overall system performance
of this model is improved by investigating different array configurations. Four and eight elements array have been designed
in this research along with a feed network that is working for this wideband antenna system. The output characteristics of
the array, such as return loss, peak realized gain, and beam steering nature, are studied along with the single antenna.

1 Introduction width in this spectrum range is limited to just a few

degrees. The narrow beam has the benefit of not interfering
The interest for high-speed point to point microwave link is with co-located and densely populated links around it. The
very significant in upcoming 5G technologies. As the beam steering characteristic of the arrays makes it suit-
current commercial spectrum is getting increasingly able for maintaining good coverage while also allowing the
crowded, mobile operators and ISP need more and more control on the direction of the main beam by phasing the
bandwidth (Kienmayer et al. 2004). They are looking for excitations in the linear array (Tripodi et al. 2012). How-
new spectrum allocation that will reduce their cost for ever, this spectrum range has some drawbacks—it is sub-
wireless backhaul. In this regard, the mm-wave frequency ject to high atmospheric attenuation, and the path loss is
range has become an excellent candidate for this backhaul very high. Various types of antennas have been reported for
connection for the cellular tower that will be the backbone cellular towers and mobile devices that are working in
of the 5G system (Shakib et al. 2016; Sharma et al. 2019). these bands (Boskovic et al. 2015; Duarte et al. 2018; Ferré
As most of the devices are still working on the sub 6 GHz et al. 2017; Liu et al. 2013; Saha et al. 2019). However,
range, this will be more resistant to interference. The beam- these antennas are not flexible in terms of directivity,
bandwidth, and radiation pattern.
To fulfill the demand of this technology, a double-sided
& Md. Rabiul Hasan bowtie (DSBT) antenna operating in K and Ku band has
been investigated in this letter. This antenna consists of two
Carlene Goodbody homogenous perfect electric conductors patched on both
sides of the substrate, where the lower one acts as a ground
Tuan Thanh Nguyen plane. There is an additional rectangular conductor in the
bottom that merges with the ground plane for mainly
Tutku Karacolak improving the gain characteristics of the antenna. The
structure is called the partial ground plane. The study
RF Research Laboratory, ENCS Department, Washington includes the development of the DSBT antenna model,
State University, 14204 NE Salmon Creek Ave, Vancouver, antenna simulation, and analysis of results based on various
WA 98686, USA

Microsystem Technologies

outputs of the simulation tool from ANSYS HFSS. Then, Table 1 The optimized dimensions of the designed antenna
the procedure is extended to design different array con- Parameter WS LS Wf W1 LG L1 L2 L3 L4
figurations for higher gain and beam steering nature.
Value (mm) 17.8 14.2 0.8 3.2 4.4 5.1 3.3 4.6 0.7

2 Design and analysis of DSBT antenna

2.1 Single element design prototype. Better antenna performance was obtained with
this substrate. There are occasions where a different ratio
The initial goal is to determine the dimensions of the DSBT of width to length is required because of space limitations,
antenna model to obtain the optimal performance at or to change the input impedance.
17.5 GHz. In this work, a parametric study for various This version of the bowtie antenna is designed by
dimensions is conducted to design the DSBT antenna. The investigating the performance properties of the model. The
optimized design of the top and ground plane of this patch designs, having various width to length ratios, were
antenna are shown in Fig. 1a, b, respectively. Later, this optimized. The values of the design parameters are given
design was fabricated using an LPKF milling machine. in Table 1.
Figure 1c shows the antenna prototype.
Various features such as relative permittivity, dielectric 2.2 Performance analysis of the single antenna
loss tangent, and thickness of the material are considered to
choose the substrate. In the initial design, Rogers RO-3203 In this section, at first, the effects of the partial ground
with properties of relative permittivity 3.02, dielectric loss plane on the radiation pattern, impedance bandwidth, and
tangent 0.0016, and thickness of 0.5 mm is determined as gain have been investigated. The change of the partial
the substrate after a thorough investigation on some lami- ground plane (LG) has a very significant effect on the
nations with different thicknesses and values of relative radiation pattern and bandwidth. In Fig. 2, the effects of the
permittivity. However, TSM-DS3M, which has very simi- Lg parameter on the radiation pattern are shown. It is seen
lar properties with RO-3203, was used for the final that for a small value of the length of the partial ground

Fig. 1 Antenna geometry of the

bowtie structure, a top plane,
b ground plane, c fabricated

Microsystem Technologies

Fig. 2 Antenna radiation

patterns at 17.5 GHz for a 3D,
b at u = 0°(c) u = 90° for
different partial grounds
[(I) LG = 0.7, (II) LG = 1.5 (III)
LG = 2.5 (IV) LG = 3.5
(V) LG = 4.4]

Microsystem Technologies

Fig. 2 continued

plane, the radiation pattern is almost omnidirectional

(Fig. 2I, II). However, when the length of the partial
ground is increased gradually, this omnidirectional char-
acteristic is lost, and instead, for the larger partial ground
plane, the pattern has turned into a directional pattern
(Fig. 2III–V). The front to back ratio of this directional
antenna is higher than 10 dB. At 17.5 GHz, changing the
length Lg also affects the maximum gain of the antenna,
and the change of the gain is proportional to the length of
the partial ground. Two identical antenna are placed face to
face to measure the peak gain of the antenna at different
frequencies in the operating range. Friis power transmis-
Fig. 3 Peak gain of the signal antenna
sion equation, is used for the calculation purpose,

Microsystem Technologies

Fig. 4 a Return loss of the antenna for different LG, b simulated and measured result of S11 in dB for LG = 4.4 mm

Pr 2 ko 2 Table 2 The optimized dimensions of the corporate feed network and
¼ jS21 j ¼ Gt Gr ð2:1Þ
Pt 4pR 1 9 4 elements array

where the power of the receiving and transmitting antenna Parameter W W2 P P2 Wa La

are represented as Pr and Pt respectively, ko depicts the Value (mm) 1.1334 0.52587 1.427 1.427 53.4 22.389
open space wavelength of the antenna at the operating
frequency, Gt and Gr are defined as the gain of the antenna.
Here the antennae are identical, that is why we can write network analyzer. There were differences between simu-
Gt ¼ Gr ¼ G. The distance between the antennae, R, lated and measured results.
should be equal or more than the value of 2D The reason is accounted for the ED copper cladding
ko . Here D
symbolizes the maximum dimension of the antenna aper- type, which is not very suitable for high-frequency opera-
ture. S21 is calculated using Agilent PNA-L N5230C net- tions like Ku band applications. Therefore, the substrate is
work analyzer. Later this value is used to calculate G value changed to TSM-DS3M with properties of relative per-
by using Eq. 2.1. The measured gain is compared with the mittivity 2.94 ± 0.05, dielectric loss tangent 0.0011, and a
simulated one in Fig. 3. Since there is no facility of ane- thickness of 0.51 mm for the fabrication purpose. This
choic chamber in the lab, the measurement is done in a ultra-low profile (ULP) copper is also electrodeposited, but
normal room condition. The radio noise might cause the has a smoother surface, resulting in lower insertion loss at
signal attenuation and the source of the discrepancy high frequency, where the skin effect is the dominant factor
between simulated and measured gain result. in the loss equation. As seen in Fig. 4b, the measured
Figure 4a shows the simulation results of the return loss return loss is compatible with the simulation. The band-
(S11) for the different lengths of the partial ground—the width becomes slightly narrower than the simulated result.
operating frequency shifts between 15 and 20 GHz. The One possible reason can be the soldering effect that might
antenna has been designed initially for operating at bring some differences.
17.5 GHz, and as illustrated, the covered bandwidth for
this frequency is 4.6 GHz. For the lower value of Lg, it is
seen that bandwidth is significantly higher. For instance, 3 Design and analysis of 1 3 4 elements
when the length of the partial ground is 0.7 mm, the res- array
onance frequency shifted to 19.48 GHz, and the bandwidth
is 8.7 GHz. When Lg value increases to 1.5 mm, the center 3.1 1 3 4 elements array design
of the resonance goes to 19.58 GHz, and the bandwidth
becomes 15.18 GHz. Due to the operating limitations of Various array configurations have been investigated to
the network analyzer, the design with Lg = 4.4 mm has improve the overall system performance of the antenna.
been chosen, and this model was built using the RO-3203 First, a 1 9 4 element array has been designed with a
substrate. The fabricated antenna was tested using the single power excitation for each radiating element. The
distance between the radiating structures is chosen as

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Fig. 5 Designed corporate feed

network for 1 9 4 elements

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Fig. 6 Schematic of 1 9 4
elements corporate-fed antenna
array with the fabricated one

divider is used to empower each element of the array. The

values of the parameters are listed in Table 2. Figure 6
shows the geometric structures of the array along with the
fabricated antenna.

3.2 Performance analysis of 1 3 4 elements


The S-parameters of the individual fed 1 9 4 element array

is shown in Fig. 7. It can be seen that the bandwidth of the
four-elements array covers from 14.9 to 19.4 GHz. It
Fig. 7 Simulated result of the return loss (S11) and the mutual
shows that the mutual coupling between the antenna ele-
coupling (S12 to S14)
ment is lower than - 20 dB. It implies that there is not
13.35 mm with an electrical distance of 0.75k at 17.5 GHz. much interference among the array elements.
Later, the top four radiating elements are connected to a The electric field distribution of the corporate fed array
corporate-fed network, which is basically a 1 9 4 power in Fig. 8 also shows that the individual radiating elements
divider. This feed network has a single input port and are not affecting each other significantly.
multiple feed lines that constitute the output ports. This In Fig. 9a, the return loss for both simulated and fabri-
configuration is shown in Fig. 5. All the bowties in the cated 1 9 4 element corporate-fed array is given. In the
ground plane are terminated in the partial ground plane. simulation, the antenna array works in the band from 15 to
The parameters for feed networks are designed and opti- 19.2 GHz and in measured result, it covers the frequency
mized in the HFSS circuit to make it work as a 50-X from 12.49 to 18 GHz. It is seen that the resonance fre-
transmission line, and then push excitation of this power quency slightly moves from 17.5 to 17.28 GHz. This may

Fig. 8 Simulated electric field distribution for 1 9 4 elements array

Microsystem Technologies

Fig. 9 a Simulated and measured return loss of the 1 9 4 elements corporate-fed array, b simulated peak realized gain of the 1 9 4 elements

Fig. 10 Schematic of 1 9 8
elements array geometry

Fig. 11 Simulated result of the a return loss (S11) and the mutual coupling (S12 to S18), b peak realized gain of the 1 9 8 elements array

happen because of the extended ground plane. The band- 17.5 GHz, the peak realized gain is 11.59 dB for the
width is very close to the single element antenna. individual fed array. On the other hand, for corporate fed, it
Figure 9b shows that for both individual and corporate is 10.34 dB at 17.5 GHz.
fed antenna array, the peak realized gain is around 10 dB in
the entire operating frequency. At center frequency

Microsystem Technologies

Fig. 12 Beam steering characteristic of 1 9 8 element antenna array

Table 3 Performance comparison of this work with other antennas

References Dimensions (mm3) Bandwidth (GHz) Max. gain (dBi) Unit cell combination No. of elements

Liu et al. (2013) 100 9 80 9 1.57 4.68–5.24 9.5 194 4

Cai et al. (2017) 180 9 60 9 13.524 2.26–2.54 9.6 194 4
Shaw et al. (2017) 90 9 90 9 0.8 7.9–9.5 8.7 393 6
Bouzouad et al. (2015) 25 9 20 9 0.8 40–45 7.3 12 9 10 22
Khajeh-Khalili et al. (2018) 60 9 30 9 11.27 6–8 10.21 393 6
Panda and Ghosh (2019) 26.6 9 19.4 9 2.77 12.5–15.2 8.51 2 9 2?1 5
This work 71.2 9 14.2 9 0.5 15–19.2 11.87 194 4
This work 106.8 9 14.2 9 0.5 15.2–19.3 13.8 198 8

4 Design and analysis of 1 3 8 elements patched in parallel to cover 17.5 GHz operating frequency.
array In this linear phased array, the distance between the radi-
ating structures is optimized as 13.35 mm with an electri-
4.1 1 3 8 elements array design cal size of 0.75k at 17.5 GHz. Following this design, a
corporate feed network is designed for empowering the
At first, an array has been designed with an individual whole array with a single port. The configuration of the
power excitation for eight radiating elements that are 1 9 8 elements corporate fed array is shown in Fig. 10.

Microsystem Technologies

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Funding This Project was supported by The National Science 0168013
Foundation under Grant No. 1509052. Sharma S, Mainuddin, Kanaujia BK, Khandelwal MK, Kumar S
(2019) Design of 4-element microstrip array of wideband
Data availability All data used for supporting the conclusions have reflector antenna with stable high gain characteristics. Microsyst
been mentioned in the article in details. Technol 25:3193–3201.
Shaw T, Bhattacharjee D, Mitra D (2017) Gain enhancement of slot
Compliance with ethical standards antenna using zero-index metamaterial superstrate. Int J RF
Microw Comput Aided Eng 27:e21078.
Conflict of interest The authors declare that they have no conflict of mmce.21078

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Tripodi M, DiMarca F, Cadili T, Mollura C, DiMaggio F, Russo M satellite telecommunications (ESTEL), pp 1–4.
(2012) Ka band active phased array antenna system for satellite 10.1109/ESTEL.2012.6400137
communication on the move terminal. In: 2012 IEEE 1st AESS
European conference on satellite telecommunications (ESTEL). Publisher’s Note Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to
Presented at the 2012 IEEE First AESS European conference on jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations.


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