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Assignment 6 – Effectiveness of test and grading plans

Marina Ferreira de Melo

UW-Stout 2019
Professor Matthew Simoneau
Instrument designed in unit 4:
Midterm Test
Name:________________________________________________ Date:_____________________

1- You are going to listen to Akane and Howard discuss their last vacation. Read the sentences below
and mark T for true and F for false in the parentheses. (You are going to listen to this passage twice
and you are free to take notes if necessary).
(14 points, 2 points each)
a) Last year, Akane went to Spain. ( )
b) She stayed at a family’s home. ( )
c) Akane ate exotic foods there. ( )
d) She said she had a terrible experience there. ( )
e) Howard went to Miami, Florida. ( )
f) He said the temperature was almost 80 degrees. ( )
g) He rode his motorcycle there. ( )

2- Choose and circle the correct verb form to complete each sentence: (5 points, 1 point each)

1) Mary and Kate___________ together since January.

a) work
b) worked
c) are working
d) have been working

2) Last week, _______________ a terrible storm here.

a) there is
b) there was
c) there has been
d) were

3) Janet _________________ to Norway several times for business.

a) went
b) been
c) has been
d) have been

4) While it _________________, I did my all my homework.

a) rained
b) raining
c) rains
d) was raining

5) The Johnsons __________________ around 3 years ago.

a) have bought
b) bought
c) was buying
d) were buying

3- Match the words below with their definitions: (10 points, 2 points each)

a) thrilling 1) shocking, horrific

b) nerve-wracking 2) exciting, stimulating
c) intimidating 3) amazing, genius
d) jaw-dropping 4) stressful, worrisome
e) appalling 5) frightening, threatening

4- Read the text below and answer the questions using your own words: (20 points, 4 points each)

An office worker in London has been sent home from work because she refused to wear
highheeled shoes. Nicola Thorp, a receptionist at the offices of finance company PwC, arrived for
work wearing smart flat shoes. But her supervisor told her to go out and buy a pair of high-heeled
shoes or go home.
Ms Thorp explained that she needed to spend nine hours a day walking around the office and that
high-heeled shoes were uncomfortable. She also pointed out that the dress requirement was
unfair as it did not apply to male colleagues. She asked how flat shoes would prevent her from
doing her job. She was given no explanation, and when she refused to buy high-heeled shoes, she
was sent home without pay.
PwC later pointed out that the dress code was not theirs. They said it was set by the agency
Portico, who supplied reception staff for their offices. A spokesperson for Portico said that Ms
Thorp had signed their appearance guidelines. However, he said they would review these as a
result of what had happened. According to UK law, employers can demand that staff follow
‘reasonable dress code standards’. They can also set different dress codes for men and women
providing there is ‘an equivalent level of smartness’. Ms Thorp has since set up a petition
demanding that the laws be changed. Ten thousand people have signed so far, which means that
by law the government must give a response.

a) Who do you sympathize with more, Nicola or her employer?

b) Why do you think the dress code required women to wear high heels?
c) Is it reasonable for employers to have dress codes or to have different dress codes for men and

d) Would you sign her petition?

e) What factors are important when setting a dress code?

5- Choose and circle one of the topics below and write a composition with 4 paragraphs and a
minimum of 120 words (introduction, development/argumentation, conclusion) (20 points)

a) Briefly tell about a movie you saw recently.

b) Tell about something you wish had never happened.

c) Should employers set aside time during the day for their employees to exercise? What might be
some of the advantages or disadvantages of this?

d) Choose a form of transportation (such as cars, trains, boats, planes, or subways) and explain how it
has changed people’s lives.

e) Describe the best party or large-scale event you’ve ever attended.


6- Case Study: Today you are a Marketing Executive. Invent a product or service and market it and
then present your idea. You have to design an advertisement for television commercial or magazine.
Please divide your case study into three parts: (20 points)
1. Describe the product or service.
2. Describe the advertising method used.
3. Explain, why you chose certain things in your advertisement, i.e. beautiful landscape, people, etc.
Test Does it Describe a Is the item Does the item Does the item contain Is the item at an Describe any
Item test a different way within the contain negatives that could be appropriate changes you
Numbe knowledg to test the appropriate language or avoided? Whenever cognitive level? would make to
r e or skill? concept the range of content that possible, items should Which level and this test item and
Please item is difficulty? could be be written in positive why? why you would
explain. testing? offensive or form. make these
inappropriate Knowledge changes.
for anyone Comprehension
taking this Application
examination? Analysis

1 This item The task itself Intermediate No, the language Students should classify The cognitive level is Instead of a “true
tests a skill could have any level English and content auditory information appropriate for or false” task I
– listening, relevant learners utilized in this according to true or false Intermediate learners could have used a
which is content should be item is neutral and there is a and it is related to “gap-filling”
one of the 4 (including able to and appropriate. predominance of positive knowledge and format which
basic skills vocabulary, comprehend forms. comprehension once would present
related to understanding and relate students will have to students with a
language gist or detailed auditory analyze correctly higher level of
acquisition information) information written statements but difficulty.
(listening, though the to a true or relate it to what the
speaking, presentation of false conversation they
reading and the task must statement. listened to is about.
writing). be auditory.
2 This item is Correct use of Intermediate No, the language Students should be able to The cognitive level is Instead of a
testing verb tenses English and content identify correct usage of appropriate for “multiple-choice”
knowledge could be tested learners utilized in this verb tenses in its Intermediate learners format I could have
of correct utilizing should be item is neutral affirmative, negative and and is related to used a “gap-filling”
verb tense numerous able to and appropriate. interrogative forms. knowledge and or identify the
usage. formats, such recognize application. correct and
as gap-filling,and use incorrect examples
compositions correct verb in a text.
and written tense
prompts. constructions
3 This item is Instead of a Considering No, the language Students who struggle Knowledge, Instead of a
testing matching task, the set of and content with memorizing new application and matching task,
knowledge teacher could vocabulary in utilized in this vocabulary would have a synthesis are tested in teacher could have
(and have used a the task was item is neutral higher chance of not being this item. Students used a “definition”
retrieval) of “definition” part of the and appropriate. able to retrieve meaning, must retrieve, recall, format in which
relevant format in content though, in general there associate and interpret students would
vocabulary. which students studied in are not many negative vocabulary. have to use their
would have to class, aspects related to this own words to
use their own students item. describe terms.
words to should be This would
describe to increase the level
retrieve and of difficulty of this
recall item significantly.
meaning of
words in
4 This item is When testing Intermediate The text is Some students could see Comprehension, Personally, there is
testing a reading level learners exposing what topic as a negative one, application, analysis not much I would
skill, comprehension should be could be a though, the topic itself is and evaluation are change.
reading the best able to read problem for neutral. part of this item. Nevertheless, the
comprehen delivery is by and interpret some people at Students must level of difficulty
sion, one of utilizing texts information, work – dress comprehend topic, used in the
the basic 4 of different being able to code. Although analyze information questions could
skills in formats understand there is nothing and evaluate and vary according to
language (articles, gist as well offensive in the relate information to the target student
acquisition. reviews, as details text, students their own reality. By group.
narratives, and contained in might feel they answering questions
so on) once the reading agree or disagree in their own words
reading passage. with topic. This they are applying
comprehension is part of the task cognitive skills.
has to be based itself once
on real reading students should
activities. think about the
impact of topic in
their own lives
when answering
related questions.
5 Knowledge Testing writing Intermediate No, the language Students who struggle Knowledge, analysis, Personally, there is
and skill skills should level learners and content with writing could application and not much I would
are tested be based on should be utilized in this perform below synthesis are part of change.
in this item. writing itself, able to item offers expectations on this task, this item. Students are Nevertheless, the
Writing is prompts could produce prompts that are although writing given varied prompts level of difficulty
part of the be different written neutral, yet guidelines were previously to write about, most of used in the prompts
4 basic but the nature information relevant and studied, struggling them will demand could vary
skills in of the task following appropriate to students normally require self-analysis and according to the
language would be the guidelines level. more time on this type of retrieval of personal target student
acquisition same. previously task. All in all, students experience, linking group.
and learned. should do just fine. analysis and
knowledge knowledge.
would be Application and
related to synthesis will produce
correct use organizing
of information
grammar, coherently to deliver
vocabulary good final product.
in writing.
6 Knowledge This task could Intermediate No, the language Students who are resistant Knowledge, Although I would
and skill be a class learners and content to “role play” format tasks application, analysis rather have this
are tested project in should be utilized in this would probably not enjoy and synthesis are part task as a separate
in this item. which students able to relate item offers this type of task, though, of this task. Student part of my
Students would work in language and prompts that are the goal of activity is clear has to retrieve assessment plan, as
have to groups which role play neutral, yet and level of difficulty information from a group project
“role play” would enforce while using relevant and adequate to level. personal concepts and followed by a
and this social correct appropriate to link them to presentation, there
requires interaction and grammar level. knowledge of is not much I
use of peer structures necessary linguistic would change.
assumption collaboration. and related structures to build
s and real vocabulary. their case. Applying
life these two to their
concepts world view and
through synthesize
language. components to deliver
a full relevant ad.
Part II- analyze the grading plans provided below and answer the accompanying questions.

Course A-16 weeks Grading Scale

Weekly Quizzes 50 points A-90%-100%
Midterm 100 points B-80%-89%
Final Exam 250 points C-70%-79%
Total 400 points D-60%-69%
F-59% or below
Course B-8 weeks Grading Scale
Weekly discussions (3 points each) 24 points A-94%-100%
Assignment 1 12 points B-88%-93%
Assignment 2 11 points C-81%-87%
Assignment 3 14 points D-74%-80%
Assignment 4 12 points F-73% or below
Assignment 5 21 points
Research log 20 points
Week 1 quiz 7 points
Week 2 quiz 7 points
Week 3 quiz 7 points
Week 4 quiz 7 points
Week 5 quiz 7 points
Week 6 quiz 7 points
Week 7 quiz 7 points
Week 8 quiz 7 points
Final reflection 13 points
Total 183 points

Course C-16 weeks Grading Scale

Midterm 30 points A-90%-100%
Final 30 points B-80%-89%
Evaluations from peers 100 points C-70%-79%
Affect 100 points D-60%-69%
Total 260 points F-59% or below

1- What are possible issues with grading plan A, B, C?

I believe that the possible issues related to options A and C is the fact that the grading plan seems quite overwhelming in a
student point of view. The weight tests and quizzes have are extremely high and would not allow for a struggling student to “catch up”
throughout the course. When it comes to the teacher’s perspective, both these plans might mean less time spent on evaluating and
grading, once the number of evaluation instruments is smaller when compared to option B. On the other hand, option B seems to have
a different grading scale, in which a student would fail even if they managed to get a 72%.
In my view, option B offers the student higher chance to “catch up”, as well as it provides the teacher with a more varied way
to evaluate students performance once the weight distribution is more comprehensive. Moreover, it seems that option B is more
aligned with online delivery than a face-to-face format due to fact it has weekly discussions, which seems to be the norm in online
programs/courses. Nevertheless, the grading scale would have to be adjusted.

2- What would you do differently?

Option A – I would probably insert two to three assignments (papers) and lessen the weight of the final exam. The midterm
weight could also be halved by adding a relevant project/research project/journal/portfolio with the same weight.
Option B – the only thing I would change in this case is the grading scale. I believe that F should reflect 59% or below, which
is a standard students are used to and expect.
Option C – I think that evaluation by peer in this case is weighed too high. Peer evaluation can be influenced by many
emotional variants and this could be viewed as an unfair evaluation technique. Instead of 100, peer evaluation should be decreased to a
20 and quizzes could be added at 40 each. Affect also seems too high, once again, I would cut it down to 40 and discussions and
participation would account for 30 in two separate instances.

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