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ELC 2004

As a famous writer, Lord Chesterfield is skillful in using different writing

techniques to reinforce the persuasiveness and credibility of his articles. In the
letter that he writes to his son, Chesterfield’s tone, persuasive appeals, and
writing techniques help to reveal his values and persuade his son to adopt his

The whole letter begins in a paternal and educational tone. “Let my experience
supply your want of it, and clear your way, in the progress of your youth, of
those thorns and briars which scratched and disfigured me in the course of
mine.” Chesterfield shows that he hopes his son can listen carefully to his advice
and follow them because these suggestions can help him to avoid the problems
that his father used to meet before. At the end of the letter, Chesterfield tries to
convince his son with values, claiming, “to know a little of anything, gives neither
satisfaction nor credit; but often brings disgrace or ridicule. In a sincere, candid
tone, Chesterfield exhorts his son that he should pay attention to the importance
of application and try to have a comprehensive understanding of everything he
learns. This paternal tone makes his son feel closer to him and help Chesterfield
to persuade his son to follow the advice.

Additionally, Chesterfield adopts ethos in the letter to convince his son of values.
“As your own reason, though too young as yet to suggest much to you of itself,
is, however, strong enough to enable you, both to judge of and receive plain
truths” This word indicates that Chesterfield believes that his son has the reason
to think in-depth and comprehend the benefits of the suggestions from grown-
ups. The appeals to the desirable ability of his audience allow his son to be
instilled with a sense of responsibility for pride. If his son wants his reason to be
admitted, he must accept Chesterfield’ s advice. Chesterfield threatens his son
to follow his direction if he does not want to be viewed as childish or rebellious.
Therefore, Chesterfield’s son has to accept the rules that he proposes in the

Apart from that, the concessions also help to reinforce the persuasiveness of this
letter. In the first paragraph, Chesterfield writes that he “ only means to advise
as a friend, and an indulgent one too,” indicating that he does not want to be
condescending when talking to his son. Instead, he attempts to show a friendly
and understanding attitude, trying to achieve equality and empathy with his son.
Chesterfield also says, “Do not apprehend that I mean to check your pleasures;
of which, on the contrary, I only desire to be the guide, not the censor.” This
wordese calming words addresses address his son’s worries by anticipating and
avoiding possible misinterpretations of his attitude. He clearly states that he
does not want to limit his son’s pursuit of pleasures but only has some useful
recommendations to help him make some progress. The kind tone reassures his
son so that his son will not feel offended or stressed reading the suggestions
from his father.

All in all, in this letter to son, Chesterfield reveals his value that the application is
vital to learning, and a narrow understanding of knowledge is useless for
learning. His tone and the wise use of different writing techniques allow this

letter to be clear and persuasive, which helps to convince his son and other




“Do not apprehend that I mean to check your pleasures; of which, on the
contrary, I only desire to be the guide, not the censor.” 太长了


He understands his son’s potential misgivings and reassures him that he does
not intend to “check (his) pleasures” or be “the censor”. 半改写半引用往往比引完整
一句效果好,因为在改写的时候已经 paraphrase 了。

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