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Hernan Ducon Cardona

Juan David Guzman


Moments of ethical issues

1. by the time Mandela becomes president, whites assume they will be fired because
blacks will have priority. Mandela, with the objective of changing the differences
between the two social strata, did not discriminate against anyone and was a
respectful and kind leader with all those who resented him.
2. Mandela used sport as a clear example that in a team, despite differences, you must
work together to achieve a common goal. In the film, Mandela's simplicity creates an
atmosphere of doubt for many, but he takes pride in winning the trust and support of
many opponents.
3. After Mandela was released from prison, the support of the people helped him to
overthrow the line of white presidents who had ruled for several years. This meant a
social and ideological change where the white population believed that they would be
discriminated against. contrary to what was thought Mandela knew how to govern in
an equitable and respectful manner without discrimination
4. During the film, the bad treatment of colored workers was observed, the working
conditions were not fair and the remuneration was not adequate for the lifestyle of the
colored population.
5. Mandela lasted 27 years fighting against the violation of human rights, he wanted a
change and human rights was the beginning to achieve a peaceful and respectful
society. during these 27 years Mandela was the victim of persecutions and dawns

Ethical dilemas

1. The first moral dilemma Mandela faced was the criticism of her security corps of
monopolizing white people in her security circle. Despite the fact that it had been the
whites who had persecuted and imprisoned Mandela, he decided to forgive and be an
inclusive leader where there was no place for resentment or revenge.
2. Mandela used this method to create harmony in his people, avoid racism that was
even more serious then, he always cared for everyone and tried to get others to share
that concern to reflect on the actions they are taking or will take.

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