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Review of Related Literature:

When people think about home automation, most of them may imagine living in a
smart home: One remote controller for every household appliance, cooking the rice
automatically, starting air conditioner automatically, heating water for bath automatically
and shading the window automatically when night coming. To some extent home
automation equals to smart home. They both bring out smart living condition and make our
life more convenient and fast.

People at that time understood that a smart home is not owing to how well it is built,
not how effectively it uses space, not due to how it is environmentally friendly. It is only
because of how interactive technologies that it contains. Those are still useful rules for
home automation technology today.

Home automation technology and Smart home appeared very much in science
fiction of the 1920s. But no one knows the exact date of the invention of home automation.
Based on human’s smart technology improving process, the home automation system does
not come by immediate invention. It comes step by step with only insignificant
improvement. The previous step is almost same with the next step.

Manufactures of laborsaving appliances have been promising homeowners an

automated “Home of the Future” since the World’s Fair days of the 1930s. The intelligent
home has been a popular vision for a few decades.

The first time people noticed the high technology in dwelling, they did some
connection with home automation, and it was 1960s. Experts considered that by the end of
the century people would live in smart homes that contained independent household
machined. Although many of the machines in these visions are today technically possible to
manufacture of course, the present situation is not exactly the same as what the expert’s
decades ago.
In the 1960s, there were not so much interactive technologies. Even though
Stanford University researched a lot of this kind of technology, they didn’t become so
successful. They concluded some principal reason for not succeeding is scientific research.
Some of the factors are due to the lack of motivation to increase productivity in domestic
work. They considered the less involvement of users of the technology in the design
process. They also concluded the view held by product designers that domestic technology
is unexciting and the continued focus on stand-alone appliances in the design of new

Home automation satisfies the resident’s needs and desires by adjustable light,
temperature, ambient music, automatic shading, safety & security, even arrangement of
wire. Home automation technologies are the latest fascination with housing mechanism.
However, with the appearance of new electronic technologies and their combination with
older, traditional building technologies, the smart home is at last becoming a reality.

In 1975 a company called Pico Electronics developed and patented the X10 Power
Line carrier technology. The company had already tried nine different approaches with no
success, but while developing the system for tenth time they finally manage to succeed, so
they decided to call the technology X10. The idea behind X10 was to transmit a 120 kHz
signal on the electrical power line. Every signal was specifically coded with a House and
Unit code. Although such technologies had been developed for the part of 50 years none of
them was implemented in any similar fashion. After the patented their work it took just a
few years for introducing their firs product into the market. So in 1978 they release the X10
protocol to the market. Due to the fact that data transmission was done reusing power
lines, it was relatively cheap because no additional writing was needed.

The basic idea of home automation is to monitor a dwelling place by using sensors
and control systems. Through adjustable various mechanisms, user can enjoy customized
heat, ventilation, lighting, and other servers in living condition. The more closely adjust the
entire living mechanical system and loop control system, the intelligent home can provide a
safer, more comfortable, and more energy economical living condition.
The current major initiatives in Japan, the US and Europe to develop more
comprehensive systems originated in the 1980s. In Japan, the term “Home Automation”
was first coined among the Japanese companies who showed the earliest interest in the
concept of a complete home control system. The earliest home control systems were
proposed by Hitachi and Matsushita in 1978. In 1980, Yoneji Masuda, one of the early
pioneers of computerization in Japan, wrote the book “The Information Society As Post-
Industrial Society in which he discussed changes in society ,information and knowledge
industries, analyzed the technology that would free people to live more creative and happy
lives: computer- controlled vehicle systems, automated supermarkets, etc.

From the early 1980s, many Japanese firms published their own home automation
blueprints, developed demonstration houses and launched proprietary systems. These
included major electrical appliance manufacturers such as Matsushita, Toshiba, Mitsubishi,
Sanyo, Sony, and Sharp. Some interphone companies first added security functions to their
systems. Secom, a security services firm, expanded upon its original security system to
develop a central control station for remote control of home security. The TRON project,
which was started in 1984, encompassed more than the other home automation packages
currently under development, being especially concerned with architecture and the
experience of space inside the house. In September 1988, the “Home Bus System” industry
standard was issued.

In US, 1982, AT &T established the concept of “Intelligent Building”. The Informant
Building an office building and conference center in Dallas which promoted a good sense of
community among tenants and customers, was erected to demonstrate how advanced IT
from different suppliers could be used in the intelligent building.

The Smart House Project was established in 1984 as project of the National
Research Center of the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB), USA, with the
cooperation of a number of major industrial partners. NAHB formed the SMART HOUSE
Limited Partnership (L.P.). It sought the participation of several manufactures for every
major type of hardware that would be needed for Smart House systems.
By 1987 more than forty leading manufacturers had joined the project. Some of
them signed formal contracts called “Research and Licensing Agreements”, to develop
products. Another 25 companies have formed business affiliations with SMART HOUSE to
develop applications. (Smith, 1988)

The breakthrough in home automation, which emerged tentatively in 2001, saw the
Van Berlos employ staff for Smart Homes for the first time and build The Smartest Home of
the Netherlands. Through cooperation with many participants, to whom Smart Homes is
very grateful, the significantly renewed demonstration home was opened in Tilburg at the
end of 2001. The exceptional thing about this completely inhabitable home is the
integration of the four pillars: industrial, flexible and demountable (IFD) building, home
automation, durability, and accessibility. The home has already attracted many thousands
of visitors in Tilburg, Almere, Duiven, Heerlen, Dokkum, Amsterdam, and Eindhoven.

Review of Foreign Studies:

In their paper, Tan, Lee and Soh (2002) proposed the development of an Internet-
based system to allow monitoring of important process variables from a distributed control
system (DCS). This paper proposes hardware and software design considerations which
enable the user to access the process variables on the DCS, remotely and effectively, using
only a commonly available web browser.

In their paper, Liang, Fu, and Wu (2002) proposed a software architecture that
makes home automation (HA) system based on multi-agent concept. The architecture is
composed of five main components respectively named space agents, function agents,
personal preference agents, environment variables server, and resource access right
control kernel. There is need to construct a more powerful home automation both in the
hardware and software aspects
Potamitis, Georgila, Fakotakis, and Kokkinakis, G. (2003) suggested the use of
speech to interact remotely with the home appliances to perform a particular action on
behalf of the user. The approach is inclined for people with disability to perform real-life
operations at home by directing appliances through speech. Voice separation strategy is
selected to take appropriate decision by speech recognition.

In their paper, Conte and Scaradozzi (2003) view home automation systems as
multiple agent systems (MAS). In the paper home automation system has been proposed
that includes home appliances and devices that are controlled and maintained for home
management. The major task is to improve performance.

In the year 2006 , S. M. Anamul Haque,S. M. Kamruzzaman and Md. Ashraful Islam
proposed a system entitled “A System for Smart-Home Control of Appliances Based on
Time and Speech Interaction” that controls the home appliances using the personal
computer. This system is developed by using the Visual Basic 6.0 as programming language
and Microsoft voice engine tools for speech recognition purpose. Appliances can be either
controlled by timer or by voice command.

Ciubotaru-Petrescu, Chiciudean, Cioarga, and Stanescu (2006) present a design and

implementation of SMS based control for monitoring systems. The paper has three modules
involving sensing unit for monitoring the complex applications. A processing unit, that is
microcontroller and a communication module that uses GPRS modem or cell phone via
serial port RS-232. The SMS is used for status reporting such as power failure.

Delgado, Picking, and Grout (2006) consider the problems with the implementation
of home automation systems. Furthermore the possible solutions are devised through
various network technologies. There are several issues affecting home automation systems
such as lack of robustness, compatibility issue and acceptability among the old and
disabled people.

According to Tam Van Nguyen, one of the author in “Ubiquitos Access to Home
Appliance Control System using Infrared Ray and Power Line Communication, proposed a
home appliance control system in International Conference in Central Asia, Tashkent,
Uzbekistan in September 2007 which used Infrared Ray and power line communication to
access and control the home appliances system. This system helps user to check the status
of appliances and controls them remotely from everywhere. And this is done through their
cellular phone or Internet. The simple approach to control the home appliances is given in
this paper discussed.

Jawarkar, Ahmed, Ladhake, and Thakare (2008) propose remote monitoring

through mobile phone involving the use of spoken commands. The spoken commands are
generated and sent in the form of text SMS to the control system and then the
microcontroller on the basis of SMS takes a decision of a particular task.

Murthy (2008) explores primary health-care management for the rural population.
A solution proposes the use of the mobile web-technologies providing the PHC services to
the rural population. The system involves the use of SMS and cell phone technology for
information management, transactional exchange and personal communication.

Due to the improvement and a gradual innovation of the home automation, Malik
Sikandar, Hayat Khiyal and Erum Shehzadi suggested a proposed system for controlling
home appliances remotely that is useful for the people who are not at home mostly. That
proposed study entitled “SMS Based Wireless Home Appliance Control System (HACS) for
Automating Appliances and Security” in the year 2009, which the main objective of the
system is to provide security and control the home appliances such as AC, lights and
alarms. The system is implemented by SMS technology that is used to transfer data from
sender to receiver over GSM network. One or more computers can be used to control the
home appliances. System send an alert SMS to authorized user when any intrusion is
detected and user can in turn respond in order to overcome the situation. Moreover user
can send SMS to system to get the status of home appliances and controlling them.

The “Remote Control using Mobile through Spoken Commands” was the proposed
study presented by N.P Jawarkar,Vasif Ahmed and R.D. Thakare in 2007 in International
Consortium of Stem Cell Networks . This is a software system for communication between
mobile and computer. UART 16550A chip is programmed using appropriate control format
to support AT command. The mobile in this system is used for receiving and executing
commands from preconfigured users and informing status about change in input to the
user through SMS. The system can also send SMS to specified mobile user if there is a
change in the status of the input ports. This system is not for time critical systems.

IPrabhakar V. Mhadse and Amol C. Wani “ Speaker Identification Based Automation

System Through Speech Recognition” this a proposed study for a home automation system
based on voice recognition was built and implemented according to International Journal
of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering Vol. 3 Issue 1,January 2013. The
prototype developed can control electrical devices in a home or office. The system
implements Automatic Speech Recognition using speech processor and MATLAB coding.

S. R. Suralkar, Amol C.Wani and, Prabhakar V. Mhadse, “Speech Recognized

Automation System Using Speaker Identification through Wireless Communication” A
speech recognized automation system using speaker identification through wireless
communication is built and implemented. The prototype developed can control electrical
devices in a home or office wirelessly. The system implements Automatic Speech
Recognition using speech processor and Speaker Identification through MATLAB coding
using MFCC algorithm.

Review of Local Studies:

Development of Space Saving Home Automation Using Voice Recognition System, an

unpublished thesis of Jose Rizal University students uploaded the prototype of their thesis in
Youtube on Mar 1, 2013, was based in automating the access control and security
operations involved in the condominium room. John Arnold D. Villafania et al., the
researcher developed using a voice recognition command system and light dependent
resistor to control in accessing the room for the benefits of the owner. The light dependent
resistor installed inside the room is an electronic component whose resistance decreases
with increasing incident light intensity. In other words when the room turns to be in dark it
has a high electrical resistance and when it is light it has a low electrical resistance. With
the use of voice recognition system, the owner of the condominium room were be able to
access and control some of the intended appliances and furniture that need for some
movement and physical contact. The researchers used a voice recognition module to
program the intended commands for each place and parts of the room.
According to the published study “Online Automatic Switch of Appliances” in Journal
of Information Engineering and Applications with ISSN 2224-5782, ISSN 2225-0506
(online) Vol.4, No.1, 2014 2014 of Batangas State University, Nasugbu Batangas, enhances
the traditional way of plugging and unplugging of appliances in certain location where the
user can access the appliances online. It is composed of a desktop or laptop computer that
were used by the user in accessing the project, relay switches –which were used to convert
small amount of current to trigger a large amount of current, router or modem- which were
used to transfer internet signals. The researcher used Arduino Board, to connect the
switch to the server and the extension cord with sockets as the primary outlet. The study
aimed to a better way to turn on or off the appliances. The project yielded from the
different findings, for the development and completion. The study revealed that the project
is much better compared to the traditional way of plugging and unplugging of appliances.
With the proper instruction, guidance and setting up the project, two hundred sixty four
respondents were selected to evaluate the project. The overall impression of the
respondents as evaluated that result to very satisfactory in terms of acceptability.

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