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Sikh Settlers of Assam: Anti-Sikh

About 300 years ago, a large group of the Sikh community moved from the (then) Punjab region to settle
in a place outside of the territory of (then) India. They chose Kamrup, which is part of present day North
Eastern (NE) region of India. The Sikh community cited persecution in their region as the reason for
their relocation (no proof had/has been provided till date) and asked for shelter and protection to carry
out the teachings of Guru Govind.

The then monarch of the territory, now represented as western Assam, provided a huge area to the Sikh
community. The king also passed an order to all locals to henceforth maintain utmost secrecy about the
Sikh settlers and provide them the necessary protection at all times. This secrecy was lifted in the early
2000s as the Punjab region, as well as India, was no longer under the Mughal rule or the Colonial rule.

Behavior of Sikhs in Axom/Assam

The Sikh community:

1) Built a huge Gurudwara, which was in violation of the spiritual, non-materialistic culture of Kamrup.

2) Since the 1970s and till date, the Sikh personnel’s in the Indian Army has

(a) raped, gang raped, and/or re-raped the local girls and women and in some cases,
impregnating young girls as young as 12-14 years of age, and

(b) tortured and/or killed multi-lakhs of young local men.

The mainland-India origin people get benefits for anti-local (Assam) activities, often with
promotions, properties, money, political positions. It may be noted that the Government of India
responsible for the killings of journalists in the State for revealing the truth to the people and the people
in turn, ended up with anti-Indian feelings.

3) During the December 2019 Anti-CAB/CAA (Citizenship Amendment Bill/Act) protests in Assam, the
Sikh community, as well as others like Zubeen Garg, declared themselves as "original inhabitants of
Assam". How can they, or anyone else from mainland-India or Bangladesh, become original inhabitants
of a place by "mere declaration"?

Anti-Sikh Sentiments in Assam

There has been a growing anti-Sikh sentiment building up in Assam since the 1970s after the local media
had reported about the Indian atrocities, including by Sikh personnel, in the states of Assam and other
North Eastern states. There are few instances, too, where Sikh inter-State truck drivers helped few local
boys/men flee the State, particularly during the ritualistic midnight house-to-house search operations by
the Indian Armed Forces.

1) Why won't the local people develop an anti-Sikh sentiment?

Look at the causes. However, mainland-Indians are known for refusing to look at the causes of any issue
or problem. Give them even the simplest of issue and observe who they support. Perhaps their culture
teaches them to point fingers at victims/complainants/aggrieved parties and certainly not at the root

2) Why won't the local populace feel betrayed?

If you unconditionally help someone in need, and later they take away everything from you, your very
peace of mind, won’t you too feel betrayed?

3) Why won't the local people feel threatened of their territory being forcibly taken away from them?

It may be noted that the "original inhabitants" of a State receive a demarcated territory for the
inhabitants and have all territorial jurisdiction in the designated territory. This means, the local populace
must abandon/renounce their territory to the Sikhs and will have no say, whatsoever, in their own land.
How is this justified?

Majority of Indians support the outsiders in Assam for their vested interests. I have come across only
two mainland-Indians who were against the Indian atrocities and injustices inside the North Eastern

The majority of Indians, including the majority of my ex-coworkers, say the anti-local atrocities are
justified ("You people deserve it", "You people should be killed", "Tum logo ko maarna chahiye", etc.),
that it is justified for outsiders to have their own territory inside Assam or anywhere else in the NE
region. However, they object to any outsider having own territory inside their native states, such as
Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Bengal, Kerala, Andhra, Punjab, and so forth. How non-discriminative
can this be?

How can someone walk in to others land, regardless of the pretext, and then claim to be the original
inhabitants of that place? If that can be done, then why don’t the Sikhs, Bengalis, Biharis, etc. declare
themselves as original inhabitants of the South Indian states or USA, Canada, UK, and so forth?

If the Sikh community living in Assam for about 300 years can declare themselves as the "original
inhabitants of Assam", then

(a) Why do the Sikh/Punjabi community not declare themselves as "original inhabitants" of
other States of India where they have lived for far longer time than in Assam?
(b) Why do the Sikh community not declare themselves as “original inhabitants” of Pakistan and
Afghanistan, where they first settled when they came along with Alexander the Great and
conquered those territories?

(c) How is the Muslim community, who have been living in mainland-India for 1000+ years, not
the original inhabitants of the territory from J&K to Tamil Nadu/Kerala and Bengal to Gujarat,
particularly because they have ruled this area only after conquering the territory through war, not by
some "please give us shelter", "please give us job", etc. excuse?

(d) How are the people of Bangladesh, who were formerly part of Bengal, not the original
inhabitants of present day Bengal?

Why can the people from other parts of India living inside the North Eastern India region not coexist
peacefully? They have repeatedly failed to coexist peacefully, perhaps because of their agenda of setting
up a Hindu Rashtra, which they have been doing for 400+ years now, something unfathomable to the
locals. Perhaps also because they come from a caste ridden culture that only teaches them to maintain
their supremacy over others, the so-called upper caste status (whatever that means; no one explains
even upon repeated asking), which is an extremely egoist and criminalized life style and a great example
of severe mental disorder (racism = psychiatric disorder).

If the ruling Indian Government declares the Sikhs, the Ahoms and their allies as original inhabitants of
Assam, as promised in their pre-election manifesto, then what can the local population of Assam do? Do
they have a choice? Yes, they do. They can, in turn, declare all Muslims of India and the people of
Pakistan and Bangladesh as the original people of mainland-India. Or, they can step in for an arms
revolt. It is fair.

In my opinion, the anti-community sentiments are justified. Just think. Have the local people of Assam
behaved this way in any state or Union Territory from Jammu & Kashmir to Tamil Nadu/Kerala or Bengal
to Gujarat? Not yet. Certainly not in the past 400+ to 800+ years.

- The End -

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