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Boart Longyear Company is committed to the manufacturing of quality

drilling equipment. Likewise, we are committed to making every attempt to

assure that those operating or working around drilling equipment are protected

from personal injury as much as possible. Therefore, Boart Longyear Company

has provided this document with the hope that owners and operators will not

only refer to this publication themselves, but will also make it available to

employees working on drill rigs as a tool that, if properly used, may aid in

preventing personal injuries.

This publication is not intended to address every possible situation that

may arise or every possible hazard that may come to exist during drilling

activities. It is the sole intent of this publication to address some of the common

safety concerns which should be considered while performing drilling activities.

In addition to this publication, we recommend that the Drilling Safety

Guide, published by the National Drilling Federation, be used along with our

manual. The Drilling Safety Guide contains many specific instructions which

should be carefully reviewed and followed by owners or operators of drilling



Beyond the scope of this manual, it is the responsibility of both the owner

of such equipment and the operator to constantly take a proactive approach to

ensuring that unsafe conditions do not exist. It is the responsibility of owners

and operators to immediately correct all hazards when brought to their

attention. It is the responsibility of owners and operators to ensure that drilling

equipment be used for the purpose for which it is intended, and that tolerances

and limitations of the equipment not be exceeded. It is the responsibility of

owners and operators of drilling equipment to stay in strict compliance with all

local, state and federal regulations, governing any and all aspects of drilling

operations or any related activities. This also applies to regulations set forth in

any country where working owners and operators also carry the responsibility to

properly train employees in safe operating procedures, and to make sure that

such procedures are strictly enforced.

Supervisors are responsible for insuring that day-to-day safety is

maintained at all times during the drilling operation. The supervisor, foreman or

driller must have first-hand knowledge of the entire drilling process. Likewise,

he or she must be aware of and ensure that drilling equipment be used properly

and that tolerances and limitations not be exceeded. It is therefore

recommended that this individual be given the responsibility for safety on the

drill rig and the authority to enforce any and all safety rules.

Employees must be instructed that they too are responsible not only for

their own personal safety, but also for the safety of those with whom they are


The bottom line is, that safety is everyone’s responsibility! No job

is so important nor is any task so difficult that it cannot or should

not be performed safely!

Drilling equipment is subjected to long hours of operation and many

varied weather conditions. It is therefore imperative that proper preventative

maintenance (PM) be performed on a daily basis. Servicing of drilling

equipment must be performed following all manufacturer guidelines. Beyond

these guidelines, owners and operators must constantly observe their

equipment. They must be sure that more frequent servicing is taken care of if

dictated by working conditions.

Failure to perform proper PM has often resulted not only in equipment

malfunction, but also in personal injuries. It is recommended that all PM

schedules be strictly followed and that proper documentation be maintained to

reflect that indeed such servicing and repairs have been made.

Warning Labels
Many labels have been placed on your drilling equipment. These labels

are in place to serve as instructions and warnings regarding various aspects of

the equipment. It is critical that these labels be kept clean and legible. If for any

reason these labels should become worn or destroyed, the owner or operator

should immediately order replacement labels from the manufacturer. These

labels are categorized into two part numbers. One part number refers to labels

for controls, etc., and the other part number refers to safety labels. Please

communicate with the manufacturer or your representative in order to obtain



Daily, pre-shift inspection of the drilling equipment and operation is

essential to maintaining productivity and the safety of workers. Pre-shift

inspections are required by law and must be documented. Such inspections

must be performed by the driller or operator who is knowledgeable of the

equipment and work area. Work is not to commence until the inspection has

been performed and any deficiencies noted during the inspection have been

corrected. At a minimum, the following questions should be positively

answered during the inspection:

1. Are all employees wearing proper personal protective equipment?

* Hard Hats

* Steel-Toed Boots

* Hearing Protection -- (When noise levels require it)

* Safety Glasses with Side Shields

* Clean Snug-fitting Clothing

* Gloves -- (of the appropriate type for the work being performed or

materials being handled)

* Other equipment as may be dictated by weather conditions,

environmental conditions, or the type of equipment and

supplies which may be handled.

* If required, are climbing devices, harnesses, safety belts,

lanyards, etc., present and in good operating condition?

* Are vehicles equipped with seat belts and in good operating


2. Have all employees received training as dictated by company

policies and governmental regulations?

3. Have all employees received current training in proper operating


4. Have all employees received OSHA-required Hazard Communication


5. Are Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) available for all chemicals in

use on the project?

6. Are all containers or bags containing chemicals properly labeled and


7. Are employees aware of accident reporting procedures?

8. Are employees aware of medical facilities and rescue personnel that

could be summoned in the event of an emergency?

9. Are fire extinguishers present? Are they of the appropriate size and type

for the fire hazard involved? Are annual services current and have

monthly inspections been performed? Are the extinguishers currently in

good working condition?

10. Is fuel properly stored in a non-flammable location and properly labeled?

11. Are safety cans being used for small amounts of fuels, and are they

properly labeled?

12. Are “no smoking” policies being observed where applicable?

13. Is trash being properly stored and disposed of regularly? Are oily rags,

etc., being stored in a container with a lid?

14. Are there any leaks present on the rig?

15. Is the equipment clean?

16. Is the work area clean and organized?

17. Are any trip hazards present?

18. Are all guards in place on the rig?

19. Are all “shut down” devices installed and in good working condition?

20. Are tools clean and in good working condition?

21. Are pressure relief devices installed and in good working condition?

22. Are all wire ropes in good condition?

23. Are wedge sockets and hoisting plugs in good condition and properly


24. Are hydraulic hoses in good condition?

25. Are whip checks in place where needed?

26. Is there any damage to the drill rig? Are welds in good condition? Are all

bolts, pins, nuts, etc., in place?

27. Is the rig set up properly?

28. Have daily vehicle checks been performed according to Company and

Department of Transportation (DOT) requirements? Have all

deficiencies been corrected?

29. Are wheel chocks being used on all vehicles?

30. Are back up alarms in good working condition?

31. Are lug nuts tight on all vehicles?

32. Is there an emergency action plan in place?

33. Is there an emergency communication source available?

34. Have employees been trained in first aid and CPR?

35. Is there a properly stocked first aid kit available on the rig and in every


Note: The above is a representation of some of the items that should be

checked on a daily or pre-shift basis. This list should be expanded as

necessary to meet particular working conditions, drill rigs used and possible

hazards that may be encountered.

Site Safety Inspections

It is the responsibility of the owner or operator to ensure that the drill site

is safe to enter and that it is safe to begin work. Such inspections often include

the following:

1. Are high voltage overhead power lines or any other utility lines present in

the immediate area? Note: Boart Longyear Company recommends that

no rig be set up near such lines. A safe distance of thirty or more feet

should be observed when setting up in the vicinity of overhead lines.

This distance may need to be increased, depending on the hazards

involved, size of mast (tower) on the drill rig, etc.

2. Have all underground utilities been identified?

3. Is there a danger of being struck by other moving vehicles?

4. Is there a danger because of possible instability of highwalls, banks,

pits, rivers, etc.?

5. Are poisonous plants, animals or insects in the area of the drill site?

6. Is the site designated as a Hazardous Waste Site or have other hazards

been identified or suspected, such as H2S, Methane, etc.? If so, are

proper procedures for working in these environments in place, including

proper training of employees and certification of safety equipment?

7. Is there a danger of lightning strikes? This subject must be addressed

regardless of time of year or current weather conditions.

Drill crews and related personnel must be evacuated from the


o f the drill rig any time a storm with potential of lightning should


Training of new employees is essential! Government agencies

such as OSHA and MSHA require that new employees receive anywhere from

24 to 40 hours of formalized training prior to commencement of work activities.

A review of industrial related injuries reveal that a very large percentage of

injuries occur to those employees who have only been on the job a short period

of time. Although such training might seem expensive and time consuming

initially; the final rewards are definitely worth the cost and time spent in the

training. If an employer does not have the resources to perform the OSHA and

MSHA training in his or her workplace, much of this training can be obtained

from reputable firms who specialize in such training. Also, the American Red

Cross, American Heart Association, National Safety Council, and others can

provide training in such areas as: First Aid, CPR, Defensive Driving, Fork Lift

Training, etc.

Another critical form of training is that which employees receive when

they change jobs or have new tasks assigned to them. Employers must be sure

that employees are familiar enough with their new work assignments before

they are left alone to perform it. Documentation of these and other types of

training is also critical.

Both OSHA and MSHA require that employees receive annual refresher

training. This training can be performed in a number of ways. Some employers

elect to perform this training during the course of the year, e.g. one to two hour

segments. Others elect to spend an entire day conducting refresher training

once each year. The employer is free to choose how this training is conducted.

This training must be documented and appropriate certificates completed for the

employees at the conclusion of such training.

Another form of training that has proven its worth over the years is the

traditional tool box or tailgate meetings. These short training sessions are a

valuable tool in addressing safety-related issues. Employers are encouraged to

make attendance at these sessions mandatory and to document that employees

attended such training.

Personal Protective Equipment

Unfortunately, in the drilling industry it is impossible to “engineer out” all

the possible hazards that an employee might encounter during the course of his

or her daily activities. Therefore, it is essential that certain items of personal

protective equipment (PPE) be worn by the employee. Several of these items


Hard Hat

Steel Toed Boots

Safety Glasses, with Side Shields

Hearing Protection

Snug-Fitting Clothing

Suitable gloves

Other items that may be necessary, depending on the type of activities

being performed and the location of the drilling, are certain items of PPE

commonly found at Hazardous Waste Site jobs, etc.

It is essential that proper PPE be required at all times when working on or

near a drill rig. Serious injuries and deaths have been prevented when

employees have been made to wear their PPE.

On the other hand, operators have a responsibility to insure that the

workplace is as safe as humanly possible and not merely rely on PPE to keep

an employee from sustaining personal injury.

Good housekeeping is another of the proactive approaches that owners

and operators should insist upon. Many times during the course of conducting

drilling activities, tools and other items are left lying where they could cause

injury. Every drill crew must be instructed to constantly “pick up after

themselves." Most trip hazards can be eliminated when diligent housekeeping

practices are enforced.

In addition to preventing injuries, good housekeeping makes drilling

operations look professional. Clients are impressed when your drill sites are

always clean and organized. Governmental inspectors will also feel better

about your operation if it is well kept.

Materials Handling
Due to the many varied materials that are commonly used during a

drilling program, owners and operators must use great care to keep employees

from being injured while handling materials. Such materials might include, but

not be limited to:

Heavy bags of cement or sand

Various mud products and chemicals that are contained in bags

Buckets of polymers, etc.

Diesel fuel

Drill rods, casing, core barrels, augers, hammers, etc.

Many of these items weigh fifty pounds or more. Employees must be

instructed to use appropriate mechanical lifting devices, when possible, and to

solicit the help of fellow workers when loads are too heavy for a single worker to

safely handle.

Every worker MUST be instructed in proper lifting techniques. Industry-

related back injuries are one of the most common and expensive injuries that

employees sustain. It is recommended that all employees receive detailed

instruction in lifting techniques. These techniques should be reviewed several

times during the year. Also, supervisors must constantly be on the alert for an

employee who attempts to lift improperly or attempts to lift something that is too

heavy for him or her. Drillers must be instructed to assist helpers with materials

handling tasks.

In addition to hazards involving heavy loads, employees must also be

made aware of the necessity of handling with care those products that could

pollute the environment if broken open or spilled.

Proper Maintenance of Hand Tools

Usage of hand tools is an essential part of every drilling activity. Hand

tools such as pipe wrenches, shovels, pry bars, tube wrenches, etc., are

commonplace on most drilling operations. These tools must be properly

maintained in order to keep workers from being injured while using these tools.


Wear Eye Protection

Safety glasses with side shields are required for most jobs, but if particles can

come from any direction, then goggles or full face shields should be used.

People have lost an eye while using a screwdriver!

Store And Carry Tools Correctly

Many accidents happen when a tool is not actually being used! Employees are

often injured when they fall carrying a sharp tool, when they reach into a tool

box to grasp a tool or when they simply trip over a tool that is left lying on the

ground or deck. DO NOT put knives or other sharp tools in a tool box with their

blades exposed. They should be stored separately with the blades covered.

Use The Correct Tool For The Job

Trying to “make do” with the wrong tool, - especially attempting to use a tool that

is too small for the job, causes many injuries. If using a tool causes the worker

to strain then select a larger tool for the task. This is common when using pipe

wrenches. The operator should provide a proper selection of these wrenches.

Keep Tools In Good Condition

Broken handles should be immediately replaced. Loose handles should be

repaired or replaced. Cutting blades on tools should be kept sharp.

Remember: Dull tools require greater force and thus could result in undue

strain that could possibly result in an injury. Pipe wrenches should be

inspected frequently for worn or damaged jaws and heels.

Support The Work

Many injuries occur when people fail to take the time to use a sawhorse, vise or

other proper support for the work. DO NOT hold the work with your hand. Make

sure the work is on a stable, flat surface. If possible, use clamps when


Concentrate On The Job At Hand

Many injuries, especially on drill rigs, occur when employees are distracted.

Employees should pay close attention to their job and not allow distractions to

interfere with their activity.

Protect Your “Off Hand”

Gouges from a screwdriver, lost fingernails from a hammer blow, amputated

fingers from a power saw blade, etc., can occur when the employee fails to

protect his or her “off hand." Employees should always protect their hands and

position them in such a manner that a mere “slip” of the tool will not result in

personal injury.

Performing repairs: Lock out/Tag out

Anytime a piece of equipment is undergoing maintenance or repairs, it

should undergo a lock out/tag out procedure. In the case of vehicles used on

the drill site, the procedure might be simply to disconnect the battery. On the rig

itself, it may require that the starting circuit be disabled, a sign hung indicating

the equipment is being repaired and should not be started, or simply “good

communication” between the driller and helper. Whatever the procedure, the

topic must be addressed.

Great care must also be taken to not allow employees to work on

equipment while it is running. For example:

Rotating pa rts should never be greased or contacted in any manner

while the drill is in motion.

Employees should NEVER be on the MAST when the drill is in

motion or when the driller is making an initial “pull” on the rods.

Note: Many drill rigs manufactured today, e.g. auger rigs, do not ever require

that an employee be on the mast when it is “towered up."

Neither stepladders nor any other method should be used to

“access” a water swivel nor any rotating part while the drill is in

operation. Note: It is strongly recommended that such climbing be completely


As the owner or operator it is your responsibility to make sure that the drill

is never operated when anyone is on or near the equipment or in a location

other than the normal work platforms that the driller and helper would occupy.

In fact, the helper should only be near the rig when his or her work activity at

that time requires it. During other times, the helper should be performing his or

her tasks in an area away from the drill.

Visitors to the drill site should never be allowed near the drill when it is

being operated. Also, any visitor to the drill site must be dressed in appropriate

attire to include proper Personal Protective Clothing. It is the operator’s

responsibility to keep unauthorized individuals away from the equipment.

Safety Precautions
Safety precautions should be taken during all phases of the drilling

operation. Some of these precautions will include the following:

Make sure the drilling equipment is safe to be moved upon the


Federal, state and local laws require that vehicles be properly

maintained and safe to operate upon our highways. As the owner or operator it

is your responsibility to ensure that:

All drivers are properly licensed for the equipment that they are to be

driving and that they are trained in safe driving procedures.

Equipment must be inspected prior to being moved. Annual inspections

of vehicles must be performed. Daily inspections must be performed and any

deficiencies must be corrected prior to moving the equipment. Note: All drivers

should have in their possession the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations

Pocketbook. Under 392.7 of this pocketbook, the following is stated:

“No motor vehicle shall be driven unless the driver thereof shall have
satisfied himself that the following parts and accessories are in good working
order, nor shall any driver fail to use or make use of such parts and accessories
when and as needed:
Service brakes, including trailer brake connections.
Parking (hand) brake.
Steering mechanism.
Lighting devices and reflectors.
Windshield wiper or wipers.
Rear-vision mirror or mirrors.
Coupling devices.”

The above is a representative list of items that must be checked prior to

moving a vehicle. Other items will include:

(1) Checking the windshield for cracks.

(2) Ensuring that an appropriate fire extinguisher is within the driver’s

grasp and that the extinguisher is properly secured.

(3) Having flares and/or reflectors which can be used in the event of a

breakdown while on the highway.

(4) Ensuring that seat belts are in good working condition.

(5) Windows must roll up and down properly.

(6) Doors must open and close properly.

(7) Back-up alarms must be installed and in good working order.

(8) One often overlooked item is the wheels themselves. Insure that all

lug nuts are properly tightened and that the wheels appear to be in good

condition. While performing this task, the driver should make certain

that the spare tire is properly inflated and that a suitable jack and lug

wrench are available.

The mast, jacks, deck (s), and tools must be completely secured prior to

moving the vehicle. Check to be sure that tool boxes are closed and properly


Examine drums containing wire rope (cable) and insure that they are

secured and that the cables will not unwind while driving down the road.

Finally, give everything a final examination to make sure that the vehicle

and load are safe to be moved. It is wise to know the height, width and weight

of your load. Be sure that any needed permits are obtained or will be obtained

en route to the drill site.

Upon arriving at the drill site, insure that it is safe to enter and set

up on the site.

As mentioned earlier, it is important to look for overhead and

underground power and other utility lines. If present, make sure that the rig is

being set up a safe distance from these lines. It may be necessary to contact

someone to be certain that these lines are safe to work near (i.e. that they have

been de-energized, etc.).

Examine the actual location where the drill is to be set. If possible, it is

best to have a level and clean area. Remove rock and other debris that may

interfere with the drilling operation or pose safety hazards.

If the site is deemed “hazardous," as with a hazardous waste site be sure

to follow the instructions contained in the site safety plans: This includes the

wearing of special chemical protective clothing, respirators or self-contained

breathing apparatus, or what ever else is necessary for personal protection,

before moving onto the location.

Take time to set the rig up properly!

Prior to lowering the leveling jacks, we recommend that a timber or plank

be placed beneath the jack. By performing this function, it will be less likely that

the jacks will “sink into the ground." Even on asphalt, jacks could possibly, over

time, sink down to the point that the rig might not remain level.

Insure that the rig is level and everything is secured PRIOR to raising the

mast. NEVER, under any circumstance, move the rig while the mast

is raised! Also, make sure that nothing is loose on the mast that would fall

when the mast is raised to its upright position. Once the mast is raised, take

measures to secure it properly.

Organize the work area PRIOR to commencing drilling operations.

Many times it is tempting to commence drilling before everything is

unloaded and organized. This practice should be avoided. Drilling will

progress more smoothly and accidents will be less likely if the driller takes the

time to properly set up and organize first.

Perform a “pre-shift” safety inspection prior to commencing


As described earlier, it is essential that a complete inspection be

performed prior to commencing the actual drilling process. Be sure to check all

shut-down devices at this time. Take great care to insure that the “infra-red”

system is in proper alignment, clean and working properly. Work should never

commence if any of these, or other safety features are inoperative!






Constantly observe safe work practices during the drilling


As the owner or operator, it is your responsibility to make sure that all

workers are experienced and properly trained. Initially, new employees should

be constantly observed to be sure that they are performing their tasks safely.

During the drilling process some of the safe practices that should be

observed and corrected if found to be deficient are:

(1) Ensure that workers are wearing snug-fit clothing.

(2) Ensure that all workers are wearing personal protective equipment.

(3) Ensure that workers are never positioning themselves in a situation

where they may contact rotating or moving parts.

(4) If using a cathead in the operation, ensure that the driller is

completely familiar with its operation. Inspect the cathead to be sure that

it is clean and free of burrs etc. Inspect the rope to be sure that it is in

good condition. Finally, the operator must know the proper and safe

technique for operating the cathead. Among the many safety

requirements for operating a cathead is that the operator must make

sure that he or she stands a safe distance from the cathead drum, and

great care must be taken to ensure that the operator does not become

entangled in the rope. (Refer to page 27, NDF Drilling Safety Guide,

Safe Use of Cathead & Rope Hoists)

(5) Ensure that the driller and helper are communicating with each

other. This is a “critical” part of our business. Drillers often prefer to

work with the same helper from job to job because they have “learned

how to communicate” with him or her. Many accidents are caused when

the driller and helper fail to properly communicate their actions and

movements to the other person. This concept should be taken very

seriously and the owner/operator of the equipment must support and

encourage effective communication between employees.

(6) Make sure that the equipment is completely shut down prior to

fueling, servicing, repairing or performing any other maintenance task on

the drilling equipment.

(7) Ensure that great care is taken when operating support vehicles that

are located on the drill site. Many unfortunate accidents to both

equipment and people have resulted when care was not taken when

operating vehicles near or on the site. The safety practices that should

be observed in this area include:

* Do a complete “walk-a round” of the vehicle prior to starting and

moving it.

* If it is necessary to back a vehicle, HAVE A SPOTTER!!

* Make sure that emergency brakes are set, the vehicle

transmission is placed in the manufacturer’s recommended

“park” position, and that “chock blocks” are put in place upon

exiting the vehicle.

Fire prevention must be addressed prior to commencing any job. Failure

to prevent a fire on a job site could result in severe injury or even death of

employees. In addition to the potential for loss of life; severe equipment

damage can result along with damage to surrounding areas.

It is therefore the responsibility of the owner, operator, driller, helper and

anyone else involved in the drilling operation to take proper steps to reduce the

possibility of a fire. Such steps should include:

(1) When possible, the surrounding area should be cleared of materials

that are readily combustible, such as weeds, grass, etc. Note: Some areas are

extremely environmentally sensitive to this type of clearing, and such clearing

may not be possible.

(2) “No smoking” policies should be observed when working on drilling


(3) Fire extinguishers of the appropriate type for the particular fire hazard

involved must be present on the drill site. It is recommended and required on

some jobs, that a fire extinguisher be present in every vehicle involved with the

drilling activities. Note: Operators must make sure that fire extinguishers are

serviced at appropriate intervals and that an inspection is performed on the fire

extinguishers at least monthly. Such inspections and servicing must be

documented. Employees must also be given instruction in basic fire fighting

techniques and in the proper operating procedures associated with the use of

the fire extinguisher.

When involved with repairs that require welding and/or cutting activities

in the field, the crew should be instructed to have a fire extinguisher nearby, as

well as a water source that can be used to extinguish a fire. In high-danger fire

areas, such welding and/or cutting activities may not be safe to perform. It may

be necessary to move the equipment to a safe area before such repairs and

changes, etc., are made.

Other items for fighting fire may be necessary, such as back-pack pumps,

shovels and rakes.

Finally, crews should be instructed to know when to call for assistance in

the event of a fire. Crews should not become so involved in fighting a fire that

they allow it to get out of hand before they call for help.

The best method, of course, is to prevent the fire entirely. Proper storage

of fuels and good maintenance of hoses, and equipment on the rig will prevent

many fires. A proactive approach is by far better than the best reactive solution

to any problem.

First Aid
It is recommended that all crew members be trained in and develop

proficient skills in administering basic first aid. If an injury or illness should

occur, it becomes essential that someone on the project be able to administer

first aid until help arrives.

Be sure that employees understand that in the case of serious injuries,

they should immediately call for help prior to becoming involved in treatment of

an injured or ill worker.

Workers must understand the ABC’s of first aid, procedures for

immobilizing a possible spinal injury, and techniques for bandaging and

splinting. Employees should be certified in CPR and be able to administer it if


Finally, employees must be educated regarding exposure to body fluids.

OSHA has set forth definite requirements in this area. Employers must be

familiar with this standard and have developed a program that deals with the

subject. It will be necessary to provide certain items of PPE (Pocket masks,

rubber gloves, face shields, etc.) that will protect a rescuer in the event that he

or she must provide first aid to an injured co-worker.

Drugs and Alcohol

Substance abuse has absolutely no place in the drilling industry. Drilling

involves working with equipment that can, if not properly handled, produce

injuries and even death. Workers have a right to expect that their fellow workers

are not impaired by alcohol or drugs. Experienced operators will attest to the

fact that drilling involves teamwork. Thus, all members of the team must be

clear minded and able to perform their tasks.

Most drilling equipment will fall under Department of Transportation

(D.O.T.) guidelines, which require training and testing for illegal use of drugs

and alcohol. Therefore, it is wise for all owners or operators of drilling

equipment to adopt a formalized Substance Abuse Program with the goal of

having a drug and alcohol free workplace!

If You Can’t Perform The Job Safely, DON’T DO IT!

Many companies are coming to recognize the importance of the above

statement. Years of experience have taught us that with thought and planning,

any task can be performed safely! Therefore, we challenge you, the owner, to

accept this commitment and challenge. Employees must know that every task

they perform must be performed safely. If it is a difficult task, they may have to

think of ways to perform it safely -- but it can be done!

Going Beyond This Manual
As stated at the beginning of this manual: “This publication is not

intended to address every possible situation which may arise, or every possible

hazard which may come to exist during drilling activities. It is the sole intent of

this publication to address some of the most common safety concerns which

should be considered while performing drilling activities.”

We therefore challenge YOU, as owner or operator to develop a

comprehensive safety program for your workplace if you have not already done

so. Once you have developed your program, communicate it to your

employees. Support their efforts by providing them with the resources to ensure

that their workplace is as safe as possible, then insist that safe work practices

be followed.


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