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Week 2 reflection

I get to use it to the students, and I know every student in the class and how every student

in the class behaves and what their needs, such as physical activities, will help them to

understand or musical events or other cognitive activities for the students.

I thought every day, and if I didn’t take a whole lesson, I observe the students while they

are doing their activities and helping my MST in assessing the students by using the checklist

since most of the learning is by playing. Hence, I Adopted the oral assessment to make sure if the

students understand the lesson or not.

My MST observe my teaching, and she gave me some advice in developing the

transition, so we decided to make a change in the classroom to divide the students into groups for

the transformation, and every student knows they are in which group of color. In our class, we

have five shades of the group, and we made this strategy at the begging to try it if it works with

the student behaver and does it make a change in improving the transition in the classroom.

At the end of the first week, my MST invited me to the meeting with the principal to

discuss the next week plan and the event they did with the primary school in Sunday and

Monday and show us some pictures about the event and who the primary students were happy

with their family.

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