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Polymer science and technology

Home work 1

Name: Sameer Dawood AL Rashdy

ID: 07740766
Date of submission: 26/10/2010
Q1. Calculate the partial pressure of benzene in benzene polyisobuthalyn (PIB)
mixture at 298.15 K and 312.75 K.

Assume that the vapor pressure is negligible of BIP and that F- Hugaun. Describe the
solution behavior ℵ12=0.5 ℵ12=1

Given data:

Molar volume of benzene =88.76 Kgmol/mol

Molecular weight of benzene= 78Kg/Kgmol
Psat=0.1266 bar at 298.15 K
Psat=0.2392 bar at 312.75 K
Molecular weight of monomer=104
Molar volume of monomer= 131.9 cm3/mol

Partial pressure=P

yP=x1 γ 1 P sat

Solving for γ 1

ln a 1=( ln x 1 γ 1 )=

ln a 1=ln x 1+ ln γ 1

ln γ 1=ln a1−ln x 1

γ 1=e a − x
1 1

Solving for ln a 1

ln a 1=ln ( 1−∅2 ) + 1− ( 1r ) ∅ −ℵ
2 12 ∅ 22

r n2 r x2
∅ 2=1−∅ 1= =
n1+ r n2 x 1−r x 2

v1 =88.76

40000 cm3 cm 3
v 2= ×131.9 =50730
104 mol mol

r= =571.54
cm 3
X1 X2 ф2 r ф1 (ф2)2 x12 lna1 lnx1 lnɣ1 ɣ Psat P
0.1 0.9 0.99980 571.54 0.00019 0.99961 0.5 -8.04663 -2.30259 -5.74404 0.00320 0.1266 4.50386E-05
6 4 1 2
0.2 0.8 0.99956 571.54 0.00043 0.99912 0.5 -7.23594 -1.60944 -5.6265 0.00360 0.1266 0.000113976
3 7 6 1
0.3 0.7 0.99925 571.54 0.00074 0.99850 0.5 -6.69726 -1.20397 -5.49328 0.00411 0.1266 0.000223231
1 9 2 4
0.4 0.6 0.99883 571.54 0.00116 0.99767 0.5 -6.25584 -0.91629 -5.33955 0.00479 0.1266 0.000404954
5 5 1 8
0.5 0.5 0.99825 571.54 0.00174 0.99651 0.5 -5.85096 -0.69315 -5.15781 0.00575 0.1266 0.000728492
3 7 4
0.6 0.4 0.99738 571.54 0.00261 0.99477 0.5 -5.44637 -0.51083 -4.93554 0.00718 0.1266 0.001364727
2 8 2 7
0.7 0.3 0.99593 571.54 0.00406 0.99188 0.5 -5.00599 -0.35667 -4.64932 0.00956 0.1266 0.002826421
4 6 5 8
0.8 0.2 0.99305 571.54 0.00695 0.98614 0.5 -4.46991 -0.22314 -4.24677 0.01431 0.1266 0.007246779
0.9 0.1 0.98449 571.54 0.01550 0.96923 0.5 -3.66773 -0.10536 -3.56237 0.02837 0.1266 0.032326544
7 3 5 2
Partial pressure Vs mole fraction χ12=0.5 at
298.13 K
Partial 0.02
pressure 0.02
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
mole fraction in Benzene
Partial pressure Vs mole fraction χ12=1 at
298.13 K


pressure 0.01

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
mole fraction in Benzene

X1 X2 ф2 r ф1 (ф2)2 x12 lna1 lnx1 lnɣ1 ɣ Psat P

0.99980 0.00019 0.99961 0.00194
0.1 0.9 6 571.54 4 1 1 -8.54556 -2.30259 -6.24297 4 0.1266 2.73465E-05
0.99956 0.00043 0.99912 0.00218
0.2 0.8 3 571.54 7 6 1 -7.73463 -1.60944 -6.12519 7 0.1266 6.92208E-05
0.99925 0.00074 0.99850
0.3 0.7 1 571.54 9 2 1 -7.19563 -1.20397 -5.99166 0.0025 0.1266 0.000135616
0.99883 0.00116 0.99767 0.00291
0.4 0.6 5 571.54 5 1 1 -6.7538 -0.91629 -5.83751 6 0.1266 0.000246118
0.99825 0.00174 0.00349
0.5 0.5 3 571.54 7 0.99651 1 -6.34834 -0.69315 -5.65519 9 0.1266 0.00044301
0.6 0.4 0.99738 571.54 0.00261 0.99477 1 -5.94288 -0.51083 -5.43206 0.00437 0.1266 0.000830638
2 8 2 4
0.99593 0.00406 0.99188 0.00583
0.7 0.3 4 571.54 6 5 1 -5.50107 -0.35667 -5.14439 2 0.1266 0.001722776
0.98614 0.00874
0.8 0.2 0.99305 571.54 0.00695 8 1 -4.96212 -0.22314 -4.73898 8 0.1266 0.004429761
0.98449 0.01550 0.96923
0.9 0.1 7 571.54 3 5 1 -4.1515 -0.10536 -4.04614 0.01749 0.1266 0.01992787

Partial pressure Vs mole fraction χ12=0.5 at

312.75 K
Partial 0.04
pressure 0.03
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
mole fraction in Benzene

X1 X2 ф2 r ф1 (ф2)2 x12 lna1 lnx1 lnɣ1 ɣ Psat P

0.99980 0.00019 0.99961 - - - 0.00194
0.1 0.9 6 571.54 4 1 1 8.54556 2.30259 6.24297 4 0.2392 5.16689E-05
0.99956 0.00043 0.99912 - - - 0.00218 0.00013078
0.2 0.8 3 571.54 7 6 1 7.73463 1.60944 6.12519 7 0.2392 7
0.99925 0.00074 0.99850 - - - 0.00025623
0.3 0.7 1 571.54 9 2 1 7.19563 1.20397 5.99166 0.0025 0.2392 5
0.99883 0.00116 0.99767 - - 0.00291 0.00046501
0.4 0.6 5 571.54 5 1 1 -6.7538 0.91629 5.83751 6 0.2392 9
0.99825 0.00174 - - - 0.00349
0.5 0.5 3 571.54 7 0.99651 1 6.34834 0.69315 5.65519 9 0.2392 0.00083703
0.99738 0.00261 0.99477 - - - 0.00437 0.00156942
0.6 0.4 2 571.54 8 2 1 5.94288 0.51083 5.43206 4 0.2392 1
0.99593 0.00406 0.99188 - - - 0.00583 0.00325503
0.7 0.3 4 571.54 6 5 1 5.50107 0.35667 5.14439 2 0.2392 9
0.98614 - - - 0.00874 0.00836965
0.8 0.2 0.99305 571.54 0.00695 8 1 4.96212 0.22314 4.73898 8 0.2392 9
0.98449 0.01550 0.96923 - - 0.03765202
0.9 0.1 7 571.54 3 5 1 -4.1515 0.10536 4.04614 0.01749 0.2392 6
Partial pressure Vs mole fraction χ12=1 at
312.75 K
Partial 0.02
Bar 0.02
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
mole fraction in Benzene

X1 X2 ф2 r ф1 (ф2)2 x12 lna1 lnx1 lnɣ1 ɣ Psat P

0.99980 0.00019 0.99961 - - - 0.00194
0.1 0.9 6 571.54 4 1 1 8.54556 2.30259 6.24297 4 0.2392 5.16689E-05
0.99956 0.00043 0.99912 - - - 0.00218 0.00013078
0.2 0.8 3 571.54 7 6 1 7.73463 1.60944 6.12519 7 0.2392 7
0.99925 0.00074 0.99850 - - - 0.00025623
0.3 0.7 1 571.54 9 2 1 7.19563 1.20397 5.99166 0.0025 0.2392 5
0.99883 0.00116 0.99767 - - 0.00291 0.00046501
0.4 0.6 5 571.54 5 1 1 -6.7538 0.91629 5.83751 6 0.2392 9
0.99825 0.00174 - - - 0.00349
0.5 0.5 3 571.54 7 0.99651 1 6.34834 0.69315 5.65519 9 0.2392 0.00083703
0.6 0.4 0.99738 571.54 0.00261 0.99477 1 - - - 0.00437 0.2392 0.00156942
2 8 2 5.94288 0.51083 5.43206 4 1
0.99593 0.00406 0.99188 - - - 0.00583 0.00325503
0.7 0.3 4 571.54 6 5 1 5.50107 0.35667 5.14439 2 0.2392 9
0.98614 - - - 0.00874 0.00836965
0.8 0.2 0.99305 571.54 0.00695 8 1 4.96212 0.22314 4.73898 8 0.2392 9
0.98449 0.01550 0.96923 - - 0.03765202
0.9 0.1 7 571.54 3 5 1 -4.1515 0.10536 4.04614 0.01749 0.2392 6

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