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Journal of Building Engineering 13 (2017) 266–271

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Mechanical and hygrothermal properties of compressed stabilized earth MARK

bricks (CSEB)

Pape Moussa Touréa, Vincent Samboua, , Mactar Fayea,b, Ababacar Thiama,b, Mamadou Adja,
Dorothé Azilinona
Laboratoire d’Energétique Appliquée, Ecole Supérieure Polytechnique, Université Cheikh Anta Diop, BP:5085 Dakar-Fann, Senegal
Département de Physique, Université Alioune Diop de Bambey, BP 30 Bambey, Senegal


Keywords: In Africa, compressed stabilized earth bricks are used increasingly in construction. The mechanical, thermal and
Compressed stabilized earth bricks hygroscopic properties of earth-based building materials available in the African market are not known with
Compression strength accuracy. For this reason, it is often difficult to predict the thermal behavior and the sustainability of buildings
Thermal conductivity made from earth bricks. The work presented in this paper aims at measuring the mechanical, thermal and
Thermal capacity
hygroscopic properties of compressed stabilized earth bricks (CSEB) produced by eight brickworks in Senegal.
Water vapor permeability
These properties include compressive strength, thermal conductivity, thermal capacity, and water vapor per-
meability. The mechanical characterization showed that the compressive strength of CSEB made by these
brickworks is insufficient for CSEB to be used in a load-bearing wall according to the African standard ARS 674.
The thermal characterization gives an average thermal conductivity of 0.75 W m−1 K−1 and an average specific
heat of 1040 J kg−1 K−1, with a Variation Coefficient of 8% and 7%, respectively. The hygroscopic character-
izations show a low resistance to water vapor of these bricks. These values are close to the few data existing in
the literature on CSEB.

1. Introduction content of these chemical substances varies with mineral and chemical
composition based on formation [8]. Mineralogical analyses showed
The energy consumption of residential buildings accounts for about that the laterite is composed of kaolinite, hematite, goethite and quartz
40% of global energy used in the world [1,2]. Residential buildings are [9]. The kaolinite is the predominant clay mineral in laterites [10].
responsible for a large share of greenhouse gas emissions [3]. In Senegal Pozzolanic reaction in soils containing kaolinite mixed with cement
residential buildings represent 49% of total final consumption ac- seems to start at about 1 h after the mixing, but does not modified the
cording to the Energy Information System of SENEGAL. It is therefore soil [10]. Earth construction contains several techniques: wattle and
necessary to reduce this energy consumption to decrease the impact of daub cob, rammed earth and earth bricks [11]. The technique of earth
buildings on the environment. In doing so several solutions have been bricks is the one used in Senegal. The earth bricks can be compressed or
implemented. Among them, we can note the improvement of building not. To improve water resistance, the earth bricks are often stabilized.
envelope to better thermal comfort in the buildings. In this context, The stabilization of earth bricks is necessary in rainy zones.
innovative materials based on earth is used as a substitute for con- The mechanical properties of CSEB have been studied by many re-
ventional materials, such as concrete. Earth has many advantages. It is searchers. State of the art on different procedures (Direct unit strength,
available in large quantities. The energy requirement for its extract, RILEM test and Indirect tests) used for measuring compressive strength
transform and produce is low. In [4,5] embodied energy of cement of CSEB has been done by Morel et al. [12]. They have shown in this
stabilized rammed earth is given. Its good capacity to regulate the in- review that the value of strength compressive of CSEB differs according
door humidity [6] and its very high thermal inertia [7] are added to the test procedure used. Another work about the compressive and
these advantages. Both parameters are an asset to improve thermal flexural strengths of compressed earth bricks stabilized with cement has
comfort in buildings. In this context, the laterite is increasingly used in been done by Walker [13]. The results show that the strength of CSEB is
earth construction. The laterite is available in large quantities in tro- improved by increasing cement content and impaired by clay content.
pical countries, it is rich in aluminum, silica and iron oxides [8]. The The compressive strength at different days of curing (7, 14, 21 and 28

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (V. Sambou).
Received 23 December 2016; Received in revised form 25 August 2017; Accepted 31 August 2017
Available online 04 September 2017
2352-7102/ © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
P.M. Touré et al. Journal of Building Engineering 13 (2017) 266–271

days) of compressed laterite bricks stabilized with cement has been stabilized with lime. The results show that stabilization (cement or
studied by Waziri et al. [14]. The largest value of the compressive lime) reduce the water vapor permeability of earth blocks. Cement
strength was obtained at 28 days curing. In their work, Jayasinghe and stabilization reduce vapor permeability more than lime stabilization.
Mallawaarachchi [15] are interested in the flexural strength of com- All these works have used bricks manufactured in laboratory. The
pressed earth bricks stabilized with cement. Their results indicate that bricks are manufactured as part of the study. The bricks used by home
the flexural strength of compressed stabilized earth masonry walls can builders are manufactured by artisanal or industrial brickworks. These
be 0.25 N/mm2 or above, which can be comparable with conventional brickworks produce a lot of bricks per day for home builders.
masonry, such as burnt clay brickwork. Lasisi and Ogunjide [16] have According to our review, a few number of characterization studies
studied the effect of grain size on the strength characteristics of laterite has been done on bricks produced by artisanal or industrial brickworks.
bricks stabilized with cement. The results show that the increasing of Most of these studies are done on the characterization of bricks pro-
laterite/cement ratio decreases the compressive strength and the in- duced by industrial brickworks. Cagnon et al. [7] worked on the hy-
creasing of finer grain size increases the compressive strength. grothermal characterization of five extruded earth bricks produced by
Other studies about mechanical and hygroscopic characterization of five brickworks in France. Their results give very close hygrothermal
CSEB have been done. Reddy [17] in a review affirms that compressive properties, despite the mineralogical difference of bricks. Maillard and
strength of CSEB increases with the increase of density irrespective of Aubert [28] studied the effect of anisotropy on the hygrothermal
cement content and moulding moisture content. Also he affirms that the properties of five extruded earth bricks manufactured by five industrial
water absorption of CSEB increases with the increasing of clay content brickworks in France. Their results show that the extrusion process
in the blocks. The compressive strength and water absorption of CSEB affects the distribution of clay layer, which has an impact on the hy-
from laterite soil and clay under different compaction has been done by grothermal properties of brick. Laaroussi et al. [29] determined the
Abdullah et al. [18]. They found that the increasing of compaction thermal properties of a fired earth brick from a Moroccan industrial
increases the compressive strength and decreases water absorption for brickwork. Their results give an average thermal conductivity of
both CSEB made from laterite soil and clay. Another work concerning 0.346 W m−1 K−1 and an average thermal effusivity of
the strength and absorption rate of CSEB under different mixture ratios 705 W m−2 K−1 s1/2.
and degree of compaction has been achieved by Abdullah et al. [19]. The aim of this work is the characterization of compressed stabilized
They have shown that for all mixtures the increasing of compaction earth bricks found on the Senegalese market and proposed by different
degree increases the compressive strength and decreases rates of ab- brickworks artisanal. The originality of this work compared to the
sorption of CSEB despite their ages. Raheem et al. [20] have determined others mentioned above is that it concerns of CSEB manufactured by
the compressive strength and the water absorption of lateritic inter- artisanal brickworks. This kind of bricks are used increasingly in
locking blocks stabilized with cement or with lime. The results show building construction in West Africa. The artisanal brickworks do not
that the compressive strength of blocks stabilized with cement is better know the precise quantities of materials used in their formulation. The
compared to the compressive strength of blocks stabilized with lime. formulations can vary from one producer to another. The mechanical,
The water absorption decreases when the percentage of the cement or thermal and hygroscopic properties of CSEB available on the Senegalese
lime increases. Nagaraj et al. [21] have worked on effects of lime with market are not known with exactness. For these reasons, it is often
cement in long-term compressive strength and water absorption of difficult to predict the thermal behavior and sustainability of buildings
compressed stabilized earth blocks. The authors observed a continuous made from these earth bricks. In order to do the bricks characterization,
increase of compressive strength and a continuous decrease water ab- we have chosen eight representative artisanal brickworks in Senegal. In
sorption of bricks over time. their stock of bricks, we collected six samples from each. These samples
Other researches concerning mechanical, thermal and hygroscopic are mechanically and thermally characterized. A statistical analysis of
characterization of CSEB have been achieved. Bahar et al. [22] have the results is then made to obtain the properties that could be used in
evaluated the mechanical, thermal and hygroscopic performances of the analysis of energy performance of buildings made with CSEB
compacted cement-stabilized soil. The experimental results showed that
the increase of the cement content increases the compressive strength 2. Materials and procedures
and reduces water permeability of CSEB. The thermal conductivity of
CSEB decreases slightly with increasing of cement content and sand 2.1. Materials
content. The compressive strength, water absorption, thermal con-
ductivity and thermal diffusivity of compressed stabilized laterite bricks The samples studied were manufactured with laterite, sand and
has been done by Meukam et al. [23]. They found that the increasing cement. The cement used is Portland CEM-II 32.5 MPa produced by the
cement content decreases water absorption and increases compressive three cement companies based in Senegal. In this study, the eight ar-
strength of CSEB. The thermal conductivity increases with water con- tisanal brickworks selected are named, respectively, A, B, C, D, E, F, G
tent. The maximum of thermal diffusivity is obtained at 14% water and H for anonymity. In the stock of each artisanal brickwork six
content in the CSEB. samples is collected for characterization. The technique of manu-
Thermal characterization of CSEB has been done by other re- facturing bricks is the same for all artisanal brickworks except for C and
searchers. The thermo-physical properties of compressed earth bricks F. After its extraction, laterite is dried through spreading. The grinding
stabilized with cement and those stabilized with lime using different follows, which consists of breaking large pieces of clay. After the
soil types has been done by Adam and Jones [24]. The results give for grinding, the sieving of laterite is done with a sieve having a diameter
each type of soil a higher thermal conductivity value for the bricks of 5–10 mm. Properties of laterite before modification are gives in
stabilized with cement. Azakine Sindanne et al. [25] have done a Table 1. These properties concern the laterite used by artisanal brick-
thermophysical characterization of compressed earth bricks stabilized work A. The next step is the manual mixing, which is done to homo-
by cement and lime. Their results indicate an increasing of thermal genize the mixture of laterite, sand and cement. The mixture is humi-
conductivity when percentages of cement and lime increase. dified progressively. The wet mixture is then poured into a manual
Other works concerning hygroscopic characterization of CSEB has press for compression. When the brick is demoulded, it is placed in a
been done. Houngan et al. [26] have studied sorption isotherms of la- moist cure for 5–14 days, then stored pending use. However, brick-
terite bricks stabilized with cement. Hysteresis of sorption has been works C and F do not place their bricks in a wet cure after demoulding,
observed which loop decreases with increasing temperature. McGregor instead they are directly exposed to the sun. It should be noted that the
et al. [27] has calculated the water vapor permeability of compressed artisanal brickworks do not use the same proportions of laterite, sand
earth blocks stabilized with cement and compressed earth blocks and cement. The compacting pressure is not mastered as the press is

P.M. Touré et al. Journal of Building Engineering 13 (2017) 266–271

Table 1
Properties of laterite before modification.

Property Value (%)

Passing sieve 0.08 mm 45

Liquid limit 34
Plastic limit 17
Plasticity index 17
Clay content 18.4
Silt content 19.5
Sand content 40.3
Gravel 21.8

Table 2
Dimensions and density of CSEB.

Brickworks Length (mm) Width (mm) Height (mm) Dry density (kg/m3)

A 295 140 95 2000

B 295 140 95 1818
C 300 150 80 1889
D 295 140 95 1934
E 295 140 100 1881
F 295 140 80 1861
G 240 240 100 1838
H 295 140 95 1871

manual. The brick sizes vary between the brickworks. The bricks sizes
are modified by using mold inserts because the method of production is
The dimensions and density of bricks are presented in Table 2. The
Fig. 2. Photo of compression machine.
values presented in the table are obtained by making the mean value on
the six different samples. The average density of the eight bricks is
1887 kg/m3, with a Coefficient of Variation of 3%. The low value of the A compression machine, presented in Fig. 2, with 0.05 kN of pre-
Coefficient of Variation shows that the average density found above is cision and a loading speed of 2 kN/s is used. The compressive strength
very representative for bricks even though their compositions and of CSEB is evaluated on the basis of expression (1).
compacting pressure vary.
Fc =
S (1)
2.2. Procedures

2.2.1. Mechanical characterization

Fc is the compressive strength (N/mm2);
The compressive strength is measured by using the RILEM proce-
F is the failure load (N);
dure described in [12]. In this method the bricks are halved, stacked
S is the area of specimen (mm2).
and bonded using an earth mortar bed joint (Fig. 1). The earth mortar
joint has the same composition as the CSEB. The thickness of earth
mortar joint is 1 cm. The specimens are capped with a layer of silicone 2.2.2. Thermal characterization
grease. The slenderness ratio of the brick is doubled. The RILEM pro- For thermal properties measurement, bricks have been cut into
cedure is the method recommended by African Regional Organization pieces with the dimensions 10 × 10 × 3 cm3. The thermal capacity and
for Standardization [30] for the measurement of compressive strength the thermal conductivity of bricks are measured using the transient
of CSEB. Pkla [31] showed that the compressive strength of CSEB asymmetrical hot plate device represented schematically in Fig. 3.
measured by RILEM procedure is close to compressive strength of entire The asymmetrical experimental device is described in details by Bal
CSEB. However, Morel et al. [12] have reported that the RILEM pro- et al. [32]. The modeling of system is done with the hypothesis that the
cedure underestimates the compressive strength of CSEB. heat transfer remains unidirectional (1D) at the center of the sample
during the experiment [32]. The principle of this method is to estimate

Fig. 1. Photo of compressive strength test specimen. Fig. 3. Schema of the experimental asymmetrical hot plate device [32].

P.M. Touré et al. Journal of Building Engineering 13 (2017) 266–271

Table 3
Mechanical characterization results.

Brickworks Fc (MPa)

A 3.3 (0.4)
B 1.7 (0.1)
C 1.7 (0.4)
D 3.1 (0.1)
E 1.9 (0.2)
F 1.3 (0.5)
G 2.0 (0.2)
H 3.3 (0.3)

Fig. 4. Operating conditions for the wet cup method.

3. Results and discussion

the value of the parameters thermal capacity and thermal conductivity 3.1. Compressive strength
of the sample that minimizes the sum of the quadratic error between the
experimental curve and the theoretical curve. The expression of quad- Table 3 shows the compressive strength of bricks produced by the
ratic error is: different brickworks. These values are the average of the results ob-
N 2
tained on three different samples. The highest compressive strength is
ψ= ∑ [Texp (j) − Tmod (j)] 3.3 MPa while the lowest is 1.3 MPa. The African standard ARS 674
j=0 (2) [30] divided compressed earth bricks into two categories: compressed
earth bricks with a compressive strength between 2 and 4 MPa, used for
where; a non-load-bearing wall, and those of compressive strength greater than
4 MPa, for a load-bearing wall. According to this standard, none of the
ψ is the quadratic error between experimental and theoretical va- eight brickworks make CSEB which could be used as a load-bearing
lues; wall. The CSEB proposed by brickworks A, D, G and H can be used as a
Texp is the experimental temperature; non-load-bearing wall. Those offered by brickworks B, C, E and F are
Tmod is the theoretical temperature. not consistent with the requirements of earth construction. The com-
pressive strength obtained for bricks made by brickworks A, D and H
which is above 3 MPa can be explained by the fact that these brick-
2.2.3. Water vapor permeability works have a dedicated production site, do a characterization test of the
The determination of water vapor permeability is carried out using laterite to know the amount of sand to be added and do a wet cure for
the method of cup [7,28]. Relative humidity inside the cup containing 14 days. These results are comparable to those published by Meukam
saturated solutions of sodium chloride (NaCl) is 76%. Relative humidity [23] and Bahar [22]. In these study the compressive strength of earth
inside the climatic chamber is 50% and the temperature is fixed at 20 °C blocks stabilized by 8% of cement varies between 2.5 and 3.5 MPa.
(Fig. 4). The standard used for this measure is NF EN ISO 12572 [7]. For The influence of density on the compressive strength of samples
a lack of means, the test is performed on one sample for each manu- produce by brickworks is illustrated in Fig. 5. The figure shows that
facturer. These same reasons explained, the study of water vapor per- there is no correlation with the density of bricks. This non-correlation
meability for only four manufacturers. During the test, the weight of the with density was found by walker [13] on earth bricks having the same
entire cup and sample is measured two times per day until constant rate composition. Another work concerning the compressive strength of
of mass change. At the equilibrium, the slope of the curve G becomes extruded earth bricks stabilized with cement [33] confirms this non-
constant. correlation. In this study, the bricks do not have the same composition
The vapor permeability of the material is calculated using the fol- in laterite, sand and cement. They do not have also the same pressure of
lowing expression: compaction. Abdullah et al. [19] have shown that the sand content and
degree of compaction affect the compressive strength of CSEB. The
δp =
S × ΔPv (3)

where δp is the vapor permeability of the material; G is the water vapor

flow rate through the specimen (kg s−1); e is the thickness of the spe-
cimen (m); S is the face area of the specimen (m2); and ΔPv , the water
vapor pressure difference across the specimen.

17.269 θ
ΔPv = (HR1 − HR2) × 610.5 × e 237.3 + θ (4)

θ is the temperature (°C), RH1 = 76% and RH2 = 50% in the ‘‘wet
cup’’ conditions.
The water vapor resistance factor is the ratio between the water
vapor permeability of air (δair ) and the water vapor permeability of
material, according to the expression (3):

δp (5)

Water vapor permeability of air at 20 °C is: δair = 1.96 ×

10−10 kg m−1 s−1 Pa−1 [7]. Fig. 5. Relationship between density and compressive strength.

P.M. Touré et al. Journal of Building Engineering 13 (2017) 266–271

Table 4 Table 6
Thermal conductivity results. Water vapor permeability and water vapor resistance factor of four bricks.

Brickworks k (W m−1 K−1) Brickworks δp (kg m−1 s−1 Pa−1) × 10−11 μ

A 0.69 (0.04) A 2.7 7

B 0.74 (0.01) B 2.5 8
C 0.72 (0.02) C 2.9 7
D 0.81 (0.01) D 2.9 7
E 0.85 (0.02)
F 0.79 (0.02)
G 0.66 (0.01)
3.3. Water vapor permeability
H 0.74 (0.01)

Table 6 shows the water vapor permeability and the water vapor
resistance factor of bricks produced by four brickworks. Despite the
effect of density on the compressive strength of bricks stabilized is different composition of stabilized compressed earth bricks, the values
negligible according to [33]. These factors seem to be the cause of lack of both the water vapor permeability and the water vapor resistance
correlation. factor for the four bricks are very close to each other, only ranging
between 2.5 and 2.9 10–11 kg m−1 s−1 Pa−1 and 7–8 respectively.
These results are of the same order of magnitude with the values found
3.2. Thermal results in the literature [27] for earth bricks and show a low resistance to water
vapor of these bricks.
3.2.1. Thermal conductivity
Table 4 shows the thermal conductivity values of bricks pro- 4. Conclusion
duced by different brickworks. The highest value is obtained from
brickwork E (k = 0.85 W m −1 K −1 ) and the lowest from brickwork During this study eight CSEB produced by artisanal brickworks in
G (k = 0.66 W m −1 K −1). Despite the different composition of Senegal were characterized. The mechanical and thermal properties
CSEB, the thermal conductivity values are close that have been studied in this work included the compressive strength,
(0.66 W m−1 K −1 < k < 0.85 W m −1 K −1). If one refers to Table 1, thermal conductivity and thermal capacity. The shape of the bricks is
one can see that the density of the bricks from the eight brickworks parallelepiped with slightly different dimensions. For each brickworks,
is essentially the same, which is consistent with the low variation six samples were collected in the stock of bricks. The average density of
observed on the thermal conductivity values because density is one bricks found is 1887 kg/m3, with a Variation Coefficient of 3%. The low
of the main physical parameters that influences thermal con- value of standard deviation shows that the average value is very re-
ductivity. The average thermal conductivity of bricks is presentative even though the compositions and compaction pressure of
0.75 W m −1 K−1 , with a Coefficient of Variation of 8%. This low bricks are different for the eight brickworks.
value allows us to say that the average thermal conductivity is The results of mechanical characterization show that:
sufficiently representative. In comparison with literature results,
the values found are very close to those obtained on compressed - half of the brickworks produce CSEB with a compressive strength
earth bricks stabilized with cement by Adam and Jones [24] and lower than 2.0 MPa;
Meukam [23]. - the CSEB produced by the others can be used on a non-load-bearing
- the compressive strength of bricks are not correlate to the density of
3.2.2. Specific heat bricks.
Table 5 shows the specific heat of bricks produced by the different
brickworks. The specific heat is calculated from the heat capacity Despite the different composition of compressed stabilized earth
measured using the asymmetrical hot plate device and the density. The blocks, the thermal conductivity values found in the thermal char-
highest value is obtained by brickwork D (c = 1170 J kg−1 K−1), and acterization are close. Indeed, the average thermal conductivity of
the lowest value is obtained by brickwork E (c = 939 J kg−1 K−1). The bricks is 0.75 W m−1 K−1 with a Variation Coefficient of 8%. The
average specific heat of bricks is 1040 J kg−1 K−1, with a Variation average value of specific heat obtained is 1040 J kg−1 K−1, with a
Coefficient of 7%. This low gap allows us to say that the average value Variation Coefficient of 7%. The values of thermal conductivity and
is sufficiently representative. In a look at the literature, this value is specific heat found are close to those obtained in the literature [23,24].
close to those obtained on cement-stabilized laterite bricks by Meukam These thermal values show that CSEB may have a good thermal inertia.
[23]. The values of water vapor permeability obtained for bricks from
four artisanal brickworks show a low resistance to water vapor and a
good capacity to regulate indoor humidity.
Table 5
Further research concerning the variation of the mechanical and
Specific heat results.
thermal properties of CSEB as a function of the relative humidity is
Brickworks c (J kg−1 K−1) required. Moreover, in the design of future buildings using these CSEB
as construction material to improve occupant comfort, these experi-
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D 1170 References
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