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"Emir's Birthday Party"

In the Sagita’s home, there are Alex, Gino, Ani, Nisa, Adhin, Nana, and Atta.

They will discuss the English group task.

Nana : “Hi Guys!” (Running to Gita)

All     : “Hello…”

Atta  : “Ummm... “ (Looking the clock)

  “Now, Let I see who is absent…” (Looking at her friends)


Adhin : “Yes!”

Atta  : “Nisa??”

Nisa  : “Here!”

Atta  : “Nana??”

Nana : “Yes!”

Atta  : “Gita??”

Gita   : “It’s my house... So, I’m here...”

Atta  : “And Emir??”

No body answer Atta’s questions. Everyone silent and confuse.

Adhin : “Where is he??”

Gita   : “I don’t know!”

Atta  : “I don’t know. But I saw him last morning at the Biology lesson..”

Nana : “Oh my God...”

“Tok..Tok..Tok..”. Someone knock the door.

Emir  : “Excuse me...”

Gita   : (Walking to the door and open the door) “Yes, wait... Emir?!!”

Emir  : “Sorry, I come late. I must prepare something..”

Atta  : “What??”

Emir  : “A little party... Because today is my special day!!”

Adhin: “You have girlfriend??”

Emir  : “No!”

Nisa  : “You win a competition??”

Emir  : “No!”

Nana : “You get ten in the mathematic test??”

Emir  : “No!”

Atta  : “Wait...” (Open the calendar) “How fool you are, today is his birthday!!”

Emir  : “That’s right.. And I invite you to come to my birthday party at my


All explain Gita : “Yeahh!!! Okay!!!”

Emir : “But actually i still confused aboud theme and the dresscode”.
Nana : “why dont you make a pinky party, ooh God.. that would be sweet”
Adhin : “What?! Seriously? No, Emir. I hate pink, that’s make me look sooo euuhhh. It is
great to wear black, that so cool, man”
Emir : “well, okay. Calm guys. I got it. Let me discuss it to my father. For the dress code, i
want black for guys and pink for girls. Okay?”
Gita   : “That’s great, Emir. But, I’m sorry. I can’t come..”

Nana : “Why you can’t come??”

Gita   : “I must visit my grandparents house at Solo..”

Ani     : “Ohhh.... We come without Gita...”

Alex : “it is okay. Now we need to prepare the dress code. I should buy new

black shirt”

Gino : “i have some black shirt, you may wear it.”

Alex : “seriously? Thank you so much Gino.

Adhin : “Okay... Okay... Emir, when the party will be started??”

Emir  : “The party will be started at 08.30 p.m.. So, come at 08.00 p.m.!”

All     : “Okayy...”
They do the group task together. Then, Emir look in hurry. His father

called him to go home early.

(emir’s phone ringing)

Emir : “yes, dad?”

Emir’s father : “son, there are some stuffs of your birthday party, do you can

come here now?”

Emir : “sure, dad. I’ll back now.”

Emir’s Father : “well son, im waiting”

After hang up the phone, Emir tells his friends that he must go home

early. Because, he have to accomplish the party preparetion.

Emir : “emir

Emir : “I’m sorry, Friends… I must go back now..”

All   : “Why???”

Emir  : “My father called me to go home early.. Yea.. To prepare my party!!”

All   : “Good bye...”

Emir go back. And the other study again until the time’s up. Then they

discuss about how to come to Emir’s house.

Nana : “Friends... How if we go to Emir’s house by bus??”

Atta : “No, I disagree..”

Nisa  : “Me too!”

Adhin: “Why you disagree?? I think bus is cheaper than taxy..”

Nisa  : “It’s crowded...”

Nana : (Think for a while) “Okay, we go there by Ferari!!”

All     : (Surprise) “Hah!!!”

Gita   : “Who have that car??”

Adhin : “Nana’s father...”

   Atta  : “Aigoo... Let’s go back and see you again on Sudirman Street at 07.45 p.m...

Don’t forget bring the present!!”

All     : “Okay... Good bye...”

Then they go back to their house. Everyone is preparing themselves to

wear their best shirt. Emir’s party running well and so much fun. He got many

gift from his friend.

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