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David Rodrigo Mora Leal

KTP training course

1. Based on Grant Wiggins' text how can you improve the way you give feedback to your
students and why?

Wiggins on his text, said that a feedback is better than a classical evaluation, because, it creates a
better impact on the students, because while the evaluation is just a numerical grade, the
feedback includes congratulations, in case the student did an excellent job, and suggestions to
improve his/her own work in case the work is VG o G, also I think that one way to improve
feedback, is that when you are sincere and focused with the student, highlighting the good things,
and also motivating the students to correct their failures.

2. According to the article from the Flinders university website, what principles lead

feedback to be effective enough?

A feedback is good if it helps to clarify to the student how is a good or excellent performance,
and how students can achieve those criteria. Also a feedback should improve the sensation of
self-assessment of a student, towards his/her work. Then a good feedback is characterized by
encouraging the dialog between peers, and students, also feedbacks are a mechanism to improve
the self-esteem of the students. And last but not least, a good feedback must provide
improvement opportunities for students, and they are also a good for teachers to diagnose low
stakes assessments or different skills.

3. According to Cotton, how can you monitor your students’ work more effectively during
class time?

A good monitoring is based on having systematic procedures for supervising the students while
they are doing their work, also monitoring is when the teacher is constantly paying attention to
his/her students and he/she works as a guide for the task of the class and other problems that
students may have. Monitoring also means to pay attention to the students that require it, and
also a teacher monitor is the one that is always checking everything on his/her course.

4. Based on the Cotton’s text, what are the monitoring methods that you consider more
appropriate for your classes?
The first is to ask the students to interpret the material for the class, and the objectives of the
class, also a best way for me is always be moving through the classroom to see that everything is
okay and that I can solve any distress that would take place on the classroom.

5. Based on Cotton, how do you think students’ learning outcomes will improve as a result

of a good monitoring practice?

I think that students outcomes improve, if they feel motivated, if they receive a good feedback
from the teacher, and the activities are interesting, students will not get bored of the class and
they can focus their mind on the class, and not thinking out of the clouds. Also in the class here
several students don’t get the expected results both from the teacher and themselves, monitoring
works, because the teacher is trying to help these students to overcome their situation. Finally I
want to finish with a quote of cotton: “the most important of monitoring is not taking data, but
making decisions”. This means that the teacher should act more when he/she has the chance and
not waiting for somebody to do it for him/her.

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