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Nuclear Engineering and Design 263 (2013) 509–514

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Computational and experimental prediction of dust production in pebble bed

reactors, Part II
Mie Hiruta a , Gannon Johnson a , Maziar Rostamian a,∗ , Gabriel P. Potirniche a , Abderrafi M. Ougouag b ,
Massimo Bertino c , Louis Franzel c , Akira Tokuhiro a
Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Idaho, 1776 Science Center Drive, Idaho Falls, ID 83401, USA
Idaho National Laboratory, 2525 N Fremont Avenue, Idaho Falls, ID 83401, USA
Department of Physics, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA 23284, USA

h i g h l i g h t s

• Custom-built high temperature, high pressure tribometer is designed.

• Two different wear phenomena at high temperatures are observed.
• Experimental wear results for graphite are presented.
• The graphite wear dust production in a typical Pebble Bed Reactor is predicted.

a b s t r a c t
a r t i c l e i n f o
This paper is the continuation of Part I, which describes the high temperature and high pressure helium
Article history:
environment wear tests of graphite–graphite in frictional contact. In the present work, it has been
Received 18 November 2012
Received in revised form 16 April 2013 attempted to simulate a Pebble Bed Reactor core environment as compared to Part I. The experimental
Accepted 19 April 2013 apparatus, which is a custom-designed tribometer, is capable of performing wear tests at PBR relevant
higher temperatures and pressures under a helium environment. This environment facilitates prediction
of wear mass loss of graphite as dust particulates from the pebble bed. The experimental results of high
temperature helium environment are used to anticipate the amount of wear mass produced in a pebble
bed nuclear reactor.
© 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction PBRs have always been considered as a potential safety concern

(Moormann, 2009). Multiple observations are reported for the Ger-
The Pebble Bed Reactor (PBR) is a High Temperature Gas- man Arbeitsgemeinschaft Versuchsreaktor (AVR, 1960–1980) on
Cooled Reactor (HTGR). Because of its unique online refueling the accumulated dust. However, the phenomena of dust production
design, PBR is counted on less shut-down time for maintenance have never been closely examined experimentally and computa-
and more efficient operation. The pebble bed in such reactors is tionally. Computational prediction (Rostamian et al., 2010, 2011,
comprised of thousands of billiard-sized graphite-matrix spheres 2012) of graphite particulate formation at room temperature has
as fuel elements. Each pebble contains the Tristructural-isotropic been conducted for room temperature experiments. These works
(TRISO) nuclear fuel particles. These pebbles travel from the top showed a very good agreement with a review on the results by
of the reactor to the bottom. They are exposed to pressurized Xiaowei et al. (2005) and by Cogliati et al. (2011). Part I of this paper
helium coolant and high temperatures ranging from 650 ◦ C to is a computational micromechanics study of graphite wear, which
950 ◦ C. As the pebbles traverse downward through the reactor, introduces a nonlinear wear model for graphite (Rostamian et al.,
the amount of graphite dust produced under frictional contact and 2013). This model predicts the experimental data from a custom-
thus circulated and eligible for release under a postulated acci- designed tribometer. Since high temperature properties of graphite
dent like depressurization and subsequent air ingress, is a design other than its module of elasticity, are not available, high tempera-
review safety concern. Graphite dust production in previously built ture finite element simulations have not been conducted to produce
a nonlinear wear law for graphite at high temperatures.
In the literature of wear of brittle materials, temperature effects
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 208 310 9555.
have not widely been discussed. And in those discussing the tem-
E-mail addresses:, mzram
perature effects, specific cases based on the target application were
(M. Rostamian). reported (e.g. Grigor’ev et al., 1983). In the present experimental

0029-5493/$ – see front matter © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
510 M. Hiruta et al. / Nuclear Engineering and Design 263 (2013) 509–514

study, however, wear of graphite in a wide range of temperatures Table 1

Design parameters for the testing apparatus.
(20–750 ◦ C) have been studied. In an effort to quantify the fric-
tional wear mass loss from graphite pebbles in the pebble bed, Testing parameter Description Source
a custom-designed tribometer has been developed to measure Maximum temperature 750–900 ◦ C Reactor outlet temperature
the wear of graphite pebbles in helium atmosphere at pressures (Nelson et al. (2011))
and temperatures expected in modern Graphite-Moderated Gas- Maximum pressure 6.5 MPa Primary loop pressure
Cooled Reactors (GM-GCR). This paper describes in details the (Nelson et al. (2011))
Helium environment 99.998% HTGR standards, airgas
design, deployment of the device and the experimental data of
nuclear grade graphite. The graphite dust mass produced from the Normal force 10–50 N Past Chinese studies
tribometer is then used to predict the mass produced in a PBR (Xiaowei et al. (2005))
during a full working year as discussed by Cogliati et al. (2011). Velocity <0.1 m/s Cogliati et al. (2011)
Total distance ∼500 m Xiaowei et al. (2005),
Kadak and Bazant (2004)
2. Experiment Contact geometry Sphere–sphere Pebble–pebble contact

2.1. Experimental apparatus

apparatus is essentially a small twin-disk tribometer housing in a
The majority of the test data is below the higher outlet tem- furnace that is completely encompassed by a pressure vessel. With
peratures expected under normal PBR operation. Also, there is no a water cooling loop removing the heat outside the furnace, the
test data for graphite matrix or graphite at the temperatures and concurrent, demanding design requirements of high pressure and
pressures expected in a PBR. To conduct wear tests under such con- temperature were effectively decoupled. The large pressure vessel
ditions, a custom test apparatus was designed. In this section, the allowed for no mechanical feedthroughs and for real-time mea-
design requirements and the experimental setup are explained in surement of the particulate mass and the normal force applied with
details. only non-mechanically actuated penetrations through the pressure
boundary. The frame of the tribometer is mounted to the underside
2.2. Design requirements of the top removable lid of the pressure vessel (see Fig. 1).

The tribological properties of graphite depend on several fac- 2.4. Experimental material
tors. Therefore, the ability to perform tests on separate effects to
simulate the real conditions of a PBR is considered important in The main carbonaceous components in the PBR are the spher-
obtaining accurate wear rates for graphite. The design parameters ical fuel elements and the core reflectors. The latter is made
that were selected are listed in Table 1. from nuclear grade graphite while the fuel elements them-
selves are made from what is referred to as graphite-matrix.
2.3. Tribometer design This graphite matrix classically comprised of natural graphite,
synthetic-graphite, and a phenolic resin binder. This mixture is
The motion requirements for sliding between two spheri- then isomolded or quasi-isostatically molded into its final spherical
cal objects led to the selection of a twin disk tribometer. The shape. It is then carbonized in heat treatment of up to 800 ◦ C, and

Fig. 1. Tribometer (left) and its schematic (right) with pebbles in contact and the modular analytical balance.
M. Hiruta et al. / Nuclear Engineering and Design 263 (2013) 509–514 511

Fig. 2. Sample geometry and orientation within the tribometer.

finally purified in a vacuum at 1950 ◦ C (Zhao et al., 2006). The car-

bonization of the binder causes it to off-gas its organic impurities,
thus lowering it mass by approximately 9%. Fig. 3. Experimental wear rates (Johnson, 2012) for various temperatures in com-
Graphite matrix is not currently in production in the United parison with prior results (Stansfield, 1969).
States. Therefore, nuclear grade graphite was tested as a surro-
gate to the graphite matrix. The nuclear grade graphite selected for graphite surface in frictional contact (Rollins, 1961). The low fric-
the initial test run was Toyo Tanso’s IG-11, which is fine grained, tion of graphite is attributed to the fact that the crystallite basal
isomolded graphite. planes are low-energy surfaces (Roselman and Tabor, 1976). When
frictional contact initiates, the basal planes become damaged, lead-
2.5. Sample geometry ing to the production of ‘edge sites’, which leads to wear. This is
because the shear strength associated with edge site interactions
The basic sample design conceived for testing to mimic the has been estimated to be 10–100 times greater than that between
geometry of the pebble bed with the apparatus is graphite disks basal planes (Roselman and Tabor, 1976). Lancaster and Pritchard
machined into 2.54 cm tall disks with a 6 cm outer contour (Fig. 2). (1981) attributes the adsorption of gases and vapors to the reduc-
tion in adhesion between these sites. It is reported by Cannon
3. Experimental results (1964) that freshly exposed edge sites generated during wear can
be neutralized by adsorption; directly from the gaseous environ-
The initial sets of experiments were conducted in air under ment or by migration of pre-adsorbed molecules already present
room temperature (Rostamian et al., 2012). These tests served as a on basal planes. Therefore, it is seen that the difference between the
baseline to later run experiments in helium and under higher tem- experimental data of atmospheric pressure tests and that of high
peratures, and pressure. The test conditions under current study are pressure helium environment is consistent with the gas adsorption
at inter-pebble forces of 20 N, in helium environment at tempera- effects discussed in the literature.
tures ranging from room temperature up to 750 ◦ C, all at a pressure
of 1 MPa. An initial test with IG-11 samples was run continuously 3.2. Temperature effects
at a relative sliding velocity of 0.08 m/s (samples spinning in the
same angular directions at 0.04 m/s) for 12,600 s (3.5 h, 1008 m). In the literature of wear of brittle materials, temperature effects
have not widely been discussed (Blau, 1992; Bhushan, 2000). And
3.1. Atmosphere gas effects in those discussing the temperature effects, specific temperature
ranges based on the target application were reported (Grigor’ev
Prior to testing the graphite, the samples were out-gassed for 1 h et al., 1983). In the present experimental study, however, wear of
under nominal vacuum of 1200–1700 mTorr1 for 1 h at 200 ◦ C. The graphite in a wide range of temperatures have been studies. There
out-gas temperature was selected to match the temperature that are two phenomena observed in the wear rate variations with tem-
was observed to de-adsorption of water from a graphitic surface by perature (Fig. 3). At room temperature, wear occurs along a narrow
Robert et al. (1995), as would happen to the graphite under GM-GCR ring around the pebbles (Fig. 4) with a small amount of dust accu-
conditions. mulated (approximately 1 mg) for 1000 m of wear length. When
The initial results were primarily aimed at testing the function the temperature reaches 200 ◦ C, the wear mass increases to 400 mg
of helium pressure and temperature on the wear and friction of for the same wear length. This increase in wear rate is attributed
graphite contact surfaces. This was due to the past testing that had to the changes in the graphite surface. As mentioned in Section
inclusive evidence on the effect of temperature and the total lack 3.1, edge sites are the main cause of large wear mass formation.
of temperature testing at elevated atmospheric pressure. At higher temperatures, the edge sites are more prone to damage
It is seen that the wear mass in helium environment is almost especially due to the fact that the samples are out-gassed before
1⁄3 of that attributed to air environment as reported by Rostamian the experiments. The out-gassing effect is exactly opposite of the
et al. (2012). The atmospheric dependence of graphite friction and gas adsorption effect explained in Section 3.1. This effect is seen to
wear is due to the changes in graphite surface properties. The be dominant up to 750 ◦ C.
lamellar structure of graphite helps the establishment of smooth It has been observed that the wear formation process at high
surfaces between graphite segments in sliding contact. The pres- temperatures is different from that at room temperature. To dis-
ence of absorbed helium may further improve the smoothing of cuss this difference, graphite surfaces at different temperatures
were characterized by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) (JOEL
USA Inc. JSM-6610LV) at 20 kV. The surface of graphite from the
Millitorr is a small pressure unit for high vacuum measurements. 1 mTorr equals test at room temperature shows a scar width of about 1500 ␮m, as
0.133322 Pa. seen in Fig. 4a. This is while the surface of graphite from the test at
512 M. Hiruta et al. / Nuclear Engineering and Design 263 (2013) 509–514

Fig. 4. SEM images of graphite surface at room temperature in helium after proper out-gassing (a) 35× and (b) 500×, and at 400 ◦ C (c) 35× and (d) 500×.

400 ◦ C shows a scar width of about 7500 ␮m, as partially illustrated dust at different temperatures were performed. The SEM images of
in Fig. 4c. The close-up image of the wear scar at room tempera- the dust particles show a wide variety of grain sizes and flake types.
ture shows a smooth surface (Fig. 4b), which indicates that graphite As seen in Fig. 5b and c, the large-sized flakes are observed at 400 ◦ C
wears with proper lubricant properties at this temperature. This and 750 ◦ C, respectively. This is consistent with our observations
is why a small wear mass is reported for room temperature test. in Fig. 4d, where at higher temperatures such as 400 ◦ C, graphite
This indicates that the edge sites that are created under the fric- shows a scale-like surface structure that helps produce flakes. The
tional contact are overlaid evenly at the same time. By contrast, change from powder formation at 200 ◦ C to powder and flake for-
the close-up image of the wear scar at 400 ◦ C shows a rough sur- mation at 400 ◦ C is observed by comparing the SEM images of dust
face with scale-like surface structure (Fig. 4d). This indicates that at particles Fig. 5a and b. The size of the flakes at 400 ◦ C in Fig. 5b
higher temperatures, the lubricant property of graphite is reduced approximately matches with the size of scales observed in Fig. 4d.
due to large edge site formation, which helps produce more dust The flakes are of a much larger area-to-weight ratio in comparison
than at room temperature. to powder dust. Therefore, flakes adhere to the surface of graphite
pebbles. This will then result in a decreasing trend in the wear rate
3.3. Wear mechanisms at high temperatures and high pressure for temperatures higher than 200 ◦ C up to 750 ◦ C.
The XRD analysis of wear dusts at 200 ◦ C and 400 ◦ C are per-
As mentioned in Section 3.2, the graphite wear rate reaches its formed to further study the wear mechanism at temperatures
peak at 200 ◦ C and starts to decrease thereafter (Fig. 3). To investi- higher than room temperature.
gate a second mechanism contributing to the decreasing trend, SEM The surface forces that cause the thin flakes to adhere to the
and X-ray diffraction (XRD) analyses on the accumulated graphite surface can be of dispersion forces (Burnham and Kulik, 1997). The

Fig. 5. SEM image of graphite particles from wear test at (a) 200 ◦ C, (b) 400 ◦ C and (c) 750 ◦ C.
M. Hiruta et al. / Nuclear Engineering and Design 263 (2013) 509–514 513

Fig. 6. XRD pattern of IG-11 crystallite at 200 ◦ C and 400 ◦ C in comparison to refer-

Fig. 7. Experimental high temperature, high pressure wear mass loss for IG-11.
position of an electron about the nucleus of an atom is not fixed
with time; it oscillates, generating a fluctuating dipole field. The
field interacts with nearby atoms, inducing the appropriate instan-
magnitude of the 3 kg/yr dust estimate for AVR (Moormann, 2009).
taneous dipole moments in them that are always attractive. This
This is a very good agreement, although it was a much larger reactor
is known as the dispersion force because the frequencies corre-
as compared to the HTR-10.
spond to those of visible and ultraviolet light, which the fluctuations
It should be noted that the explosion tests performed by Poulsen,
disperse. The powder-to-flake ratio needs be addressed in future
University of Idaho, has determined a minimum dust concentra-
tion of 0.26 g/cm3 (Poulsen, 2011). Considering the dimensions of
The XRD results are shown in Fig. 6. The profile of reference
HTR as reported by Wu (2002), the core volume is approximately
shows a well-ordered graphitized carbon crystal structure. The pro-
5m3 . Having a core porosity of 0.39 (Jun, 2008), the volume is
files of dust for 200 ◦ C and 400 ◦ C tests show weaker but broader
approximated at 1.95m3 . A crude approximation of the dust mass
peaks. IG-11 is a highly-graphitized carbon. Therefore, (1 0 0) and
inventory required for explosion will then be 508,322 g/yr. This
(1 0 1) peaks are originally separated as the reference indicates.
is approximately 220 times the amount of dust mass predicted
However, it is seen that the two peaks are merged into one broader
in the present study. Therefore, the possibility of explosions in
peak at higher temperatures. This suggests that the graphite parti-
HTR as predicted by Poulsen (2011) is confirmed to be extremely
cles have lost their well-graphitized structure, which results in high
wear rates at high temperatures. Even though the crystal structure
It is known that helium gas environment in a typical PBR has
for graphite dusts of 200 ◦ C and 400 ◦ C are not different, it is seen
pressures up to 6.5 MPa (Johnson, 2012). Therefore, experiments
that the wear rate is higher at 200 ◦ C than at 400 ◦ C. SEM images
on high pressures are being performed at University of Idaho at the
of the graphite dust particles indicate that the large-sized flakes
Center for Advanced Energy Studies.
formed at 400 ◦ C can lower the wear rate. However, as explained
earlier, it is seen that the wear rate is higher at 200 ◦ C than at
400 ◦ C due to the difference in the type of wear formations and 4. Conclusions
wear particulates.
In this work a tribometer has been designed based on the
3.4. Dust estimate for a PBR PBR temperature and pressure requirements. Wear tests at high
temperatures up to 750 ◦ C at a pressure of 1 MPa have been per-
The wear experiments were performed using a custom- formed in helium gas environment. It has been observed that at
designed tribometer capable of operating at temperatures ranging higher temperatures the wear formation process is quite differ-
from room temperature up to 750 ◦ C, all at a pressure of 1 MPa. The ent from that at room temperature. At temperatures higher than
accumulated wear mass is plotted with respect to the wear length room temperature a general increase of wear mass is observed. The
as illustrated in Fig. 7. The uncertainty associated with the wear XRD analysis of graphite particulates has revealed that graphite
mass ±1 ␮g for one pebble under study. This is the uncertainty of surface loses its well-graphitized crystal structure during wear
the scale used to record mass accumulation. test. The loss of its original graphitized crystal structure increases
The accumulated wear from one pebble is used to predict the the likelihood of edge site formation, which increases wear. This
amount of wear mass for a PBR of an actual size such as HTR-10. observation is confirmed by analyzing the SEM images of the
Performing the type of calculation as conducted by Cogliati and worn surface of the graphite pebble samples at various temper-
Ougouag (2010), for HTR-10 with an inventory of 27,000 pebbles atures.
and a pebble flow rate of 125 pebbles per day, the wear mass is At temperatures higher than 200 ◦ C, the SEM analysis of graphite
predicted to be 2318.05 g/yr. The change from 5.36 g/yr at room particulates has revealed that particulates start to change from tiny
temperature to 2318.05 g/yr at elevated temperature of a PBR indi- powder particulates to a combination of powder and flakes. In com-
cates that the wear behavior of graphite significantly changes. This parison with powder, flakes have a higher area to weight ratio.
behavior is explained as the increased brittleness of this material Therefore, these flakes do not easily fall off from the graphite sur-
at elevated temperatures due to an increase in the Young’s mod- face due the adhesion forces with the surface of graphite samples. It
ulus as shown by Albers (2009). At elevated temperatures, edge can be concluded that both of these phenomena exist at all temper-
sites of a now more brittle material cannot stand the high stress ature ranges. However, at room temperature, the phenomenon of
concentrations and fail. In this way a much higher amount of wear flake formation is insignificant; instead powder formation is dom-
mass is accumulated for HTR-10. This amount is in the order of inant. On the contrary, at temperatures higher than 200 ◦ C, the
514 M. Hiruta et al. / Nuclear Engineering and Design 263 (2013) 509–514

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