12th examinationII

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12th examination

Select the appropriate choice from the given options :
1 ______ software is developed by a company and is based on strict rules.
a. system b. open c. proprietary d. application
2 _____ developed a free version of widely used Unix operating sysytem.
c. Richard
a.paul stallman b. Bill gates stallman d. None of these
3 The full form of GPL is
a. general properiery licence b. general public c. general d. None of these
licence particular licence
4 Hardware is the ______ componenets of computer.
a. Physical b. Nonvisible c. Application d.None of these
5 The Netbeans IDE is supported by the
a.Sun Microsystems b. Mocrosoft c. Gnome d. None of these
6 The ______ directory contains the shells like bash, csh etc.
a. /root b. /boot c. /bin d. /etc
7 The ______ directory contains the system map.
a. /root b. /boot c. /bin d. /dev
8 The ______ directory suggests that the everything in Linix is a file or a directory.
a. /root b. /boot c. /bin d. /dev
9 The ______ directory in Linux is a multiuser environment directory.
a. /root b. /home c. /bin d. /sbin
10 The first login screen prompt the user to enter
a. password b. username c. registration d. Licence
11 ____ user interface is very much similar to MS Word
a. writer b. impress c. excel d. draw
12 The _____ menu contains commands for controlling the display of the document.
a. Edit b. file c. view d. format
13 The _____ displays all the objects contained in a document.
a.search b. navigaor c. find d. file
14 The page margin in the writer are represented using ______
a. text b. graphics c. rulers d. Notes
15 The______ view shows a thumbnail of each slide in order
a. normal b. outline c. notes d. slide sorter
16 What is the extwnsion of draw file
a. .odg b. .draw c. .odf d. .do
17 By default writer saves the document every ______ minutes
d. it can't save
a. 10 b. 20 c. 30 automatically
18 The result of a query is displayed in
a. datasheet b. normal c. tabular d. column
19 A command line interface can be open in a window called the ________window.
a. graphical b. terminal c. interface d. all of this
20 To display the value of any variable _________command is used.
a. echo b. bin c. shell d. var
21 The option in a linux command starts with a________
a. hypen b. underscore c.digit d.letter
22 To exit the help pages ,press_________
a.ctrl+b b.d c.ctrl+d d.h
23 each formate of the date is followed by the ________ oprater.
a. % b.+ c.> d.$
24 the __________ command of the calculater is used to pull out the "standard math libraries".
a. bc-1 b. bc-1.06 c. cb-h all of these
24 the __________ function allows to set what numbering system is to be used for output.
a. base b.ibase c. obase d.hbase
25 To display the current working directory __________command should be used
a. display b.view c. ls d. ped
26 single dot stands for the _________ diretory.
a. current b. home c. last d.parent
27 which file is consider as the second argument of cp command ?
a.sourcefile b.destination file c. newfile name d.(b) or ©
28 which command is used for renaming a file or directory ?
a. cp b. mv c. rm d. change
29 which of the following command do not occupy space on the disk additional ?
a. cp b. Mv c. rm d. wc
which command is used to view the information mation pagewise
30 pagewise >? ?
a. more b. lp c. /p d. page
31 which command is used to change the permitionfor the used of any file ?
a .chmod b. chfile c. rmdir d . Mvch
which command is used comprasing omprassing a file
32 a file ?
a. zip b.gzip c.gunzip d.pkunzip
33 To decompress a ile which argument is used with gzip command ?
a. -c b. -d c.-w d. -u
34 which is not a filter from the given option ?
a. head b. sort c. uniq d. move
35 which command manipulates individual charectors in a line ?
a. sort b. tr c. rm d. uniq
36 the squeez the letters which switch is used with translet command ?
a. -d b. -f c. -m d. -s
What is deferred as series of commands written in a
37 plan ritten in a plain text file ?
a. script b. program c. algoritham d. shell script
38 from the following given options which is not a text file ?
a. vi b. vim c. ms word d. emac
39 which editor is avilable with almost all unix & linux flavours ?
a. vi b. emacs c. pico d. vim
which mode of vi editor allows the
40 entery allows entry of commands to manipulate text ?
b. command
a. insert mode mode c. colon mode d. ex mode
41 which command is to append text at the end of the currentline in vi editor ?
a. a b.A c.I d. O
42 which key is press to switch from colon mode to insert mode in vi editor ?
a. ESC b. A c. X d.I
43 What is the extention of shell script file ?
a. .ch b. .sh c. .kh d. .txt
44 which command in linux is capabale of evaluating an arithmetic expretion ?
a. echo b. esc c. expr d. :wq
45 which symbol is use to perfom multiplication in shell script?
a.* b. ** c. \* d. /*
46 linux bash shell offers _________ decision making instruction:
a. two b. three c.four d. five
47 ________________ is the end of is stayement.
a. if b. end if c. fi d. exit
48 the______________ command can carry out numerical, string and file test.
a. grep b.check c.test d.all of these
49 the symbol uss to represent the NOT oprator is ________________
a.-o b.-a c. ! d. $
50 the test command can be use for _______________ comparisons
a. different b.string c.any d.all

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