Math - Sorten Colors

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Lesson Plan Template

Name: Shaikha Salim Saeed

Professional Development Plan
(What do YOU need to work on in order to grow professionally?)
 Focusing more on the students while we are in the circle area. (Managing the
 Look at the time and not wasting more time in the circle area.
Choose and describe an aspect from a teaching competency that you need to work on
1. Giving the students more time to think.
2. Ask more questions.
1. Describe what you will do to help achieve your goal (Strategies Used)
Planning for the lesson and study all problem can happened before doing any activity and
discuss with my MST.
2. Describe how you can tell if you’re achieving your goal (Evidence)
Asking my MST for a feedback.
If the students are enjoying the classroom that mean they are understanding the lesson.
Grade Level: Subject: Learning Outcome (ADEC/MOE code and
Kindergarten 2 Math - sort by
colours The students will be able to sort the colours
The students will be able to know the colours
Resources (what materials/equipment Preparation (what do you need to make or
will you and the students use? Be check before class?)
o Prepare the activities for the students and
Introduction: PowerPoint and computer. laminate some papers needed.
green table (book): Go math book; page o Prepare the activities at each table
pencil colour, cubes or blocks.
o Make sure all materials are available and
yellow table (fish): papers with fish pool enough for all students.
with different colours and some paper
fishes with the same colours in the paper, o Make sure I have extra papers in each
magnetic stick, and clips. table if needed.
Red table (monster): Monsters with o Make sure technology is working.
different colours, cubes or blocks.
Key vocabulary
Blue table (cubes shape): different colours
of cubes, coloured paper with different Colours: green, red, yellow, blue …. etc
shapes. colour, sort by, match.
Assessment (checklist): paper with Sentences may use: I like the….. .
student’s names, pencil.
I like …….
Introduction (warmer activity + teacher introduction/demonstration of small
Time: 20-25 min Small Whole

group activities)
will review with the GO
table (book): students
math the colours
book and “Hands
page 687 ask themon”
about the things we have in

Students: they will have in the page two clouds, they have to colour the two cloud
any different colour and they will match the cubes.
The students will sort and classify a handful of shapes into a set of that colour and a
set of not that colour. Draw and colour the shapes.
Teacher: I will observe the students and guide them of what they have to do and
maybe giving them some instructions.
Yellow table: Fish pool colours
Students: the students will have the paper fish with colours (pink, purple, red,
green, black, yellow, blue…. etc) with iron clips and magnetic stick to help the
student to take off the fishes and sort the fishes with the same colour pool.
Teacher: I will help the students if needed and will ask them some questions like:
why did you but this fish in this pool? To make sure that they are understand the
(sort colours and classify)
Red table: Monster
Students: Each student will have blocks with colourful monster, the students have
to take the blocks for example green block and put it inside the green monster.
Teacher: I will observe the students and see if they can match the block colour with
the same monster colour and will explain for the students are not understand.
blue table: Cube matching colour
Students: the students will have coloured cubes and coloured paper. The students
have to match the cubes with the paper colour also they have to match the blocks
drawing in the paper for example if I’m drawing 3 cubes they have to put 3 cubes
with matching colour.
Teacher: I will show the students an example and will observe them while they are
doing the activity and I will help them if the need any help.
Time: 3-5 min Closing

I will gather the students again in the carpet and we will discuss what we did in the
activities and what they learn in today’s lesson.

Checklist with the student’s name, I will chick if they students are know how to match with
the colours and if they know the colours name.

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