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Upon walking into Mr. Johnson’s workroom, Elijah saw a test for tomorrow on the computer screen.
Which of the following can Elijah ethically do?

a. Correct obvious errors on the test to help Mr. Johnson avoid embarrassment.

b. Read the questions as a study guide.

c. Add a few well-chosen questions that Mr. Johnson left out.

d. Leave the room without reading the test questions.


Elijah must leave the room without reading the test questions. According to Ten Commandments of
computer ethics, thou shalt not use computer technology to steal, which means do not use a computer
technology to steal information. Test question is confidential information. Stealing information or
leaking confidential information is as bad as robbery. It is definitely wrong to steal or to acquire personal
information or other such information that is meant to be confidential. Similarly, breaking into bank
accounts to collect information about the account is wrong. Illegal electronic transfer of funds is a type
of fraud. With the use of technology, stealing of information is much easier.

You are a school head someday. For technology to serve its ultimate purpose of
improved learning, you involve your faculty in the formulation of guidelines on the use of technology in
the classroom. Simulate a faculty meeting and come up with written guidelines then pass to your


Teaching and learning with technology can be both challenging and engaging for instructors and
students. While technologies make it easier for instructors to create learning opportunities, provide
prompt feedback, and improve student engagement with content materials, they also pose challenges.
If I were the school head, I would gather all the faculties to discuss how to use technology in the
classroom to make children’s learning effective and efficient. Following are some written guidelines for
using technology in the classroom or even in teaching. They may help you manage technology-
supported teaching more effectively.


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