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Evaluation: Pre/Post Test 

Evaluation Plan
The evaluation plan for this group included process, perception, and outcome data. The process data are 3
students met once a week for 40 minutes. The perception data are a pre and post-test and a few individual questions
posed to students throughout the sessions. These individual questions were asked once at the beginning of session, to
gauge where the students felt they were at. Those questions are:
● Session 2:​ “On a scale from 1 to 5, how confident do you feel in respectfully communicating during a conflict?”
● Session 3:​ “On a scale from 1 to 5, how confident do you feel in controlling your negative emotions?”
● Session 4:​ “On a scale from 1 to 5, how confident do you feel in using coping skills?”
● Session 5:​ “On a scale from 1 to 5, how confident do you feel in demonstrating self-discipline during conflict?”
The outcome data are the students’ behavior and discipline referral data. This data includes detentions, loss of
privileges, times sent out of class, or suspensions. Our hopes were that this group would increase the students’
engagement in school due to the establishment of our group as a supportive environment, therefore impacting their
behavior. We also hoped that this group would reduce the students’ behavioral referrals due to the anger management
and conflict resolution components.
Perception Data
The following results are the most robust changes in the students from the pre to the post-survey. The pre and post
evaluations shows that there was a change in the perception data, especially in statements such as, “I am aware when I
am feeling angry”, “I take responsibility for my actions”, and “ I am able to avoid fights with my peers because I am
using the communication skills that I learned.”
See the appendix for the full results of the pre and post-surveys.
Pre-Evaluation Data Post-Evaluation Data

On the Pre-Evaluation, we asked the students to answer the following statement, “I am aware when I am feeling
angry”. During the pre-evaluation, 0% of the students agreed on this statement. However, during the post-evaluation,
66.7% of the students agreed and 33.3% strongly agreed with the statement. The students perception of this statement
increased from 0% to 100%.
Pre-Evaluation Data Post-Evaluation Data

The students were asked the following statement, “I take responsibility for my actions” during the pre-evaluation.
During the first evaluation, there were different opinions on this statement. 33.3% strongly agreed, 33.3% agreed and
33.3% were neutral about this statement. However, during the post-evaluation, 66.7% strongly agreed and 33.3%
agreed with the statement.
Pre-Evaluation Data Post-Evaluation Data

Students were asked the following statement, “I am able to avoid fights with my peers because I am using the
communication skills that I learned” during the pre-evaluation. About 66.7% agreed with the statement and only 33.3%
were neutral. In the post-evaluation, 33.3% strongly agreed and 66.7% agreed with the statement. There was an
increase of perception in students who strongly agreed.

Post-Survey Qualitative Data

16. Things I appreciated about being a member of the group:
● “The group was very effective because it helped me how to control my emotions it helped me have healthier
ways to cope with my stress and stuff.”
● “I appreciated, being apart of the group and speaking my mind and well overall just being here.”
● “I appreciate being in this group because it has taught me a lot of things that can help me control myself
whenever I feel mad, stressed, or sad. I also appreciated being in this group because it has taught me how to
communicate with others.”
17. Things about the group that I feel might need some improvement:
● “Nothing”
● “Well, the group was awesome and I think it went well but I feel like more time would help.”
● “In my opinion the group is pretty good I don't feel like it needs some changes.”
18. Anything other comments you want to make?
● “I loved this group because it helped me out a lot.”
● “I appreciated being apart of this group and I love these types of things so thank you for letting me be apart of
the group and sharing! :)”
● “I want to say that they should continue doing this type of things because I feel like it would really help people
stress themself and learn how to control themself whenever there's a situation.”
The student comments show that the anger management group made an impact on them. We agreed that having more
time for the group would have been helpful, which was also a suggestion by the students for future groups. The
students comments also show that they learned how to cope with stress, conflict management, and enjoyed the topics
that were discussed every week. Another comment that was mentioned by a student was to have the group available
twice a week because they would benefit more from the group and to go into details on the specific topics presented to
them. Overall, the students enjoyed being a part of the counseling group.
The results of our weekly perception data are the following:
● Session 2:​ “On a scale from 1 to 5, how confident do you feel in respectfully communicating during a conflict?”
○ The results of the perception data questions were student ratings of 4, 4, and 5 out of 5. This indicates
students already felt confident about communicating respectfully during a conflict.
● Session 3:​ “On a scale from 1 to 5, how confident do you feel in controlling your negative emotions?”
○ The results of the perception data question were student ratings of 2, 4.5 and 4.8 out of 5. This indicates
two students felt very confident and one student did not feel confident controlling their negative
● Session 4:​ “On a scale from 1 to 5, how confident do you feel in using coping skills?”
○ The results of the perception data question were 4.5, 4, and 4 out of 5. This indicates students already
felt confident using coping skills.
● Session 5:​ “On a scale from 1 to 5, how confident do you feel in demonstrating self-discipline during conflict?”
○ The results of the perception data were 3, 3, and 4 out of 5. This indicates that students felt more neutral
about demonstrating self-discipline during conflict.
These questions were posed simply to see how the students felt about the topic of the week. However, using these as a
daily pre/post test would have been more helpful.

Outcome Data
Before we began our group, two out of the three students had discipline referrals this school-year. One student
had three discipline referrals for two class disruptions and one failure to report to detention. Another student had two
discipline referrals, one for fighting on campus and one class disruption. The last student was a self-referral and did not
have any discipline referrals. After ending our group, we checked the students’ referrals again. None of the students
have had any behavioral referrals since starting group.
Limitations and Suggestions
Overall, our outcome data was the strongest indication of our group’s success. The students not having any
behavioral referrals since starting the group is a great achievement. The perception data was less strong. Most of the
questions had similar results from the pre to post-survey. However, the students’ comments indicate the group was
impactful for them and something they took away skills from. One limitation is that we only looked at one type of
outcome data, the referral data. Other data we could have collected could have been attendance data or grades. That
data could have let us know if our group impacted the students’ education in other ways, not just their social-emotional
development. Another limitation is that our weekly perception questions were only asked one time, so we do not know
if there was any improvement after the lesson. Additionally, we made edits to our pre and post-surveys after we gave
the pre-survey out. This means there were questions on our post-survey that we do not have pre-survey data on. More
data we could have collected would be teacher perception data. We would have liked to know if the students’ teachers
saw any changes in the students’ behavior. Lastly, because our group was pre-selected and not selected entirely based
on data, we did not see great changes in the perception data of our students. The students started out the group already
stating that they felt quite confident in most of the areas we covered. Because they started so high, there was not much
room for improvement. Ideally, future groups would have members who did not feel as confident before starting group.
Student Pre-Survey
Thank you for your participation in the Social Development group!
Please take this survey and complete it to the best of your ability. We will keep all your answers confidential and will
only be reviewed by the Counseling Department Interns.
Thank you,
Ms. Kay & Mrs. Quintero

1. I am aware when I am feeling angry.

▢ Strongly Agree

▢ Agree

▢ Neutral

▢ Disagree

▢ Strongly Disagree
2. I am confident about my ability to manage my emotions.

▢ Strongly Agree

▢ Agree

▢ Neutral

▢ Disagree

▢ Strongly Disagree
3. My relationship with my peers are healthy.

▢ Strongly Agree

▢ Agree

▢ Neutral
▢ Disagree

▢ Strongly Disagree

4. My anger gets me in trouble.

▢ Strongly Agree

▢ Agree

▢ Neutral

▢ Disagree

▢ Strongly Disagree
5. Sometimes I get so mad I don’t know what to do.

▢ Strongly Agree

▢ Agree

▢ Neutral

▢ Disagree

▢ Strongly Disagree
6. I know how to avoid fights or arguments.

▢ Strongly Agree

▢ Agree

▢ Neutral

▢ Disagree

▢ Strongly Disagree
7. I get along well with others.

▢ Strongly Agree

▢ Agree

▢ Neutral

▢ Disagree

▢ Strongly Disagree
8. I take responsibility for my actions.

▢ Strongly Agree

▢ Agree

▢ Neutral

▢ Disagree

▢ Strongly Disagree
9. I know healthy ways to cope when I am stressed.

▢ Strongly Agree

▢ Agree

▢ Neutral

▢ Disagree

▢ Strongly Disagree
10. I am able to communicate effectively.

▢ Strongly Agree

▢ Agree

▢ Neutral

▢ Disagree

▢ Strongly Disagree
11. I am able to avoid fights with my peers because I am using the communication skills that I learned.

▢ Strongly Agree

▢ Agree

▢ Neutral

▢ Disagree

▢ Strongly Disagree
12. My team building skills have improved because I know how to build relationships with peers.

▢ Strongly Agree

▢ Agree

▢ Neutral

▢ Disagree

▢ Strongly Disagree
13. How confident do you feel in controlling your negative emotions?

▢ Strongly Agree

▢ Agree

▢ Neutral

▢ Disagree

▢ Strongly Disagree
14. I can identify triggers that make me angry.

▢ Strongly Agree

▢ Agree

▢ Neutral

▢ Disagree

▢ Strongly Disagree
15. I often think about how other people are feeling.

▢ Strongly Agree

▢ Agree

▢ Neutral

▢ Disagree

▢ Strongly Disagree

Student Post-Evaluation
Thank you for your participation in the Social Development group!
Please take this survey and complete it to the best of your ability. We will keep all your answers confidential and will
only be reviewed by the Counseling Department Interns.
Thank you,
Ms. Kay & Mrs. Quintero
1.I am aware when I am feeling angry

▢ Strongly Agree

▢ Agree

▢ Neutral

▢ Disagree

▢ Strongly Disagree
2. I am confident about my ability to manage my emotions

▢ Strongly Agree

▢ Agree

▢ Neutral

▢ Disagree

▢ Strongly Disagree
3. My relationships with my peers are healthy.

▢ Strongly Agree

▢ Agree

▢ Neutral

▢ Disagree

▢ Strongly Disagree
4. My anger gets me in trouble.

▢ Strongly Agree

▢ Agree

▢ Neutral

▢ Disagree

▢ Strongly Disagree
5. Sometimes I get so mad I don’t know what to do.

▢ Strongly Agree

▢ Agree

▢ Neutral

▢ Disagree

▢ Strongly Disagree
6. I know how to avoid fights or arguments.

▢ Strongly Agree

▢ Agree

▢ Neutral

▢ Disagree

▢ Strongly Disagree

7. I get along well with others.

▢ Strongly Agree

▢ Agree

▢ Neutral

▢ Disagree

▢ Strongly Disagree
8. I take responsibility for my actions.

▢ Strongly Agree

▢ Agree

▢ Neutral

▢ Disagree

▢ Strongly Disagree
9. I know healthy ways to cope when I am stressed.

▢ Strongly Agree

▢ Agree

▢ Neutral

▢ Disagree

▢ Strongly Disagree
10. I am able to communicate effectively.

▢ Strongly Agree

▢ Agree

▢ Neutral

▢ Disagree

▢ Strongly Disagree
11. I am able to avoid fights with my peers because I am using the communication skills that I learned.

▢ Strongly Agree

▢ Agree

▢ Neutral

▢ Disagree

▢ Strongly Disagree
12. My team building skills have improved because I know how to build relationships with peers.

▢ Strongly Agree

▢ Agree

▢ Neutral

▢ Disagree

▢ Strongly Disagree
13. How confident do you feel in controlling your negative emotions?

▢ Strongly Agree

▢ Agree

▢ Neutral

▢ Disagree

▢ Strongly Disagree
14. I can identify triggers that make me angry.

▢ Strongly Agree

▢ Agree

▢ Neutral

▢ Disagree

▢ Strongly Disagree
15. I often think about how other people are feeling.

▢ Strongly Agree

▢ Agree

▢ Neutral

▢ Disagree

▢ Strongly Disagree
16. Things I appreciated about being a member of the group:


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