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Running head: RATIONAL 1


Vincent Dalke

Northern Arizona University


The goal of the rationale paper is to bring comprehension of course material to principle

learning outcomes. An Applied Human Behavior (AHB) degree positions the learning toward

service in many employment circumstances. Topics such as Human Systems and Diversity,

Practice and Intervention, Community Engagement and Responsibility are covered over the span

of the entire AHB program.


The learning outcomes presented in this rationale will show the exact nature of my

learning but more importantly the contribution to greater understanding of formal systems. Many

basic subjects will be covered and developed to establish an adequate assessment of course

material. Preparation for clinical hours, intricate menusha, and present modalities within the

AHB sphere opportunities. These practices can extend outside of human services and translate

into holistically functional perspectives under many fields of study.

Human Systems and Diversity

Human systems is a broad umbrella term that includes all who are human and this would

call our attention to diversity. There are many different forms of diversity whether it be racial,

economic, class, gender, orientation, and even regional. In particular communities no matter how

monochromatic they may seem there are diverse perspectives among all people. Historical

perspectives on current social conditions in relation to community is among one of the many

ideas learned about through the AHB course material. Ideas in action in AHB340, theoretical

perspectives on deviance, helped deconstruct deviant concepts. This required assessing ethical

dilemmas that concern many diverse perspectives and identities. In the process of sociological

imagination you are to encounter perspectives personally. By doing this you are open to more

possibilities within societal structure. Understanding diverse perspectives calls into question

ethics in primary and secondary diversity. In Diverse work environments AHB390 taught this

through ethics discussions. By problem solving each scenario we will understand basic legal and

ethical structures. Understanding diversity and finding ways to encourage multicultural

environments comes from AHB390 in our organized diversity initiative assignment. Here we
were able to create our own initiatives and relate to the benefits of diverse work environments.

To apply concepts of resiliency to support clients and working with populations of diverse nature

we look to the addiction and recovery course AHB420. In our assignment abstinence or

acquisition we logged a particular addiction we had and developed ways to counter this issue.

Whether it be a habit or an even more pervasive issue, it really brought the attitude into clearer

focus for human service providers. What is asked of a client is much greater than just life change

but entire reworking of systems they have used for a very long time. By personalizing the

situation they are in we can better understand how to build mechanisms of resiliency with our


Practice and Intervention

Discourse is a helpful tool and analysis of the service system is worthwhile. When a

greater knowledge of what the practice of intervening in the life of a person, many of the

altruistic endeavours fall flat. There are a variety of theories that advance functioning individuals

and communities optimally. Covered by direct practice AHB425 week three course activities we

analyzed how to use supervision and support when evaluating clients. Our discussion questions

prompted application of readings to particular dilemma and posited scenarios. In practice this

will happen often where particular state laws have an impact on availability in services. This is

important in giving sound care to clients and staying within the protections when employed in

any human service position. To take this framework of what interventions are available to the

real world ways of developing better options for care. In AHB 365 environmental and biological

foundations we reviewed the impact of biological, environmental and social behavior on human

systems. When forming a literature review you need to look at peer reviewed articles to compare
and contrast different understandings of human behavior. Learning how to use a biopsychosocial

model assists in intervention methods for high to nominal risk clients. To continue the growth of

applying our understanding of human behavior direct practice AHB 425 strengthens the model.

Support for client well being is being aware of the community setting and resources to proper

services and referrals. If a client has needs beyond your capabilities or secondary care must be

applied it is crucial for providers to know the opportunities available. In engaging client

activities we were made to focus on the legal parameters of practicing counseling and like

services. Finding the appropriate referral for the client but this is particularly important with

insurances. The goal is to release as little as possible information on your client to anyone other

than yourself and them. Disclosure is one of the main trust building activities between provider

and clients. Thinking about how we can locate better levels of services through implementing

direct practice activities promotes goal attainment. Doing a proposal in AHB305 research

methods had us look at techniques for evaluating practices that involve individuals, families,

communities, and groups. The social science research topic chosen was deconstructed to what

method and implications based on peer reviewed studies. For adequate practice performance this

level of research based writing is critical for successful care. Developing community planning

skills is necessary to utilize proposal writing. By creating systems that are sustainable we used

advocacy methods with the diversity strategic planning assessment. AHB390 created this

assignment to see how to capitalize on diversity to build stronger communal activity and

empower stakeholders in the process.

Community Engagement and Responsibility

Identifying is half the battle when dealing with sociological dilemmas. To see the impact

of global issues and resolutions to social issues AHB450 provides content to develop new

strategies. The genogram assignment really opened the scope of possible traumatic events that

affect a particular person. Public policy, socioeconomics, and community development play

significant roles when making analysis. Reading a study of a particular persons’ case and writing

out a formal genogram of their history conclusions are far easier to draw. The genogram analysis

was what conclusions were derived from the genogram alone. More precise forms of care come

into focus when going through this assignment.

Professional Preparedness

Recognizing and applying leadership skills in a wide variety of careers helps see

positions that are affected by human behavior. In AHB390 public speakers were brought in so

we could ask directly and discuss candidly the issues presented throughout the course. Being

able to see how diversity is perceived in business or either side of the political isles, this topic is

relevant. To hear to date political processes was both informative and prescriptive to what our

local government seeks in expanding. What does the future look like? Is a question that human

services aims not only to aid currently but look forward to policies. Applying the wide variety of

ideals works to perfect structures. Arlando Teller, a member of the house of representatives,

shows his diverse perspective and how it motivated him to be in politics. To look behind the

scenes of how elections work and what the process for legislation has is incalculably valued.

These are held to high esteem because direct practice is really where application and awareness

come together. Guidelines apply prevalent ethical and legal constraints with human services. The

law and policy section in AHB425 examined this in many ways. When dealing with court
ordered services there are a whole new manner of criteria that become apparent. Reminding

ourselves that the first need is the client and to evaluate what their considerations may be. Being

taught how to have reasonable expectations in perspective to the client. AHB425 instills that

both explaining clients rights under HIPAA and problem solving for issues that may ensue.

Creating a case study and mock DAP brings to light the paperwork and verbiage that will be seen

in the field. Much of the dialogue presented through the course is applied to human behavior. If

someone is unable to give consent or the whole issue surrounding consent for treatment prevents

complicated mishaps. Even small breaches can have lasting effects to further treatment for the



Whether a career path leads toward working in immediate impact positions political,

corporate or non-profit these categories will assist in any field. I have learned how to interact and

utilize diversity to express the character of the local community. People will give great

knowledge about how best to serve them if the right questions are asked. The applied human

behavior course material has given me the tools to assist others accurately and provide in depth

analysis of needs. Human services is the provision of cooperative action. With diverse and

multicultural virtues prominent in the forefront of community planning greater feelings of

inclusiveness are accepted. This version of progress seeks to have no universal perspective

concerning deviant behavior but understanding. Judgement is never recognized, only solving and

supportive elements pursued. The AHB program has equipped me with the skills to provide a

service that seeks to promote client well-being.

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