Cinética Química y Diseño de Reactores

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172 Elements of Heterogeneous Catalysis

general criteria discussed above, taken collec- engineer, who is interested in the design of
tively, provide a suitable basis for discrimina- heterogeneous catalytic reactors: chemisorption
tion. Table 6.2 summarizes these criteria. because it is an essential precursor of the reac­
One of the basic tenets of virtually all mecha- tion, and physical adsorption because it provides
nistic approaches to heterogeneous catalysis is a means of characterizing heterogeneous cata-
that chemisorption of one or more reactant lysts in terms of specific surface areas and the
species is an essential step in the reaction. Be- distribution of pore sizes within a porous
cause of the large changes in activation energies catalyst.
that are observed when shifting from a homo-
geneous reaction to one that is heterogeneously 6.2 ADSORPTION ISOTHERMS
catalyzed, energetic considerations indicate that Plots of an amount of material adsorbed versus
chemisorption must be involved. The forces pressure at a fixed temperature are known as
involved in physical adsorption are so small adsorption isotherms. They are generally classi-
relative to those involved in chemical bonding fied in the five main categories described by
that it is hard to imagine that they can distort Brunauer and his co-workers (4). In Figure 6.2
the electrón clouds around a molecule to such adsórbate partial pressures (P) are normalized
an extent that they have an appreciable effect by dividing by the saturation pressure at the
on its reactivity. Many heterogeneous catalytic temperature in question (Po). Type I is referred
reactions take place at temperatures above the to as Langmuir-type adsorption and is charac-
critical temperatures of the reactants involved terized by a monotonic approach to a limiting
and, presumably, physical adsorption cannot amount of adsorption, which presumably cor-
occur under these conditions. Chemisorption responds to formation of a monolayer. This
has, however, been observed in many such cases. type of behavior is that expected for chemisorp­
This section has treated the qualitative fea- tion.
tures of chemisorption and physical adsorption No other isotherms imply that one can reach
processes. Both are important to the chemical a saturation limit corresponding to completion

Table 6.2
Comparison of Chemisorption and Physical Adsorption

Parameter Chemical adsorption Physical adsorption

Bonding forces Primary valence forces Secondary valence forces

(intramolecular forces) (intermolecular forces)
Coverage Monolayer Multilayer
Adsorbent Some solids All solids
Adsórbate Chemically reactive vapors All gases below critical temperature
Reversibility May be reversible or irreversible Readily reversible
Rate May be fast or slow, depending on the Rapid, may be limited by diffusion
Temperature dependence May be complex—see Figure 6.1 Decreases with increasing temperature
Enthalpy effect Virtually always exothermic, similar Always exothermic, similar in
in magnitude to heats of reaction magnitude to heats of condensation
Uses of adsorption studies Determination of catalytically active Determination of specific surface areas
surface area and elucidation of and pore size distributions
reaction kinetics
6.2 Adsorption Isotherms 173

pore condensation are often, but not always,

encountered in this type of system. They arise
from the effects of surface curvature on vapor
Types III and V are relatively rare. They are
typical of cases where the forces giving rise to
monolayer adsorption are relatively weak. Type
V differs from Type III in the same manner that
Type IV differs from Type II.
There are three approaches that may be used
in deriving mathematical expressions for an
adsorption isotherm. The first utilizes kinetic
expressions for the rates of adsorption and de-
sorption. At equilibrium these two rates must
be equal. A second approach involves the use of
statistical thermodynamics to obtain a pseudo
equilibrium constant for the process in terms
of the partition functions of vacant sites, ad­
sorbed molecules, and gas phase molecules. A
third approach using classical thermodynamics
is also possible. Because it provides a useful
physical picture of the molecular processes in­
volved, we will adopt the kinetic approach in
our derivations.
The Langmuir adsorption isotherm provides
a simple mechanistic picture of the adsorption
Figure 6.2 process and gives rise to a relatively simple
Five types of isotherms for adsorption according mathematical expression. It can also be used to
to Brunauer, Deming, Deming, and Teller (4). obtain a crude estimate of specific surface areas.
More important, from the viewpoint of the
chemical engineer, it serves as a point of depar-
of a monolayer. Type II is a very common ture for formulating rate expressions for hetero-
example of the behavior normally observed in geneous catalytic reactions.
physical adsorption. At valúes of P/Pq ap-
proaching unity, capillary and pore condensa­ 6.2.1 The Langmuir Adsorption Isotherm
ron phenomena occur. Point B, the knee of the
Virtually all theoretical treatments of adsorption
curve, corresponds roughly to completion of a
phenomena are based on or can be readily
monolayer. A statistical monolayer is built up
related to the analysis developed by Langmuir
at relatively low valúes of P/PQ (0.1 to 0.3).
(5,6). The Langmuir isotherm corresponds to a
Type IV behavior is similar to Type II
highly idealized type óf adsorption and the
behavior except that a limited pore volume is
analysis is predicated on the following key
indicáted by the horizontal approach to the
right-hand ordinate axis. This type of curve is
relatively common for porous structures of 1. Gas phase molecules are adsorbed at dis-
many kinds. Hysteresis effects associated with crete points of attachment on the surface that
174 Elements of Heterogeneous Catalysis

are referred to as adsorption sites. Each site a monolayer can cause an extremely dis-
can accommodate only a single adsorbed proportionate reduction in catalytic activity.
species. 2. Heats of chemisorption usually decrease
2. The energy of an adsorbed species is the markedly as adsorption proceeds and the
same anywhere on the surface and is in- surface becomes covered.
dependent of the presence or absence of
In using the Langmuir adsorption isotherm
nearby adsorbed molecules. This assumption
as a basis for correlating heterogeneous catalytic
implies that the forces between adjacent ad­
rate data, the fact that the heat of chemisorption
sorbed molecules are so small as to be
varies with extent of adsorption is less significant
negligible and that the probability of adsorp­
than would appear at first glance. Molecules
tion onto an empty site is independent of
adsorbed on high-energy sites may be bound so
whether or not an adjacent site is occupied.
strongly that they are unable to serve as inter-
This assumption usually implies that the
mediates in the catalytic reaction. On the low-
surface is completely uniform in an energetic
eñergy sites the energy change on adsorption
sense. If one prefers to use the concept of a
may be insufficient to open up the catalytic
nonuniform surface with a limited number of
path for the reaction. It is possible that only
active centers that are the only points at
those sites of intermediate energy are effective
which chemisorption occurs, this is permis-
in catalysis.
sible if it is assumed that all these active
centers have the same activity for adsorption Derivation of the Langmuir Equation—
and that the rest of the surface has none. Adsorption of a Single Species. The kinetic ap-
3. The máximum amount of adsorption that is proach to deriving a mathematical expression
possible is that which corresponds to a for the Langmuir isotherm assumes that the rate
monolayer. of adsorption on the surface is proportional to
4. Adsorption is localized and occurs by colli- the product of the partial pressure of the ad­
sion of gas phase molecules with vacant sites. sórbate in the gas phase and the fraction of the
5. The desorption rate depends only on the surface that is bare. (Adsorption may occur only
amount of material on the surface. when a gas phase molecule strikes an uncovered
site.) If the fraction of the surface covered by an
For physical adsorption processes the third adsorbed gas A is denoted by 0A, the fraction
assumption is the poorest of these assump- that is bare will be 1 — 0A if no other species
tions. For the case of chemical adsorption the are adsorbed. If the partial pressure of A in the
worst of these assumptions is the second. There gas phase is PA, the rate of adsorption is given by
is a significant amount of experimental evidence
^adsorption ~ k? a(1 ~ $a) (6.2.1)
that is contradictory to this assumption. Taylor
(7) was the first to emphasize that adsorption where k may be regarded as a “pseudo rate
sites may vary in energy. He noted that atoms constant” for the adsorption process.
at peaks on the surface and along crystal edges The rate of desorption depends only on the
will be in high-energy states and will be the number of molecules that are adsorbed. Thus
points at which adsorption first occurs. Other
r desorption = ’®A (6.2.2)
evidence for the lack of surface uniformity in-
cludes experimental data indicating that: where k' may be regarded as a pseudo rate
constant for the desorption process.
1. Adsorption of a catalyst poison to an extent At equilibrium the rates of adsorption and
that represents only a very small fraction of desorption are equal.
6.2 Adsorption Isotherms 175

kPA(l - 0A) = k'0A (6.2.3) on the low pressure points, which are most
susceptible to error.
The fraction of the sites occupied by species
A is then
—=—+— (6.2.8)
kPA <’ í'mK vm
k' + kPA
If Type I adsorption behavior is obeyed, a plot
If one takes the ratio of the pseudo rate con- of PA/v versus PA should be linear with slope
stant for adsorption to that for desorption as l/vm. Once the volume corresponding to a mono­
an equilibrium constant for adsorption (K), layer has been determined, it can be converted
equation 6.2.4 can be written as to thenumber of molecules adsorbed by dividing
by the molal volume at the reference conditions
and multiplying by Avogadro’s number (No).
KPA When this number of molecules is multiplied in
0A (6.2.5)
1 + KPa turn by the area covered per adsorbed molecule
(a), the total surface area of the catalyst (S) is
obtained. Thus,
The fraction of the sites that are occupied is
also equal to the ratio of the volume of gas
S = f-------- ------------- )a (6.2.9)
actually adsorbed to that which would be ad­ \^reference conditions /
sorbed in a monolayer (rm).
Specific surface areas are then obtained by
dividing by the weight of catalyst employed in
0A = - (6.2.6)
the experiments in question. It should be pointed
out, however, that it is the BET adsorption
Both volumes are measured at standard con-
isotherm that is the basis for conventional de-
ditions or at a fixed reference temperature and
terminations of catalyst surface areas. (See
Section 6.2.2.)
The last two equations can be combined to
give a relation between the pressure of the gas The Langmuir Equation for the Case
and the amount that is adsorbed.
Where Two or More Species May Adsorb. Ad­
vm&PA sorption isotherms for cases where more than
(6.2.7) one species may adsorb are of considerable
1 + «PA
significance when one is dealing with hetero-
A plot of v versus PA is of the same form as geneous catalytic reactions. Reactants, products,
the Type I adsorption isotherm. At low valúes and inert species may all adsorb on the catalyst
of PA the term KPA is small compared to unity, surface. Consequently, it is useful to develop
and the amount adsorbed will be linear in generalized Langmuir adsorption isotherms for
pressure. At high pressures the term KPA is multicomponent adsorption. If represents the
large compared to unity, and the surface cover- fraction of the sites occupied by species í, the
age is nearly complete. In this case v will ap- fraction of the sites that is vacant is just 1 —
proach vm. where the summation is taken over all species
Equation 6.2.7 may be transformed into that can be adsorbed. The pseudo rate constants
several expressions that can be used in analyzing for adsorption and desorption may be expected
experimental data. However, the following form to differ for each species, so they will be denoted
is preferred because it avoids undue emphasis by ki and k'b respectively.
176 Elements of Heterogeneous Catalysis

The rates of adsorption and desorption of or

each species musí be equal at equilibrium. Thus: 1
For species A:
-»-, J,» i* i

kAPA(l - eA ~ &B ~ i = ^0 Thus

For species B : kapa
W~ ~ ®B ~ ) = kB0 ¡ A 1 + 1K¡P¡
For species C:
a-cPcíi - eA ~ ^B ~ ) = k'c0,
1 + &A?A + &B?B + KCPC + ‘‘
where P¡ is the partial pressure of the ith species
in the gas phase.
If these equations are solved for the fractions 1 + KAP A + KbPb + KCPC + • • •
occupied by each species, (6.2.17)

that at low surface coverages where

= ra4pj1’ - 9 a - - 9b - ~ 9C-
(1 + KAPA + &BPB + ••)» 1, the fraction of
= KaPa(1 - - »A - ~ 9b - the sites occupied by each species will be propor-
tional to its partial pressure.
/í D
- 9a - - 9b - - 0C-
= FkbPb(1' 6.2.13 The Langmuir Equation for the Case
= ^b^bU _ - 9a - - 0B - - V Where Dissociqtion Occurs on Adsorption.
There is evidence that certain chemical adsorp­
~ &a ~~ ob - - 9C- tion processes involve dissociation of the ad­
= ¿pc(1-
sórbate to form two bonds with the adsorbent
= KCPC(1 - - oA - - 9b - - oc • surface. On many metáis hydrogen is adsorbed
in atomic form.
(6.2.11) In this case the kinetic approach to the deri-
vation of the Langmuir equation requires that
where the adsorption equilibrium constants Kt the process be regarded as a reaction between
have been substituted for the ratios of k¡ to k¡. the gas molecule and two surface sites. Thus the
If the expressions for are added,

+ • • • = (1 - •• Wa + KbPb + KCPC + • • •) (6.2.12)

or adsorption rate is written as

= (i - E^E^) (6.2.13)
k PA(l ~ 0A)1 2
Adsorption = A (6.2.18)
Solving for E#/, where we have assumed that only one species
is adsorbed.
The desorption process must involve a reac­
L ' 1+ frf, tion between two adsorbed atoms to regenérate
6.2 Adsorption Isotherms 177

the gas phase molecules. Consequently, it may mett, and Teller (8). It takes multilayer adsorp­
be regarded as a second-order reaction between tion into account and is the basis of standard
two surface species : methods for determining specific surface areas
of heterogeneous catalysts. The extended form
rdesorption (6.2.19)
of the BET equation (4) can be used to derive
At equilibrium all five types of isotherms as special cases.
The BET approach is essentially an extensión
kApA(i - eA)2 = k'Ae2A (6.2.20) of the Langmuir approach. Van der Waals
or forces are regarded as the dominant forces, and
Oa the adsorption of all layers is regarded as
= (6.2.21) physical, not chemical. One sets the rates of
i - eA
adsorption and desorption equal to one another,
Solving for 0A, as in the Langmuir case; in addition, one re-
quires that the rates of adsorption and desorp­
oA (6.2.22) tion be identical for each and every molecular
i+ layer. That is, the rate of condensation on the
At low pressures where the surface is sparsely bare surface is equal to the rate of evaporation
covered, the fraction of the sites occupied by of molecules in the first layer. The rate of evapo­
fragments of species A will be proportional to ration from the second layer is equal to the rate
the square root of the gas phase partial pressure. of condensation on top of the first layer, etc.
If several species can adsorb but only species One then sums over the layers to determine the
A dissociates, it is easily shown, using the type total amount of adsorbed material. The deriva-
of analysis employed in Section, that tion also assumes that the heat of adsorption of
each layer other than the first is equal to the
heat of condensation of the bulk adsórbate ma­
1 + ^APA + Kb?b + KCPC ’ ’ ’ terial (i.e., van der Waals forces of the adsorbent
(6.2.23) are transmitted only to the first layer). If it is
and that assumed that a very large or effectively infinite
number of layers can be adsorbed, the following
result is arrived at after a number of relatively
elementary mathematical operations

v (6.2.25)
(c ~ 1)P~
(P0 - P)
6.2.2 The BET Isotherm

Inasmuch as the Langmuir equation does not where c is a constant exponentially related to
allow for nonuniform surfaces, interactions the heats of adsorption of the first layer and the
between neighboring adsorbed species, or mul- heat of liquefaction, and Po is the saturation
tilayer adsorption, a variety of theoretical ap- pressure.
proaches that attempt to take one or more of This equation can be rearranged to give a
these factors into account have been pursued somewhat more familiar form.
by different investigators. The best-known al- x
ternative is the BET isotherm, which derives its (6.2.26)
u(l — x)
ñame from the initials of the three individuáis
responsible for its formulation, Brunauer, Em- where x is the normalized pressure (P/Po)-
178 Elements of Heterogeneous Catalysis

If one plots the left side of this equation versus the steps that occur on a molecular scale in the
x, a straight line should result, with following manner.
1. Mass transfer of reactants from the main
---------*------ — (6.2.27) body of the fluid to the gross exterior surface
slope + intercept
of the catalyst particle.
Equation 6.2.9 may then be used in determining 2. Molecular diffusion and/or Knudsen flow of
the specific surface area of an adsorbent. Alter- reactants from the exterior surface of the
native arrangements of equation 6.2.25 are catalyst particle into the interior pore
possible, but they have the inherent disadvan- structure.
tage of placing undue emphasis on the low- 3. Chemisorption of at least one of the reac­
pressure data points that are most susceptible tants on the catalyst surface.
to error. 4. Reaction on the surface. (This may involve
If one restricts the number of layers of ad­ several steps.)
sórbate that may be stacked up, as would be 5. Desorption of (chemically) adsorbed species
the case in the very narrow capillaries of a from the surface of the catalyst.
porous catalyst, the BET analysis must be 6. Transfer of producís from the interior cata­
modified to allow for this. If n is the number of lyst pores to the gross external surface of the
permissible layers, it can be shown that the catalyst by ordinary molecular diffusion
adsorption isotherm becomes: and/or Knudsen diffusion.
rmcx[l — (n + l)x" + rcx"+1] 7. Mass transfer of producís from the exterior
(1 — x)[l + (c — l)x — cx"+1] surface of the particle into the bulk of the
Several of these steps are shown in schematic
When n = 1, this equation reduces to the
fashion in Figure 6.3. Of course, if the catalyst
Langmuir form. Since x is always less than
is nonporous, steps 2 and 6 are absent. Steps 1,
unity, it does not take very large valúes of n to
2, 6, and 7 are obviously physical processes,
approach the limiting form indicated by equa­
while steps 3 to 5 are basically chemical in
tion 6.2.25. By appropriate choice of the param-
character. The rates of the various steps depend
eters in equation 6.2.28, it is possible to generate
on a number of factors in addition to the con­
the five types of curves shown in Figure 6.2.
centraron profiles of the reactant and product
Many individuáis have developed more
elegant theoretical treatments of adsorption
Steps 1 and 7 are highly dependent on the
processes since Brunauer, Emmett, and Teller
fluid flow characteristics of the system. The
published their classic paper. Nonetheless,
mass velocity of the fluid stream, the particle
the BET and Langmuir isotherms are the
size, and the diffusional characteristics of the
most significant ones for chemical engineering
various molecular species are the pertinent
parameters on which the rates of these steps
depend. These steps limit the observed rate only
when the catalytic reaction is very rapid and
the mass transfer is slow. Anything that tends
When a heterogeneous catalytic reaction oc- to increase mass transfer coefficients will en-
curs, several physical and chemical processes hance the rates of these processes. Since the
must take place in proper sequence. Hougen rates of these steps are only slightly influenced
and Watson (9) and others have broken down by temperature, the influence of these processes
6.3 Reaction Rate Expressions for Heterogeneous Catalytic Reactions 179

2. Diffusion into pores

external boundary layer

4,5 Reaction and desorption

of producís

Figure 6.3
Schematic representation of heterogeneous catalytic reaction on a porous

on the overall conversión rate will vary as the in which one measures the conversión achieved
temperature changes. Their inflüence is often as a function of the ratio of the weight of cata­
negligible at low temperatures, but may be quite lyst (FE) to the molal feed flow rate (F). One
significant at higher temperatures. then repeats the experiments at a diflerent linear
There are two commonly used techniques for velocity through the reactor (e.g., by changing
determining the range of process variables where the length-to-diameter ratio of the catalyst bed
these steps inflüence conversión rates. The first in a tubular reactor). The data are then plotted
approach involves carrying out a series of runs as shown in Figures 6.4¿z and 6.4b. If the two
180 Elements of Heterogeneous Catalysis

curves do not coincide as shown in Figure 6.4/?, with caution; Chambers and Boudart (10) have
mass transfer resistances are significant, at least shown that it often lacks sensitivity under con-
in the low-velocity series. If the curves coincide ditions commonly employed in laboratory scale
as shown in Figure 6.4a, mass transfer effects studies. Heat and mass transfer coefficients are
probably do not influence the observed con­ not strongly dependent on fluid velocity for
versión rate. This diagnostic test must be applied Reynolds numbers below 50. (The characteristic
length dimensión is taken as the pellet diameter.)
Consequently, at low Reynolds numbers, the
conversión will not change significantly with
fluid velocity at constant W/F, even though
heat or mass transfer limitations may be present.
The scatter in the experimental data will be
sufficient to mask these effects for many reac-
tions. Thus, when the experimental diagnostic
test indicates that mass transfer limitations are
probably not present, one’s conclusions should
be verified by calculations of the sensitivity of
the test to variations in fluid velocity. The
methods developed in Sections 12.4 and 12.5
may be used for this purpose.
The second approach involves simultaneous
variation of the weight of catalyst and the molal
c flow rate so as to maintain W/F constant. One
L- then plots the conversión achieved versus linear
velocity, as shown in Figures 6.4c and 6.4J. If
the results are as indicated in Figure 6.4d, mass
Linear velocity at constant W/F transfer limitations exist in the low-velocity re­
(c) gime. If the conversión is independent of ve­
locity, there probably are no mass transfer
' tn
limitations on the conversión rate. However,
> this test is also subject to the sensitivity limita­
O tions noted above.
Linear velocity at constant W/F
When fluid velocities are high relative to the
solid, mass transfer is rapid. However, in stag-
nant regions or in batch reactors where no
Figure 6.4 provisión is made for agitation, one may en-
Tests for external mass transfer limitations on counter cases where mass transfer limits the
conversión rates. (a) External mass transfer prob­ observed reaction rate. We should also note
ably does not limit conversión rate. (b) Mass that in industrial practice pressure drop con-
transfer limitations are present. (c) External mass
straints may make it impractical to employ the
transfer probably does not limit conversión rate.
exceedingly high velocities necessary to over­
(d) Mass transfer limitations are present at low
velocities. Adapted from Chemical Engineers’
eóme the mass transfer resistance associated
Handbook, Fourth Edition, edited by R. H. Perry, with highly active catalysts.
C. H. Chilton, and S. D. Kirkpatrick. Copyright @ For porous catalysts the external gross surface
1969. Used with permission of McGraw-Hill Book area of a particle often represents only an in-
Company.) significant fraction of the total surface area that
6.3 Reaction Rate Expressions for Heterogeneous Catalytic Reactions 181

is potentially capable of catalyzing a given reac­

tion. For these materials, diffusional processes
occurring within the pores can have marked
effects on the conversión rates that can be ob-
served in the laboratory. When working with
this type of catalyst, it is necessary to recognize
that steps 2 and 6 enumerated above play key
roles in determining how effective the total
surface area is in bringing about the desired
reaction. In dealing with an active catalyst,
equilibrium or complete conversión may be
substantially achieved in the región near the
mouth of the pore, and the observed conversión
rate will not differ appreciably from that which
would be observed if the catalytic surface area
deep within the pores were not present. The
efficiency with which the internal surface area
of a porous catalyst is uscd is an extremely
important consideration in the design of cata­
lytic reactors. This subject is treated in detail
in Section 12.3. The parameters that govern the
influence of pore diffusion processes on the
observed conversión rates are the degree of
Figure 6.5
porosity of the catalyst, the dimensions of the
Effect of fragmentation on catalyst utilization when
pores, the degree to which the pores are inter- intraparticle diffusion is rate controlling (shaded
connected, the gross dimensions of the catalyst areas represent regions of the catalyst with in-
particle itself, the rate at which the reaction significant concentrations of reactants).
occurs on the catalyst surface, and the diffu­
sional characteristics of the reaction mixture. The three remaining steps (chemisorption of
In order to determine if steps 2 and 6 are in- reactants, reaction on the surface, and desorp-
fluencing the overall conversión rate, examine tion of adsorbed producís) are all chemical in
the effect of changing the gross particle dimen­ nature. It is convenient to employ the concept
sions, for example, by breaking up a catalyst of a rate limiting step in the treatment of these
into smaller pieces. For a given weight of cata­ processes so that the reaction rate becomes equal
lyst the total surface area will remain essentially to that of the slowest step. The other steps are
unchanged as a result of this process, but the presumed to be sufficiently rapid that quasi-
effective surface area will increase significantly equilibrium relations may be used. The overall
when pore diffusion processes have had a strong rate of conversión will then be determined by
influence on the experimentally observed rate. the interaction of the rate of the process that
Reducing the gross exterior dimensions of the is rate limiting from a chemical point of view
partióles decreases the average length of the with the rates of the physical mass transfer
pores and makes a greater fraction of the total processes discussed above.
surface area available to the reactant species. The remainder of this section is devoted to a
The increase in effective surface area that ac- discussion of the types of rate expressions that
companies particle fragmentation is shown are obtained when purely chemical phenomena
schematically in Figure 6.5. determine observed conversión rates.
182 Elements of Heterogeneous Catalysis

6.3.1 Rate Expressions for obtained. The latter two individuáis were re-
Heterogeneous Catalytic Reactions Limited sponsible for analyzing a number of possible
by the Rates of Chemical Processes reaction mechanisms in these terms (11, 12) and
for popularizing this approach to analyzing
In the treatment of rate expressions for het­
catalytic reaction rate data. For simplicity the
erogeneous catalytic reactions the definition of
term “Hougen-Watson models” will be used
local reaction rates in terms of interfacial areas
throughout the remainder of this text.
(3.0.10) is appropriate.
In addition to the assumptions implicit in
the use of the Langmuir isotherm the following
assumption is applicable to all Hougen-Watson
where S is the surface area of the solid catalyst. models: the reaction involves at least one species
If an attempt is made to fit heterogeneous chemisorbed on the catalyst surface. If reaction
catalytic reaction rate data to a rate expression takes place between two adsorbed species, they
of the form must be adsorbed on neighboring sites in order
for reaction to occur. The probability of reaction
r" = kCpAACpBBCpcc • • • (6.3.2) between adsorbed A and adsorbed B is assumed
to be proportional to the product of the fractions
it is often found that the reaction orders are not
of the sites occupied by each species (0A0B).
integers, that the orders depend on temperature
Similar considerations apply to termolecular
and perhaps on concentration, and that the
reactions occurring on the surface.
observed activation energy may depend on
In addition to the aforementioned assump­
temperature. Such expressions are of rather
tions, one normally elects one of two mutually
limited use for design purposes and can be used
incompatible assumptions as a basis for his or
with confidence only under conditions that
her analysis. These two limiting cases are as
closely resemble those under which the experi­
mental data were recorded. The basic reason follows.
this sort of approach often gives rise to such Category I. Adsorption equilibrium is maintained
difficulties is that it assumes that the driving at all times, and the overall rate of reaction is
forcé for reaction is the concentrations of the governed by the rate of chemical reaction on the
species present in the fluid phase. A more logical surface. The expressions developed for Oí in
approach is to use the surface concentrations of Section 6.2 can be used in this case.
the adsorbed species in an expression analogous
Category II. The rate of chemical reaction on
to equation 6.3.2; that is,
the surface is so rapid that adsorption equilibrium
r" = k"0pAA0pBB0pcc • • • (6.3.3) is not achieved, but a steady-state condition is
reached in which the amount of adsorbed material
where 0¡ is the fraction of the surface covered
remains constant at some valué less than the
by species i. If the various can be related to
equilibrium valué. This valué is presumed to be
bulk fluid phase concentrations, one has an
that corresponding to equilibrium for the surface
appropriate mathematical form to use in testing
reaction at the appropriate fractional coverages
a proposed reaction rate expression. The basis
of the other species involved in the surface reac­
for most analyses of this type is the Langmuir
tion. The rate of adsorption or desorption of one
isotherm. When expressions for the various
species is presumed to be much slower than that
in terms of the appropriate partial pressures
of any other species. This step is then the rate
involved in the Langmuir isotherm are substi-
limiting step in the overall reaction.
tuted in equation 6.3.3, a Langmuir-Hinshel-
wood or Hougen-Watson rate expression is We will treat Category I models first.
6.3 Reaction Rate Expressions for Heterogeneous Catalytic Reactions 183

63.1.1 Hougen-Watson Models for the Case of the sum in the denominator. If the product R is
Equilibrium Adsorption. This section treats strongly adsorbed, equation 6.3.6 provides a
Hougen-Watson mathematical models for cases basis for explaining inhibition of the reaction
where the rate limiting step is the chemical by that material. For example, if the dominant
reaction rate on the surface. In all cases it is term in the denominator is KRPR, the appro-
assumed that equilibrium is established with priate approximation for the rate expression is
respect to adsorption of all species.
Case I. Irreversible Reaction (Unimolecular) (6.3.7)
Consider the following mechanistic equation
The decomposition of ammonia on platinum
for a reaction occurring on a catalyst surface.
has a rate expression of this form. The reaction
(6.3.4) is first order in ammonia and inverse first order
in hydrogen.
where both A and R are adsorbed in appre-
The temperature variation of heterogeneous
ciable amounts. In this case the reaction rate is
catalytic reaction rates can be quite complex.
proportional to the fraction of the surface
The apparent activation energy can in many
occupied by species A.
cases be related to the activation energy of the
r" = kOA (6.3.5) surface reaction and the enthalpy changes ac-
companying the adsorption of various species.
This fraction is given by equation 6.2.16, the
If one of the terms in the denominator of the
Langmuir adsorption isotherm for the case
right side of equation 6.3.6 is very much larger
where several species may be adsorbed. Thus
than any of the other terms, this is possible. If
kKAPA not, one cannot relate the apparent activation
rf f (6.3.6) energy to these parameters. The dependence of
1 + KaPa + KrPr
the adsorption equilibrium constants on tem­
There are a number of limiting forms of the perature is given by
rate expression depending on the magnitudes
of the various terms in the denominator relative dlnK -AH
to unity and to each other. Any species that is (6.3.8)
weakly adsorbed will not appear in the denomi­
nator. If species R undergoes dissociation on
adsorption, the term KRPR must be replaced by where AH is the enthalpy change accompanying
y/KRPR according to the discussion in Section chemisorption. Consequently, the apparent ac­ If an inert specie§ I is also capable of tivation energies corresponding to some limiting
adsorption, the term KjPj must be added to forms of equation 6.3.6 are as given below.

Dominant Limiting form Apparent Apparent

term in of rate rate activation
denominator expression constant energy

1 r" = kKAPA E + AHa

kapa r" = k k E

KrPr E + AHa - AHr
KrP r Kr
184 Elements of Heterogeneous Catalysis

where E is the activation energy of the surface For the case of bimolecular reaction between
reaction and AH( is the enthalpy change accom- two adsorbed A molecules, similar arguments
panying chemisorption of species i. In the last lead to the following rate expression.
case, the relative magnitudes of the heats of
adsorption of A and R will determine whether
the apparent activation energy will be greater “ (1 + kapa + krpr + Kspsy (6- 1 ’
than or less than that of the surface reaction.
Case III. Irreversible Bimolecular Reactions Be­
Case II. Irreversible Bimolecular Reaction Be­ tween Species Sorbed on Different Types of Sites
tween Adsorbed Species on the Same Type of With certain types of catalysts it is easy to
Site postúlate that more than one type of chemisorp­
Consider the following irreversible bimolecular tion site may exist on the solid surface. For
reaction, which takes place between two species example, in the case of metal oxide catalysts,
adsorbed on a catalyst surface. one might speculate that certain species could
chemisorb by interaction with metal atoms at
A + B -> R + S (6.3.9) the surface, while other species could interact
In this case the reaction rate is assumed tó be with surface oxygpn atoms. Consider the possi-
proportional to the product of the fractions of bility that species A adsorbed on one type of
the sites occupied by species A and B. site will react with species B adsorbed on a
second type of site according to the following
r" = k0A0B (6.3.10)
In the general case where all species may be
adsorbed on»the same type of surface site equa- (Type 1 site) “b -^(Type 2 site) ~* ProduCÍS (6.3.13)
tions 6.2.16 and 6.2.17 may be used for 0A and
0B. Thus For this mechanism the rate expression is given
by /•" = kOAl0B2 (6.3.14)
r„ =_____________ kKAKBPAPB ____________
(1 + KaPa + KbPb + KrPr 4- KSPS)2
where 0Ai is the fraction of the sites of Type 1
(6.3.11) occupied by species A and 0B2 is the fraction of
There are severaLlimiting forms of this rate the sites of Type 2 occupied by spepies B. If the
expression, depending on which species are Langmuir adsorption isotherm equation is writ-
strongly or weakly adsorbed. ten for each type of site, if only species A is
If all partial pressures except that of one re- adsorbed oá sites of Type 1, and if only species
actant, say species A, are held constant and the B is adsorbed on sites of Typte 2,
partial pressure of species A is varied, tfye rate
will go through a máximum. The rate increases
initially with increasing partial pressure of re-
actant A as the fraction of sites occupied by Rate expressions of this type have been pro-
species A increases. However, as this fraction posed to correlate the data for the reaction
increases, the fraction occupied by species B between hydrogen and carbón dioxide on
declines as B molecules are displaced by A tungsten.
molecules. Eventually one reaches a point where Since adsorption occurs independently on
the decline i¿i the valué of 0B more than offsets each type of site and displacement of one species
the increase in 9A and the product 9A0B goes by another does not occur, this type of reaction
through a máximum. will not exhibit a máximum of the type noted in
6.3 Reaction Rate Expressions for Heterogeneous Catalytic Reactions 185

Case II. Instead, the rate will increase with in- máximum as the concentration of a reactant is
creasing pressure of one reactant, eventually increased at constant valúes of other species
approaching an asymptotic limit correspondiñg concentrations.
to saturation of the type of site in question. If the surface is nearly covered (6A & 1) the
reaction will be first-order in the gas phase re­
Case IV. Irreversible Bimolecular Reactions Be- actant and zero-order in the adsorbed reactant.
tween an Adsorbed Spedes and a Fluid Phase On the other hand, if the surface is sparsely
Molecule covered (f)A & KAPA) the reaction will be first-
order in each species or second-order overall.
The first three examples consider cases where Since adsorption is virtually always exothermic,
only adsorbed species participate in the reaction. the first condition will correspond to low
The possibility also exists that reaction may temperature and the second condition to high
occur between a gaseous molecule and an ad­ temperatures. This mechanism thus offers a
sorbed species. This mechanism is referred to as ready explanation of a transition from first-
a Rideal mechanism. If species A refers to the to second-order reaction with increasing tem­
adsorbed species and species B to a gas phase perature.
molecule, one form of this bimolecular reaction
ma\ be written as Case V. Reversible Reactions Between Adsorbed
A + B(g) -> R + S (6.3.16) Species (Change in Number of Moles on Reaction)
with a rate expression given by Consider the reaction
r" = keAPB (6.3.17) AR+S (6.3.20)
If we consider the general case where all species where all species are adsorbed on surface sites.
may be adsorbed, 6A is given by equation 6.2.16, It is assumed that an adsorbed A molecule re-
and the rate becomes acts with a vacant site to form an intermedíate
that then dissociates to form adsorbed R and S
r„ =_____________ kKAPAPB_____________ species. This implies that the number of sites
1 + KaPa + KbPb + KrPr + KSPS involved in a reaction obeys a conservation
(6.3.18) principie.
The rate of this surface reaction can be
If species B had been adsorbed rather than
written as
species A, the corresponding rate equation
would be = (6.3.21)

r„ _____________ k^B^A?b____________
where 0v is the fraction of the sites that are
” 1 + KaPa + KbPb + KrPr + KSPS vacant. This quantity is given by
(6.3.19) 0r = 1 - (0A + 0R + es) (6.3.22)
Both equations have the same mathematical or
form. In these cases there will not be a máximum g = ! KaPa + KrPr + KSPS
in the rate as the pressure of one species varies. " 1 + KaPa + KRPR + KSPS
Instead, the rate will approach an asymptotic
valué at high pressures. Consequently this type = ------------------ ------------------- v (6.3.23)
1 + KaPa + KrPr + KSPS
of mechanism can be excluded from subsequent
consideration if it can be shown that the ex- Substitution of this result into equation 6.3.21
perimentally observed rate passes through a together with the appropriate expressions for
186 Elements of Heterogeneous Catalysis

the fractional coverages of other species gives Driving Forcé Term: In all rate expressions
the driving forcé must become zero when thermo-
„= dynamic equilibrium is established. The “equi-
(1 + KaPa + KrPr +' KSPS}2 librium” const^pt K appearing in equation
(6.3.24) 6.3.29 can be regarded as the appropriate ratio
or of partial pressures for the overall reaction.
KrKA ^Re^Se
K= (6.3.31.)
krks PAe

In the general case the valué of K appearing in

(6.3.25) the driving forcé term is the product of the
where Kr is the equilibrium constant for the equilibrium constant for the surface reaction
surface reaction. Kr and the product of the adsorption equilib­
rium constants for the reactants divided by the
product of the adsorption equilibrium constants
for the reaction producís.
If we let Kinetic Term: The designation kinetic term
k = kYKA (6.3.27) is something of a misnomer in that it contains
both rate constants and adsorption equilibrium
constants. For thfc cases where surface reaction
. KrKA controls the overall conversión rate it is the
KrKs product of the surface reaction rate constant
equation 6.3.25 can be rewritten as for the forward reaction and the adsorption
equilibrium constants for the reactant surface
species participatmg in the reaction. When
adsorption or desorption of a reactant or
product species is the rate limiting step, it will
involve other factors.
Adsorption Term: When all reactants, prod­
ucís, and inerts are adsorbed without dissocia-
The cases discussed above represent only a
tion such that adsorption equilibrium prevails,
small fraction of the surface reaction mecha-
the adsorption term is given by
nisms which might be considered. Yang and
Hougen (12) have considered several additional (1 + KaPa + KbPb + KrPr + KSPS + KjPjf
surface reaction* mechanisms and have devel-
where Kx and are the adsorption equilibrium
oped tables from which rate expressions for
constant and the gas phase partial pressure of
these mechanisms may be determined. They inerts, respectively. When dissociation ¿f a
approached' this problem by writing the rate species occurs, the term Kf\ must be replaced
expresión iñ the following form. by yjKiPi as long as adsorption equilibrium
(kinetic term) x (driving forcé) holds for all species. When adsorption equilib­
Rate =-----------, -------- rium is not maintained, other modifications in
(adsorption term)
the adsorption term are necessary.
The exponent n on the adsorption term is
Let us examine each of the terms in this formu­ equal to the number of surface sites participating
laron of the rate expression. in the reaction, whether they hold adsorbed
6.3 Reaction Rate Expressions for Heterogeneous Catalytic Reactions 187

reactants or particípate as vacant sites. If more The rates of adsorption and desorption of
than one site is involved, we assume that the species B are equal. Henee,
sites must be adjacent for the surface reaction
— kiB0B (6.3.35)
to occur.
where 0v is the fraction of the sites that are Hougen-Watson Modelsfor Cases where vacant, and k1B and lfí áre the rate constants
Adsorption and Desorption Processes are the for adsorption and desorption of species B.
Rate Limiting Steps. When surface reaction Solving for 3B,
processes are very rapid, the overall conversión
rate may be limited by the rate at which ad- eB = ' = KBPB0v (6.3.36)
sorption of reactants or desorption of producís k-iB
takes place. Usually only one of the many species A similar analysis is applicable to other
in a reaction mixture will not be in adsorptive species that attain adsorptive equilibrium. Thus,
equilibrium. This generalization will be taken
as a basis for developing the expressions for Or = KrPrOv and 0s = KSPSOV
overall conversión rates that apply when ad- (6.3.37)
sorption or desorption processes are rate lim­ The sum of the fractions of sites occupied by
iting. In this treatment we will assume that the various species and the fraction vacant must
chemical reaction equilibrium exists between be unity.
various adsorbed species on the catalyst surface,
even though reaction equilibrium will not pre- 1 = 6a + 0B + 0R + 0s + 3V (6.3.38)
vail in the fluid phase. Combination of equations 6.3.34 and 6.3.36
Consider the reversible surface reaction to 6.3.38 gives

A+BR+S (6.3.32)

in which we presume that species A is not in

adsorptive equilibrium and that the rate lim­
iting step in the overall conversión process is
the rate of adsorption of species A. When A Since the rate limiting step in the overall pro­
molecules are adsorbed, the chemical reaction cess is the rate of adsorption of species A, the net
equilibrium existing between surface species rate of reaction is equal to the diflerence between
is disturbed, and adsorbed A molecules must the rates of adsorption and desorption.
then react. The reaction occurs so rapidly that r" = k1APAOv-k_1A0A (6.3.40)
adsorptive equilibrium for species A cannot be or
established, and 0A is determined by surface
reaction equilibrium constraints. >■" = k1A(^pAev - (6.3.41)
Since the surface reaction is at equilibrium,
Combining equations 6.3.34, 6.3.36, 6.3.37,
kiOAOB — h-i^R^s (6.3.33) 6.3.39, and 6.3.41 gives
Thus , íp KrKsPrPs\
k- j0R0s _ 0R0s r„ =
1A\A K K K P ) ______________
(6.3.34) r A B B
ki0B " KreB
1 + + KbPb + KrPr KsPs
where Kr is the equilibrium constant for the t^r&B PB +

surface reaction. (6.3.42)

188 Elements of Heterogeneous Catalysis

This Hougen-Watson model for the case tive equilibrium; that is,
where the adsorption of a single species is rate
0A = kapa6v eB = KBpBev es = kspsov
limiting is of the same mathematical form as
equation 6.3.30. In this case the kinetic term is (6.3.47)
merely the rate constant for the rate controlling The reaction on the surface is also assumed to
adsorption process. The driving forcé term will be at equilibrium.
depend on the stoichiometry of the surface
reaction, which is presumed to be at equilibrium. = Kr0A()!t (6 3 48)
The adsorption term must also be modified in “s
these cases, the change occurring in the element
in the summation corresponding to the species The sum of the various types of fractional
that is not at adsorptive equilibrium. This term coverage is unity.
will also depend on the nature of the surface
l=0A + 0B + eR + 0s + 0v (6.3.49)
reaction involved.
Extensión of the analysis developed above to Combination of equations 6.3.47 to 6.3.49 and
cases where the stoichiometry of the surface rearrangement gives
reaction differs from that considered is relatively
simple and straightforward. An interesting case
is that where the overall conversión rate is 1 + KaPa + KbPb + KSPS + K'KffAPB
limited by adsorption of a species that disso-
ciates on adsorption. Consider a reaction whose (6.3.50)
stoichiometry can be represented by
The conversión rate is equal to the net rate of
A2 R + S (6.3.43) desorption of species R. Henee,
where dissociation of the Á2 molecule occurs
on adsorption. The mechanism of the reaction r' — k-lR0R kiRPR6v — k iR (0R— KR PR0v)
on the catalyst surface is represented by
2A^ R + S (6.3.44) Combination of equations 6.3.47, 6.3.48,
6.3.50, and 6.3.51 gives
In this case the above procedure can be used
to show that
krksprps KSP s
A2 KAKr 1+KaPa + KbPb+ ksps + KLKffApj‘
+ KRPR + KSPS) (6.3.52)
(6.3.45) The analyses developed in this section are
readily extended to reactions with different
Now consider the case where the controlling
stoichiometries. Regardless of whether an ad­
step is the rate ofdesorption of a product species
sorption or a desorption process is rate limiting,
R for a reversible surface reaction of the form
the resulting rate expressions may be written in
A+B¿R+S (6.3.46) the typical Hougen-Watson fashion represented
k -i by equation 6.3.30. A comprehensive summary
All other species are presumed to be in adsorp­ of such relations has been developed by Yang
6.3 Reaction Rate Expressions for Heterogeneous Catalytic Reactions 189

and Hougen (12). Illustration 6.1 indicates the The following mechanistic equations for
development of a Hougen-Watson model in an chemisorption and reaction are appropriate.
attempt to fit rate data for a catalytic reaction. fcip
P + a - P„ (A)
k _ ip
FOR A HETEROGENEOUS CATALYTIC KH2 = adsorption equilibrium constant for
REACTION hydrogen
Oldenberg and Rase (13) have studied the Pff + 2Hct-A, + 2(7 (C)
catalytic vapor phase hydrogenation of pro-
pionaldehyde over a commercially supported Keq = equilibrium constant for surface reaction
nickel catalyst. Their data indicate that the Aa A + (7 (D)
mathematical form of the reaction rate at very
low conversions and 150 °C can be expressed 1/Ka = reciprocal of adsorption equilibrium
quite well in the following manner. constant for alcohol
The rate of the overall reaction is equal to
that of the rate controlling step.

r" = kiPPP6v — k_1P0P (E)

where the subscript P refers to propionaldehyde
and the subscript H2 to molecular hydrogen. where 0v and 0P are the fractions of the sites
It has been suggested that the rate limiting that are vacant and occupied by propionalde­
step in the mechanism is the chemisorption of hyde, respectively.
propionaldehyde and that the hydrogen under- From equation B,
goes dissociative adsorption on nickel. Deter­
mine if the rate expression predicted by a K- °» (F)
or - \!Wh2
Hougen-Watson model based on these assump- Ph20.2
tions is consistent with the experimentally
From equation C,
observed rate expression.

K np = (G)
Solution e“ °r ° K fl2
It is convenient to assign the following symbols From equation D,
before proceeding to a discussion of the mecha­
nism proper.
or 0A = KaPa0„ (H)
P = propionaldehyde “
A = propanol The expressions for 0Á and may now be
<7 = surface site substituted into equation G to give
PCT = adsorbed propionaldehyde—surface cov- KaPa^v
erage = 0P (I)
Hff = atomically adsorbed hydrogen—surface
coverage = 0H The sum of the fractional coverages must be
unity. Henee,
Act = adsorbed alcohol—surface coverage =
0A 1 — 0B + 0P + 0A + ev (J)
190 Elements of Heterogeneous Catalysis

Substitution of equations F, H, and I into 3 may be applied to data from catalytic reac-
equation J and rearrangement gives tions, (i.e. one postulates a rate expression and
then uses an integral or differential method to
determine if the data fits the rate expression).
Because of the complexity of Hougen-Watson
rate models, it is often convenient to use an
Substitution of this result into equation E initial rate approach to analyze the data. The
gives remainder of this section is «¡ievoted to a dis-
cussion of the use of this approach to determine
reaction rate expressions.
Studies of the influence of total pressure on
the initial reaction rate for puré reactants present
in stoichiometric proportions provide a means
For an initial rate study, PA « 0, and the last of discriminating between various classes of
equation becomes Hoqgen-Watson models. Isolation of a class of
probable models by means of plots of initial
ro ~_ /----------- reaction rate versus total pressure, feed com-
1+ position, and temperature constitutes the first
If the second term in the denominator is stepjin developing a Hougen-Watson rate model.
large compared to unity, Hougen (14) has considered the influence of
total pressure for unimolecular and bimolecular
^ip^p surface reactions; the analysis that follows is
adopted from his monograph.
In initial rate studies no producís need be
Lnder these conditions the Hougen-Watson present in the feed, and the terms in the rate
model is consistent with the experimentally expression involving the partial pressures of
observed rate expression. these species may be omitted under appropriate
experimental conditions. The use of stoichiome­
tric ratios of reactants may also cause a simpli-
6.3.2 Interpretaron of Experimental Data
fication of the rate expression. If one considers
The problem of determining which, if any, of a reversible bimolecular surface reaction be­
the Hougen-Watson models developed in the tween species A and B,
previous section fib experimental data for a
A -I- B R + S (6.3.53)
heterogeneous catalytic reaction is generally
more complex than the corresponding problem an analysis of the type employed in Section
for a homogeneous phase reaction. Usually indicates that if the surface reaction is
many possible controlling steps must be exam- controlling, the conversión rate is given by:
ined. Physical limitations on the overall reaction
rate must first be eliminated by operating in a
turbulent system and using sufficiently small
K \KaKbPaPb - *J
catalyst pellets. The multitude of Hougen- (1 + KaPa + KbPb + KrPr + KSPS)2
Watson rate expressions for the cases where (6.3.54)
adsorption, desorption, and reaction on the
surface are rate limiting is then considered. The If an equimolar feed of species A and B is used,
trial-and-error procedures developed in Chapter the dependence of the initial rate on total pres-
6.3 Reaction Rate Expressions for Heterogeneous Catalytic Reactions 191

sure (P) is given by In the case of a Rideal-type mechanism

(equation 6.3.16) a similar analysis indicates
~kakbp2 that for the case where the surface reaction is
(6.3.55) rate limiting, the initial rate starts out propor-
1+ + Kb) ? 2 tional to the square of the pressure and increases
indefinitely with increasing total pressure. At
high pressures it is linear in the total pressure.
In this case the initial rate increases as the square
In like manner one can treat cases where the
of the pressure at very low pressures and ap-
rate controlling step is adsorption or desorption
proaches a constant asymptotic limit at high
of some species. Hougen (14) has considered the
effect of total pressure on initial reaction rates
If the reaction proceeds by a mechanism re-
for several cases where these processes are rate
quiring dissociation of one of the reactants (Á2)
on adsorption, the expression for the reaction
Studies of the effect of pressure on initial rates
rate is given by
limit the possible Hougen-Watson rate expres­
sions to certain classes. Subsequent studies
using nonstoichiometric feeds and inerts and
product species in the feed mixture further serve
to determine the exact form of the reaction rate
This expression assumes that the reaction on In determining the constants involved in a
the surface is the rate limiting step with r" = rate model it is often convenient to invert the
rate expression to obtain a form that is suitable
If stoichiometric quantities of A2 and B are for data analysis. For example, equation 6.3.11
used, the dependence of the initial rate on total can be rearranged to give

(1 + KaPa + KbPb + KrPr + KSPS) (6.3.58)

pressure is given by so a least squares analysis can be used to deter­

mine the five constants involved. Proper control
k.KA2KB (y of the nature of the experimental data can greatly
simplify the problem of determining these
parameters. However, this example illustrates
one of the key difficulties involved in deter­
mining rate expressions for heterogeneous
In the low-pressure limit the rate will increase as catalytic reactions, and we must temper any
the square of the pressure, but at very high enthusiasm that we may have developed for
pressures it will fall off in a manner proportional Hougen-Watson rate models with a recognition
to the reciprocal of the pressure. Consequently, of the situations one faces in the real world.
the initial rate increases at first, goes through The fact that various specific models can be
a máximum, and then declines. proposed, each leading to a corresponding
192 Elements of Heterogeneous Catalysis

mathematical formulation (which is not neces- formulation and preparation technique will
sarily unique), tempts one to try to correlate produce a material that is suitable for industrial
experimental data by each of a variety of such applications. The magnitude of the surface area
mathematical forms and then to “conclude” that alone is insufficient to predict the efficacy with
the one which best fits the data is the “true” which a given mass of catalyst promotes a given
kinetic mechanism. Considerably more judg- reaction. For fast reactions, the greater the
ment than this is required and, although a given amount of catalyst surface open to easy access
mathematical expression may provide a good by reactant molecules, the faster the rate at
fit of the data, it does not necessarily imply that which reactants can be converted to producís.
the presumed mechanism is indeed the “correct” If we are to be able to develop useful predictive
one. For rate expressions of the form of equation models of catalyst behavior, we must know
6.3.58, there are five adjustable constants; when something about the interior pore structure of
reversible reactions, the possibility of adsorption the catalyst and the facility with which reactant
of inerts, or reactions in parallel or series are and product species can be transported within
considered, still more constants are introduced. catalyst pellets.
With the flexibility given by these constants it This section discusses the techniques used to
is not hard to get a good fit of data to a mathe­ characterize the physical properties of solid
matical expression. In the words of one of my catalysts. In industrial practice, the chemical
colleagues, “With six constants you can fit a engineer who anticipates the use of these cata­
charging rhinoceros.” lysts in developing new or improved processes
Furthermore, one often finds that “best” fits must effectively combine theoretical models,
of data may give rise to negative adsorption physical measurements, and empirical informa-
equilibrium constants. This result is clearly im- tion on the behavior of catalysts manufactured
possible on the basis of physical arguments. in similar ways in order to be able to predict
Nonetheless, reaction rate models of this type how these materials will behave. The complex
may be entirely suitable for design purposes if models are beyond the scope of this text, but
they are not extrapolated out of the range of the principies involved are readily illustrated by
the experimental data on which they are based. the simplest model. This model requires the
We should also point out that the adsorption specific surface area, the void volume per gram,
equilibrium constants appearing in the Hougen- and the gross geometric properties of the cata­
Watson models cannot be determined from lyst pellet as input.
adsorption equilibrium constants obtained from The specific surface area is usually deter­
nonreacting systems if one expects the mathe­ mined by the BET technique discussed in
matical expression to yield accurate predictions Section 6.2.2. For the most reliable BET mea­
of the reaction rate. One explanation of this fact surements the adsórbate gas molecules should
is that probably only a small fraction of the be small, approximately spherical, inert (to
catalyst sites are effective in promoting the avoid chemisorption), and easy to handle at the
reaction. temperature in question. For economy, nitrogen
is the most common choice with measurements
usually made at 77 °K, the normal boiling point
of liquid nitrogen. Krypton is another material
The ease with which gaseous reactant molecules that is frequently employed.
achieve access to the interior surfaces of a The remainder of this section is devoted to a
porous substance is often of crucial significance discussion of the experimental techniques used
in determining whether or not a given catalyst to determine the other physical properties of
6.4 Physical Characterization of Heterogeneous Catalysts 193

catalysts that are of primary interest for reactor determine the volume occupied by the helium
design purposes, the void volume and the pore (FHe). This volume is equal to the sum of the
size distribution. volume exterior to the pellets proper and the
void volume within the pellets (Kvoid). The helium
6.4.1 Determination of Catalyst is then pumped out, and the chamber is filled
Void Volumes with mercury at atmospheric pressure. Since the
mercury will not penétrate the pores of most
The simplest method of determining the void
catalysts at atmospheric pressure, the mercury
volume or the pore volume of a given catalyst
will occupy only the volume exterior to the
sample is to measure the increase in weight that
pellets proper (FHg). Henee:
occurs when the pores are filled with a liquid of
known density. Water, carbón tetrachloride, and Koid = ^He - Kig (6.4.2)
various hydrocarbons have been used success-
fully. The procedure involves boiling a known and the void volume per gram (pp is
weight of dry catalyst pellets in the liquid for y = Kk - Kíg 4 3)
20 to 30 min to displace the air in the pores. SW
After the boiling fluid is replaced with cool
liquid, the pellets are placed on an absorbent This method determines the pore volume cor-
cloth and rolled to remove the excess liquid. responding to pore radii below 75,000 Á. By
They are then weighed. The difference. between varying the pressure on the system, it is possible
the wet and dry weights (PVwet — VFdry) divided to forcé the mercury into some of the pores and
by the density of the imbibed liquid (pL) gives determine the void volumes corresponding to
the void volume. The void volume per gram of different pore radii. We will pursue this point
catalyst (J^) is obtained by in the next section.
The porosity of the catalyst pellet (ep) is
defined as the void fraction.
void volume of catalyst particle
This technique will determine the total volume total volume of catalyst particle
of the pores with radii between approximately
10 and 1500 Á. It is limited in accuracy by the For a particle of mass mP,
fact that it is difficult to dry the external surface mF P ---------
p =-------------------
of the partióles without removing liquid from (6.4.5)
T/ . P - ---
m v
the large pores. Some liquid also tends to be p g +Pskeletal
retained around the points of contact between
partióles. These two sources of error offset one where pskeietai is the true density of the bulk
another. Any air retained within the pores after solid and where the second term in the denom-
boiling will lead to erroneous results. inator is the volume occupied by the solid
A much more accurate method of determining proper. Many commercial catalysts have po-
the pore volume of a catalyst sample is the rosities in the neighborhood of 0.5, indicating
helium-mercury method. One places a known that the gross particle volume is about evenly
weight of catalyst (IT) in a chamber of known split between void space and solid material.
volume. After the chamber has been evacuated, Significantly higher porosities are not encoun-
a known quantity of helium is admitted. From tered in commercial catalysts because of the
the gas laws and measurements of the tempera- problems of achieving sufficient mechanical
ture and pressure, one may then proceed to strength at these porosity levels.
194 Elements of Heterogeneous Catalysis

The total pore volume can also be determined while the surface area per particle is given by
from adsorption measurements if one knows
the volume of vapor adsorbed under saturation ™PSg = np(2nrL) (B)
conditions. For high surface area catalysts the where we have neglected the area at the end of
amount of material adsorbed on partióle ex- the cylinder, since L » r for virtually all systems
teriors will be negligible compared to that of interest. División of equation A by equation
condensed in the pores. Henee the liquid phase B and rearrangement gives
volume equivalent to the amount of gas ad­
sorbed is equal to the pore volume. The liquid
density is assumed to be that corresponding to
the saturation conditions in question. This
technique is less accurate than that described
For a monodisperse system this result is in
good agreement with the valúes obtained from
Illustration 6.2 indicates how void volume
pore size distribution measurements, but it can
and surface area measurements can be combined
be significantly in error if one is dealing with a
in order to evalúate the parameters involved in
bimodal pore size distribution (see Section
the simplest model of catalyst pore structure.
To evalúate the average pore length, it is
ILLUSTRATION 6.2 EVALUATION OF necessary to recognize that the porosity £p will
PARAMETERS IN A MATHEMATICAL represent not only the volumetric void fraction
MODEL OF POROUS CATALYSTS but also at any cross section the fraction of the
area occupied by the pore openings. If the
To develop analytical models for processes average open area associated with each pore is
employing porous catalysts it is necessary to assumed to be 7¿r2, the definition of the porosity
make certain assumptions about the geometry indicates that
of the catalyst pores. A variety of assumptions
are possible, and Thomas and Thomas (15) MI = Mri
p v sr p
have discussed some of these. The simplest X
model assumes that the pores are cylindrical
where Vp and Sx are the gross geometric volume
and are not interconnected. Develop expres-
and geometric surface area, respectively.
sions for the average pore radius (7), the average
Substitution of equation A into equation D
pore length (L), and the number of pores per
particle (np) in terms of parameters that can be
measured in the laboratory [i.e., the apparent np(7ir2)L np7ir2
particle dimensions, the void volume per gram vP =~sT
(Vg), and the surface area per gram (S0)J. which can be rearranged to give


We will start by developing an expression for

For a spherical catalyst pellet of radius R,
the average pore radius r. If we denote the mass
of an individual catalyst particle by mP, simple - inR3 R
geometric considerations indicate that the void L_ 4nR2 ~ 3
volume per particle is given by
The number of pores per particle may be
mPVg = np (7tr2L) (A) obtained by solving equation D for np and
6.4 Physical Characterization of Heterogeneous Catalysts 195

using equation C to elimínate r volume of mercury contained within the pores

as a function of applied pressure.
_ bpSxS2s
The smallest pores that can be observed using
this approach depend on the highest pressure
where &p is determined from equation 6.4.5. to which the mercury can be subjected in a
particular piece of equipment. Volumes corre-
sponding to pore radii as small as 100 to 200 Á
6.4.2 Determinaron of Pore
can be measured with commercially available
Size Distributions
equipment. Beyond this point the pressures re­
quired to fill up the capillaries with smaller
Scanning electrón microscopy and other exper­ radii become impractical for routine use. Unfor-
imental methods indícate that the void spaces tunately, there are many catalysts of industrial
in a typical catalyst particle are not uniform in significance where these very small capillaries
size, shape, or length. Moreover, they are often contribute substantially to the specific surface
highly interconnected. Because of the com- area. Special research grade mercury porosi-
plexities of most common pore structures, meters capable of measurements down to 15 Á
detailed mathematical descriptions of the void radii have been developed but, for routine
structure are not available. Moreover, because measurements, the desorption approach de-
of other uncertainties involved in the design of scribed below is more suitable.
catalytic reactors, the use of elabórate quanti- The desorption isotherm approach is the
tative models of catalyst pore structures is not second generally accepted method for deter­
warranted. What is required, however, is a mining the distribution of pore sizes. In principie
model that allows one to take into account either a desorption or adsorption isotherm
the rates of diffusion of reactant and product would suffice but, in practice, the desorption
species through the void spaces. Many of the isotherm is much more widely used when
models in common use simúlate the void hysteresis effects are observed. The basis of this
regions as cylindrical pores; for such models approach is the fact that capillary condensation
a knowledge of the distribution of pore radii occurs in narrow pores at pressures less than the
and the volumes associated therewith is re­ saturation vapor pressure of the adsórbate. The
quired. smaller the radius of the capillary, the greater
There are two well-established experimental is the lowering of the vapor pressure. Henee, in
techniques for determining the distribution of very small pores, vapor will condense to liquid
pore radii. They are the mercury penetration at pressures considerably below the normal
technique and the desorption isotherm method. vapor pressure. Mathematical details of the
The mercury penetration approach is based analysis have been presented by Cranston and
on the fact that liquid mercury has a very high Inkley (16) and need not concern us here.
surface tensión and the observation that mercury The size of the largest pores that can be
does not wet most catalyst surfaces. This situa- determined by this technique is limited by the
tion holds true for oxide catalysts and supported rapid change in meniscus radius with pressure
metal catalysts that make up by far the over- as the relative pressure P/Po approaches unity.
whelming majority of the porous commercial This limit corresponds to pore radii in the neigh-
materials of interest. Since mercury does not borhood of 150 to 200 Á, corresponding to a
wet such surfaces, the pressure required to forcé relative pressure of 0.93 in the former case. The
mercury into the pores will depend on the pore smallest pore radii that can be observed by this
radius. This provides a basis for measuring pore technique are those near 10 Á. Although mea­
size distributions through measurements of the surements may be reported corresponding to
196 Elements of Heterogeneous Catalysis

smaller pore sizes, such results are suspect would expect to be most significant from a
because the molecular diameter of the adsórbate catalytic viewpoint. Some other industrial cat­
molecules is comparable in magnitude to the alysts are deliberately fabricated with a macro-
pore radius in this regime. Moreover, the anal- pore-micropore structure in order to minimize
ysis assumes that the properties of the condensed or elimínate pore diffusion limitations on the
phase in the capillaries are the same as those of reaction rate. The macropores serve as express-
bulk liquids, yet the concepts of surface tensión ways that facilítate reactant transport to the
and a hemispherical surface become hazy or internal surface area of the catalyst.
unrealistic below radii of 10 A, and perhaps
even at larger radii. In the regions where the
mercury penetration approach and the desorp-
tion method overlap, they agree reasonably well. The task of developing a suitable catalyst for
However, in many cases of practical significance, commercial applications involves many consid-
it is necessary to employ both techniques to erations, ranging from obvious factors like
cover the entire range of pore sizes (10 to catalyst activity and selectivity to variables like
10,000 Á) that may be present. This is particu- the catalyst shape and the composition of the
larly true of catalysts like pelleted alumina in binder used in a pelletizing process. This section
which one has a bimodal pore size distribution is devoted to a discussion of these considerations
of the type discussed below. and of the techniques involved in manufacturing
The catalysts employed in commercial fixed industrial catalysts.
bed reactors often exhibit a bimodal pore size Figure 6.6 illustrates some of the requirements
distribution, sometimes referred to as bidisperse to be kept in mind when developing a catalyst
or macro-micro distributions. In these systems for industrial applications. The art of catalyst
the bulk of the catalytic reaction occurs in pores formulation involves reconciling conflicting de-
with radii below 200 A, since this is where the mands that may be imposed by such require­
bulk of the surface resides. However, the tran- ments. The keystone of the arch is a material
sport of reactants to these small pores occurs that has high intrinsic activity and selectivity
primarily through macropores with radii rang- for promoting the reaction of interest. This
ing from 200 to 10,000 A. These catalyst pellets material may be used in bulk form or, more
are prepared by compacting fine porous pow- commonly, it will be supported on a carrier
ders. The micropore región arises from the pore material that may or may not have catalytic
structure within each of the partióles of the activity of its own. The activity per unit volume
original powder, while the macropores are is of practical significance because process eco-
formed by the passageways around the com- nomics are often strongly dependent on the cost
pacted partióles. As the pelleting pressure is of packed reactor space. Consequently, the cata­
increased, the macropores become successively lyst should have a high specific surface area,
reduced in size, but the micropores remain un- and it should have a pore structure such that
affected unless the crushing strength is exceeded. reactants can gain easy access to the inner sur-
Most commercial forms of alumina catalysts faces of the catalyst pellet. The first of these
exhibit this type of bimodal pore size distribu­ requirements follows directly from the fact that
tion. For example, Rothfeld (17) has observed the reaction takes place at the fluid-solid inter­
two peaks, one centered at a radius of 6250 Á face, while the requirement for an appropriate
and the other at 60 A. The micropores accounted pore structure follows from a desire to avoid
for about 99% of the surface area and 65% of diffusional limitations on chemical conversión
the void volume. It is these pores that one rates. (See Chapter 12.)
6.5 Catalyst Preparation, Fabrication, and Activation 197

Figure 6.6
Requirements for industrial catalysts.

The lifetime of a catalyst is another factor ponents into a structure that is not greatly
that plays a key role in determining process weakened or changed by sintering during use.
economics. This lifetime is the period during Very seldom does an industrial catalyst con-
which the catalyst produces the desired product sist of a single chemical compound or metallic
in yields in excess of or equal to a designated element. Most often a catalyst formulation
valué. The life of a catalyst may terminate be- consists of a multitude of components, each of
cause of unacceptable changes in activity and/or which performs an essential task in the creation
selectivity, because of physical attrition, or of a commercially viable catalyst. Figure 6.7,
because of unacceptable changes in mechanical
properties arising from thermal cycling or other
factors in the process environment. Resistance
to poisoning and fouling as well as to other
catalyst deactivation processes is an attribute to
be preferred in commercial catalysts.
Mechanical and geometric properties also
play a strong role in determining if a given
formulation will give rise to a commercially
viable catalyst. Catalyst pellets must be suitably
shaped so that the reactant fluid can pass
through a packed bed without excessive pressure
drop or maldistribution of the flow. The finished
catalyst must also be mechanically robust to
avoid attrition during handling and loading
and to avoid crushing under sustained loads
during fixed bed operation. The requirements Figure 6.7
of high strength and a stable structure depend Components of industrial catalysts. (Ownership of
on a firm welding together of the catalyst com- this diagram is by ICI)
198 Elements of Heterogeneous Catalysis

adapted from the Catalyst Handbook (18), in- of quality, and cost of manufacture. The two
dicates that the components commonly found most commonly used techniques for catalyst
in industrial catalysts can be classified as cata- preparation are the only ones we will consider.
lytic species, catalyst supports, and catalyst
1. Precipitation or gel formation of the active
stabilizers. The support may be a ceramic matrix
component or components through the inter-
bound together by a hydraulic cement. The
action of aqueous solutions of two or more
support gives body and strength to the catalyst
chemical compounds.
granule and is frequently used to decrease the
2. Impregnation of a carrier using a solution
concentration of the usually more expensive
containing a compound of the desired cata­
catalyst proper. The catalytic agents consist of
lyst component.
the catalyst proper together with any materials
added to promote or modify the active surface. Precipitation is frequently used in the prep­
Stabilizers may be present in the form of gross aration of single- and multiple-component cata­
crystals readily seen under the scanning electrón lysts. If possible, the catalyst precursor is
microscope, or they may be present in highly precipitated as a compound that will undergo
dispersed form. They prevent sintering and some chemical change before it is converted into
loss of active surface area through diffusional the substance that actually functions as the
merging of contiguous small crystals and crys- catalyst. Dehydration of a hydrated precipítate
tallites. Catalysts in which the active constituent may be sufficiently drastic to accomplish this
is a metal with a relatively low melting point purpose. The nature of the impurities occluded
normally are stabilized through the use of or adsorbed on the precipítate must be con-
refractory materials such as alumina, chromia, sidered in making up the starting solutions.
and magnesia, which act as spacers between Experience has indicated that the use of dilute
the readily sinterable metal crystals. Since com- solutions, nitrates or sulfates of the metal
mercial catalysts are complex multicomponent elements, and ammonia or ammonium salts as
mixtures, it is appropriate to describe in broad the precipitating agents generally facilitates the
terms some of the procedures used in the prep­ removal of impurities. In these cases subsequent
araron of these materials. heat treatment often suffices to drive off the
impurities in volatile form. Significant variations
6.5.1 Catalyst Preparation
in catalytic activity have been observed for
Natural producís and common industrial chem- precipitates of the same material formed under
icals in massive form are seldom useful as different conditions. When preparing multicom­
catalysts because they have low specific surface ponent catalysts by coprecipitation techniques,
areas, may contain various amounts of im- the process variables must be manipulated to
purities that have deleterious effects on catalyst produce a uniform product. By adding a solu­
performance, do not usually have the exact tion of two metal salts to an excess of the
chemical composition desired, or are too ex­ precipitating counter ion (carbonate, sulfide,
pensive to use in bulk form. The preparation of hydroxide, etc.) simultaneous precipitation of
an industrial catalyst generally involves a series both species is obtained. If the addition is
of operations designed to overeóme such prob- carried out in the reverse order there is a pref-
lems. Many catalysts can be produced by several erential precipitation of one metal salt relative
routes. The actual choice of technique for the to the other because of differences in solubility
manufacture of a given catalyst is based on producís.
ease of preparation, homogeneity of the final One of the simplest, most commonly used
catalyst, stability of the catalyst, reproducibility techniques for preparing a catalyst involves dis-
6.5 Catalyst Preparation, Fabrication, and Activation 199

persing an active component (or components) 200-mesh screen. Catalysts employed with gas-
on a support material. Normally one impreg- eous feeds in fixed bed reactors are most
nates the carrier material with a solution of a frequently used in the form of pellets, granules,
soluble precursor of the catalyst and then or extrusions, whereas those used in fluidized
converts this precursor to the desired product beds are usually ground to pass through a 60-
by oxidation, reduction, thermal decomposi- mesh screen. With cylindrical pellets the ratio
tion, or some other suitable step. Where appro- of length to diameter is usually kept below 3:1,
priate, it is preferable to use a granular support so that the pellets will not pack parallel to one
instead of a powder, since it eliminates the another and thus lead to excessive pressure
necessity for pelleting or extrusión in order to drop or excessive bypassing, channeling, or
obtain the final product. maldistribution of the flow. The ratio of the
In many cases drying operations are critical diameter of the reaction vessel to a characteristic
to the production of successful commercial pellet dimensión is also significant, since it is
catalysts. Cióse control of the drying process almost impossible to achieve uniform packing
is necessary to achieve the proper distribution if this ratio is less than 5:1.
of the catalyst precursor within the pore struc- More detailed treatments of catalyst manu-
ture of the support. Drying also influences the facturing processes are available in the literature
physical characteristics of the finished catalyst (19-22).
and the ease with which subsequent pelleting or
extrusión processes may be carried out. 6.5.2 Catalyst Supports, Promoters,
In general all materials used to catalyze and Inhibitors
reactions of a vapor phase feed are calcined or It is very seldom that a commercial catalyst
activated at temperatures above 400 to 500 °F. consists of only a single chemical compound or
This heat treatment may accomplish one or element. Often the active constituent is sup-
more of the following tasks. ported on a carrier material that may or may
1. Reduce the moisture content to a level con- not possess catalytic activity of its own. En-
sistent with the temperature at which the hanced catalytic activity, selectivity, or stability
catalyst will be employed. may also be achieved by the addition of other
2. Decompose salts containing the catalyst pre- materials referred to as promoters or inhibitors.
cursors such as metal nitrates, formates, Early workers viewed carriers or catalyst
oxalates, or acetates. (Oxides are the usual supports as inert substances that provided a
producís of the decomposition process.) means of spreading out an expensive material
3. Form metal catalysts by reduction of metal like platinum or else improved the mechanical
oxides with hydrogen. strength of an inherently weak material. The
4. Increase the strength of the finished pellet primary factors in the early selection of catalyst
or extrudate. supports were their physical properties and their
5. Influence the initial activity and stability of cheapness; henee pumice, ground brick, char-
the catalyst. coal, coke, and similar substances were used.
No attention was paid to the possible influence
The form in which the catalyst is employed of the support on catalyst behavior; differences
is strongly dependent on the reaction involved, in behavior were attributed to variations in the
the scale of the process, the specific nature of the distribution of the catalyst itself.
catalyst, and the type of reactor. Catalysts used However, it is now recognized that the cata­
for reactions carried out with a liquid feed are lyst carrier does more than provide a physical
usually ground so as to pass through a 100 to framework on which the catalyst is supported.
200 Elements of Heterogeneous Catalysis

In many cases there is an interaction between 8. Inert to attack from components of the feed-
the carrier and the active component of the stream and product stream and any com­
catalyst so that the character of the active sur- ponents present in any regeneration streams
face will change. For example, the electronic to which it may be exposed.
character of the supported catalyst may be 9. Noncatalytic with regard to any undesirable
influenced by the transfer of electrons across side reactions.
the catalyst-carrier interface. In some cases the
carrier itself has a catalytic activity for the The average pore size and the pore size dis-
primary reaction, an intermediate reaction, or tribution should be such that physical limita-
a subsequent reaction, and a “dual-function” tions are not placed on the conversión of
catalyst is thereby obtained. Materials of this reactants to producís. The particle size of the
type are widely employed in reforming processes. carrier must also be suitable for the purpose
There are other cases where the interaction of intended (i.e., small for fluidized bed reactors and
the catalyst and support are much more subtle significantly larger for fixed bed applications).
and difficult to label. For example, the crystal The types of materials used commercially as
size and structure of supported metal catalysts catalyst supports can be categorized as having
as well as the manner in which the metal is high or low specific surface areas. The low sur-
dispersed can be influenced by the nature of the facé area (up to 1 m1 2 3 4 5 6 7/g) materials are generally
support material. ceramic materials like silica or alumina. They
One should distinguish between true catalyst are often formed by high-temperature fusión
supports and diluents. A catalyst support (or (2000 °C) in electric furnaces. The product of
carrier) is a material on which a thin layer of this operation is crushed, sieved, and fabricated
catalyst is deposited; a diluent is an inert into various shapes (spheres, granules, rings,
material thoroughly mixed with the catalyst to cylindrical annuli, or irregular shapes). Partial
enhance the binding properties of a powdered sintering is then accomplished by firing at
catalyst or to assist in pelleting or extrusión temperatures in the neighborhood of 1400 °C.
fabrication procedures. The resultant producís are stable mechanically
An ideal carrier is one that is: and are easily impregnated with a variety of
catalyst precursor solutions. The final product
1. Inexpensive. is quite porous with pore sizes typically in the
2. Available in large quantities of uniform range of 20 to 100 microns. Low surface area
composition. carriers are used where the need for a high
3. Sufficiently porous to permit dispersión of activity per unit mass of finished catalyst is less
catalyst on its interior surfaces. important than other factors like catalyst cost
4. Free of any components that may poison the or selectivity.
catalyst. The high specific surface area supports (10 to
5. Stable under operating and regeneration 100 m2/g or more) are natural or man-made
conditions. materials that normally are handled as fine
6. Strong enough to resist any thermal or me- powders. When processed into the finished cat­
chanical shocks that it is likely to suffer as alyst pellet, these materials often give rise to
well as any disruptive action arising from pore size distributions of the macro-micro type
fouling material that may be deposited in its mentioned previously. The micropores exist
pores. within the powder itself, and the macropores
7. Resistant to attrition. are created between the fine partióles when they
6.6 Poisoning and Deactivation of Catalysts 201

are compressed together in a pellet press. Dia- step in the reaction. In this sense it may act
tomaceous earth and pumice (or cellular lava) as one component of a dual function catalyst.
are naturally occurring low-cost materials that 3. The promoter may slow down, or otherwise
are representative of this class of catalyst sup- influence crystal formation and growth. or
port. Among the synthetic carriers that can be produce lattice defeets. These effeets may
created by modern technology are those derived lead either to a higher activity per unit area
from clays, bauxite, activated carbón, and or to a higher specific surface area.
xerogels of silica gel and alumina gel.
Promoters may influence selectivity by poi­
Although a carrier is often the major con-
soning undesired reactions or by increasing the
stituent of a catalyst pellet, one often finds that
rates of desired intermedíate reactions so as to
there are materials that are added in small
increase the yield of the desired product. If they
amounts during catalyst preparation in order
act in the first sense, they are sometimes referred
to impart improved characteristics to the fin-
to as inhibitors. An example of this type of action
ished catalyst. These materials are referred to as
involves the addition of halogen compounds to
promoters. They may lead to better activity,
the catalyst used for oxidizing ethylene to
selectivity, or stability. The manner in which
ethylene oxide (silver supported on alumina).
promoters act is not well understood, although
The halogens prevent complete oxidation of the
a number of plausible explanations have been
ethylene to carbón dioxide and water, thus per-
set forth. They remain one of the reasons for
mitting the use of this catalyst for industrial
the “black magic” aura of catalysis.
In 1920 Pease and Taylor (23) proposed a
Another example of catalyst promotion is the
definition of promoter action that is still appro-
use of additives to inhibit loss of active surface
priate today. Promotion occurs in those “cases
area during operation. Since this effect enhances
in which a mixture of two or more substances
catalyst stability, such additives are often called
is capable of producing a greater catalytic effect
stabilizers. These promoters may inhibit sin-
than can be accounted for on the supposition
tering of active sites on the surface or growth of
that each substance in the mixture acts inde-
microcrystalline regions. They may form solid
pendently and in proportion to the amount
solutions with higher melting points than the
present.” Henee “better” catalyst performance active agents alone, thus permitting a reaction
implies an improvement beyond that expected
to be carried out at a higher temperature than
from a simple additive rule. The phenomenon would otherwise be possible. Alumina is used in
is often characterized by a steep rise in activity the manufacture of iron-based ammonia syn-
to a sharp máximum at a low concentration of thesis catalysts for this purpose.
promoter followed by a decline to a lower or In commercial catalysts it is often useful to
zero level of activity, depending on whether or employ a multiplicity of promoters, each of
not the promoter alone is capable of acting as a which serves a particular function or acts in
catalyst. conjunction with other constituents to produce
Some hypotheses that have been offered in an a more desirable catalyst.
effort to explain promotion effeets are:
1. The promoter may change the electronic
structure of the solid in such a way that the
activity per unit area is increased. Since the earliest days of heterogeneous cataly­
2. The promoter may catalyze an intermedíate sis, decreases in activity during use have been
202 Elements of Heterogeneous Catalysis

observed. The rates at which catalyst deactiva- activity. This process is referred to as reactiva-
tion processes take place may be fast or slow. In tion. If the preferential adsorption of the poison
some cases the decline in activity is so rapid that cannot be readily reversed, a more severe chemi-
the catalyst ceases to function effectively after a cal treatment or complete replacement of the
few minutes or hours of exposure to a reactant catalyst may be necessary.
feedstream. On the other hand, there are cases In addition to fouling and poisoning, there is
where the deactivation processes occur so slowly a third catalyst deactivation process that is com-
that the catalyst may function effectively for monly encountered in industrial practice. This is
months or years. In the design of commercial the phenomenon referred to as aging. It involves
catalytic processes, one obviously must take a loss in specific activity due to a loss in catalyst
these factors into account so as to allow for surface area arising from crystal growth or
periodic replacement or regeneration of his sintering processes. This process becomes more
heterogeneous catalyst. rapid as the temperature increases. It may also
If the deactivation is rapid and caused by the be increased by the presence of certain com-
decomposition or degradation of reactants or ponents of the feedstream or product stream or
producís on the catalyst surface, the process is of trace constituents of the catalyst. In some
termed fouling. In this case a deposit is formed cases a flux or glaze capable of blocking catalyst
on the surface or in the pores that physically pores may be produced.
blocks a portion of the catalyst and prevenís it Various schemes have been proposed for
from catalyzing the reaction. Such fouling is classifying poisons, but the one that is perhaps
particularly rapid with silica-alumina cracking the most convenient for chemical engineers in-
catalysts and in this application, the design of a terested in reactor design is the classification in
unit for catalyst regeneration is as important as terms of the manner by which the poison affects
the design of the reactor proper. An example of a chemical activity. In these terms one can dis-
cracking reaction leading to fouling might be tinguish between four general but not sharply
C10H22 -> C5H12 4- C4H10 4- C (solid on cat­ differentiated classes.
alyst surface). The carbón deposit may be burned
off with oxygen and/or steam to regenérate the 1. Intrinsic Activity Poisons. These poisons de­
catalyst so that the active surface is no longer crease the activity of the catalyst for the
covered. primary chemical reaction by virtue of their
If the activity of the catalyst is slowly modiñed direct electronic or chemical influence on the
by chemisorption of materials that are not easily catalyst surface or active sites. The mecha-
removed, the deactivation process is termed nism appears to be one that involves coverage
poisoning. It is usually caused by preferential of the active sites by poison molecules, re-
adsorption of small quantities of impurities moving the possibility that these sites can
(poisons) present in the feedstream. Adsorption subsequently adsorb reactant species. Com-
of extremely small amounts of the poison (a mon examples of this type of poisoning are the
small fraction of a monolayer) is often sufficient actions of compounds of elements of the
to cause very large losses in catalytic activity. groups Vb and VIb (N, P, As, Sb, O, S, Se, Te)
The bonds linking the catalyst and poison are on metallic catalysts.
often abnormally strong and highly specific. 2. Selectivity Poisons. These poisons decrease
Consequently, the process is often irreversible. the selectivity of the catalyst for the main re­
If the process is reversible, a change in the tem- action. In many cases impurities in the feed­
perature or the composition of the gas to which stream will adsorb on the catalyst surface and
it is exposed may be sufficient to restore catalyst then act as catalysts for undesirable side re-
Literature Citations 203

actions. The classic examples of poisons of deactivation processes, consult the article by
this class are heavy metáis such as Ni, Cu, V, Butt (26).
and Fe, which are present in petroleum stocks
in the form of organometallic compounds LITERATURE CITATIONS
such as porphyrins. When these feedstocks
1. Haensel, V., Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 57
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organometallics decompose and deposit on
2. Thomas, C. L., Catalytic Processes and Proven Cata­
and within the catalyst. The metáis then act as lysts, Academic Press, New York, 1970.
dehydrogenation catalysts. The product dis- 3. Thomson, S. J., and Webb, G., Heterogeneous Cata-
tribution is markedly affected with lower lysis, Oliver and Boyd, Edinburgh, 1968.
yields of gasoline and higher yields of light gas, 4. Brunauer, S., Deming, L. S., Deming, W. E., andTeller,
coke, and hydrogen. Very small poison con- E., J. Am. Chem. Soc., 62 (1723), 1940.
centrations suffice to produce large changes 5. Langmuir, I., J. Am. Chem. Soc., 38 (221), 1916.
in selectivity. In cases where a large number 6. Langmuir, I., J. Am. Chem. Soc., 40 (1361), 1918.
of parallel and series reactions are involved, 7. Taylor, H. S., Proc. Roy. Soc., A108 (105), 1925.
the adsorbed poison is thought to change the
8. Brunauer, S., Emmett, P. H., and Teller, E., J. Am.
activation energy barrier for some of the com- Chem. Soc., 60 (309), 1938.
petitive intermediate steps, resulting in in- 9. Hougen, O. A., and Watson, K. M., Chemical Process
creased rates of undesirable side reactions Principies, Parí 3, Kinetics and Catalysis, pp. 906-907,
relative to that of the primary reaction. Wiley, New York, copyright © 1947. Used with per-
3. Stability Poisons. These poisons decrease the mission.
structural stability of the catalytic agent or of 10. Chambers, R. P., and Boudart, M., J. Catalysis, 6 (141),
the carrier by facilitating recrystallizations 1966.
and other structural rearrangements. Steam 11. Hougen, O. A., and Watson, K. M., Ind. Eng. Chem.,
acts as this type of a poison for silica-alumina 35(529), 1943.
gel catalysts. It acts not so much by reducing 12. Yang, K., and Hougen, O. A., Chem. Eng. Prog., 46
the intrinsic activity per unit surface area, but (3), p. 149, 1950.
by reducing the active area, thus decreasing 13. Oldenburg, C. C., and Rase, H. F., AIChE J., 3 (462),
the activity per unit weight of catalyst. The
temperature at which the reactor o perales has 14. Hougen, O. A., “Reaction Kinetics in Chemical Engi­
neering,” Chem. Eng. Prog. Monograph Series, No. 1,
a marked effect on stability poisoning. Sinter- 47, Chapter 5, copyright © 1951. Adapted with
ing, localized melting, and recrystallization permission.
occur much more rapidly at high tempera- 15. Thomas, JTM., and Thomas, W. J., Introduction to the
tures than at low temperatures. Principies of Heterogeneous Catalysis, pp. 206-211,
4. Diffusion Poisons. This phenomenon is Academic Press, New York, 1967.
closely akin to catalyst fouling. Blockage of 16. Cranston, R. W., and Inkley, R A., Adv. Catalysis, 9
pore mouths prevents full use of the interior (143), 1957.
surface area of the pelleUEntrained dust par- 17. Rothfeld, L. B.. AIChE J., 9 (19). 1963.
ticles or materials that can react on the cat­ 18. Catalyst Handbook, Springer-Verlag, New York, 1970.
alyst to yield a solid residue give rise to this 19. Ciapetta, F. G., and Plank, C. J., “Catalyst Prepara-
type of poisoning. don,” Chapter 7 in Catalysis, Volume I, edited by
P. H. Emmett, Reinhold, New York, 1964.
20. Ciapetta, F. G., Helm, C. D., and Baral, L. L., “Com-
Many reviews listing specific poisons for spe-
mercial Preparation of Industrial Catalysts,”'Chapter 2
cific catalysts are available in the literature (23- in Catalysis i'n Practice, édited by C. H. Collier, Rein­
25). For a more up-to-date review of catalyst hold, New York, 1957.
204 Elements of Heterogeneous Catalysis

21. Innes, W. B., “Catalyst Carriers, Promoters, Accelera-

tors, Poisons, and Inhibitors,” Chapter 6 in Catalysis,
Volume I, edited by P. H. Emmett, Reinhold, New
York, 1954.
22. Anderson, J. R., Structure of Metallic Catalysis, Aca-
demic Press, New York, 1975.
23. Pease, R. N., and Taylor, H. S., J. Phys. Chem., 24
(241), 1920.
24. Maxted, E. B., J. Soc. Chem. Ind., (Lond.) 67 (93), 1948.
25. Maxted, E. B., Adv. Catalysis, 3 (129), 1951.
26. Butt, J. B.. “Chemical Reaction Engineering,” Adv.
Chem. Series, 109 (259), 1972.
Time, (min)

Figure 6P.1
Typical adsorption rate curve for the adsorption of
1. The data below were recorded at constant hydrogen on zinc oxide at 1 atm pressure. The
temperature for the adsorption of nitrogen on curve to the left of A applies to 0 °C; at A the tem­
silica gel at —196 °C. Prepare both a Langmuir perature is raised to 111°, at B to 154°, at C to
184, and at D to 218°. [Reprinted with permission
and a BET plot using coordinates that would be
from J. Am. Chem. Soc., 69 (1306), 1947. Copyright
expected to give rise to linear plots. What specific
by the American Chemical Society.]
surface areas are predicted in each case? The
area covered per molecule of adsorbed nitrogen
is 0.162 nm2. The normal boiling point of liquid
nitrogen is — 196 °C. 3. Figure 6P.2 contains the Raman spectra of
Comment on your results. pyridine adsorbed on silica gel at three tempera-
tures as reported by Schrader and Hill [Rer. Sci.
Instrum, 46 (1335), 1975]. Four bands are ap-
Pressure Volume adsorbed per gram of sample parent at 991, 1006, 1032, and 1069 cm-1. If the
(kPa) (cm3 at STP) band intensities are proportional to surface con-
centrations and if each band is associated with
0.8 6.1 one vibrational degree offreedom of an adsorbed
3.3 12.7
species, what is your interpretation of these data?
18.7 17.0
30.7 19.7
38.0 21.5 4. Restelli and Coull [AlChE J., 12 (292), 1966]
42.7 23.0 have studied the transmethylation reaction of
57.3 27.7 dimethylamine in a differential flow reactor
67.3 33.5 using montmorillonite as a catalyst. They
measured initial reaction rates under isothermal
conditions for this heterogeneous catalytic pro-
2. Taylor and Liang [J. Am. Chem. Soc., 69 cess. Steady-state operating data were recorded.
(1306), 1947] have studied the extent of adsorp­ The initial reaction is represented by the fol-
tion of hydrogen on zinc oxide at a constant gas lowing stoichiometry.
pressure and at successively increasing tempera-
tures. A typical curve of the amount adsorbed as 2(CH3)2NH^(CH3)3N + CH3NH2
a function of time is shown in Figure 6P.1.
Interpret these data. The feedstream consisted of essentially puré di-
Problems 205

Mass velocity, G (g/hr—cm2)

Figure 6P.3
Initial rate versus mass velocity. [Reprinted with
permission from AlChE., 12 (292), 1966.]

three curves correspond to three different

operating temperatures.
(b) A series of experiments involved measure-
ment of reaction rates for different catalyst
sizes, maintaining all other variables con-
(cm 1)
stant. The measured rate was found to be
Figure 6P.2 constant for catalyst particle sizes from
Pyridine adsorbed on silica gel as a function of — 100, + 120 to —30, +40 mesh, a fourfold
temperature (°C). P = 1.86 x 10~2bar. (Reprinted variation in average particle diameter. These
with permission from Review of Scientific Instru- experiments were carried out at mass veloci-
ments, 46 (1335), 1975. Copyright by the American ties corresponding to the asymptotic por-
Institute of Physics.) tions of the curves in Figure 6P.3.
(c) Several additional series of experiments were
also carried out at mass velocities correspon­
methylamine. What is your interpretation of the ding to the asymptotic portions of the curves
data presented below? In your discussion place shown in Figure 6P.3. Initial rates were mea­
particular emphasis on the various physical and sured as a function of the dimethylamine
chemical processes that can affect the rate of a pressure for the four temperatures indicated.
chemical reaction. The data are summarized in Figure 6P.4.
(a) Using a catalyst size —50, +60 mesh with a These data may be fit by an expression of the
feed pressure of 0.5 atm, the data reproduced form r0 = kDP q523, where PD is the di­
in Figure 6P.3 were reported. G is the mass methylamine pressure.
velocity under steady-state operating condi-
tions in grams per hour per square centi- 5. Hinshelwood and Burk [J. Chem. Soc., 127
meter and r0 is the initial reaction rate in (1105), 1925] have investigated the decomposi-
grams per hour per gram of catalyst. The tion of ammonia on tungsten and platinum
206 Elements of Heterogeneous Catalysis

6. Mardaleishvilli, Sin-Chou, and Smorodin-

skaya [Kinetics and Catalysis, 8 (664), 1967]
have studied the catalytic decomposition of
ammonia on quartz. The following initial rate
data were obtained by these investigators at
95 re

Initial rate Initial ammonia

(arbitrary units) pressure (mm Hg)

0.0033 20
0.0085 50
0.0140 90
0.0236 140

What is the order of the reaction with respect to

Dimethylamine pressure, PD (atm)
7. Hinshelwood and Burk \_J. Chem. Soc., 127
Figure 6P.4 (1105), 1925] have studied the decomposition of
Initial rate versus dimethylamine pressure. [Re- ammonia over a heated platinum filament at
printed with permission from AlChE J., 12 (292), 1138° C. The reaction stoichiometry is
2NH3 N2 + 3H2
Initially, puré NH3 was present in the reaction
surfaces. The data below were reported for the
vessel. The data on page 207 are representative
decomposition of ammonia on an electrically
of the kinetics of thp reaction. The reactor vol-
heated tungsten wire at 856 °C. What conclu-
ume is a constant.
sions can you draw from these data relative to
the rate expression and surface coverages for the
decomposition of ammonia on tungsten? It is not
necessary to determine a reaction rate constant!

Initial mixture composition

13.3 kPa NH3 nno3^’ 26.6 kPa NH3

13.3 Ki H ir2

Time (sec) kPa of ammonia ddcomposed

100 1.80 1.87 1.87

200 3.13 3.27 3.60
300 4.47 4.60 5.07
400 5.67 5.87 6.47
500 6.80 7.00 7.87
Problems 207

Time, t (sec) Total pressure (kPa)

(a) In many previous studies of the catalytic
oxidation reaction it has been found that the
0 26.7 reaction is first-order with respect to carbón
10 30.4 monoxide.
60 34.1 r = —kP co
120 36.3
240 38.5 Determine if the data obtained by Brittan,
360 40.0 Bliss, and Walker are consistent with this
720 42.7 type of rate expression.
(b) On the basis of their experimental data,
It has been postulated that the rate expression Walker, Bliss, and Brittan proposed the fol-
for the reaction is of the form lowing mechanism for this reaction.

CO + Off Off(CO) slow

CO + Off -* CO2a fast

Is the experimental data consistent with this
rate expression? If so, what is the valué of the OCT(CO) -> CO2 + a fast
rate constant? What type of Hougen-Watson
model gives rise to this form for the rate Off(CO) + |O2 co2 + oCT
cr + |O2 -> Off
8. Brittan, Bliss, and Walker [AIChE J., 16 Off = atomically adsorbed oxygen
(305), 1970] have studied the catalytic oxidation
of carbón monoxide, a = vacant catalyst site
OCT(CO) = complex formed on surface of
CO + lo2 co2 catalyst
using a hopcalite catalyst (a mixture of oxides of
Assuming that the adsorption of CO is rate
manganese and copper and small quantities of controlling, derive the kinetic expression
other oxides). They used a batch circulation reac­ for the rates of change of the concentrations
tor (constant volume) and obtained the follow- (partial pressures) of CO, O2, and CO2.
ing data for one of their runs. Note that the reaction does not proceed
stoichiometrically in that the hopcalite may
System temperature 40 °C act as a source or sink for the oxygen. Henee
sepárate rate expressions are required for
Time, t Partial Pressures (kPa)
each component.
(ksec) CO O2 CO2
(c) Determine whether the expression obtained
0.0 13.6 14.5 1.2 from this mechanism for the disappearance
0.12 12.1 13.7 2.8 of carbón monoxide agrees with the exper­
0.30 10.3 13.1 4.3 imental results.
0.60 8.0 12.3 6.3
1.20 5.7 10.8 8.4 kj + k2 = 0.00737 (min- x) (mm Hg~T)
1.86 3.9 10.3 10.3 O° = 11.81 equivalent mm Hg
2.58 2.7 9.5 12.0 (initial level)
3.48 1.3 8.5 13.1 0
4.98 0.3 8.3 13.9 cr = 0.95 equivalent mm Hg
(initial level)
208 Elements of Heterogeneous Catalysis

= 0.00732 (min ^(mmHg) 1 mechanisms considered in part (a) consistent

k3//c4 = 3.13 (mm Hg)1/2 with these data?
k5 = 0.0085 (min T) (mm Hg)-1 10. The water gas reaction takes place on a
platinum catalyst in a batch reactor at 1000 °C.
9. Corrigan et al. [Chem. Eng. Prog., 49 (603), The reaction is
1953] have investigated the catalytic cracking of
co2 + h2 -> h2o + co
cumene over a silica-alumina catalyst at 950 °C.
No products other than H2O or CO are formed.
Cumene -► Propylene + Benzene In a series of experiments in which the initial
C -> P + B CO2 pressure was held constant (and in sub-
They indicated that both single- or dual-site stantial excess over hydrogen), the rate of
mechanisms could be postulated as follows. formation of CO was found to be directly
proportional to the pressure of H2. In another
series of experiments the initial partial pressure
Single site Dual site
of H2 was held constant at 100 mm Hg, and the
(1) C + (4) C + a - C,
following partial pressures of CO were found
(2) C„^B, + P (5) C„ + <7-B, + P„ after a reaction time of 120 sec.
(3) B„ - B + o (6) B„ - B + <7
(7) P,-P + <7 CO pressure after
Initial pressure CO2 120 sec
(mm Hg) (mm Hg)
(a) Assuming that the reaction is reversible and
that steps 2 and 5 are rate limiting for the 25 3.8
single- and dual-site mechanisms, respec- 50 7.0
tively, derive Hougen-Watson rate expres- 75 10.0
sions for these mechanisms. 100 12.4
(b) These investigators reported the initial rate 125 14.4
data shown in Figure 6P.5. Is either of the 150 16.2
175 17.5
200 18.0
225 17.8
250 17.3
300 15.4

The CO was found to have a negligible retarding

influence on the rate of reaction. In all runs the
water formed was removed immediately by
condensation in a dry ice trap.
(a) Derive the general Hougen-Watson rate
expression that applies to this kind of
7r — Total pressure, atm
(b) What is the simplest form to which the
Figure 6P.5 general equation reduces that still adequate-
Data plot for problem 9. n/r0 versus pressure at ly fits both series of experiments?
950 °F. [Used with permission. From Corrigan et al., (c) Why does the rate go through a máximum
Chem. Eng. Prog., 49 (603), 1953.] with an increase in the initial pressure of
Problems 209

CO2? Explain qualitatively, in terms of the nickel catalyst. Instead of using a more complex
mathematical model, and in mechanistic Hougen-Watson model for the kinetic equation,
terms. they used an equation of the following form to
correlate the data.
11. An addition reaction of the type
1 r0- — pn
Kr arh
A + B -> C
is being carried out over a relatively inactive
metal catalyst at 400 °K. At this temperature r0 = initial reaction rate, g-moles
the rate appears to be first-order in the gas propionaldehyde/ksec-g unreduced
phase concentrations of both A and B. catalyst

r = kPAPB Pa, Ph = partial pressures of propionaldehyde,

hydrogen, kPa.
In studies of the temperature dependence of
m, n = exponents in rate equation
the reaction, the rate goes through a máximum
(at fixed PA and PB) at a temperature near For their runs at approximately 150 °C, the
400 °K. How do you interpret these facts in unreduced catalyst weight was 0.7961 g and the
terms of the Hougen-Watson framework? following data were obtained.

Partial pressures
(kPa) Space velocity
g-moles propionaldehyde/ Percent
propionaldehyde Hydrogen ksec-g unreduced catalyst conversión

68.9 68.9 0.697 2.00

103.4 103.4 0.697 2.63
137.9 137.9 0.697 3.04
155.1 155.1 0.697 3.20
172.4 172.4 0.697 3.37
189.6 189.6 0.697 3.48
206.8 206.8 0.697 3.60

112.4 94.5 0.819 2.47

99.3 107.6 0.819 2.23
88.9 117.9 0.819 1.85
76.5 130.3 0.819 1.57
67.6 139.3 0.819 1.33
112.4 94.5 0.819 2.47
104.8 102.0 0.358 5.45
106.2 100.7 1.106 1.77
109.6 97.2 1.958 0.92

12. Oldenburg and Rase [AIChE J., 3 (462), Determine the valúes of k, m, and n in the
1957] studied the catalytic vapor phase hydro- simplified rate equation. Assume that the cata­
genation of propionaldehyde by making low lyst activity change is negligible over the course
conversión runs on a commercial supported of the experiments.
210 Elements of Heterogeneous Catalysis

Hint 1. The reactor can be treated as a For a Dual-Site Mechanism

differential reactor, since the conversions are so (h) Adsorption of sulfur dioxide
low. controlling.
Hint 2. There is a way of using all of the data (i) Desorption of sulfur trioxide
to obtain these three constants by taking each controlling.
of the two sets of data and plotting the appro- (j) Surface reaction between chemisorbed
priate straight line for each. Round off your sulfur dioxide and gaseous oxygen
valúes of m and n to the nearest half integer. controlling.
13.* Yang and Hougen [Chem. Eng. Progr., 46
I. Derive equations relating the initial reaction
(146), 1950] have suggested that initial rate data
rate (r0) to the total pressure (71) for each of the
can be analyzed in terms of total pressure to
above cases when the sulfur dioxide and oxygen
facilítate the acceptance or rejection of a mecha-
are initially present in equimolar amounts. Do
nism. For their analyses, experimental condi-
this using the Hougen-Watson mechanistic
tions are set such that the two reactants are
models. Show your derivations.
present in constant composition (often equi-
Hint. For the single-site mechanism assume (as
molar amounts).
Mathur and Thodos did) that the surface reac­
Mathur and Thodos [Chem. Eng. Sci., 21
tion step can be written as:
(1191), 1966] used the initial rate approach to
analyze the kinetics of the catalytic oxidation of
SO2-ff + (|O2)gas -> SO3-<7
sulfur dioxide. They summarized the most plaus­
ible rate controlling steps for the reaction as: For the dual-site mechanism assume (as Mathur
1. For sulfur dioxide chemisorbed, oxygen dis- and Thodos did) that the reaction step can be
sociated and chemisorbed, sulfur trioxide written as:
(a) Adsorption of oxygen controlling. SO2 (7 + <7 + (|O2)gas “> SO3 C7 + (7
(b) Adsorption of sulfur dioxide controlling.
(c) Desorption of sulfur trioxide controlling. II. Using the data on page 211, prepare plots of
(d) Surface reaction between sulfur dioxide r0 versus n for each temperature.
and atomic oxygen controlling. Reject any mechanisms that are grossly in-
2. For sulfur dioxide chemisorbed, oxygen in adequate by qualitative reasoning. Do not
gas phase and not adsorbed, sulfur trioxide attempt to do a complicated quantitative or
chemisorbed. statistical analysis.
For a Single-Site Mechanism
(e) Adsorption of sulfur dioxide Hint 1. Although sulfur dioxide and oxygen
controlling. do not appear to be present in equimolar
(f) Desorption of sulfur trioxide amounts for several of the data points, you may
controlling. assume, as Mathur and Thodos did, that they
(g) Surface reaction between chemisorbed are cióse enough for the purposes of this
sulfur dioxide and gaseous oxygen qualitative analysis.
controlling. Hint 2. Look for the presence or absence of
a máximum. Assume that the data have been
* Adapted from G. P. Mathur and G. Thodos, Chem. Eng.
Sci., 21 (1191) copyright © 1966. Used with permission taken over a wide enough range for a máximum
of Pergamon Press, Ltd. to show up if it were going to.
Problems 211

Superficial mass velocity

Initial rate
Total (lb-moles/hr-ft2)
lb-moles SO2
pressure Temperature, T Grams
SO2 hr-lb catalyst catalyst
atm O2 (°F)

1.54 1.14 1.33 0.0322 649 3.145

2.36 1.84 2.04 0.0489 649 3.145
3.72 2.61 2.92 0.0541 649 3.145
7.12 4.93 4.99 0.0757 649 3.145
9.84 4.29 6.01 0.0585 649 3.145
1.68 1.29 1.31 0.0320 649 2.372
2.36 1.83 1.90 0.0532 649 2.372
3.72 2.59 2.90 0.0642 649 2.372
7.12 4.87 4.94 0.0642 649 2.372
9.71 4.21 5.95 0.0514 649 2.372

1.54 1.13 1.32 0.0202 701 3.145

2.36 1.84 2.04 0.0904 701 3.145
7.12 4.94 4.98 0.0496 701 3.145
1.54 1.23 1.32 0.0289 701 2.372
2.36 1.83 1.90 0.0688 701 2.372
3.04 2.10 2.48 0.0845 701 2.372
3.72 2.59 2.90 0.0894 701 2.372
7.12 4.85 4.94 0.0520 701 2.372

1.54 1.13 1.33 0.0578 752 3.145

2.36 1.85 2.04 0.0620 752 3.145
3.72 2.62 2.93 0.0659 752 3.145
5.08 3.05 2.88 0.0817 752 3.145
7.12 4.93 4.99 0.0947 752 3.145
1.68 1.29 1.31 0.0459 752 2.372
2.36 1.83 1.90 0.0592 752 2.372
3.72 2.59 2.90 0.0679 752 2.372
5.08 3.04 3.88 0.0852 752 2.372
7.12 4.89 4.93 0.1031 752 2.372

14. The kinetics of the irreversible reaction number of gram moles of A converted per
A -> B 4- C has been studied in a laboratory minute per gram of catalyst.
scale recycle reactor. A nonporous solid catalyst
is being used to obtain an appreciable reaction (a) What is your interpretation of these data
rate. The data reported by your technician are in terms of the Hougen-Watson models?
shown in Figure 6P.6. Each of the sets of data (b) How would you replot these data in order
was recorded holding the partial pressures of to determine the rate constants and ad-
the other species constant. The homogeneous sorption equilibrium constants involved in
gas phase reaction may be neglected. The the model you propose in part (a)? These
reaction rate is expressed in terms of the plots are to be straight lines.
212 Elements of Heterogeneous Catalysis

15.* In a discussion of catalyst testing proce­

dieres, Dowden and Bridger \_Adv. Catalysis, 9
Rate (669), 1957] have reported the effect of partióle
size and mass velocity on the rate of oxidation
of SO2 to SO3. They studied this reaction at
Partial pressure of C, Pc
400 and at 470 CC using commercial catalyst
pellets (5.88 mm diameter) and two sizes of
crushed pellets (2.36 and 1.14 mm diameter).
In all runs the feedstream composition was kept

* This problem has been contributed by Professor C. N.

Satterfield of MIT.
Figure 6P.6
Rate versus partial pressure plots.

Figure 6P.7
Effect of particle size and linear velocity on conversión.
[Reprinted with permission from the contribution of D. A.
Dowden and G. W. Bridger to Advances in Catalysis, 9 (669).
Copyright © 1957, Academic Press.]
Problems 213

The effect of mass velocity on the conversión Catalytic surface

rate was studied by using a tube of fixed diam-
eter that was filled with a sample of a given Inlet Product
catalyst diameter to give beds with volumes of gas ‘ mixture
either 10 or 20 cm3. At a constant ratio of
catalyst weight to reactant feed, this method of
varying the bed volume has the effect of varying Figure 6P.9
Schematic diagram of reactor.
the mass velocity through the bed.
The data in Figure 6P.7 indicate the conver­
sión achieved for different operating conditions. The pressure range investigated was 20 to
What is your interpretation of these data? 200 mm Hg. In some of the 50 mm total pressure
runs Ar, He, and CO were added to the feed-
16. Carlton and Oxley [A.I.Ch.E. J., 13 (86), stream. In none of the studies did the conversión
1967] have studied the heterogeneous catalytic of the inlet Ni(CO)4 exceed 8%.
decomposition of nickel tetracarbonyl over the The effect of temperature on the decom­
temperature range from 100 to 225° C. position rate is shown in Figure 6P.10. In
Ni(CO)4 Ni + 4 CO Figure 6P.11 the effect of various additives to
the inlet stream is shown. In all cases shown
The equilibrium conversión for this reaction in this figure, a constant mass flow rate of
is shown as a function of temperature and
pressure in Figure 6P.8. The conversión is
Temperature, °C
expressed in terms of the percent nickel tetra­
carbonyl decomposed at equilibrium.
A schematic diagram of the system used in
this kinetic study is shown in Figure 6P.9.

Temperature, °C
Figure 6P.10
Figure 6P.8 Effect of temperature on decomposition rate at a
Equilibrium decomposition of nickel tetracarbonyl. Reynolds number of about 15 and a pressure of
[Reprinted with permission from AlChE J., 13 (86), 20 torr. [Reprinted with permission from AlChE J.,
1967.] 13 (86), 1967.]
214 Elements of Heterogeneous Catalysis

Reynolds number

Figure 6P.12
Effect of flow rate on nickel deposition at 50 torr
total pressure. [Reprinted with permission from
AlChE J., 73(86), 1967.]

Ni(CO)4 was used. In yet another series of

runs the effect of the gas Reynolds number on
Figure 6P.11 the decomposition rate was studied. These data
Effect of diluent on deposition rafe of nickel at 50 are shown in Figure 6P.12.
torr total pressure. [Reprinted with permission Interpret the data shown in Figure 6P.8 and
from AlChE J., 13 (86), 1967.] Figures 6P.10 to 6P.12.
"I Liquid Phase Reactions

7.0 INTRODUCTION This chapter discusses the aspects of the ki-

netic behavior of reactions in liquid solutions
The dynamic behavior of reactions in liquids that are most germane to the education of a
may differ appreciably from that of gas phase chemical engineer. Particular emphasis is placed
reactions in several important respects. The on catalysis by acids, bases, and enzymes and a
short-range nature of intermolecular forces useful technique for correlating kinetic data.
leads to several major differences in the macro- Solvent molecules may play a variety of roles
scopic properties of the system, often with con- in liquid phase reactions. In some cases they
comitant effects on the dynamics of chemical merely provide a physical environment in which
reactions occurring in the liquid phase. encounters between reactant molecules take
The various effects are often classified as place much as they do in gas phase reactions.
physical or chemical, depending on the role Thus they may act merely as space fillers and
played by solvent molecules in the course of the have negligible influence on the observed re­
elementary reaction acts. The effects associated action rate. At the other extreme, the solvent
with the presence of solvent molecules are molecules may act as reactants in the sequence
chemical in nature when the solvent molecules of elementary reactions constituting the mecha­
themselves (or fragments thereof) participate in nism. Although a thorough discussion of these
the microscopic reaction acts that comprise the effects would be beyond the scope of this text-
reaction mechanism. In some cases the solvent book, the paragraphs that follow indicate some
molecules are regenerated by the sequence of important aspects with which the budding ki-
reactions and, like catalysts, do not enter into neticist should be familiar.
the overall stoichiometry of the reaction. In The most important physical effects asso­
other cases there may be a net increase or de­ ciated with the presence of the solvent are elec-
crease in the amount of solvent present. How- trostatic in nature. The production of ions from
ever, in the majority of the situations likely to be neutral species in the gas phase involves a large
encountered in industrial practice, the changes energy requirement (a few hundred kilocalories/
in solvent concentration arising from its parti- gram mole). Consequently, ionic species are
cipation in the reaction stoichiometry will not seldom involved in gas phase reaction mecha­
be appreciable. When solvent molecules play a nisms. In solution the interaction energy be­
chemical role, this effect is superimposed on a tween the solvent molecules and the ions may
number of physical effects arising from the inter- often be of the same order of magnitude as the
play of intermolecular forces in liquid solution. energy required for formation of ions from their
The most significant of the physical effects is neutral precursors. The interactions between
ionization, which affords the possibility of alter- reactant and solvent molecules thus may be
native reaction mechanisms to those normally strong enough to stabilize a charge on a frag-
occurring in vapor phase reactions, with con- ment of a reactant molecule. Ionic species are
comitant changes in the energy requirements for then more likely to be present in much higher
the molecular processes constituting the reaction concentrations in the liquid phase than in the
mechanism. The net energy requirements for the vapor phase and are much more likely to be
conversión of reactants to producís, however, involved as reaction intermediates in liquid
remain unchanged. phase reactions.

216 Liquid Phase Reactions

Electrostatic effects other than ionization are actant molecules. These encounters will differ
ateo important. Interactions between reacting appreciably from gas phase collisions in that
ions depend on the local electrical environ- they will occur in cióse proximity to solvent
ment of the ions and thus reflect the influence molecules. Indeed, in liquids any individual
of the dielectric constant of the solvent and the molecule will always be interacting with several
presence of other ions and various solutes that surrounding molecules at the same time, and the
may be present. In dilute solutions the influence notion of a bimolecular collision becomes rather
of iónic strength on reaction rates is felt in the arbitrary. Nontheless, a number of approaches
primary and secondary salí effects (see below). to formulating expressions for collision fre-
Another important physical effect arising quencies in the liquid phase have appeared in
from the presence of solvent molecules is the the chemical literature through the years. The
efficiency of energy transfer. In condensed phases simplest of these approaches presumes that the
the rapid energy transfer in the abundant colli- gas phase collision frequeney expression is
sions between reactant and solvent molecules directly applicable to the calculation of liquid
maintains vibrational thermal equilibrium at all phase collision frequencies. The rationale for
times. Other solvent effects on reaction rates and this approach is that for several second-ordcr
mechanisms inelude effects arising from the gas phase reactions that are ateo second-order
acidity of the médium; effects of selective solva- in various solvents, the rate constants and pre-
tion by one component in a mixed solvent or of exponential factors are pretty much the same
different degrees of solvation by different in the gas phase and in various solvents. For
solvents of the reactants, reaction interme- further discussion of the collision theory ap­
diates (including activated complexes), and re­ proach ¿o reactions in liquids, consult the
action producís; effects-arising from hydrogen monograph by North (3).
bonding; effects of changing from a protic sol­ There is another aspect of collisions in liquid
vent (one that may be regarded as a hydrogen solution that is of particular interest with regard
bond donor, such as H2O, NH3, and alcohols) to chemical reactions. Collisions in solution are
to a dipolar aprotic solvent (not a hydrogen often repeated, so that múltiple collisions of the
bond donor, such as acetone, SO2, or nitroben- same two molecules occur. Consider the mole­
zene); and cage effects. The various solvent cules labeled A and B in Figure 7.1. Each
effects may, of course, be superimposed or over- molecule is surrounded by several neighboring
lap one another such that they are inextricably molecules. In view of the short-range order
linked. The magnitude of these solvent effects typical of liquids, the neighboring molecules
may range from insignificance to several powers will all be located at approximately the same
of ten. For example, at 25 °C the reaction distance from the molecule in question. This
ch3i + cr -> ch3ci + r distance will be somewhat larger than a typical
occurs more than 106 times as fast in dimethyl- hard sphere molecular diameter, but consider-
acetamide as in acetone (1). On the other hand, ably less than twice this diameter. Consequently,
the decomposition of nitrogen pentoxide in geometric and molecular forcé considerations
several different solvents is characterized by rate indicate that the passage of any specified refer-
constants that lie within a factor of two of the ence molecule between any two neighbors will
gas phase rate constant (2). be restricted by the repulsive portion of the
Since the forces giving rise to the formation intramolecular potential. To escape from the
of chemical bonds are very short-range forces, “cage” formed by the surrounding molecules,
reactions in liquid solutions will require some the reference molecule must surmount the
sort of encounter or “collision” between re­ energy barrier presented by the repulsive forces.
7.1 Electrostatic Effects in Liquid Solution 217

energy requirements (e.g., free radical recom-

binations). Such reactions will occur at virtually
every collision. For these reactions the rate is
limited by diffusional processes within the liquid
phase in that virtually every collision between
reactants leads to reaction. Since these reactions
have negligible activation energies, their reaction
rate constants are expected to be inversely
proportional to the time elapsing between sets
or groups of collisions.
The cage effect described above is also referred
to as the Franck-Rabinowitch effect (5). It has
one other major influence on reaction rates
that is particularly noteworthy. In many photo-
chemical reactions there is often an initiatioñ
Figure 7.1 step in which the absorption of a photon leads
Schematic representation oí the cage effect. to homolytic cleavage of a reactant molecule
with concomitant production of two free radi­
This molecule will undergo many collisions with cáis. In gas phase systems these radicáis are
its nearest molecules before it escapes from the readily able to diffuse away from one another.
cage. In the case of two solute molecules hemmed In liquid solutions, however, the pair of radicáis
in by solvent molecules, múltiple collisions will formed initially are caged in by surrounding
occur before one or both of the solute molecules solvent molecules and often will recombine
can diffuse out of the cage. In liquid solution before they can diffuse away from one another.
then, the total number of collisions is com­ This phenomenon is referred to as primary re-
parable in magnitude to the number of gas phase combination, as opposed to secondary recom-
collisions, but repeated collisions are favored bination, which occurs when free radicáis
over fresh collisions. combine after having previously been separated
It has been estimated (4) that in most common from one another. The net effect of primary
solvents at room temperature two reactant recombination processes is to reduce the photo-
molecules within a cage of solvent molecules chemical yield of radicáis formed in the initiation
will collide from 10 to a 1000 times before they step for the reaction.
sepárate. The number of collisions per encounter
will reflect variations in solvent viscosity, molec­
ular separation distances, and the strength of
the pertinent intermolecular forces. High viscosi- In dilute solutions it is possible to relate the
ties, high liquid densities, and low temperatures activity coefficients of ionic species to the com-
favor many collisions per encounter. position of the solution, its dielectric properties,
The tendency for liquid phase collisions to the temperature, and certain fundamental con­
occur in groups or sets does not have a very stants. Theoretical approaches to the develop-
large effect for ordinary reactions that involve ment of such relations trace their origins to the
a significant activation energy, since no individ­ classic pápers by Debye and Hückel (6-8). For
ual collision within the set is more likely to detailpd treatments of this subject, refer to
lead to reaction than any other. On the other standard physical chemistry texts or to treatises
hand, some reactions have zero or minimal on electrolyte solutions [e.g., that by Harned
218 Liquid Phase Reactions

and Owen (9)]. The Debye-Hückel theory is the Debye-Hückel limiting law is applicable.
useless for quantitative calculations in most of The slope of such lines is nearly equal to the
the reaction systems encountered in industrial product of the ionic charges of the reactants
practice because such systems normally employ
concentrated solutions. However, it may be There are three general classes of ionic reac­
used together with the transition state theory to tions to which these equations may be applied.
predict the qualitative influence of ionic strength
1. Reactions between ions of the same sign
on reaction rate constants.
(zAzB is positive) for which the rate constant
For a bimolecular reaction between species A
increases with increasing ionic strength.
and B, the analysis gives an equation of the form
2. Reactions between ions of opposite sign
(zAzB is negative) for which the rate constant
k = k0 ^ (7.1.1) decreases with increasing ionic strength.
3. Reactions between an uncharged species and
where k0 is the rate constant in infinitely dilute an ion that this equation predicts to be in-
solution and yA, yB, and yxAB are the activity co- dependent of ionic strength (zAzB = 0)
efficients of species 4, B, and the activated
complex, respectively. Several tests of the validity of the last equation
If limiting forms of the Debye-Hückel expres- have been made through the years. Figure 7.2,
sion for activity coefficients are used, this taken from Laidler (10), indicates the variation
equation becomes of log(k//c0) with ionic strength for a variety of
reactions. All factors considered, the agreement
87iN0 of theory and experiment are quite remarkable
íooo for a great many reactions. Note that the bulk
-v - x.. ,v(1 , -x-bv f. 2(kBTDy/2~
of the data are reported in a range of ionic
(7.1.2) strengths that would normally be expected to be
where outside the range of validity of the Debye-
zA and zB represent the number (and sign) of Hückel limiting law (below =0.1 for 1:1
charges on the ions A and B electrolytes and below = 0.03 for higher
q is the charge on an electrón valence ions). Equation 7.1.2 appears to be
N() is Avogadro’s number capable of extrapolation to much higher ionic
kB is the Boltzmann constant strengths for the reactions indicated. Also note
T is the absolute temperature that the magnitude of the effect can be quite
D is the dielectric constant of the médium significant, particularly for reactions that involve
/i is the ionic strength of the solution ions with múltiple charges. Even in the case of
reactions where zAzB = ±1, the use of “inert”
V = KZQz,2) (7.1.3) salts to increase the ionic strength can cause the
where C¿ is the molar concentration of species i. rate to increase or decrease by as much as 50%.
In dilute aqueous solution at 25 °C Equation 7.1.2 characterizes what is known
as the primary salt effect (i.e. the influence of
log k = log k0 + 2zAzBy/^i(Q.5O9) (7.1.4) ionic strength on the reaction rate through the
This equation is known as the Br^nsted- activity coefficients of the reactants and the
Bjerrum equation. It may be-derived in several activated complex). Much early work on ionic
ways. It predicts that a plot of log k versus the reactions is relatively useless because this effect
square root of the ionic strength should be was not understood. Now it is common practice
linear over the range of ionic strengths where in studies of ionic reactions to add a considerable
7.2 Pressure Effects on Reactions in Liquid Solution 219

addition of substances that do not appear in

the stoichiometric equation for the reaction.
However, it is preferable not to regard it as a
form of catalysis, since added salts affect the
rate by changing the environment in which the
reaction occurs through their influence on elec-
trostatic forces instead of by opening up alterna-
tive reaction paths.
For more detailed treatments of ion-molecule
reactions in liquid solution, consult the books
by Amis (11), Amis and Hinton (12), and the
review article by Clark and Wayne (13).



The effect of external pressure on the rates of

M7’, (moles/liter)’4
liquid phase reactions is normally quite small
Figure 7.2 and, unless one goes to pressures of several
Plots of log10 (k/k0) against the square root of the hundred atmospheres, the effect is difficult to
ionic strength, for ionic reactions of various types. observe. In terms of the transition state ap-
The lines are drawn with slopes equal to zAzB. (10) proach to reactions in solution, the equilibrium
The molecular species involved in the rate con- existing between reactants and activated com-
trolling steps are as follows. plexes may be analyzed in terms of Le Chatelier’s
A Co(NH3)5Br2+ + Hg2 + (z4z. = 4) principie or other theorems of moderation. The
B S2O82’ + 1 = 2) concentration of activated complex species (and
C CO(OC2H5)N:NO2 + OH (zAzB = 1) henee the reaction rate) will be increased by an
D (Cr(urea)6)3+ + H2O (*,.*» = 0) increase in hydrostatic pressure if the volume of
(open circles)
the activated complex is less than the sum of
CH3COOC2H5 + OH (z»zn = 0) the volumes of the reactant molecules. The rate
(closed circles)
H + Br + H2O2
of reaction will be decreased by an increase in
E (<.*s = -1)
F Co(NH3)5Br2+ + OH (zAzB = -2) external pressure if the volume of the activated
G Fe2+ + Co(C,O4)r (zAz„ = -6) complex molecules is greater than the sum of
(From Chemical Kinetics by K. J. Laidler. Copyright the volumes of the reactant molecules. For a
© 1965. Used with permission of McGraw-Hill Book decrease in external pressure, the opposite would
Company.) be true. In most cases the rates of liquid phase
reactions are enhanced by increased pressure,
but there are also many cases where the converse
excess of inert salt (e.g., NaCl) to the reaction situation prevails.
mixture. This practice ensures that the ionic In order to properly account for the effect of
strength does not vary substantially during the pressure on liquid phase reaction rates one
course of the reaction as it might if puré water should eliminate the pressure dependence of the
were used. To the uninitiated observer, the concentration terms by expressing the latter in
primary salt effect might appear to be a form terms of mole ratios. It is then customary to
of catalysis, since the rate is affected by the express the general dependence of the rate
220 Liquid Phase Reactions

constant on pressure as 7.3 HOMOGENEOUS CATALYSIS IN

p £n /A AV++
/r rt A catalyst has been defined previously as a
substance that influences the rate or the direction
where A 7* is the volume of activation for the of a chemical reaction without being appreciably
reaction. If pressure-dependent concentration consumed. Another definition of a catalyst that
units (e.g., moles per liter) are employed to is particularly appropriate for reactions in
determine the rate constant, this equation must liquid solution is the following: “A substance
be corrected by a term accounting for the com- is said to be a catalyst for a reaction in a homo-
pressibility of the solution. In many cases the geneous system when its concentration occurs
correction term is negligible, but this situation in the velocity expression to a higher power than
does not always prevail. Nonetheless, much of it does in the stoichiometric equation” (15). In
the high-pressure rate constant data available the overwhelming majority of cases, catalysts
in the literature do not take this factor into ac- influence reaction rates by opening up alter-
count, and a good design engineer must properly native sequences of molecular reactions linking
evalúate the validity of the reported valúes the reactant and product states. Catalyst species
before using them in calculations. Since high participate in elementary reaction steps, forming
pressures usually enhance reaction rates, activa­ reaction intermediates that, in turn, react to
tion volumes are negative for most reactions. yield eventually the reaction producís and re­
Equation 7.2.1 implies that the rate constant genérate the original catalyst species.
for a reaction increases with increasing pressure Homogeneous catalytic processes are those
if AE* is negative, which is the most common in which the catalyst is dissolved in a liquid
situation. In this case the transition state has a reaction médium. There are a variety of chemical
smaller volume than the initial state. On the species that may act as homogeneous catalysts
other hand, pressure increases bring about a (e.g., anions, cations, neutral species, association
decrease in the reaction rate if the formation of complexes, and enzymes). All such reactions
the activated complex requires a volume in­ appear to involve a chemical interaction between
crease. the catalyst and the substrate (the substance
Substitution of typical numerical valúes of undergoing reaction). The bulk of the material
Al/Í into equation 7.2.1 indicates that at room in this section will focus on acid-base and
temperature AV*/RT ~ 10“ 3 atm-1, so that enzyme catalysis. Students interested in learning
one needs to go to pressures of several hundred more about these subjects and other aspects of
or several thousand atmospheres to observe homogeneous catalysis should consult appro­
significant effects or to obtain accurate valúes priate texts (11-12, 16-29) or the original
of A V* from plots of fn k versus pressure. literature.
Activation volumes may be used to elucidate
the mechanisms of classes of reactions involving
the same functional groups, and changes in 7.3.1 Acid-Base Catalysis
activation volumes can be used to characterize
the point at which a change in reaction mecha- In acid-base catalysis there is at least one step in
nism takes place in a series of homologous the reaction mechanism that consists of a
reactions. generalized acid-base reaction (a proton trans-
For a detailed treatment of the kinetics of fer between the catalyst and the substrate). The
reactions at high pressures, consult the review protonated or deprotonated reactant species or
article by Eckert (14). intermedíate then reacts further, either with
7.3 Homogeneous Catalysis in Liquid Solution 221

another species in the solution or by a decom- Early studies of the catalytic hydrolysis of
position process. esters indicated that in many cases, for strong
The relative ease with which proton transfer acids, the observed rate constants were inde-
is accomplished is responsible for the impor- pendent of the anion, and it became generally
tance of the generalized acid-base concept in accepted that the active catalyst was a hydrogen
solution chemistry. The Br^nsted concept of ion. In other reactions, it became necessary to
acidity is most useful in this respect. Br^nsted consider the effects of the hydroxide ion con-
defined an acid as a species that tends to give up centration and also the rate of the uncatalyzed
a proton and a base as a species that tends to reaction. The result was a three-term expression
accept a proton. In this sense any proton for the apparent rate constant:
transfer process having the general form
^apparent = ^0 + ^H + [H + ] + ^Oh [OH ]
HX + Y -> HY + X (7.3.1) (7.3.2)

may be regarded as an acid-base reaction where the first term corresponds to the un­
between a Br^nsted acid HX and a Br^nsted catalyzed reaction, the second to catalysis by
base Y to form a conjúgate base X and a hydrogen ions, and the third to catalysis by
conjúgate acid H Y. The various species involved hydroxide ions. The three rate constants ap-
in these reactions may be ions or neutral pearing in this expression vary with temperature
molecules. and with the nature of the reaction involved.
The unique properties of the proton have been Depending on the reaction conditions and
attributed by some authors to the fact that it has the reaction involved, one or two of these terms
no electronic or geometric structure. The ab- may be negligible compared to the other(s).
sence of any electrón shell implies that it will When only the hydronium ion is effective in
have a radius that is about 105 times smaller catalyzing the reaction, the process is referred
than any other catión and that there will be no to as specific acid catalysis. When only hydroxide
repulsive interactions between electrón clouds ions are effective, the process is classified as
as a proton approaches another reactant species. specific base catalysis. When both terms are
The lack of any geometric or electronic structure significant, the catalysis is characterized as
also implies that there will not be any steric specific acid and specific base catalysis.
limitations with regard to orientation of the Although the concepts of specific acid and
proton. However, it still must attack the other specific base catalysis were useful in the analysis
reactant molecule at the appropriate site. of some early kinetic data, it soon became
The small size of the proton relative to its apparent that any species that could effect a
charge makes the proton very effective in proton transfer with the substrate could exert a
polarizing the molecules in its immediate vi- catalytic influence on the reaction rate. Conse­
cinity and consequently leads to a very high quently, it became desirable to employ the more
degree of solvation in a polar solvent. In general Br0nsted-Lowry definition of acids and
aqueous solutions, the primary solvation process bases and to write the reaction rate constant as
involves the formation of a covalent bond with k = k0 + kH+(H3O+) + /<oh-(OH-)
the oxygen atom of a water molecule to form a
hydronium ion H3O + . Secondary solvation + E ^,) + X kXj(Xj)
i j
of this species then occurs by additional water
molecules. Whenever we use the term hydrogen (7.3.3)
ion in the future, we are referring to the H3O+ where HXt and Xj represent all other acid and
species. base species present in the solution apart from
222 Liquid Phase Reactions

H3O+ and OH-. Reactions that are dependent beyond the scope of this text. Consult the books
on the concentrations of HX¡ and Xj are by Bell (22, 23), Frost and Pearson (20), Laidler
categorized as involving general acid and general (16), Bender (17), and Hiñe (31) for a further
base catalysis. Table 7.1, adapted from Ashmore introduction to this topic.
(30), indicates a number of catalytic reactions Since the rates of acid and base catalyzed
of the specific and general acid-base types in reactions are sensitive to variations in the
order to provide some orientation as to the types solution pH, it is instructive to consider the
of reactions in the various categories. A thor- types of behavior that can be observed in
ough discussion of these reactions is obviously aqueous solution in the laboratory. The disso-

Table 7.1
Examples of Acid and Base Catalysis in Aqueous Solution (30)

Type of
catalysis Brief title of reaction Equation of reaction

Specific acid Inversión of cañe sugar CI2H22On + H,O = C6H12O6 + C6H12O6

Hydrolysis of acetáis R1CH(OR2)2 + H2O = RfCHO + 2R2OH
Hydration of unsaturated CH2:CH CHO + H2O = CH2OH CH2 CHO

Specific base Cleavage diacetone-alcohol CH3COCH2C(OH)(CH3)2 = 2(CH3)2 CO

Claisen condensation C6H5CHO + CHyCHO = C6H5CH:CHO + H2O
Aldo! condensation 2R CH2 CHO = R CH2 CH(OH) CHR CHO

Specific acid Hydrolysis ofy-lactones CH2 CH2 CH2 C:O + H2O = CH2OH CH2 CH2 COOH
and base 1------- O--------- 1

Hydrolysis of amides RCONH2 + H2O = rcoonh4

Hydrolysis of esters RfCOOR2 + H2O = RfCOOH + R2OH

General acid Decomposition of acetaldehyde CH3CH(OH)2 = CHyCHO + H2O

Hydrolysis of o-esters HC (OC2H5)3 + H2O = H COOC2H5 + 2C2H5OH
Formation of nitro-compound CH2:NO2- + acid = CH3NO2 + base’

General base Decomposition of nitramide NH2NO2 = N2O + H2O

Bromination of nitromethane CH3NO2 + Br2 = CH2BrNO2 + HBr
Aldol with acetaldehyde 2CH3CHO = CH3CH(OH)CH2CHO

General acid Halogenation, exchange, R CO CH3 + X2 = R CO CH2X + XH

and base racemization of ketones
Addition to carbonyl RfCO R2 + NH2OH = RjR2 COH NHOH

Reprinted with permission from Catalysis and Inhibition of Chemical Reactions by P. G. Ashmore. Copyright ©
1963, Butterworths.
7.3 Homogeneous Catalysis in Liquid Solution 223

ciation constant for water may be written as

Kw = CH+][OH-] (7.3.4)
Combining equations 7.3.4 and 7.3.2 indicates
that in aqueous media for specific acid-base

^apparent = ^0 + ^H+EH + ] + (7.3.5)


Aparen. = *0 + + ^OH [OH'] (7.3.6)

In many cases one or two of the three terms

on the right side of these equations is negligible
compared to the others. In a 0.1N strong acid,
for example, the second term is kH + x 10_1,
while the last term is kOH_ x 10“13, since
Kw ~ 10“14 Consequently, unless the ratio
(^oh-Ah+) is 109 or more, the third term will be
negligible compared to the second. This large a
ratio is not often encountered in practice. By
the same sort of argument, it can be shown
that in a 0.1N strong base, catalysis by hydrogen Figure 7.3
ions will usually be unimportant relative to Schematic representation of log k-pH profiles for
catalysis by hydroxide ions. Normally one finds various types of acid-base catalysis.
that there will be a lower limit on hydrogen ion
terms of one or more of the various forms of the
concentration, above which catalysis by hydro­
specific acid-base catalysis equation (equation
xide ions may be regarded as insignificant.
7.3.2). Skrabal (32) has classified the various
Similarly, there is usually a range of pH valúes
possibilities that may arise in reactions of this
in the high pH región where catalysis by hydro­
type, and Figure 7.3 is based on this classifi-
gen ions will be negligible and the hydroxide
cation. The various forms of the plots of log k
ions will be responsible for the catalytic effect.
versus pH reflect the relative importance of
Within the pH range where the hydrogen ions
each of the various terms in equation 7.3.2 as
are solely responsible for the catalytic effect,
the pH shifts. Curve a represents the most
the apparent rate constant will be linear in the
general type of behavior. It consists of a región
hydrogen ion concentration. Consequently, it
where acid catalysis is superimposed on the
is a straightforward task to determine kH+ from
noncatalytic reaction, a región where neither
a plot of the apparent rate constant versus
acid ñor base catalysis is significant, and a
hydrogen ion concentration. Within the pH
región where base catalysis is superimposed on
range where hydroxide ions are solely respon­
the spontaneous reaction. At low pH, the bulk
sible for the catalysis, one may use an analogous
of the reaction may be attributed to the acid
procedure to determine kOH-.
catalyzed reaction and
There are several types of pH-dependent
kinetic behavior that can be interpreted in ^apparent (7.3.7)
224 Liquid Phase Reactions

Thus We have indicated how to determine the vari­

ous kinetic constants appearing in the expression
log k apparent log kH + + log[H3O + ]
for specific acid and base catalysis. Let us now
= log/cH+-pH (7.3.8) consider how to evalúate the various contribu-
The slope of the left arm of curve a is thus — 1. tions to the rate constant in the case of general
At intermedíate pH valúes, the rate is inde- acid-base catalysis. For reactions of this type
pendent of pH, so k0 may be determined in a solution of a weak acid or base and its
directly from kinetic measurements in this pH corresponding salt, the possible catalysts indi­
regime. At high pH the only significant contri- cated by equation 7.3.3 are the hydronium ion,
butiori to the rate constant is that arising from the hydroxide ion, the undissociated weak acid
specific base catalysis. In terms of equation (or base), and the conjúgate base (or acid). In the
7.3.5, case of acetic acid the general acid would be the
neutral CH3COOH species and the conjúgate
/ ¿-i q
^apparent — |"H + 1 (7.3.9) base would be the acétate ion (CH3COO). In
this case the apparent rate constant can be
or written as
log Apparent = Í0g(/cOH - K„,) “ logH3O +
/coh-(OH )
^apparent = ^0 + ^H + (H3O+) +
= 10g(<oH -Kw) + pH
+ Zcha(HA) + kA-(A“) (7.3.11)
Henee, at high pH, the slope of the log kapparenl The five constants appearing in this expression
versus pH plot is +1. may be determined by a systematic variation of
The various other forms of the log rate con­ the experimental conditions so as to make one
stant versus pH plots may be analyzed in similar or more of the contributing terms negligible
terms. In curve b the horizontal portion of the within a given set of experiments. By carrying
curve is missing, indicating that the spontaneous out experiments in the absence of acétate ions
reaction at no time contributes significantly to and acetic acid, it is possible to determine the
the observed reaction rate. If either fcH + or kOH- constants k0, kH + , and kOH- using the procedure
is sufficiently small, the contribution to kapparent outlined previously for specific acid and specific
from the catalytic effect in question will be negli- base catalysis. Strong acids and strong bases
gible, and the corresponding arm of the curve whose corresponding anions and cations are
will be missing. Henee, curve c refleets a com­ known to exhibit no catalytic activity are used
binaron of specific base catalysis and the in- as the source of hydronium and hydroxide ions.
trinsic reaction, while curve d represents a One may then proceed to determine the con­
combination of specific acid catalysis and the stants characteristic of generalized acid and base
intrinsic reaction. If the horizontal región and catalysis by using a buffer solution of the weak
one arm of the curve are missing, one has the acid and its conjúgate base. In a series of buffer
degenerate forms of the rate constant expression solution experiments the absolute concentra-
indicated by equations 7.3.7 and 7.3.9. Curve e tions of undissociated acetic acid species and
corresponds to specific acid catalysis and curve/ acétate ions may be varied while maintaining a
to specific base catalysis. More complex depen­ constant ratio (q) of these concentrations. In
dencies of log k on pH have also been observed these experiments the ionic strength should also
in the laboratory and, in these more complicated be maintained constant in order to ensure that
systems, considerable ambiguity may arise in the the activity coefficients of the various species do
interpretation of the kinetic data. not change. From a consideration of the dis-
7.3 Homogeneous Catalysis in Liquid Solution 225

sociation equilibrium, it is evident that ionic strength of the solutions in which they
take place. There are two types of salt effects
(H + ) = = Kaq (7.3.12) that are significant in acid-base catalysis. The
(A ) first of these is the primary salt effect, discussed
where Ka is the dissociation constant for the in Section 7.1. This effect is significant for reac-
acid. The hydrogen ion concentration will not tions in solution involving ionic species. It
vary if the ratio (HA)/(A“) is maintained con­ operates by influencing the activity coefficients
stant. Thus the first three terms on the right side of the reactants and the activated complex. The
of equation 7.3.11 may be represented by a con­ second effect is referred to as the secondary salt
stant /q under these conditions. The equation effect. It operates by changing the actual con­
may then be rewritten as centrations of the catalytically active ions. It
may cause either an increase or a decrease in the
^apparent = ^1 + (HA)(/cha + ^A /(?)- (7.3.13) rate constant, and it may be either larger or
By plotting the measured rate constant versus smaller than a primary salt effect. In some
the undis'sociated acid concentration, one ob- instances both effects occur simultaneously, and
tains for this type of catalysis a straight line with a cancellation of effects can make the reaction
intercept k{ and slope = (/cHa + &a-/<?)• If rate appear to be independent of ionic strength.
the procedure is repeated for other ratios, The secondary salt effect is important when
enough information is obtained to permit eval­ the catalytically active ions are produced by
uaron of /cha and kA-. The hydrogen and hy- the dissociation of a weak electrolyte. In solu­
droxide ion concentrations corresponding to a tions of weak acids and weak bases, added salts,
given ratio q may be determined from equation even if they do not exert a common ion effect,
7.3.12 and the dissociation constant for water. can influence hydrogen and hydroxide ion con­
It should be evident that the calculations and centrations through their influence on activity
the necessary experimental program are simpli- coefficients.
fied if one or more of the contributions is If one considers a reaction catalyzed by
negligible under appropriate conditions. In a hydrogen ions formed by the dissociation of a
relatively simple system in which either /cHA or weak acid HA, the hydrogen ion concentration
kA is zero, the existence of general acid or is governed by the following relation:
general base catalysis may be deduced from the
?H*yA- (H+)(A~)
pH dependence of the reaction. (7.3.14)
A reaction catalyzed by undissociated acid 7ha (HA)
will have the dependence of log k on pH shown where Ka is the equilibrium constant for the
in Figure 7.3g. Specific acid and specific base reaction and the y¡s are the activity coefficients
catalysis are presumed to be absent. If specific of the various species. Taking logarithms and
and general acid and base catalysis are both rearranging gives
operative, one is able to obtain a variety of
interesting log k versus pH curves, depending
log(H + ) = log Ka + log + log
on the relative contributions of the different
terms in various pH ranges. Curves i and j of
Figure 7.3 are simple examples of these types.
Since specific acid and specific base catalysis The concentration of hydrogen ions depends
and generalized acid and generalized base cata­ on the ionic strength through the ratio of
lysis by cations and anions all involve ionic activity coefficients appearing in the dissociation
species, these processes are influenced by the equilibrium expression. Any change in ionic
226 Liquid Phase Reactions

strength affects the y terms and thus the hydro- ciently large that any varialions caused by the
gen ion concentration. Consequently, if a reac- progress of the reaction will be negligible. This
tion is catalyzed by hydrogen (or hydroxide approach is similar to the method of excess
ions), the rate becomes dependent on ionic concentrations discussed in Chapter 3. It is
strength through this secondary salt effect. particularly useful in attempts to determine the
For the range of concentrations where the rate expression for reactions that would involve
Debye-Hückel theory is applicable it is possible significant changes in ionic strength if carried
to place the theory of the secondary salt effect out in the absence of extraneous ionic species.
on a more quantitative basis by using Debye- Unfortunately, the rate constants determined in
Hückel relations for the various activity coefñ- this fashion may be quite different from those
cients appearing in equation 7.3.15 or its more in highly dilute solutions. Nonetheless it is good
general analog. For an acid of charge z and its laboratory practice to add small quantities of
conjúgate base of charge (z — 1), the analogous electrolytes to those reaction systems believed
equation is to involve ionic species in order to determine
the possible presence of ionic strength effects.
log(H + ) = log Ka + log Some judgment must be used in the selection
of the added ions in order to choose species that
are noncatalytic in themselves and thus influence
+ log ( ?HAZ j (7.3.16) reaction rates only through the charges resulting
V’h + Zv- ■/ from electrolytic dissociation.
If the Debye-Hückel limiting law is used to
evalúate the various activity coefficients in 7.3.2 Catalysis by Enzymes
aqueous solution at 25 °C, the last equation
becomes Enzymes are protein molecules that possess
exceptional catalytic properties. They are essen-
tial to plant and animal life processes. Enzymes
log(H + ) = log Ka + log - _. T)
are remarkable catalysts in at least three re-
spects: activity, specificity, and versatility.
- 0.509^(2)(z - 1) (7.3.17)
The high activity of enzymes becomes ap-
In the most common case z = 0, and the parent when the rates of enzyme catalyzed
secondary salt effect implies that the hydrogen reactions are compared to those of the corre-
ion concentration will increase with increasing sponding nonenzymatic reaction or to the same
ionic strength. However, the direction of the reaction catalyzed by an inorganic species. Rate
effect is determined by the sign of the quantity enhancements on the order of 108 to 1011 are
(z - 1). not unusual in the presence of enzymes. Enzyme
The existence of the primary and secondary efficiencies are often measured in terms of turn-
salt effects indicates the importance of main- over numbers. This number is defined as the
taining control over ionic strength in kinetics number of molecules that are caused to react
studies. One may choose to keep the ionic in 1 min by one molecule of catalyst. For many
strength low so as to minimize its effects, or common reactions the turnover number is in
one may make a series of measurements at excess of 103 and, in some cases, it may exceed
various ionic strengths in order to permit extra­ 106. High enzyme turnover numbers are largely
polaron to the limit of infinitely dilute solution. the result of greatly reduced activation energies
Another useful alternative is to maintain the for the enzymatic reaction relative to other
ionic strength constant at a valué that is suffi- modes of effecting the reactions in question.
7.3 Hoinogeneous Catalysis in Liquid Solution 227

Enzymes are often considered to function by the substrate, thereby producing a reaction
general acid-base catalysis or by covalent cata­ intermediate in the sequence of steps leading to
lysis, but these considerations alone cannot product formation. The detailed configuration
account for the high efficiency of enzymes. of the enzyme molecule—including the con­
Proximity and orientation effects may be par- formaron of the protein in folds or coils as well
tially responsible for the discrepancy, but even as the chemical structure near the active site—
the inclusión of these effects does not resolve is quite important, and it is said that the geo­
the disparity between observed and theoretically metric configuration is such that only molecules
predicted rates. These and other aspects of the with certain structural properties can fit. This
theories of enzyme catalysis are treated in the is the famous “lock and key” hypothesis for
monographs by Jencks (33) and Bender (34). enzyme activity that dates back to the work of
Enzyme specificities are categorized in terms Fischer in 1894. More sophisticated models that
of the manner in which enzymes interact with purport to explain enzyme specificity have been
various substrates. Some enzymes will cause proposed through the years, but the basic con-
only a single substrate to react. This type of cept that specificity results from steric or geo­
specificity is known as absolute specificity. An metric considerations remains unchanged.
example is urease, which catalyzes only the The third remarkable aspect of enzyme cata­
hydrolysis of urea. Other enzymes will react lysis is the versatility of these species. They
only with substrates having certain functional catalyze an extremely wide variety of reactions—
groups in certain positions relative to the bond oxidation, reduction, polymerization, dehydra-
to be attacked. This situation is called group tion, dehydrogenation, etc. Their versatility is a
specificity. An example of enzymes of this type reflection of the range and complexity of the
is pepsin, which requires an aromatic group to chemical reactions necessary to sustain life in
be present in a certain position relative to a plants and animáis.
peptide linkage in order to effect its hydrolysis.
Reaction specificity is the least specific type of 73.2.1 Rate Expressions for Enzyme Catalyzed
enzyme catalysis. It requires only that a certain Single-Substrate Reactions. The vast majority
type of bond be present in the substrate. En­ of the reactions catalyzed by enzymes are
zymes such as the lipases will catalyze the believed to involve a series of bimolecular or
hydrolysis of any organic ester. Many enzymes unimolecular steps. The simplest type of en-
exhibit stereochemical specificity in that they zymatic reaction involves only a single reactant
catalyze the reactions of one stereochemical or substrate. The substrate forms an unstable
form but not the other. Proteolytic enzymes, complex with the enzyme, which subsequently
for example, catalyze only the hydrolysis of undergoes decomposition to release the product
peptides composed of amino acids in the L species or to regenérate the substrate.
configuration. Reaction rate expressions for enzymatic reac­
Enzyme specificity is often explained in terms tions are usually derived by making the Bo-
of the geometric configuration of the active site denstein steady-state approximation for the
of the enzyme. The active site ineludes the side intermediate enzyme-substrate complexes. This
chains and peptide bonds that either come into is an appropriate assumption when the substrate
direct contact with the substrate or perform concentration greatly exceeds that of the enzyme
some direct function during catalysis. Each site (the usual laboratory situation) or when there is
is polyfunctional in that certain parís of it may both a continuous supply of reactant and a
hold the substrate in a position where the other continuous removal of producís (the usual
parts cause changes in the chemical bonding of cellular situation).
228 Liquid Phase Reactions

The “classic” mechanism of enzymatic cata- Combining equations 7.3.21 and 7.3.23 gives
lysis can be written as
V= (7.3.24)
E + S¿ES (7.3.18) k2 + k3
Since most kinetic studies of this type involve
ESE + P (7.3.19) initial rate experiments, it is usually necessary
where to rederive this expression in terms of the initial
concentrations and the initial rate. From ma­
E represents the enzyme terial balance considerations
S represents the substrate
(Eo) = (E) + (ES) (So) = (S) + (ES)
ES represents the enzyme-substrate complex
P represents the product of the reaction
For the conditions commonly cncountered
The stoichiometry of the reaction may be in the laboratory, So » Eo. Since ES cannot
written as exceed Eo, this implies that So « S.
S -> P (7.3.20) Solving equation 7.3.25 for E and substituting
In a sense this mechanism is akin to Linde- this result into equation 7.3.22 gives

= fcitíEo) - (£S)](S0) - k2(ES) - k3(ES) 0 (7.3.26)

mann’s picture of unimolecular decomposition or

reactions (see Section An initial reaction k1(Eo)(So)
produces a reactive intermediate that subse- (ES) = (7.3.27)
^2 + ^3 + ^(Sq)
quently decomposes irreversibly to yield pro­
ducís or is reversibly decomposed into enzyme Note the similarity of this expression to that
and substrate. for 0A, derived by the Langmuir adsorption
The net rate of an enzymatic reaction is isotherm. (ES)/(E0) plays a role analogous to
usually referred to as its velocity and is assigned 6a, while So plays a role akin to the gas pressure.
the symbol V. In this case Although the expression is formally similar, we
do not mean to imply that the two types of
catalytic reactions proceed by similar molecular
7= ? = ki{ES) (7-3-21) steps.
This last result may be substituted into
The concentration of the complex can be equation 7.3.21 to give
obtained by making the usual steady-state
approximation /c1/c3(E0)(S0)
^2 + ^3 + ^(Sq)
= kx(E)(S) - k2(ES) - k3(ES) « 0 This equation predicts that the initial rate
will be proportional to the initial enzyme con­
(7.3.22) centration if the initial substrate concentration
or is held constant. If the initial enzyme concen­
K(E)(S) tration is held constant, the initial rate will be
(ES) = (7.3.23)
^2 + k3 proportional to the substrate concentration at
7.3 Homogeneous Catalysis in Liquid Solution 229

low substrate concentrations, and substantially Equation 7.3.31 gives rise to what is known as
independent of substrate concentration at high an Eadie or Hofstee plot, while equation 7.3.32
substrate levels. The máximum reaction rate is gives rise to a Hanes plot. The Eadie plot has
equal to k3E0, and this product is often assigned the advantage of spreading the points out more
the symbol Kmax. The group (k2 + is evenly and of determining K and Vmax separately.
often assigned the symbol K and is known as The three types of plots are shown schematically
the Michaelis constant. Equation 7.3.28 can be in Figure 7.4. The Lineweaver-Burk and Eadie
written in terms of these parameters as plots are the ones used most frequently in data
Although the Michaelis-Menten equation is
,7'3'2” applicable to a wide variety of enzyme catalyzed
reactions, it is not appropriate for reversible re-
The Michaelis constant is numerically equal to
actions and multiple-substrate reactions. How-
the valué of the initial substrate concentration
ever, the generalized steady-state analysis re-
that gives an initial velocity that is half that
mains applicable. Consider the case of reversible
of the máximum.
decomposition of the enzyme-substrate complex
Although equation 7.3.28 and, in particular,
into a product molecule and enzyme with
equation 7.3.29 are known as Michaelis-Menten
mechanistic equations.
rate expressions, these individuáis used a some-
what different approach to arrive at this E + S^ES¿E + P (7.3.33)
mathematical form for an enzymatic rate ex-
pression (35). In this case the net rate of reaction is given by
In attempting to determine if a given set of
experimental data is of the same mathematical y= = k3(ES) - /c4(E)(P) (7.3.34)
form as equation 7.3.29, there are three routes
The steady-state approximation for the inter­
that permit the graphical determination of the
medíate complex is
parameters Fmax and K. The most frequently
used plot is known as a Lineweaver-Burk or
reciprocal plot. It is based on rearrangement of 0 ~ y¡r = kAE}(S} ~kÁES}
equation 7.3.29 into the following form.
- fc3(ES) + /c4(E)(P)
[ ■ v-íT) (7-330)
'0 'max 'maxWO/
If the conservation equation for total enzyme
If the data fit this model, a plot of í/% versus concentration (7.3.25) is employed, the last
1/(SO) should be linear with a slope K/Fmax and equation becomes
intercept l/%iax. It is analogous to that used in ^[(Eo) - £S](S) - k2(ES) - k3(ES)
determining the constants in the Langmuir
+ fc4[(E0) - (ES)](P) S 0 (7.3.36)
equation for adsorption on solid surfaces. Other
forms that may be used to prepare linear plots
are (ES) = kiW) + M£q)(P) (7.3.37)
^2 T k3 4- k^S) + k^P)
y0 = -k~ (7.3.31)
Combining equations 7.3.25, 7.3.34, and 7.3.37
and gives
(So) K (s0) __ k1/¿3(E0)(S) — Zc2Zc4.(E0)(E>) p j
y0 Vmax
T Vmax
r = k2 + k3 + k^S) + k4(P) 1 ‘ ’
Reciprocal substrate concentration

Figure 7.4
Methods of plotting data obtained from enzyme catalyzed reactions.
(a) Lineweaver-Burk plot. (b) Eadie or Hofstee plot. (c) Hanes plot.
7.3 Homogeneous Catalysis in Liquid Solution 231

If one defines the following enzyme reaction A comparison of equations 7.3.43 and 7.3.38
parameters, shows that they are of the same mathematical
form. Both can be written in terms of four
^1 max — ^3(^0) ^4 max — ^2(^0)
(7.3.39) measurable kinetic constants in the manner of
equation 7.3.40. Only the relationship between
the kinetic constants and the individual rate
constants differs. Thus, no distinction can be
the four kinetic constants (Vt max, E4max, Ks, and made between the two mechanisms using steady-
Kp) can be determined from initial rate studies state rate studies. In general, the introduction
of the forward and reverse reactions. Equation of unimolecular steps involving only isomeriza-
7.3.38 can be rephrased in terms of these param­ tion between unstable intermedíate complexes
eters as does not change the form of the rate expression.
v= Kpylmax(S) - Ksr4mjp)
KsKp + Kp(S) + KS(P)
73.2.2 Inhibition Effects in Enzyme Catalyzed
At equilibrium the net reaction velocity must Reactions. Enzyme catalyzed reactions are
be zero. In terms of the enzymatic kinetic con­ often retarded or inhibited by the presence of
stants, equation 7.3.40 then indicates that species that do not particípate in the reaction in
question as well as by the producís of the re­
(£) = K = KpVlmax
(7.3.41) action. In some cases the reactants themselves
(S) eq KsV4max can act as inhibitors. Inhibition usually results
where Keq is the thermodynamic equilibrium from the formation of various enzyme-inhibitor
constant for the overall reaction. Equation 7.3.41 complexes, a situation that decreases the amount
is known as the Haldane relation. It indicates of enzyme available for the normal reaction
that the enzymatic kinetic parameters are not sequence. The study of inhibition is important
all independent, but are constrained by the in the investigation of enzyme action. By deter-
thermodynamics of the overall reaction. mining what compounds behave as inhibitors
In the above example the enzyme combined and what type of kinetic patterns are followed,
with either the substrate or the product to form it may be possible to draw important conclu-
the same complex. This assumption is not realis- sions about the mechanism of an enzyme’s
tic, but it still leads to the correct form of the action or the nature of its active site.
rate expression. Inhibitors may act reversibly or irreversibly,
The following mechanism for a reaction of but this classification is not particularly useful.
identical stoichiometry introduces a second It may even be misleading, because it suggests
complex into the sequence of elementary re­ that reversible and irreversible inhibitors act in
actions. different ways when, in fact, both act by com-
bining with the enzyme to give inactive com­
E + S^ES^EP^E + P (7.3.42)
k2 k4 k6 plexes, but with quite different “dissociation
where ES and EP are enzyme-substrate and constants.” The irreversible inhibitors give
enzyme-product complexes, respectively. complexes that have very small dissociation
For this mechanism, the steady-state rate constants; the reversible inhibitors have signifi-
equation is: cantly higher dissociation constants.

________________________ (^o)^1^3^5(1^) ~ (^o)^2^4^ó(^>)__________________________________________

(/c2k5 + k2/í4 + ^3^5) + ^1(^3 + ^4 + ^5)^) + ^ó(^2 + ^3 +
232 Liquid Phase Reactions

A much more useful classification of inhibitors These rules can be used in conjunction with
can be made on the basis of the mechanisms by experimental inhibition studies to assess the
which they act. Competitive inhibitors combine plausibility of possible enzymatic mechanisms.
with the enzyme at the same site as the substrate
does, thus blocking the first step in the sequence. The Influence of Environmental Factors
Noncompetitive inhibitors combine with the
on Enzyme Kinetics. Because enzymes are pro-
enzyme at some other site to give a complex
teins, they are unusually sensitive to changes in
that can still combine with the substrate, but
their environment. This is true not only with
the resultant ternary complex is unreactive. Un-
regard to variations in inhibitor concentrations,
competitive inhibition results when the inhibitor
but also with respect to variations in pH and
and substrate combine with enzyme forms as in
temperature. Most enzymes are efficient cata-
the following mechanism.
lysts only within relatively narrow ranges of
E + A^EA^>E + P (7.3.44) pH and temperature.
*2 When the rate of an enzyme catalyzed re­
EA + / ¿ EAI no reaction (7.3.45) action is studied as a function of temperature,
fc5 it is found that the rate passes through a máxi­
These three classes of inhibition can be dis-
mum. The existence of an optimum temperature
tinguished by virtue of the effect of variations
can be explained by considering the effect of
in inhibitor concentration on the slopes and
temperature on the catalytic reaction itself and
intercepts of reciprocal plots. For competitive
on the enzyme denaturation reaction. In the
inhibition only the slope varies. For uncompeti-
low temperature range (around room tempera-
tive inhibition only the intercept varies, while
ture) there is little denaturation, and increasing
for noncompetitive inhibition both the slope and
the temperature increases the rate of the catalytic
the intercept vary.
reaction in the usual manner. As the tempera-
If more than one substrate participates in an
ture rises, deactivation arising from protein
enzymatic reaction, the kinetic efTects of an
denaturation becomes more and more impor-
inhibitor can be quite complex. In this case,
tant, so the observed overall rate eventually will
rules formulated by Cleland (36) are useful in
begin to fall off. At temperatures in excess of
gaining a qualitative picture of the inhibition
50 to 60 °C, most enzymes are completely
patterns to be expected of a given mechanism.
denatured, and the observed l ates are essentially
1. If the inhibitor combines with an enzyme zero.
form different from one with which the Enzyme activity generally passes through a
variable substrate combines, the vertical máximum as the pH of the system in question
intercept of the corresponding reciprocal is varied. However, the optimum pH varies with
plot will be affected. substrate concentration and temperature. Pro-
2. If the inhibitor combines with an enzyme vided that the pH is not changed too far from
form that is the same as or is connected by the optimum valué corresponding to the máxi­
a series of reversible steps to the same form mum rate, the changes of rate with pH are
with which the variable substrate combines, reversible and reproducible. However, if the
the slope of the corresponding reciprocal plot solutions are made too acid or too alkaline, the
is affected. activity of the enzyme may be irreversibly
3. These effects can occur separately, in which destroyed. Irreversible deactivation is usually
case the inhibition is either competitive or attributed to denaturation of the proteinaceous
uncompetitive; or they can occur jointly, enzyme. The range of pH in which reversible
resulting in noncompetitive inhibition. behavior is observed is generally small and this
7.4 Correlation Methods for Kinetic Date—Linear Free Energy Relations 233

behavior is almost certainly due to changes in itself. The development and improvement in
the amounts and activities of the various ionic these quantitative correlations for reaction rate
forms of the enzyme, the substrate, and the and equilibrium constant data has been one of
enzyme complex. The máximum in the activity the most striking developments in the evolution
of the enzyme is a reflection of the máximum in of physical organic chemistry. In the area of
the concentration of the catalytically active kinetics these relationships constitute a suitable
species. framework for the extrapolation and interpola-
tion of rate data, and they can also provide a
7.4 CORRELATION METHODS FOR useful insight into the events that take place on
KINETIC DATA—LINEAR FREE reaction at the molecular level.
ENERGY RELATIONS It is instructive to consider the rationale
underlying the various linear free energy corre­
A primary objective of the practicing kineticist
lations and to indicate in qualitative fashion
is to be able to relate the rate of a reaction to
how substituents may influence reaction rates.
the structure of the reactants. Although the
The relation between an equilibrium constant
collision and transition state theories provide
and the standard free energy change accom-
useful frameworks for the discussion of the
panying a reaction is given by
microscopic events involved in chemical re-
actions, they do not in any meaningful way AG° = — RT In Ka (7.4.1)
permit one to predict reaction rates on an a
Since the transition state formulation of a
priori basis for even relatively simple reactions.
reaction rate expression treats the activated
However, chemical engineers should be aware
complex as being in equilibrium with the
that methods exist for correlating empirical rate
reactants, the resultant expression for the reac­
data for homologous reactions. These correla-
tion rate constant depends similarly on the free
tions attempt to describe quantitatively the
influence of variations in chemical structure on energy difference between reactants and the
activated complex. In this case equation 4.3.34
rate constants for a series of reactions involving
the same functional groups. This section briefly can be rewritten as
describes the most useful correlation method in
order to indicate to beginning kineticists an
empirical approach which has given good results
in the past. The useful correlation methods are
based on what are referred to as linear free where the second logarithmic term is constant
energy relations. These relations presume that at a fixed temperature. Thus, estimates of
when a selected molecule undergoes reactions reaction rate and equilibrium constants may be
with two different homologous compounds, the regarded as equivalent to estimates of free
activation energy changes associated with the energy differences between different species.
rate processes will be influenced in a similar If one examines a series of reactions, differences
fashion by the changes in structure. In essence in £n k or €n K are then simply related to
one treats the molecule as if its structure can be differences in the associated free energy changes.
arbitrarily broken up into a reaction center X Consider two molecular processes involving
and a nonreacting residue with structural ele- the reaction of structurally similar reactants
ments that can influence the rate of reaction at with a common reagent; for example,
X. Similar treatments are used in the correlation
+A YxNX2 + B (7.4.3)
of free energy changes associated with reaction
equilibria and henee of the equilibrium constant Y2NX} + Ak-Í Y2NX2 + B (7.4.4)
234 Liquid Phase Reactions

where Yy and Y2 are monovalent substituent energy of our representative YjAGYj mole­
atoms or groups; X1 and X2 are monovalent cule will inelude terms due to the individual
atoms or groups that may be regarded as the Yj, N, and X} groups and terms arising from
reactant and product group, respectively; N is the interactions of these groups. For a represen­
the core of the molecule that links the substituent tative molecule the standard free energy under
groups to the reactant and product groups; these conditions may be written as
and A and B are other reactant and product
molecules. A specific example of the above ^YiNXt = ^Yi + + Gxl + ^YtN
pair of generalized reactions is the following. + GXlN + GYiXxn (7.4.8)

where where the singly subscripted variables refer to

X. = C1 X2 = I individual group contributions, the GYlN and
Y. = H Y2 = CH3 GXin terms to interactions between the sub­
stituent group and core group and between the
A = KI B = KC1
reactive group and the core group, respectively,
When one looks at the general reaction and GylXlN represents the interactions between
systems from the standpoint of the kineticist, the substituent and reactive groups through
species YNXxAx would represent the transition the molecular core.
state configuraron. In this case equation 7.4.2 The standard free energy change for reaction
indicates that 7.4.3 is given by
AG? = G°YiNX2 + G° - G° - GY¡NX¡ (7.4.9)
RT £n = AGÍ - AGf (7.4.7)
Substitution of equation 7.4.8 and analogous
Now the standard free energy contení of a equations for other compounds into equation
molecule has often been expressed as the sum 7.4.9 and simplification gives
of a number of contributions from the consti-
AG? = GXlN + GYíXin + GXl + G{J — G°
tuent parts of a molecule plus various contri­
butions arising from the interactions of the “ (^XiN + ^YiXiN + Gx,)
parts with each other and with surrounding (7.4.10)
molecules (e.g., those of the solvent). Inasmuch
If we derive an analogous equation for reac­
as each chemical species represents a structurally
tion 7.4.4, we find that
unique combination of its constituent groups, it
is possible to correlate standard free energies AG2 = GXlN + Gy2x2N + GXl + Gg — G°
and many other thermodynamic properties for
~ (^XiN + ^y2Xin + GXl) (7.4.11)
all known compounds by using a sufficiently
large number of contributing parameters. Under Two equations of the form of equation
a given set of standard conditions the free 7.4.1 can be used with equations 7.4.10 and
7.4 Correlatíon Methods for Kinetic Date—Linear Free Energy Reiations 235

7.4.11 to show that interference with internal rotations, steric

compressions or strains, etc.
RT £n = ^YiX2n ~~ gy2x2* These various effects combine to result in
different rate and equilibrium constants for
~ (GY ¡X iN — GY2XxN) homologous reactions. The substituents in-
(7.4.12) fluence these parameters in part by displace-
which implies that the ratio of the equilibrium ments of electrón density of the first two types
constants for the two different reactions in- and in part by geometric effects of the last type.
volving the same functional group but different When some of the possible complications are
substituents depends only on the terms for the considered, it is not surprising that there is no
free energy of interaction between the substi- generally useful method for correlating the Gyxn
tuent and reactant groups. ln similar fashion terms with satisfactory accuracy. However, there
one may write for the ratio of reaction rate are a number of special cases in which useful
constants correlations can be developed. This is particu-


It is generally thought that the interaction larly true for those cases where N is a relatively
energies of groups that are not directly bonded rigid group, such as an aromatic ring. In this
to one another result from the following effects. case the various X and Y groups will be the
same distance apart in the species involved in
1. Inductive or polar effects. These effects in-
reactions 7.4.3 and 7.4.4. Furthermore, if the X
volve electrón displacements that are trans-
and Y groups are sufficiently far apart that there
mitted along a chain of atoms without any
are no direct steric interactions and no direct
reorganization of the formal chemical bonds
resonance interactions between the X and Y
in the molecule. For example, the introduc-
groups, only the polar interactions contribute
tion of a methyl group in a pyridine ring
significantly to the GyxN terms. This situation
involves a displacement of electrons to the
occurs in many meta and para substituted ben-
nitrogen atom from the methyl group. This
zene derivatives. In this case Gyxn can be as-
effect falls off rapidly with separation dis-
sumed to be proportional to the product of
parameters for the substituent group Y and the
2. Resonance or electromeric effects. Certain
reactant group X. These parameters are referred
molecular structures are characterized by the
to as polar substituent constants oyn and oxn.
possibility of having two or more compatible
The proportionality constant depends on the
electronic structures and the molecules exist
solvent, the temperature, and the nature of the
in a resonance state intermedíate between the
core group N linking the substituents. It pro­
several extremes. These effects are particu-
vides a measure of how effectively the influence
larly characteristic of aromatic structures and
of one group is transmitted to the other. This
other molecules containing conjúgate double
proportionality constant may be written as
(-tnRT £n 10), so that the interaction term
3. Steric effects. These effects arise as a con-
can be written as
sequence of the molecular geometry of the
species involved in the reaction. They inelude GyxN = ~~(^nRT £n 10)(7yN(7XN (7.4.14)
236 Liquid Phase Reactions

Combining equations 7.4.13 and 7.4.14 then the second class permits one to obtain estimates
gives of the rate constants for reactions involving the

— (t^ £n 10)|^o’y1 nO%2n gy nGx n (7.4.15)

2 2

or, on simplification, various substituted compounds. As we will see

in the next subsection, if equations like equation
7.4.19 are to be appropriate for use, they require
that a certain free energy difference or free energy
(7.4.16) contribution be a linear function of some prop-
Within a specific sequence of reactions in­ erty of a substituent group. Consequently, these
volving the same groups X1 and X2 and for equations are referred to as linear free energy
uniform conditions of solvent, temperature, etc., relations.
the valué of tn((Tx2n ~ ax^) will be a constant
(PxiX2n)’ which characterizes the functional 7.4.1 The Hammett Equation
group interactions involved. Henee The Hammett equation is the best-known and
most widely studied of the various linear free
energy relations for correlating reaction rate and
and equation 7.4.16 becomes equilibrium constant data. It was first proposed
to correlate the rate constants and equilibrium
cjY2N) (7.4.18) constants for the side chain reactions of para
and meta substituted benzene derivatives.
Since only differences between cr’s for the sub- Hammett (37-39) noted that for a large number
stituents are involved, one may arbitrarily set of reactions of these compounds plots of log k
the absolute valué of one sigma valué without (or log K) for one reaction versus log k (or
loss of generality. Normally one chooses a log K) for a second reaction of the corres­
hydrogen atom as a reference substituent for ponding member of a series of such derivatives
which cr is defined as zero. All other rate con­ was reasonably linear. Figure 7.5 is a plot of
stants may then be compared to the one charac- this type involving the ionization constants for
terizing the reaction of the reference substance phenylacetic acid derivatives and for benzoic
(k0). In these terms equation 7.4.18 becomes acid derivatives. The point labeled p-Cl has for
its ordinate log Ka for p-chlorophenylacetic
(7.4.19) acid and for its abscissa log Ka for p-chloroben-
zoic acid. The points approximate a straight line,
A corresponding equation exists for the ratio of which can be expressed as
equilibrium constants. The utility of equations
log Ka = p log KA + C (7.4.20)
of this form lies in the fact that the p valué is
characteristic of a particular reaction of func­ where KA and K'A are the ionization constants
tional groups, while the cj valué is characteristic for substituted phenylacetic and benzoic acids
of the nonreactive functional groups. Once a with a given substituent, p is the slope of the
valúes have been determined for one class of line, and C is the intercept. This relation may
reactions, they may be used for another class of be used for any substituent including the refer­
reactions. Henee a knowledge of k0 and p for ence substituent, normally taken as a hydrogen
7.4 Correlation Methods for Kinetic Date—Linear Free Energy Relations 237

Figure 7.5
Log-log plot of ionization constants oí benzoic and phenyl-
acetic acids in water at 25°. (From Physical Organic Chemistry
by J. S. Hiñe. Copyright @ 1962. Used with permission of
McGraw-Hill Book Company.)

atom. If the reference substance is denoted by stant cr was then defined as

the subscript zero, then
log Ko = p log K'o + C (7.4.21) Va = log (ff) (7A23)
where Ko and K'o are the ionization constants This constant characterizes the ionization of a
of phenylacetic and benzoic acids, respectively. particular substituted benzoic acid in water at
Elimination of the intercept C gives 25 °C relative to that of benzoic acid itself. This
definition reduces equation 7.4.22 to
log = P log (7.4.22)
-K-0 ^0
log ~ = P<ta (7.4.24)
Equations of this type can be written for any ^•0
pair of the many reactions for which linear log- which is of the same form as the general linear
log plots could be made. Consequently, it is free energy relation introduced earlier in equa­
convenient to choose a reference reaction to tion 7.4.19, although it predates the latter by
which others can be compared. The large many years. From this equation and from the
amount of accurate data on the ionization of definition of cj, it is evident that p is taken as
benzoic acid derivatives at 25 °C made this re­ unity for the standard reaction (i.e., the ioniza­
action an appropriate choice, and a new con- tion of substituted benzoic acids in water at
238 Liquid Phase Reactions

25 CC). The valué of o may be determined from of (j and p valúes are available (37, 41-45). Note
its definition in terms of the ionization constant that one requires different o valúes for meta and
if the appropriate benzoic acid derivative has para substituents, but that only one p valué is
been measured. Such cr valúes may then be used required. Typical o valúes range from about — 1
to determine p valúes for other reactions, and to +2, while p valúes range from — 6 to +4.
these p valúes in turn lead to the possibility of Henee the Hammett equation may be used to
determining new valúes. Equation 7.4.24 im- correlate data covering several orders of magni-
plies that a plot of log KA or log kA versus oA tude in the rate and equilibrium constant valúes.
should be linear for a given series of reactions Illustration 7.1 involves the use of Table 7.2 to
involving the same reactive groups. Extensive estímate a reaction rate constant.
experimental evidence attests to this relation. The substituent constants have also been as-
Table 7.2 contains some valúes that have been sociated with the ability of the substituent group
reported in the literature. Extensive tabulations to alter the charge density at the reaction site.

Table 7.2
Hammett Substituent Constants (46)

(7 (7

Substituent Meta Para Substituent Meta Para

ch3 -0.069 -0.170 O" -0.708 -1.00

ch2ch3 -0.07 -0.151 OH + 0.121 -0.37
CH(CH3)2 -0.068 -0.151 och3 + 0.115 -0.268
C(CH3)3 -0.10 -0.197 oc2h5 + 0.1 -0.24
C6H5 + 0.06 -0.01 oc6h5 + 0.252 -0.320
Cf.HiNOrP + 0.26 ococh3 + 0.39 + 0.31
C6H4OCH3-p -0.10 F + 0 337 + 0.062
CH2Si(CH3)3 -0.16 -0.21 Si(CH3)3 -0.04 -0.07
coch3 + 0.376 + 0.502 po3h- + 0.2 + 0.26
coc6h5 + 0.459 SH + 0.25 + 0.15
CN + 0.56 + 0.660 sch3 + 0.15 0.00
CO2- -0.1 0.0 scoch3 + 0.39 + 0.44
co2h + 0.35 + 0.406 soch3 + 0.52 + 0.49
co2ch3 + 0.321 + 0.385 so2ch3 + 0.60 + 0.72
co2c2h5 + 0.37 + 0.45 so2nh2 + 0.46 + 0.57
CF3 + 0.43 + 0.54 SO3“ + 0.05 + 0.09
nh2 -0.16 -0.66 S(CH3)2+ + 1.00 + 0.90
N(CH3)2 -0.211 -0.83 C1 + 0.373 + 0.227
nhcoch3 + 0.21 0.00 Br + 0.391 + 0.232
N(CH3)3 + + 0.88 + 0.82 I + 0.352 + 0.276
n2+ + 1.76 + 1.91 1O2 + 0.70 + 0.76
no2 + 0.710 + 0.778
(Note that a valúes for charged substituents may be particularly solvent

From Physical Organic Chemistry by J. S. Hiñe. Copyright © 1962. Used with

permission of McGraw-Hill Book Company.
7.4 Correlation Methods for Kinetic Date—Linear Free Energy Relations 239

The groups with positive o valúes are regarded and those for another must exist if the Hammett
as electrón withdrawers, while those with nega- equation is obeyed.
tive a’s refer to electrón donor substituents. Re-
actions involving a transition state with a highly ILLUSTRATION 7.1 USE OF THE HAMMETT
electrón deficient center would be expected to EQUATION FOR THE DETERMINATION OF
be sensitive to the stabilizing effect of substi­ A REACTION RATE CONSTANT
tuents able to dónate charge to the center. The Kindler [Ann., 456(1), 1926] has studied the
opposite situation exists for reactions involving
alkaline hydrolysis of the ethyl esters of a
a reaction center with an excess electrón density.
number of substituted benzoic acids. The m-
In this case the stabilizing effect occurs in the
nitro compound was found to have a rate
presence of substituents that act to withdraw
constant 63.5 times as fast as the unsubstituted
charge from the center. Reactions with positive
compound. What relative rate constant is
p valúes are accelerated by electrón withdrawal
predicted for the reaction of p-methoxybenzoate
from the ring (positive a), while those with
by the Hammett equation? The valué based on
negative p valúes are retarded by electrón experimental results is 0.214.
In its original form the Hammett equation
was appropriate for use with para and meta
substituted compounds where the reaction site From Table 7.2 the a valué for the m-nitro
is separated from the aromatic group by a non- group is 0.710. Substitution of this valué and
conjugating side chain. Although there have the ratio of reaction rate constants into equation
been several extensions and modifications that 7.4.19 gives
permit the use of the Hammett equation beyond
these limitations, it is not appropriate for use log 63.5 = p(0.710)
with ortho substituted compounds, since steric
effects are likely to be significant with such p = 2.54
species. The results obtained using free radical for the alkaline hydrolysis of ethyl benzoates.
reactions are often poor, and the correlation is For p-methoxy substitution, Table 7.2 indicates
more appropriate for use with ionic reactions. that a = —0.268. In this case equation 7.4.19
For a detailed discussion of the Hammett equa­ becomes
tion and its extensions, consult the texts by
Hammett (37), Amis and Hinton (12), and = 2.54( — 0.268) = -0.681
Johnson (47).
Before terminating our discussion of the or
Hammett equation, we should note that the
existence of linear correlations of the type indi-
cated by equation 7.4.20 implies a linear free
energy relationship. The rate or equilibrium This valué compares quite favorably with the
constants can be eliminated from this equation experimental results.
using equation 7.4.1; that is,
W (AG°)' 7.4.2 Other Correlations
2.303KT P 2.303RT
In order to correlate rate constant data for
Thus a linear relationship between the free aliphatic and ortho substituted aromatic com­
energies for one homologous series of reactions pounds, one must allow not only for the polar
240 Liquid Phase Reactions

effects correlated by the Hammett equation but 14. Eckert, C. A., Ann. Rev. Physical Chem., 23 (239), 1972.
also for resonance and steric effects. Taft (48-49) 15. Bell, R. P., “Acid-Base Catalysis,” p. 3, Oxford Uni-
has shown that it is possible to extend the range versity Press, Oxford, copyright © 1941. Reprinted
with permission.
of linear free energy relations significantly by
assuming that the polar, steric, and resonance 16. Laidler, K. J., op. cit., 1965.
effects may be treated independently. Other 17. Bender, M. L., Mechanisms of Homogeneous Catalysis
from Protons to Proteins, Wiley Interscience, New York,
useful extensions of the Hammett equation in-
clude those of Swain and Scott (50-51), Edwards
18. Jencks, W. P., Catalysis in Chemistry and Enzymology,
(52-53), Grunwald and Winstein (54), and McGraw-Hill, New York, 1969.
Hansson (55). In order to obtain substituent
19. Ashmore, P. G., Catalysis and Inhibition of Chemical
valúes for the parameters appearing in the Reactions, Butterworths, London, 1963.
various equations, consult the text by Wells (41), 20. Frost, A. A., and Pearson, R. G., Kinetics and Mecha-
the original references, or texts in physical nism, Second Edition. Wiley, New York, 1961.
organic chemistry. The practicing design engi- 21. Moelwyn-Hughes, E. A., The Chemical Statics and
neer should be aware of these and other cor- Kinetics of Solutions, Academic Press, New York, 1971.
relations in order to minimize the experimental 22. Bell, R. P., “Acid-Base Catalysis,” Oxford University
work necessary to generate required kinetic Press, Oxford, 1941.
parameters. 23. Bell, R. P., The Proton in Chemistry, Methuen, London,
UTERATURE CITATIONS 24. Laidler, K. J., The Chemical Kinetics of Enzyme Action,
1. Parker, A. J., Adv. Phys. Org. Chem., 5 (192), 1967. Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1958.
2. Laidler, K. J., Reaction Kinetics, Volume 2, Reactions 25. Plowman, K. M., Enzyme Kinetics, McGraw-Hill, New
in Solution, p. 2, Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1963. York, 1972.
3. North, A. M., The Collision Theory of Chemical Re­ 26. Gould, R. F., Editor, “Homogeneous Catalysis: Indus­
actions in Liquids, Methuen, London, 1964. trial Applications and Implications,” ACS Adv. in
4. Rabinowitch, E., and Wood, W. C., Trans. Faraday Chem., 70, Washington, 1968.
Soc., 32 1936. 27. Schrauzer, G. N., Transition Metáis in Homogeneous
5. Franck, J., and Rabinowitch, E., Trans. Faraday Soc., Catalysis, Marcel Dekker, New York, 1971.
30(120), 1934. 28. Jones, M. M., Ligand Reactivity and Catalysis, Aca­
6. Debye, P., and Hückel, E., Phys. Z., 24 (305), 1923. demic Press, New York, 1968.

7. Debye, P., and Hückel, E., ibid., 25 (145), 1924. 29. Basolo, F., and Pearson, R. G., “Mechanisms of In-
organic Reactions,” Wiley, New York, 1960.
8. Debye, P., and Hückel, E., Trans. Faraday Soc., 23 (334),
1927. 30. Ashmore, P. G., op. cit., pp. 30-31.

9. Harned, H. S., and Owen, B. B., The Physical Chemistry 31. Hiñe, J. S., Physical Organic Chemistry, Second Edition,
of Electrolytic Solutions, Third Edition, Reinhold McGraw-Hill, 1962.
Publishing, New York, 1958. 32. Skrabal, A., Z. Elektrochem., 33 (322), 1927.
10. Laidler, K. J., Chemical Kinetics, p. 221, McGraw-Hill, 33. Jencks, W. P., Catalysis in Chemistry and Enzymology,
New York, 1965. McGraw-Hill, New York, 1969.
11. Amis, E. S., Solvent Effects on Reaction Rates and 34. Bender, M. L., Mechanisms of Homogeneous Catalysis
Mechanisms, Academic Press, New York, 1966. from Protons to Proteins, Wiley Interscience, New York,
12. Amis, E. S., and Hinton, J. F., Solvent Effects on 1971.
Chemical Phenomena, Academic Press, New York, 1973. 35. Michaelis, L., and Menten, M. L., Biochem. Z., 49
13. Clark, D. and Wayne, R. P., in Comprehensive Chemical (333), 1913.
Kinetics, Volume 2, The Theory of Kinetics, pp. 302-376, 36. Cleland, W. W., Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 67 (188), 1963.
Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1969. Adapted with permission.
Problems 241

37. Hammett, L. P., Physical Organic Chemistry, Second The influence of ionic strength on the two rate
Edition, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1970. constants was noted to be as follows.
38. Hammett, L. P., Chem. Rev., 17 (125), 1935.
39. Hammett, L. P., Trans. Faraday Soc., 34 (156), 1938. ^2
40. Hiñe, J. S., op. cit., p. 85. p (kmoles/m3) (m3/kmoles-sec) (m6/kmoles2-sec)
41. Wells, P. R., Linear Free Energy Relationships, Aca-
demic Press, New York, 1968. 0.000 0.658 19.0
42. Gordon, A. J., and Ford, R. A., The Chemisfs Com- 0.0207 0.663 15.0
panion, pp. 145-149, Wiley, New York, 1972. 0.0525 0.670 12.2
0.0925 0.679 11.3
43. Jaffé, H. H., Chem. Rev., 53 (191), 1953.
0.1575 0.694 9.7
44. McDaniel, D. H., and Brown, H. C., J. Org. Chem., 23
0.2025 0.705 9.2
(420), 1958.
45. Leffler, J. E., and Grunwald, E., Rates and Equilibrio of
Organic Reactions, Wiley, New York, 1963. Are these data consistent with the results
46. Hiñe, J. S., op. cit., p. 87. predicted by equation 7.1.4?
47. Johnson, C. D., The Hammett Equation, Cambridge
University Press, London, 1973.
2. The reaction of the nitrourethane ion with
48. Taft, R. W., Jr., J. Am. Chem. Soc., 74 (2729, 3120),
1952; 75(4231), 1953.
hydroxide ions can be written as
49. Taft, R. W., Jr., in Steric Effects in Organic Chemistry, NO2=NCOOC2H5- + OH ->
M. S. Newman, Editor, Chapter 13, Wiley, New York,
n2o + co; + c2h5oh
50. Swain, C. G., and Scott, C. B., J. Am. Chem. Soc., 75 Near room temperature the reaction is essen-
(141), 1953. tially irreversible and second-order. In the
51. Swain, C. G., Mosely, R. B., and Brown, D. E., J. Am. limit of zero ionic strength at 293 °K, k =
Chem. Soc., 77(3731), 1955. 2.12m3/kmole • ksec. Determine the initial reac­
52. Edwards, J. O., J. Am. Chem. Soc., 76 (1540), 1954. tion rate in a solution that is 0.05 kmole/m3 each
53. Edwards, J. O., J. Am. Chem. Soc., 78 (1819), 1956. in potassium nitrourethanate, NH4OH, and
54. Grunwald, E., and Winstein, S., J. Am. Chem. Soc., 70 KC1. The ionization constant for NH4OH at
(846), 1948. 293 °K is 1.7 x 10"5 kmoles/m3. The effect of
55. Hansson, J., Svensk, Kem. Tidskr., 66 (351), 1954. the slight ionization of NH4OH on ionic
strength and the variation of activity coefficients
PROBLEMS with temperature between 293 and 298 °K may
be neglected.
1. The oxidation of iodide ions by hydrogen
peroxide 3. The following reaction takes place in aqueous
H2O2 + 2H + + 21" -> 2H2O + I2
[Co(NH3)5Br] + + + OH" ->
has been studied by Bell et al. [J. Phys. Chem., [Co(NH3)5OH] + + + Br"
55 (874), 1951]. At 25 °C the reaction appears to
proceed by two parallel paths so that the ob- It may be regarded as bimolecular and irre­
served rate expression is of the form versible. Determine the ratio of the reaction rate
in a system initially containing 10 moles/m3
r = MH2O2)(I") + /c2(H2O2)(I")(H+) [Co(NH3)5Br](NO3)2, 100 moles/m3 NH4OH,
242 Liquid Phase Reactions

and 50 moles/m3 KNO3 to the rate in a system

k x 103
that initially contains 100 moles/m3 NH4OH Solution (min~*)
and 100 moles/m3 [Co(NH3)5Br](NO3)2.
Take into account both primary and second- 1.0 X 10“4N HC1O4 5.20
ary salt effects, but neglect the contributions 1.0 x 10 4N HC1 5.31
to the ionic strength of species resulting from 1.0 x 10 5 6N HC1 5.23
the dissociation of NH4OH. Distilled water (contaminated by 5.42
CO2 from the air)
4. Chen and Laidler [Canadian J. Chem., 37 1.0 X 104N HC1O4 + 0.1N NaCl 5.25
(599), 1959] have studied the reaction of the 1.0 x 10 4N HC1O4 + 0.2N NaCl 5.24
1.0 x 10 4N HC1O4+ 0.05M Ba(NO3)2 5.43
quinoid form of bromphenol blue with hy-
1.0 x 10“3N HC1O4 5.42
droxide ions to give the carbinol form of the 2.0 x 10"2NHC104 8.00
dye. The following valúes of the second-order 4.0 x 10"2NHC104 11.26
rate constant at 25 °C were reported. 3.85 x 10_2N HC1O4 10.80
2.50 x 10 2N HC1O4 + 0.2N NaCl 8.89
Pressure (psia) k x 104 (liters/mole-sec)
Since the spontaneous reaction term dominates
14.7 9.298
4000 11.13 in the pH range 4 to 6, studies of the reaction
8000 13.05 in this range are particularly suitable for mea-
12000 15.28 suring the small catalytic effects of weak acids
16000 17.94 and weak bases. If one employs the more gen­
eral expression for k involving contributions
from the undissociated acid and the anion re­
What is the activation volume for this
sulting from dissociation, determine the coeffi-
reaction ?
cients of these terms from the data below.
5. Brónsted and Guggenheim [J. Am. Chem.
Soc., 49 (2554), 1927] have studied the mutaro- Hydrogen
tation of glucose as catalyzed by acids and bases. Sodium Propionic Ion
The reaction takes place slowly in puré water, propionate acid concentration k xlO3
normality normality (kmoles/m3) (min- *)
is weakly catalyzed by hydrogen ions, and is
strongly catalyzed by hydroxide ions. When
0.010 0.010 5.65
strong acids and bases are employed as cata- 0.040 0.020 6.53
lysts, the apparent first-order rate constants can 0.050 0.050 6.81
be written as 0.075 0.075 7.57
0.100 0.100 8.21
k = k0 + kH + (H+) + kOH-(OH)
0.125 0.125 9.15
where kOH-/kH+ is of the order of several thou- 0.150 0.150 9.85
sands. In the pH range 4 to 6, the contribution 0.040 0.020 0.00001 6.53
of the spontaneous reaction dominates, since 0.040 0.060 0.00002 6.60
both catalytic terms are negligible in this región. 0.040 0.110 0.00006 6.76
0.040 0.160 1.00010 6.77
In dilute solutions the primary salt effect is not
applicable to solutions of strong acids and bases.
On the basis of the data below determine the 6. Bell and Baughan [J Chem. Soc. 1937, 1947]
parameters k0 and kH+ at 18 °C: have investigated the generalized acid-base
Problems 243

catalysis of the depolymerization of dimeric 7. The below were reported for an
dihydroxyacetone. In terms of the general enzyme catalyzed reaction of the type E + S
formulation of the first-order rate constant ES E + P. Since the data pertain to initial
reaction rates, the reverse reaction may be
/c — k0 + /ch + (H + ) + /coh-(OH )
neglected. Use a graphical method to determine
+ kA(A) + /cb(B) the Michaelis constant and Fmax for this system
where k0 is the rate constant for the water at the enzyme concentration employed.
catalyzed reaction and kx is the catalytic
constant for species x. This equation can also be Initial substrate Initial rate
written as concentration (M) (/zmoles/liter-min)
k = k" + oc(B)
where 2 X 10“3 150
2 x 10“4 149.8
k" = k0 + /c„ + (H+) + /coh-(OH-) 2 x 10“5 120
and 1.5 x 10“5 112.5
* = /<b + [M^)/(B)J 1.25 x 10“6 30.0

For the reactions in question no term may be

neglected and it was necessary to carefully plan What would the initial rate be at a substrate
the experimental program to facilítate evalua­ level of 2.0 x 10"5 M if the enzyme concen­
ron of all five kinetic parameters. On the basis tration were doubled? At a 2 x 10"3 M sub­
of the data below determine these parameters strate level, how long does it take to achieve
when the weak acid employed is acetic acid. 80% conversión at the new enzyme level?

CH3COOH 8. The turnover number of an enzyme is defined

H3o+ CH3COO“ k
CH3COO" (moles/m3) (moles/m3) (ksee-1) as the máximum number of moles of substrate
reacted per mole of enzyme (or molecules per
0.980 2.69 x 10 2 100.4 0.707 molecule) per minute under optimum conditions
50.5 0.583 (i.e., saturating substrate concentration, opti­
31.6 0.530 mum pH, etc). If 2 mg/cm3 of a puré enzyme
12.9 0.473 (50,000 molecular weight, Michaelis constant
Km = 0.03 mole/m3) catalyzes a reaction at a
1.304 3.56 x 10“2 104.5 0.633
78.5 0.558 rate of 2.5 /zmoles/m3ksec when the substrate
53.3 0.490 concentration is 5 x 10"3 moles/m3, determine
20.4 0.423 the turnover number corresponding to this
definition and the actual number of moles of
3.38 9.27 x 10“2 102.7 0.433 substrate reacting per minute per mole of
75.0 0.363 enzyme.
40.9 0.278
12.7 0.207
9. In kinetic studies of enzymatic reactions,
4.83 0.132 102.6 0.390 rate data are usually tested to determine if the
87.1 0.363 reaction follows the Michaelis-Menten model
68.3 0.297 of enzyme-substrate interaction. Weetall and
51.2 0.262 Havewala [Biotechnol. and Bioeng. Symposium
30.3 0.208
3 (241), 1972] have studied the production of
10.3 0.154
dextrose from cornstarch using conventional
244 Liquid Phase Reactions

glucoamylase and an immobilized versión there- In both cases the initial substrate concen-
of. Their goal was to obtain the necessary data tration was 0.14 kmole/m3. In cases A and B
to be able to design a commercial facility for the Michaelis constants (Km) are reported to be
dextrose production. Their studies were carried 1.15 x 10”3 and 1.5 x 10”3 kmoles/m3, re-
out in a batch reactor at 60 °C. Compare the spectively. The rate constant /<3 is equal to
data below with that predicted from a Michaelis- 1.25 jumoles/m3-sec-unit in both cases.
Menten model with a rate expression of the If the data are not consistent, provide
form r = k3(E0)(S)/[Km + (S)] plausible explanations for the discrepancy.
(a) Conventional enzyme (Eo = 11,600 units) 10. Gould has reported the following acidity
constants (in H2O at 25 °C) for some substituted
Yield benzene seleninic acids ArSe O2H.
Time, t (sec) (mg dextrose produced/cm3)
From Mechanism and
Substituent K x 105
0 12.0 Structure in Organic
900 40.0 Chemistry by E. S.
None 1.6
1800 76.5 Gould. Copyright ©
p-MeO— 0.89
3600 120.0 1959. Used with per-
m-MeO— 2.2
5400 151.2 mission of McGraw-
m-Cl 3.5
7200 155.7 Hill Book Company.
w-NO2 8.5
9000 164.9
p-Br 3.2
p-C6H5O- 1.3
(b) Immobilized enzyme data (Eo = 46,400
(a) Show that the equilibria for the reaction
Yield series
Time, í (sec) (mg dextrose produced/cm3) ArSeO2H + H2O ArSeO2“ + H3O +
0 18.4 are governed by the Hammett equation and
1,800 200.0 calcúlate the p valué for this series. The
3,600 260.0 dissociatión constant for benzoic acid is
5,400 262.0 6.3 x 10”5.
7,200 278.0 (b) Calcúlate the dissociation constant for p-
9,000 310.0 nitrobenzeneseleninic acid and compare it
13,500 316.0
with the observed valué of 1.0 x 10” 4.
18,900 320.0
24,900 320.0
(c) Whal does the above data indicate is the
o valué for the p-C6H5O—substituent?
Basic Concepts ¡n Reactor Design

8 and Ideal Reactor Models

The chemical reactor must be regarded as the
3. Is a catalyst necessary or desirable? If a
catalyst is employed, what are the ramifi-
very heart of a chemical process. It is the piece cations with respect to product distribution,
of equipment in which conversión of feedstock operating conditions, most desirable type
to desired product takes place and is thus the of reactor, process economics, and other
single irreplaceable component of the process. pertinent questions raised below?
Several different factors must be considered in 4. What operating conditions (temperature,
selecting the physical configuraron and mode pressure, degree of agitation, etc.) are re­
of operation to be used to accomplish a specified quired for most economic operation?
task. This chapter discusses the fundamental 5. Is it necessary or desirable to add inerts or
principies that the chemical engineer engaged other materials to the feedstock to enhance
in the practice of reactor design utilizes in yields of desired producís, to modérate
making these selections. thermal effects, or to prolong the useful life
of any catalysts that may be employed?
8.0.1 The Nature of the Reactor 6. Should the process be continuous or inter-
Design Problem mittent? Would batch or semibatch opera­
tion be advantageous?
The chemical engineer is required to choose
7. What type of reactor best meets the process
the reactor configuraron and mode of operation
requirements? Are there advantages asso-
that yields the greatest profit consistent with
ciated with the use of a combination of
market constraints for the raw material and
reactor types, or with múltiple reactors in
product costs, capital and operating costs,
parallel or series?
safety considerations, pollution control require­
8. What size and shape reactor(s) should be
ments, and esthetic constraints that may be
imposed by management, society, or labor
9. How are the energy transfer requirements
unions. Usually there are many combinations
for the process best accomplished? Should
of operating conditions and reactor size and/or
one opérate isothermally, adiabatically, or
type that will meet the requirements imposed
in accord with an alternative temperature
by nature in terms of the reaction rate expres-
sion involved and those imposed by manage­
10. Is single pass operation best, or is recycle
ment in terms of the required production
needed to achieve the desired degree of
capacity. The engineer is thus faced with the
conversión of the raw feedstock?
task of maintaining a careful balance between
11. What facilities are required for catalyst
analytical reasoning expressed in quantitative
supply, activation, and regeneration?
terms and sound engineering judgment. In an
12. What are the reactor effluent composition
attempt to maintain this balance, some or all of
and conditions? Are any chemical separa-
the following questions must be answered.
tion steps or physical operations required
1. What is the composition of the feedstock in order to bring the effluent to a point
and under what conditions is it available? where it is satisfactory for the desired end
Are any purification procedures necessary? use?
2. What is the scale of the process? What 13. Are there any special materials requirements
capacity is required? imposed by the process conditions? Are the

246 Basic Concepts in Reactor Design and Ideal Reactor Models

process fluids corrosive? Are extremely high uses essentially the reverse of the design
temperatures or pressures required? procedures developed later in this chapter
to determine the effective reaction rate from
The remainder of this text attempts to estab-
the pilot plant data. It may be difficult to
lish a rational framework within which many
sepárate the intrinsic chemical effects from
of these questions can be attacked. We will see
any heat and mass transfer effects in the
that there is often considerable freedom of
analysis of data of this type.
choice available in terms of the type of reactor
3. Operating data from commercial scale reac­
and reaction conditions that will accomplish a
tors. If one’s company has access to actual
given task. The development of an optimum
operating data on another commercial in-
processing scheme or even of an optimum
stallation of the same type as that contem-
reactor configuraron and mode of operation
plated, it provides the closest approximation
requires a number of complex calculations that
to the conditions likely to be encountered in
often involve iterative numerical calculations.
industrial practice. Such access may result
Consequently machine computation is used
from licensing arrangements or from previous
extensively in industrial situations to simplify
experience within the company. Unfortunate-
the optimization task. Nonetheless, we have
ly, such data are often incomplete or in-
deliberately chosen to present the concepts used
accurate, and the problems of backing the
in reactor design calculations in a framework
intrinsic chemical kinetics out of the mass
that insofar as possible permits analytical solu-
of data may be insurmountable. In such
tions in order to divorce the basic concepts
systems physical limitations on rates of heat
from the mass of detail associated with machine
and mass transfer may disguise the true ki­
netics to a significant degree.
The first stage of a logical design procedure
involves the determination of a reaction rate
In the design of an industrial scale reactor for
expression that is appropriate for the range of
a new process, or an oíd one that employs a
conditions to be investigated in the design
new catalyst, it is common practice to carry out
analysis. One requires a knowledge of the
both bench and pilot plant studies before
dependence of the rate on composition, tem-
finalizing the design of the commercial scale
perature, fluid velocity, the characteristic di-
reactor. The bench scale studies yield the best
mensions of any heterogeneous phases present,
information about the intrinsic chemical kinetics
and any other process variables that may be
and the associated rate expression. However,
significant. There are several potential sources
when taken alone, they forcé the chemical
of the experimental data that are essential for
engineer to rely on standard empirical corre-
proper reactor design.
lations and prediction methods in order to
1. Bench scale experiments. The reactors used determine the possible influence of heat and
in these experiments are usually designed to mass transfer processes on the rates that will be
opérate at constant temperature, under con­ observed in industrial scale equipment. The
ditions that minimize heat and mass transfer pilot scale studies can provide a test of the
limitations on reaction rates. This facilitates applicability of the correlations and an indica­
an accurate evaluation of the intrinsic chem- ron of potential limitations that physical pro­
ical effects. cesses may place on conversión rates. These
2. Pilot plant studies. The reactors used in these pilot plant studies can provide extremely useful
studies are significantly larger than those in information on the temperature distribution in
bench scale laboratory experiments. One the reactor and on contacting patterns when
8.0 Introduction 247

more than a single phase reactant-catalyst operated in semibatch fashion. In this mode the
system is employed. tank is partially filled with reactant(s), and
additional reactants are added progressively
8.0.2 Reactor Types until the desired end composition is achieved.
Alternatively, one may charge the reactants all
In terms of the physical configurations en- at once and continuously remove producís as
countered, there are basically only two types of they are formed. In the continuous flow mode
reactors: the tank and the tube. of operation the stirred tank reactor is conti­
The ideal tank reactor is one in which stirring nuously supplied with feed; at the same time an
is so efficient that the contents are always uni- equal volume of reactor contents is discharged
form in composition and temperature through- in order to maintain a constant level in the
out. The simple tank reactor may be operated tank. The composition of the effluent stream is
in a variety of modes: batch, semibatch, and identical with that of the fluid remaining in the
continuous flow. These modes are illustrated tank.
schematically in Figure 8.1. In the simple batch The ideal tubular reactor is one in which
reactor the fluid elements will all have the same elements of the homogeneous fluid reactant
composition, but the composition will be time move through a tube as plugs moving parallel to
dependent. The stirred tank reactor may also be the tube axis. This flow pattern is referred to as

stirred tank reactor

A Intermittant addition B Continuous with respect C Continuous removal

of reactants to one reactant but batch of one product
with respect to another

III Semibatch reactors

Figure 8.1
Types of tank reactors.
248 Basic Concepts in Reactor Design and Ideal Reactor Modeis

plug flow or pistón flow. The velocity profile at materials handling costs involved in filling,
a given cross section is fíat and it is assumed emptying, and cleaning of these reactors. While
that there is no axial diffusion or back-mixing batch reactors are being filled, emptied, or
of fluid elements. cleaned, and while the reactor contents are
Batch reactors are often used for liquid phase being heated to the reaction temperature or
reactions, particularly when the required pro- cooled to a point suitable for discharge, batch
duction is small. They are seldom employed on reactors are not producing reaction producís.
a commercial scale for gas-phase reactions The sum of the nonproductive periods may
because the quantity of product that can be often be comparable in length to the time
produced in reasonably sized reactors is small. necessary to carry out the reaction. In deter-
Batch reactors are well suited for producing mining long-term production capacities for
small quantities of material or for producing batch reactors, these dead times musí be taken
several different producís from one piece of into account.
equipment. Consequently they find extensive Continuous flow reactors are almost in-
use in the pharmaceutical and dyestuff industries variably preferred to batch reactors when the
and in the production of certain specialty processing capacity required is large. Although
chemicals where such flexibility is desired. When the capital investment requirements will be
rapid fouling is encountered or contamination higher, the operating costs per unit of product
of fermentation cultures is to be avoided, batch will be lower for continuous operation than for
operation is preferable to continuous processing batch reaction. The advantages of continuous
because it facilitates the necessary cleaning and operation are that it:
sanitation procedures.
When the specified production capacities are 1. Facilitates good quality control for the
low, processes based on batch reactors will product through the provisión of greater
usually have lower capital investment require- constancy in reaction conditions.
ments than processes calling for continuous 2. Facilitates automatic process control.
operation, so batch reactors are often preferred 3. Minimizes the labor costs per unit of product.
for new and untried processes during the
initial stages of development. As production Often the decisión to select a batch or con­
requirements increase in response to market tinuous processing mode involves a determi-
demands, it may become more economic to nation of the relative contributions of capital
shift to continuous processing but, even in these and operating expenses to total process costs
cases, there are many industrial situations where for the proposed level of capacity. As Denbigh
batch operation is preferable. This is particularly (1) points out, what is best for a highly indus-
true when the operating expenses associated trialized country with high labor costs is not
with the reactor are a minor fraction of total necessarily best for a lesser developed country.
product cost. At low production capacities, In many cases selectivity considerations deter­
construction and instrumentaron requirements mine the processing mode, particularly when
for batch reactors are usually cheaper than for the reaction under study is accompanied by
continuous process equipment. Moreover, it is undesirable side reactions. The yield of the
generally easier to start up, shut down, and desired product may differ considerably between
control a batch reactor than a comparable batch and continuous operation and between
capacity continuous flow reactor. the two primary types of continuous processes.
The disadvantages associated with the use of When the yield is lower for a continuous
a batch reactor inelude the high labor and process, this factor may be so important in the
8.0 Introduction 249

overall process economics as to require the use fluid is noncorrosive and readily and safely
of a batch reactor. pumped, it may be preferable to employ an
At this point we wish to turn to a brief dis- external heat exchanger and circulation pump.
cussion of the types of batch and flow reactors Good temperature control can be achieved
used in industrial practice for carrying out using an external reflux condenser for cases
homogeneous fluid phase reactions. Treatment where appreciable vapor is given off. The selec-
of heterogeneous catalytic reactors is deferred tion of either internal or external heat transfer
to Chapter 12. equipment is governed by the required area, the
susceptibility of the heat transfer surface to
8.0.2 .1 Batch Reactors (Stirred Tanks). Batch fouling, the temperature and pressure require-
reactors are usually cylindrical tanks and the ments imposed by the heat transfer médium,
orientation of such tanks is usually vertical. and the potential adverse efíects that might
Cylindrical vessels are employed because they occur if the process fluid and the heat transfer
are easier to fabricate and clean than other médium come in direct contact through leakage.
geometries and because the construction costs For high-pressure operation, safety considera-
for high-pressure units are considerably less tions are extremely important and care must be
than for alternative configurations. For simple taken to ensure proper mechanical design. Clo-
stirred vertical batch reactors, the depth of sures must be designed to withstand the same
liquid is usually comparable to the diameter of máximum pressure as the rest of the autoclave.
the reactor. For greater liquid height to diameter Various authors have treated the problems in­
ratios more complex agitation equipment is volved in designing médium- and high-pressure
necessary. Agitation can be supplied by stirrer batch reactors (2-4).
blades of various shapes or by forced circulation
with an external or built-in pump. Where more Continuous Flow Reactors—Stirred
gas-liquid interfacial area is required for evap- Tanks. The continuous flow stirred tank re­
oration or gas absorption, or where it is neces­ actor is used extensively in chemical process
sary to minimize the hydrostatic head (e.g., to industries. Both single tanks and batteries of
minimize the boiling point rise), horizontal tanks connected in series are used. In many
reactors will be used. The latter orientation may respects the mechanical and heat transfer aspects
also be preferable when the reactor contents are of these reactors closely resemble the stirred
quite viscous or take the form of a slurry. Batch tank batch reactors treated in the previous sub-
reactors may be fabricated from ordinary or section. However, in the present case, one must
stainless steel, but there are often advantages to also provide for continuous addition of re-
using glass or polymer coatings on interior actants and continuous withdrawal of the
surfaces in order to minimize corrosión or product stream.
sanitation problems. It is possible to employ either múltiple in­
Because of the large energy efíects that often dividual tanks in series or units containing
accompany chemical reaction, it is usually neces­ múltiple stages within a single shell (see Figure
sary to provide for heat transfer to or from the 8.2). Múltiple tanks are more expensive, but
reactor contents. Heating or cooling may be provide more flexibility in use, since they are
accomplished using jacketed walls, internal coils, more readily altered if process requirements
or internal tubes filled with a heat transfer fluid change. In order to minimize pump require­
that is circulated through an external heat ex- ments and maintenance, one often chooses to
changer. Energy may also be supplied by elec- allow for gravity flow between stages. When
trical heating or direct firing. If the process the reactants are of limited miscibility, but differ
250 Basic Concepts in Reactor Design and Ideal Reactor Models

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 8.2
Types oí staged reactors. (a) Reactor battery. (b) Vertically staged. (c) Compartmented. (Adapted
from fíeaction Kinetics for Chemical Engineers by S. M. Walas. Copyright © 1959. Used with permission
oí McGraw-Hill Book Company.)

in density, the vertical staged shell lends itself sure in tanks constructed of inexpensive mate-
to countercurrent operation. This approach is rials such as mild steel.
useful when dealing with reversible reactions In addition to lower construction costs, a
between immiscible fluids. continuous flow stirred tank reactor possesses
For purposes of calculation, each stage in a other advantages relative to a tubular flow
multiple-stage unit is treated as an individual reactor, such as the facilitation of temperature
reactor. The process stream flows from one control. Efficient stirring of the reactor contents
reactor to the next, so that there is essentially insures uniform temperature and the elimination
a step change of composition between successive of local hot spots. The large heat. capacity of the
reactors. The step change is a direct consequence reactor contents also acts as a heat sink to
of efficient mixing. Unless the fluid phase is modérate temperature excursions when changes
highly viscous, it is not difficult to approach occur in process conditions. The physical con-
perfect mixing in industrial scale equipment. All figuration of cylindrical tanks provides a large
that is required is that the time necessary to heat transfer area on the external surface of the
distribute an entering element of fluid uniformly tank and permits augmentation of this area
throughout the tank be very small compared to through the use of submerged coils within the
the average residence time in the tank. tank. However, the rate of heat transfer per unit
Because of the dilution that results from the volume of reaction mixture is generally lower in
mixing of entering fluid elements with the re­ a conventional stirred tank reactor than in
actor contents, the average reaction rate in a conventional tubular reactors because of the
stirred tank reactor will usually be less than it lower ratio of heat transfer surface area to
would be in a tubular reactor of equal volume volume in the tank reactor. Consequently,
and temperature supplied with an identical feed tubular reactors are preferred for fast reactions
stream. Consequently, in order to achieve the when energy transfer requirements are very
same production capacity and conversión level, large.
a continuous flow stirred tank reactor or even Ease of access to the interior surface of stirred
a battery of several stirred tank reactors must tanks is an additional advantage of this type of
be much larger than a tubular reactor. In many reactor. This consideration is particularly signi-
cases, however, the greater volume requirement ficant in polymerization reactors, where one
is a relatively unimportant economic factor, needs to worry about periodic cleaning of
particularly when one operates at ambient pres- internal surfaces.
8.0 Introduction 251

Selectivity considerations may also díctate The single-jacketed tube reactor is the sim-
the use of stirred tank reactors. They are pre- plest type of tubular reactor to conceptualize
ferred if undesirable side reactions predomínate and to fabrícate. It may be used only when the
at high reactant concentrations, and they are heat transfer requirements are minimal because
also useful when one desires to “skip” certain of the low surface area to volume ratio charac-
concentration or temperature ranges where by- teristic of these reactors.
product formation may be excessive. When the shell-and-tube configuration is
Stirred tank reactors are employed when it utilized, the reaction may take place on either
is necessary to handle gas bubbles, solids, or a the tube side or the shell side. The shell-and-tube
second liquid suspended in a continuous liquid tubular reactor has a much greater area for
phase. One often finds that the rates of such heat transfer per unit of eflective reactor volume
reactions are strongly dependent on the degree than the single-jacketed tube. Consequently, it
of dispersión of the second phase, which in turn may be used for reactions where the energy
depends on the level of agitation. transfer requirements are large. On occasion
Large stirred tank reactors are generally not the reaction zone may be packed with granular
suited for use at high pressures because of solids to promote increased turbulence or better
mechanical strength limitations. They are used contacting of heterogeneous fluid phases or to
mainly for liquid phase reaction systems at low act as a thermal sink to facilítate control of the
or médium pressures when appreciable residence reactor. In many cases energy economies can be
times are required. achieved using countercurrent flow of a hot
product stream to preheat an incoming reactant Continuous Flow Reactors—Tubular stream to the temperature where the reaction
Reactors. The tubular reactor is so named occurs at an appreciable rate. Two commercial
because the physical configuration of the re­ scale processes that employ this technique are
actor is normally such that the reaction takes the synthesis of ammonia from its elements and
place within a tube or length of pipe. The the oxidation of sulfur dioxide to sulfur trioxide.
idealized model of this type of reactor assumes Tubular furnaces are used only when it is
that an entering fluid element moves through the necessary to carry out endothermic reactions at
reactor as a plug of material that completely fairly high temperatures on very large quantities
filis the reactor cross section. Thus the terms of feedstock. Thermal reforming reactions and
pistón flow or plug flow reactor (PFR) are often other reactions used to increase the yield of
employed to describe the idealized model. The gasoline from petroleum-based feedstocks are
contents of a given elemental plug are presumed commercial scale processes that employ this
to be uniform in temperature and composition. type of reactor. A tubular furnace is basically
This model may be used to treat both the case a combustión chamber with reactor tubes
where the tube is packed with a solid catalyst mounted on its walls and ceiling. Tube dimen-
(see Section 12.1) and the case where the fluid sions are typically 3 to 6 in. in diameter with
phase alone is present. lengths ranging from 20 to 40 ft. As many as
The majority of tubular reactors may be several hundred tubes may be used, with either
classified in terms of three major categories: series or parallel connections possible depending
1. Single-jacketed tubes. on the required residence time.
2. Shell-and-tube heat exchangers. Because there is no back-mixing of fluid ele­
3. Tube furnaces, in which the tubes are exposed ments along the direction of flow in a tubular
to thermal radiation and heat transfer from reactor, there is a continuous gradient in reactant
combustión gases. concentration in this direction. One does not
252 Basic Concepts in Reactor Design and Ideal Reactor Models

encounter the step changes characteristic of múl­ of the reactants is fed. This point is demonstrated
tiple stirred tank reactors. Consequently, for the quite dramatically in Illustration 10.7. This mode
same feed composition and reaction tempera- of operation is also desirable when high reactant
ture, the average reaction rate will generally be concentrations favor the formation of undesir-
significantly higher in a plug flow reactor than it able side produets or when one of the reactants
would be in a single stirred tank or a battery of is a gas of limited solubility.
stirred tanks with a total volume equal to that of Another mode of semibatch operation in­
the tubular reactor. The more efficient utilization volves the use of a purge stream to remove con-
of reactor volume is an advantage of the tubular tinuously one or more of the produets of a
reactor that permits one to use it in processes reversible reaction. For example, water may be
which demand very large capacity. Because vari- removed in esterification reactions by the use of
ations in temperature and composition may a purge stream or by distillation of the reacting
occur in the axial direction in tubular reactors,' mixture. Continuous removal of product(s) in­
these systems may be somewhat more difficult to creases the net reaction rate by slowing down
control than continuous flow stirred tank re­ the reverse reaction.
actors. However, the problems are usually not Semibatch or semiflow processes are among
insurmountable, and one can normally obtain the most difficult to analyze from the viewpoint
steady-state operating conditions which give rise of reactor design because one must deal with an
to uniform product quality. open system under nonsteady-state conditions.
Other advantages of the tubular reactor rela- Henee the differential equations governing en­
tive to stirred tanks inelude suitability for use at ergy and mass conservation are more complex
higher pressures and temperatures, and the fact than they would be for the same reaction carried
that severe energy transfer constraints may be out batchwise or in a continuous flow reactor
readily surmounted usingthis configuration. The operating at steady state.
tubular reactor is usually employed for liquid
phase reactions when relatively short residence 8.0.3 Fundamental Concepts Used in
times are needed to effect the desired chemical Chemical Reactor Design
transformation. It is the reactor of choice for The bread and butter tools of the practicing
continuous gas phase operations. chemical engineer are the material balance and
the energy balance. In many respeets chemical Semibatch or Semiflow Reactors, Semi- reactor design can be regarded as a straight-
batch or semiflow operations usually take place forward application of these fundamental prin­
in a single stirred tank using equipment ex- cipies. This section indicates in general terms
tremely similar to that described for batch opera­ how these principies are applied to the various
tions. Figure 8.1 indicates some of the many types of idealized reactor models.
modes in which semibatch reactors may be
operated. Material and Energy Balances in the
One common mode of operation involves Design of Industrial Reactors. The analysis of
loading some of the reactants into a stirred tank chemical reactors in terms of material and en­
as a single charge and then feeding in the re- ergy balances differs from the analysis of other
maining material gradually. This mode of opera­ process equipment in that one must take into
tion is advantageous when large heat eñeets account the rate at which molecular species are
accompany the reaction. Exothermic reactions converted from one chemical form to another
may be slowed down and temperature control and the rate at which energy is transformed by
maintained by regulating the rate at which one the process. When combined with material and
8.0 Introduction 253

energy balances on the reactor, the reaction rate tinuous flow reactors operating at steady state,
expression provides a means of determining the the accumulation term is omitted. However, for
production rate and the composition of the pro­ the analysis of continuous flow reactors under
ducís as functions of time. Both steady-state and transient conditions and for semibatch reactors
time varying situations may be analyzed using it may be necessary to retain all four terms. For
the same fundamental relations. Differences in ideal well-stirred reactors the composition and
the analyses result from the retention of different temperature are uniform throughout the reactor
terms in the basic balance equations. and all volume elements are identical. Henee the
A material balance on a reactant species of material balance may be written over the entire
interest for an element of volume AV can be reactor in these cases. For tubular flow reactors
written as: the composition is not independent of position

/Rate of flow\ / Rate of flow \ Rate of disappearance

Rate of accumulation
of reactant of reactant of reactant by chemical
of reactant within the (8.0.1)
into volume out of volume reactions within the
volume element
\element / \ element / volume element

or, in shorter form, and the balance musí be written on a diñerential

Input = output + disappearance by reaction element of reactor volume and then integrated
over the entire reactor using appropriate flow
+ accumulation (8.0.2)
conditions and concentration and temperature
The flow terms represent the convective and profiles. Where nonsteady-state conditions are
diffusive transport of reactant into and out of involved, it will be necessary to intégrate over
the volume element. The third term is the pro- time as well as over volume in order to determine
duct of the size of the volume element and the the performance characteristics of the reactor.
reaction rate per unit volume evaluated using Since the rate of a chemical reaction is nor-
the properties appropriate for this element. Note mally strongly temperature dependent, it is es-
that the reaction rate per unit volume is equal to sential to know the temperature at each point in
the intrinsic rate of the chemical reaction only if the reactor in order to be able to utilize equation
the volume element is uniform in temperature 8.0.1 properly. When there are temperature gra-
and concentration (i.e., there are no heat or mass dients within the reactor, it is necessary to utilize
transfer limitations on the rate of conversión of an energy balance in conjunction with the mate­
reactants to producís). The final term represents rial balance in order to determine the tempera-
the rate of change in inventory resulting from ture and composition prevailing at each point in
the effeets of the other three terms. the reactor at a particular time.
In the analysis of batch reactors the two flow The general energy balance for an element of
terms in equation 8.0.1 are omitted. For con- volume AF over a time At can be written as:

/Energy transferred\ /Energy effeets /Energy effeets \

Accumulation ofN from surroundings associated with associated with
energy within the to volume element + the entry of the transfer of (8.0.3)
volume element , by heat and shaft matter into the matter out of the
\work interactions / \ volume element \ volume element /
254 Basic Concepts in Reactor Design and Ideal Reactor Models

For completeness, the terms corresponding to 8.03.2 Vocabulary of Terms Used in Reactor
the entry of material to the volume element and Design. There are several terms that will be
exit therefrom must contain, in addition to the used extensively throughout the remainder of
ordinary enthalpy of the material, its kinetic and this text that deserve definition or comment. The
potential energy. However, for virtually all cases concepts involved inelude steady-state and tran-
of interest in chemical reactor design, only the sient operation, heterogeneous and homoge-
enthalpy term is significant. Since only changes neous reaction systems, adiabatic and isothermal
in internal energy or enthalpy can be evaluated, operation, mean residence time, contacting and
the datum conditions for the first, third, and holding time, and space time and space velocity.
fourth terms must be identical in order to achieve Each of these concepts will be discussed in
an internally consistent equation. Although heat turn.
interactions in chemical reactors are significant, Large-scale industrial reactions are almost in-
shaft work effects are usually negligible. The variably carried out on a continuous basis with
chemical reaction rate does not appear explicitly reactants entering at one end of the reactor net-
in equation 8.0.3, but its effects are implicit in all work and producís leaving at the other. Usually
terms except the second. The first, third, and such systems are designed for steady-state opera­
fourth terms reflect differences in temperature tion but, even during the design of such systems,
and/or in composition of the entering and leav- adequate care must be made to provide for the
ing streams. The energy effects associated with transient condition that will invariably be in-
composition changes are a direct reflection of curred during start-up and shut-down periods.
the enthalpy change associated with the reac­ By the term steady-state operation we imply that
tion. conditions at any point in the reactor are time-
There are a variety of limiting forms of equa­ invariant. Changes in composition occur in the
tion 8.0.3 that are appropriate for use with differ- spatial dimensión instead of in a time dimensión.
ent types of reactors and different modes of It should be emphasized that operation at
operation. For stirred tanks the reactor contents steady state does not imply equilibrium. The last
are uniform in temperature and composition term is restricted to isolated systems that un-
throughout, and it is possible to write the energy dergo no net change with time. Insofar as the
balance over the entire reactor. In the case of a analysis of continuous flow reactors is con­
batch reactor, only the first two terms need be cerned, the major thrust of this and succeeding
retained. For continuous flow systems operating chapters involves steady-state operation. The
at steady state, the accumulation term disap- basic principies described in the previous sub-
pears. For adiabatic operation in the absence of section remain valid for the analysis of transient
shaft work effects the energy transfer term is systems. However, in most transient cases it is
omitted. For the case of semibatch operation it necessary to resort to numerical solutions in
may be necessary to retain all four terms. For order to predict the response of a continuous
tubular flow reactors neither the composition flow reactor network to changes in operating
ñor the temperature need be independent of conditions. Batch reactors are inherently un-
position, and the energy balance must be written steady-state systems, even when the reactor con­
on a differential element of reactor volume. The tents are uniform throughout.
resultant differential equation must then be Both homogeneous and heterogeneous reac­
solved in conjunction with the differential equa­ tion systems are frequently encountered in com-
tion describingthe material balance on the differ­ mercial practice. The term homogeneous reaction
ential element. system is restricted in this text to fluid systems in
8.0 Introduction 255

which the system properties vary continuously Although the concept of “mean residence
from point to point within the reactor. The term time” is easily visualized in terms of the average
embraces both catalytic and noncatalytic reac- time necessary to cover the distance between
tions, but it requires that any catalysts be uni- reactor inlet and outlet, it is not the most funda­
formly dispersed throughout the fluid phase. The mental characteristic time parameter for pur-
term heterogeneous reaction system refers to poses of reactor design. A more useful concept is
systems in which there are two or more phases that of the reactor space time. For continuous
involved in the reaction process, either as re- flow reactors the space time (t) is defined as the
actants or as catalysts. ratio of the reactor volume (FR) to a charac­
Adiabatic operation implies that there is no teristic volumetric flow rale of fluid (iT).
heat interaction between the reactor contents
and their surroundings. Isothermal operation
implies that the feed stream, the reactor contents,
and the effluent stream are equal in temperature The reactor volume is taken as the volume of the
and have a uniform temperature throughout. reactor physically occupied by the reacting fluids.
The present chapter is devoted to the analysis of It does not inelude the volume occupied by agita-
such systems. Adiabatic and other forms of non- tion devices, heat exchange equipment, or head-
isothermal systems are treated in Chapter 10. room above liquids. One may arbitrarily select
The terms holding time, contact time, and resi­ the temperature, pressure, and even the state of
dence time are often used in discussions of the aggregation (gas or liquid) at which the volumet­
performance of chemical reactors. As employed ric flow rate to the reactor will be measured. For
by reactor designers, these terms are essentially design calculations it is usually convenient to
interchangeable. They refer to the length of time choose the reference conditions as those that
that an element of process fluid spends in the prevail at the the inlet to the reactor. However, it
reactor in question. For a batch reactor it is is easy to convert to any other basis if the
usually assumed that no reaction occurs while pressure-volume-temperature behavior of the
the reaction vessel is being filled or emptied or system is known. Since the reference volumetric
while its contents are brought up to an ignition flow rate is arbitrary, care must be taken to
temperature. The holding time is thus the time specify precisely the reference conditions in
necessary to “cook” the contents to the point order to allow for proper interpretation of the
where the desired degree of conversión is resultant space time. Unless an explicit state-
achieved. The terms “contact time” and “mean ment is made to the contrary, we will choose our
residence time” are used primarily in discussions reference state as that prevailing at the reactor
of continuous flow processes. They represent the inlet and emphasize this choice by the use of the
average length of time that it takes a fluid ele­ subscript zero. Henceforth,
ment to travel from the reactor inlet to the re­
actor outlet. For plug flow reactors, all fluid
elements will have the same residence time.
However, for stirred lank reactors or other re­
actors in which mixing effects are significant, where is the volumetric flow rate at the inlet
there will be a spread of residence times for temperature and pressure and a fraction con­
the different fluid elements. This has important versión of zero.
implications for the conversions that will be Using this convention, a space time of 30 min
achieved in such reactors. means that every 30 min one reactor volume of
256 Basic Concepts in Reactor Design and Ideal Reactor Models

feed (measured at inlet conditions) is processed after the nature of the changes occurring within
by the reactor. One reactor volume enters and the reactor is known.
one reactor volume leaves, but this statement The reciprocal of the space time is known as
does not imply that we have simply displaced the the space velocity (S).
original charge from the reactor. Some or all of
the original contents may leave, and some of the i y'
s=-=v (8.0.6)
fresh charge may leave as well. In the latter T Vr
circumstance the reactor contents become a mix­
ture of the original contents and new material. Like the definition of the space time, the defini-
The space time is not necessarily equal to the tion of the space velocity involves the volumetric
average residence time of an element of fluid in flow rate of the reactant stream measured at
the reactor. Variations in the number of moles some reference condition. A space velocity of
on reaction as well as variations in temperature 10 hr_1 implies that every hour, 10 reactor
and pressure can cause the volumetric flow rate volumes of feed can be processed.
at arbitrary points in the reactor to difier appre- When dealing with reactions where a liquid
ciably from that corresponding to inlet condi­ feed must be vaporized prior to being fed to the
tions. Consequently, even though the reference reactor proper, one must state very clearly
conditions may be taken as those prevailing at whether the space velocity is based on the vol­
the reactor inlet, the space time need not be equal umetric flow rate of the feed as a liquid or as a
to the mean residence time of the fluid. The two gas. Unless an explicit statement to the contrary
quantities are equal only if all of the following is made, the term space velocity in this text will
conditions are met. refer to the ratio of the volumetric flow rate
evaluated at reactor inlet conditions tó the reactor
1. Pressure and temperature are constant volume.
throughout the reactor. The term space velocity has somewhat differ-
2. The density of the reaction mixture is inde- ent connotations when dealing with heteroge-
pendent of the extent of reaction. For gas neous catalytic reactors. In this case it denotes
phase reactions this requirement implies that the ratio of the mass flow rate of feed to the mass
there can be no change in the number of of catalyst used (VF).
moles on reaction. In terms of equation 3.1.45, p 'K
we require that ó = 0. WHSV = 4— (8.0.7)
3. The reference volumetric flow rate is eval-
uated at reactor inlet conditions. where p is the mass density of the feed and
WHSV is termed the weight hourly space velocity.
When the space time and the mean residence Sometimes the term volumetric hourly space
time differ, it is the space time that should be velocity (VHSV) is used to denote the ratio of
regarded as the independent process variable the volumetric flow rate of a gaseous feed to the
that is directly related to the constraints imposed weight of the catalyst bed.
on the system. We will see in Sections 8.2 and 8.3
that it is convenient to express the fundamental
VHSV = F (808)
design relations for continuous flow reactors in w
terms of this parameter. We will also see that for
these reactors the mean residence time cannot be On other occasions the volume of catalyst in-
considered as an independent variable, but that stead of the mass of catalyst may be used in the
it is a parameter that can be determined only denominator. The units associated with a parti-
8.1 Design Analysis for the Batch Reactor 257

cular space velocity indícate the definition limiting reagent.) Thus,

Rate of accumulation =

Batch reactors are widely used in the chemical

industry for producing materials that are needed where NA0 is number of moles of species A pre-
in limited quantity, particularly in those cases sent when the fraction conversión is zero.
where the processing cost represents only a small The total rate of disappearance of reactant A
fraction of the total valué of the product. Since is given by
modern industry stresses the use of continuous Rate of disappearance = ( — rA)VR (8.1.3)
processes because they lend themselves most
readily to mass production, chemical engineers We again emphasize that VR is the volume
may, in some instances, tend to overlook the physically occupied by the reacting fluid. Com-
economic superiority of batch operations. One bining equations 8.1.1 to 8.1.3 gives
should not become so fascinated with the con­
tinuous process, or the more complex and in- (8.1.4)
teresting design analysis associated therewith,
as to lose sight of the economic penalty exacted Rearrangement and integration gives
by this degree of technical sophistication.
The starting point for the development of the (8.1.5)
basic design equation for a well-stirred batch (-YaWr
reactor is a material balance involving one of the where fA2 and fAl represent the fraction con­
species participating in the chemical reaction. versión at times t2 and t1? respectively. This
For convenience we will denote this species as A equation is the most general form of the basic
and we will let ( —rj represent the rate of dis­ design relationship for a batch reactor. It is valid
appearance of this species by reaction. For a well- for both isothermal and nonisothermal opera-
stirred reactor the reaction mixture will be tion as well as for both constant volume and
uniform throughout the effective reactor volume, constant pressure operation. Both the reaction
and the material balance may thus be written rate and the reactor volume should be retained
over the entire contents of the reactor. For a inside the integral sign, since either or both may
batch reactor equation 8.0.1 becomes change as the reaction proceeds.

Rate of accumulation Rate of disappearance of

of reactant A within reactant A within the reactor (8.1.1)
the reactor by chemical reaction

The accumulation term is just the time deriva- There are a number of limiting forms of equa­
tive of the number of moles of reactant A con- tion 8.1.5 that should be mentioned briefly. If
tained within the reactor (dNA/dt). This term also G = OandXn = 0,
may be written in terms of either the extent of
reaction (f) or the fraction conversión of the dfA
t (8.1.6)
limiting reagent (fA). {A is presumed to be the
258 Basic Concepts in Reactor Design and Ideal Reactor Models

If, in addition, the reactor volume (fluid density) The use of equations like this was treated in
is constant, equation 8.1.6 becomes great detail in Chapter 3. There our primary
objective was the determination of the mathe-
matical form of the reaction rate expression
from data on the extent of reaction or fraction
conversión versus time. At present our objective
For reactions where the fluid volume varies is just the reverse: to determine the time nec­
linearly with the fraction conversión, as indi- essary to achieve a given degree of conversión
cated by equation 3.1.40, equation 8.1.6 becomes using our knowledge of the mathematical form
of the reaction rate expression and the reaction
conditions. Although it is often more convenient
HAoH + ¿AfA) to work in terms of extent of reaction when
dfA analyzing rate data, it is usually more conve­
(8.1.8) nient to work in terms of fraction conversión in
(-rj(l + ¿a/a)
analyzing design problems. The two concepts
where VR0 is the volume occupied by the reacting are simply related, and the chemical engineer
fluid at zero fraction conversión. This equation should learn to work in terms of either with
would be appropriate for use when low-pressure equal facility.
gas phase reactions involving a change in the The degree of difficulty associated with
number of moles on reaction take place in a evaluating the integral in any of the batch
batch reactor at constant pressure. However, gas reactor design equations (equations 8.1.5 to
phase reactions are rarely carried out batchwise 8.1.10) depends on the composition and tem-
on a commercial scale because the quantity of perature dependence of the reaction rate expres­
product that can be produced in a reasonably sion. For nonisothermal systems an energy
sized reactor is so small. The chief use of batch balance must be employed to relate the system
reactors for gas phase reactions is to obtain the temperature (and through it the reaction rate)
data necessary for the design of continuous flow to the fraction conversión. For isothermal
reactors. systems it is not necessary to utilize an energy
For simple nth-order kinetics where volumet- balance to determine the holding time necessary
ric expansión effects may be significant, equation to achieve a given fraction conversión. One
8.1.8 becomes merely substitutes rate constants evaluated at
c the temperature in question directly into the
rate expression. However, an energy balance
must be used to determine the heat transfer
requirements necessary to maintain isothermal
en (i + d/A conditions. The reader should recognize that
(8.1.9) even if a simple closed form relation between
Jo kcnA-0\i - fAy
time and fraction conversión cannot be ob-
Equations 8.1.4 to 8.1.8 may also be written tained, it is still possible to evalúate the integral
in terms of the extent of reaction (£) or the graphically or numerically using standard meth-
extent per unit volume (£*). In terms of £ the ods to assure convergence. The latter approach
most general design relation (equation 8.1.5) is invariably necessary when departures from
becomes isothermal conditions are large.
p^2 d¡í _ p2 The following illustrations indicate how the
J^1 r^R basic design relations developed above are used
8.1 Design Analysis for the Batch Reactor 259

to answer the two questions with which the Since the reaction takes place at constant
reactor designer is most often faced. volume, the pertinent design equation is equa-
tion 8.1.7.
1. What is the time required for converting a
quantity of material to the desired level under
specified reaction conditions? B0 Jo kCB0(l - /B)(Cco - /bCbo)
2. What reactor volume is required to achieve
a given production rate? Since the reaction occurs under isothermal
conditions, the rate constant may be taken
outside the integral sign. Integration and sim-
plification then gives
Wassermann (6) has studied the Diels-Alder
reaction of benzoquinone (B) and cyclopen-
tadiene (C) at 25 °C. ^(Cco — Cbo)

o ^CO
n lll
+ 1VIy

CH2 ||

o co CH
c+ B adduct r = kCBCc

Volume changes on reaction may be neglected. Substitution of numerical valúes gives

At 25 °C the reaction rate constant is equal to
9.92 x 10'3 m3/kmole • sec. If one employs a
well-stirred isothermal batch reactor to carry £n
out this reaction, determine the holding time 1 - 0.95
t =------
necessary to achieve 95% conversión of the 9.92 x 10“3(0.1 - 0.08)
limiting reagent using initial concentrations of
= 7.91 x 103 sec or 2.20 hr
0.1 and 0.08 kmole/m3 for cyclopentadiene and
benzoquinone, respectively.
The limiting reagent is benzoquinone. The rate
of disappearance of this species can be written
in terms of the initial concentrations and the Zeolites are hydrous aluminosilicates that are
fraction conversión as widely used as catalysts in the chemical process
industry. Zeolite A is usually synthesized in the
~rB = ^[Cbo(1 “ /b)](^co ~ Tb^bo) sodium form from aqueous solutions of sodium
260 Basic Concepts in Reactor Design and Ideal Reactor Models

silicate and sodium alumínate. Kerr (7) and determine the time necessary to achieve 98%
Liu (8) have studied an alternative method of conversión of the substrate to zeolite in a
synthesis from amorphous sodium alumino- well-stirred batch reactor. The conditions to
silicate substrate and aqueous sodium hydroxide be considered are isothermal operation at
solution. The reaction (essentially a crystalliza- 100 °C and a hydroxide concentration of
tion or recrystallization process) can be viewed 1.5 kmoles/m3.
as 2. Assuming the reaction conditions noted in

Amorphous solid -> soluble species

Soluble species + nuclei (or zeolite crystals) zeolite A

Liu’s description of the kinetics of the zeolite part 1, determine the reactor size and total
formation process can be formulated in terms weight of charge necessary to produce zeolite
of the following equation. A at an average rate of 2000 kg/day. Only
_ JC. = one reactor is to be used, and it will be
necessary to shut down for 1.8 ksec between
dt + (k3 + 1)6%
batches for removal of product, cleaning,
where and start-up. The zeolite to be reeyeled to
[OH-] = hydroxide ion concentration the reactor will come from the 2000 kg
(kmoles/m3) produced daily.
Cz = concentration of zeolite crystals Solution
Since the reaction takes place in slurry form,
CA = concentration of amorphous
the reactor volume may be regarded as constant,
substrate (kg/m3)
and equation 8.1.7 is appropriate for use.
and k1? k2, and k3 are kinetic constants. Since
the total weight of solids in a batch reactor Í2 - Í! = CA0 P ' (B)
musí satisfy an overall material balance, we
require that the quantity (CA + Cz) be a con- where the subscript A refers to the amorphous
stant equal to the total weight of the charge substrate.
divided by the effective reactor volume. Note The principies of stoichiometry may be used
that the reaction is catalyzed by the presence to write the reaction rate in terms of the fraction
of product in that the zeolite concentration conversión. The desired conversión level is
appears in the numerator of the rate expression. expressed in terms of the initial substrate level.
Consequently, it is desirable to inelude some Thus CA0 = 24 kg/m3. At any time the instan-
zeolite in the feed to the reactor to enhance the taneous concentration of substrate can be
reaction rate. Reactions of this type are labeled written as
as “autocatalyticThey are treated in more cA = CAO(1 - fA) (C)
detail in Section 9.4. while the corresponding concentration of zeolite
At 100 CC the following valúes of the rate is given by
constants are appropriate for use.
Cz = Czo + /a^ao (D)
kr = 2.36 k2 = 0.625 ksec-1 k3 = 0.36 The instantaneous reaction rate can be expressed
1. If one utilizes a slurry containing 1 kg/m3 of in terms of the fraction conversión by combining
zeolite and 24 kg/m3 of amorphous substrate, equations A, C, and D.
8.2 Design of Tubular Reactors 261

-dCA = fe2[OH-]fclCXQ(l -^(Czq+^Gq)

dt k3(CZ0 + ÁC40) + (1 + ~ / a)

Substitution of numerical valúes into this relation The weight of amorphous solids per batch
gives must equal the product of the reactor volume
2 36
= (0.625)(1.5) ' (24)(l - /J(l + 24/J
and the solids concentration. Thus
'A 0.36(1 + 24A) + (1.36)(24)(1 -/J
v‘ = 5 25 1387 gal
_ (39.05)(l - A)(l + 24/J
33.0 - 24/a (E) Note that in this case the batch reactor is
Combining equations E and B gives operating in the production mode only two
thirds of the time. This situation is not extra-
= 94 P í33-0 - 24^ ordinary and allowances must be made for
- Jo 39.05(1 - /J(l + 24/J downtime in order to meet design requirements
This integral may be broken up into terms that
can be evaluated using standard tables.
When there are significant heating and cooling
periods associated with the utilization of a
batch reactor, one must take these circumstances
into account in design calculations. If only one
reaction is involved, the holding time computed
using the methods of this section will be a
or conservative estimate of the length of time the
reactor contents should be held at the specified
temperature. However, if undesirable side reac-
tions take place at temperatures below the
operating temperature, the magnitude of the
adverse effects must be considered. If they are
significant it may be necessary to resort to
The time required to achieve any desired rapid quenching techniques or to sepárate pre-
degree of conversión may be calculated from
heating of coreactants to the desired tem­
this expression. For fA = 0.98: t = 3.54 ksec = perature.
0.982 hr.
For part 2, for 98% conversión, each batch 8.2 DESIGN OF TUBULAR REACTORS
will require a holding time of 3.54 ksec and a
downtime of 1.80 ksec for emptying, cleaning, Tubular reactors are normally used in the
and start-up. The total time consumed in chemical industry for extremely large-scale
processing one batch is thus 5.34 ksec. In order processes. When filled with solid catalyst parti­
to produce 2000 kg of zeolite A per day we óles, such reactors are referred to as fixed or
require that each batch contain an amount of packed bed reactors. This section treats general
amorphous solids equal to design relationships for tubular reactors in

2000 kg/day (5.34 ksec/batch) kg

--------------------------------- x ----------------------- =126
(0.98)(percent conversión) (86.4 ksec/day)----------------- batch

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