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Name: Jimmy Halldemar Espinel Ordoñez Course: 1821402

Date: april 28th 2020

1. Go to the link: and play

the games over there. Take a screenshot when you finish and paste it
in here:

Jimmy Espinel

● Go to the link: and

play the game over there. Take a screenshot when you finish and
paste it in here:

Jimmy Espinel

● Go to the link:
e/ and play the game over there. Take a screenshot when you finish
and paste it in here:

= Jimmy espinel


● Complete the sentences, use l/she was etc. or we/they were etc.

= 1 Liz worked very late last night. She was tired.

2 Carlos lost his job yesterday. He was angry.

3 We laughed a lot at last night’s film. It was funny.
4 Joe and his dog fell
into the river yesterday.
They were wet.
5 Yesterday was a
beautiful day. It was
6 We saw a horror film
on Saturday. We were
really frightened.
7 Paul and Sue didn’t have anything to eat yesterday. They were hungry.
8 I had a great holiday last year. I was happy.

● Here there is part of a website about the singer Elvis Presley.

Complete the text with the verbs from the box. Use the past simple,
positive or negative

be – be – be – come – die – go – have – have – leave – make – marry – meet –

sing – spend – study –

teach – wear – win

1 2 3

came Didn’t have won

4 5 6

taught was leaved

7 8 9

studied Wasn’t wore

10 11 12

sang made was

13 14 15

spent met married

16 17 18

had went died


● Look at the picture. This was Rosamund Street at 10:30 yesterday

morning. What was happening? Where was it happening? Write
sentences. Use the past continuous.

= At 10:30 yesterday morning

1. Rosa was working in her room 2. Sam was climbing the tree

3. Sam's dogs were running/playing 4. Lynn was resting on the mat.

5. Mrs Drake was buying bread 6. Philip was hanging out on his chair.
for breakfast.
7. Mike and Tim were talking on 8. Felix was lying on Paul’s car.

the Street.

9. Paul was getting in his car.


● Look at the picture. Identify each exterior car part and put the correct
name that is in the box.

-signal -engine -bumper -Hood -taillight -windshield wiper -tire


1. engine 3. taillights 5. bumper

2. trunk 4. tire 6. signal

7. windshield wiper 8. Hood

● Look at the picture. Identify each interior car part and put the correct
name that is in the box.

dashboard -emergency brake -seat belt -horn -gearshift -gas pedal

-clutch -brake pedal

1. seat belt 4. dashboard 7. clutch

2. gearshift 5. gas pedal 8. emergency brake

3. horn 6. brake pedal


● Go to the link and

watch the video, while you do this, fill the blanks using past simple
and past continuous.

Paul: Hello.

Marie: Paul, what happened to you?

Paul: I had an accident with the van.

Cheryl: Oh, no! Are you OK?

Paul: I’m fine. I was wearing my seatbelt. No one is hurt, but I think we’re going to
need a new van.

Bob: What happened?

Paul: I was driving on Sixth Street and there were a lot of fish on the road.

Marie: A lot of what?

Paul: Fish.

Marie: Why was there fish in the road?

Paul: I don’t know. Anyway, I tried to turn but I had a problem with the steering

Bob: The steering wheel broke?

Paul: No, it came off. So I drove over the fish. The fish made the road slippery, so
when I tried to stop, I hitted a parked car.

Bob: Oh, no!

Paul: I’m not finished. The car behind me was tailgating, so he hit me. A car on
the opposite side of the road hit a stop sign. The stop sign fell and smashed my

Cheryl: Oh, no!

Paul: Then, worst of all, when I got out to look at the damage, a piano fell on the

Marie: What? Where did it come from?

Paul: I don’t know. But the van does not look good. The bumpers are damaged. So
is the hood. The doors won’t open. The windows won’t close. The engine’s not
working. The headlights are smashed. The horn won’t honk. And it smells like fish.

Bob: Are there any parts that are OK?

Paul: The steering wheel still looks good.

Bob: Great. All we need is a van to go with it.


● Answer the following questions according to the reading:

1) Which of the following best defines a closed circuit?

A: Does not allow the electricity or electrons to

flow through the wires, a switch is off.

B: Does not allow the electricity or electrons to

flow through the wires, a switch is on.

C: Does allow the electricity or electrons to flow through the wires, a switch is on.

D: Does allow the electricity or electrons to flow

through the wires, a switch is off.

2) Which of the following circuits have different amounts of electricity flowing

through them?

A: Parallel circuit

B: Closed circuits

C: Open circuits
D: Series circuits

3) Which of the following is the system connecting power plants across the

A: Transformer

B: Power grid

C: Meter

D: Transmission line

4) Which of the following is used to measure electricity used by a home or


A: Voltage

B: Meter

C: Battery

D: Conductor

5) All of the following are examples of conductors EXCEPT:

A: Water

B: Glass

C: Aluminum

D: Copper

6) All of the following are examples of insulators EXCEPT:

A: Rubber

B: Porcelain

C: Plastic
D: Trees


● Talk about an experience using past simple and past continuous.

Remember that you can’t memorize and pass with a sheet of paper in
your hands.


● Answer the questions according to the reading below:

19. they first started to build the eurotunnel in:

A. 1957.
B. 1973.
C. 1984.

20. Some time after starting the construction, the company building

A. finished the tunnels.

B. had problems with time.
C. couldn’t continue.

21. What did companies want to do in 1984?

A. build more tunnels

B. continue building the project
C. change the project

22. The way in which the company built the tunnel was:

A. a long one.
B. completed in 13 years.
C. impossible to build.

23. compared to what the first company did, TLM’s work was:
A. easier.
B. shorter.
C. more difficult.

24. There was a ceremony when the:

A. smallest platform was completed.

B. travellers’ train met.
C. project was completed.

25. When was the Eurotunnel project finished?

A. in 1990
B. in 1994
C. in 1991

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