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Hey guys, this really is just a normal ACT Mail. I don't know what you expect to
be reading in this opening section, but I PROMISE there is no theme for this
one. Seriously, just go to the next graphic and learn about service. There is no
catch. I'm just rambling here. Seriously, don't expect there to be a fun or quirky
theme in this email. It's ordinary. Nothing special. But keep reading and learn
about service.

Oh boy, if this were a themed ACT Mail I would totally make an owl pun here or even
pretend to be an owl for this service opportunity. But no. This is not a themed ACT
Mail so I will not do that. Instead I will simply tell you what this is.

This is a fun event where you can learn about incredible service opportunities in your
area! So come up to Parkway Ballroom, grab yourself some candy, and learn about
some really neat ways to get yourself involved! There will be prizes and candy so
you have no excuse not to go.
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You know, I'm not your jester anymore. I'm not just here to make funny emails for you
to read. Just because I wrote these emails with themes in the past doesn't mean you
should always expect me to make creative things for you. I am my own
PROFESSIONAL person now.

Speaking of professional people, check out this organization that could turn YOU into
a service professional.

For the past 6 years, *Ignite NC* has worked with emerging leaders in our
community and around our campus. They are a statewide non-profit that has trained,
mentored, resourced, and uplifted folks as they engage with the community and
worked to mitigate and transform injustice. Their fellows and interns have worked
around campus safety and accessibility, racial and gender equity,
environmental/economic sustainability, and non partisan civic engagement.

*Applications* are currently open for their Spring 2020 fellowship! This paid
fellowship is a wonderful opportunity for anyone 18-30 years of age, who is
interested in the above topics, or other areas of equity and community engagement,
to gain skills, knowledge and support to uplift their goals. This application is open
until the end of October 31st.

Everyone is welcome to find out more information at our upcoming webinar this
Wednesday October 23rd at 6pm. Register *HERE* for the call information.
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See, don't you like just having an ordinary email that is easy to read? This is much
better than having a pirate or some sort of vampire write about service. I mean really
people. What would a vampire know about ASE? Nothing. That's what. But I know a
lot about ASE! Don't believe me? Let me prove it!

ASE is an incredible way to spend your school breaks. Our international programs
are an especially fun way to travel, learn, bond, and serve! You and a handfull of
peers jump into a plane and take it to another country, work alongside this new
community, and at the end of your week you leave with new knowledge, experiences,
and 11-14 new best friends.

And what's that? Did someone say "one of the cheapest ways to study abroad on
campus?" Oh that's right, I did! Take some time to read about our programs to Belize,
Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, and Puerto Rico! You won't regret it!

-*-For More Information Click Here!-*-

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Maybe I should quit and become a singer. I could join this Treble Choir and never
look back. People would RESPECT me there. But noooooo. I have to make you a
funny message. No more. I'm a musician now. Please check out my SoundCloud.

If you want to hear more incredible musicians like me check out this musical event
that also helps App Builds A Home!

Appalachian Treble Choir and Appalachian Glee Club are holding their Fall Concert
on Friday, November 1st 2019. It will be held in Rosen Concert Hall beginning at
8:00p.m. "Where Does My Heart Find Home?" will be conducted by Dr. Meg
Stohlmann and Dr. Priscilla Porterfield. Donations are being accepted for the App
Builds A home partnership with Watauga County Habitat for Humanity.

See! I know a lot about service! I don't need a funny accent to write an email.
Nope. Don't count on my themes any more.

If you have complaints or want to request that the themes come back, please
email IDon'

Hope you enjoyed this ordinary email, with no themes whatsoever,

-- Just some guy

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